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Created June 1, 2013 03:43
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<title>A River of Twitter Data</title>
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Activity, Hurricane Sandy
<!-- play & pause buttons, hosted externally because Stanford doesn't seem to like these files on cgi-bin -->
<span><img class='playbutton' type="button" value="Play" id="play" src=""/></span>
<span><img class='playbutton' type="button" value="Stop" id="stop" style="display:none" src=""/></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
// distance bins
var distanceBins = [["0-50 Miles","Southern New Jersey"],["51-110 Miles","Includes Manhattan"],["111-200 Miles","Includes Washington D.C."],["201-500 Miles","Entire East Coast"],["501-1000 Miles","Midwest Region (including Chicago)"],["1001-3000 Miles","Continental U.S."],["≥ 3000 Miles","Rest of the World"]];
// for universal access, switchData contains the whole json file
var jsonData;
var jsonDataRT;
var jsonDataFilter;
var jsonDataRTFilter;
var switchData;
var checkData = 0;
// these control the user's potential selection range for brushing, too large a difference yields a scrunched graph
var max_extent_width = 10
, min_extent_width = 5;
// min/max values of d.positivity, d.freqBin, and d.objectivity
var positivityDomain = [0.0163966168908, 0.0418471720818]
, frequencyDomain = [1,4]
, objectivityDomain = [0.923212665835, 0.965169775079];
// vars for decreasing blueness (by increasing RG values) of heat maps
var redOffset = 0;
var greenOffset = 0;
d3.json("./sandyData.json", function (json) {
jsonData = json;
jsonDataRT = json;
switchData = json;
jsonDataFilter = switchData.filter(function(d) {return d.isRT == 0});
jsonDataRTFilter = switchData.filter(function(d) {return d.isRT == 1});
switchData = jsonDataFilter;
var margin = {top: 20, right: 15, bottom: 15, left: 105}
, width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right
, height = 500 - - margin.bottom
, miniHeight = distanceBins.length * 12 + 50
, mainHeight = height - miniHeight - 50;
x = d3.scale.linear()
.range([1, width]);
x1 = d3.scale.linear().range([1, width]);
var ext = d3.extent(distanceBins, function(d,i) { return i; });
y1 = d3.scale.linear().domain([ext[0], ext[1] + 1]).range([0, mainHeight]);
y2 = d3.scale.linear().domain([ext[0], ext[1] + 1]).range([0, miniHeight]);
//heat maps for main and mini graph (sets blue (RG) B value)
colorScale = d3.scale.quantize()
.range([0,75,150,225]); // color will be arranged into four quartiles with quantize
// font size scale from 12 to 20
wordSizeScale = d3.scale.quantize()
// resizes fonts if user expands brush selection
extentSizeScale = d3.scale.linear()
// determines if bins are emotional enough to be italic
typeFaceScale = d3.scale.linear()
var chart ='body')
.attr('width', width + margin.right + margin.left+105)
.attr('height', height + + margin.bottom)
.attr('class', 'chart');
.attr('id', 'clip')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', mainHeight);
main = chart.append('g')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + + ')')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', mainHeight)
.attr('class', 'main');
mini = chart.append('g')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + (mainHeight + 60) + ')')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', miniHeight)
.attr('class', 'mini');
// draw the distanceBins for the main chart
.attr('x1', 0)
.attr('y1', function(d,i) { return d3.round(y1(i)) + 1; })
.attr('x2', width)
.attr('y2', function(d,i) { return d3.round(y1(i)) + 1; })
.attr('stroke', function(d,i) { return 'lightgray' });
.text(function(d) { return d[0]; })
.attr('y', function(d,i) { return y1(i + .5); })
.attr('dy', '0.5ex')
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('class', 'laneText')
.attr('id', 'laneHover')
.style('font-family', 'Rockwell')
.on('mouseover',function() {
$('svg #laneHover').tipsy({
gravity: 'nw',
html: true,
title: function() {
var d = this.__data__;
return d[1];
// x-axis label
.attr('class', 'x_label')
.attr('id', 'x_label')
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('x', width+70)
.attr('y', mainHeight+5)
.style('font-family', 'Rockwell')
.text('hours from');
.attr('class', 'x_label')
.attr('id', 'x_label')
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('x', width+70)
.attr('y', mainHeight + 19)
.style('font-family', 'Rockwell')
// sloppy legend - how does one wrap SVG text?
.attr('x', width+7)
.attr('y', 15)
.style('font-family', 'Rockwell')
.text('Lighter shades of');
.attr('x', width+7)
.attr('y', 30)
.style('font-family', 'Rockwell')
.text('blue correspond to');
.attr('x', width+7)
.attr('y', 45)
.style('font-family', 'Rockwell')
.text('higher positivity.');
.attr('x', width+7)
.attr('y', 60)
.style('font-family', 'Rockwell')
.attr('x', width+7)
.attr('y', 75)
.style('font-family', 'Rockwell')
.text('sentiment score)');
// toggle tweets on and off
.attr('x', width+7)
.attr('y', 88)
.on('mouseup', switchAllData)
.attr('id', 'retweet-toggle')
.attr('x', width+15)
.attr('y', 102)
.text('Retweets: Off') // Toggles between on and off
.style('font-family', 'Rockwell')
// draw the distanceBins for the mini chart
.attr('x1', 0)
.attr('y1', function(d,i) { return d3.round(y2(i)) + 0.5; })
.attr('x2', width)
.attr('y2', function(d,i) { return d3.round(y2(i)) + 0.5; })
.attr('stroke', function(d) { return d === '' ? 'white' : 'lightgray' });
.text(function(d) { return d[0]; })
.attr('x', -10)
.attr('y', function(d,i) { return y2(i+ 0.5); })
.attr('dy', '0.5ex')
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('class', 'laneText');
// draw the x-axes
xDateAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.tickSize(15, 0, 0);
x1DateAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.tickSize(15, 0, 0);
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + mainHeight + ')')
.attr('class', 'main axis')
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,125)')
.attr('class', 'axis')
.attr('dx', 9)
.attr('dy', 12);
// declare the main rectangles to be amended in display()
itemRects = main.append('g')
.attr('clip-path', 'url(#clip)');
// draw mini graph
.attr('class', function(d) { return 'miniItem '; })
.attr("x",function(d,i) {return x(d.time_bin)})
.attr("y",function(d) {return y2(d.dist_bin+.08)})
.style('fill', function(d) {
var b = 255-(Math.round(colorScale(d.positivity)));
return "rgb(" + redOffset + "," + greenOffset + "," + b + ")";
// invisible rect for when brush is moved by click instead of drag
.attr('pointer-events', 'painted')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', miniHeight)
.attr('visibility', 'hidden')
.on('mouseup', moveBrush);
// draw the selection area
brush = d3.svg.brush()
.on("brush", display)
.attr('class', 'x brush')
.attr('y', 1)
.attr('height', miniHeight - 1);
// check to see which dataset is currently displayed, and if button is clicked, switch dataset
function switchAllData() {
if (checkData == 0) {'#retweet-toggle')
.text('Retweets: On');'#toggle')
checkData = 1;
switchData = jsonDataRTFilter;
} else {'#retweet-toggle')
.text('Retweets: Off');'#toggle')
checkData = 0;
switchData = jsonDataFilter;
function display () {
var rects, labels
, minExtent = brush.extent()[0]
, maxExtent = brush.extent()[1];
var extentWidth = maxExtent - minExtent;
if (extentWidth > max_extent_width)
maxExtent = minExtent + max_extent_width;
if (extentWidth < min_extent_width)
maxExtent = minExtent + min_extent_width;
var visItems = switchData.filter(function (d) {return d.time_bin <= maxExtent+1 && d.time_bin >= minExtent-1});'.brush').call(brush.extent([minExtent, maxExtent]));
x1.domain([minExtent, maxExtent]);
if ((maxExtent - minExtent) >= 10) {
else {
// update the axis'.main.axis').call(xDateAxis)
.attr('dx', 5)
.attr('dy', 12);
// upate the item rects
rects = itemRects.selectAll('rect')
.data(switchData, function (d,i) { return i; })
.attr('x', function(d) { return x1(d.time_bin); })
.attr('y', function(d) { return y1(d.dist_bin) + .1 * y1(1) + 0.5; })
.attr('width', 165);
.attr('x', function(d) { return x1(d.time_bin); })
.attr('y', function(d) { return y1(d.dist_bin) + .1 * y1(1) + 0.5; })
.attr('width', 165)
.attr('height', function(d) { return .8 * y1(1); })
.style('fill', function(d) {
var b = 255-(Math.round(colorScale(d.positivity)));
return "rgb(" + redOffset + "," + greenOffset + "," + b + ")";
// update the item labels
labels = itemRects.selectAll('text')
.data(visItems, function (d) { return d.word; })
.text(function (d) { return d.word; })
.attr('x', function(d) {
return Math.round(x1(d.time_bin+0.05));
.attr('y', function(d) { return y1(d.dist_bin) + .6 * y1(1)})
.style('font-size', 14);
.text(function (d) { return d.word; })
.attr('x', function(d) {
return Math.round(x1(d.time_bin+0.05));
.attr('y', function(d) { return y1(d.dist_bin) + .6 * y1(1) })
.attr('text-anchor', 'start')
.attr('class', 'itemLabel')
.style('font-size', 14)
.style('font-family', 'Arial')
.on('mouseup',function(d) {
var selectedWord = d.word;
function highlightWords (a) {
.attr('class', function(d) { return 'miniItem '; })
.attr("x",function(d,i) {return x(d.time_bin)})
.attr("y",function(d) {return y2(d.dist_bin+.08)})
.style('fill', function(d) {
var b = Math.round(colorScale(d.positivity));
if (d.word == a) {
return "rgb(0,200,0)";
else {
var b = 255-(Math.round(colorScale(d.positivity)));
return "rgb(" + redOffset + "," + greenOffset + "," + b + ")";
rects = itemRects.selectAll('rect')
.style('fill', function(d) {
var b = 255-(Math.round(colorScale(d.positivity)));
if (d.word == a) {
return "rgb(" + redOffset + ",200," + greenOffset + ")";
.transition().delay(2000).style('fill', function(d) {
var b = 255-(Math.round(colorScale(d.positivity)));
return "rgb(" + redOffset + "," + greenOffset + "," + b + ")";
// tipsy hover states by element ID
$('svg #hover').tipsy({
gravity: 'w',
html: true,
title: function() {
var d = this.__data__;
return d.sample_tweet;
$('svg #x_label').tipsy({
gravity: 'ne',
html: true,
title: function() {
return "0 Hour is LandFall";
$('svg #typeFace').tipsy({
gravity: 'ne',
html: true,
title: function() {
return "<span style='font-family: Arial; font-style: italic'>Italic is highly emotional,</span>" + "<br>" + "<span style='font-family: Arial'>No styling is a normal level of emotion.</span>" + "<br>" + "<span style='font-family: Arial Black; font-weight:bold'>Bold is removed of emotion.</span>";
$('svg #color').tipsy({
gravity: 'ne',
html: true,
title: function() {
return "Lighter shades correlate to higher positivity. (Sentiwordnet sentiment score)";
$('svg #frequency').tipsy({
gravity: 'ne',
html: true,
title: function() {
return "Larger fonts correlate to higher relative word frequency.";
$('svg #brushHover').tipsy({
gravity: 'sw',
html: true,
title: function() {
return "Drag or expand me to scroll through data.";
$('svg #toggle').tipsy({
gravity: 'ne',
html: true,
fontSize: 10,
title: function() {
return "Click here to add or remove retweets from the data.";
// for clicking brush to a location instead of dragging
function moveBrush () {
var origin = d3.mouse(this)
, point = x.invert(origin[0])
, halfExtent = (brush.extent()[1] - brush.extent()[0]) / 2
, start = point - halfExtent
, end = point + halfExtent;
// Set up auto play parameters
var timer = null,
duration = 100,
extentIncrement = 0.05,
extentMax = 164;
// Define behavior of the Play button
$('#play').click(function() {
var extent = brush.extent();
if (extent[1] >= extentMax) {
extent[1] -= extent[0];
extent[0] = 0;
if (timer) {
timer = setInterval(function() {
var extent = brush.extent();
if (extent[1] <= extentMax) {
extent[0] += extentIncrement;
extent[1] += extentIncrement;
else {
}, duration);
$('#stop').click(function() {
if (timer) {

Twitter Word River

A d3.js visualization showing trending Twitter words during natural catastrophes by distance from the epicenter and over time.

Built on top of bunkat's Swimlane Chart:

This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
[{"word": "not flooding", "smiley_face": 0.0002547554347826087, "positivity": 0.03671552309782609, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @CNNweather: CORRECTED: #NYSE officials reporting that floor is NOT flooding at this time. This is a good thing. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.006850022799141078, "frowny_face": 8.491847826086956e-05, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9294009001358695, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033883576766304345}, {"word": "disappointment", "smiley_face": 0.00014278574998215178, "positivity": 0.03677132862140359, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "hurricane sandy is like tiff bannisters twerkin video - so much hype so much disappointment", "frequency": 0.011171677904191697, "frowny_face": 0.00021417862497322766, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9264742628685657, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.036754408510030694}, {"word": "wobble", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03507302110817943, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@huricanesandy wobble baby wobble baby wobble baby wobble", "frequency": 0.008798453588813938, "frowny_face": 0.00013192612137203166, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9273911609498681, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0375358179419525}, {"word": "disappointment", "smiley_face": 0.00029850746268656717, "positivity": 0.03661380597014925, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @AEAbruzzo: hurricane sandy is like tiff bannisters twerkin video - so much hype so much disappointment", "frequency": 0.010463659765987959, "frowny_face": 0.00022388059701492538, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9297014925373134, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033684701492537314}, {"word": "weak", "smiley_face": 0.00017568517217146873, "positivity": 0.03445625439212931, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @OnlyObey_Jay: Well im not even gon say sandy was a weak storm cuz she hit hard in places that are target areas. Thank god where i li ...", "frequency": 0.017143704114882627, "frowny_face": 0.00017568517217146873, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9316804286718201, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.033863316936050596}, {"word": "why-danny", "smiley_face": 0.00019297568506368199, "positivity": 0.035600733307603244, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Ctfuu@Nvoxo25: oh sandy 'sandy an wonder why why why-danny voice . . . off grease ctfu", "frequency": 0.0333484628700876, "frowny_face": 0.00019297568506368199, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.931421265920494, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03297800077190274}, {"word": "dm's", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03635155656795748, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@ItsJillJensen you. Should. Check. Your. Dm's. Cuz. I. Cant. Sleep. Ok. Thanks. Bye. #sandy", "frequency": 0.020433162220978532, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9298595292331056, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03378891419893698}, {"word": "62-year-old", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03588665195808053, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @NBCPhiladelphia: 62-year-old Berks County PA man killed when tree falls on him. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.018852997675889525, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9286403750689465, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03547297297297297}, {"word": "crushed", "smiley_face": 0.0002352387673488591, "positivity": 0.03274076687838155, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @FOX29philly: 2 deaths reported in PA in the wake of #Sandy. Both crushed by trees -- 8 y/o boy from Susquehanna Co. &amp; 62 y/o ma ...", "frequency": 0.0176339535719243, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9316337332392378, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03562549988238062}, {"word": "incalculable", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.037137966144838996, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @todayshow: \"I think the losses are going to be almost incalculable.\" -@GovChristie #SandyTODAY", "frequency": 0.010477146004822226, "frowny_face": 0.0002545500827287769, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9248918162148403, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.037970217640320734}, {"word": "essential", "smiley_face": 0.0002628466289919832, "positivity": 0.0357510842423446, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @PhillyDailyNews: Essential phone numbers to help deal with #SandyinPhilly:", "frequency": 0.008724142940472865, "frowny_face": 0.00039426994348797475, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9281114469706926, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.036137468786962806}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.036146594322255594, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.04080007412060677, "frowny_face": 9.688983625617673e-05, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9291129735490747, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03474043212866971}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 6.45827951433738e-05, "positivity": 0.039085120123998965, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.02949793494418869, "frowny_face": 0.00032291397571686904, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9236146990441746, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0373001808318264}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.0003401746229731262, "positivity": 0.04057279736931625, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.027743449074464775, "frowny_face": 0.0001700873114865631, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9232126658351287, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03621453679555505}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00027119379508596845, "positivity": 0.03889222758583283, "time_bin": 14, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.0205180889449977, "frowny_face": 0.0003796713131203558, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9244928676031893, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.036614904810977934}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00022294887039239002, "positivity": 0.037630796670630205, "time_bin": 15, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.03154028192586666, "frowny_face": 0.00066884661117717, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9266405321046374, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03572867122473246}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00010658140154543032, "positivity": 0.032842419397815084, "time_bin": 16, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.03972850161645486, "frowny_face": 0.00037303490540900613, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9352184918731681, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03193908872901679}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.0003928501276762915, "positivity": 0.0354479473580829, "time_bin": 17, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.02113514994308492, "frowny_face": 0.00019642506383814575, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9314599292869771, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033092123354940085}, {"word": "aint", "smiley_face": 0.00028121484814398203, "positivity": 0.03334455849268842, "time_bin": 18, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @myfabolouslife: Aint no tv in here.. Aint no lights on in here.. Aint no Wifi in here.. We ain't got no POWER!!! #HurricaneSandy ...", "frequency": 0.01696416173187042, "frowny_face": 0.00014060742407199101, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9319987345331834, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03465670697412823}, {"word": "heavy", "smiley_face": 0.00020887001322843416, "positivity": 0.03844858316507694, "time_bin": 19, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @kingsleyyy: Hurricane Sandy has a heavy flow and a wideset vagina.", "frequency": 0.02194311254646817, "frowny_face": 0.00034811668871405696, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.926547378681334, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03500403815358909}, {"word": "third-most", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03451013239664956, "time_bin": 20, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: Hurricane Sandy may go down in history as the third-most costly storm to hit the U.S.", "frequency": 0.010535458488913196, "frowny_face": 0.0002701972439881113, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9321973790867333, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033292488516617126}, {"word": "stern", "smiley_face": 0.00012166190157552162, "positivity": 0.03647405559948902, "time_bin": 21, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @SportsByAl: Hurricane Katrina ehh Mr. Stern", "frequency": 0.018031264611385562, "frowny_face": 0.0003649857047265649, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9262272644321431, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03729867996836791}, {"word": "san-d", "smiley_face": 0.0004922990365004571, "positivity": 0.03341191363668331, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @SheeWantsYourD: Hurricane San-D", "frequency": 0.014957218584426814, "frowny_face": 0.00014065686757155918, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9327308530839018, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03385723327941487}, {"word": "follower", "smiley_face": 0.00014425851125216387, "positivity": 0.03371234852856318, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: Retweet this and follow us and we will donate $10 for each follower to the Hurricane Sandy Relief.", "frequency": 0.011922464173549401, "frowny_face": 0.00043277553375649163, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.931369013271783, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03491863819965378}, {"word": "not apply", "smiley_face": 0.0002963841138114997, "positivity": 0.03675419877494567, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @dailyrecord: RT @mdiamondapp NJ Banking and Insurance: Hurricane deductibles do NOT apply with #Sandy. Huge break for homeowners.", "frequency": 0.017524451893471543, "frowny_face": 0.0002963841138114997, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9270401106500692, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.036205690574985176}, {"word": "camden", "smiley_face": 0.000224517287831163, "positivity": 0.03515356982487652, "time_bin": 25, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @fckcashIREAM: Sandy blew everything EXCEPT these Camden bitches", "frequency": 0.012752504325477997, "frowny_face": 0.000224517287831163, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9304557700942973, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.034390660080826224}, {"word": "upward", "smiley_face": 0.0007664793050587634, "positivity": 0.038015329586101175, "time_bin": 26, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "NEWS: Fire Burns Down Upward of 100 homes in Queens #Hurricane #Sandy | via @DJBOBBYTRENDS", "frequency": 0.017801780927867075, "frowny_face": 0.000510986203372509, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.92402273888605, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03796193152784875}, {"word": "jazzfest", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03550438926511162, "time_bin": 27, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@chuckrrose Good to go Chuck just a little #Sandy. Get to Exit 0 jazzFest to celebrate Nov 9-11.", "frequency": 0.02827949651383429, "frowny_face": 0.0005016302984700275, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.93108853774768, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03340707298720843}, {"word": "historical", "smiley_face": 0.0010775862068965517, "positivity": 0.03805226293103448, "time_bin": 28, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Sandy thanks for destroying our houses and our historical tourist spot. #bitter #jerseystrong", "frequency": 0.02539351864301881, "frowny_face": 0.0005387931034482759, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9284752155172413, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03347252155172414}, {"word": "lucasflim", "smiley_face": 0.000547645125958379, "positivity": 0.03101040525739321, "time_bin": 29, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "So while I was away Lucasflim was purchased by Disney. I didn't know Sandy's path was that powerful... @DeathStarPR", "frequency": 0.05355965248832252, "frowny_face": 0.000547645125958379, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9385268346111719, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03046276013143483}, {"word": "epic", "smiley_face": 0.0007309941520467836, "positivity": 0.029696637426900586, "time_bin": 30, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Northeast back to business after Sandys hard hit: The northeastern United States battled epic flood waters and ...", "frequency": 0.1166211932799553, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9376827485380117, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03262061403508772}, {"word": "get-out-th", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.033559577677224735, "time_bin": 31, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#CLE Storm boosts early voting turnout: Damaging superstorm Sandy jeopardized labor unions' ambitious get-out-th...", "frequency": 0.06863955464522885, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9340120663650076, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032428355957767725}, {"word": "hard-hit", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03274907749077491, "time_bin": 32, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Back to business after Sandys hard hit: Millions of people in New York City and other hard-hit areas will spend...", "frequency": 0.05028495184574352, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9348477859778598, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03240313653136531}, {"word": "unexpected", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03142145142279845, "time_bin": 33, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Always_Schemin: What if we got hit by an unexpected hurricane today", "frequency": 0.02704071925336711, "frowny_face": 0.0006735140596059942, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9374263343997306, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031152214177470956}, {"word": "margate", "smiley_face": 0.0002785903329154478, "positivity": 0.03279621117147235, "time_bin": 34, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Macksfamily @jessxoxo81 @lynsjames RT @SteveinAC: @amysrosenberg: South end of Brigantine and half of Margate have power back. #sandynj", "frequency": 0.024648806860349714, "frowny_face": 0.0005571806658308956, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9324418442680039, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03476194456052375}, {"word": "margate", "smiley_face": 0.00018178512997636792, "positivity": 0.032773041265224505, "time_bin": 35, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@ScanAC: RT @amysrosenberg: South end of Brigantine and half of Margate have power back. #sandynj it's a start!!!", "frequency": 0.015312475880184041, "frowny_face": 9.089256498818396e-05, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9316601526995092, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03556680603526632}, {"word": "poplar", "smiley_face": 0.000364741641337386, "positivity": 0.03357142857142857, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Massive tree fell across Poplar Street next to First Presbyterian Church in #Delanco during #SandyBCT. The tree crushed a car hit a house.", "frequency": 0.013372496855570135, "frowny_face": 0.000364741641337386, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9316109422492401, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03481762917933131}, {"word": "not a", "smiley_face": 0.00027159152634437803, "positivity": 0.03544269418794133, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @TFLN: (570): It's a hurricane not a zombie apocalypse. WHY DID YOU BUY SHOTGUNS?!?!", "frequency": 0.017920111427878308, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.927451113525258, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03710619228680065}, {"word": "rumble", "smiley_face": 0.00013581420616596497, "positivity": 0.032967132962107834, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @My_Maybach: uwll I wanna rumble Sandy and PSE&amp;G !!", "frequency": 0.013255518726534831, "frowny_face": 0.0006790710308298248, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9313459187831047, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03568694825478746}, {"word": "post-pone", "smiley_face": 0.00033973161202649905, "positivity": 0.03239018175641243, "time_bin": 39, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @Power99Philly: Happy Halloween!!! Unfortunately in Jersey because of Hurricane Sandy Gov. Christie has decided to post-pone Hallowe ...", "frequency": 0.024700794554094723, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9314803804994055, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0361294377441821}, {"word": "oil+gas+coal+nuclear", "smiley_face": 0.000282326369282891, "positivity": 0.03360657820440429, "time_bin": 40, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#HurricaneSandy Proof that more Oil+Gas+Coal+Nuclear is useless when =wires fail! Going 2install #SolarFarm on my roof!! #Caprica #DoctorWho", "frequency": 0.030213137301105013, "frowny_face": 0.000564652738565782, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9346767363071711, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03171668548842462}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00033463469046291134, "positivity": 0.030270496374790852, "time_bin": 41, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.02423929073932345, "frowny_face": 0.0004461795872838818, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9384829894032348, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031246514221974345}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00016565890830779425, "positivity": 0.03315944669924625, "time_bin": 42, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.019248848528286268, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9333947651784975, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03344578812225627}, {"word": "hasidic", "smiley_face": 0.00030160453613222344, "positivity": 0.033953130655085054, "time_bin": 43, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @StormSandy_: WHY THE FUCK DOES LAKEWOOD HAVE FUCKING POWER FUCK THOSE HASIDIC FUCKS THEY DON'T EVEN BELIEVE IN ELECTRICITY.", "frequency": 0.014657188566777102, "frowny_face": 0.00024128362890577873, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9351173241645554, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03092954518035951}, {"word": "smh", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03231972789115647, "time_bin": 44, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ducidni: dis bitch sandy smh", "frequency": 0.037100690009252625, "frowny_face": 0.0010932944606413995, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9344782555879495, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033202016520894065}, {"word": "not able", "smiley_face": 0.00014949917775452235, "positivity": 0.035217371804455076, "time_bin": 45, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @ryanlochte: Don't forget to keep your thoughts &amp; prayers with those in the northeast recovering from #Sandy &amp; not able to ce ...", "frequency": 0.04261878479958673, "frowny_face": 0.00014949917775452235, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9307818806996562, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03400074749588877}, {"word": "not able", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.032732566674822605, "time_bin": 46, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ryanlochte: Don't forget to keep your thoughts &amp; prayers with those in the northeast recovering from #Sandy &amp; not able to ce ...", "frequency": 0.017459626714356302, "frowny_face": 0.0007340347443112308, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9320406165891852, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03522681673599217}, {"word": "birthday", "smiley_face": 0.00012893243940175349, "positivity": 0.031178313563692623, "time_bin": 47, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @scooterbraun: No hurricane could stop us!! We got him!! Happy Birthday @AdamBraun - love u!!!", "frequency": 0.019967789407947932, "frowny_face": 0.0007735946364105209, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9365330067044868, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03228867973182053}, {"word": "productive", "smiley_face": 0.00047784016246565523, "positivity": 0.03358989368056386, "time_bin": 48, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: It was a productive day for me. It was a productive day for the people of New Jersey. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.02951174949103001, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9326096045872656, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033800501732170585}, {"word": "000th", "smiley_face": 0.00023752969121140142, "positivity": 0.0311312351543943, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @LBINow: RT \"@50ShadesOfRyan: 4 000th tweet goes to all the people impacted by Hurricane Sandy. We will rebuild bigger and better. #N ...", "frequency": 0.019442120070713848, "frowny_face": 0.00035629453681710216, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9338479809976247, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03502078384798099}, {"word": "hittin", "smiley_face": 0.0001820830298616169, "positivity": 0.0328761835396941, "time_bin": 50, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "FUCK ANY BITCH NAME SANDY!!!! I'M HITTIN ALL SQUIRRELS ON THE WAY TO CLASS IN THE MORNING!!!", "frequency": 0.04325097992890671, "frowny_face": 0.0007283321194464676, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9335169337217771, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03360688273852877}, {"word": "esle", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0343213728549142, "time_bin": 51, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@BSmooches @_word_is_bond well how esle will we be able too sandy fuck our part of town up... Den ran back to binkin bottom", "frequency": 0.021294801591742688, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9314547581903276, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034223868954758194}, {"word": "not wave", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03333672638436482, "time_bin": 52, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @SteveS1: @NYGovCuomo Dear Gov: It's \"waive\" not wave. And your hashtag should be #Sandy not #sady. cc: @steveshu", "frequency": 0.043912261667444545, "frowny_face": 0.00040716612377850165, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9336828175895765, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03298045602605863}, {"word": "dire", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03259041211101766, "time_bin": 53, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Folks who are looking to help #SandyCleanup Long Island NY &amp; seaside NJ are in most dire needs. WIll be weeks w/o power. #SandyAID", "frequency": 0.061610278849120195, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9330319596299411, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03437762825904121}, {"word": "instore", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029643478260869566, "time_bin": 54, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "YAYYYYY maybe I can go now...maybe lol RT@JohnnyMarines: Due to hurricane sandy @romeosantospage NY Instore at J&amp;R music has been postponed.", "frequency": 0.10994356806721771, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9393719806763285, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030984541062801935}, {"word": "not print", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.032355478861087146, "time_bin": 55, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "This is the Evolution of #Sandy as seen from the @starledger (Note There is none for Oct. 30 as They did not print)", "frequency": 0.07855415698287303, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9287100949094047, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0389344262295082}, {"word": "vacant", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.036489746682750304, "time_bin": 56, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@GovChristie I propose that you give leadership to matching #Hurricane Sandy's homeless families with Jersey's vacant foreclosed homes", "frequency": 0.0343403386525864, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9259650180940893, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03754523522316043}, {"word": "calamitous", "smiley_face": 0.0004920049200492004, "positivity": 0.036408364083640836, "time_bin": 57, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "In New Jersey death toll rises and gas becomes scarce in Sandy's calamitous wake", "frequency": 0.023537004357790867, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9298892988929889, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033702337023370235}, {"word": "castle", "smiley_face": 0.0003252032520325203, "positivity": 0.03063219512195122, "time_bin": 58, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Photo: I love black lights. Boredom during #hurricanesandy (at Nicks Badass Castle)", "frequency": 0.028302268386855383, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9395528455284553, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029814959349593495}, {"word": "comin", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03027741756206002, "time_bin": 59, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @snooki: Cleaning my closet today to donate clothes and whatever I can do the victims affected by sandy! I'm comin with clothes!!!!", "frequency": 0.0872258066152862, "frowny_face": 0.00046313449425713227, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9386809929603557, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03104158947758429}, {"word": "comin", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0327653997378768, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @snooki: Cleaning my closet today to donate clothes and whatever I can do the victims affected by sandy! I'm comin with clothes!!!!", "frequency": 0.01533408569540455, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9349606815203145, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03227391874180865}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03031855439642325, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.04551576794265236, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9354508196721312, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0342306259314456}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 0.0005241090146750524, "positivity": 0.0330041928721174, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@louisck I was gonna come see you on SNL and that filthy cunt sandy ruined it for me.", "frequency": 0.016040195329187726, "frowny_face": 0.0002620545073375262, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9334709119496856, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03352489517819707}, {"word": "sandy-soaked", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03010225967062428, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "NY brides trying to save Sandy-soaked wedding plans: ABC News Linsey Davis reports: They say its good luck if ...", "frequency": 0.025884209967057006, "frowny_face": 0.00019149751053236308, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9369255074684029, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03297223286097281}, {"word": "mumble", "smiley_face": 0.0003434852301351042, "positivity": 0.032308335241584614, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Does anyone else have Bob Dylan's voice in their head? I do since Sunday. Something like: mumble mumble duh duh hurricane mumble #Sandy", "frequency": 0.020636656789315946, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.934823677581864, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03286798717655141}, {"word": "still-weak", "smiley_face": 0.0017078446999886144, "positivity": 0.034046225663213026, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @LyndaCohen: Ventnor's water is safe officials say but full return would put too much pressure on still-weak sewage system. #Sandy ...", "frequency": 0.017579769891434137, "frowny_face": 0.00022771262666514857, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9308322896504612, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03512148468632585}, {"word": "not democratic", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0366279226618705, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @NBCPhiladelphia: Christie: In moments like this there are not democratic and republican homes... there are New Jerseyans. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.020438004488791933, "frowny_face": 0.0030725419664268585, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.926652428057554, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03671964928057554}, {"word": "devastating", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03456574645840901, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: The most devastating part of the Shore is Bay Head to Seaside Heights. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.05006757088702156, "frowny_face": 0.00018162005085361425, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9319605884489648, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033473665092626226}, {"word": "round-up", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03325160423817341, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @njdotcom: No power? Here's a round-up of some places you can shower and charge up: #njsandy #njpower", "frequency": 0.011055321834852586, "frowny_face": 0.00014923145799134458, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9349723921802716, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031776003581554996}, {"word": "roethlisberger", "smiley_face": 0.00013017443374121324, "positivity": 0.03352720645665192, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFakeESPN: Steelers unable to stay in Jersey hotel due to weather making Sandy the first woman to force Roethlisberger out of a h ...", "frequency": 0.04494997778225675, "frowny_face": 0.000520697734964853, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9330903410570164, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033382452486331676}, {"word": "roethlisberger", "smiley_face": 0.0002880184331797235, "positivity": 0.030949884792626732, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFakeESPN: Steelers unable to stay in Jersey hotel due to weather making Sandy the first woman to force Roethlisberger out of a h ...", "frequency": 0.017768524675306145, "frowny_face": 0.00014400921658986175, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9355918778801844, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03345823732718894}, {"word": "papic", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03315818091942659, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Union Township News Updates on Hurricane Sandy by Mariette Papic: UNION N.J-Today Union was continuing the slo...", "frequency": 0.0369451155729932, "frowny_face": 0.0004943153732081067, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9342560553633218, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03258576371725161}, {"word": "vinny", "smiley_face": 0.0004579803068468056, "positivity": 0.03527238378749714, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Thank you Vinny for your support in the hurricane wowie", "frequency": 0.016009374962716122, "frowny_face": 0.0001144950767117014, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9322189145866727, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03250870162583009}, {"word": "b-ball", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03833720159151194, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @Raudy_: Obama was in jersey when the hurricane was over Romney was at a b-ball game when the hurricane was over #RememberThatComeVo ...", "frequency": 0.04134494562531152, "frowny_face": 0.0003315649867374005, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9241130636604774, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03754973474801061}, {"word": "dirty", "smiley_face": 0.00018705574261129816, "positivity": 0.03422072577628134, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @snooki: Seaside is destroyed..not ok..sry @kyleisrandom: Thank you#Sandy for finally giving all of those dirty MTV Jersey Shore tra ...", "frequency": 0.05485333750341966, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9298774784885896, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03590179573512906}, {"word": "fault", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 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gasoline in the Northeast just not at gas statio...", "frequency": 0.1317806089133823, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9331314072693383, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034599254426840635}, {"word": "sputte", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02556779661016949, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Superstorm Sandy: At every turn there are signs that storm-ravaged cities along the East Coast are sputte... #news", "frequency": 0.09684759080080235, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9417372881355932, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03269491525423729}, {"word": "benghazi-obsessed", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.033168859649122806, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Benghazi-obsessed RT @HuffingtonPost Fox News largely ignores #Sandy cleanup to obsess over this @LenHochberg", "frequency": 0.11589957587637004, "frowny_face": 0.0010964912280701754, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9302357456140351, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.036595394736842105}, {"word": "ass-raped", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02481000676132522, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#StatenIsland has always been ass-raped by the rest of the city especially #Manhattan - pretentious fucks. \"The Forgotten Borough\". #Sandy", "frequency": 0.04531970595165751, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.940922920892495, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03426707234617985}, {"word": "sketchier", "smiley_face": 0.0005709391949757351, "positivity": 0.030509563231515845, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Apple R&amp;D spending jumps... Canada's oil-sands promise looks sketchier... Sandy losses rise to $50B: Business ne...", "frequency": 0.03714582459880593, "frowny_face": 0.00028546959748786756, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9353054524693121, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03418498429917214}, {"word": "police", "smiley_face": 0.0002522704339051463, "positivity": 0.03134460141271443, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Jammo on AC Expressway as thousands head back to the Jersey Shore to check on their homes. Police checkpoint at Exit 5. #Sandy @CBSPhilly", "frequency": 0.035926245373365744, "frowny_face": 0.0002522704339051463, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9382883451059536, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030367053481331986}, {"word": "memoir", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02971159217877095, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Glamorosi 1$ donate to Sandy victims from new Philly memoir about a man who built his own house. 11/1-30/12.", "frequency": 0.10732219267150564, "frowny_face": 0.00027932960893854746, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9364525139664804, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033835893854748604}, {"word": "irishman", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02741761210156672, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@phillymag $1 donation thru NOV to Sandy from memoir of Philly Irishman who mortgaged himself and built a house.", "frequency": 0.06562453452295666, "frowny_face": 0.0003601656762110571, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9417432018728615, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030839186025571765}, {"word": "irishman", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03163397005678885, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@gwenorel1$1 donation thru NOV to Sandy from memoir of Philly Irishman who mortgaged himself to build a house.", "frequency": 0.016144251685459764, "frowny_face": 0.00010325245224574084, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9346670108415075, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03369901910170366}, {"word": "24hr", "smiley_face": 0.0004248088360237893, "positivity": 0.029906223449447746, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheMsVixen: IT HAS BEGUN! @RedCross Gaming 4 the Victims of Hurricane Sandy 24HR Marathon w/ Ms Vixen on @TwitchTV!!! ...", "frequency": 0.01434796722506686, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9405134876805438, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0295802888700085}, {"word": "1000th", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03369166666666666, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @BridgeGallaher: My 1000th goes out to everyone who lost something from sandy. It goes to my hometown #TR and all the amazing people ...", "frequency": 0.01829756731981802, "frowny_face": 0.0001984126984126984, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9319196428571429, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03438869047619048}, {"word": "irishman", "smiley_face": 0.00018528812303131369, "positivity": 0.03266342412451362, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@msnbc_breaking $1 donation thru NOV to Sandy from memoir of Philly Irishman who mortgaged himself- to build a house.", "frequency": 0.034034753288116656, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.935878728923476, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03145784695201038}, {"word": "wreaked", "smiley_face": 0.000185459940652819, "positivity": 0.02796708086053412, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "NEWS: Lets Not Forget! #Hurricane #Sandy WREAKED HAVOC In The CARIBBEAN First More Than 71... | via @DJBOBBYTRENDS", "frequency": 0.016859569549928163, "frowny_face": 0.000185459940652819, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.941348293768546, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03068462537091988}, {"word": "deadlines-they", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03205542273418822, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: If the power companies do not meet deadlines-they will hear from me. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.08091278874253785, "frowny_face": 0.00021734405564007825, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9359785916105194, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03196598565529233}, {"word": "deadlines-they", "smiley_face": 0.00021593608291945585, "positivity": 0.03255236450010797, "time_bin": 91, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: If the power companies do not meet deadlines-they will hear from me. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.06242591150862378, "frowny_face": 0.00010796804145972792, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9380533362124811, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029394299287410927}, {"word": "deadlines-they", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031155474894131882, "time_bin": 92, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: If the power companies do not meet deadlines-they will hear from me. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.01688225607247522, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9360758217382537, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032768703367614435}, {"word": "stubble", "smiley_face": 0.00040024014408645187, "positivity": 0.028517110266159697, "time_bin": 93, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@NikoG23: No more Sandy stubble! #stillgotmine #nevershaving", "frequency": 0.013549469518671146, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9408645187112268, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03061837102261357}, {"word": "tune-in", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03134763590918559, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @JimOHeir: Watch NBC tonight to help those affected by Superstorm Sandy. Aguilera Bon Jovi Springsteen and Sting tune-in and dona ...", "frequency": 0.013745187898577036, "frowny_face": 0.00041657987919183504, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9423557592168298, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.026296604873984587}, {"word": "roic", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.033506439815550966, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: Talking with Pres. Obama about needs in #NJ at the ROIC Friday evening. