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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Bucketed top-k in Python using heap-ordered arrays
#!/usr/bin/env python
Usage: topk [key-column-name] [score-column-name]
Reads tsv rows, including a header row, from stdin.
Writes to stdout the top 10 rows per distinct value of the given key column.
Author Dietrich Featherston
import sys
import re
import heapq
import string
K = 10
# push the row into the heap ordered list for the given bucket
# using a heap of bounded size keeps memory use per bucket bound
# and limits time complexity of checking N rows to O(NlogK)
def add(buckets, key, score, row):
h = []
if key in buckets:
h = buckets[key]
buckets[key] = h
heapq.heappush(h, (score, row))
if(len(h) > K):
def tsv(row):
return string.join(row, '\t')
if __name__ == "__main__":
buckets = {}
columns = []
first = True
key_column = sys.argv[1]
score_column = sys.argv[2]
key_column_index = 0
score_column_index = 0
# read each line
for line in sys.stdin:
row = re.split("\s+", line)
# first row is column names
if first:
columns = row
key_column_index = columns.index(key_column)
score_column_index = columns.index(score_column)
first = False
# compute the row key and score
key = int(row[key_column_index])
score = int(row[score_column_index])
# add to heap
add(buckets, key, score, row)
print tsv(columns)
# sort the keys
keys = sorted(buckets, key=lambda key: buckets[key])
for key in keys:
# get the heap for this key
h = buckets[key]
ordered_list = reversed([heapq.heappop(h) for i in range(len(h))])
# print each item in the heap in order
for (score, row) in ordered_list:
print tsv(row)
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