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Last active March 17, 2022 12:57
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To show the total number of todo items, just call `len(api.list_items(listname, user))`
from typing import Sequence, Callable, Iterable, Option
from uuid import uuid4 as uuid
import time
class State:
class User:
def __init__(s, authentication):
try: s.authenticate(authentication):
s._authenticated = True
except AuthenticationError as e:
raise e
def get_friends(s):
return s.friends
done = State
new = State
in_progress = State
under_review = State
blocked = State
class ShareRule:
owner_only = ShareRule()
friends = ShareRule()
class Item:
def __init__(s, name: str, id: int, owner: User): = name
s.owner = owner
s.state = new
s.created = = uuid()
s.priority = 0
s.sticker: str = None
s.due = Option(None, int)
s.share = owner_only
return s
def complete(s):
s.state = done
def set_state(s, state: State):
s.state = state
def set_priority(val: int):
s.priority = int
def set_sticker(s, sticker_href):
s.sticker = sticker_href
def set_due(s, due: int):
s.due = due
def set_share(s, rule: ShareRule):
s.share = rule
def __repr__(s) -> Item:
return f'{} {s.state} created {s.created}. \n priority: {s.priority} due: {s.due}'
class MissingItem(KeyError):
class ItemList:
def __init__(s):
s.itemlist = dict[int, Item]
s.max_id = 0
return s
def get_item(s, id: str):
if item := s.itemlist.get(id, None) == None:
raise MissingItem(f'No item id {id}')
return item
def add(s, name: str, owner: User):
s.itemlist[s.max_id]: Item(name, s.max_id, owner)
s.max_id += 1
def del(s, id: str):
if s.itemlist.get(int, None) == None:
del s.itemlist[id]
def __iter__(s) -> Iterable:
# makes ItemList iterable
def __repr__(s):
return f'ItemList at {s}'
class ExistingList(ValueError):
class MissingList(ValueError):
class API:
def __init__(s) -> API:
s.lists = dict[str, ItemList]
return s
def _listexists(s, listname):
if s.lists.get(name, False):
def get_list(s, listname: str) -> ItemList:
if not s._listexists(listname):
raise MissingList(f'No list named {listname}')
return s.lists.get(listname)
def new_list(s):
listname = uuid()
if s._listexists(listname):
raise ExistingList(f'list id {listname} already exists.')
s.lists[listname] = ItemList()
return s.lists[listname]
def lists(s) -> dict[str, ItemList]:
return s.lists.toJSON()
def add_item(s, listname: str, name: str):
list_ = get_list(listname)
def list_items(s, listname: str, user: User, filter: Callable = lambda x: True, sort_key: Callable = None, reverse = False):
list_ = get_list(listname)
return sorted([item for item in list_ if fn(item) and (item.share = friends and user in item.owner.get_friends())], key = None, reverse = reverse)
def del_item(s, listname: str, item_id: str):
list_ = get_list(listname)
def set_state(s, listname: str, item_id: str, state: State):
list_ = get_list(listname)
item = list_.get_item(item_id)
def set_priority(s, listname: str, item_id: str, val: int):
list_ = get_list(listname)
item = list_.get_item(item_id)
def set_sticker(s, listname: str, item_id: str, sticker_href: str):
list_ = get_list(listname)
item = list_.get_item(item_id)
def set_due(s, listname: str, item_id: str, due: int):
list_ = get_list(listname)
item = list_.get_item(item_id)
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cnrmck commented Mar 17, 2022

There are a bunch of small bugs throughout. For example, on line 51 I set priority to int when I meant to set it to val and similarly all the invocations of State near line 19 should have been instance creations, State().

But my understanding is that what's more important is the structure of the code not necessarily whether it will run, so consider this some strangely precise pseudocode rather than something that would actually run

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