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.013814586042524153, "frowny_face": 7.950389569088885e-05, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9351943870249643, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031299173159484814}, {"word": "checked-in", "smiley_face": 0.00020753346477119436, "positivity": 0.03145294178686313, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm watching Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together (5916 others checked-in) #GetGlue #HurricaneSandy", "frequency": 0.01245203451011625, "frowny_face": 0.0008301338590847774, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9360148386427312, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03253221957040573}, {"word": "niggah", "smiley_face": 0.0001927153594141453, "positivity": 0.03187030256311428, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @godssson856: @Asheli_Allure what????? WHAT YOU SAY!!!!!! Niggah you thought hurricane sandy was bad???????? Oooooh shit....", "frequency": 0.016123203408087552, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9356330699556755, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03249662748121025}, {"word": "lookng", "smiley_face": 0.0001595150741745095, "positivity": 0.034116286489073215, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "If lookng for a roofer b/c of #Sandy there's a trustworthy one in PA/NJ in biz since 1929: M. Rosenblatt Roofing Co -", "frequency": 0.016067895746496755, "frowny_face": 0.0011166055192215665, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9327843356197161, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03309937789121072}, {"word": "consistent", "smiley_face": 0.00032425421530479895, "positivity": 0.031714007782101164, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @RifeWithSnark: As soon as a death toll was attached to #Sandy Obama bailed. At least he is consistent.", "frequency": 0.031945894173362126, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9356355382619974, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03265045395590143}, {"word": "coat", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.025314116777531412, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@Applebees I'm putting together a coat dr called directioners gift. Its when 1D is on the today show. Its to help sandys victims. Rt please", "frequency": 0.057078255786252946, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9437361419068736, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030949741315594973}, {"word": "tel", "smiley_face": 0.0007968127490039841, "positivity": 0.033167330677290836, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MBCompanyMan: Just threw boot at hotel room tv. Obama claiming he won't leave anyone behind as he grabs Sandy spotlight. Really? Tel ...", "frequency": 0.08668386925328896, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9342629482071713, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032569721115537846}, {"word": "linger", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029891304347826088, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Temperatures fall tempers rise as power outages linger: Sandy survivors welcomed glimmers of hope as serv... #news", "frequency": 0.1850636265955885, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9441889632107023, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.025919732441471572}, {"word": "70s-style", "smiley_face": 0.0014367816091954023, "positivity": 0.024964080459770114, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@GovChristie enacts '70s-style \"odd-even\" gas rationing for North Jersey. #fb #Sandy", "frequency": 0.14728904434288692, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9463002873563219, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028735632183908046}, {"word": "e-mailed", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.026954976303317536, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": ".@ShopRiteStores e-mailed me they're here for us in #SandyCleanup; can they be here by lowering prices on food staples &amp; basics? #ForRealzYo", "frequency": 0.04896657359779387, "frowny_face": 0.0007898894154818325, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9417456556082149, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031299368088467616}, {"word": "tide", "smiley_face": 0.00046490004649000463, "positivity": 0.02966945606694561, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#njsandy Laundry time! From Tide: \"Great news! We have secured a location for our Loads of Hope truck and will...", "frequency": 0.04399291465284316, "frowny_face": 0.00046490004649000463, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9360181311018131, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034312412831241285}, {"word": "not anyone", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029958303118201596, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#njsandy We cannot provide any specifics relative to whether or not anyone will be allowed to return to the...", "frequency": 0.03489096623657809, "frowny_face": 0.00036258158085569254, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9431653372008701, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02687635968092821}, {"word": "not hiring", "smiley_face": 0.0008140670791273201, "positivity": 0.03249251058287203, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @fema: (11/3) Rumor Control: @fema is *NOT* hiring clean up crews in #NY or #NJ. Visit: #Sandy", "frequency": 0.01752008134108637, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9372557798762619, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030251709540866166}, {"word": "baptist", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.032702523240371845, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Lunch is about to start: First Baptist Church Offering Food to Those in Need After Hurricane Sandy - Toms River ...", "frequency": 0.01739885901325385, "frowny_face": 0.0006640106241699867, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9367529880478087, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03054448871181939}, {"word": "kic", "smiley_face": 0.000616827041697508, "positivity": 0.033805576116456945, "time_bin": 109, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @YMCMB_BW: Any kid in the NYC area and you lost clothing due to hurricane Sandy if you wear a size 10 Bow got 8 fresh pair of new kic ...", "frequency": 0.028011455500565684, "frowny_face": 0.0001233654083395016, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9346625956081914, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031531828275351594}, {"word": "anheuser-busch", "smiley_face": 0.0003694126339120798, "positivity": 0.03151551533062431, "time_bin": 110, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @darrenrovell: Anheuser-Busch plant produces 1 million cans of water for Sandy victims in NY &amp; NJ. Here's the can ...", "frequency": 0.021475911381363743, "frowny_face": 0.0001847063169560399, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9378463243442926, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030638160325083118}, {"word": "dysfunctional", "smiley_face": 0.000554836323284631, "positivity": 0.031173663769188086, "time_bin": 111, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "This hurricane aftermath has only made my dysfunctional ass family even more dysfunctional.", "frequency": 0.012259836996410495, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9376271499907527, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031199186240059185}, {"word": "not booty", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03114396509936985, "time_bin": 112, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.04324042004334177, "frowny_face": 0.00036354823073194375, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9365911294231701, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03226490547746001}, {"word": "matching", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03123060986663214, "time_bin": 113, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@BravoWWHL Pls RT to help RED CROSS with matching donations for #SANDY from the Weather Company (up to 1 MILLION)", "frequency": 0.11138575341369705, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9370549009452286, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03171448918813932}, {"word": "matching", "smiley_face": 0.0001448225923244026, "positivity": 0.02986965966690804, "time_bin": 114, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @EdwardNorton: Kudos to @United_Airlines. with matching dollars and miles awards they've raised over $500K for Sandy Relief. Hats off ...", "frequency": 0.03576246215953883, "frowny_face": 0.0005792903692976104, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9404055032585084, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029724837074583635}, {"word": "dept", "smiley_face": 0.0004938271604938272, "positivity": 0.029506172839506174, "time_bin": 115, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @CNBC #NJ Dept. of State to permit New Jersey registered voters displaced by Hurricane Sandy to vote electronically by email or fax.", "frequency": 0.01282219423081773, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9440432098765432, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.026450617283950616}, {"word": "gate", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03402948829141371, "time_bin": 116, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "NEWS: Photos Show Coney Islands Sea Gate Community In Utter Destruction (#Hurricane #Sandy) | via @DJBOBBYTRENDS", "frequency": 0.019756153222382628, "frowny_face": 0.0004336513443191674, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9354130529054641, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030557458803122287}, {"word": "detailed", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03093726661687827, "time_bin": 117, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @hitRECordJoe: WNYC put together this detailed list of ways you can help w/ #SandyRelief in NY + NJ. Please check it out and RT: ht ...", "frequency": 0.014536158053166602, "frowny_face": 0.00014936519790888724, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9390963405526512, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0299663928304705}, {"word": "emotional", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03099959935897436, "time_bin": 118, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "\"Emotional Care for Children in a Disaster\" - tips for parents #opsafe #SANDY #DT @operationSAFE", "frequency": 0.024771156020020876, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9309895833333334, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.038010817307692304}, {"word": "whiskycast", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03205796497080901, "time_bin": 119, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "This week's WhiskyCast is ready with an in-depth look at India's Amrut and an update on Sandy's impact on whisky lovers....", "frequency": 0.02571260866088156, "frowny_face": 0.0004170141784820684, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9355713094245204, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03237072560467056}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.00037250884708511827, "positivity": 0.028985844663810767, "time_bin": 120, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: E-mail and fax voting will be available to New Jerseyans displaced by Hurricane #Sandy. For more information call 1-877 ...", "frequency": 0.03295567712442872, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9440538275284038, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.026960327807785435}, {"word": "smilin", "smiley_face": 0.0004126263668248401, "positivity": 0.029388075097998758, "time_bin": 121, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @KennyHamilton: Met a family tonight in my hotel displaced by Sandy. They have been here since the storm. Their kids are still smilin ...", "frequency": 0.06061042097976097, "frowny_face": 0.00020631318341242006, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9404528574375902, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03015906746441098}, {"word": "tight-knit", "smiley_face": 0.00022753128555176336, "positivity": 0.030688282138794085, "time_bin": 122, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Amazing Moonachie's tight-knit community pulls together in Sandy's wake:", "frequency": 0.032381071529021574, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9342150170648464, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0350967007963595}, {"word": "d'rin", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.027931511587685923, "time_bin": 123, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@andylevy yea rl conveenz it hapz d'rin a \"hurricane\" thnx OBEYMA", "frequency": 0.03625576476132601, "frowny_face": 0.0010377032168799724, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9415427187824282, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030525769629885853}, {"word": "shittiest", "smiley_face": 0.00072992700729927, "positivity": 0.03074817518248175, "time_bin": 124, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "The Sandy blackout was about the shittiest viral marketing for Revolution NBC. #iforgiveyouthough", "frequency": 0.04318637551837983, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9372262773722628, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03202554744525547}, {"word": "loyal", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02717391304347826, "time_bin": 125, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurriCane_SERG: I'm Loyal to whats mines", "frequency": 0.11029907301898902, "frowny_face": 0.0018115942028985507, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.943161231884058, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029664855072463768}, {"word": "lou-kang", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030955769230769235, "time_bin": 126, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "LOU-KANG - REGROUP AND REBUILD (HURRICANE SANDY) via @youtube", "frequency": 0.12698688874475517, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9509615384615384, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.01808269230769231}, {"word": "enlarge", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.026608910891089108, "time_bin": 127, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Look at these photos! Especially enlarge 1st one w hous cut 1/2!! @tonyt187 @J4LYN @Gailgriffin63 Hurricane Sandy NJ", "frequency": 0.3448719087052962, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.948019801980198, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.025371287128712873}, {"word": "afr", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03581526861451461, "time_bin": 128, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Confronting Sandy refusing to leave: BEACH HAVEN N.J. - Nancy and Mike Davis were more afr... #Philadelphia #News", "frequency": 0.07441972766798496, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9339066918001885, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03027803958529689}, {"word": "size-regular", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03443877551020408, "time_bin": 129, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@HuffingtonPost :Collecting bras 4 women affected by Sandy!Any size-regular sport nursing or training! Pls RT #OperationBoulderHolder", "frequency": 0.22509226801341312, "frowny_face": 0.0014577259475218659, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9393221574344023, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.026239067055393587}, {"word": "leneghan", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02867615351444588, "time_bin": 130, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Free Home inspection- Post #Sandy Compliments of Orkin Pest Control. Bucks County residents. 215-671-9300 Mike Leneghan.", "frequency": 0.03701504779297682, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9339154808106943, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.037408365674859854}, {"word": "irishman", "smiley_face": 0.0002461841457410143, "positivity": 0.028888970950270803, "time_bin": 131, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@PublishersWkly$1 donation thru NOV to Sandy from memoir of Philly Irishman who mortgaged himself- to build a house.", "frequency": 0.2651171671340127, "frowny_face": 0.0004923682914820286, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9429160512063023, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02819497784342688}, {"word": "irishman", "smiley_face": 0.001, "positivity": 0.02725, "time_bin": 132, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@scoopit $1 donation thru NOV to Sandy from memoir of Philly Irishman who mortgaged himself- to build a house.", "frequency": 0.0628077736804188, "frowny_face": 0.0003333333333333333, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.945375, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027375}, {"word": "cold-open", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02987602710105233, "time_bin": 133, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Last night SNL gave NYC a much needed laugh. Cold-open &amp; pre-taped Lincoln were amazing &amp; I love @louisck. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.013781431049626846, "frowny_face": 0.0004324636009802508, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9409146605160732, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02920931238287444}, {"word": "frey", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.028648894464481735, "time_bin": 134, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Halloween was rearranged where I live from the hurricane so I'm just going to be CeCe Frey.", "frequency": 0.014759653712857142, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9408420887564686, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030509016779049707}, {"word": "irishman", "smiley_face": 0.0004553734061930783, "positivity": 0.030680783242258654, "time_bin": 135, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@FOX29philly $1 donation thru NOV to Sandy from memoir of Philly Irishman who mortgaged himself- to build a house.", "frequency": 0.05543138575249397, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.942167577413479, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027151639344262294}, {"word": "mary", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03201746800415081, "time_bin": 136, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: Mary Pat &amp; I established @sandynjrelief fund to help those affected. For more info on how to help/donate https://t. ...", "frequency": 0.018996708463421948, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9394240747146316, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028558457281217572}, {"word": "tonight", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030682813659985157, "time_bin": 137, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @VINNYGUADAGNINO: DwayneWade is donating his salary from tonight's Knick game to #Sandy relief . $210 000 Stand up guy !", "frequency": 0.015602900498643022, "frowny_face": 0.0001855976243504083, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9386367854491463, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030680400890868598}, {"word": "closest", "smiley_face": 0.00017286084701815038, "positivity": 0.03045479688850475, "time_bin": 138, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @DHSgov: Tell friends &amp; family w/o internet access to call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) for the closest shelter. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.024410629258251076, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9380726015557477, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031472601555747624}, {"word": "hy", "smiley_face": 0.00030525030525030525, "positivity": 0.028759310134310132, "time_bin": 139, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Austin_TheGreat: DWade donated his game check to hurricane relief. $210 000. This nig makes $210k a game. That covers college and hy ...", "frequency": 0.019107370883625355, "frowny_face": 0.00030525030525030525, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9405906593406593, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030650030525030528}, {"word": "fumble", "smiley_face": 9.285051067780872e-05, "positivity": 0.03615366759517177, "time_bin": 140, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @chris_viRgina: No way that was a fumble.. They def gave it to ny cause of hurricane sandy #lucky", "frequency": 0.05848050509432413, "frowny_face": 0.00018570102135561745, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9270543175487466, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03679201485608171}, {"word": "united", "smiley_face": 0.00021489201676157732, "positivity": 0.029775975072526054, "time_bin": 141, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFunnyRacist: Here is the list of foreign countries helping the United States with Hurricane relief:", "frequency": 0.029440156467446663, "frowny_face": 0.00010744600838078866, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9299317717846782, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.04029225314279575}, {"word": "whaaat", "smiley_face": 0.00016053941242575052, "positivity": 0.030743297479531227, "time_bin": 142, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "It Wouldaa Been Nicee To Win Whaaat Wif Hurricanee Sandyy &amp;' All But Congratss Steelerss", "frequency": 0.02383823158092945, "frowny_face": 0.00016053941242575052, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9391154278375341, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03014127468293466}, {"word": "snady", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.028802593934770176, "time_bin": 143, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @capcitycrafts: generous artist helping victims of Snady #etsytoday #shop #handmadebot #etsynj #sandy", "frequency": 0.035483123759532886, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9427093267213428, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02848807934388708}, {"word": "4000th", "smiley_face": 0.0006045949214026602, "positivity": 0.03210021160822249, "time_bin": 144, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TylerShan: My 4000th tweet goes out to Jersey and everyone that was affected by Sandy #JerseyStrong", "frequency": 0.04193640829225828, "frowny_face": 0.00015114873035066505, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9358562575574365, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03204353083434099}, {"word": "willing", "smiley_face": 0.001041124414367517, "positivity": 0.03162415408641333, "time_bin": 145, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@RedHourBen Hey B know anyone w/store willing to donate unused space for t-shirts Peace &amp;Pasta. Proceeds donated to disaster relief Sandy", "frequency": 0.021900465094153245, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9350598646538262, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03331598125976054}, {"word": "20k", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.033499774876181894, "time_bin": 146, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "What's with all this random \"giveaway cause of hurricane sandy\" shit. Do you really think they are giving away 20k pairs of vans or J's? No", "frequency": 0.02206479912767691, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9281292210715893, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03837100405222873}, {"word": "not dirty", "smiley_face": 0.00041050903119868636, "positivity": 0.0326867816091954, "time_bin": 147, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Haven't been posting due too sandy but my names not dirty dan. Smh.", "frequency": 0.03643843970227787, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9355500821018062, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03176313628899836}, {"word": "shfd", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.033266748617086665, "time_bin": 148, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Looking to come back up Wednesday to help cook &amp; wether the nor'easter with SHFD. Volunteer more firefighter time too #NJResilience #Sandy", "frequency": 0.05123097194535197, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.93600184388445, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03073140749846343}, {"word": "printable", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.027547770700636943, "time_bin": 149, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "HURRICANE SANDY RELIEF PRINTABLE ~ 100% of purchase price will be donated to the American Red Cross Hurricane...", "frequency": 0.20223837837127673, "frowny_face": 0.0012738853503184713, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9420382165605096, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030414012738853503}, {"word": "definitely", "smiley_face": 0.0017211703958691911, "positivity": 0.03270223752151463, "time_bin": 150, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "WoW I could b swimming w/ the sharks sans #HurricaneSandy n not 1 follower inquired about my well being? Sigh its definitely twitter smh", "frequency": 0.18127882380663005, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9343803786574871, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03291738382099828}, {"word": "lancaster", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03009915014164306, "time_bin": 151, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@Scheffey how is Lancaster doing? Cape May is slowly coming back from Sandy stronger than ever! #visitlancaster", "frequency": 0.3356172077841382, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9405099150141643, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029390934844192633}, {"word": "joyful", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03407682775712516, "time_bin": 152, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @GodPosts: Let's continue praying for everyone in #Sandy 's path. \" Be joyful in hope patient in affliction faithful in prayer. \" - ...", "frequency": 0.05574912363908287, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9299876084262702, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03593556381660471}, {"word": "you-have-got-to-be-shitting-me", "smiley_face": 0.0004664179104477612, "positivity": 0.03430783582089552, "time_bin": 153, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "This just in from the You-Have-Got-To-Be-Shitting-Me Department: #sandynj", "frequency": 0.03534937064229286, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9301539179104478, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03553824626865672}, {"word": "neveruary", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03791785800823843, "time_bin": 154, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Back 2 work oh wait that chick #Sandy still has school closed until Neveruary", "frequency": 0.021423860995329006, "frowny_face": 0.000242306760358614, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9266719166464744, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.035410225345287136}, {"word": "clatter", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031237297496318112, "time_bin": 155, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@kitchenclatter: Kitchen Clatter: Devastation Memories....And Heartbreak #Sandy #How2Help #FixingSandy", "frequency": 0.015236797690643475, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9376380706921944, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031124631811487485}, {"word": "re-schedule", "smiley_face": 0.00043084877208099956, "positivity": 0.02722425678586816, "time_bin": 156, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @CalMe_Chocolate: Its crazy how they re-schedule the devils holiday maybe sandy ruined it for a reason but of course they still give ...", "frequency": 0.02426466411723859, "frowny_face": 0.00021542438604049978, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9442050840155105, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028570659198621284}, {"word": "chris-playas", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030796304443466784, "time_bin": 157, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@_moCheeks: @therealbill_1: Hurricane Chris-Playas Rocksmh what they got you listening to out there? Ctfu", "frequency": 0.03268938963388939, "frowny_face": 0.0004399472063352398, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9387190203842206, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030484675172312656}, {"word": "71-year-old", "smiley_face": 0.00020012007204322593, "positivity": 0.02931198719231539, "time_bin": 158, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @amysrosenberg: Brigantine Fire Chief: 71-year-old man was found days after Sandy w/hypothermia house flooded no heat. Died on way ...", "frequency": 0.019989739648585036, "frowny_face": 0.00020012007204322593, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.938713227936762, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03197478487092255}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.0004614142346291383, "positivity": 0.03048217787518745, "time_bin": 159, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @cnnbrk: New Jersey lets #Sandy victims vote via e-mail.", "frequency": 0.039137909022216685, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9385309724304994, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03098684969431307}, {"word": "not birth", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03035498656551288, "time_bin": 160, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@JSHurricaneNews Job creation and the deficit should be congress' main focus! Not birth control!!", "frequency": 0.029335577296508597, "frowny_face": 0.000158052789631737, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.938655761024182, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030989252410305045}, {"word": "re-recording", "smiley_face": 0.0004617871161394597, "positivity": 0.03226737474024475, "time_bin": 161, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @speakimge: @NicoleAtkins is re-recording her song \"Neptune City\" for #sandy relief w/ Rick Steff of @luceromusic -", "frequency": 0.03384567902494507, "frowny_face": 0.00023089355806972986, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9350611867928885, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03267143846686677}, {"word": "opposite", "smiley_face": 0.0002404713237946375, "positivity": 0.030641697727545988, "time_bin": 162, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Tale of two New Jersey towns now linked by Sandy: Asbury Park and Bay Head are two towns on opposite ends of the...", "frequency": 0.020851763923154926, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9402579054947697, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029100396777684265}, {"word": "coat", "smiley_face": 0.0004449058282663503, "positivity": 0.02656458549607, "time_bin": 163, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @NINEEE999: @mikapika_: Coat drive! RT plz #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0343817839972311, "frowny_face": 0.00014830194275545008, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9456288002372831, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027806614266646892}, {"word": "not most", "smiley_face": 0.000128783000643915, "positivity": 0.0334730199613651, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Clothing toys &amp; furniture/appliances NOT most needed at this time: Blankets however are welcome. NBC40 Sandy Relief continues thru Friday.", "frequency": 0.021986768925874978, "frowny_face": 0.00025756600128783, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9360914359304572, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03043554410817772}, {"word": "marry", "smiley_face": 0.00018412815319462345, "positivity": 0.029381145277112868, "time_bin": 165, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Corrinepine: Justin Bieber came up on my news feed about helping Sandy &amp; every girl replies with \"MARRY ME!\" I see what prioriti ...", "frequency": 0.033681909339555435, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9407567667096299, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02986208801325723}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 166, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 167, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "waterfall", "smiley_face": 0.00034458993797381116, "positivity": 0.03684424534803585, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @delawareonline: Flooding has turned Ground Zero into a waterfall. @AP photo #NYC #Sandy", "frequency": 0.00651635048646859, "frowny_face": 0.0002067539627842867, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9285837353549277, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03457201929703652}, {"word": "outstanding", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03502601060304838, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYCMayorsOffice: Our first responders are doing an outstanding job. All New Yorkers owe them thanks. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.012273541095876146, "frowny_face": 0.00024850894632206757, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9305003313452618, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03447365805168986}, {"word": "wide-eyed", "smiley_face": 0.00014872837241584452, "positivity": 0.03423295820732735, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@milesmaker: A wide-eyed seal appears in Manhattan #Sandy", "frequency": 0.014077705965519063, "frowny_face": 0.00019830449655445937, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9315849486887116, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03418209310396113}, {"word": "lighter", "smiley_face": 0.0002403460983816696, "positivity": 0.034725524755648135, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AndyMilonakis: On a lighter note next time I meet a girl named sandy Im gonna hate fuck her.", "frequency": 0.008610301238548968, "frowny_face": 0.0002403460983816696, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9320621695241147, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03321230572023714}, {"word": "post-tropical", "smiley_face": 0.00034423407917383823, "positivity": 0.0326592082616179, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Superstorm Sandy Flooding New York Streets [PICS] - Sandy is flooding New York's streets as the post-tropical cyclo...", "frequency": 0.007607261265585018, "frowny_face": 9.835259404966805e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9327575608556675, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03458323088271453}, {"word": "near-empty", "smiley_face": 0.00019515050983070692, "positivity": 0.03499292579401864, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: A dark lower Manhattan. A near-empty Times Square. A flooded carousel. Memorable photos from #Sandy:", "frequency": 0.01916306697915319, "frowny_face": 0.0002927257647460604, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9314899741425574, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03351710006342391}, {"word": "not over", "smiley_face": 8.341327105142428e-05, "positivity": 0.03507294490553447, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Sandy's trail of destruction is not over: The repertoire of destruction caused by superstorm Sandy compounded ov...", "frequency": 0.006927205198453835, "frowny_face": 0.0003336530842056971, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9302665054010093, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03466054969345623}, {"word": "post-tropical", "smiley_face": 0.0002553756575923183, "positivity": 0.033491853516522806, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#Sandy Updates: Post-Tropical Cyclone SANDY Public Advisory Number 32", "frequency": 0.009000728776452386, "frowny_face": 0.000306450789110782, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9318849277286889, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0346232187547883}, {"word": "water", "smiley_face": 0.00025303643724696357, "positivity": 0.03473633603238866, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYCMayorsOffice: If you have water coming out of your faucet it is safe to drink. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.033053101912086144, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9303042763157895, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03495938765182186}, {"word": "water", "smiley_face": 0.000155440414507772, "positivity": 0.036758082901554405, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Yesterday I wrote @NewYorker \"come Sandy's hell &amp;high water we should count our blessings.\" I am this morning high&amp;dry&amp;electrified in Bklyn", "frequency": 0.013415272625888342, "frowny_face": 0.0002072538860103627, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9278497409326425, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.035392176165803105}, {"word": "water", "smiley_face": 0.00024007298218658472, "positivity": 0.035773035002640806, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Incredible photos. Downtown under water. Frankenstorm Sandy Is Finally Upon Us [Liveblog] @NYMag", "frequency": 0.013633749416472477, "frowny_face": 0.00024007298218658472, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9279901089931339, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03623685600422528}, {"word": "springsteen", "smiley_face": 0.00012127091923356779, "positivity": 0.03443414989085617, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ZoneMediaNetwrk: #ClubZoneFM : Hurricane Sandy Cancels Shows By Springsteen Aimee Mann The XX @ClubZone_FM", "frequency": 0.006623731820081594, "frowny_face": 0.00048508367693427115, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9320579674993936, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033507882609750184}, {"word": "croton-harmon", "smiley_face": 0.0003632181124765422, "positivity": 0.0352900901991646, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYGovCuomo: Photo of train submerged at Metro-North's Croton-Harmon station in aftermath of #sandy via @MTAinsider", "frequency": 0.009067081279461233, "frowny_face": 0.0003632181124765422, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9300351110842061, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03467479871662934}, {"word": "pay-as-you-wish", "smiley_face": 0.0002920731351130323, "positivity": 0.03533027630118581, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@myupperwest New-York Historical Society reopens Weds. 10-6 with pay-as-you-wish admission for #HurricaneSandy relief.", "frequency": 0.018812878965078387, "frowny_face": 0.00035048776213563875, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9299243530580057, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03474537064080845}, {"word": "desserted", "smiley_face": 0.0003485535029627048, "positivity": 0.03767433484373185, "time_bin": 14, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@parenting Parents-You made it past #Sandy but how are you going to pass a dragon or escape a desserted island?!", "frequency": 0.021538078076035253, "frowny_face": 0.0002323690019751365, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9268328105030789, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.035492854653189264}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00017114495978093444, "positivity": 0.03460066176051115, "time_bin": 15, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.013796606649250791, "frowny_face": 0.0003422899195618689, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9299018768897256, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03549746134976325}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00019948134849391582, "positivity": 0.03388875590132323, "time_bin": 16, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.017874467224862002, "frowny_face": 0.00013298756566261055, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9323425759691469, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03376866812952989}, {"word": "hall", "smiley_face": 0.00017284590787313111, "positivity": 0.03374704001382767, "time_bin": 17, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#ClubZoneFM : Sandy Rolls Through Clevelands Rock Hall @ClubZone_FM", "frequency": 0.012326652720905697, "frowny_face": 0.0006913836314925245, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9318879094287442, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.034365050557428056}, {"word": "aint", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030401027397260274, "time_bin": 18, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @myfabolouslife: Aint no tv in here.. Aint no lights on in here.. Aint no Wifi in here.. We ain't got no POWER!!! #HurricaneSandy ...", "frequency": 0.011886601119014321, "frowny_face": 0.0002568493150684931, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9362371575342465, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03336181506849315}, {"word": "heavy", "smiley_face": 0.00022377622377622378, "positivity": 0.033890517482517486, "time_bin": 19, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @kingsleyyy: Hurricane Sandy has a heavy flow and a wideset vagina.", "frequency": 0.01519138560909335, "frowny_face": 0.00044755244755244756, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.932055944055944, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.034053538461538455}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00020479213598197828, "positivity": 0.03429606116458461, "time_bin": 20, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.006474681934722329, "frowny_face": 0.0001365280906546522, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9293125810635539, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03639135777186156}, {"word": "heroic", "smiley_face": 0.00021085925144965736, "positivity": 0.034296889826041115, "time_bin": 21, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@MikeBloomberg: Thank you @FDNY &amp; @NYPDNews for your heroic efforts to protect New Yorkers during #Sandy. Please RT.", "frequency": 0.021616182588155765, "frowny_face": 0.000316288877174486, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9295993674222457, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.036103742751713234}, {"word": "heroic", "smiley_face": 0.00016979370065370574, "positivity": 0.031239663808472703, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MikeBloomberg: Thank you @FDNY &amp; @NYPDNews for your heroic efforts to protect New Yorkers during #Sandy. Please RT.", "frequency": 0.012672948926549655, "frowny_face": 0.0003395874013074115, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9355526784956278, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033207657695899485}, {"word": "heroic", "smiley_face": 0.0002623983206507478, "positivity": 0.03397454736289688, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @MikeBloomberg: Thank you @FDNY &amp; @NYPDNews for your heroic efforts to protect New Yorkers during #Sandy. Please RT.", "frequency": 0.006650527133466292, "frowny_face": 0.00043733053441791307, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9313117729379865, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03471367969911659}, {"word": "heroic", "smiley_face": 0.00025606008876749743, "positivity": 0.035677705701604646, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @MikeBloomberg: Thank you @FDNY &amp; @NYPDNews for your heroic efforts to protect New Yorkers during #Sandy. Please RT.", "frequency": 0.006443172295084453, "frowny_face": 0.00025606008876749743, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9286979344486173, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.035624359849778076}, {"word": "ligh", "smiley_face": 0.00023349937733499379, "positivity": 0.033285491905354916, "time_bin": 25, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Ki_To_Success hoes be ligh no school tomorrow . Thanks sandy", "frequency": 0.008588967701178878, "frowny_face": 0.00038916562889165627, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9326840753424658, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03403043275217933}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.000302571860816944, "positivity": 0.03230801815431165, "time_bin": 26, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.005988356699527854, "frowny_face": 0.000302571860816944, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9347201210287444, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032971860816944025}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.0003078249091916518, "positivity": 0.03389921812473065, "time_bin": 27, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.007319102632756266, "frowny_face": 0.00018469494551499107, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.931193437172936, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03490734470233331}, {"word": "disrupt", "smiley_face": 0.00013614703880190606, "positivity": 0.032893396868618106, "time_bin": 28, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Will storm disrupt Tuesday voting?: Widespread damage in the East from Superstorm Sandy threw state and local ag...", "frequency": 0.01998958147679201, "frowny_face": 0.0002722940776038121, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9319094622191967, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.035197140912185156}, {"word": "lesbianic", "smiley_face": 0.0005610772683552421, "positivity": 0.0343570054504649, "time_bin": 29, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Nigga got on Trukfit swag him out RT @TMZ: Pauly D Caught in Hurricane ... of Lesbianic Activity", "frequency": 0.0237513932810525, "frowny_face": 0.0002404616864379609, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9325705354280218, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033072459121513305}, {"word": "rest", "smiley_face": 0.00034782608695652176, "positivity": 0.035869565217391305, "time_bin": 30, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @ImmortalTech: It took a Hurricane to remind some people that we belong to the Earth the Earth doesn't belong to us. Rest in Power t ...", "frequency": 0.021157223829657408, "frowny_face": 0.00034782608695652176, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9292391304347826, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034891304347826085}, {"word": "radical", "smiley_face": 5.821738371077604e-05, "positivity": 0.031205390929731618, "time_bin": 31, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Gary Rothfeld Pakistani radical wanted by U.S. offers aid to victims of Sandy: Gary Rothfeld CNN", "frequency": 0.017791526919641174, "frowny_face": 0.00023286953484310415, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9353787040810386, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03341590498922978}, {"word": "scare", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030262959866220733, "time_bin": 32, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: Struggling for power due to superstorm #Sandy?Here are a few tips on how to keep your mobile alive when power is scare: http:// ...", "frequency": 0.00876005818736525, "frowny_face": 0.00020903010033444816, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9357755016722408, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03396153846153847}, {"word": "playlist", "smiley_face": 0.00011195074167366359, "positivity": 0.0320458998040862, "time_bin": 33, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Noticias247pr Powerful storm Sandy batters the US Northeast (playlist): via @youtube", "frequency": 0.027420428002514763, "frowny_face": 0.0003918275958578226, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9337251609291911, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034228939266722644}, {"word": "timetable", "smiley_face": 0.0002194329851663302, "positivity": 0.032471824804704646, "time_bin": 34, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ottogrl: @patkiernan: Subway service still a big question mark. MTA will offer repair timetable at \"midday\" today. #NYC #NY1Sandy", "frequency": 0.012724775558832283, "frowny_face": 0.00017554638813306416, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9327602475204073, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03476792767488809}, {"word": "rang", "smiley_face": 0.00012906556530717606, "positivity": 0.034126161590087765, "time_bin": 35, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYCMayorsOffice: The Mayor just rang the bell to open the New York Stock Exchange. New York City is getting back to work. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.02715945326275583, "frowny_face": 0.0002581311306143521, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9311919204956117, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03468191791430047}, {"word": "rang", "smiley_face": 6.0302719652656335e-05, "positivity": 0.03129530241813906, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYCMayorsOffice: The Mayor just rang the bell to open the New York Stock Exchange. New York City is getting back to work. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.009402392496582012, "frowny_face": 0.000542724476873907, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9340439003799071, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03466079720195381}, {"word": "not a", "smiley_face": 0.0003121488325633662, "positivity": 0.0338256336621301, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TFLN: (570): It's a hurricane not a zombie apocalypse. WHY DID YOU BUY SHOTGUNS?!?!", "frequency": 0.013357496896548351, "frowny_face": 0.0003121488325633662, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.932396366587589, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03377799975028094}, {"word": "metro-north", "smiley_face": 0.00016129899456960052, "positivity": 0.030584117425668043, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYGovCuomo: BREAKING: Limited LIRR &amp; Metro-North RR service will begin at 2PM More info: #sandy", "frequency": 0.020704292984867017, "frowny_face": 0.0002150653260928007, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9378797247163826, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03153615785794935}, {"word": "not 42nd", "smiley_face": 0.0002096216329525207, "positivity": 0.03127586206896552, "time_bin": 39, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "--&gt; MT @mattfleg: No subway service on Thurs below 34th *not* 42nd says MTA. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.008682314561672792, "frowny_face": 0.0004192432659050414, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.935482391782832, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033241746148202495}, {"word": "tree", "smiley_face": 9.72715334857254e-05, "positivity": 0.032115947667914986, "time_bin": 40, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "a tree fell on my aunts house and car. and cousins grandparents live on the island and dont know what they are going home to. #fuckusandy", "frequency": 0.07045841853078882, "frowny_face": 0.0003890861339429016, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9370653178347357, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03081873449734935}, {"word": "movin", "smiley_face": 0.00036815462494247585, "positivity": 0.029339990796134377, "time_bin": 41, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@hurricannesandy: SO I'M MOVIN ON LETTIN GO HOLDIN ON TO TOMORROW. I'VE ALWAYS GOT THE MEMORIES AS I'M DYIN RIP HURRICANE SANDYYYY.", "frequency": 0.010559762430937035, "frowny_face": 0.0002300966405890474, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9390473999079614, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03161260929590428}, {"word": "t-mobile", "smiley_face": 0.00029224100141249815, "positivity": 0.03144026106862793, "time_bin": 42, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "AT&amp;T T-Mobile make big announcement in the wake of Hurricane #Sandy", "frequency": 0.014774375157823517, "frowny_face": 0.00019482733427499878, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9358896303151332, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032670108616238855}, {"word": "t-mobile", "smiley_face": 0.00020595201318092884, "positivity": 0.03170373802903923, "time_bin": 43, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "AT&amp;T T-Mobile share networks for Sandy users: AT&amp;T and T-Mobile will let customers who live in Sandy's path use...", "frequency": 0.012408847742703857, "frowny_face": 0.00020595201318092884, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9361033879106169, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03219287406034394}, {"word": "smh", "smiley_face": 0.0005419466724474311, "positivity": 0.0337814871016692, "time_bin": 44, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ducidni: dis bitch sandy smh", "frequency": 0.026598100572273978, "frowny_face": 0.00032516800346845873, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9326631259484067, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033555386949924125}, {"word": "not able", "smiley_face": 0.00016427104722792606, "positivity": 0.03369043121149897, "time_bin": 45, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ryanlochte: Don't forget to keep your thoughts &amp; prayers with those in the northeast recovering from #Sandy &amp; not able to ce ...", "frequency": 0.021453924961924175, "frowny_face": 0.0004106776180698152, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9317351129363449, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03457445585215606}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 6.87426960885406e-05, "positivity": 0.033786003987076374, "time_bin": 46, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.008888680538867155, "frowny_face": 0.0002749707843541624, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9316353887399463, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03457860727297724}, {"word": "web-enabled", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03100076219512195, "time_bin": 47, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYGovCuomo: You can also register for FEMA help here: from a smartphone or Web-enabled device. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.011700897038168196, "frowny_face": 0.00020787139689578714, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9347976718403548, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03420156596452328}, {"word": "productive", "smiley_face": 0.0002478191911181602, "positivity": 0.033021907216494846, "time_bin": 48, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: It was a productive day for me. It was a productive day for the people of New Jersey. