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Last active March 23, 2022 03:21
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Source for the script to remind people of their new years resolution
import praw
reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id='',
readingfrom = reddit.submission('3ywu0b') # Last year's thread.
body = []
author = []
postingto = reddit.submission('5l9x4k') # Today's follow-up thread.
for comment in readingfrom.comments:
if comment.body == '[deleted]': # There could be more conditionals for common comment-overwriting scripts
elif is None:
commentcount = str(len(body))
print 'I found ' + commentcount + ' comments to reply to.'
for x in range(0, len(body)): # if the bot barfs, it'll print the last comment completed to the console, replace 0 with the next one to process
body[x] = body[x].replace('\n', '\n> ') # Quote the user correctly with each line-break.
postingto.reply('/u/' + author[x] + '\n\nExactly one year ago, I asked what you wanted to achieve by 31st Dec 2016 and I said I would message you to see if you achieved it. Well, today is the day!\n\nYour goal was:\n\n> ' + body[x])
except (TypeError, UnicodeEncodeError): # I'm not actually sure this is needed or was a relic of testing.
postingto.reply('/u/' + author[x] + '\n\nExactly one year ago, I asked what you wanted to achieve by 31st Dec 2016 and I said I would message you to see if you achieved it. Well, today is the day!\n\nYour goal was:\n\n> ' + body[x].encode('utf8'))
print str(x) + '/' + commentcount
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