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Created March 26, 2015 15:30
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class people::danhorst {
# non-App Store apps
include chrome
include github_for_mac
include macvim
include virtualbox
# Error: Unknown flavor .zip
# include appcleaner
# include caffeine
# include colloquy
# include cyberduck
# include firefox
# include iterm2::stable
# include notational_velocity::nvalt
# CLI utilities
include ctags
include git
include tmux
include vagrant
include wkhtmltopdf
# Homebrew Packages
package {
# NOTE: Installing vim with boxen requires you manage your dotfiles with boxen too.
include vim
vim::bundle { 'bling/vim-airline': }
vim::bundle { 'davidoc/taskpaper.vim': }
vim::bundle { 'ecomba/vim-ruby-refactoring': }
vim::bundle { 'elzr/vim-json': }
vim::bundle { 'ervandew/supertab': }
vim::bundle { 'godlygeek/tabular': }
vim::bundle { 'groenewege/vim-less': }
vim::bundle { 'jgdavey/vim-blockle': }
vim::bundle { 'kana/vim-textobj-user': }
vim::bundle { 'kchmck/vim-coffee-script': }
vim::bundle { 'kien/ctrlp.vim': }
vim::bundle { 'nelstrom/vim-textobj-rubyblock': }
vim::bundle { 'pangloss/vim-javascript': }
vim::bundle { 'reedes/vim-colors-pencil': }
vim::bundle { 'scrooloose/nerdtree': }
vim::bundle { 'scrooloose/syntastic': }
vim::bundle { 'sickill/vim-pasta': }
vim::bundle { 'slim-template/vim-slim': }
vim::bundle { 'timcharper/textile.vim': }
vim::bundle { 'tomtom/tcomment_vim': }
vim::bundle { 'tpope/vim-cucumber': }
vim::bundle { 'tpope/vim-endwise': }
vim::bundle { 'tpope/vim-fugitive': }
vim::bundle { 'tpope/vim-git': }
vim::bundle { 'tpope/vim-haml': }
vim::bundle { 'tpope/vim-markdown': }
vim::bundle { 'tpope/vim-rails': }
vim::bundle { 'tpope/vim-rbenv': }
vim::bundle { 'tpope/vim-repeat': }
vim::bundle { 'tpope/vim-surround': }
vim::bundle { 'tpope/vim-vividchalk': }
vim::bundle { 'tsaleh/vim-matchit': }
vim::bundle { 'tsaleh/vim-shoulda': }
vim::bundle { 'tsaleh/vim-tmux': }
vim::bundle { 'vim-ruby/vim-ruby': }
vim::bundle { 'vim-scripts/Gist.vim': }
vim::bundle { 'vim-scripts/IndexedSearch': }
vim::bundle { 'vim-scripts/jQuery': }
vim::bundle { 'wincent/Command-T': }
# Dotfiles
$home = "/Users/${::boxen_user}"
$dotfiles_dir = "${boxen::config::srcdir}/dotfiles"
repository { $dotfiles_dir:
source => "${::github_user}/dotfiles"
file { "${home}/bin":
ensure => link,
target => "${dotfiles_dir}/bin",
require => Repository[$dotfiles_dir]
file { "${home}/.profile":
ensure => link,
target => "${dotfiles_dir}/profile",
require => Repository[$dotfiles_dir]
file { "${home}/.bash_aliases":
ensure => link,
target => "${dotfiles_dir}/bash_aliases",
require => Repository[$dotfiles_dir]
file { "${home}/.gitconfig":
ensure => link,
target => "${dotfiles_dir}/gitconfig",
require => Repository[$dotfiles_dir]
file { "${home}/.go":
ensure => link,
target => "${dotfiles_dir}/go",
require => Repository[$dotfiles_dir]
file { "${home}/.vimrc":
ensure => link,
target => "${dotfiles_dir}/vimrc",
require => Repository[$dotfiles_dir]
file { "${home}/.cheat":
ensure => link,
target => "${dotfiles_dir}/cheat",
require => Repository[$dotfiles_dir]
file { "${home}/.timetrap.yaml":
ensure => link,
target => "${dotfiles_dir}/timetrap.yml",
require => Repository[$dotfiles_dir]
# Projects
include 'projects::curate'
include 'projects::curate_nd'
# include 'projects::curate_vanilla'
# include 'projects::seaside'
# include 'projects::medieval_micro'
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