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.011226618687500673, "frowny_face": 0.0007434575733544805, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9330764274385408, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03390166534496431}, {"word": "elect", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03409901334881022, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elect next Tuesday.", "frequency": 0.017931269507458065, "frowny_face": 0.00023215322112594313, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9302669762042949, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.035634010446894945}, {"word": "elect", "smiley_face": 0.000303789777473988, "positivity": 0.03617422343738134, "time_bin": 50, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elect next Tuesday.", "frequency": 0.03936106236153832, "frowny_face": 0.000379737221842485, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9278879015721121, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03593787499050657}, {"word": "elect", "smiley_face": 0.00024942631946522995, "positivity": 0.03486765439489175, "time_bin": 51, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elect next Tuesday.", "frequency": 0.009086936616692338, "frowny_face": 0.000299311583358276, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9295620073830191, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.035570338222089194}, {"word": "instore", "smiley_face": 0.0003608968286191185, "positivity": 0.03409911129155953, "time_bin": 52, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @JohnnyMarines: Due to hurricane sandy @romeosantospage NY Instore at J&amp;R music has been postponed. New date will be announc http ...", "frequency": 0.012820118512059964, "frowny_face": 0.0003157847250417287, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9309672035006993, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03493368520774124}, {"word": "apocalyptic", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03175376386687797, "time_bin": 53, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "SANDY SUPERSTORM Apocalyptic! .. SUBWAY FLOODING .. &amp; Astounding! PREDICTION", "frequency": 0.0174096462468108, "frowny_face": 0.0003961965134706815, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9326465927099842, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03559964342313787}, {"word": "not measured", "smiley_face": 0.0009534403305259812, "positivity": 0.03143476879071985, "time_bin": 54, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Pditter: We are not measured by what we do but what we do in times of adversity. #leadership #sandy #nyc #Obama", "frequency": 0.013582851351505422, "frowny_face": 0.0001589067217543302, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9355235976481805, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03304163356109963}, {"word": "b'tch", "smiley_face": 0.0006546216286986122, "positivity": 0.034384001047394606, "time_bin": 55, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I know one thing Sandy got a b'tch catching up on her rest like a muv. I haven't rested so much in a while. But she's fcuking up my coins.", "frequency": 0.025985032387524965, "frowny_face": 0.00013092432573972245, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9322466614296936, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033369337522911754}, {"word": "sandy-sized", "smiley_face": 0.0001124985937675779, "positivity": 0.032650298121273486, "time_bin": 56, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "How Store Shelves Stay Stocked Even After a Sandy-Sized Disaster", "frequency": 0.013519233218254071, "frowny_face": 0.0002249971875351558, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9339773877826527, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0333723140960738}, {"word": "info", "smiley_face": 0.0002725835468571117, "positivity": 0.03281224445292482, "time_bin": 57, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "**NJOEM Hurricane Sandy Recovery Info Page Is Now Active** 1-800-621-FEMA", "frequency": 0.010547439329739353, "frowny_face": 0.00010903341874284468, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9340007087172219, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03318704682985335}, {"word": "post-storm", "smiley_face": 0.00010072014906582061, "positivity": 0.03131636198821575, "time_bin": 58, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Pdf map view of nyc mta @MTAInsider This is a map of our post-storm subway service that began running today. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.017288618441435987, "frowny_face": 0.00015108022359873092, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9354132044115425, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03327043360024172}, {"word": "comin", "smiley_face": 0.00013114754098360657, "positivity": 0.029668546448087436, "time_bin": 59, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @snooki: Cleaning my closet today to donate clothes and whatever I can do the victims affected by sandy! I'm comin with clothes!!!!", "frequency": 0.02424118938630041, "frowny_face": 0.00013114754098360657, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9383333333333334, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03199812021857923}, {"word": "comin", "smiley_face": 0.00027056277056277056, "positivity": 0.030988771645021642, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @snooki: Cleaning my closet today to donate clothes and whatever I can do the victims affected by sandy! I'm comin with clothes!!!!", "frequency": 0.012855684319519762, "frowny_face": 0.00013528138528138528, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9375169101731602, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031494318181818186}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031093645189761696, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.036258458296494885, "frowny_face": 0.000176522506619594, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9356796116504854, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03322674315975287}, {"word": "non-perish", "smiley_face": 0.00026673779674579886, "positivity": 0.033280519249577666, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "DONATE to those hit by #sandy on LI! Tomorrow 65 E. Main St. Patchogue 6:30pm bring non-perish food! @WSJ @nytimes", "frequency": 0.021964949137299402, "frowny_face": 0.00017782519783053258, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9328265315195163, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03389294923090602}, {"word": "power", "smiley_face": 0.00020368672980955292, "positivity": 0.03399022303696914, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "So glad I married a DP. Still no power but we do have light. #sandyaftermath", "frequency": 0.006377312394955228, "frowny_face": 0.00035645177716671757, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9327833791628476, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03322639780018332}, {"word": "not bring", "smiley_face": 0.00021006196828064278, "positivity": 0.03171935721037706, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MikeBloomberg: Please do not bring your car into Manhattan. If you have another option for getting to work please use it. #SandyNYC", "frequency": 0.012546087108503256, "frowny_face": 0.00010503098414032139, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9364234324125617, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03185721037706123}, {"word": "rough", "smiley_face": 0.00016722408026755852, "positivity": 0.031584448160535114, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@JCLayfield having a really rough time in NYC with no power after Sandy...can my favorite wrestler RT this please", "frequency": 0.007565076718736849, "frowny_face": 0.00016722408026755852, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9357650501672241, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0326505016722408}, {"word": "nor'e", "smiley_face": 0.00035345056110276576, "positivity": 0.02983228770875674, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJweather: DEVELOPING: The same weather model that predicted #Sandy's NJ landfall a week in advance is now showing a possible nor'e ...", "frequency": 0.007469904602899475, "frowny_face": 0.00017672528055138288, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9393611381108068, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030806574180436513}, {"word": "devastating", "smiley_face": 0.00011502846954621269, "positivity": 0.03340052913095991, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: The most devastating part of the Shore is Bay Head to Seaside Heights. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.014054054985830611, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9323920170242135, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0342074538448266}, {"word": "24-year-old", "smiley_face": 0.00030985790801646673, "positivity": 0.031080430259837984, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @rubinafillion: \"I lost a lot of coins \" confessed a 24-year-old who didn't know how to work a pay phone before #Sandy. ...", "frequency": 0.007807121200029382, "frowny_face": 0.00017706166172369527, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9365455269797707, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03237404276039131}, {"word": "roethlisberger", "smiley_face": 0.00039974416373520947, "positivity": 0.034282539174928045, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFakeESPN: Steelers unable to stay in Jersey hotel due to weather making Sandy the first woman to force Roethlisberger out of a h ...", "frequency": 0.01801740642161927, "frowny_face": 0.00039974416373520947, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9327730252638311, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032944435561240805}, {"word": "utility-repair", "smiley_face": 0.0003795066413662239, "positivity": 0.031583301707779884, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: In Lower Manhattan would-be robbers posed as utility-repair workers. Security concerns are rising after #Sandy: ...", "frequency": 0.022363520926773354, "frowny_face": 0.00031625553447185326, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9362112586970271, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03220543959519292}, {"word": "greatest", "smiley_face": 0.0004248990864669641, "positivity": 0.0325977267898874, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @rickygervais: Just arrived back at my New York home. Still the greatest city in the world. Fuck you Sandy.", "frequency": 0.011521040707065743, "frowny_face": 0.00010622477161674102, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.933211174845974, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.034191098364138514}, {"word": "greatest", "smiley_face": 0.00023217118755562433, "positivity": 0.03464346244631041, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @rickygervais: Just arrived back at my New York home. Still the greatest city in the world. Fuck you Sandy.", "frequency": 0.010943575294829358, "frowny_face": 0.00019347598962968695, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9324720427194985, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03288449483419108}, {"word": "overnight", "smiley_face": 0.0001725848901928636, "positivity": 0.033245933468524835, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @SIgirlproblem: A hurricane happens in another country and there is aid there overnight but it's been 4 days and still no help in SI ...", "frequency": 0.009314176140994513, "frowny_face": 0.00043146222548215906, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9346874056176382, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03206666091383699}, {"word": "askin", "smiley_face": 0.00020371577574967406, "positivity": 0.02741215775749674, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@TinysNYC I'm askin u to please bring awareness to @gbsandyrelief whose helpin people in Brooklyn that lost their homes bc of Sandy", "frequency": 0.3489263306497911, "frowny_face": 0.00028520208604954365, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9443703145371578, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028217527705345503}, {"word": "not shown", "smiley_face": 5.2656521510189036e-05, "positivity": 0.03218335000789847, "time_bin": 75, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MarkSimoneNY: FEMA has still not shown up 3 days after Sandy. SI residents in Katrina like conditions scream for help - ...", "frequency": 0.007574297468819707, "frowny_face": 0.00021062608604075614, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9350942551735032, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03272239481859829}, {"word": "early-admission", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03420647674701729, "time_bin": 76, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: #Sandy prompts colleges to push back early-admission deadlines from Nov. 1 to Nov. 4 or later.", "frequency": 0.009153531253969355, "frowny_face": 0.00024348672997321646, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9320215485756026, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033771974677380086}, {"word": "not lose", "smiley_face": 0.00025451768897938407, "positivity": 0.03198612878595063, "time_bin": 77, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @CoolStoryJ: RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re e ...", "frequency": 0.017519904336377744, "frowny_face": 0.0005090353779587681, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9332686434207177, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03474522779333164}, {"word": "nite", "smiley_face": 0.00015377518068583732, "positivity": 0.03228417653390743, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @grrlapoet: @shushugah OCCUPY SANDY RELIEF MorusNYC and C-SQUAT 155 Avenue C at 10th St Accepts donations all day till late nite ht ...", "frequency": 0.06136638113663677, "frowny_face": 0.0006151007227433493, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9365292941719207, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031186529294171917}, {"word": "nite", "smiley_face": 7.930214115781126e-05, "positivity": 0.03201379857256146, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@therealdjscoop Halloween Nite / Hurricane Sandy #Go8000 w/ DJ G$Mobey Episode 9!", "frequency": 0.06993065527525212, "frowny_face": 0.0008723235527359239, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9322164948453608, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03576970658207772}, {"word": "resolve", "smiley_face": 4.463687898942106e-05, "positivity": 0.032279962505021645, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYTMetro: Despair Begins to Turn Into Resolve After Sandy", "frequency": 0.009756023723171858, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.932860554390037, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03485948310494131}, {"word": "customer-service", "smiley_face": 9.297136481963555e-05, "positivity": 0.031499256229081445, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @erin719nyc: Do you have an inspiring/horrifying customer-service tale from Sandy? Tell @FastCompany about it here:", "frequency": 0.007594487087655732, "frowny_face": 0.0001859427296392711, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.935838136853849, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03266260691706954}, {"word": "nite", "smiley_face": 0.0002221235006663705, "positivity": 0.03045661187620317, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@youngboogs @YoungProblemz @YourBoyforLife Halloween Nite / Hurricane Sandy #Go8000 w/ DJ G$Money Episode 9!", "frequency": 0.031929073900250106, "frowny_face": 7.404116688879017e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9388928994520954, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030650488671701462}, {"word": "nite", "smiley_face": 7.71188401326444e-05, "positivity": 0.030217783604534584, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@flygeeniusNYC Halloween Nite / Hurricane Sandy #Go8000 w/ DJ G$Money Episode 9!", "frequency": 0.031883165814124655, "frowny_face": 7.71188401326444e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.937981992750829, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03180022364463639}, {"word": "ferry", "smiley_face": 0.00015893829220805023, "positivity": 0.030632971748718558, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Gothamist: Staten Island Ferry Service Resumes At Noon #Sandy", "frequency": 0.005948113989089135, "frowny_face": 0.00011920371915603766, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9371448722533476, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03222215599793381}, {"word": "lazier", "smiley_face": 0.0002000466775580969, "positivity": 0.030724369019437873, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RFT !! \"@Weedbroo_: This hurricane has made me lazier than I already was. I barely do anything \"", "frequency": 0.008522147006550816, "frowny_face": 0.00013336445170539793, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.937802153835895, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031473477144667084}, {"word": "not exercise", "smiley_face": 0.00019421875505778007, "positivity": 0.0305711002492474, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Larrycaputo: All this hurricane has said to me is that it's ok to eat whatever I want and not exercise at all #Sandy", "frequency": 0.00999432360641349, "frowny_face": 6.473958501926002e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9394684880069919, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029960411743760722}, {"word": "martian", "smiley_face": 0.00011958861516383641, "positivity": 0.030858885434106677, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Video: #HurricaneUpdateCominSoon! GLOBAL ATTACK MIXTAPE SERIES PRESENTS: @Mr_VNOVAs P.A.I.D. and MARTIAN:...", "frequency": 0.014841435202315944, "frowny_face": 0.0001793829227457546, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9384268117675197, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030714302798373592}, {"word": "unleaded", "smiley_face": 0.00029270332427346854, "positivity": 0.029616600459962363, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @YourAnonNews: LIST OF OPEN GAS STATIONS WITH UNLEADED! | #Sandy #occupysandy #sandyvolunteers", "frequency": 0.007015656049446189, "frowny_face": 0.000167259042441982, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9381402885218482, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03224311101818942}, {"word": "societe", "smiley_face": 4.000800160032006e-05, "positivity": 0.030246649329865972, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @SocGen_US: Societe Generale announces it will match dollar for dollar employee donations designated to Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.", "frequency": 0.007234969918970673, "frowny_face": 0.0001200240048009602, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9393128625725145, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030440488097619525}, {"word": "deadlines-they", "smiley_face": 9.735676386116926e-05, "positivity": 0.028827678527965736, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "What you gonna do praise Obama again? @GovChristie: If the power companies do not meet deadlines-they will hear from me. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0268265319717832, "frowny_face": 0.0003407486735140924, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9407158156062893, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03045650586574502}, {"word": "deadlines-they", "smiley_face": 5.4791518272971344e-05, "positivity": 0.030830255876390333, "time_bin": 91, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: If the power companies do not meet deadlines-they will hear from me. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.012959925637239514, "frowny_face": 0.00016437455481891402, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9406676346501561, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02850210947345351}, {"word": "not little", "smiley_face": 0.00020763503692937442, "positivity": 0.031475632545308926, "time_bin": 92, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @JohnSchriffen: Unbelievable scene flying over #StatenIsland in an #NYPD helicopter. Those are not little toys! #Sandy @ABC http://t. ...", "frequency": 0.008664727706309818, "frowny_face": 0.00020763503692937442, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9376575801619553, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03086678729273574}, {"word": "military", "smiley_face": 0.0001585917056537943, "positivity": 0.03127503766553009, "time_bin": 93, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @nytimes: Breaking News: U.S. Military to Truck Fuel to Region Hit by Hurricane Sandy", "frequency": 0.008618110363450044, "frowny_face": 7.929585282689715e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9368111172785664, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03191384505590358}, {"word": "tune-in", "smiley_face": 0.00021549402004094386, "positivity": 0.03196045684732249, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Bravotv: The benefit concert Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together is on NOW! All funds raised go directly to @RedCross. Tune-in and don ...", "frequency": 0.015411021791845732, "frowny_face": 0.00010774701002047193, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9366986316129727, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03134091153970477}, {"word": "roic", "smiley_face": 0.00018627177051317874, "positivity": 0.032242618981093416, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I just love these guys! RT @GovChristie Talking with Pres. Obama about needs in #NJ at the ROIC Friday evening. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.010220252223312874, "frowny_face": 4.6567942628294685e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9389086802645059, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02884870075440067}, {"word": "not donating", "smiley_face": 0.00011323745895142112, "positivity": 0.03289157513305402, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Ha! RT @FisolaNYDN: Thankfully Dwyane Wade is not donating his effort from tonight's game to the hurricane victims.", "frequency": 0.0123352045779983, "frowny_face": 0.00028309364737855283, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.935546653833088, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031561771033857995}, {"word": "appreciative", "smiley_face": 9.92063492063492e-05, "positivity": 0.033345734126984126, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @DEVgetitIN23: After Hurricane Sandy Im Alot More Appreciative For Everything", "frequency": 0.010571767731602497, "frowny_face": 0.00029761904761904765, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9335193452380952, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033134920634920635}, {"word": "not workin", "smiley_face": 0.00048196089231616635, "positivity": 0.03366558799228862, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"@fuck_KINGRENZ: Not workin this whole week cuz of a hurricane showed me to appreciate my job ill be bored af\"", "frequency": 0.005873020752658521, "frowny_face": 0.00048196089231616635, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.934728724869182, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03160568713852933}, {"word": "2give", "smiley_face": 0.00017037710131758292, "positivity": 0.031054407087687416, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@ladygaga u don't know me yet i'm trusting God that u can help. i've gathered my coats 2give 2sandy victims do u have any 2give dm me", "frequency": 0.09295574385834292, "frowny_face": 0.00028396183552930487, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9393954452521581, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02955014766015447}, {"word": "brooklyn-themed", "smiley_face": 7.662248103593594e-05, "positivity": 0.03242517814726841, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Jimmy Kimmel to Auction Off Brooklyn-Themed Desk for Hurricane Sandy Relief: The custom-made desk was used for f...", "frequency": 0.007385122575404977, "frowny_face": 0.00015324496207187187, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.936575741322504, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030999080530227565}, {"word": "linger", "smiley_face": 0.0002723064355087592, "positivity": 0.03344830716165925, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Gary Rothfeld MD Temperatures fall tempers rise as Sandy power outages linger - CNN: Brisbane TimesTemperatures fall t... Baltimore MD", "frequency": 0.030359938742500255, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9339429971861668, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03260869565217391}, {"word": "b'way", "smiley_face": 0.00021249468763280918, "positivity": 0.03151721206969826, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@westendproducer Many thx! Our lights r back on B'way &amp; the W Village where I live. Wonder if ANNIE w/leverage the whole #Sandy thing? #FF", "frequency": 0.017487937745657482, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9365703357416064, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03191245218869528}, {"word": "o'night", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02968364831552999, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @ConEdison: #ConEdison o'night gets power to West Village Tribeca Soho Kips Bay all #Sandy victims from E. 13th St. substatn. Mos ...", "frequency": 0.09366263580194506, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9426355792933443, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027680772391125718}, {"word": "o'night", "smiley_face": 0.0003064038402614646, "positivity": 0.0304431620876315, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ConEdison: #ConEdison o'night gets power to West Village Tribeca Soho Kips Bay all #Sandy victims from E. 13th St. substatn. Mos ...", "frequency": 0.06263527691224642, "frowny_face": 0.0002042692268409764, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9397278112552344, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029829026657134102}, {"word": "dayafter", "smiley_face": 0.00022945252627231425, "positivity": 0.029272406039190492, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#Sandy =TotalMisery Death CriesForHelp-#Obama at LasVegas JayZ Party-O Went There DayAfter 4SlainLibya! #catholic #tlot", "frequency": 0.0664060636017578, "frowny_face": 0.00013767151576338856, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9408987655454086, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029828828415400854}, {"word": "o'night", "smiley_face": 9.398054602697242e-05, "positivity": 0.031476434378083736, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ConEdison: #ConEdison o'night gets power to West Village Tribeca Soho Kips Bay all #Sandy victims from E. 13th St. substatn. Mos ...", "frequency": 0.022079405346378513, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9368215779333678, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03170198768854847}, {"word": "circulate", "smiley_face": 0.00039642338017002157, "positivity": 0.03080473946174514, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @rhookinitiative: #Sandyvolunteers! #RedHook: Circulate flyer w/ todays info. Immediacy: Volunteers @ 405 Van Brunt w/ cleaning suppl ...", "frequency": 0.008432633637679514, "frowny_face": 0.00017618816896445403, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9370677883980091, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032127472140245784}, {"word": "scalable", "smiley_face": 0.00016015374759769378, "positivity": 0.0321670003203075, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hogan &gt; #cspan2012 #OHIO #Florida # IOWA #sandy &gt;&gt; A new column now underway &gt; SCALABLE SKETCHY now partially...", "frequency": 0.0063221132005992, "frowny_face": 8.007687379884689e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9371246396540679, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0307083600256246}, {"word": "moral", "smiley_face": 0.00010935335714806444, "positivity": 0.03160563534300503, "time_bin": 109, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod: I think the Heat threw that game last night. Showing sympathy cause of the damage Sandy caused NYC. Quick moral boost for t ...", "frequency": 0.018967387279775184, "frowny_face": 0.00014580447619741925, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9379875337172852, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03040683093970985}, {"word": "anheuser-busch", "smiley_face": 0.0003641071284084473, "positivity": 0.03112836799093778, "time_bin": 110, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @darrenrovell: Anheuser-Busch plant produces 1 million cans of water for Sandy victims in NY &amp; NJ. Here's the can ...", "frequency": 0.00926540815914732, "frowny_face": 0.00020228173800469293, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.939613844162149, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02925778784691318}, {"word": "sandy-relief", "smiley_face": 5.2012899199001353e-05, "positivity": 0.031925049412254235, "time_bin": 111, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @nfl: Manning Umenyiora call for donations in Sandy-relief effort:", "frequency": 0.011842201844044432, "frowny_face": 5.2012899199001353e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9386962966815771, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02937865390616873}, {"word": "not booty", "smiley_face": 0.00024018253872943438, "positivity": 0.03168157799927945, "time_bin": 112, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.03656830775178755, "frowny_face": 0.00018013690404707576, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9378902966254353, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030428125375285216}, {"word": "not booty", "smiley_face": 0.00013012926173332177, "positivity": 0.031021991845232934, "time_bin": 113, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.012605032095825848, "frowny_face": 4.337642057777392e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9391591480870999, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029818860067667215}, {"word": "not booty", "smiley_face": 0.00020706077233668082, "positivity": 0.031389118956413706, "time_bin": 114, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.007633288190720691, "frowny_face": 0.00010353038616834041, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9379141215446734, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030696759498912932}, {"word": "storm-affected", "smiley_face": 0.0001843233030735911, "positivity": 0.0312998018524492, "time_bin": 115, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYGovCuomo: Unemployed as a result of #Sandy? Call 1-888-469-7365 to find out about jobs helping clean up storm-affected areas: htt ...", "frequency": 0.012914578251664663, "frowny_face": 9.216165153679554e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9381768121284734, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030523386019077458}, {"word": "st", "smiley_face": 0.00015331936423570297, "positivity": 0.03187478918587417, "time_bin": 116, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @OccupySandy: TOMORROW: Canarsie Cmmty Bkfast needs volunteers at 9:30a Meet at 1222 E96th St btwn Flatlands &amp; Ave J Contact Ru ...", "frequency": 0.009708061130650434, "frowny_face": 0.0002555322737261716, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9374073695507743, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030717841263351562}, {"word": "online", "smiley_face": 0.00014560279557367502, "positivity": 0.032311735585323235, "time_bin": 117, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MikeBloomberg: 80% of the subway system is back online. @MTAInsider expects that to be 90% tomorrow #SandyNYC #Recovery", "frequency": 0.010838622915821048, "frowny_face": 0.00043680838672102506, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9347608474082703, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03292741700640652}, {"word": "signed", "smiley_face": 0.00011625203441060219, "positivity": 0.03183972719522592, "time_bin": 118, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: I've signed an Exec. Order prohibiting insurance companies from imposing costly hurricane deductibles on NJ homeowners. ...", "frequency": 0.018682641514423625, "frowny_face": 7.750135627373479e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9357610633186081, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03239920948616601}, {"word": "industrial", "smiley_face": 0.0001479946721918011, "positivity": 0.03224774308124908, "time_bin": 119, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Family w/ industrial pumps offering to help pump water from homes for FREE in #Rockaway!!! #Sandy #Humanity #Help", "frequency": 0.010214080417517915, "frowny_face": 0.0001479946721918011, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9367014454146317, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03105081150411918}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.00021305607635929778, "positivity": 0.030858786432589054, "time_bin": 120, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: E-mail and fax voting will be available to New Jerseyans displaced by Hurricane #Sandy. For more information call 1-877 ...", "frequency": 0.03155489202519777, "frowny_face": 0.00012783364581557866, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9369833390148287, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03215787455258224}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.0001310329766324525, "positivity": 0.030936580039309897, "time_bin": 121, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: E-mail and fax voting will be available to New Jerseyans displaced by Hurricane #Sandy. For more information call 1-877 ...", "frequency": 0.023181421179388182, "frowny_face": 0.00021838829438742082, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9380432408822887, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03102017907840139}, {"word": "evac", "smiley_face": 0.0002716062795371829, "positivity": 0.03287114998098756, "time_bin": 122, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MeirHefner_215: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evac ...", "frequency": 0.011316473014528115, "frowny_face": 0.00021728502362974633, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9354799282959422, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03164892172307024}, {"word": "keep", "smiley_face": 0.0001840942562592047, "positivity": 0.032727908689248894, "time_bin": 123, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@MissLizVicious Trying to keep warm w/ no power thanks to Sandy !", "frequency": 0.01174935584444349, "frowny_face": 9.204712812960235e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9347040684830633, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032568022827687775}, {"word": "dry+safe+ok", "smiley_face": 8.322929671244278e-05, "positivity": 0.031835205992509365, "time_bin": 124, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ConEdison: #ConEdison: to speed your electricity's return; make sure area's pumped dry+safe+OK by certfied electrician #Sandy Safety ...", "frequency": 0.01522931341730622, "frowny_face": 8.322929671244278e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9357885975863504, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032376196421140244}, {"word": "r-t", "smiley_face": 0.0002090738030524775, "positivity": 0.03220029270332427, "time_bin": 125, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneFollow: RIP to this angel killed last night by a drunk cop. She will be honored at the #HipHopAwards. R-T for Respect. &lt ...", "frequency": 0.012353554849004267, "frowny_face": 0.0002090738030524775, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9348343090110809, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03296539828559481}, {"word": "r-t", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03143598564163925, "time_bin": 126, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneFollow: RIP to this angel killed last night by a drunk cop. She will be honored at the #HipHopAwards. R-T for Respect. &lt ...", "frequency": 0.019412729048435277, "frowny_face": 0.0007478312892611427, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.936509123541729, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032054890816631765}, {"word": "stockpile", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.027835310344827585, "time_bin": 127, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Told to stand down too? \"@cayankee: Why didnt Obama's FEMA stockpile food water and gasoline before #Sandy? It had a week to prepare.", "frequency": 0.013096619521562323, "frowny_face": 0.00013793103448275863, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.94, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03216468965517242}, {"word": "slower", "smiley_face": 0.0003770739064856712, "positivity": 0.02750810708898944, "time_bin": 128, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Sandy socks NJ economy: With unemployment already high and slower than national growth the state must now conte...", "frequency": 0.02550852666529755, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9413885746606335, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031103318250377075}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.0002966830831305999, "positivity": 0.0321987776656975, "time_bin": 129, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: E-mail and fax voting will be available to New Jerseyans displaced by Hurricane #Sandy. For more information call 1-877 ...", "frequency": 0.019307935918161646, "frowny_face": 0.00011867323325223996, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9385050139441049, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029296208390197594}, {"word": "autistic", "smiley_face": 4.637573621481241e-05, "positivity": 0.03104465983397486, "time_bin": 130, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "TWEEPS PLZ HELP: my Linden-NJ fam NEEDS gas/my autistic cousin&amp;his gma NEED the generator to run&amp;D batts!! #SandyHelp", "frequency": 0.015451023476288923, "frowny_face": 0.00018550294485924964, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9380072346148495, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030948105551175626}, {"word": "visible", "smiley_face": 0.00010934339292548247, "positivity": 0.03222896506478596, "time_bin": 131, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: Volunteers mobilize to confront a less visible crisis post-Sandy -- the elderly and disabled stuck in their apartments. http:// ...", "frequency": 0.011040427459921679, "frowny_face": 0.00010934339292548247, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9368815264337652, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0308895085014488}, {"word": "invaluable", "smiley_face": 0.00013757050488375291, "positivity": 0.03112769982115834, "time_bin": 132, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @SamSifton: Via the invaluable @coopnytimes here's a list of post #Sandy polling site changes in New York City. RT obvs.: http://t. ...", "frequency": 0.014731843607953968, "frowny_face": 0.0001031778786628147, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9387682280918971, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030104072086944562}, {"word": "m-xl", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031186267936167363, "time_bin": 133, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @OccupySandy: Sweatpants (sized Mens M-XL) needed at the Brooklyn Armory. Evacuated medical patients being housed there need warmth. ...", "frequency": 0.008536471536512455, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9396540163604666, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029159715703365962}, {"word": "thousands-no", "smiley_face": 0.00022849308808408546, "positivity": 0.030326059636695987, "time_bin": 134, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Obama &amp;HIS BIG GOVT FAILED #NYC #Sandy -OneWeekLater!100s THousands-No Water Power Food-FreezingWeather-Looters-Chaos #Michigan #Wisconsin", "frequency": 0.02484144106977713, "frowny_face": 0.00011424654404204273, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.939263681023649, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03041025933965498}, {"word": "official", "smiley_face": 0.0003283353398270767, "positivity": 0.03030945605778702, "time_bin": 135, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @CoryBooker: You CAN vote by email and fax if you have been displaced by #Sandy. Here is official NJ website on issue. ...", "frequency": 0.015353815343210371, "frowny_face": 0.00016416766991353835, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.940420816460545, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029269727481667944}, {"word": "not hoard", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02918776382302361, "time_bin": 136, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @NY1headlines: #ny1sandy Governor Cuomo Mayor Bloomberg Urge New Yorkers To Not Hoard Gasoline", "frequency": 0.010161515096598739, "frowny_face": 5.2113189848350616e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9412293501485226, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029582886028453798}, {"word": "plz", "smiley_face": 9.394522993095025e-05, "positivity": 0.029489078867020523, "time_bin": 137, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": ".@MartinTruex56 who cares if you win? Just DONATE whatever $ u get today 4 #Sandy &amp; challenge. @NASCAR &amp; peers to match PLZ RT if u agree!", "frequency": 0.011812267047886274, "frowny_face": 0.0001878904598619005, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9409612945652684, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02954962656771103}, {"word": "brooklyn", "smiley_face": 6.236357966947302e-05, "positivity": 0.030031555971312754, "time_bin": 138, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MikeBloomberg: NYC is mobilizing resources for neighborhoods hardest hit by Sandy especially Brooklyn the Rockwaways &amp; #Staten ...", "frequency": 0.010354106174923368, "frowny_face": 6.236357966947302e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9397411911443717, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03022725288431556}, {"word": "alternate-side", "smiley_face": 0.0002767400027674, "positivity": 0.02978672570453392, "time_bin": 139, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @NY1headlines: #ny1sandy Alternate-Side Parking To Be Suspended Citywide Monday Tuesday", "frequency": 0.009270689670669732, "frowny_face": 4.612333379456667e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9407026889903602, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029510585305105856}, {"word": "stricken", "smiley_face": 0.0004579517069109076, "positivity": 0.03393059950041632, "time_bin": 140, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @OccupySandy: UHaul is offering free storage and moving services for stricken superstorm victims in the Northeast:", "frequency": 0.010082656749501684, "frowny_face": 4.1631973355537055e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9331078268109908, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032961573688592836}, {"word": "stricken", "smiley_face": 0.00030959752321981426, "positivity": 0.03148496240601504, "time_bin": 141, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @BWheatnyc: Nice! RT @OccupySandy: UHaul is offering free storage and moving services for stricken superstorm victims in the Northeas ...", "frequency": 0.017118336032446255, "frowny_face": 8.845643520566122e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9375884564352056, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0309265811587793}, {"word": "e-zpass", "smiley_face": 0.0003473428273706148, "positivity": 0.03146618369473527, "time_bin": 142, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MTAInsider: Toll suspension on Marine Parkway and Cross Bay bridges retroactive to end of Sandy for E-ZPass customers.", "frequency": 0.014239029436865131, "frowny_face": 0.00014886121173026347, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9371433533468962, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03139046295836848}, {"word": "6th", "smiley_face": 0.00028690288337397793, "positivity": 0.035345000717257206, "time_bin": 143, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @indiaarie: My new single 6th Avenue - All proceeds go to Hurricane Sandy clean up .... Feels good to be back :-)", "frequency": 0.009416847935695895, "frowny_face": 7.172572084349448e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.932945416726438, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03170958255630469}, {"word": "strategic", "smiley_face": 0.0004187604690117253, "positivity": 0.03097671691792295, "time_bin": 144, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "A strategic hack of Amazon's wedding registry by #OccupySandy to help victims. Contribute now! via @michaelorell", "frequency": 0.009251976216442347, "frowny_face": 0.0002512562814070352, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9386515912897823, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030371691792294805}, {"word": "interested", "smiley_face": 0.0005042016806722689, "positivity": 0.031722058823529416, "time_bin": 145, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ggreenwald: Twitter's been great for finding adopters for these Sandy-abandoned pets- -if interested pls conta ...", "frequency": 0.011023054932511527, "frowny_face": 0.00025210084033613445, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.935672268907563, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03260567226890756}, {"word": "site", "smiley_face": 0.00019976028765481422, "positivity": 0.03148721534159009, "time_bin": 146, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MikeBloomberg: For a list of NYC polling site changes due to #Sandy click here: #Election2012 #VOTE (Please RT)", "frequency": 0.006555449992858371, "frowny_face": 0.0002996404314822213, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9361641030763085, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032348681582101475}, {"word": "not back", "smiley_face": 0.00017343797424446082, "positivity": 0.03140853314833283, "time_bin": 147, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Casablancas_J NYC IS NOT BACK TO NORMAL PLEASE retweet &amp; RAISE AWARENESS- Volunteers Needed! @OccupySandy #SandyAid", "frequency": 0.057531440565880936, "frowny_face": 0.00021679746780557603, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.935692451112171, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03289901573949616}, {"word": "hindunew", "smiley_face": 0.0003678273663560569, "positivity": 0.033334355076017654, "time_bin": 148, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "New York region struggles to move on a week after Sandy - Reuters: The HinduNew York region struggle... #longisland", "frequency": 0.015319622014389979, "frowny_face": 0.00012260912211868564, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9339443354585582, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03272130946542423}, {"word": "aighh", "smiley_face": 0.0001591849729385546, "positivity": 0.03156733524355301, "time_bin": 149, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ReCKlesB: Home with me @ItsSimply_Sandy: @Liyah_JLovee Aighh where her sexy ass at ?? &amp; I miss Youuu toooo", "frequency": 0.014852676740459184, "frowny_face": 0.0001591849729385546, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9374602037567653, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03097246099968163}, {"word": "manic", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03019453612027869, "time_bin": 150, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Manic Monday looms for commuters in wake of Sandy - Fox News: ABC NewsManic Monday looms for commuters in wake o...", "frequency": 0.07723861335380518, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9336266960029336, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.036178767876787685}, {"word": "mailmanic", "smiley_face": 0.0001718213058419244, "positivity": 0.031882474226804125, "time_bin": 151, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Gary Rothfeld MD Manic Monday looms for commuters in wake of Sandy - Fox News: Globe and MailManic Monday looms for comm... Baltimore MD", "frequency": 0.05164495752671738, "frowny_face": 0.0001718213058419244, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.936340206185567, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03177731958762886}, {"word": "northern", "smiley_face": 0.00021150592216582064, "positivity": 0.031031197123519462, "time_bin": 152, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Dear noo!\"@AP: Small earthquake rattles some northern New Jersey towns still dealing with effects of Sandy: - VW\"", "frequency": 0.03353428039950531, "frowny_face": 0.00010575296108291032, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.932886527072758, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03608227580372251}, {"word": "northern", "smiley_face": 0.00012298610257040955, "positivity": 0.03355042430205386, "time_bin": 153, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane and now an earthquake hit northern jersey. Sheesh.", "frequency": 0.021755469750771275, "frowny_face": 0.00012298610257040955, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9339257163940474, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03252385930389866}, {"word": "northern", "smiley_face": 0.00021004621016623657, "positivity": 0.032583808437856326, "time_bin": 154, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AP: Small earthquake rattles some northern New Jersey towns still dealing with effects of Sandy: - VW", "frequency": 0.009649077029060121, "frowny_face": 0.00015003300726159756, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9345030906799496, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03291310088219408}, {"word": "practices-including", "smiley_face": 0.0001224514786016041, "positivity": 0.03148916304414376, "time_bin": 155, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: Sandy has forced many banks to resort to low-tech practices-including recording transactions by hand.", "frequency": 0.006254232909759956, "frowny_face": 3.0612869650401026e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.936646666258495, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03186417069736117}, {"word": "nor'easter", "smiley_face": 4.271678769756514e-05, "positivity": 0.030888466467321653, "time_bin": 156, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @BENNY_GO_HOME: 1st a Hurricane then an Earthquake and soon a Nor'Easter? WTF. Stay strong locals #JerseyStrong", "frequency": 0.008974881875766866, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9383116189662537, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030799914566424606}, {"word": "m-f", "smiley_face": 0.0001278663370556645, "positivity": 0.030309649646236468, "time_bin": 157, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @RutgersOCPE: Questions on post #hurricane food safety / env health? Call NJ DOH staff at 2-1-1 or 866-234-0964 | 8am-8pm M-F 10am-5 ...", "frequency": 0.007884012549872307, "frowny_face": 0.0003409768988151053, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9392261955502514, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030464154803512063}, {"word": "not voting", "smiley_face": 0.00024907486478793056, "positivity": 0.03157667947623114, "time_bin": 158, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@AllJerseyRadio Burning Ballots for Warmth: Why I'm Not Voting #Sandy #Voting #Relief", "frequency": 0.015067359516602223, "frowny_face": 7.116424708226587e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9381137916310845, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030309528892684314}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.00034010713374713037, "positivity": 0.030274296403367058, "time_bin": 159, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @cnnbrk: New Jersey lets #Sandy victims vote via e-mail.", "frequency": 0.01594753743801352, "frowny_face": 0.0005526740923390869, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9397319530652155, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0299937505314174}, {"word": "wheresbig", "smiley_face": 0.00011870492922218595, "positivity": 0.031175327180461173, "time_bin": 160, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "WheresBIG GOVT? #Sandy VictimsBeg #Obama 4Help-Hypothermia! Imagine BIGGOVT&amp;#ObamaCare! #Romney #doctor #hospital #GOP", "frequency": 0.042863002918614744, "frowny_face": 0.00020773362613882542, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9392490429415081, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029575629878030682}, {"word": "not overwhelm", "smiley_face": 0.00013986666045037065, "positivity": 0.029249009277821814, "time_bin": 161, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYMag: Sandy is not an excuse to clean your closet. Please do not overwhelm relief workers with your unwanted clothing. ...", "frequency": 0.013357784565007696, "frowny_face": 0.0001864888806004942, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9415998414844515, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029151149237726697}, {"word": "libya-biggerscandalthanwatergate", "smiley_face": 7.5125835774923e-05, "positivity": 0.02968927954323492, "time_bin": 162, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#Media Ignores: #Obama's Katrina (#Sandy) Libya-BiggerScandalThanWatergate Fast&amp;Furious Economic Disaster etc #catholic #pastor #evangelical", "frequency": 0.03771816309293088, "frowny_face": 7.5125835774923e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9439842987003231, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02632642175644204}, {"word": "whove", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02937632203321671, "time_bin": 163, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @KChenoweth: As i sing tonight i will be thinking of all those whove suffered thru Hurricane Sandy.", "frequency": 0.008282992645948277, "frowny_face": 0.00012064181445288937, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9387793059074275, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03184437205935577}, {"word": "thermals+ponchos", "smiley_face": 7.594456047085628e-05, "positivity": 0.029422213783937726, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @OccupySandy: Need thermals+ponchos for #Rockaways for upcoming storm. Deliver to 5406 4th Ave or 520 Clinton Ave in BK. #SandyAid #OWS", "frequency": 0.013781648541770506, "frowny_face": 3.797228023542814e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9399705714828176, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03060721473324473}, {"word": "play-by", "smiley_face": 0.00015240417587441895, "positivity": 0.02983311742741751, "time_bin": 165, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @StarLedgerHS: Latest post-Sandy high school sports playoff schedules and play-by dates for all sports", "frequency": 0.007890484518368941, "frowny_face": 7.620208793720948e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9395622190048007, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030604663567781756}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 166, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 167, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "waterfall", "smiley_face": 0.00011851149561507466, "positivity": 0.036812633325432574, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Ground zero turns into a waterfall from Sandy", "frequency": 0.006127094011284456, "frowny_face": 0.00011851149561507466, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9292190092438967, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03396835743067077}, {"word": "not evidence", "smiley_face": 0.00021233676611105213, "positivity": 0.035867289521180595, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @YourAnonNews: No #Sandy is not evidence of God's wrath. It's evidence of our refusal to even discuss climate change &amp; global wa ...", "frequency": 0.00876449655306076, "frowny_face": 5.308419152776303e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9293316700286655, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03480104045015395}, {"word": "wide-eyed", "smiley_face": 0.00024877168978170285, "positivity": 0.03510454630263076, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @BuzzEdition: WOW ----&gt;RT @milesmaker: A wide-eyed seal appears in Manhattan #Sandy", "frequency": 0.015446102877343932, "frowny_face": 0.00012438584489085142, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9304605385907084, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03443491510666086}, {"word": "hospital", "smiley_face": 0.00027915805929317177, "positivity": 0.035290882697783486, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @cnnbrk: Backup power at NYU Langone Medical Center has failed. Hospital is evacuating all patients now. