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Created July 1, 2020 17:28
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A quick way to clone Wikidot sites larger than 100 Pages with an API key.
# You will need to be a member of both sites.
# Both sites need to enable API Reads for members, and the new site needs to allow writes via the API.
# If you're an admin of the sites you can restrict the API to admins only.
# If you don't have a Wikidot API Key, unfortunately you can no longer get one.
# TODO: Handle files above the 6MB size limit the API imposes, although you also can't write files back of that size.
# They could be retrieved via files.get_meta, there's an attribute called download_url.
# E.g.,
# import requests
# for idx, file in enumerate(files):
# info = s.files.get_meta({"site": wikidot_site, "page": slug, "files": [file]})
# filedict = list(info.values())[0]
# thefile = requests.get(filedict['download_url'])
# filebytes = thefile.content # Bytes object.
from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
from time import sleep
wikidot_username = "pxdnbluesoul"
wikidot_api_key = "asdfjkl123456789"
old_site = "oldwikisite" # This is [whatever]
new_site = "shinynewwiki"
s = ServerProxy('https://' + wikidot_username + ':' + wikidot_api_key + '')
pageslist ={'site': old_site})
for page in pageslist:
print("Saving " + page)
fullpage = s.pages.get_one({'site': old_site, 'page': page})
if not fullpage["parent_fullname"]:
fullpage["parent_fullname"] = ""
writepage = s.pages.save_one({
'site': new_site,
'page': page,
'title': fullpage["title"],
'content': fullpage["content"],
'tags': fullpage["tags"],
print("Saved, checking for files.")
files ={
'site': old_site,
'page': page
for file in files:
savedfile = s.files.get_one({
'site': old_site,
'page': page,
'file': file,
'site': new_site,
'page': page,
'file': file,
'content': savedfile["content"]
print("Saved file " + file)
for page in pageslist:
print("Checking " + page)
fullpage = s.pages.get_one({'site': old_site, 'page': page})
if fullpage["parent_fullname"]:
print("Parenting " + page + " to " + fullpage["parent_fullname"])
writepage = s.pages.save_one({
'site': new_site,
'page': page,
'parent_fullname': fullpage["parent_fullname"],
'save_mode': 'update'
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