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.009459594379052763, "frowny_face": 5.583161185863436e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9295056110769918, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03520350622522472}, {"word": "not freaking", "smiley_face": 7.396996819291368e-05, "positivity": 0.03472793845698646, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Rebelle_Smoke: I'm sorry that I'm not freaking out over this hurricane I like to keep a positive attitudes in situations like this", "frequency": 0.0062454718449280675, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9316055181596272, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033666543383386344}, {"word": "near-empty", "smiley_face": 0.0002686366689053056, "positivity": 0.03351155137676293, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: A dark lower Manhattan. A near-empty Times Square. A flooded carousel. Memorable photos from #Sandy:", "frequency": 0.007996929370350105, "frowny_face": 0.0001343183344526528, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9314892545332438, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03499919408999328}, {"word": "expansive", "smiley_face": 0.00013762730525736306, "positivity": 0.03374834847233691, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "DN: ...STRONG WINDS CONTINUE THIS MORNING... .THE EXPANSIVE REACH OF THE REMNANTS OF HURRICANE SANDY WILL CONTINUE TO B", "frequency": 0.026681014006594415, "frowny_face": 0.00013762730525736306, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9320293146160198, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034222336911643274}, {"word": "heaviest", "smiley_face": 0.00022200515051949205, "positivity": 0.0336708107628097, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "6 AM Update on Sandy: Sandy continues to impact the region BUT the heaviest rains/strongest winds have past!!!!!!!...", "frequency": 0.022641814709484308, "frowny_face": 0.00013320309031169522, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9339035165615842, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032425672675606074}, {"word": "water", "smiley_face": 0.0003508771929824561, "positivity": 0.0356128947368421, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Woke up at 5:45am to no power and a few inches of water in the basement. Thanks #Sandy", "frequency": 0.008652156899373287, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.928859649122807, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03552745614035088}, {"word": "g'town", "smiley_face": 0.00011095700416088766, "positivity": 0.03710507628294036, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @SegravesWTOP: Potomac River rising fast. In past hour water has come up about 6 inches in G'town. #SandyDC @WTOP", "frequency": 0.007583498073607064, "frowny_face": 0.00027739251040221914, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.92624826629681, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.036646657420249654}, {"word": "four-way", "smiley_face": 0.00038975501113585747, "positivity": 0.03553346325167037, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "MT @governoromalley: Reminder: Treat non-working traffic signals as a four-way stop. #SandyDE #trafficDE", "frequency": 0.011327970011771004, "frowny_face": 0.00016703786191536748, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9274916481069042, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.036974888641425396}, {"word": "weak", "smiley_face": 9.42684766214178e-05, "positivity": 0.03805825791855203, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @MaGELN: This hurricane was weak boy", "frequency": 0.01070681971941377, "frowny_face": 0.0002828054298642534, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9271186840120663, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0348230580693816}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00021369804466289135, "positivity": 0.035544342344267545, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.009231761121422016, "frowny_face": 0.00010684902233144567, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9297200555614916, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03473560209424084}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00019688915140775743, "positivity": 0.03686834678742534, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.020130849224533582, "frowny_face": 0.0001312594342718383, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9263552536588567, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03677639955371793}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00020590960568310512, "positivity": 0.035703129826006375, "time_bin": 14, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.02346939523428346, "frowny_face": 5.147740142077628e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.927757901781118, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.036538968392875536}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 4.268032437046522e-05, "positivity": 0.03501626120358515, "time_bin": 15, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.023833712055693033, "frowny_face": 0.0002134016218523261, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9303190354246692, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034664703371745625}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00026238455079764903, "positivity": 0.032449727120067176, "time_bin": 16, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.016794297373672582, "frowny_face": 0.00031486146095717883, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9343317065491183, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.033218566330814436}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00015330369461904033, "positivity": 0.03367361643415606, "time_bin": 17, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.02211016385005855, "frowny_face": 0.0002299555419285605, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9333703817261996, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03295600183964434}, {"word": "aint", "smiley_face": 5.934718100890208e-05, "positivity": 0.031953590504451033, "time_bin": 18, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @myfabolouslife: Aint no tv in here.. Aint no lights on in here.. Aint no Wifi in here.. We ain't got no POWER!!! #HurricaneSandy ...", "frequency": 0.016070241832226946, "frowny_face": 0.0002967359050445104, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9350222551928783, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03302415430267063}, {"word": "heavy", "smiley_face": 0.00013267878466233248, "positivity": 0.03441546150103932, "time_bin": 19, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @kingsleyyy: Hurricane Sandy has a heavy flow and a wideset vagina.", "frequency": 0.025968401816652116, "frowny_face": 0.00022113130777055417, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9305039582504091, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03508058024855158}, {"word": "post-apocolyptic", "smiley_face": 0.0003089757454039858, "positivity": 0.03411486173335393, "time_bin": 20, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Post-Apocolyptic hurricane activity #sandy #dominos #hottoddy @ Pearl's Social &amp; Billy Club", "frequency": 0.00798421571105838, "frowny_face": 0.0001544878727019929, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9305287347443225, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0353564035223235}, {"word": "not katrina", "smiley_face": 0.0002122578933404086, "positivity": 0.03424117803130804, "time_bin": 21, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Comon commish stern it's Sandy not Katrina #NBATipOff", "frequency": 0.018943324665116935, "frowny_face": 0.0002122578933404086, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9276200583709207, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03813876359777129}, {"word": "endless", "smiley_face": 0.00019867878607261708, "positivity": 0.0318465206377589, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneFollow: This Brave Girl Deserves Endless Retweets. &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; ...", "frequency": 0.020136935961455976, "frowny_face": 0.00039735757214523417, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9347464361992748, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03340704316296628}, {"word": "else", "smiley_face": 0.00014664906877841325, "positivity": 0.03351437160874028, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @757BadLuckBrian: haha i love the 757! where else would you find people doing gangnam style during a hurricane in the news? #757life ...", "frequency": 0.012351456403351972, "frowny_face": 0.0005132717407244464, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.932303123625165, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03418250476609474}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.0005962755710485276, "positivity": 0.03575103201541143, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.011775862033604426, "frowny_face": 0.00018346940647647004, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9286648013943675, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03558416659022108}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.0003306999816277788, "positivity": 0.033819695021128054, "time_bin": 25, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.014540497089712646, "frowny_face": 0.0003306999816277788, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9314578357523424, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03472246922652949}, {"word": "re-fucking", "smiley_face": 0.00022917382834880258, "positivity": 0.03284026584164088, "time_bin": 26, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @tomisahoss: Fuck you Sandy for re-fucking up my sleeping pattern FUCK", "frequency": 0.020778640590832405, "frowny_face": 0.00017188037126160193, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9340838776211756, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03307585653718346}, {"word": "pounded", "smiley_face": 5.314625850340136e-05, "positivity": 0.03329544005102041, "time_bin": 27, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - As Hurricane Sandy pounded the U.S. Atlantic coast on Monday night knocking out elect...", "frequency": 0.009891126353888063, "frowny_face": 0.0002657312925170068, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9323049532312925, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03439960671768707}, {"word": "disrupt", "smiley_face": 0.00017204301075268816, "positivity": 0.03349686021505376, "time_bin": 28, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "CNN: Will storm disrupt Tuesday voting?: Widespread damage in the East from Superstorm Sandy threw state and loc...", "frequency": 0.035026328961101354, "frowny_face": 0.00025806451612903227, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9312150537634408, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03528808602150538}, {"word": "lesbianic", "smiley_face": 0.0002121790791427965, "positivity": 0.03196679397411415, "time_bin": 29, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Pauly D Caught in Hurricane ... of Lesbianic Activity: While his beloved Jersey Shore was battening down the hat...", "frequency": 0.033969229137003856, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9365054105665181, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03152779545936771}, {"word": "poplar", "smiley_face": 0.0002601795238714713, "positivity": 0.028775074801613114, "time_bin": 30, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @poplarspring: Poplar Spring survived the hurricane with no problems and the animals are all s...: Poplar Spring survived the ... ht ...", "frequency": 0.01202739254630941, "frowny_face": 0.0005203590477429426, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9388903343306881, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03233459086769871}, {"word": "al-assad", "smiley_face": 0.0002449579488854413, "positivity": 0.031808279578672334, "time_bin": 31, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Al-Assad backers claim Sandy 'credit'", "frequency": 0.017130775371843293, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9362599003837675, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03193182003756022}, {"word": "not done", "smiley_face": 0.00016113438607798906, "positivity": 0.036481308411214955, "time_bin": 32, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @Sharkk_baitt: Hurricane sandy might have not done any damage but it fucked with my grades", "frequency": 0.019219286043764577, "frowny_face": 0.0004028359651949726, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.927479455365775, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.036039236223009995}, {"word": "rainfall", "smiley_face": 4.6803332397266686e-05, "positivity": 0.032454273144247876, "time_bin": 33, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Interesting #Sandy factoids: Most rainfall occurred in #Easton Md. and most snow in #Redhouse Md.", "frequency": 0.012068859739094169, "frowny_face": 0.00018721332958906674, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9334456613310868, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03410006552466535}, {"word": "roose", "smiley_face": 8.18732601932209e-05, "positivity": 0.03266689864090388, "time_bin": 34, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ChokeOnMyTweets: I wish I went to bowie again. Wtf sandy what are you good for. Could have atleast cut off roose's power.", "frequency": 0.007409055322887637, "frowny_face": 8.18732601932209e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9339385131815949, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03339458817750123}, {"word": "rang", "smiley_face": 4.538440591812653e-05, "positivity": 0.03206526277571027, "time_bin": 35, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT@NYCMayorsOffice: The Mayor just rang the bell to open the New York Stock Exchange. New York City is getting back to work. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.01429634849992823, "frowny_face": 0.00018153762367250612, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9346124171734592, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03332232005083053}, {"word": "haven", "smiley_face": 0.00020889910173386254, "positivity": 0.0315311607826753, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NBCConnecticut: A tree toppled by #Sandy in New Haven unearthed a skeleton under the New Haven Green", "frequency": 0.009133207263076096, "frowny_face": 0.0004177982034677251, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9351281247823968, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03334071443492793}, {"word": "not a", "smiley_face": 0.00020938023450586265, "positivity": 0.03087395309882747, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TFLN: (570): It's a hurricane not a zombie apocalypse. WHY DID YOU BUY SHOTGUNS?!?!", "frequency": 0.018967990080446088, "frowny_face": 6.979341150195422e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9336613623673925, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.035464684533780017}, {"word": "metro-north", "smiley_face": 0.0001406206056060748, "positivity": 0.0318726914783913, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MTAInsider: Photo of a boat resting on the tracks at Metro-North's Ossining Station after #Sandy.", "frequency": 0.011887371402582452, "frowny_face": 0.0001406206056060748, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9359590325302334, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03216827599137527}, {"word": "amar'e", "smiley_face": 0.0001738374619730552, "positivity": 0.0320180356366797, "time_bin": 39, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AlexKennedyNBA: After Sandy Amar'e Stoudemire finds his Range Rover underwater:", "frequency": 0.009182980870027713, "frowny_face": 0.0001738374619730552, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9350717079530639, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03291025641025641}, {"word": "tri-state", "smiley_face": 0.0001914901765539428, "positivity": 0.03235226532878863, "time_bin": 40, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Yankees: The #Yankees will donate $500 000 to help the tri-state area recover from Hurricane Sandy.", "frequency": 0.0099788764203986, "frowny_face": 0.0003829803531078856, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9350225958408334, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032625138830378}, {"word": "movin", "smiley_face": 0.0003878975950349108, "positivity": 0.028782583397982932, "time_bin": 41, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @hurricannesandy: SO I'M MOVIN ON LETTIN GO HOLDIN ON TO TOMORROW. I'VE ALWAYS GOT THE MEMORIES AS I'M DYIN RIP HURRICANE SANDYYYY.", "frequency": 0.01886672157745109, "frowny_face": 0.00024243599689681924, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9393425135764158, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03187490302560124}, {"word": "wet", "smiley_face": 0.00021087259078065034, "positivity": 0.03072940829151027, "time_bin": 42, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @jimjonescapo: Y r hurricanes named after bitches when they come they r wet n wild but when they go they take ur house n car wit them", "frequency": 0.012022238843070833, "frowny_face": 0.0001265235544683902, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9377767702753996, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031493821433090124}, {"word": "wapo-abc", "smiley_face": 4.9608096041273936e-05, "positivity": 0.03021624169064391, "time_bin": 43, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#p2 #ObamaBiden2012 #Sandy WaPo-ABC tracking poll: high marks for President Obama on Hurricane Sandy response", "frequency": 0.00856387503709151, "frowny_face": 0.00024804048020636967, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9385851771009028, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031198581208453223}, {"word": "smh", "smiley_face": 0.00036529680365296805, "positivity": 0.03162861491628615, "time_bin": 44, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ducidni: dis bitch sandy smh", "frequency": 0.03313609886958848, "frowny_face": 0.00018264840182648402, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9366438356164384, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0317275494672755}, {"word": "not able", "smiley_face": 0.00023785455194148778, "positivity": 0.03361592436225248, "time_bin": 45, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ryanlochte: Don't forget to keep your thoughts &amp; prayers with those in the northeast recovering from #Sandy &amp; not able to ce ...", "frequency": 0.0262700865905072, "frowny_face": 0.00041624546589760363, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9321073913302016, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034276684307545935}, {"word": "buddy", "smiley_face": 0.00010525207872855489, "positivity": 0.03261067256078307, "time_bin": 46, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @toppscards: Treat #3- Five Star BB is LOADED with inscriptions! Ya Buddy! RT for chance to win box of 5 Star BB! #TakeThatSandy! h ...", "frequency": 0.017108097125284962, "frowny_face": 0.00031575623618566466, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9349936848752762, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032395642563940646}, {"word": "buddy", "smiley_face": 0.00047189597315436244, "positivity": 0.031078911493288588, "time_bin": 47, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @toppscards: Treat #3- Five Star BB is LOADED with inscriptions! Ya Buddy! RT for chance to win box of 5 Star BB! #TakeThatSandy! h ...", "frequency": 0.008083784236651698, "frowny_face": 0.0003145973154362416, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.936549653942953, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03237143456375839}, {"word": "hoe", "smiley_face": 0.00031940377961139205, "positivity": 0.032910407239819, "time_bin": 48, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Ratchet2English: Why name hurricane hoe names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be eva ...", "frequency": 0.01861888652009922, "frowny_face": 0.0003726377428799574, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9336305562949162, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03345903646526484}, {"word": "elect", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03442952639927487, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elect next Tuesday.", "frequency": 0.029598135327374972, "frowny_face": 0.0005098572399728076, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9301778835259461, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03539259007477906}, {"word": "elect", "smiley_face": 5.038037180714394e-05, "positivity": 0.03290120409088619, "time_bin": 50, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elect next Tuesday.", "frequency": 0.040647738676897985, "frowny_face": 0.00020152148722857576, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9328744521134565, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03422434379565721}, {"word": "not unstoppable", "smiley_face": 0.00011105558331945139, "positivity": 0.03398300849575212, "time_bin": 51, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "LATEST FOX NEWS Not unstoppable: Sandy tapering off in Appalachia follow warren today", "frequency": 0.014414216981623349, "frowny_face": 0.00011105558331945139, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9315828197012604, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0344341718029874}, {"word": "not 2:17", "smiley_face": 0.0004232804232804233, "positivity": 0.03225597883597884, "time_bin": 52, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Why am I acting like its not 2:17 ??? Like sandy made me lose my sleep schedule", "frequency": 0.023384368671858564, "frowny_face": 0.00031746031746031746, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9310185185185185, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03672550264550265}, {"word": "teachable", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03093348281016442, "time_bin": 53, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Super-Storm Sandys Teachable Moment #climatechange #billmckibben #climatechangescience", "frequency": 0.058467161927398204, "frowny_face": 0.0001868460388639761, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.937686846038864, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0313796711509716}, {"word": "teachable", "smiley_face": 0.00031133250311332503, "positivity": 0.02817559153175591, "time_bin": 54, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Super-Storm Sandys Teachable Moment: Joseph Palermo Joseph Palermo: The dominant ideas of", "frequency": 0.02593746174884988, "frowny_face": 0.00015566625155666251, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9372081257783312, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034616282689912826}, {"word": "6-ft", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0315362807295797, "time_bin": 55, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Was this 6-ft under to begin with?Casket floated out of the grave in Maryland after the effects of #Sandy.", "frequency": 0.011098703498365106, "frowny_face": 0.0005947660586835844, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9320231958762887, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03644052339413164}, {"word": "not all", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03401644643026904, "time_bin": 56, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AP: NYC's subways rolling again 3 days after tunnels flooded by Sandy but not all lines operating: - VW", "frequency": 0.013256842004708683, "frowny_face": 0.0001901321418385778, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9337270653103907, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03225648825934024}, {"word": "fastcompanytech*spec", "smiley_face": 0.00012113870381586917, "positivity": 0.030548879466989705, "time_bin": 57, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "FastCompanyTech*Spec Hurricane Sandy A Drenching Reminder That Tough Times Inspire Remarkable... #tech #prediction", "frequency": 0.016392614261950197, "frowny_face": 0.00018170805572380376, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9363340399757722, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03311708055723804}, {"word": "binladen", "smiley_face": 0.00016832891469932248, "positivity": 0.029575011572612882, "time_bin": 58, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@cbsthismorning WH eager 2 release photos of WH situation room during BinLaden killing &amp; .SandyPhotos during Libya attack?Where r photos?", "frequency": 0.17806352008533474, "frowny_face": 8.416445734966124e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9385178639060725, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03190712452131465}, {"word": "comin", "smiley_face": 0.00011568049048527966, "positivity": 0.029606223610388102, "time_bin": 59, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @snooki: Cleaning my closet today to donate clothes and whatever I can do the victims affected by sandy! I'm comin with clothes!!!!", "frequency": 0.02774495737697055, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.938761640349355, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03163213604025681}, {"word": "prime", "smiley_face": 0.0002495383540450167, "positivity": 0.03161650945750362, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Use Amazon? Have Prime? Buy diapers &amp; overnight them NOW to families in need @ &amp; retweet this! #Sandy #DT @hope", "frequency": 0.008013716191828113, "frowny_face": 4.9907670809003344e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9354756201028098, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03290787043968658}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 0.00011365573677331363, "positivity": 0.03083230096039098, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.029308751506997636, "frowny_face": 5.6827868386656816e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9351665056543729, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03400119338523612}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 9.898050084133426e-05, "positivity": 0.03116051337886436, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.0183830674409159, "frowny_face": 0.00016496750140222377, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9375226830314428, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03131680358969283}, {"word": "25th", "smiley_face": 0.00022485805835066613, "positivity": 0.030432289617179156, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYCMayorsOffice: Need food and water in Coney Island? Go to West 25th Street and Surf Avenue starting at 3 PM. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.012950060873684185, "frowny_face": 0.0002810725729383327, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9387472595424139, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030820450840406993}, {"word": "route", "smiley_face": 0.00018136970400464307, "positivity": 0.03167676291352293, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @RedCross: 3 emergency response vehicles en route to Gerritsen Beach with meals comfort kits snacks and water. (11.1.12) #Sandy", "frequency": 0.01808208144225809, "frowny_face": 0.00010882182240278584, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9366656993615786, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03165753772489843}, {"word": "built-in", "smiley_face": 0.00016867673104495234, "positivity": 0.03100253015096567, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @DCPlod: Oddly enough a hurricane is more important than a toupee with a built-in asshole. RT @realDonaldTrump President Obama misse ...", "frequency": 0.005466972351356008, "frowny_face": 0.0003373534620899047, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9366987855275365, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03229868432149785}, {"word": "nor'e", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029316835976214074, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJweather: DEVELOPING: The same weather model that predicted #Sandy's NJ landfall a week in advance is now showing a possible nor'e ...", "frequency": 0.009150047722830627, "frowny_face": 0.0001238850346878097, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9387465931615461, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031936570862239846}, {"word": "nor'e", "smiley_face": 0.0001551470017841905, "positivity": 0.03085485997983089, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJweather: DEVELOPING: The same weather model that predicted #Sandy's NJ landfall a week in advance is now showing a possible nor'e ...", "frequency": 0.022014337039817686, "frowny_face": 0.00023272050267628578, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9372042510278489, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03194088899232023}, {"word": "24-year-old", "smiley_face": 0.00024818001323626736, "positivity": 0.03147981469225679, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @rubinafillion: \"I lost a lot of coins \" confessed a 24-year-old who didn't know how to work a pay phone before #Sandy. ...", "frequency": 0.013412250531395751, "frowny_face": 0.00012409000661813368, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9367244374586366, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03179574784910655}, {"word": "roethlisberger", "smiley_face": 0.0002370323549164461, "positivity": 0.031775530359894125, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFakeESPN: Steelers unable to stay in Jersey hotel due to weather making Sandy the first woman to force Roethlisberger out of a h ...", "frequency": 0.056751058026527856, "frowny_face": 0.0003160431398885948, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.936095089479714, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03212938016039189}, {"word": "replenish", "smiley_face": 8.302200083022001e-05, "positivity": 0.03162673308426733, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Yankees: #Yankees will sponsor a blood drive to help replenish supplies after Hurricane Sandy on Friday from 10am-4pm at Manhattan's ...", "frequency": 0.019992183389171792, "frowny_face": 0.00016604400166044003, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9331050228310502, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03526824408468244}, {"word": "greatest", "smiley_face": 0.00021541278474877484, "positivity": 0.03330680165867844, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @rickygervais: Just arrived back at my New York home. Still the greatest city in the world. Fuck you Sandy.", "frequency": 0.013462948623271711, "frowny_face": 0.00016155958856158112, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9332153050783564, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03347789326296516}, {"word": "lavish", "smiley_face": 0.0001404231417337577, "positivity": 0.0339713068713724, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Divineroseboot: @seanhannity Bette Midler blames Sandy on Global warming then has lavish Halloween party while people dumpster dive ...", "frequency": 0.00523579885870558, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9327782718592024, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03325042126942521}, {"word": "dedicate", "smiley_face": 0.00023138507103521682, "positivity": 0.03198778286824935, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Yea its MOvember. Yea the marathon is happening on Sunday. But how about we dedicate this month to the victims of #HurricaineSandy", "frequency": 0.03864907277404372, "frowny_face": 0.00018510805682817345, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9362707668101254, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031741450321625245}, {"word": "dedicate", "smiley_face": 0.00016111707841031148, "positivity": 0.031112030075187973, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I would like to dedicate the song Pray by Justin to all those affected by Hurricane Sandy especially those in New Jersey.", "frequency": 0.01760377369785079, "frowny_face": 0.00021482277121374866, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9346603114930183, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03422765843179377}, {"word": "computer-controlled", "smiley_face": 0.00022224691632403602, "positivity": 0.031056728525391715, "time_bin": 75, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "From the Sky: With computer-controlled cameras capturing #Sandy devastation from the air: -JM", "frequency": 0.011139143827490311, "frowny_face": 0.000388932103567063, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9344024336037338, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03454083787087454}, {"word": "nonna's", "smiley_face": 0.00022794620469569182, "positivity": 0.03130601777980396, "time_bin": 76, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @YouAreItalian: #Sandy wont stop Sunday dinner at Nonna's. #Italian", "frequency": 0.016413711577602644, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9365454752678368, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03214850695235925}, {"word": "not lose", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030029982138300583, "time_bin": 77, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @DJDRAMA: RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elec ...", "frequency": 0.034866698885445455, "frowny_face": 0.00012758356723653993, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9385047205919878, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03146529726971166}, {"word": "storm-ravaged", "smiley_face": 0.00029757476565987203, "positivity": 0.03184883201904478, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "CNN: Sandy-hit areas sputter back to life: At every turn there are signs that storm-ravaged cities along the Ea...", "frequency": 0.04843939792941879, "frowny_face": 0.00029757476565987203, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9350171105490255, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03313405743192978}, {"word": "storm-ravaged", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03277285541683447, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy-hit areas sputter back to life amid heartache: At every turn there are signs that storm-ravaged cities al...", "frequency": 0.023240307063734526, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9369965767217077, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030230567861457915}, {"word": "add'l", "smiley_face": 0.00017616489033735576, "positivity": 0.031170175284065887, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @PPLElectric: 70% who lost it from #Sandy now have power.On track to restore 80-85% by Friday. Add'l crews arrived", "frequency": 0.015296057746537278, "frowny_face": 8.808244516867788e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9369549898705188, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03187483484541531}, {"word": "preliminary", "smiley_face": 0.00016797547558056525, "positivity": 0.030414605467601732, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @breakingweather Must-see interactive map that shows various impacts from #Sandy based on preliminary @fema models:", "frequency": 0.013833029413684835, "frowny_face": 0.00012598160668542393, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.937450132280687, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03213526225171125}, {"word": "discernable", "smiley_face": 0.00014494854326714017, "positivity": 0.030294970285548624, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "BLS notes that Hurricane Sandy had \"no discernable effect\" on the employment &amp; unemployment data for October.", "frequency": 0.009733362846950743, "frowny_face": 4.831618108904672e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9385055805189157, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031199449195535592}, {"word": "ferry", "smiley_face": 0.00024759829652371994, "positivity": 0.029750173318807565, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @nydailynews: The Staten Island Ferry will resume service at noon for the first time since #Sandy", "frequency": 0.008366303088067108, "frowny_face": 0.0007923145488759037, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9386637119936615, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031586114687530954}, {"word": "hurricane-devastated", "smiley_face": 0.00014004294650359444, "positivity": 0.030420502287368128, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "THEN EAT DIRT! Hurricane-Devastated NJ Town REJECTS NON-UNION Alabama Electrical Workers #tcot", "frequency": 0.006131360136930588, "frowny_face": 0.0002800858930071889, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9381126878909533, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03146680982167865}, {"word": "energy", "smiley_face": 3.836562440053712e-05, "positivity": 0.031580203337809316, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @capitalweather: #Sandy had 2nd highest Integrated Kinetic Energy among US landfalling hurricane in modern record", "frequency": 0.010886527761285783, "frowny_face": 0.00015346249760214847, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.937929215422981, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030490581239209672}, {"word": "harder-than-usual", "smiley_face": 0.0001618057521944905, "positivity": 0.030045305610614456, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @brianbeutler: It's odd. My lived experience of Sandy was so uneventful that I'm having a harder-than-usual time processing the scale ...", "frequency": 0.010249908123897894, "frowny_face": 0.00020225719024311313, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9389790057036528, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030975688685732777}, {"word": "kind", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030405809362662156, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@escalatetweets Hey Escalate would you be kind enough to Donate to the @M3_Glam&amp; @INSHEWETRUST Sandy fundraiser Thanks", "frequency": 0.01998298704658423, "frowny_face": 5.640157924421884e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9393119007332206, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030282289904117313}, {"word": "stat", "smiley_face": 9.48316737790422e-05, "positivity": 0.0317442863916548, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @IngrahamAngle: NBC slams Romney for collecting food &amp; clothes for Sandy relief; yet just watched Stat Isl. ppl intvw by NBC who ...", "frequency": 0.008058855391149079, "frowny_face": 4.74158368895211e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9369902797534376, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03126543385490754}, {"word": "dedicate", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03042777777777778, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@justinbieber @scooterbraun Will u dedicate the NJ show next wk to Sandy victims..I'll be there &amp; Grandmas house was destroyed. #BELIEVEtour", "frequency": 0.051071483964655544, "frowny_face": 0.00022222222222222223, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9379888888888889, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03158333333333333}, {"word": "dedicate", "smiley_face": 4.46090020966231e-05, "positivity": 0.029983985368247305, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@justinbieber @carlyraejepsen Please dedicate the NJ show next wk to Sandy victims.I'll be there &amp; Grandmas house was destroyed.#BELIEVE RT!", "frequency": 0.013995156986170147, "frowny_face": 0.0001338270062898693, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9397611187937726, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030254895837980113}, {"word": "deadlines-they", "smiley_face": 9.511580349075e-05, "positivity": 0.030715128168545203, "time_bin": 91, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "This is how we do it in Jersey. Thx Gov! RT @GovChristie: If the power companies do not meet deadlines-they will hear from me. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.016342261238522584, "frowny_face": 0.00014267370523612499, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9401008227517001, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029184049079754602}, {"word": "hurricane-devastated", "smiley_face": 9.929993545504196e-05, "positivity": 0.030621617595948558, "time_bin": 92, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "REJECTS NON-UNION???? Hurricane-Devastated NJ Town Rejects Non-Union Alabama Electrical Workers #tcot", "frequency": 0.007246152889099785, "frowny_face": 9.929993545504196e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9391167270741274, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03026165532992404}, {"word": "military", "smiley_face": 0.0001642238370899536, "positivity": 0.02993032803711459, "time_bin": 93, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @nytimes: Breaking News: U.S. Military to Truck Fuel to Region Hit by Hurricane Sandy", "frequency": 0.011828292918449024, "frowny_face": 0.0001642238370899536, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9392474442665353, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030822227696350128}, {"word": "checked-in", "smiley_face": 0.0002553626149131767, "positivity": 0.03352936670071502, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm watching Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together (2658 others checked-in) #GetGlue #HurricaneSandy", "frequency": 0.018928164366525346, "frowny_face": 0.0002553626149131767, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9365849506298944, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029885682669390533}, {"word": "roic", "smiley_face": 0.0002577186742951394, "positivity": 0.0320031441678264, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: Talking with Pres. Obama about needs in #NJ at the ROIC Friday evening. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.010256191571790458, "frowny_face": 0.00010308746971805578, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9392492655017782, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02874759033039534}, {"word": "checked-in", "smiley_face": 0.00022447696866301518, "positivity": 0.03206092304929514, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm watching Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together (5913 others checked-in) #GetGlue #HurricaneSandy", "frequency": 0.008284414796526321, "frowny_face": 0.0006285355122564425, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9369388075783425, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03100026937236239}, {"word": "closest", "smiley_face": 0.00022332644743453743, "positivity": 0.030273128245212437, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @fema: Tell friends &amp; family w/o internet access to call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) for the closest shelter. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.014340854992075984, "frowny_face": 0.00011166322371726871, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9381385740606332, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03158829769415443}, {"word": "passaic", "smiley_face": 0.0005625735181302102, "positivity": 0.03159008847747149, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "We are feeding emergency shelter residents impacted by #Sandy in Passaic City Hall tomorrow and Sunday. Donate here:", "frequency": 0.005679022101107046, "frowny_face": 0.0004602874239247174, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9366913005676878, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03171861095484069}, {"word": "monoxide", "smiley_face": 0.0002321622039931899, "positivity": 0.02982316978795852, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @NorwichBulletin: #Ctnews Carbon monoxide poisoning cases mount after Sandy - The William W. Backus Hospital has seen a spike in carb ...", "frequency": 0.010011383262129003, "frowny_face": 0.00030954960532425323, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9430235257700046, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.027153304442036837}, {"word": "hosted", "smiley_face": 0.0002844141069397042, "positivity": 0.03130332764505119, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Masaiqueen1978 @HipHopWired Hurricane Murdah Baby 2 #rebuildnyc Hosted by Lazy K Productions via @DatPiff", "frequency": 0.09933121623290529, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9394020193401593, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029294653014789538}, {"word": "listen", "smiley_face": 0.00012755102040816328, "positivity": 0.033267729591836735, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#HurricaneMurdahBaby2 #RebuildNYC from @murdahbaby - Listen &amp; Download @DJLAZYK", "frequency": 0.0701966772970648, "frowny_face": 0.0003826530612244898, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9338647959183674, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03286747448979591}, {"word": "jan", "smiley_face": 0.0009272137227630969, "positivity": 0.028482846546128884, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @ILLB1LL: OUR NOV 2nd BROOKLYN SHOW IS POSTPONED DUE TO SANDY. NEW DATE IS JAN 29TH SAME DAY \"THE GRIMY AWARDS\" DROPS m/ http://t.c ...", "frequency": 0.018635887457107172, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9418463143254521, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0296708391284191}, {"word": "verified", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031166666666666665, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Below is a list of Verified SAFE SCAM FREE CHARITIES that YOU can DONATE to Help Hurricane Sandy Victims!...", "frequency": 0.04012185874340852, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9375555555555556, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03127777777777778}, {"word": "photo-document", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030929852020489472, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: What did the NYC Marathon course look like post-Sandy? Our @germanotes got on her bike to photo-document it.", "frequency": 0.0189650113691168, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9375355719977234, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03153457598178714}, {"word": "girlfriend-is-better", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030698447893569843, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @FellsPointHon girlfriend-is-better: riders on the storm. #fellspoint #baltimore #maryland #hurricane #sandy ...", "frequency": 0.02640475864970522, "frowny_face": 8.869179600886918e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9384922394678492, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03080931263858093}, {"word": "not restored", "smiley_face": 7.071635669330315e-05, "positivity": 0.03190679584187823, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @BreakingNews: Polling sites in areas hit by Sandy may have to be moved if power is not restored officials say - @Reuters http://t.c ...", "frequency": 0.022634684508968595, "frowny_face": 7.071635669330315e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9352856940810409, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032807510077080826}, {"word": "not hiring", "smiley_face": 0.0002889099839035866, "positivity": 0.03095410458541417, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @fema: (11/3) Rumor Control: @fema is *NOT* hiring clean up crews in #NY or #NJ. Visit: #Sandy", "frequency": 0.015288658300425204, "frowny_face": 0.00016509141937347805, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9385705146724999, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030475380742085938}, {"word": "monetary", "smiley_face": 0.0003490266035833398, "positivity": 0.03171344915845808, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @abdashsoul: Help Superstorm Sandy survivors by making a monetary donation through iTunes to the American Red Cross.... ...", "frequency": 0.00705477871533841, "frowny_face": 0.0001551229349259288, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9370685643372373, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031217986504304664}, {"word": "moral", "smiley_face": 0.00010672928117829126, "positivity": 0.03186834943166658, "time_bin": 109, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod: I think the Heat threw that game last night. Showing sympathy cause of the damage Sandy caused NYC. Quick moral boost for t ...", "frequency": 0.027958789112284266, "frowny_face": 0.00010672928117829126, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9366628422007578, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031468808367575644}, {"word": "anheuser-busch", "smiley_face": 5.999880002399952e-05, "positivity": 0.031240235195296097, "time_bin": 110, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @darrenrovell: Anheuser-Busch plant produces 1 million cans of water for Sandy victims in NY &amp; NJ. Here's the can ...", "frequency": 0.02426979953912736, "frowny_face": 0.00017999640007199856, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9368662626747465, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031893502129957396}, {"word": "not drag", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030721915064102562, "time_bin": 111, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @danjha: Sandy deff wasn't a Katrina people need to not drag it", "frequency": 0.008003631088821026, "frowny_face": 0.00016025641025641026, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9403996394230769, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028878445512820514}, {"word": "not booty", "smiley_face": 8.727145786970371e-05, "positivity": 0.03177226513068901, "time_bin": 112, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.06317593837501233, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9374754549024742, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030752279966836847}, {"word": "not booty", "smiley_face": 0.0003112909681149108, "positivity": 0.03046071063281006, "time_bin": 113, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.02227678906788215, "frowny_face": 8.894027660426023e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9390759105260817, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030463378841108203}, {"word": "senior", "smiley_face": 0.0002411672494875196, "positivity": 0.03208079102857832, "time_bin": 114, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#photo (25/37) #NationalGuard senior leader visit to #HurricaneSandy affected states #NewJersey #military #news", "frequency": 0.016055864417970002, "frowny_face": 8.038908316250654e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9367689617749909, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031150247196430725}, {"word": "storm-affected", "smiley_face": 0.00042834414392363233, "positivity": 0.03150452820952148, "time_bin": 115, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYGovCuomo: Unemployed as a result of #Sandy? Call 1-888-469-7365 to find out about jobs helping clean up storm-affected areas: htt ...", "frequency": 0.012834891425759696, "frowny_face": 0.00012238404112103782, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9390986415371435, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029396830253334963}, {"word": "impactful", "smiley_face": 0.0002608695652173913, "positivity": 0.03331765217391305, "time_bin": 116, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @JimCantore: Just gazed at 18z GFS &amp; 12z EURO: Impactful storm for #Sandy ravaged noeast Wed-Fri w/surge wind rain cold and d ...", "frequency": 0.009067081279461233, "frowny_face": 0.00017391304347826088, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9368423913043479, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02983995652173913}, {"word": "emotional", "smiley_face": 5.235053921055387e-05, "positivity": 0.03066951104596377, "time_bin": 117, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"Emotional Care for Children in a Disaster\" - tips for parents #opsafe #SANDY #DT @operationSAFE", "frequency": 0.01191384542472984, "frowny_face": 0.0005235053921055386, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9362763061459533, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03305418280808292}, {"word": "emotional", "smiley_face": 7.793017456359102e-05, "positivity": 0.03359764650872818, "time_bin": 118, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"Emotional Care for Children in a Disaster\" - tips for parents #opsafe #SANDY #DT @operationSAFE", "frequency": 0.036253079149070826, "frowny_face": 7.793017456359102e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9334281483790524, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03297420511221945}, {"word": "anheuser-bush", "smiley_face": 0.00035686671028370903, "positivity": 0.03281686789983941, "time_bin": 119, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @southern_gentTN: Props to Anheuser-Bush in ATL stopped production on one of their beer lines to make emergency water for Sandy vict ...", "frequency": 0.00919318940507714, "frowny_face": 0.00017843335514185451, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.934715696187474, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03246743591268661}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 6.896076132680504e-05, "positivity": 0.02983028756637473, "time_bin": 120, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: E-mail and fax voting will be available to New Jerseyans displaced by Hurricane #Sandy. For more information call 1-877 ...", "frequency": 0.025932824190064298, "frowny_face": 0.00027584304530722017, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9407454658299428, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029424246603682508}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.00014485405953501847, "positivity": 0.030785000362135148, "time_bin": 121, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: E-mail and fax voting will be available to New Jerseyans displaced by Hurricane #Sandy. For more information call 1-877 ...", "frequency": 0.024989834391846516, "frowny_face": 0.00014485405953501847, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9398946186716882, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029320380966176576}, {"word": "neast", "smiley_face": 0.00028912875867386276, "positivity": 0.029908779876638397, "time_bin": 122, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@imseanavery since Bettman &amp; Fehr r not collecting salary during lockout they should donate it to Sandy victims in NEast #realissues", "frequency": 0.05543701368751593, "frowny_face": 0.00024094063222821898, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.939993735543562, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030097484579799536}, {"word": "drive", "smiley_face": 0.0004310344827586207, "positivity": 0.031127370689655168, "time_bin": 123, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NBCConnecticut: Help the victims of #Sandy at our supply drive Sunday. Click here for details", "frequency": 0.014966801551251201, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9341864224137931, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.034686206896551726}, {"word": "beergoggles+take", "smiley_face": 0.00026483050847457627, "positivity": 0.031167240466101694, "time_bin": 124, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @P2Blogs: RT @bearmanradio: Take off those BeerGoggles+take home Show87! #p2 #pussyriot #Sandy #OWS ... http:// ...", "frequency": 0.03285426046652249, "frowny_face": 0.00013241525423728814, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9371358580508474, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03169690148305085}, {"word": "glimmer", "smiley_face": 0.00021146119687037428, "positivity": 0.032444702897018396, "time_bin": 125, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sussex County Hurricane Sandy Update; Hopatcong Borough Seeing First Glimmer Of Light; Over 40 Pe...", "frequency": 0.030408060767563753, "frowny_face": 0.00021146119687037428, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9352664411080567, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03228885599492493}, {"word": "newswhy", "smiley_face": 0.0005288207297726071, "positivity": 0.02805314648334215, "time_bin": 126, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Why Twitter helps during catastrophes like Hurricane Sandy - Economic Times: ABC NewsWhy Twitter helps during ca...", "frequency": 0.028625497091638318, "frowny_face": 0.00026441036488630354, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9420941300898995, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029852723426758328}, {"word": "waaatteerrr", "smiley_face": 0.0005932957579353308, "positivity": 0.030925541382379115, "time_bin": 127, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT \"@CupOfJoe93 sandy i need waaatteerrr\" Joe knew about Sandy before any of us did. #psychic", "frequency": 0.02534005063963646, "frowny_face": 0.0002966478789676654, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9375185404924354, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031555918125185406}, {"word": "kasrgas'ndan", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03165351506456241, "time_bin": 128, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "New York tekrar l l: Sandy Kasrgas'ndan gnler sonra New York tekrar ltl gnlerine kavutu Hoboken...", "frequency": 0.024730783257765725, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9365435198469632, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03180296508847441}, {"word": "10-foot-high", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030654515327257662, "time_bin": 129, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "CrainsSmallBiz Gowanus entrepreneurs in shock after Sandy: The 10-foot-high wall of toxic water sh... douglascastle", "frequency": 0.04554804962784733, "frowny_face": 0.00011835720203574388, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9371967096697834, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03214877500295893}, {"word": "not true", "smiley_face": 0.00024093482712926153, "positivity": 0.031283881460065055, "time_bin": 130, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @CoryBooker: No it is not true. RT @MrBanksOmishore: is true people affected by #Sandy in NJ can vote by fax or email on Tuesday be ...", "frequency": 0.012895874802430471, "frowny_face": 6.0233706782315383e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9373343573063486, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03138176123358632}, {"word": "neast", "smiley_face": 0.00017370158068438424, "positivity": 0.03064747264200104, "time_bin": 131, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@KevinWeekes Since Bettman &amp; Fehr r not collecting salary during lockout they should donate it to Sandy victims in NEast #realissues", "frequency": 0.027449807032517457, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9377388396734411, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03161368768455793}, {"word": "relief-all", "smiley_face": 0.0001997104198911578, "positivity": 0.0315528483698637, "time_bin": 132, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @delraytaco: 20% of sales today will be donated to @RedCross for #Sandy relief-all day all locations. Eat good for good! @DelRayPat ...", "frequency": 0.012468547935660726, "frowny_face": 9.98552099455789e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9362362074991263, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032210944131010034}, {"word": "evac", "smiley_face": 0.00021049972635035574, "positivity": 0.0296125963036248, "time_bin": 133, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @KendrickLaamar: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evac ...", "frequency": 0.005379442928153328, "frowny_face": 8.419989054014229e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9421125752536522, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028274828442723027}, {"word": "red", "smiley_face": 0.0001268123599780192, "positivity": 0.030561229234476055, "time_bin": 134, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @AnonOpsSweden: Where the Red Cross is failing in the #Sandy relief effort - the Occupy Movement is filling the gap ...", "frequency": 0.009656857976881312, "frowny_face": 0.00021135393329669864, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9400388891237266, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02939988164179735}, {"word": "official", "smiley_face": 0.0001770224818551956, "positivity": 0.030394937157018947, "time_bin": 135, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @CoryBooker: You CAN vote by email and fax if you have been displaced by #Sandy. Here is official NJ website on issue. ...", "frequency": 0.018739827852359427, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9405038502389803, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02910121260400071}, {"word": "nearest", "smiley_face": 0.00013714912681722592, "positivity": 0.031002697266160745, "time_bin": 136, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @fema: To find the nearest @FEMA disaster recovery center (DRC) click here: and input your address. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.007398406216782508, "frowny_face": 4.571637560574198e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9371285544482033, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031868748285635906}, {"word": "tumble", "smiley_face": 0.000517437648763324, "positivity": 0.032595881196315846, "time_bin": 137, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @jen_coach: Jersey Allstars will be hosting \"Tumble for Sandy Victims\" for any cheerleader on Wednesday November 7 3:30-5.", "frequency": 0.006883070819505472, "frowny_face": 0.0001034875297526648, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.938741850357032, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028662268446652175}, {"word": "storm-affected", "smiley_face": 5.069451485349285e-05, "positivity": 0.030846953259657302, "time_bin": 138, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYGovCuomo Unemployed as a result of #Sandy? Call 1-888-469-7365 &amp; find out ab avail. jobs helping clean up storm-affected areas:...", "frequency": 0.012526005748487463, "frowny_face": 0.00015208354456047857, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9374936631856433, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03165938355469938}, {"word": "alternate-side", "smiley_face": 0.0001319609395618897, "positivity": 0.030472453153866458, "time_bin": 139, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NY1headlines: #ny1sandy Alternate-Side Parking To Be Suspended Citywide Monday Tuesday", "frequency": 0.008980980618461303, "frowny_face": 9.897070467141726e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9347453153866455, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03478223145948799}, {"word": "fumble", "smiley_face": 0.00021895013410695713, "positivity": 0.03508829164157863, "time_bin": 140, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@RealSkipBayless Sandygate? Refs are GIVING game to NJ. Redic PI call ridic after the play call not a TD and not a fumble. What a joke", "frequency": 0.014223936650539684, "frowny_face": 0.00010947506705347856, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9304970168044228, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03441469155399857}, {"word": "united", "smiley_face": 0.00036715212336311344, "positivity": 0.03209270591114919, "time_bin": 141, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFunnyRacist: Here is the list of foreign countries helping the United States with Hurricane relief:", "frequency": 0.023386633170146238, "frowny_face": 0.00012238404112103782, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9342874189205728, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03361987516827806}, {"word": "plastic", "smiley_face": 0.00025379422364346985, "positivity": 0.03113562763311507, "time_bin": 142, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @nancyhunt: Staten Island is overrun with donations of clothes. They need tools batteries plastic bags &amp; boxes. #sandy #nomorec ...", "frequency": 0.009910238704583641, "frowny_face": 0.00030455306837216383, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9362405461651693, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032623826201715646}, {"word": "6th", "smiley_face": 0.00036902638538655513, "positivity": 0.032648502367919316, "time_bin": 143, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "love it MT @indiaarie: My new single 6th Avenue - All proceeds go to Hurricane Sandy clean up ....", "frequency": 0.012615251146568678, "frowny_face": 6.150439756442585e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9339212128667199, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03343028476536072}, {"word": "chyron", "smiley_face": 0.0002446183953033268, "positivity": 0.03216183953033268, "time_bin": 144, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @IngrahamAngle: CNN just showed chyron: \"Fury in Rockaway\" (Long Island) over Sandy response then a poll graphic \"67% approve Obama' ...", "frequency": 0.017469707377516585, "frowny_face": 4.892367906066536e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9344911937377691, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03334696673189824}, {"word": "rcc", "smiley_face": 0.0002957121734844751, "positivity": 0.03196633809758501, "time_bin": 145, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Lmfaooo@TM_NULA: I wish RCC like blew away in da storm son.. Sandy ainn do her job", "frequency": 0.013093895170223054, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9343518974864465, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03368176441596846}, {"word": "fag", "smiley_face": 0.00018367721790240617, "positivity": 0.03286554827649543, "time_bin": 146, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MeirHefner_215: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evac ...", "frequency": 0.011855235867463305, "frowny_face": 0.0003061286965040103, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9326210738994674, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03451337782403723}, {"word": "nyc+have", "smiley_face": 0.0001852366398073539, "positivity": 0.031182828563489858, "time_bin": 147, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "PLS RT! URGENT! Please RT 4 #Sandy ANIMALS in need! If ur in NYC+have car PLS adopt 1 of these #Sandy abandoned pets!", "frequency": 0.013617047920260528, "frowny_face": 0.0003704732796147078, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9390339909234047, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029783180513105495}, {"word": "bel", "smiley_face": 0.00024962556165751375, "positivity": 0.030182101847229154, "time_bin": 148, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "How was Bel Air Md. restaurant impacted financially by Hurricane Sandy? @Cassie_Clayton @BethanysStories #j661", "frequency": 0.018260739571224656, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9374219920119821, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03239590614078882}, {"word": "sandy-afflicted", "smiley_face": 0.0007541478129713424, "positivity": 0.03798039215686274, "time_bin": 149, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Sandy-afflicted areas seek shelter for thousands of homeless", "frequency": 0.034682823029300903, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.926659125188537, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0353604826546003}, {"word": "manic", "smiley_face": 0.00026136957658128593, "positivity": 0.03167302665969681, "time_bin": 150, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "LATEST FOX NEWS Manic Monday looms for commuters in wake of Sandy follow warren today", "frequency": 0.12850155519349643, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9342655514898066, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034061421850496605}, {"word": "manic", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031022596706242817, "time_bin": 151, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Commuters Brace for Manic Monday in Wake of Sandy", "frequency": 0.07211821975145208, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9394389122941402, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029538490999617004}, {"word": "northern", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03185476144855336, "time_bin": 152, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AP: Small earthquake rattles some northern New Jersey towns still dealing with effects of Sandy: - VW", "frequency": 0.02808751248396222, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9347576164016095, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033387622149837134}, {"word": "northern", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.033785868559086704, "time_bin": 153, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @AP: Small earthquake rattles some northern New Jersey towns still dealing with effects of Sandy: - VW", "frequency": 0.036467230705508814, "frowny_face": 0.00010284891494394734, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9306026946415715, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03561143679934177}, {"word": "northern", "smiley_face": 0.0002512562814070352, "positivity": 0.03325427135678392, "time_bin": 154, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AP: Small earthquake rattles some northern New Jersey towns still dealing with effects of Sandy: - VW", "frequency": 0.01336803670661306, "frowny_face": 8.375209380234506e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9325481574539364, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.034197571189279734}, {"word": "practices-including", "smiley_face": 0.0002690134891049537, "positivity": 0.030898620345105876, "time_bin": 155, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: Sandy has forced many banks to resort to low-tech practices-including recording transactions by hand.", "frequency": 0.012493831242325601, "frowny_face": 0.00019215249221782408, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9372477998539641, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03185357980093002}, {"word": "disgraceful", "smiley_face": 0.00046138230137491925, "positivity": 0.03122417028082803, "time_bin": 156, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "INCOMPETENT! Giuliani on Obama response to Hurricane Sandy: 'Disgraceful ... Where the hell are the generators?' #tcot", "frequency": 0.009190850884063186, "frowny_face": 9.227646027498385e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.936613761496109, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03216206822306295}, {"word": "mastic", "smiley_face": 0.00012759984688018373, "positivity": 0.02999136574369444, "time_bin": 157, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Winter clothing needed #sandy victims. ST JUDES CHURCH NEIGHBORHOOD RD. MASTIC BEACH NY 11951 cc: @1023WBAB @1061BLI @longislandpatch", "frequency": 0.013114843999112452, "frowny_face": 4.253328229339458e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9400706052486071, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029938029007698527}, {"word": "revive-rebuild-recover", "smiley_face": 0.00011685655857434999, "positivity": 0.028417294770669004, "time_bin": 158, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@dinamanzo Revive-Rebuild-Recover JERSEY STRONG 100% proceeds to @RedCross #sandy #redcross #nj", "frequency": 0.01644697444189034, "frowny_face": 5.8428279287174995e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9425284837861525, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0290542214431785}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03283157671358845, "time_bin": 159, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @cnnbrk: New Jersey lets #Sandy victims vote via e-mail.", "frequency": 0.02459797919051397, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9363107448539294, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030857678432482143}, {"word": "nor'easter", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03032434082708853, "time_bin": 160, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @billmckibben: Damn. Warm waters off the coast will help power up a midweek Nor'easter headed more or less where Sandy went. http://t ...", "frequency": 0.010598333897007975, "frowny_face": 0.00022203719122953095, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9396683319456008, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03000732722731058}, {"word": "not overwhelm", "smiley_face": 0.0019315572724953533, "positivity": 0.030599693866394547, "time_bin": 161, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYMag: Sandy is not an excuse to clean your closet. Please do not overwhelm relief workers with your unwanted clothing. ...", "frequency": 0.011388289838044708, "frowny_face": 0.0001093334305186049, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9388598345420751, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030540471591530303}, {"word": "90-day", "smiley_face": 0.00022007042253521127, "positivity": 0.030117077464788734, "time_bin": 162, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @breakingstorm: US orders 90-day suspension of FHA foreclosures in Sandy disaster areas - @Reuters", "frequency": 0.0117104809590612, "frowny_face": 0.00029342723004694836, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9406084947183099, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029274427816901406}, {"word": "pre", "smiley_face": 0.0003629764065335753, "positivity": 0.02891495981332642, "time_bin": 163, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @realDonaldTrump: The outer boroughs of Manhattan are still devasted by Sandy. How would the press cover this if a Republican was Pre ...", "frequency": 0.012766560375688, "frowny_face": 0.00010370754472387866, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9422413793103448, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028843660876328753}, {"word": "pre", "smiley_face": 5.8513750731421886e-05, "positivity": 0.030752252779403154, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @realDonaldTrump: The outer boroughs of Manhattan are still devasted by Sandy. How would the press cover this if a Republican was Pre ...", "frequency": 0.012251623008936506, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9391895845523698, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03005816266822704}, {"word": "check-in", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031004084820087704, "time_bin": 165, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Foursquare and Snoball let you help those affected by Sandy automatically at every check-in: Foursquar... #business", "frequency": 0.008532519419711195, "frowny_face": 0.00018021265092809516, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9372259265933802, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03176998858653211}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 166, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 167, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "waterfall", "smiley_face": 0.00028689465228368144, "positivity": 0.03549122102364012, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @wkyc: Flooding has turned Ground Zero into a waterfall. @AP photo #NYC #Sandy", "frequency": 0.015680855016785084, "frowny_face": 0.00011475786091347258, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.930334806059215, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03417397291714483}, {"word": "not evidence", "smiley_face": 0.00011153867603591545, "positivity": 0.03515330991021137, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @YourAnonNews: No #Sandy is not evidence of God's wrath. It's evidence of our refusal to even discuss climate change &amp; global wa ...", "frequency": 0.00882256704607678, "frowny_face": 0.00033461602810774636, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9325121298310189, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032334560258769726}, {"word": "wide-eyed", "smiley_face": 0.00014475969889982628, "positivity": 0.03503090619571511, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Ummmm what? @BuzzEdition: WOW ----&gt;RT @milesmaker: A wide-eyed seal appears in Manhattan #Sandy", "frequency": 0.008228950138538561, "frowny_face": 0.00028951939779965256, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9318091343370006, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03315995946728431}, {"word": "lighter", "smiley_face": 0.0001394214011850819, "positivity": 0.03322495643081213, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AndyMilonakis: On a lighter note next time I meet a girl named sandy Im gonna hate fuck her.", "frequency": 0.008848473862917882, "frowny_face": 0.0003485535029627048, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9325636110142906, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03421143255489718}, {"word": "not sleeping", "smiley_face": 0.00014391940513312545, "positivity": 0.03442609738546414, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TDOT_Italians: Ma i'm still not sleeping cause of questa puttana #Sandy", "frequency": 0.008328260822201798, "frowny_face": 0.00023986567522187575, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.932621731830175, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03295217078436075}, {"word": "near-empty", "smiley_face": 7.766990291262136e-05, "positivity": 0.03322330097087379, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: A dark lower Manhattan. A near-empty Times Square. A flooded carousel. Memorable photos from #Sandy:", "frequency": 0.008684702811115164, "frowny_face": 0.00046601941747572817, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9333106796116505, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03346601941747573}, {"word": "d'lectricit", "smiley_face": 9.683354313934346e-05, "positivity": 0.0321332913721313, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @thomasgerbet: Toujours + de Canadiens privs d'lectricit : 51 000 Hydro QC 51 000 Hydro Toronto et 77 000 Hydro One #Sandy", "frequency": 0.014310938987037856, "frowny_face": 0.00019366708627868693, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9334269390917014, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.034439769536167335}, {"word": "2-hr", "smiley_face": 0.0004462293618920125, "positivity": 0.03261454707719768, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WVSnowDay: UPDATE: All schools in #Kanawha Co now on a 2-hr delay Tue 10/30/12 due to Winter road conditions #WVSandy", "frequency": 0.015471990488176608, "frowny_face": 8.92458723784025e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9325635876840697, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.034821865238732715}, {"word": "2-hr", "smiley_face": 0.000297000297000297, "positivity": 0.03619008019008019, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @WVSnowDay: UPDATE: All schools in #Kanawha Co now on a 2-hr delay Tue 10/30/12 due to Winter road conditions #WVSandy", "frequency": 0.007361391870782227, "frowny_face": 9.9000099000099e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9290911790911791, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03471874071874072}, {"word": "incalculable", "smiley_face": 0.00023054755043227666, "positivity": 0.03732461095100865, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @todayshow: \"I think the losses are going to be almost incalculable.\" -@GovChristie #SandyTODAY", "frequency": 0.006473530715148353, "frowny_face": 0.0001729106628242075, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.924956772334294, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03771861671469741}, {"word": "0800et", "smiley_face": 0.00034835113794705065, "positivity": 0.0357124941941477, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @saleemkhan: 0800ET Ranks of 370 000 homeless Haitians post-2010 quake grew 200 000 post-#Sandy Help ...", "frequency": 0.006107882616378896, "frowny_face": 0.00023223409196470042, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9280437180678124, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03624378773803994}, {"word": "sunny", "smiley_face": 0.0001255020080321285, "positivity": 0.03516842369477911, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Strange how nice....and sunny it is right after a hurricane #thanksSandy", "frequency": 0.007615858227357686, "frowny_face": 6.275100401606425e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9291541164658634, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03567745983935743}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00022541561003099465, "positivity": 0.03418247393632009, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.024652569685315085, "frowny_face": 0.0002817695125387433, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9310157790927022, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034801746970977744}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00032837641319134964, "positivity": 0.03758141389501337, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.01387157375925674, "frowny_face": 0.0001407327485105784, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9269245203358821, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.035494065769104466}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00026409613099168095, "positivity": 0.036571768123596984, "time_bin": 14, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. 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My man it's Sandy...", "frequency": 0.039289858564686975, "frowny_face": 0.00017979144192736425, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.927761296895601, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.038112429581685245}, {"word": "san-d", "smiley_face": 0.00018275967103259215, "positivity": 0.032478952177886086, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @SheeWantsYourD: Hurricane San-D", "frequency": 0.03450705831117242, "frowny_face": 0.00024367956137678952, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9335287846481877, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033992263173926285}, {"word": "follower", "smiley_face": 0.0002125759959185409, "positivity": 0.03482288168020067, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: Retweet this and follow us and we will donate $10 for each follower to the Hurricane Sandy Relief.", "frequency": 0.011824092665537163, "frowny_face": 8.503039836741636e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9309287445261681, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03424837379363122}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00029474925260010947, "positivity": 0.03425062107878227, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. 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Rest in Power t ...", "frequency": 0.018979344094781258, "frowny_face": 0.00038501026694045176, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9395052618069816, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029348177618069814}, {"word": "radical", "smiley_face": 5.840098113648309e-05, "positivity": 0.03056561350230684, "time_bin": 31, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Pakistani radical offers storm aid: As residents of the U.S. Northeast grapple with the destruction wrought by Superstorm Sandy an o...", "frequency": 0.014083734848330887, "frowny_face": 0.00017520294340944928, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9387957717689657, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03063861472872744}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 5.446326452807581e-05, "positivity": 0.03315603725287294, "time_bin": 32, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.006148379592542378, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9329761450901367, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03386781765699036}, {"word": "disqualified", "smiley_face": 0.00013016596160104132, "positivity": 0.03156524568825252, "time_bin": 33, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @alannogee: BREAKING: #Sandy disqualified from competing 4 greatest NYC natural disaster 4 doping w/ CO2. @thingsbreak @drgrist http: ...", "frequency": 0.010881786600509603, "frowny_face": 0.000195248942401562, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9355190367718842, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032915717539863325}, {"word": "colonial", "smiley_face": 0.00010525761802010421, "positivity": 0.033610073154044524, "time_bin": 34, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @CP24: Skeleton believed to be from Colonial times found under tree uprooted by superstorm Sandy.", "frequency": 0.01690326172760528, "frowny_face": 5.2628809010052104e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9324114520288406, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03397847481711489}, {"word": "colonial", "smiley_face": 3.7764350453172205e-05, "positivity": 0.031195468277945615, "time_bin": 35, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @CP24: Skeleton believed to be from Colonial times found under tree uprooted by superstorm Sandy.", "frequency": 0.008333984136286518, "frowny_face": 7.552870090634441e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9350358761329305, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03376865558912386}, {"word": "dramatic", "smiley_face": 0.00017033453703072836, "positivity": 0.030743612454861357, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Watch a Dramatic Helicopter Rescue of Sandy Victims", "frequency": 0.008605992926502458, "frowny_face": 0.00013626762962458267, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9365120596852218, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032744327859916864}, {"word": "not a", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03100464114039449, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@TFLN: (570): It's a hurricane not a zombie apocalypse. WHY DID YOU BUY SHOTGUNS?!?! @tifanilyn7 #youwould", "frequency": 0.040192223236084075, "frowny_face": 5.525167136305873e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9330971324382562, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03589822642134925}, {"word": "not a", "smiley_face": 6.148170919151552e-05, "positivity": 0.029465109130033813, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TFLN: (570): It's a hurricane not a zombie apocalypse. WHY DID YOU BUY SHOTGUNS?!?!", "frequency": 0.012530604231523931, "frowny_face": 0.00012296341838303104, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9372963418383031, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03323854903166308}, {"word": "flapped", "smiley_face": 0.00020534724218653744, "positivity": 0.03050486672963982, "time_bin": 39, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MCWarburton: Obama just sent Seal Team Six to kill a butterfly in Brazil that flapped its wings two weeks ago. #sandy", "frequency": 0.011196523763466075, "frowny_face": 8.213889687461497e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9367530494065465, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03274208386381371}, {"word": "2-hr", "smiley_face": 8.786960151135714e-05, "positivity": 0.02859303194060015, "time_bin": 40, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WVSnowDay: All schools in #Raleigh Co on a 2-hr delay Thu 11/1/12 due to weather conditions #WVSandy", "frequency": 0.008527570786797707, "frowny_face": 0.00021967400377839285, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9399191599666096, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031487808092790295}, {"word": "not stop", "smiley_face": 0.00010623605651758207, "positivity": 0.029614894295123765, "time_bin": 41, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TFLN: (267): This hurricane better not stop me from sitting on the stoop thurs &amp; enjoying all the slutty costume walkofshamers", "frequency": 0.03222864915610879, "frowny_face": 0.0001593540847763731, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9382502921491555, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032134813555720815}, {"word": "not stop", "smiley_face": 0.00018226556092226375, "positivity": 0.027747471065342203, "time_bin": 42, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TFLN: (267): This hurricane better not stop me from sitting on the stoop thurs &amp; enjoying all the slutty costume walkofshamers", "frequency": 0.022241502662334385, "frowny_face": 0.0001366991706916978, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9419370272487013, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030315501685956436}, {"word": "wapo-abc", "smiley_face": 0.00017715419501133787, "positivity": 0.031239618764172337, "time_bin": 43, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFix: 78% of voters said Obama response to Sandy was \"excellent\" or \"good\" in new WaPo-ABC poll.", "frequency": 0.006685233267435548, "frowny_face": 7.086167800453515e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9381554705215419, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030604910714285713}, {"word": "smh", "smiley_face": 5.712979890310786e-05, "positivity": 0.03109386425959781, "time_bin": 44, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "oh cudders RT @ducidni: dis bitch sandy smh", "frequency": 0.048247447791885216, "frowny_face": 0.0002856489945155393, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9378142138939671, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031091921846435097}, {"word": "foreign", "smiley_face": 0.000238072564517665, "positivity": 0.03427459289591467, "time_bin": 45, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @CloydRivers: Whoever names hurricanes needs to get their Merica right. Sandy? Sounds foreign. Give 'em a badass name like Beefcake ...", "frequency": 0.02758933901272373, "frowny_face": 0.000285687077421198, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9342562613084469, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03146914579563851}, {"word": "buddy", "smiley_face": 0.0003004446580939791, "positivity": 0.03225609902655931, "time_bin": 46, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @toppscards: Treat #3- Five Star BB is LOADED with inscriptions! Ya Buddy! RT for chance to win box of 5 Star BB! #TakeThatSandy! h ...", "frequency": 0.02061321946485087, "frowny_face": 0.00024035572647518327, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9364709770460281, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03127292392741257}, {"word": "fag", "smiley_face": 0.0002365744026496333, "positivity": 0.032222758457534896, "time_bin": 47, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @KattWillliams: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evacu ...", "frequency": 0.01566823649442799, "frowny_face": 0.00018925952211970665, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9357641353205584, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03201310622190679}, {"word": "hoe", "smiley_face": 0.0002535175560907593, "positivity": 0.03181645328939029, "time_bin": 48, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AHurricaneSandy: DIS HOE OUTSIDE WITH AN UMBRELLA BITCH GET YO ASS BACK INSIDE YOU AIN'T @RIHANNA", "frequency": 0.05152619943708357, "frowny_face": 0.0002535175560907593, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9341329699581696, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03405057675244011}, {"word": "elect", "smiley_face": 0.000149693129085375, "positivity": 0.033131430567336966, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "!!! @cthagod Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elect next Tuesday.", "frequency": 0.020048702122693458, "frowny_face": 0.00024948854847562496, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9320767426775111, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03479182675515194}, {"word": "elect", "smiley_face": 0.00017673048600883653, "positivity": 0.029627746686303386, "time_bin": 50, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elect next Tuesday.", "frequency": 0.036525066727043906, "frowny_face": 0.00017673048600883653, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9359720176730486, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03440023564064801}, {"word": "107th", "smiley_face": 5.187260089220873e-05, "positivity": 0.034189749974063696, "time_bin": 51, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "107th rushes to aid fellow New Yorkers after Hurricane Sandy: 75 members of the 107th Airlift Wing have deployed...", "frequency": 0.01992681324862866, "frowny_face": 0.00020749040356883493, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9326174914410209, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03319275858491545}, {"word": "guardian", "smiley_face": 0.00014986886474334957, "positivity": 0.02992176845260397, "time_bin": 52, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#news Obama to return to election campaign trail after Sandy - 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I'm comin with clothes!!!!", "frequency": 0.0380652838074444, "frowny_face": 0.00018680531772471122, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9403195927644074, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031687319032348456}, {"word": "cibrian", "smiley_face": 4.0584415584415584e-05, "positivity": 0.03184021915584416, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian as Grease's Sandy and Danny vs Gwen Stefani: IT'S a good thing these four weren't ...", "frequency": 0.01701283836401842, "frowny_face": 0.0002840909090909091, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.937692775974026, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030467004870129866}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 9.690861517588914e-05, "positivity": 0.029338356429886612, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.06765096062616374, "frowny_face": 9.690861517588914e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9369609458280841, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03370069774202927}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 7.469654528478058e-05, "positivity": 0.030369859943977586, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.032818985699114796, "frowny_face": 0.00014939309056956115, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9364145658263305, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03321557422969188}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 5.8682002229916086e-05, "positivity": 0.0309221289830409, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.017881320026563424, "frowny_face": 5.8682002229916086e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.93709289360953, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031984977407429144}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 0.0002391854028565571, "positivity": 0.02985546367798811, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.011843334233692882, "frowny_face": 0.0002391854028565571, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9389222989134148, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031222237408597007}, {"word": "skillful", "smiley_face": 0.00013055398407241394, "positivity": 0.029948822838243613, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Long Islanders Use Facebook Google Docs to Find Loved Ones Post-Sandy: Whether looking for a skillful barber ...", "frequency": 0.009123793706535033, "frowny_face": 0.00021758997345402325, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9384220375125114, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031629139649244964}, {"word": "2-hr", "smiley_face": 0.00026987639661035247, "positivity": 0.029504237059426782, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WVSnowDay: All schools in #Fayette Co on a 2-hr delay Fri 11/2/12 #WVSandy", "frequency": 0.007475032568615914, "frowny_face": 0.00026987639661035247, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9397973228261456, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030698440114427593}, {"word": "charitable", "smiley_face": 4.551661356395084e-05, "positivity": 0.030075102412380518, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Facebook Rolls Out Charitable Gifts in Wake of Sandy: Facebook added a new feature to Gifts Thursday: the abil...", "frequency": 0.025008799435420847, "frowny_face": 0.0002275830678197542, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9354289940828402, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03449590350477925}, {"word": "loveclick", "smiley_face": 0.00020342775771754057, "positivity": 0.033172761023241626, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "15 Amazing Acts of Kindness During Sandy [PICS]: Plugs R Us Free juice! Via BE LoveClick here to view thi...", "frequency": 0.017931632473852176, "frowny_face": 0.00010171387885877028, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9354053298072522, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03142190916950618}, {"word": "roethlisberger", "smiley_face": 0.0002682403433476395, "positivity": 0.029685264663805437, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFakeESPN: Steelers unable to stay in Jersey hotel due to weather making Sandy the first woman to force Roethlisberger out of a h ...", "frequency": 0.0953991549740449, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9383494277539342, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03196530758226037}, {"word": "roethlisberger", "smiley_face": 9.380863039399625e-05, "positivity": 0.030012288930581613, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFakeESPN: Steelers unable to stay in Jersey hotel due to weather making Sandy the first woman to force Roethlisberger out of a h ...", "frequency": 0.03535943689584888, "frowny_face": 4.6904315196998124e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9390712945590994, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030916416510318952}, {"word": "roethlisberger", "smiley_face": 5.596597268860533e-05, "positivity": 0.03144201925229461, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFakeESPN: Steelers unable to stay in Jersey hotel due to weather making Sandy the first woman to force Roethlisberger out of a h ...", "frequency": 0.01699129600826157, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9354082717707634, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03314970897694202}, {"word": "ex-accuweather", "smiley_face": 0.0001312565628281414, "positivity": 0.033440628281414066, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @LibertasLogos: Ex-AccuWeather's Bastardi Slams Gore's 'Stunningly Ignorant' Statement on Hurricanes: Appearing as a guest on ... ht ...", "frequency": 0.00927414294914617, "frowny_face": 0.00017500875043752187, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9349623731186559, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031596998599929996}, {"word": "cell-site", "smiley_face": 0.00019822391373295275, "positivity": 0.030859023152553122, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Blog: Cell-site outages fall to 19 percent in area hit by Sandy FCC says", "frequency": 0.01591384946978448, "frowny_face": 0.00027751347922613383, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.936107477006026, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03303349984142087}, {"word": "hurricane-ravaged", "smiley_face": 9.481668773704172e-05, "positivity": 0.030802623261694057, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "'No Red Tape'? New Jersey Turns Away Nonunion Relief Crews: How desperate is hurricane-ravaged New Jersey? Not d...", "frequency": 0.016536302522178747, "frowny_face": 0.00018963337547408344, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.937531605562579, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031665771175726935}, {"word": "tragedy", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030480582823979748, "time_bin": 75, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Yahoo! Sports: NYC Marathon and Hurricane Sandy: Balancing Sports and Tragedy (Yahoo! Contributor Network)", "frequency": 0.018769313859193528, "frowny_face": 0.00018521948508983145, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.936716675927641, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032802741248379334}, {"word": "noisy", "smiley_face": 0.00015036463423802722, "positivity": 0.03056371701375836, "time_bin": 76, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "From the Sky: Sandy's wrath along NJ shore: It's noisy aboard the King Air turboprop There's a din from the smal...", "frequency": 0.046957646014843916, "frowny_face": 7.518231711901361e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9370724005713856, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03236388241485603}, {"word": "not lose", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.028540668683070387, "time_bin": 77, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @DJDRAMA: RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elec ...", "frequency": 0.03331990597599753, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9378934030900025, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03356592822692716}, {"word": "storm-ravaged", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.027690482298614674, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "New blog post Sandy-hit areas sputter back to life: At every turn there are signs that storm-ravaged cities alo...", "frequency": 0.11016472384967817, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9417489738327347, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03056054386865059}, {"word": "not create", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03053026781202628, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane Sandy and the Arctic Sea Ice Melt: Climate change did not create Hurricane Sandy but the record melt ...", "frequency": 0.01901122188613886, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9348155634158666, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03465416877210713}, {"word": "71-year", "smiley_face": 0.00018812905653278148, "positivity": 0.03016268460163672, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Morning News Headlines: Another death is now blamed on Hurricane Sandy in WV--a 71-year old Webster Co. woman...", "frequency": 0.012461587770491021, "frowny_face": 4.703226413319537e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9377469193866993, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032090396011664}, {"word": "non-union", "smiley_face": 3.452204232402389e-05, "positivity": 0.03190223357613837, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Disgusting Idiots! Hurricane-Devastated NJ Town Rejects Non-Union Alabama Electrical Workers - via Shareaholic", "frequency": 0.011924986081321875, "frowny_face": 6.904408464804778e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9349388959850865, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033158870438775155}, {"word": "sewer", "smiley_face": 0.00020869202274743047, "positivity": 0.027645953983408977, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @WVSnowDay: Cedar Grove Middle School in #Kanawha Co closing @ 9:00 Fri 11/2/12 due to Sewer problems #WVSandy", "frequency": 0.011353746526887037, "frowny_face": 0.00015651901706057285, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9415923201335629, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030761725883028126}, {"word": "desperate", "smiley_face": 0.0002375484994853116, "positivity": 0.029323501464882416, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @1861_again: Via @Breitbart #tcot NBC Diverts Sandy Resources from Desperate Staten Island to Celeb Party... #tw ...", "frequency": 0.007832019164540568, "frowny_face": 0.00015836566632354107, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9398259957241271, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030850502810990575}, {"word": "tanks-invacare", "smiley_face": 8.639308855291577e-05, "positivity": 0.028926695464362853, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@megynkelly #Sandy Homebound oxygen pts w/o pwr for concentrators &amp; few tanks-Invacare Linde Gas Lincare Apria are's to contact.", "frequency": 0.013269283274133957, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9399082073434125, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03116509719222462}, {"word": "hurricane-devastated", "smiley_face": 0.00016414431568234793, "positivity": 0.028811923443091168, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @BenHowe: Yep. RT @slone: THEN EAT DIRT! Hurricane-Devastated NJ Town REJECTS NON-UNION Alabama Electrical Workers ...", "frequency": 0.012388028489587418, "frowny_face": 6.565772627293917e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.940087324775943, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031100751780965823}, {"word": "municipal", "smiley_face": 8.578168561012223e-05, "positivity": 0.02961972978769033, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Deadspin: Hurricane Sandy threw pieces of Cleveland Municipal Stadium out of Lake Erie:", "frequency": 0.018384482073209363, "frowny_face": 8.578168561012223e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9400814926013297, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030298777610980057}, {"word": "tristate", "smiley_face": 0.000134024303073624, "positivity": 0.028293379199428162, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @kirstiealley: Truck is shipping out tonight for Tristate area and Sandy Storm Victims!! Call to action!!! Please help LA!! We can do ...", "frequency": 0.005879441521988246, "frowny_face": 4.467476769120801e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9398286722659042, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03187794853466762}, {"word": "not fly", "smiley_face": 0.0001478524432616249, "positivity": 0.0288250905596215, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @tyleroakley: But... Nicki... Starships were MEANT to fly... RT: @NICKIMINAJ You guys be careful with these hurricanes... do not fly", "frequency": 0.018435262975256442, "frowny_face": 0.00011088933244621867, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9404524284763806, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030722480963997927}, {"word": "dumpster-dive", "smiley_face": 0.0002556423928127967, "positivity": 0.029643890146811777, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TwitchyTeam: Obama hits Vegas with Eva Longoria while Sandy victims Dumpster-dive in NYC", "frequency": 0.019637761567665068, "frowny_face": 3.652034183039953e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9397003505952816, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030655759257906652}, {"word": "dumpster-dive", "smiley_face": 0.00027939789753082106, "positivity": 0.028229420598609993, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @KQK2: Obama hits Vegas with Eva Longoria while Sandy victims Dumpster-dive in NYC #Election2012 #tcot", "frequency": 0.014634285605592386, "frowny_face": 0.00013969894876541053, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9426972374532882, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029073341948101843}, {"word": "telethon", "smiley_face": 0.00040785410476024006, "positivity": 0.02917700868146594, "time_bin": 91, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @jimmyfallon: Performing tonight with @BillyJoel &amp; Steven Tyler (@IamStevenT) for the @NBC Hurricane #Sandy telethon. Tune in ton ...", "frequency": 0.009304425724682984, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9405625473402086, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030260443978325474}, {"word": "statistical", "smiley_face": 0.00014509576320371445, "positivity": 0.030939168601276844, "time_bin": 92, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Predictions and Statistical Models Are Necessary for Democracy and Hurricanes: David Brooks...", "frequency": 0.017206654810298375, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9384884648868254, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03057236651189785}, {"word": "dumpster-dive", "smiley_face": 6.448700586831753e-05, "positivity": 0.028438769587928032, "time_bin": 93, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @RN4US: MT @PatDollard: #Obama hits Vegas with Eva Longoria while #Sandy victims Dumpster-dive in NYC #tcot", "frequency": 0.01039941010282561, "frowny_face": 3.2243502934158766e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9416594118785064, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029901818533565487}, {"word": "tune-in", "smiley_face": 0.00015471094837811355, "positivity": 0.0337169821051003, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @eonline: East Coast! Tune-in NOW for the Hurricane Sandy benefit concert and help support the @RedCross! #SandyHelp", "frequency": 0.024604579170628364, "frowny_face": 0.0001031406322520757, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9368199164560879, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02946310143881182}, {"word": "roic", "smiley_face": 8.83821644792081e-05, "positivity": 0.032095143400061865, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: Talking with Pres. Obama about needs in #NJ at the ROIC Friday evening. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.008699789644229416, "frowny_face": 0.0001767643289584162, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9373812364664811, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03052362013345707}, {"word": "checked-in", "smiley_face": 5.1150895140664964e-05, "positivity": 0.02905877237851662, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "I'm watching Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together (5957 others checked-in) #GetGlue #HurricaneSandy", "frequency": 0.009174854156876213, "frowny_face": 0.00015345268542199487, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9408120204603581, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030129207161125323}, {"word": "tech", "smiley_face": 0.0001091703056768559, "positivity": 0.030701091703056765, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Lessons From Sandy; Tech Tools for the Next Big Storm: Those of you who felt Hurricane Sandy this week were re...", "frequency": 0.01590503069558835, "frowny_face": 0.00016375545851528384, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9390215611353712, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030277347161572054}, {"word": "colddd", "smiley_face": 0.0008042464211034261, "positivity": 0.030537960431076077, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Real_Liam_Payne can I please get a follow? Hurricane sandy took my power and I'm soo colddd. Please make my week better and follow meee :)0", "frequency": 0.04438557040300668, "frowny_face": 8.042464211034261e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9398021553804086, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029659884188515364}, {"word": "storm-battered", "smiley_face": 0.00034916201117318437, "positivity": 0.030999301675977663, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "NY marathon off amid Sandy uproar: Sunday's marathon in storm-battered New York is called off as Mayor Michael Bloomberg gives in to ...", "frequency": 0.031746845023184804, "frowny_face": 9.976057462090982e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9375, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03150069832402234}, {"word": "above", "smiley_face": 0.0006010016694490818, "positivity": 0.028275859766277132, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @OhioProbz: Goodnight Ohioans dont forget that it may rain hail hurricane thunderstorm snow or all of the above while you're sl ...", "frequency": 0.02836582782057432, "frowny_face": 0.0001335559265442404, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9436310517529215, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02809308848080133}, {"word": "linger", "smiley_face": 0.0003694808793644929, "positivity": 0.03161370774062442, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Temperatures fall tempers rise as Sandy power outages linger - CNN: Brisbane Times... NTN:", "frequency": 0.03766781780264191, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9375577313874007, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030828560871974876}, {"word": "linger", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0286612722320141, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#CNN Temperatures fall tempers rise as power outages linger: Sandy survivors welcomed glimmers of hope as servi...", "frequency": 0.11294098604838569, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9412754366287454, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030063291139240507}, {"word": "rappler", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029365718375380212, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Social Media wRap: Sandy Halloween and Disney Star Wars - Rappler #socialmedia", "frequency": 0.02697901788293678, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9378913938092682, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03274288781535158}, {"word": "l'coute", "smiley_face": 0.00032085561497326203, "positivity": 0.027599572192513373, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "l'coute des sinistrs de la tempte Sandy #radiocanada", "frequency": 0.03047118424120799, "frowny_face": 0.000106951871657754, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9416176470588236, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030782780748663103}, {"word": "victims-glad", "smiley_face": 6.218132073125233e-05, "positivity": 0.030613978360900386, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @PhaedraParks: So proud to see #Obama &amp; Gov. Christie working 2gether to help #Sandy victims-Glad this President is concerned- I ...", "frequency": 0.03085481915393415, "frowny_face": 0.000186543962193757, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9380207685611243, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03136525307797538}, {"word": "complex", "smiley_face": 0.00027062553158586564, "positivity": 0.030492113198793785, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "YOUR MONEY - Pets make life more complex for those hit by Sandy - Reuters", "frequency": 0.012144276182649289, "frowny_face": 0.00023196474135931338, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.937485502203665, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03202238459754117}, {"word": "not hiring", "smiley_face": 0.0005051682598896401, "positivity": 0.032364265174477345, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @fema: (11/3) Rumor Control: @fema is *NOT* hiring clean up crews in #NY or #NJ. Visit: #Sandy", "frequency": 0.010136064758172757, "frowny_face": 3.8859096914587705e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.937470855677314, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030164879148208593}, {"word": "weekly", "smiley_face": 0.00024362231580412765, "positivity": 0.03127501479135489, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#BREAKING #INFO | President Obama reflects on Hurricane Sandy in weekly address #POLITICS &gt; @HCP520", "frequency": 0.00722176591733888, "frowny_face": 6.960637594403648e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9374673720112763, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03125761319736888}, {"word": "kic", "smiley_face": 0.00013122068037922776, "positivity": 0.031379129350785684, "time_bin": 109, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @YMCMB_BW: Any kid in the NYC area and you lost clothing due to hurricane Sandy if you wear a size 10 Bow got 8 fresh pair of new kic ...", "frequency": 0.029912685511916295, "frowny_face": 6.561034018961388e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9368377456287111, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03178312502050323}, {"word": "anheuser-busch", "smiley_face": 0.0001232640315555921, "positivity": 0.029131399457638263, "time_bin": 110, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @darrenrovell: Anheuser-Busch plant produces 1 million cans of water for Sandy victims in NY &amp; NJ. Here's the can ...", "frequency": 0.0428190721108378, "frowny_face": 4.108801051853069e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9410387049059085, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029829895636453285}, {"word": "anheuser-busch", "smiley_face": 3.639937393076839e-05, "positivity": 0.03256786663269392, "time_bin": 111, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @darrenrovell: Anheuser-Busch plant produces 1 million cans of water for Sandy victims in NY &amp; NJ. Here's the can ...", "frequency": 0.016592511900946485, "frowny_face": 0.00010919812179230517, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9422205438066465, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.025211589560659553}, {"word": "not txt", "smiley_face": 0.00022099447513812155, "positivity": 0.030130228887134965, "time_bin": 112, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.09875956900671319, "frowny_face": 9.471191791633781e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9405643251775848, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02930544593528019}, {"word": "not booty", "smiley_face": 8.805529872760093e-05, "positivity": 0.029961387751507945, "time_bin": 113, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.04093883483152177, "frowny_face": 0.0001320829480914014, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9410469775018712, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028991634746620882}, {"word": "not booty", "smiley_face": 0.00026143790849673205, "positivity": 0.029835381263616557, "time_bin": 114, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.014742154422253342, "frowny_face": 8.714596949891067e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9391339869281046, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031030631808278867}, {"word": "storm-affected", "smiley_face": 0.00019210081450745352, "positivity": 0.032246273244198556, "time_bin": 115, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYGovCuomo: Unemployed as a result of #Sandy? Call 1-888-469-7365 to find out about jobs helping clean up storm-affected areas: htt ...", "frequency": 0.011679235368128047, "frowny_face": 0.0001536806516059628, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9391040418011373, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028649684954664207}, {"word": "storm-affected", "smiley_face": 0.00013887442280318023, "positivity": 0.03089042808040829, "time_bin": 116, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYGovCuomo: Unemployed as a result of #Sandy? Call 1-888-469-7365 to find out about jobs helping clean up storm-affected areas: htt ...", "frequency": 0.008975954699590043, "frowny_face": 0.00020831163420477033, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9387563795437975, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03035319237579419}, {"word": "emotional", "smiley_face": 5.3123671908202294e-05, "positivity": 0.03125297492562686, "time_bin": 117, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"Emotional Care for Children in a Disaster\" - tips for parents #opsafe #SANDY #DT @operationSAFE", "frequency": 0.025229166489233297, "frowny_face": 5.3123671908202294e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9366433807904803, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0321036442838929}, {"word": "emotional", "smiley_face": 0.00034688096201653467, "positivity": 0.032366710990345146, "time_bin": 118, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"Emotional Care for Children in a Disaster\" - tips for parents #opsafe #SANDY #DT @operationSAFE", "frequency": 0.05523289974762615, "frowny_face": 0.00011562698733884489, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9326689599352489, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03496432907440597}, {"word": "sneaky", "smiley_face": 0.00015984015984015984, "positivity": 0.03286497502497503, "time_bin": 119, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#BREAKING #INFO | Fox News thinks hurricane relief fundraiser might just be sneaky ploy to r... #POLITICS &gt; @HCP520", "frequency": 0.017830067370037332, "frowny_face": 0.00011988011988011988, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9361938061938062, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03094121878121878}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.00047740983464259363, "positivity": 0.026750661863634395, "time_bin": 120, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @911BUFF: JUST IN- E-MAIL AND FAX VOTING WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR NEW JERSEY RESIDENCE DISPLACED BY #SANDY. FOR MORE INFO CALL 1-877-NJV ...", "frequency": 0.0239639842997171, "frowny_face": 4.34008940584176e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9460743891324161, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027174949003949476}, {"word": "smilin", "smiley_face": 0.00028775598292647833, "positivity": 0.028146132079996163, "time_bin": 121, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @KennyHamilton: Met a family tonight in my hotel displaced by Sandy. They have been here since the storm. Their kids are still smilin ...", "frequency": 0.02988692842167644, "frowny_face": 9.591866097549278e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9439115629945806, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027942304925423243}, {"word": "evac", "smiley_face": 0.0003067108330266225, "positivity": 0.030617408906882592, "time_bin": 122, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MeirHefner_215: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evac ...", "frequency": 0.025543491564530365, "frowny_face": 0.000122684333210649, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9368099006256901, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03257269046742731}, {"word": "british", "smiley_face": 7.097232079489e-05, "positivity": 0.03057530163236338, "time_bin": 123, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AmberLyon: Bill Gates and British scientist patent invention to stop hurricanes with car tires #sandy", "frequency": 0.01571354657880821, "frowny_face": 0.00014194464158978, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9368346344925479, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03259006387508871}, {"word": "water-downed", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03258046934140803, "time_bin": 124, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovBevPerdue: Had a new drink tonight called the Hurricane Sandy. Apparently its a water-downed Manhattan. Too Soon?", "frequency": 0.019438487402505717, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9366199848599546, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030799545798637393}, {"word": "endemic", "smiley_face": 0.00018719580681392738, "positivity": 0.028851553725196554, "time_bin": 125, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "NEW MUSIC FROM FAME LABS SANDY(clean) by MASTER K-BAR prod by ENDEMIC", "frequency": 0.02777946612360932, "frowny_face": 0.00037439161362785476, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9396059528266567, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03154249344814676}, {"word": "knoxville", "smiley_face": 0.00016286644951140066, "positivity": 0.028196254071661236, "time_bin": 126, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Rachel Wise: Social media especially invaluable during Sandy - Knoxville News Sentinel", "frequency": 0.057207468425574316, "frowny_face": 0.00016286644951140066, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9443607491856677, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02744299674267101}, {"word": "asbury", "smiley_face": 0.00020703933747412008, "positivity": 0.024734782608695653, "time_bin": 127, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Heya @horseyfrolick we're streaming 4th Of July Asbury Park ( Sandy ). Then We Shall Overcome. Join us at", "frequency": 0.03212086893573549, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9458333333333333, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02943188405797101}, {"word": "third", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02927765869744435, "time_bin": 128, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "NYC crime falls by one third in wake of Sandy - New York City crime dropped by a third in the days after superstorm ...", "frequency": 0.02213490531303862, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9396949711459192, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031027370156636442}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 9.312721177127957e-05, "positivity": 0.03156248835909852, "time_bin": 129, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: E-mail and fax voting will be available to New Jerseyans displaced by Hurricane #Sandy. For more information call 1-877 ...", "frequency": 0.02161068682505358, "frowny_face": 0.00018625442354255913, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.935567610355746, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032869901285155524}, {"word": "eleven-year-old", "smiley_face": 0.00017251293847038527, "positivity": 0.03139982748706153, "time_bin": 130, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HuffingtonPost: Eleven-year-old brings Internet and power back to Hoboken #Sandy", "frequency": 0.014227590494652559, "frowny_face": 0.00011500862564692352, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9367165037377804, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031883668775158136}, {"word": "eleven-year-old", "smiley_face": 0.00013612387272417901, "positivity": 0.029642879019908117, "time_bin": 131, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @HuffingtonPost: Eleven-year-old brings Internet and power back to Hoboken #Sandy", "frequency": 0.018147436855424182, "frowny_face": 6.806193636208951e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9404330440701038, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02992407690998809}, {"word": "harvard", "smiley_face": 0.0003201878435348738, "positivity": 0.02982138854794813, "time_bin": 132, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @BostonTweet: At 9:50am two Harvard students will run the \"NYC Marathon\" but in Boston to raise money for Hurricane Sandy relief. ...", "frequency": 0.05149582406850221, "frowny_face": 5.336464058914563e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9395245210523507, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03065409039970116}, {"word": "disaster", "smiley_face": 0.0002803139516258209, "positivity": 0.03073406214960757, "time_bin": 133, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @OccupySandy: First person account of disaster recovery from one of our amazing volunteer coordinators Sofia #O ...", "frequency": 0.017242628135469937, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9392019061348711, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030064031715521376}, {"word": "ka-ra-tay", "smiley_face": 0.00010209985365687643, "positivity": 0.02947238198958582, "time_bin": 134, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Yo_ItsSpongebob: Sandy: \"I like karate.\" Spongebob: \"I like ka-ra-tay.\" Mr. Krabs: \"I like mo-ney-ay.\" Squidward: \"I hate all of you.\"", "frequency": 0.017611598654262765, "frowny_face": 6.806656910458428e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9418498791818398, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028677738828574342}, {"word": "sandy-weary", "smiley_face": 9.881911161618657e-05, "positivity": 0.03089055783388507, "time_bin": 135, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Sandy-weary East Coast braces for cold new storm - East Coast residents struggling to pick up the pieces after supe...", "frequency": 0.016508623367036124, "frowny_face": 4.940955580809328e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.940152675527447, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02895676663866792}, {"word": "not wrecked", "smiley_face": 0.00010047558443298278, "positivity": 0.03104930002009512, "time_bin": 136, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Not wrecked by Sandy 'Ralph' tops box office", "frequency": 0.014383913588786766, "frowny_face": 6.698372295532186e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9389568959742782, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02999380400562663}, {"word": "haitian", "smiley_face": 0.00023128517462030684, "positivity": 0.03188165908565261, "time_bin": 137, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Wondering if prev millions sent helped them at all? @AP Haitian govt appeals for emergency humanitarian aid after destruction from #Sandy", "frequency": 0.012754384013062111, "frowny_face": 7.709505820676895e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9388009791072393, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02931736180710816}, {"word": "a-rod", "smiley_face": 0.000180485867956539, "positivity": 0.030739667184059488, "time_bin": 138, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AntiJokeTyrone: They should of renamed the hurricane A-Rod. Then it would't of hit anything.", "frequency": 0.012863072624776583, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.937682741941306, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03157759087463451}, {"word": "govern", "smiley_face": 0.00022738642048296875, "positivity": 0.030275910682614034, "time_bin": 139, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TeaPartyCat: Haley Barbour: \"Hurricane Sandy broke Romney's momentum. It's a shame FEMA had to save the day and remind people govern ...", "frequency": 0.014495383944147079, "frowny_face": 4.547728409659375e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9407772067852108, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02894688253217518}, {"word": "sympathy", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03415714124038026, "time_bin": 140, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @JoeSteelerFan: ~ Unbelievable. Oh I get it ... this is the \"Let's show sympathy for Giants fans because of the hurricane\" game. @ ...", "frequency": 0.018754047670654254, "frowny_face": 5.658669081032141e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9312896106835672, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03455324807605251}, {"word": "united", "smiley_face": 0.00021399529210357372, "positivity": 0.03226497967044725, "time_bin": 141, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFunnyRacist: Here is the list of foreign countries helping the United States with Hurricane relief:", "frequency": 0.04289630500775357, "frowny_face": 0.00010699764605178686, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9354202332548683, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03231478707468436}, {"word": "plastic", "smiley_face": 0.00027960854803275414, "positivity": 0.030347513481126423, "time_bin": 142, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @nancyhunt: Staten Island is overrun with donations of clothes. 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Staten Island #Sandy Death Toll Rises 300 DEAD BODIES At Egbert School 333 Midland Ave Media Cover-Up Pls RT &amp ...", "frequency": 0.017588207660503744, "frowny_face": 8.395248289468161e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9374501532132813, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030868194601855352}, {"word": "disaster", "smiley_face": 0.0006902502157031924, "positivity": 0.03291675582398619, "time_bin": 145, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "MT @PHEgov Stress anxiety &amp; depression R common after disaster Talking 2 someone can help Disaster Distress Hotline 1-800-985-5990. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.025341253626952335, "frowny_face": 6.902502157031924e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9351509922346851, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03193225194132873}, {"word": "op-ed", "smiley_face": 0.00026864388566516224, "positivity": 0.032139533634214484, "time_bin": 146, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYTimeskrugman: OP-ED COLUMNIST; Sandy Versus Katrina", 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How would the press cover this if a Republican was Pre ...", "frequency": 0.017608937672583373, "frowny_face": 5.562972852692479e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9412828215398309, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030231642189586114}, {"word": "executive", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030124846719803797, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @newsbreaker: ALERT: NY Gov. signs executive order allowing #Sandy affected residents in certain counties to vote ANYWHERE tomorrow ...", "frequency": 0.01206228095349267, "frowny_face": 0.00015328019619865113, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9387358215818516, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031139331698344576}, {"word": "check-in", "smiley_face": 3.880330604167475e-05, "positivity": 0.029104652516394398, "time_bin": 165, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "TNW: Foursquare and Snoball let you help those affected by Sandy automatically at every check-in", "frequency": 0.015178160686755503, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9421491211051182, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028746226378487446}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 166, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 167, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "20th", "smiley_face": 6.377957777919511e-05, "positivity": 0.033556030359079024, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @SandysHurricane: 20th Street and Avenue C in Manhattan...", "frequency": 0.009865775980656152, "frowny_face": 0.0003188978888959755, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9333662861151859, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033077683525735056}, {"word": "reliable", "smiley_face": 7.122507122507122e-05, "positivity": 0.03616267806267806, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "RT @FDNY: There is much misinformation being spread about #Sandy's impact on #NYC. You can get reliable info from @NYCMayorsOffice @Not ...", "frequency": 0.009671245332915487, "frowny_face": 7.122507122507122e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9302083333333333, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03362898860398861}, {"word": "wide-eyed", "smiley_face": 0.0003074085459575776, "positivity": 0.032226662567886054, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Steve_OS: What the F @milesmaker: A wide-eyed seal appears in Manhattan #Sandy", "frequency": 0.014463003273795048, "frowny_face": 0.00020493903063838507, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9361102571984834, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03166308023363049}, {"word": "hospital", "smiley_face": 0.00011245431543435479, "positivity": 0.03295462468372223, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @BigBirdRomney: WOW. Photo of ambulances lined up outside NYU Hospital to take patients after power was lost. #HurricaneSandy #Sandy ...", "frequency": 0.012996686047990485, "frowny_face": 0.00011245431543435479, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9350646612313748, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03198071408490301}, {"word": "arent", "smiley_face": 8.200754469411185e-05, "positivity": 0.03022949811382647, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "What happens if #Sandy effects being able to vote next wk? If a large population of people arent able to vote what happens? @FoxNews", "frequency": 0.006841191755500435, "frowny_face": 0.0002870264064293915, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9377665245202559, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03200397736591767}, {"word": "near-empty", "smiley_face": 0.00042739101529110074, "positivity": 0.031553756292145504, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: A dark lower Manhattan. A near-empty Times Square. A flooded carousel. Memorable photos from #Sandy:", "frequency": 0.015017832331560869, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9364552664070662, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031990977300788294}, {"word": "not over", "smiley_face": 0.00010952302721647227, "positivity": 0.029752970812113245, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Profile Defenders Sandy's trail of destruction is not over: The repertoire of destruction caused by superstorm Sa... Best Reputation Co.", "frequency": 0.011629166126468608, "frowny_face": 0.00010952302721647227, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9392763265976671, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030970702590219595}, {"word": "post-tropical", "smiley_face": 6.324310650139134e-05, "positivity": 0.030486718947634706, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "NWSBHM: Hydrometeorological Prediction Center issues ADVISORY #32 for POST-TROPICAL CYCLONE SANDY", "frequency": 0.01452268906490743, "frowny_face": 6.324310650139134e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9390731722742222, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030440108778143182}, {"word": "water", "smiley_face": 0.0006141667804012556, "positivity": 0.03250436740821618, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@YourAnonNews #twc saying \"boiling doesn't make the water safe.\" nothing about why or what the danger of doing so is. #notenough #sandy", "frequency": 0.006008139217219281, "frowny_face": 0.0001364815067558346, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9329534598061963, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.034542172785587556}, {"word": "90-year-old", "smiley_face": 0.00010835997182640732, "positivity": 0.03260654494229831, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NBCConnecticut: A 90-year-old woman and a firefighter in Connecticut died as a result of the storm #Sandy", "frequency": 0.006580433192726788, "frowny_face": 5.417998591320366e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.933155442379585, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03423801267811671}, {"word": "walk-of-shame", "smiley_face": 0.0001892147587511826, "positivity": 0.03207614001892148, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @kevin_nealon: This morning in New York City Sandy begins her walk-of-shame from everyone's apartment. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.006976798327546078, "frowny_face": 0.00011352885525070956, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9352223273415327, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03270153263954588}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.0001681859463823203, "positivity": 0.03278509199771267, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.006552471465375782, "frowny_face": 0.0002690975142117125, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9349835177772545, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03223139022503279}, {"word": "unthinkable", "smiley_face": 0.00010669511869831955, "positivity": 0.031020112029874633, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @cnnbrk: NJ Gov. 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PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.01601558462122487, "frowny_face": 6.646726487205052e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9366483881688269, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030672116982386175}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00010542406831479627, "positivity": 0.032280217173580726, "time_bin": 16, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.012225296076495638, "frowny_face": 0.00021084813662959254, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9361657266353909, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03155405619102842}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00010087254753618803, "positivity": 0.031552125888939325, "time_bin": 17, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.016425796103360826, "frowny_face": 0.0003026176426085641, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9358261461643214, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032621727946739294}, {"word": "jsst", "smiley_face": 0.0001216397031991242, "positivity": 0.030215667193772045, "time_bin": 18, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @hurricannesandy: WHAT IF GANGAM STYLE WAS ACTUALLY JSST A GIANT RAIN DANCE AND WE BROUGHT THIS HURRICANE ON OURSELVES?", "frequency": 0.03412549000645983, "frowny_face": 0.0001824595547986863, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9384275027368933, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03135683006933463}, {"word": "heavy", "smiley_face": 4.888063349301007e-05, "positivity": 0.0322272949457425, "time_bin": 19, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @SandysHurricane: I CAN'T HELP IT DAT I GOT A WIDESET VAGINA AND A HEAVY FLOW", "frequency": 0.027275388185361956, "frowny_face": 0.00014664190047903022, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9363146446377945, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03145806041646299}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.0002455946460367164, "positivity": 0.03208331798366795, "time_bin": 20, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. 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Dawg What????", "frequency": 0.04897267070835571, "frowny_face": 5.0551005965018706e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9262208067940552, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03833586088363158}, {"word": "san-d", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03129692792203933, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @SheeWantsYourD: Hurricane San-D", "frequency": 0.024965553532158777, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9359661893160616, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03273688276189911}, {"word": "1-800-red-cross", "smiley_face": 4.3077453260963214e-05, "positivity": 0.032203368656845005, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@CNN @GovChristie @PiersTonight 1-800-RED-CROSS...Sandy victims need help NOW", "frequency": 0.06127267300159888, "frowny_face": 4.3077453260963214e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9352222796588265, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03257435168432842}, {"word": "not ny", "smiley_face": 5.800800510470445e-05, "positivity": 0.03424409768548059, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@MariaNYC UPDATED: Romney Donating Sandy Supplies To GOP Swing States -- Not NY", "frequency": 0.01116784366858015, "frowny_face": 0.0001160160102094089, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9321958930332386, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03356000928128082}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.0001114951499609767, "positivity": 0.03370308841565392, "time_bin": 25, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.011986462453511594, "frowny_face": 0.00014866019994796894, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9341621139480433, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032134797636302816}, {"word": "drunken", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03306962091230993, "time_bin": 26, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @huffingtonpost: Woman arrested for alleged drunken rescue of ducks during #Sandy &lt; huh. don't see that every day.", "frequency": 0.010901457417676825, "frowny_face": 0.00015621745469693814, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9328980941470527, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03403228494063737}, {"word": "pounded", "smiley_face": 0.00013277273733126798, "positivity": 0.03291352069041824, "time_bin": 27, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "In hurricane Twitter proves a lifeline despite pranksters: SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - As Hurricane Sandy pounded...", "frequency": 0.010894513698740936, "frowny_face": 0.00017703031644169064, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9343936711661872, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03269280814339456}, {"word": "disrupt", "smiley_face": 0.0001935508845275423, "positivity": 0.029742848294816708, "time_bin": 28, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Will storm disrupt Tuesday voting?: Widespread damage in the East from Superstorm Sandy threw state and local ag...", "frequency": 0.05344155044680139, "frowny_face": 0.00015484070762203383, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9387024348701274, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03155471683505594}, {"word": "lesbianic", "smiley_face": 5.6053811659192826e-05, "positivity": 0.029025840807174883, "time_bin": 29, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "# Pauly D Caught in Hurricane ... of Lesbianic Activity", "frequency": 0.04353950731492136, "frowny_face": 0.0002242152466367713, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9380815582959642, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03289260089686099}, {"word": "two-day", "smiley_face": 5.936127270568681e-05, "positivity": 0.02687504452095453, "time_bin": 30, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Stock markets prepare for post-Sandy open: Wall Street ready to get back to work after two-day closure due to storm.", "frequency": 0.018746748321893773, "frowny_face": 5.936127270568681e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9410023150896355, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03212264038940994}, {"word": "hydrometeorological", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.026877538674271888, "time_bin": 31, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "NWSBHM: Hydrometeorological Prediction Center issues ADVISORY #36 for REMNANTS OF SANDY", "frequency": 0.01627620013150355, "frowny_face": 8.642295393656556e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9428744274479302, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030248033877797943}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.00033654452904799967, "positivity": 0.03035274073450844, "time_bin": 32, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.013544305669737855, "frowny_face": 0.00012620419839299988, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9357778385427622, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.033869420722729374}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 7.971938775510203e-05, "positivity": 0.030330994897959183, "time_bin": 33, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.007825075379977243, "frowny_face": 0.00011957908163265306, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9377840003188775, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031885004783163265}, {"word": "insensitive", "smiley_face": 0.00011676786548341896, "positivity": 0.03200529347656858, "time_bin": 34, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Gap Criticized For Insensitive Tweet During Hurricane Sandy RT @mashable", "frequency": 0.019728353561266152, "frowny_face": 0.00011676786548341896, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9339775027245836, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03401720379884789}, {"word": "hurricanesandy-now", "smiley_face": 0.0002327475852438031, "positivity": 0.029655921486481246, "time_bin": 35, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@RahmEmanuel Repubs show their frustration-last major bogus attack line-Benghazi-drowned out by HurricaneSandy-now JeepGate is on us", "frequency": 0.022807302437153617, "frowny_face": 7.758252841460103e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9374054462934948, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03293863222002404}, {"word": "notorious", "smiley_face": 0.0001387251161822848, "positivity": 0.030800339876534646, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @PatsyGrimmett: Notorious Wonkette Trig mocker outs notorious Sandy Twitter villain via @sharethis", "frequency": 0.014660167797507825, "frowny_face": 3.46812790455712e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9363034958729278, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03289616425053756}, {"word": "not a", "smiley_face": 8.205801501661675e-05, "positivity": 0.029993968735896284, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TFLN: (570): It's a hurricane not a zombie apocalypse. WHY DID YOU BUY SHOTGUNS?!?!", "frequency": 0.0382114298224894, "frowny_face": 8.205801501661675e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9350254379846552, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034980593279448566}, {"word": "all-access", "smiley_face": 3.987876854362737e-05, "positivity": 0.0292062131121391, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NotJerryTipton: Due to Hurricane Sandy UK All-Access won't air tonight. In other words it literally takes an Act of God to keep Ke ...", "frequency": 0.016919410113872626, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.938561772212474, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032232014675386826}, {"word": "flapped", "smiley_face": 0.00014346687708475305, "positivity": 0.02862565905096661, "time_bin": 39, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MCWarburton: Obama just sent Seal Team Six to kill a butterfly in Brazil that flapped its wings two weeks ago. #sandy", "frequency": 0.019069972793440644, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9375605250887701, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03381381586026326}, {"word": "not jesus", "smiley_face": 0.00029711059942063434, "positivity": 0.029205043452425167, "time_bin": 40, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @perlapell: I got bad news Million Moms. That's not Jesus walking with you blaming Sandy on the gays..that's a drifter. Jesus is ha ...", "frequency": 0.012103352172873784, "frowny_face": 0.00011141647478273787, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9409306989526851, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029864257594889698}, {"word": "not stop", "smiley_face": 4.622994776015903e-05, "positivity": 0.029237853081226017, "time_bin": 41, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TFLN: (267): This hurricane better not stop me from sitting on the stoop thurs &amp; enjoying all the slutty costume walkofshamers", "frequency": 0.03980052393798553, "frowny_face": 0.00018491979104063612, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9396005732513523, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031161573667421758}, {"word": "t-mobile", "smiley_face": 8.481764206955047e-05, "positivity": 0.028034605597964377, "time_bin": 42, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "To help reconnect people after Hurricane Sandy AT&amp;T and T-Mobile will join forces and share networks: In the af...", "frequency": 0.01858611420317108, "frowny_face": 4.240882103477523e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9421013570822732, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029864037319762508}, {"word": "t-mobile", "smiley_face": 0.00019151584793641673, "positivity": 0.03167812569823486, "time_bin": 43, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "T-Mobile and AT&amp;T Join Forces to Keep Customers Connected After Sandy cool! RT @mashable", "frequency": 0.009961039251143118, "frowny_face": 6.383861597880558e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9391737687126943, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02914810558907083}, {"word": "smh", "smiley_face": 4.88710780959828e-05, "positivity": 0.030975417847717717, "time_bin": 44, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@ducidni: dis bitch sandy smh RT omg let's get married", "frequency": 0.055610220173384704, "frowny_face": 4.88710780959828e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9390027856514515, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03002179650083081}, {"word": "not able", "smiley_face": 0.00013870266771464238, "positivity": 0.033126219427620326, "time_bin": 45, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ryanlochte: Don't forget to keep your thoughts &amp; prayers with those in the northeast recovering from #Sandy &amp; not able to ce ...", "frequency": 0.03744388035688147, "frowny_face": 0.00018493689028618984, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9321281612649683, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034745619307411345}, {"word": "buddy", "smiley_face": 0.0003507848811716215, "positivity": 0.030503157063930544, "time_bin": 46, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @toppscards: Treat #3- Five Star BB is LOADED with inscriptions! Ya Buddy! RT for chance to win box of 5 Star BB! #TakeThatSandy! h ...", "frequency": 0.04255090823468312, "frowny_face": 0.00017539244058581075, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9370341138296939, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032462729106375515}, {"word": "fag", "smiley_face": 8.35177684052282e-05, "positivity": 0.030099427903286423, "time_bin": 47, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @ImTooSwavey: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evacuat ...", "frequency": 0.023082872886850937, "frowny_face": 0.0001670355368104564, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9395174760930388, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030383096003674784}, {"word": "hoe", "smiley_face": 0.00013106732491589848, "positivity": 0.03320127572196251, "time_bin": 48, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Ratchet2English: Why name hurricane hoe names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be eva ...", "frequency": 0.042058545460819954, "frowny_face": 0.00013106732491589848, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9362084407357246, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030590283542312902}, {"word": "elect", "smiley_face": 0.00011163206072784104, "positivity": 0.03227922899456724, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elect next Tuesday.", "frequency": 0.035878386358714154, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9337603259656173, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033960445039815434}, {"word": "elect", "smiley_face": 8.499065102838688e-05, "positivity": 0.030559323474417817, "time_bin": 50, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elect next Tuesday.", "frequency": 0.03581762918691476, "frowny_face": 0.00012748597654258032, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9361985806561278, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03324209586945436}, {"word": "not unstoppable", "smiley_face": 7.409877366529584e-05, "positivity": 0.0328159386462154, "time_bin": 51, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Not unstoppable: Sandy tapering off in Appalachia", "frequency": 0.027036407572376457, "frowny_face": 0.0001481975473305917, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9344318476529213, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03275221370086325}, {"word": "terra-forming", "smiley_face": 0.0003160722751935943, "positivity": 0.029634040984038344, "time_bin": 52, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@alexwagner Sandy says climate change is actually UNINTENDED/UNCONSCIOUS TERRA-FORMING. Welcome to a sci-fi horror flick. Got popcorn?", "frequency": 0.06939606110167792, "frowny_face": 0.00015803613759679715, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9364102091344888, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033955749881472895}, {"word": "fan-sadly", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029699288067155456, "time_bin": 53, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@hitRECordJoe My friend Brittany is a HUGE Fan-Sadly her family was impacted by Sandy-Would mean the world if you kept her in you thoughts!!", "frequency": 0.017008518352346205, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9413717989586654, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02892891297417915}, {"word": "atlanta-based", "smiley_face": 0.00018642803877703205, "positivity": 0.031051920208799405, "time_bin": 54, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Investors bid up Home Depot Lowe's on post-Sandy effort: Shares of Atlanta-based Home Depot and its North Carli...", "frequency": 0.02985630919895231, "frowny_face": 0.00018642803877703205, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9366377703206562, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03231030947054437}, {"word": "affirmative", "smiley_face": 0.00015762925598991173, "positivity": 0.029422998108448926, "time_bin": 55, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Obama to use 'affirmative' message in closing campaign pitch: After three days of focusing on superstorm Sandy ...", "frequency": 0.03012304513792666, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9392240699873896, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03135293190416141}, {"word": "psychological", "smiley_face": 6.987631891551953e-05, "positivity": 0.030571937670323526, "time_bin": 56, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Strategies for coping with disaster: Many may never completely recover from Hurricane Sandy's psychological scar...", "frequency": 0.03071540601869457, "frowny_face": 6.987631891551953e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9367095241422682, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03271853818740829}, {"word": "time-lapse", "smiley_face": 0.0001044768322624458, "positivity": 0.029332654233923627, "time_bin": 57, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Time-lapse: Sandy snuffs NYC lights: Time-lapse video shows Sandy rolling into Manhattan from the beginning of t...", "frequency": 0.025186476614862383, "frowny_face": 0.0001044768322624458, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9378689338139268, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03279841195214961}, {"word": "paul", "smiley_face": 6.093473889464384e-05, "positivity": 0.03122484918652124, "time_bin": 58, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @CitizenRadio: #OccupySandy climate change is a real thing unlike Paul Ryans fake charity #CitizenRadio #clim ...", "frequency": 0.0388324733823052, "frowny_face": 6.093473889464384e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9363612820669064, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03241386874657242}, {"word": "comin", "smiley_face": 0.000139191759847817, "positivity": 0.02614675451213288, "time_bin": 59, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @snooki: Cleaning my closet today to donate clothes and whatever I can do the victims affected by sandy! I'm comin with clothes!!!!", "frequency": 0.0406494135232509, "frowny_face": 4.639725328260567e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9449322600102074, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028920985477659724}, {"word": "prime", "smiley_face": 9.186954524575104e-05, "positivity": 0.03167202572347267, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Use Amazon? Have Prime? Buy diapers &amp; overnight them NOW to families in need @ &amp; retweet this! #Sandy #DT @hope", "frequency": 0.05576436554895648, "frowny_face": 9.186954524575104e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9372990353697749, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03102893890675241}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 8.599931200550395e-05, "positivity": 0.029434468524251807, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.05670882492183209, "frowny_face": 8.599931200550395e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9370753783969729, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03349015307877537}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 0.00015945572446050813, "positivity": 0.029276389922398217, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.02536860636958598, "frowny_face": 5.315190815350271e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9396260763261401, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03109753375146168}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 0.0002478110028085247, "positivity": 0.030129687758136462, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.017257037733470933, "frowny_face": 8.260366760284156e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9380988765901206, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03177143565174294}, {"word": "comfort-eating", "smiley_face": 0.0001925545571245186, "positivity": 0.027543806161745833, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "The Sandy 15? Superstorm comfort-eating on menu", "frequency": 0.00904449483575479, "frowny_face": 6.418485237483954e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9418485237483953, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03060767008985879}, {"word": "direct", "smiley_face": 0.00012162490878131841, "positivity": 0.02939692288980783, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Support local businesses affected by Superstorm Sandy and help them get back on their feet. Direct link:", "frequency": 0.016544991849489786, "frowny_face": 6.081245439065921e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9396892483580638, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030913828752128437}, {"word": "not afte", "smiley_face": 0.00011482374555057986, "positivity": 0.030385233666322196, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Talkmaster: Think Sandy is a disaster? Reelect Obama and he'll show you a REAL disaster. We can rebuild after Sandy but not afte ...", "frequency": 0.016016166697002468, "frowny_face": 0.00011482374555057986, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9376435296819382, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03197123665173958}, {"word": "charitable", "smiley_face": 8.435259384226065e-05, "positivity": 0.02893584985238296, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Facebook Rolls Out Charitable Gifts in Wake of Sandy RT @mashable", "frequency": 0.028454740950519978, "frowny_face": 4.2176296921130326e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9372627583298186, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0338013918177984}, {"word": "loveclick", "smiley_face": 0.00016742005692281934, "positivity": 0.03049192198225348, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "15 Amazing Acts of Kindness During Sandy [PICS]: Plugs R Us Free juice! Via BE LoveClick here to view thi...", "frequency": 0.021076634284565507, "frowny_face": 8.371002846140967e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9373273480662984, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032180729951448175}, {"word": "roethlisberger", "smiley_face": 0.00011664528169835531, "positivity": 0.029603017224619936, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFakeESPN: Steelers unable to stay in Jersey hotel due to weather making Sandy the first woman to force Roethlisberger out of a h ...", "frequency": 0.07137247862860167, "frowny_face": 0.0003110540845289475, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9380613554181734, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03233562735720673}, {"word": "roethlisberger", "smiley_face": 0.00038902937171756465, "positivity": 0.02968989496206963, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFakeESPN: Steelers unable to stay in Jersey hotel due to weather making Sandy the first woman to force Roethlisberger out of a h ...", "frequency": 0.03082462875143463, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9394694611943202, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030840643843610197}, {"word": "not the", "smiley_face": 0.000170306978328437, "positivity": 0.02854476944692809, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Helen_KelIer: I hope Hurricane Sandy does knock out everyone's power so I'm not the only one bumping into walls and shit.", "frequency": 0.0232022003274105, "frowny_face": 8.51534891642185e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9404777110742113, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030977519478860644}, {"word": "dive", "smiley_face": 0.0003257328990228013, "positivity": 0.029826669381107493, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Divineroseboot: @seanhannity Bette Midler blames Sandy on Global warming then has lavish Halloween party while people dumpster dive ...", "frequency": 0.01048422439995898, "frowny_face": 0.00016286644951140066, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9388538273615635, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03131950325732899}, {"word": "cell-site", "smiley_face": 0.00016638935108153079, "positivity": 0.029310524126455906, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Cell-site outages fall to 19 percent in area hit by Sandy FCC says: About 19 percent of ...", "frequency": 0.01714458281106003, "frowny_face": 4.1597337770382697e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9393406821963395, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03134879367720466}, {"word": "not shown", "smiley_face": 0.0001783962180001784, "positivity": 0.02892806172509143, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @MarkSimoneNY: FEMA has still not shown up 3 days after Sandy. SI residents in Katrina like conditions scream for help - ...", "frequency": 0.025359569427590708, "frowny_face": 8.91981090000892e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9403543394880028, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030717598786905716}, {"word": "apply-http", "smiley_face": 0.0002733435381587579, "positivity": 0.029360212114585612, "time_bin": 75, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @DisasterSecurit: Have #jobs for NJ security guards affected by #njsandy Want to employ LOCALS first! apply- or c ...", "frequency": 0.10498154421660359, "frowny_face": 5.466870763175159e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9383952000874699, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03224458779794445}, {"word": "apply-http", "smiley_face": 0.00013581420616596497, "positivity": 0.02949144370501154, "time_bin": 76, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "We have #jobs for NJ security guards affected by #njsandy Want to employ LOCALS first! Apply- or msg us! #evesham", "frequency": 0.03222729439150248, "frowny_face": 6.790710308298248e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9385695368735569, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031939019421431486}, {"word": "not lose", "smiley_face": 6.119951040391677e-05, "positivity": 0.031432802937576505, "time_bin": 77, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @DJDRAMA: RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elec ...", "frequency": 0.05701045193804034, "frowny_face": 0.00012239902080783354, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.938219094247246, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030348102815177476}, {"word": "storm-ravaged", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.028277392739273925, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy-hit areas sputter back to life: At every turn there are signs that storm-ravaged cities along the East Co...", "frequency": 0.0756805642897256, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9397174092409241, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032005198019801985}, {"word": "arctic", "smiley_face": 7.453786523553965e-05, "positivity": 0.03070237030411449, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane Sandy and the Arctic Sea Ice Melt - Discovery News: Zee NewsHurricane Sandy and the Arctic Sea Ice Mel...", "frequency": 0.01866696902458657, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9338010584376863, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03549657125819916}, {"word": "nyc", "smiley_face": 0.0001290378080777668, "positivity": 0.028697105251838786, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Judgenap: Generators power up NYC Marathon tent as rest of city struggles without electricity after Hurricane Sandy ...", "frequency": 0.013950028580880725, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9391801797926792, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032122714955481954}, {"word": "hurricane-devastated", "smiley_face": 0.00020227219094494825, "positivity": 0.03131476924114216, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane-Devastated NJ Town Rejects Non-Union Alabama Electrical Workers via @theblaze", "frequency": 0.015619903281317576, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9350074166470013, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03367781411185652}, {"word": "non-union", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030302552739982527, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @NiteOwl223: @GovChristie This is unacceptable Governor! &gt;&gt; Hurricane-Devastated NJ Town Rejects Non-Union Al Electrical Worker ...", "frequency": 0.023917535823161154, "frowny_face": 6.241418050181001e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9360878791661466, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033609568093870924}, {"word": "sandy-starved", "smiley_face": 6.443714156840002e-05, "positivity": 0.029781235904375286, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @WiseUpLibs: libs dems &gt; Where's Obama? Sandy-Starved New Yorkers Dumpster Dive - Fox Nation No Barack VOTE M ...", "frequency": 0.01502635933739143, "frowny_face": 0.00012887428313680004, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.939114955860558, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03110380823506669}, {"word": "hurricane-devastated", "smiley_face": 0.00012313754463735992, "positivity": 0.027886805812092106, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @slone: DEM PRIORITIES IN ACTION: Hurricane-Devastated NJ Town REJECTS NON-UNION Alabama Electrical Workers #tcot", "frequency": 0.010177435354194426, "frowny_face": 6.156877231867996e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9410171161187046, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031096078069203302}, {"word": "not ever", "smiley_face": 0.00017657445556209535, "positivity": 0.030421424367274862, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @CampaignCamo: Chicago Better Not Ever Get A Hurricane Because All The Hood Kids Gone Go Outside Boppin' &amp; Trying To Have A Fiest ...", "frequency": 0.011002886558515388, "frowny_face": 0.00011771630370806356, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9369849911712772, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032593584461447916}, {"word": "bearable", "smiley_face": 0.000223563603845294, "positivity": 0.028382778150383786, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "How Tech Companies Are Making A Complete Hurricane Disaster Somewhat Bearable (AWAY T VZ): Hurricane Sandy and...", "frequency": 0.008458605394263961, "frowny_face": 0.00018630300320441167, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9409512631343617, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030665958715254488}, {"word": "peaked", "smiley_face": 9.130335539831088e-05, "positivity": 0.02960383474092673, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @twitter: On Monday Oct 29 as people turned to Twitter to search for info search queries related to Sandy peaked at 20% of total s ...", "frequency": 0.009355868881810685, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9406014608536863, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0297947044053869}, {"word": "stat", "smiley_face": 0.00010543703651636032, "positivity": 0.027835377640319122, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @IngrahamAngle: NBC slams Romney for collecting food &amp; clothes for Sandy relief; yet just watched Stat Isl. ppl intvw by NBC who ...", "frequency": 0.05141081275060618, "frowny_face": 0.00010543703651636032, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9422468632481636, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02991775911151724}, {"word": "dumpster-dive", "smiley_face": 5.433010974682169e-05, "positivity": 0.029202433988916657, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TwitchyTeam: Obama hits Vegas with Eva Longoria while Sandy victims Dumpster-dive in NYC", "frequency": 0.03423069299989475, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9415000543301097, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029297511680973595}, {"word": "dumpster-dive", "smiley_face": 8.621804543690995e-05, "positivity": 0.02879626675863258, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @CeliaBigelow: A true leader. 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Watch on NBC at 8/7c or listen on iHeartRadio...", "frequency": 0.013151915008139328, "frowny_face": 0.00011109053878911313, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9405989631549713, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02990235141640437}, {"word": "checked-in", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0329640920659511, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm watching Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together (3961 others checked-in) #GetGlue #HurricaneSandy", "frequency": 0.02377440580675158, "frowny_face": 5.5328095606949206e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9388417063184685, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028194201615580387}, {"word": "checked-in", "smiley_face": 0.00011073583965450419, "positivity": 0.0337899341121754, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm watching Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together (5336 others checked-in) #GetGlue #HurricaneSandy", "frequency": 0.012580671230262078, "frowny_face": 0.00011073583965450419, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9375588284148164, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02865123747300814}, {"word": "classy", "smiley_face": 4.0973531098910105e-05, "positivity": 0.03281016963041875, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Seantaneous: the heat are so classy... letting new york win because of sandy.", "frequency": 0.013600333450005903, "frowny_face": 0.00012292059329673032, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9364705400311398, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03071929033844136}, {"word": "tech", "smiley_face": 0.00023942537909018357, "positivity": 0.03088587390263368, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Lessons From Sandy; Tech Tools for the Next Big Storm via @mashable", "frequency": 0.02190091338940226, "frowny_face": 7.980845969672785e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9399640861931364, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02915003990422985}, {"word": "2blame", "smiley_face": 0.0005953025219179565, "positivity": 0.031003084749431756, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AriFleischer: Katrina (Cat 4) &amp;Sandy (&lt; Cat 1) show presidents aren't 2blame 4 aftermath of storms. Mother Nature is bigger t ...", "frequency": 0.013105001519267186, "frowny_face": 0.00010823682216690118, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9379126528845113, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031084262366056933}, {"word": "inflatable", "smiley_face": 0.00011003117549972492, "positivity": 0.03167474784522282, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane Sandy: Inflatable Plugs Might Have Minimized New York City Subway Flooding (VIDEO PHOTO... @TESOLChicago", "frequency": 0.017272932498650594, "frowny_face": 0.00022006235099944984, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9372684760682193, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031056776086557856}, {"word": "eye-opening", "smiley_face": 0.0001732001616534842, "positivity": 0.028617343109520233, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "This Week in Thought Leaders: How Sandy Changed Everything The Eye-Opening MBA Pay Plus More", "frequency": 0.015917348048266007, "frowny_face": 0.00011546677443565614, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9428439466543502, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028538710236129555}, {"word": "linger", "smiley_face": 0.00023963575365444525, "positivity": 0.030289479990414567, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Temperatures fall tempers rise as Sandy power outages linger:", "frequency": 0.04396347185791915, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9388828979950475, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030827622014537905}, {"word": "linger", "smiley_face": 0.0001381788033715628, "positivity": 0.026695315738565706, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Temperatures drop tempers rise as Sandy power outages linger - CNN", "frequency": 0.03885816316859618, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9426557966008015, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030648887660632857}, {"word": "not covering", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029354364880654314, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@jasoninthehouse Democrat controlled old-media not covering Benghazi or Sandy Aftermath so to save Obama's buttocks. Republicans SILENT/THIS", "frequency": 0.06506590481542686, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9406609914872308, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029984643632114834}, {"word": "springsteen", "smiley_face": 0.0001702562356346301, "positivity": 0.02780497148208053, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @NewsTeamNine2012Hurricane Sandy Telethon Highlighted by Heartfelt Songs from Springsteen Joel ... - WFJA Cla...", "frequency": 0.02745681016617871, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9444006980505661, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027794330467353367}, {"word": "victims-glad", "smiley_face": 0.0001639792292976223, "positivity": 0.028706969117245146, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @PhaedraParks: So proud to see #Obama &amp; Gov. Christie working 2gether to help #Sandy victims-Glad this President is concerned- I ...", "frequency": 0.04343200350113898, "frowny_face": 5.465974309920743e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.940455042361301, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03083798852145395}, {"word": "not restored", "smiley_face": 0.00018472337674332686, "positivity": 0.03157933869031126, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Polling sites in areas hit by Sandy may have to be moved if power is not restored officials say - @Reuters", "frequency": 0.025193975946353097, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9387699732151104, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02965068809457837}, {"word": "non-profit", "smiley_face": 0.00027334540608876893, "positivity": 0.03146837735333311, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AmericanExpress: We're refunding transaction fees for #Sandy contributions made w/ Amex Cards to select non-profit orgs. Details: ht ...", "frequency": 0.01110663012745996, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9383008166194007, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0302308060272662}, {"word": "address", "smiley_face": 0.00027068483262654517, "positivity": 0.03235094288550031, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "President #Obama's weekly radio address focuses on #Sandy:", "frequency": 0.019721594424288755, "frowny_face": 4.511413877109086e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9365244067490751, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031124650365424524}, {"word": "kic", "smiley_face": 0.00017508535411012868, "positivity": 0.032444935656132365, "time_bin": 109, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @YMCMB_BW: Any kid in the NYC area and you lost clothing due to hurricane Sandy if you wear a size 10 Bow got 8 fresh pair of new kic ...", "frequency": 0.040632262348835976, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9348025912632408, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0327524730806268}, {"word": "anheuser-busch", "smiley_face": 0.0004254496228969252, "positivity": 0.029190059949719592, "time_bin": 110, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @_AngelaMorabito: Ga. Anheuser-Busch plant stops beer production to make canned water for #Sandy victims. Love it!!! #America http:/ ...", "frequency": 0.0355288805101368, "frowny_face": 0.00019338619222587506, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9410027074066911, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029807232643589244}, {"word": "sandy-relief", "smiley_face": 0.00028805991646262423, "positivity": 0.031091843103365498, "time_bin": 111, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @nfl: Manning Umenyiora call for donations in Sandy-relief effort:", "frequency": 0.01603678755688999, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.939471410053291, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029436746843343412}, {"word": "not booty", "smiley_face": 0.00010711607812332631, "positivity": 0.02986553361659585, "time_bin": 112, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.08235287635939555, "frowny_face": 3.57053593744421e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9419609383368444, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02817352804655979}, {"word": "not txt", "smiley_face": 3.109452736318408e-05, "positivity": 0.02795230099502488, "time_bin": 113, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.02702652040125363, "frowny_face": 3.109452736318408e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9428132773631841, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02923442164179104}, {"word": "not booty", "smiley_face": 0.0002477598381302391, "positivity": 0.02823661064541438, "time_bin": 114, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.011566854638109412, "frowny_face": 0.00028905314448527894, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.942648759136144, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02911463021844159}, {"word": "chillin", "smiley_face": 8.432058687128462e-05, "positivity": 0.02834752729879, "time_bin": 115, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @sandy_beales: so i was chillin in bath &amp; body works and saw a girl with a shirt that had Louis hugging a carrot.....", "frequency": 0.015366035321168566, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9437897887769299, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.027862683924280113}, {"word": "brightest", "smiley_face": 3.608545034642032e-05, "positivity": 0.029377056870669747, "time_bin": 116, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @whitehouse: \"When the storm was darkest the heroism of our fellow citizens shone brightest.\" -President Obama on #Sandy: http://t.c ...", "frequency": 0.0096105208760026, "frowny_face": 0.00010825635103926098, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9412664188799076, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029356524249422634}, {"word": "hourly", "smiley_face": 0.0002619446772841576, "positivity": 0.030172411986588436, "time_bin": 117, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@DriXander we are encouraging businesses to pledge to compensate their hourly workers who lost work. Please RT/share about @SandyPledge.", "frequency": 0.06699429222499428, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9380828269069572, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031744761106454314}, {"word": "emotional", "smiley_face": 0.00010815487778498811, "positivity": 0.03191920830629461, "time_bin": 118, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"Emotional Care for Children in a Disaster\" - tips for parents #opsafe #SANDY #DT @operationSAFE", "frequency": 0.06459956682196985, "frowny_face": 5.4077438892494055e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9326803482587065, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.035400443434998916}, {"word": "sneaky", "smiley_face": 0.00022336385972749609, "positivity": 0.030384465043555953, "time_bin": 119, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Fox News thinks hurricane relief fundraiser might just be sneaky ploy to reelect Obama: (Media ... #politics #news", "frequency": 0.021074220029055585, "frowny_face": 5.584096493187402e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9378420259102077, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03177350904623632}, {"word": "hourly", "smiley_face": 0.00017467248908296942, "positivity": 0.026137816593886466, "time_bin": 120, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Great! MT @SandyPledge we are encouraging businesses to pledge to compensate their hourly workers who lost work. Please RT/share #SANDY", "frequency": 0.08668831382973911, "frowny_face": 4.3668122270742355e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9470251091703057, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02683707423580786}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.0002138427542946753, "positivity": 0.027870838976406017, "time_bin": 121, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @GovChristie: E-mail and fax voting will be available to New Jerseyans displaced by Hurricane #Sandy. For more information call 1-877 ...", "frequency": 0.028419794661853293, "frowny_face": 0.00014256183619645022, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9434653218333452, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02866383919024877}, {"word": "evac", "smiley_face": 0.00029424746211563924, "positivity": 0.028227992741895934, "time_bin": 122, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @MeirHefner_215: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evac ...", "frequency": 0.05056026268726588, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9422600657152665, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02951194154283753}, {"word": "evac", "smiley_face": 0.0002882259691598213, "positivity": 0.029462098285055485, "time_bin": 123, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @MeirHefner_215: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evac ...", "frequency": 0.031176745201385993, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9405443867992506, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029993514915693905}, {"word": "evac", "smiley_face": 0.0004975124378109452, "positivity": 0.03144896943852168, "time_bin": 124, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MeirHefner_215: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evac ...", "frequency": 0.028712776629018392, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.937775408670931, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03077562189054726}, {"word": "like|appreciate|like", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02903082805592066, "time_bin": 125, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#sandy Omfg! I was surprised this really is rear! I {love|adore|enjoy|really like|appreciate|like} pics and Cats.", "frequency": 0.02403279679961703, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9407635320826861, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030205639861393237}, {"word": "like|appreciate|like", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029427604246807203, "time_bin": 126, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#sandy Omg!!! -- this can be sooo crazy! I {love|adore|enjoy|really like|appreciate|like} {dogs|canines|puppies|pups}", "frequency": 0.01959510543346791, "frowny_face": 0.00015386982612709647, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9413755962455762, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029196799507616555}, {"word": "knoxville", "smiley_face": 0.0002626740215392698, "positivity": 0.025559758339900183, "time_bin": 127, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Rachel Wise: Social media especially invaluable during Sandy - Knoxville News Sentinel", "frequency": 0.02095511663940451, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9429997373259784, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03144050433412136}, {"word": "gear", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030168313296036187, "time_bin": 128, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#weather: Operation #Sandy Sunday &amp; temperatures kick into high gear #jacksonville", "frequency": 0.01759130084812289, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9396798000238067, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03015188668015712}, {"word": "not true", "smiley_face": 0.00016015374759769378, "positivity": 0.031209961563100578, "time_bin": 129, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @CoryBooker: No it is not true. RT @MrBanksOmishore: is true people affected by #Sandy in NJ can vote by fax or email on Tuesday be ...", "frequency": 0.024359112923001046, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9340366752081999, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034753363228699555}, {"word": "not true", "smiley_face": 0.0001044768322624458, "positivity": 0.03295658987619495, "time_bin": 130, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @CoryBooker: No it is not true. RT @MrBanksOmishore: is true people affected by #Sandy in NJ can vote by fax or email on Tuesday be ...", "frequency": 0.017231611175164873, "frowny_face": 5.22384161312229e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9350937679569555, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03194964216684951}, {"word": "eleven-year-old", "smiley_face": 0.0001453858176134918, "positivity": 0.029625340748010032, "time_bin": 131, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Love this kid. @HuffingtonPost: Eleven-year-old brings Internet and power back to Hoboken #Sandy", "frequency": 0.020127157239652277, "frowny_face": 3.634645440337295e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9410415076509286, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029333151601061317}, {"word": "basketball", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029768741682685194, "time_bin": 132, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "WKYT and UK men's basketball to host telethon Wed to raise money for Hurricane Sandy victims. Will air from 7-8 p", "frequency": 0.007930594040382008, "frowny_face": 0.0001478633742422002, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9407345113115482, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029496747005766676}, {"word": "basketball", "smiley_face": 9.03995660820828e-05, "positivity": 0.028917826794431386, "time_bin": 133, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "UK Men's Basketball to Host Telethon for Superstorm Sandy Victims: Humbled by the devastation of Superstorm Sand...", "frequency": 0.02240206333863146, "frowny_face": 9.03995660820828e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9418674290363406, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029214744169227987}, {"word": "fag", "smiley_face": 7.108078331023208e-05, "positivity": 0.02968265984291147, "time_bin": 134, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @_ThatDudeSwagg: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evac ...", "frequency": 0.01971494617726259, "frowny_face": 0.00014216156662046417, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9406386608380425, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029678679319046095}, {"word": "ka-ra-tay", "smiley_face": 0.00013078733978550875, "positivity": 0.03045239340831808, "time_bin": 135, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @Yo_ItsSpongebob: Sandy: \"I like karate.\" Spongebob: \"I like ka-ra-tay.\" Mr. Krabs: \"I like mo-ney-ay.\" Squidward: \"I hate all of you.\"", "frequency": 0.016614230932065127, "frowny_face": 8.719155985700585e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.938709782893016, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030837823698665966}, {"word": "tonight", "smiley_face": 0.000128562245553889, "positivity": 0.031527490893507606, "time_bin": 136, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @MartinTruexJr56: If i win tonight i will donate all my winnings to #sandy relief. wish me luck. @napaknowhow #NASCAR", "frequency": 0.013553785401511106, "frowny_face": 8.570816370259267e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9391418470109278, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029330662095564605}, {"word": "haitian", "smiley_face": 0.00020567667626491157, "positivity": 0.03068298368298368, "time_bin": 137, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@AP: The Haitian government appeals for emergency humanitarian aid after destruction from #Sandy: -CJ", "frequency": 0.02242709324850793, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9393210955710956, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029995920745920748}, {"word": "a-rod", "smiley_face": 0.00021354745024344408, "positivity": 0.028674083881438456, "time_bin": 138, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "\"@AntiJokeTyrone: They should of renamed the hurricane A-Rod. Then it would't of hit anything.\"", "frequency": 0.016225722319689023, "frowny_face": 4.270949004868882e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9431002818826343, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02822563423592722}, {"word": "fag", "smiley_face": 4.630915995183848e-05, "positivity": 0.030488191164212284, "time_bin": 139, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @LetTorTalk: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evacuati ...", "frequency": 0.020389279899512704, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9396938964527184, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029817912383069366}, {"word": "fag", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03480778255768479, "time_bin": 140, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evacuating like the need to", "frequency": 0.014104090916883425, "frowny_face": 4.888541259288228e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9318842882283926, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03330792921392257}, {"word": "united", "smiley_face": 0.0003212163392044542, "positivity": 0.029826275496546924, "time_bin": 141, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFunnyRacist: Here is the list of foreign countries helping the United States with Hurricane relief:", "frequency": 0.04154395706001133, "frowny_face": 5.35360565340757e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9401600728090369, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03001365169441619}, {"word": "united", "smiley_face": 0.00013754527531979277, "positivity": 0.03099353537205997, "time_bin": 142, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @FireCritic: RT @BobbyHalton: Fire News: Sandy Death toll in United States Rises to 109:", "frequency": 0.017452839767822106, "frowny_face": 9.169685021319517e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.93917633304296, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029830131584980057}, {"word": "6th", "smiley_face": 5.415357955160836e-05, "positivity": 0.0309263511318098, "time_bin": 143, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @indiaarie: My new single 6th Avenue - All proceeds go to Hurricane Sandy clean up .... Feels good to be back :-)", "frequency": 0.032065827344465885, "frowny_face": 0.00010830715910321672, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9364981587782952, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03257549008989495}, {"word": "cover-up", "smiley_face": 5.795421616922631e-05, "positivity": 0.031138394668212107, "time_bin": 144, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @P0ST: BREAKING!! Staten Island #Sandy Death Toll Rises 300 DEAD BODIES At Egbert School 333 Midland Ave Media Cover-Up Pls RT &amp ...", "frequency": 0.02358967791598475, "frowny_face": 0.00011590843233845262, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9370762097942625, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03178539553752536}, {"word": "r-t", "smiley_face": 0.0006045218232378189, "positivity": 0.03105904163140289, "time_bin": 145, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @RealTalk: Lets get creative and help #HurricaneSandy victims! Please R-T ;)", "frequency": 0.014926344746721753, "frowny_face": 0.00012090436464756378, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9370088260186192, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03193213234997784}, {"word": "fag", "smiley_face": 0.00038859096914587707, "positivity": 0.029789850003885912, "time_bin": 146, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @SmokeyComedy: Why name hurricane fag names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evacua ...", "frequency": 0.025461637294434257, "frowny_face": 3.8859096914587705e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9392972332322996, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030912916763814406}, {"word": "square", "smiley_face": 0.0003848479850459069, "positivity": 0.03170113805047006, "time_bin": 147, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "New Orleans linemen square Katrina debt with Sandy aid #news .@Reuters", "frequency": 0.021805343346564254, "frowny_face": 0.00010995656715597339, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9371666941558084, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031132167793721483}, {"word": "panic", "smiley_face": 0.00018989745537409798, "positivity": 0.03065657045195595, "time_bin": 148, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@biggovt: Connecticut: Dems Panic As Residents Fume Over Sandy: With thousands of customers still without power...", "frequency": 0.01693911620736551, "frowny_face": 9.494872768704899e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9376068173186479, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03173661222939612}, {"word": "19-year-old", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03058904694167852, "time_bin": 149, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Morris County NJ still recovering from Superstorm Sandy one week out: SPARTA A 19-year-old man was in... #neward", "frequency": 0.03535663929915198, "frowny_face": 0.0002844950213371266, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9381578947368421, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03125305832147937}, {"word": "manic", "smiley_face": 0.00014046916701783958, "positivity": 0.03128164067987077, "time_bin": 150, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Manic Monday looms for commuters in wake of Sandy - Fox News: NDTVManic Monday looms for commuters in wake of Sa...", "frequency": 0.15174935146110713, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9353315072341621, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03338685208596713}, {"word": "manic", "smiley_face": 0.00017885888034340904, "positivity": 0.032038096941513154, "time_bin": 151, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Manic Monday looms for commuters in wake of Sandy - Fox News: Globe and MailManic Monday looms for commuters in ...", "frequency": 0.1397983952105071, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9320559828295475, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03590592022893936}, {"word": "unmistakable", "smiley_face": 0.00011986096128490951, "positivity": 0.03153997363058852, "time_bin": 152, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy's Unmistakable Message - Daily Beast: Daily BeastSandy's Unmistakable MessageDaily BeastFour days after 24...", "frequency": 0.052557455661632085, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9332374445643054, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03522258180510608}, {"word": "northern", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03221784492112511, "time_bin": 153, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @AP: Small earthquake rattles some northern New Jersey towns still dealing with effects of Sandy: - VW", "frequency": 0.04211999614568221, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9329146148067774, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03486754027209749}, {"word": "not believing", "smiley_face": 5.246864998163597e-05, "positivity": 0.02985906920614933, "time_bin": 154, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@AndreaTantaros DID YOU SEE how they attacked me for NOT believing in GW on the Hurricane Sandy Wikipedia page? It was in Pop Science online", "frequency": 0.04118942105629629, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9375688651031009, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032572065690749774}, {"word": "manic", "smiley_face": 0.00015212596029512437, "positivity": 0.030118392028599686, "time_bin": 155, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Post Sandy manic Monday begins for commuters", "frequency": 0.016561778290430672, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9387645470449533, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031117060926447095}, {"word": "disgraceful", "smiley_face": 4.1967433271781096e-05, "positivity": 0.03140750377706899, "time_bin": 156, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Giuliani on Obama response to Hurricane Sandy: Disgraceful Where the hell are the generators? [VIDEO]", "frequency": 0.019056265293259406, "frowny_face": 0.0001259022998153433, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9374370488500924, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03115544737283868}, {"word": "disgraceful", "smiley_face": 0.0001740341106856944, "positivity": 0.029484394941408514, "time_bin": 157, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Giuliani on Obama response to Hurricane Sandy: Disgraceful Where the hell are the generators? [VIDEO]", "frequency": 0.016584641027193866, "frowny_face": 5.8011370228564796e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9388415129365356, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03167409212205593}, {"word": "disgraceful", "smiley_face": 0.00020636427421684758, "positivity": 0.028177349457261962, "time_bin": 158, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @JamieJerrell1: Giuliani on Obama response to Hurricane Sandy: Disgraceful Where the hell are the generators? [VIDEO] ...", "frequency": 0.016010789262452647, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9422902307152585, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029532419827479464}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.00013011091955892397, "positivity": 0.028639332530982664, "time_bin": 159, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "New Jersey lets #Sandy victims vote via e-mail.", "frequency": 0.03802332187264309, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9418932765182318, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029467390950785544}, {"word": "racist", "smiley_face": 0.00017201341704652963, "positivity": 0.02913718070009461, "time_bin": 160, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @loudobbsnews: Guess screwed up hurricane relief isn't racist after all.", "frequency": 0.017123147707523306, "frowny_face": 4.300335426163241e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9394835297153178, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0313792895845876}, {"word": "youve", "smiley_face": 0.00010015356880550177, "positivity": 0.02733371169125993, "time_bin": 161, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @usgcrp: RT @DHSgov: If youve been affected by #Sandy you can apply for assistance online at or call 1-800-621- ...", "frequency": 0.015344787104140268, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9459921880216332, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.026674100287106896}, {"word": "multi-gun", "smiley_face": 7.137758743754462e-05, "positivity": 0.026550463954318343, "time_bin": 162, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "I liked a @YouTube video from @iamhurricane911 MW3 Tips and Tricks- Multi-Gun Assault Moab!! Assault Tips!!", "frequency": 0.012471307100648416, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9437723054960743, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029677230549607424}, {"word": "pre", "smiley_face": 0.00029540643001329327, "positivity": 0.029910639554920977, "time_bin": 163, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @realDonaldTrump: The outer boroughs of Manhattan are still devasted by Sandy. How would the press cover this if a Republican was Pre ...", "frequency": 0.033379454272986754, "frowny_face": 4.923440500221555e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9409925656048447, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029096794840234357}, {"word": "pre", "smiley_face": 0.0001597635499460798, "positivity": 0.02998510204896753, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @realDonaldTrump: The outer boroughs of Manhattan are still devasted by Sandy. How would the press cover this if a Republican was Pre ...", "frequency": 0.029219644365479167, "frowny_face": 0.0001597635499460798, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.940063705715541, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029951192235491468}, {"word": "pre", "smiley_face": 0.0002432794063982484, "positivity": 0.028058224871264647, "time_bin": 165, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @realDonaldTrump: The outer boroughs of Manhattan are still devasted by Sandy. How would the press cover this if a Republican was Pre ...", "frequency": 0.012577056745111382, "frowny_face": 8.10931354660828e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9423579856465151, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02958378948222033}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 166, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 167, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "mind-blowing", "smiley_face": 6.592827004219409e-05, "positivity": 0.02933188291139241, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @24kMedia: Mind-Blowing Hurricane #Sandy Photos Taken By Readers via @mashable", "frequency": 0.007341190694674409, "frowny_face": 0.0006592827004219409, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9421973892405063, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02847072784810126}, {"word": "not evidence", "smiley_face": 5.537405171936431e-05, "positivity": 0.03090874356276649, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @YourAnonNews: No #Sandy is not evidence of God's wrath. It's evidence of our refusal to even discuss climate change &amp; global wa ...", "frequency": 0.015197986591539136, "frowny_face": 0.0001661221551580929, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.941296583421009, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.027794673016224597}, {"word": "wide-eyed", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.027740071974240797, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Alberttonunez: A wide-eyed seal appears in manhattan #sandy ! @felixvictorino", "frequency": 0.01724254320569048, "frowny_face": 0.00012627059789128102, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9458456973293768, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.026414230696382348}, {"word": "adelant", "smiley_face": 0.00011242902917533307, "positivity": 0.027927708134240264, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @SandyHuracan: JAJA YA ME LES ADELANT A LOS MAYAS SOY UN DESMADRE.", "frequency": 0.00931235140572365, "frowny_face": 5.621451458766653e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.943609815054247, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02846247681151273}, {"word": "adelant", "smiley_face": 4.22761477974127e-05, "positivity": 0.02714657140441363, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @SandyHuracan: JAJA YA ME LES ADELANT A LOS MAYAS SOY UN DESMADRE.", "frequency": 0.007500324670069088, "frowny_face": 0.0002536568867844762, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9467214847383106, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.026131943857275724}, {"word": "near-empty", "smiley_face": 0.0002984406476162053, "positivity": 0.02763373871521301, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: A dark lower Manhattan. A near-empty Times Square. A flooded carousel. Memorable photos from #Sandy:", "frequency": 0.011801046369632185, "frowny_face": 0.0002984406476162053, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9431004252779228, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029265836006864138}, {"word": "hydrometeorological", "smiley_face": 0.0001384083044982699, "positivity": 0.027560553633217993, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#CAE Hydrometeorological Prediction Center issues ADVISORY 32 for POST-TROPICAL CYCLONE SANDY", "frequency": 0.012185738702499026, "frowny_face": 4.61361014994233e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9452018454440599, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02723760092272203}, {"word": "canad", "smiley_face": 0.00031026993484331366, "positivity": 0.024220043437790877, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "@ElNuevoDia: #Sandy deja al menos 16 muertos en EE.UU. y Canad ay Papito Dios slvame", "frequency": 0.0246870533960628, "frowny_face": 0.00012410797393732546, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9488209742475954, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.026958982314613716}, {"word": "canad", "smiley_face": 0.00014996250937265683, "positivity": 0.026789852536865784, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @SIN24Horas: Sandy deja al menos 16 muertos en EE.UU. y Canad con inundaciones rcord", "frequency": 0.02048381146119665, "frowny_face": 0.00024993751562109475, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9458010497375656, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027409097725568606}, {"word": "solidaridad", "smiley_face": 0.00013073604392731077, "positivity": 0.02731383187344751, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @rcavada: Buenos dias. Solidaridad a nuestra gente en NY tras paso de Sandy. Hoy Martes de Luto por el crimen de la Reforma F. Fe que ...", "frequency": 0.010948272117694712, "frowny_face": 6.536802196365538e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9440776572100928, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02860851091645967}, {"word": "108-year", "smiley_face": 0.0002442499491145939, "positivity": 0.02592619580704254, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @NewYorkPost: 'WORST STORM IN 108-YEAR HISTORY' NYC transit crippled after Sandy", "frequency": 0.007303916142969116, "frowny_face": 0.0001628332994097293, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9467636881742316, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.027310116018725832}, {"word": "electricidad", "smiley_face": 6.988608568034104e-05, "positivity": 0.025836466559508005, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @jorgeramosnews: Numeros de Sandy: 16 muertos casi 7 millones sin electricidad 4 dias para sacar agua del metro de NY y tan lejos ...", "frequency": 0.023628217928939207, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9482318820322874, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.025931651408204626}, {"word": "electricidad", "smiley_face": 0.00021292451825827744, "positivity": 0.0264196209943575, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Pajaropolitico: #Sandy dej al menos 16 muertos y 6.9 millones de personas sin electricidad en la costa este", "frequency": 0.014098152698027382, "frowny_face": 0.00010646225912913872, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9467688704354307, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.026811508570211858}, {"word": "rebuilt", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029887798584776575, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @HurricaneSandyw: FOR EVERY 100 RETWEETS WE WILL BE DONATING $1 000 TO HELP REBUILT COMMUNITIES DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY. PLEASE R ...", "frequency": 0.008046649794611473, "frowny_face": 0.00023456741858555847, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9417051096602682, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028407091754955236}, {"word": "overall", "smiley_face": 3.4848062447727906e-05, "positivity": 0.026497595483691107, "time_bin": 14, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @cnnbrk: Latest death toll from #Sandy is 94 overall including 26 in the U.S.", "frequency": 0.009811467050248084, "frowny_face": 3.4848062447727906e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9455803944800669, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.027922010036241986}, {"word": "evidente", "smiley_face": 0.00031234382808595704, "positivity": 0.026920539730134932, "time_bin": 15, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @juanfervelasco: Veo las imgenes del paso de Sandy por NY y me parece evidente que la naturaleza nos dice que no da ms. Seguiremos ...", "frequency": 0.01302063201000973, "frowny_face": 0.0001874062968515742, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9438171539230384, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029262306346826587}, {"word": "en", "smiley_face": 8.401243384020835e-05, "positivity": 0.026299420314206505, "time_bin": 16, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "El mundo esta algarete 50 grados en florida 97 en PR (me estoy derritiendo)y #Sandy en NYC y eastern coast definitivo el #findelmundo", "frequency": 0.006767861132545888, "frowny_face": 0.0005040746030412502, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9474082164160296, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.026292363269763922}, {"word": "not open", "smiley_face": 8.855827134254339e-05, "positivity": 0.030166843783209354, "time_bin": 17, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @BFAproblems: As long as Broadway's not open I'm not open. #sandy #bfaproblems", "frequency": 0.008307018929668276, "frowny_face": 0.0002213956783563585, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9410035866099894, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028829569606801275}, {"word": "jsst", "smiley_face": 5.802146794313896e-05, "positivity": 0.02746753698868581, "time_bin": 18, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @hurricannesandy: WHAT IF GANGAM STYLE WAS ACTUALLY JSST A GIANT RAIN DANCE AND WE BROUGHT THIS HURRICANE ON OURSELVES?", "frequency": 0.02578108351037971, "frowny_face": 0.0002901073397156948, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9436539019437192, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028878561067595013}, {"word": "heavy", "smiley_face": 9.907366126715212e-05, "positivity": 0.027582404517758955, "time_bin": 19, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @kingsleyyy: Hurricane Sandy has a heavy flow and a wideset vagina.", "frequency": 0.017327748225152314, "frowny_face": 0.0001486104919007282, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9443391786793481, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02807841680289295}, {"word": "sandy=god", "smiley_face": 0.00011363636363636364, "positivity": 0.026342083333333335, "time_bin": 20, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@NYCMayorsOffice Sandy=God the Father+Jesus+Holy Spirit+solar flare light air and water=Judgement on antichrist consciences and deeds...", "frequency": 0.10745703947678396, "frowny_face": 0.00015151515151515152, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9452698863636364, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0283880303030303}, {"word": "stern", "smiley_face": 6.891798759476223e-05, "positivity": 0.030954720882150243, "time_bin": 21, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Aye hurricane Katrina David stern?! Lmfao lettin your old age show pal", "frequency": 0.024500327545808814, "frowny_face": 0.0002756719503790489, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9351998621640248, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033845416953824946}, {"word": "san-d", "smiley_face": 9.092562284051645e-05, "positivity": 0.026608974358974358, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @SheeWantsYourD: Hurricane San-D", "frequency": 0.019328170476510018, "frowny_face": 0.00013638843426077467, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9464959538097836, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.026895071831242047}, {"word": "hurricane-affected", "smiley_face": 0.00026409613099168095, "positivity": 0.026255557022756282, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @EFF: Why we have an Open Wireless Movement: In hurricane-affected areas open Internet is crucial #openwifi #sandy", "frequency": 0.007811085119211715, "frowny_face": 4.401602183194683e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9450129847264405, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028731458250803293}, {"word": "abrupt", "smiley_face": 0.0003216726980297547, "positivity": 0.028955046240450342, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "It's simple: the longer put off dramatically reducing fossil fuel emissions worse abrupt climate change becomes less likely survive #Sandy", "frequency": 0.013492616888645026, "frowny_face": 0.00016083634901487736, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9415862484921592, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029458705267390438}, {"word": "abrupt", "smiley_face": 0.0001661405549094534, "positivity": 0.027230935371324143, "time_bin": 25, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Pls RT to demand clear statement by @BarackObama @MittRomney re: specific policy will pursue to avoid worst of abrupt #climatechange #Sandy", "frequency": 0.00865511689239259, "frowny_face": 0.0004153513872736335, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9431280112975577, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029641053331118123}, {"word": "actan", "smiley_face": 0.0005309546564723373, "positivity": 0.026944462142932994, "time_bin": 26, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @SandyCoben: 23-La prxima fiesta que haga abra alcohol falso solo para ver cuantas putas actan como si estuvieran bien pedas. #Ce ...", "frequency": 0.021496835225430378, "frowny_face": 0.00021238186258893492, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9428958266964002, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03015971116066688}, {"word": "pounded", "smiley_face": 0.00035206308970567524, "positivity": 0.02577601746232925, "time_bin": 27, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "In hurricane Twitter proves a lifeline despite pranksters: SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - As Hurricane Sandy pounded...", "frequency": 0.015355430994181848, "frowny_face": 0.00035206308970567524, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9448845233065766, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02933945923109421}, {"word": "disrupt", "smiley_face": 0.00030105368790767686, "positivity": 0.02771510286001004, "time_bin": 28, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Will storm disrupt Tuesday voting?: Widespread damage in the East from Superstorm Sandy threw state and local ag...", "frequency": 0.038984925902858965, "frowny_face": 0.00010035122930255896, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.94039136979428, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03189352734570998}, {"word": "lesbianic", "smiley_face": 0.00044072278536800354, "positivity": 0.027119475940542495, "time_bin": 29, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Pauly D Caught in Hurricane of Lesbianic Activity @DailyBrian @BrianBrownNet", "frequency": 0.040180745322056, "frowny_face": 8.013141552145518e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9434672863496134, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02941323770984414}, {"word": "hydrometeorological", "smiley_face": 0.00014457134595923088, "positivity": 0.027548214543877403, "time_bin": 30, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#CAE Hydrometeorological Prediction Center issues ADVISORY 36 for REMNANTS OF SANDY", "frequency": 0.07154081430350416, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9449303648016963, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027521420654426292}, {"word": "al-assad", "smiley_face": 0.0005742647360433159, "positivity": 0.025514828335862834, "time_bin": 31, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Al-Assad backers claim Sandy 'credit': In Syria pro-government supporters welcomed Superstorm Sandy when it hit Monday", "frequency": 0.04326964386056597, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9465318511833956, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027953320480741624}, {"word": "imaginable", "smiley_face": 0.00017889087656529517, "positivity": 0.02643738819320215, "time_bin": 32, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Superstorm Sandy: Faced with one of the most daunting recoveries imaginable ravaged cities in the Northeast mus...", "frequency": 0.03128293203856273, "frowny_face": 0.00013416815742397137, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.945169946332737, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028392665474060823}, {"word": "imaginable", "smiley_face": 8.001920460910618e-05, "positivity": 0.02440473713691286, "time_bin": 33, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Grueling recovery begins after Sandy: Faced with one of the most daunting recoveries imaginable ravaged cities in...", "frequency": 0.012992707509946272, "frowny_face": 4.000960230455309e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9493028326798432, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02629243018324398}, {"word": "insensitive", "smiley_face": 0.00012370623891798277, "positivity": 0.02489126221599109, "time_bin": 34, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Gap Criticized For Insensitive Tweet During Hurricane Sandy: American Apparel apparently wasn't t... #socialmedia", "frequency": 0.03559531893340473, "frowny_face": 0.00012370623891798277, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.947378458620263, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02773027916374583}, {"word": "que", "smiley_face": 0.0003313208658518628, "positivity": 0.026332867029892508, "time_bin": 35, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#Computadoras Sandy cambia vidas para siempre: tres historias que no has ledo", "frequency": 0.008195963058530582, "frowny_face": 0.00011044028861728759, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9455575393903696, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02810959357973789}, {"word": "dramatic", "smiley_face": 7.923302432453847e-05, "positivity": 0.025445408446240398, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Watch a Dramatic Helicopter Rescue of Sandy Victims", "frequency": 0.013719653637318153, "frowny_face": 7.923302432453847e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9457798510419143, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028774740511845337}, {"word": "not a", "smiley_face": 0.0001274128814423138, "positivity": 0.027142511307893226, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TFLN: (570): It's a hurricane not a zombie apocalypse. WHY DID YOU BUY SHOTGUNS?!?!", "frequency": 0.02284631537314804, "frowny_face": 6.37064407211569e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9420112123335669, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03084627635853985}, {"word": "ser", "smiley_face": 0.00015756095639500532, "positivity": 0.026498759207468386, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "---&gt; miren Nueva Jersey comienza a evaluar daos tras ser devastada por Sandy: Daos materiale... #DominicanaNews", "frequency": 0.011743458201382461, "frowny_face": 0.00011817071729625398, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9467542442982629, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02674699649426872}, {"word": "intentan", "smiley_face": 0.00010694043417816276, "positivity": 0.025337967418814382, "time_bin": 39, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#Computadoras Los aeropuertos intentan reanudar operaciones tras el paso de Sandy", "frequency": 0.020789073056050177, "frowny_face": 0.00014258724557088368, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9470733967846576, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027588635796528007}, {"word": "intentan", "smiley_face": 0.00022405449005198064, "positivity": 0.026224995518910204, "time_bin": 40, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Los aeropuertos intentan reanudar operaciones tras el paso de Sandy", "frequency": 0.010067934495432555, "frowny_face": 0.0001792435920415845, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9460756856067396, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.027699318874350242}, {"word": "not stop", "smiley_face": 0.00015654964580642637, "positivity": 0.025459473210441865, "time_bin": 41, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TFLN: (267): This hurricane better not stop me from sitting on the stoop thurs &amp; enjoying all the slutty costume walkofshamers", "frequency": 0.031167167589068987, "frowny_face": 0.00023482446870963955, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9467437673672263, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027796759422331802}, {"word": "t-mobile", "smiley_face": 0.00011793379982703042, "positivity": 0.02577997484078937, "time_bin": 42, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "T-Mobile and AT&amp;T Join Forces to Keep Customers Connected After Sandy: T-Mobile and AT&amp;T have joined... #business", "frequency": 0.031459025714503645, "frowny_face": 0.00011793379982703042, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9462418429121786, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027978182247032003}, {"word": "t-mobile", "smiley_face": 0.00013260840737302744, "positivity": 0.026756884586482788, "time_bin": 43, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "T-Mobile and AT&amp;T agree to let customers share networks in hurricane aftermath", "frequency": 0.018326207777191125, "frowny_face": 0.00013260840737302744, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9457355346328957, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.027507580780621484}, {"word": "smh", "smiley_face": 0.0002916089523948385, "positivity": 0.026778450098418026, "time_bin": 44, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @ducidni: dis bitch sandy smh", "frequency": 0.05700462569415017, "frowny_face": 0.00018225559524677408, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9454691259021651, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027752423999416777}, {"word": "not able", "smiley_face": 0.00016675931072818233, "positivity": 0.027880433574207893, "time_bin": 45, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @ryanlochte: Don't forget to keep your thoughts &amp; prayers with those in the northeast recovering from #Sandy &amp; not able to ce ...", "frequency": 0.0386692987760081, "frowny_face": 0.00011117287381878821, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9431350750416898, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028984491384102282}, {"word": "non-affected", "smiley_face": 0.0001782594744910692, "positivity": 0.02554212271382224, "time_bin": 46, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@Obama2012 Voters n non-affected states have to ask selves n light of Sandy will they vote for candidates who'll be there or issue a voucher", "frequency": 0.06534140328540744, "frowny_face": 7.130378979642769e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9476407358551107, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02681714143106706}, {"word": "birthday", "smiley_face": 0.00018276189779954676, "positivity": 0.027766576504130416, "time_bin": 47, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @scooterbraun: No hurricane could stop us!! We got him!! Happy Birthday @AdamBraun - love u!!!", "frequency": 0.024490344185977307, "frowny_face": 0.00010965713867972804, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9449384092404416, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027295014255428032}, {"word": "hoe", "smiley_face": 6.010699044298852e-05, "positivity": 0.026476347899260677, "time_bin": 48, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Ratchet2English: Why name hurricane hoe names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be eva ...", "frequency": 0.026778579561462415, "frowny_face": 0.0003005349522149426, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9457609544990082, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027762697601731088}, {"word": "elect", "smiley_face": 0.00024475011013754954, "positivity": 0.02730388173674678, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elect next Tuesday.", "frequency": 0.015896178438057403, "frowny_face": 0.00019580008811003965, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9432608057173626, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029435312545890647}, {"word": "elect", "smiley_face": 0.00018699278207861175, "positivity": 0.02753154568233666, "time_bin": 50, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @cthagod: Even tho Sandy has dealt us a devastating blow let's not lose sight of the fact we have a president to re elect next Tuesday.", "frequency": 0.020346070188769046, "frowny_face": 0.0001495942256628894, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9461601032200158, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.026308351097647634}, {"word": "not unstoppable", "smiley_face": 0.0003001087894361706, "positivity": 0.026981168173462883, "time_bin": 51, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Not unstoppable: Sandy tapering out in Appalachia", "frequency": 0.01370462029747463, "frowny_face": 0.0001500543947180853, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9450754023333459, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02794342949319128}, {"word": "portal", "smiley_face": 0.0003467887363018449, "positivity": 0.025385074212789568, "time_bin": 52, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "iTunes now accepting Red Cross donations for Superstorm Sandy aid: Apple has activated a portal on its iTunes St...", "frequency": 0.014150604525631506, "frowny_face": 6.935774726036899e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9463777916493272, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028237134137883202}, {"word": "human-induced", "smiley_face": 0.0007828554653097172, "positivity": 0.027587239455915444, "time_bin": 53, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @AimeeDavidson7 Scientists say they simply do not know for sure if Hurricane Sandy was caused worse by human-induced global warming", "frequency": 0.0330408688519109, "frowny_face": 9.785693316371466e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9422521773167629, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030160583227321656}, {"word": "up-to-date", "smiley_face": 0.00027924046593266316, "positivity": 0.02547020105313547, "time_bin": 54, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @CarmenStewart13 In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy here are some ways to stay up-to-date on air travel.", "frequency": 0.022245855333363533, "frowny_face": 0.00019945747566618797, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9468445827349609, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027685216211903625}, {"word": "solidarizan", "smiley_face": 0.0002132309824617517, "positivity": 0.025554400554400558, "time_bin": 55, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Notiglobo: Diputados se solidarizan con EU por el huracn \"Sandy\" - 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I'm comin with clothes!!!!", "frequency": 0.06090034639463453, "frowny_face": 0.0001984914648670107, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9487395791980945, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.026116315998412066}, {"word": "prime", "smiley_face": 7.795751315533035e-05, "positivity": 0.027369557591112842, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Use Amazon? Have Prime? Buy diapers &amp; overnight them NOW to families in need @ &amp; retweet this! #Sandy #DT @hope", "frequency": 0.03354683512698937, "frowny_face": 7.795751315533035e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9444309101539661, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02819953225492107}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 8.884150675195451e-05, "positivity": 0.02605823560767591, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.03896593792163653, "frowny_face": 0.00013326226012793177, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.943252487562189, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03068927683013504}, {"word": "comn", "smiley_face": 0.00022820629849383843, "positivity": 0.025421679598356915, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @cindylaregia: Debo reconocer que Sandy y yo tenemos en comn que ambas arrasamos con Nueva York cuando vamos #ILoveNY #shopping", "frequency": 0.022741574673276203, "frowny_face": 4.5641259698767684e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9453274760383387, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029250844363304426}, {"word": "filthy", "smiley_face": 7.571168988491823e-05, "positivity": 0.02709532101756511, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @louisck: If ever a cunt did come to town her name be Sandy. That filthy windy tropical cunt.", "frequency": 0.014624966238242828, "frowny_face": 3.7855844942459115e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9441247728649304, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028779906117504542}, {"word": "successful", "smiley_face": 0.00010855798805862131, "positivity": 0.027505880224353175, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#news #business 5 Tips For Filing A Successful Insurance Claim After Superstorm Sandy #manage #career", "frequency": 0.018797152127096615, "frowny_face": 0.00010855798805862131, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9435634159580243, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02893070381762258}, {"word": "skillful", "smiley_face": 0.00023503603885929175, "positivity": 0.028052021309934193, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Long Islanders Use Facebook Google Docs to Find Loved Ones Post-Sandy: Whether looking for a skillful barber ...", "frequency": 0.03721896630572423, "frowny_face": 0.00011751801942964588, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.941941201817612, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030006776872453775}, {"word": "cubrir", "smiley_face": 0.00012480758830136872, "positivity": 0.02598776885634646, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "La revista Time contrat periodistas para cubrir el huracn Sandy con Instagram: La revista estadounidense Time ...", "frequency": 0.03212923668200965, "frowny_face": 4.160252943378957e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9459375130007904, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02807471814286309}, {"word": "charitable", "smiley_face": 0.00015555123468792535, "positivity": 0.028267081469959168, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Facebook Rolls Out Charitable Gifts in Wake of Sandy: Facebook added a new feature to Gifts Thurs... #socialmedia", "frequency": 0.028617276349693865, "frowny_face": 3.8887808671981336e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9422516041221077, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029481314407933112}, {"word": "loveclick", "smiley_face": 0.0002576655501159495, "positivity": 0.028303890749806757, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "15 Amazing Acts of Kindness During Sandy [PICS]: Plugs R Us Free juice! Via BE LoveClick here to view thi...", "frequency": 0.025813420551149917, "frowny_face": 0.0002061324400927596, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.944080133986086, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027615975264107185}, {"word": "roethlisberger", "smiley_face": 0.00029046125246892066, "positivity": 0.026322179621238527, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFakeESPN: Steelers unable to stay in Jersey hotel due to weather making Sandy the first woman to force Roethlisberger out of a h ...", "frequency": 0.03987083585678452, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9459378993842221, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027739920994539327}, {"word": "roethlisberger", "smiley_face": 0.00018656716417910448, "positivity": 0.02724347014925373, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFakeESPN: Steelers unable to stay in Jersey hotel due to weather making Sandy the first woman to force Roethlisberger out of a h ...", "frequency": 0.024251523710756277, "frowny_face": 7.462686567164179e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9451772388059702, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02757929104477612}, {"word": "not the", "smiley_face": 0.00043563493792202136, "positivity": 0.025651666303637553, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "\"@Helen_KelIer: I hope Hurricane Sandy does knock out everyone's power so I'm not the only one bumping into walls and shit.\" lolol", "frequency": 0.020914207772429524, "frowny_face": 8.712698758440428e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9449956436506208, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029352690045741665}, {"word": "cubrir", "smiley_face": 0.00012417732522041475, "positivity": 0.028191647005256833, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "La revista Time contrat periodistas para cubrir el huracn Sandy con Instagram: La revista estadounidense Time ...", "frequency": 0.020404963942159498, "frowny_face": 8.27848834802765e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9422471956620722, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02956115733267106}, {"word": "cell-site", "smiley_face": 0.0001637465203864418, "positivity": 0.028213689209104307, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#Computadoras Cell-site outages fall to 19 percent in area hit by Sandy FCC says: About ...", "frequency": 0.012612380595728882, "frowny_face": 0.0002729108673107363, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9415493149937231, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030236995797172643}, {"word": "te", "smiley_face": 0.0004399472063352398, "positivity": 0.02581305627940032, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "\"@MrFuckinItAll: En qu se parece el huracn Sandy a un unicornio? No s pero te extrao.\" @sharigab. Mira! Hahaha eso siento que es mio", "frequency": 0.047992537304987516, "frowny_face": 0.0002707367423601476, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9448373887441199, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029349554976479744}, {"word": "spotless", "smiley_face": 0.00040762254152654643, "positivity": 0.028762865586466933, "time_bin": 75, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @momo_vz: My room is always spotless at the beginning of the week and by the end of the week it looks like hurricane sandy hit", "frequency": 0.016889331410555597, "frowny_face": 0.00020381127076327322, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9408756241720168, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030361510241516357}, {"word": "marathon-ed", "smiley_face": 0.00027022158169699153, "positivity": 0.02626157449108269, "time_bin": 76, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@JonShrum TURN HURRICANE TRAGEDY INTO TRIUMPH RACE FOR HUMANITY RATHER THAN NY MARATHON-Ed Van", "frequency": 0.01772133473246492, "frowny_face": 9.007386056566384e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9429494685642227, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030788956944694645}, {"word": "stylish", "smiley_face": 0.0002089864158829676, "positivity": 0.027043469174503662, "time_bin": 77, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @MacyKing3 Dont let Hurricane Sandy put a damper on your costume.Here are some inspirations for the stylish.", "frequency": 0.027945874568955816, "frowny_face": 8.359456635318704e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9428004179728318, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030156112852664573}, {"word": "storm-ravaged", "smiley_face": 0.0001516357708783502, "positivity": 0.027334470601614924, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Sandy-hit areas sputter back to life: At every turn there are signs that storm-ravaged cities along the East Co...", "frequency": 0.058653125024023034, "frowny_face": 7.58178854391751e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9444776147693241, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028187914629060996}, {"word": "storm-ravaged", "smiley_face": 9.678199854827002e-05, "positivity": 0.024967045729494312, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Sandy-hit areas sputter back to life amid heartache: At every turn there are signs that storm-ravaged cities al...", "frequency": 0.03592878623134787, "frowny_face": 4.839099927413501e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9437091700943625, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03132378417614324}, {"word": "nyc", "smiley_face": 0.00022234574763757643, "positivity": 0.026673262923846582, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @daily: New Yorkers devastated by killer hurricane blast mayors vow to go on with NYC Marathon", "frequency": 0.012497714681003786, "frowny_face": 3.7057624606262736e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9436585139892533, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02966822308690013}, {"word": "laboran", "smiley_face": 0.00011913744489893174, "positivity": 0.02475354433898574, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#Cuba #Matanzas Laboran arroceros del sur de Matanzas en atenuar daos derivados del paso del huracn Sandy: ...", "frequency": 0.023256164896245303, "frowny_face": 3.971248163297724e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.945792462570986, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029453993090028198}, {"word": "posible", "smiley_face": 0.00010429703796412182, "positivity": 0.027169378389653734, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "ONU advierte de un posible riesgo de malnutricin en Hait despus de Sandy", "frequency": 0.040490427006576964, "frowny_face": 5.214851898206091e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9416849186483104, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03114570296203588}, {"word": "posible", "smiley_face": 0.00023204548091425919, "positivity": 0.027798197780098233, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "ONU advierte de un posible riesgo de malnutricin en Hait despus de Sandy", "frequency": 0.018960951954983766, "frowny_face": 3.86742468190432e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9435259310824922, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0286758711374096}, {"word": "jewish", "smiley_face": 0.00029824038174768865, "positivity": 0.02529572190741293, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @scooterbraun: This is my dad during Hurricane Sandy. Yes... He is like a Jewish CHUCK NORRIS. #TheMan", "frequency": 0.010364906987232714, "frowny_face": 6.627564038837525e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9462421711899791, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028462106902607948}, {"word": "ante", "smiley_face": 0.0004137360364087712, "positivity": 0.02705691169034156, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Se unen Bon Jovi y Christina Aguilera por damnificados de Sandy: Ante los desastres que dej el huracn Sandy po...", "frequency": 0.010278760317948525, "frowny_face": 0.00013791201213625708, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9443122787661472, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028630809543511243}, {"word": "starting", "smiley_face": 0.00032228360957642724, "positivity": 0.026476565377532225, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @VolunteerIowa: It's official. Iowa AmeriCorps members will deploy to New York starting this weekend for hurricane relief.", "frequency": 0.008979518368067619, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9444003222836096, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029123112338858198}, {"word": "apple", "smiley_face": 0.00014654161781946072, "positivity": 0.029055978898007036, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "iPad Mini Launch in NYC Gets Late Start [VIDEO]: Hurricane Sandy didn't stop Apple fans from coming out in New ...", "frequency": 0.010665908545037805, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9420702667057445, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028873754396248532}, {"word": "stat", "smiley_face": 3.877171215880893e-05, "positivity": 0.025240384615384616, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @IngrahamAngle: NBC slams Romney for collecting food &amp; clothes for Sandy relief; yet just watched Stat Isl. ppl intvw by NBC who ...", "frequency": 0.024566803540360987, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9463447968362283, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028414818548387098}, {"word": "dumpster-dive", "smiley_face": 8.749289120258979e-05, "positivity": 0.02621203902182948, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @rdp24k: Obama hits Vegas with Eva Longoria while Sandy victims Dumpster-dive in NYC via @TwitchyTeam", "frequency": 0.03856311222672399, "frowny_face": 4.3746445601294894e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9448302637910669, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028957697187103545}, {"word": "dumpster-dive", "smiley_face": 0.0002001300845549607, "positivity": 0.027302446590283684, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TwitchyTeam: Obama hits Vegas with Eva Longoria while Sandy victims Dumpster-dive in NYC", "frequency": 0.015965833577542235, "frowny_face": 0.00010006504227748036, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9445827287737029, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028114824636013412}, {"word": "dumpster-dive", "smiley_face": 0.00012503907471084715, "positivity": 0.02575454829634261, "time_bin": 91, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TwitchyTeam: icymi... 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Follow me please(:x44", "frequency": 0.031394623285249605, "frowny_face": 0.00017459929461884974, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9444206795404546, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.026977546530712018}, {"word": "tune-in", "smiley_face": 0.00025722369887678983, "positivity": 0.02941996055903284, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Bravotv: The benefit concert Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together is on NOW! All funds raised go directly to @RedCross. Tune-in and don ...", "frequency": 0.017024781393870272, "frowny_face": 0.0001714824659178599, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9431214095858699, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.027458629855097318}, {"word": "checked-in", "smiley_face": 0.00010102540789008435, "positivity": 0.02755402333686922, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "I'm watching Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together (5208 others checked-in) #GetGlue #HurricaneSandy", "frequency": 0.009778979992687654, "frowny_face": 0.00025256351972521087, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9456862150830934, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.026759761580037383}, {"word": "jay-z", "smiley_face": 7.81188969611749e-05, "positivity": 0.028701117100226547, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@RedBrightandTru Sarah Palin: Obama Got His Sandy Photo Op Then Jetted off to Vegas to Party with Jay-Z", "frequency": 0.018808939235762046, "frowny_face": 0.00011717834544176236, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9436323334114523, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.027666549488321222}, {"word": "tune-in", "smiley_face": 0.0004388103364212579, "positivity": 0.029726036079960997, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @eonline: West Coast! Tune-in NOW for the Hurricane Sandy benefit concert and help support the @RedCross! #SandyHelp", "frequency": 0.022414689098302434, "frowny_face": 4.8756704046806435e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.942077035592394, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02819692832764505}, {"word": "r-t", "smiley_face": 0.0007762468464971861, "positivity": 0.03115903357267611, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Notebook: Lets get creative and help #HurricaneSandy victims! Please R-T ;)", "frequency": 0.011085135511376446, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.940750533669707, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028090432757616923}, {"word": "hoe", "smiley_face": 0.00045969966288691386, "positivity": 0.02999655225252834, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @RudeComedian: Why name hurricane hoe names like Sandy? Name that shit Hurricane Death Megatron 300 And I guarantee niggas be evacua ...", "frequency": 0.010454591190132898, "frowny_face": 0.00015323322096230462, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9416372969659822, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028366150781489432}, {"word": "erlier", "smiley_face": 0.0005819874872690237, "positivity": 0.028789466026480432, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": ".@CarlonJeffery Can u RT this to hlp @DamianOtchere he was hit by Sandy erlier tryn hlp 4 nBT- Tweet @RADIODISNEY #nbtDamian 10x/day &amp; txt", "frequency": 0.014111525206504135, "frowny_face": 9.699791454483729e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9432077210339977, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0280028129395218}, {"word": "reward", "smiley_face": 0.0006018355985756557, "positivity": 0.02954290586288179, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Wanted 'terrorist' on Sandy aid offer: Wanted. $10 million reward. Someone with a bounty on his head would norma...", "frequency": 0.028871070460761324, "frowny_face": 0.00020061186619188526, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9418601735292642, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028596920607853953}, {"word": "linger", "smiley_face": 0.00038627935723114956, "positivity": 0.027041718170580965, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "CNNTop: Temperatures fall tempers rise as power outages linger: Sandy survivors welcomed glimmers of hope as se...", "frequency": 0.03589087197649175, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9431203646477132, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02983791718170581}, {"word": "linger", "smiley_face": 0.00020128824476650564, "positivity": 0.027035265700483094, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Temperatures drop tempers rise as Sandy power outages linger CNN: Hindu Business Line Temperatures drop temp...", "frequency": 0.026470543605090397, "frowny_face": 0.00012077294685990338, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9461453301127214, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02681940418679549}, {"word": "photo-document", "smiley_face": 0.00031997440204783615, "positivity": 0.024083673306135513, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @WSJ: What did the NYC Marathon course look like post-Sandy? Our @germanotes got on her bike to photo-document it.", "frequency": 0.01518727268593257, "frowny_face": 7.999360051195904e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9486641068714503, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.027252219822414204}, {"word": "victims-glad", "smiley_face": 0.00020565129765968824, "positivity": 0.02638736478427179, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @PhaedraParks: So proud to see #Obama &amp; Gov. Christie working 2gether to help #Sandy victims-Glad this President is concerned- I ...", "frequency": 0.029919824634117964, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9452093530210176, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028403282194710645}, {"word": "noviembre", "smiley_face": 0.000314070351758794, "positivity": 0.02655011166945841, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Restauracin elctrica centra esfuerzos en Cuba tras Sandy: 03 de noviembre de 2012 07:31La Habana 3 nov (...", "frequency": 0.03747095526819391, "frowny_face": 0.00010469011725293132, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9457661571747628, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02768373115577889}, {"word": "implacable", "smiley_face": 0.0009528786155595856, "positivity": 0.027617496080902474, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "La implacable destruccin de Sandy vista desde arriba", "frequency": 0.039739503546369646, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9439761165585713, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028406387360526232}, {"word": "crankier", "smiley_face": 0.0006452837350540899, "positivity": 0.029893945720250524, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane Sandy: A Cranky Woman Becomes Even Crankier", "frequency": 0.02554038986812471, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9419861453786297, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028119908901119754}, {"word": "kic", "smiley_face": 0.00027925160569673273, "positivity": 0.028372840786691667, "time_bin": 109, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @YMCMB_BW: Any kid in the NYC area and you lost clothing due to hurricane Sandy if you wear a size 10 Bow got 8 fresh pair of new kic ...", "frequency": 0.02188410014429405, "frowny_face": 7.978617305620936e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9422248374356724, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029402321777635937}, {"word": "civic", "smiley_face": 0.00022544525437739535, "positivity": 0.027842488915608327, "time_bin": 110, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "For #Sandy #Relief agencies &amp; civic groups we automatically RT tweets thru @JacksonHoleBuzz", "frequency": 0.03254013612563139, "frowny_face": 0.00011272262718869767, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9443807770346434, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02777673404974825}, {"word": "sandy-relief", "smiley_face": 0.0002243661655822302, "positivity": 0.027403859098048013, "time_bin": 111, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "[Sports] Eli Manning Osi Umenyiora stump for Sandy-relief donations", "frequency": 0.009217844750892717, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9446025914292124, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02799354947273951}, {"word": "not txt", "smiley_face": 0.0005410190832185717, "positivity": 0.02646350580365926, "time_bin": 112, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.05585551568215148, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.946611253196931, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.026925240999409794}, {"word": "not txt", "smiley_face": 0.000269414696571698, "positivity": 0.027644035832154648, "time_bin": 113, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @azizansari: Txt REDCROSS to 90999. Donate $10 to help Sandy relief. Do NOT txt \"Wsup girl?\" to 90999 after 3am you cannot booty txt ...", "frequency": 0.026805373331394426, "frowny_face": 6.73536741429245e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9440164679733279, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028339496194517408}, {"word": "not make", "smiley_face": 0.00030861022528546445, "positivity": 0.0284257278057813, "time_bin": 114, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "A couple of SANDY days does not make up for 4 years of Partisanship. Americans are not that stupid ! #tcot #gop #democrat", "frequency": 0.028924047382239186, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9428685320440284, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02870574015019031}, {"word": "storm-affected", "smiley_face": 0.00010622477161674102, "positivity": 0.028071347638269246, "time_bin": 115, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @NYGovCuomo: Unemployed as a result of #Sandy? Call 1-888-469-7365 to find out about jobs helping clean up storm-affected areas: htt ...", "frequency": 0.013103356714850613, "frowny_face": 3.5408257205580345e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9438026697825933, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028125982579137454}, {"word": "crear", "smiley_face": 0.00019385856079404468, "positivity": 0.031763725186104215, "time_bin": 116, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Daos de tormenta Sandy en EEUU pueden crear caos el da de las elecciones: Los daos de la supertormenta Sandy ...", "frequency": 0.06129936810158198, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9399910825062034, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028245192307692308}, {"word": "masive", "smiley_face": 0.0005311802825879103, "positivity": 0.028775204504408795, "time_bin": 117, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Sorry for the unrelated coment but can you give a shout-out to MD USA that we're getting ready for masive #HurricaneSandy!! @JayTheWanted", "frequency": 0.02594449221452687, "frowny_face": 5.3118028258791034e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.941211622224583, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030013173271008182}, {"word": "emotional", "smiley_face": 0.0003686862480029495, "positivity": 0.02843990414157552, "time_bin": 118, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"Emotional Care for Children in a Disaster\" - tips for parents #opsafe #SANDY #DT @operationSAFE", "frequency": 0.06265935560277362, "frowny_face": 6.144770800049158e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9384601204375077, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0330999754209168}, {"word": "josh", "smiley_face": 0.0006555466530701434, "positivity": 0.029624553864083327, "time_bin": 119, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "EXCLUSIVA: Jon Josh Dan y Sandy (Msicos de 1D) hoy estuvieron en Pars visitando la Torre Eiffel", "frequency": 0.024117744746751102, "frowny_face": 7.283851700779372e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9402132347585404, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030162211377376354}, {"word": "combustible", "smiley_face": 0.00039137028521109534, "positivity": 0.0247936010958368, "time_bin": 120, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @concienciapubli: Envan 8 millones de galones de gasolina a NY: Debido a la escasez del combustible por \"Sandy\" ... ...", "frequency": 0.02532982196168719, "frowny_face": 4.892128565138692e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9491585538867962, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.026047845017367056}, {"word": "smilin", "smiley_face": 0.00024679170779861795, "positivity": 0.025743460019743338, "time_bin": 121, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @KennyHamilton: Met a family tonight in my hotel displaced by Sandy. They have been here since the storm. Their kids are still smilin ...", "frequency": 0.0363270340801638, "frowny_face": 0.0003290556103981573, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9465387462981244, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02771779368213228}, {"word": "habitacional", "smiley_face": 0.000343393490785608, "positivity": 0.02717684764775459, "time_bin": 122, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "A grandes problemas soluciones concretas: El fuerte impacto del huracn Sandy sobre el fondo habitacional de la...", "frequency": 0.03311152028333342, "frowny_face": 0.000343393490785608, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9442844061200351, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02853874623221031}, {"word": "colder", "smiley_face": 0.0008910983960228871, "positivity": 0.028321686520964263, "time_bin": 123, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TFbwatts: GOD HAVE MERCY ON PEOPLE IN NEW JERSEY AND NEW YORK AS THE WEATHER IS NOW GETTING COLDER AND COLDER AFTER SANDY.", "frequency": 0.01551182145872134, "frowny_face": 9.379983116030391e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9444353250164149, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.027242988462620767}, {"word": "baile", "smiley_face": 0.000291587694999271, "positivity": 0.030733124362151917, "time_bin": 124, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Erakool: Y si el Gangnam style en realidad es un baile para atraer la lluvia y los que lo bailamos provocamos a 'Sandy'?.. S debo ...", "frequency": 0.016506039982590558, "frowny_face": 0.00021869077124945328, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9402791952179618, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028987680419886284}, {"word": "weary", "smiley_face": 0.000779666302822392, "positivity": 0.026474037112116013, "time_bin": 125, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "NHL News: NHL Kicks Sandy Weary Fans", "frequency": 0.0320379936999402, "frowny_face": 0.000389833151411196, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.946134804303758, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027391158584125996}, {"word": "like|appreciate|like", "smiley_face": 0.0009288285150354116, "positivity": 0.028069120321993886, "time_bin": 126, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#sandy Haha... that has been exciting! I {love|adore|enjoy|really like|appreciate|like} {dogs|canines|puppies|pups}", "frequency": 0.0175432927133118, "frowny_face": 0.00011610356437942645, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9439268160532528, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02800406362475328}, {"word": "not major", "smiley_face": 0.00040769732550554466, "positivity": 0.026113992172211352, "time_bin": 127, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "News1 new result for \"rehab\" \"center\" \"Rhode Island\"Hurricane Sandy update: Minor annoyances but not major can...", "frequency": 0.04245772804045778, "frowny_face": 8.153946510110893e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9452054794520548, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028680528375733854}, {"word": "not true", "smiley_face": 0.0007840900990804761, "positivity": 0.028031221042127023, "time_bin": 128, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @CoryBooker: No it is not true. 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Here is official NJ website on iss ...", "frequency": 0.01887539256448288, "frowny_face": 8.710042679209128e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9470864907238046, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.026570507795488196}, {"word": "convoy", "smiley_face": 0.0002876751736325155, "positivity": 0.028396498582172358, "time_bin": 136, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Zendaya96: let's help the Hurricane Sandy victims!! text CONVOY to 50555!! $10 donation goes to relief efforts!! we can do this!!", "frequency": 0.01257267415789377, "frowny_face": 4.109645337607364e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9440523157851477, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0275511856326799}, {"word": "southside", "smiley_face": 0.00011615076369127126, "positivity": 0.026725942273070444, "time_bin": 137, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@UncleRUSH Hurricane Sandy Storm Hits Coney Island Far Rockaway &amp; Southside Queens Exclusive By Spark Deniero !!", "frequency": 0.01864234758227114, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9469191009930891, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02635495673384053}, {"word": "voting", "smiley_face": 0.00019111323459149545, "positivity": 0.028346536072623035, "time_bin": 138, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @blogdiva: RT @TheBradBlog: Playing with fire: NJ allows voting by fax email in wake of Sandy. Madness.", "frequency": 0.009907999963522816, "frowny_face": 0.00019111323459149545, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9439202102245581, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.027733253702818914}, {"word": "buscan", "smiley_face": 0.00010338410641670687, "positivity": 0.028071679647115582, "time_bin": 139, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Mascotas perdidas buscan sus dueos tras paso de Sandy", "frequency": 0.018922243158712847, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.942617513267627, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029310807085257427}, {"word": "fumble", "smiley_face": 0.0001524564546251477, "positivity": 0.036706025841369054, "time_bin": 140, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@PHXMRORNG u know that wasn't a fumble New York will cuz sandy real talk", "frequency": 0.025900456801682015, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9295508251705606, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033743148988070286}, {"word": "united", "smiley_face": 0.00042121027753077173, "positivity": 0.028837974446576497, "time_bin": 141, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheFunnyRacist: Here is the list of foreign countries helping the United States with Hurricane relief:", "frequency": 0.016486164458691454, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9419607338419057, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02920129171151776}, {"word": "enfrente", "smiley_face": 0.00034982702996851555, "positivity": 0.029429198896101374, "time_bin": 142, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @SandyCoben: Me podias hacer un favor? Podrias pararte enfrente del carro? Es que quiero checar mis frenos y asi", "frequency": 0.02454240499531693, "frowny_face": 0.00011660900998950519, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9422639639289463, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028306837174952384}, {"word": "brough", "smiley_face": 0.000199100067694023, "positivity": 0.0314401306096444, "time_bin": 143, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Top Comments on Mashable This Week: Double Rainbow Shines in NYC After Superstorm Sandy After Sandy brough...", "frequency": 0.030692515333902076, "frowny_face": 0.00011946004061641381, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9362033608091427, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032356508581212924}, {"word": "pal", "smiley_face": 0.00036555645816409424, "positivity": 0.028028878960194965, "time_bin": 144, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane Sandy Michelle Williams &amp;amp Jason Segel R Safe Says Pal Busy Philipps @DailyBrian @BrianBrownNet", "frequency": 0.018819385618532344, "frowny_face": 0.00020308692120227456, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9421963850528026, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029774735987002435}, {"word": "drop-in", "smiley_face": 0.0005883981725044995, "positivity": 0.029763187041395547, "time_bin": 145, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "We Need To Help The Ali Forney Drop-In Center Post-Hurricane Sandy via @zite", "frequency": 0.01682213375153997, "frowny_face": 0.00013844662882458813, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.939498823203655, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030737989754949464}, {"word": "drop-in", "smiley_face": 0.0006851661527920521, "positivity": 0.029725199432290902, "time_bin": 146, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@JessicaCapshaw PLS RT &amp; Donate - The @AliForneyCenter Drop-In Center For LGBT Homeless Youth Destroyed by #Sandy", "frequency": 0.020779784613114576, "frowny_face": 0.00014682131845543972, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9402192531688934, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030055547398815642}, {"word": "square", "smiley_face": 0.0001784121320249777, "positivity": 0.029952854594112406, "time_bin": 147, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "New Orleans linemen square Katrina debt with Sandy aid via @reuters", "frequency": 0.02851635041238931, "frowny_face": 8.920606601248885e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9390332292595897, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03101391614629794}, {"word": "acariciar", "smiley_face": 0.00041981528127623844, "positivity": 0.029585390428211584, "time_bin": 148, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @SandyAboytes: Me gusta acariciar t avatar con la flechita del mouse.", "frequency": 0.03222957813429592, "frowny_face": 4.1981528127623844e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9398719563392107, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030542653232577665}, {"word": "tone-deaf", "smiley_face": 0.0003450145398984672, "positivity": 0.03005939178865395, "time_bin": 149, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RT @TwitchyTeam: Tone-deaf: Colorado Sen. 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[VIDEO] ...", "frequency": 0.014326254126813287, "frowny_face": 0.00015586642247593813, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9426362857031524, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028843860811284722}, {"word": "disgraceful", "smiley_face": 0.0002807017543859649, "positivity": 0.028144280701754384, "time_bin": 157, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Giuliani on Obama response to Hurricane Sandy: Disgraceful Where the hell are the generators? [VIDEO]", "frequency": 0.012917813234689383, "frowny_face": 0.00010526315789473685, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9436140350877193, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02824168421052632}, {"word": "convoy", "smiley_face": 0.00045397798206786973, "positivity": 0.027776188854840542, "time_bin": 158, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @BellaRepublic: Help the hurricane Sandy victims! text CONVOY to 50555 to donate $10!! RT and spread the word! @Zendaya96", "frequency": 0.05962058885134065, "frowny_face": 5.6747247758483716e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9463951310861424, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.025828680059017135}, {"word": "4closure", "smiley_face": 0.0003103937566512948, "positivity": 0.025411670805250086, "time_bin": 159, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@NASA BofA hired antichristians 2 service &amp; ignore mods of American Christian loans causing 4closure &amp; \"SANDY\". Next storms coming.", "frequency": 0.05532944970098014, "frowny_face": 4.434196523589925e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9453263568641362, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02926197233061369}, {"word": "nor'easter", "smiley_face": 3.891504844923532e-05, "positivity": 0.02703237732030976, "time_bin": 160, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @billmckibben: Damn. Warm waters off the coast will help power up a midweek Nor'easter headed more or less where Sandy went. http://t ...", "frequency": 0.011758654169739218, "frowny_face": 7.783009689847064e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9447357668210297, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028231855858660546}, {"word": "youve", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.025956932316567226, "time_bin": 161, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @DHSgov: If youve been affected by #Sandy you can apply for assistance online at or call 1-800-621-FEMA (3362)", "frequency": 0.014260909284879567, "frowny_face": 3.9511636176854084e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9458394247105772, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02820364297285551}, {"word": "90-day", "smiley_face": 0.00013336889837289943, "positivity": 0.027766026495954475, "time_bin": 162, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @Reuters: US orders 90-day suspension of FHA foreclosures in disaster areas hit by #Sandy", "frequency": 0.01316228169783269, "frowny_face": 8.891259891526629e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9436294122877211, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028604561216324355}, {"word": "pre", "smiley_face": 0.0001589825119236884, "positivity": 0.024449721780604138, "time_bin": 163, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @realDonaldTrump: The outer boroughs of Manhattan are still devasted by Sandy. How would the press cover this if a Republican was Pre ...", "frequency": 0.029006545286022648, "frowny_face": 3.97456279809221e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9487976947535771, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02675258346581875}, {"word": "pre", "smiley_face": 0.00031238610923100955, "positivity": 0.026484146404956527, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @realDonaldTrump: The outer boroughs of Manhattan are still devasted by Sandy. 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It's evidence of our refusal to even discuss climate change &amp; global wa ...", "frequency": 0.01340105383949566, "frowny_face": 0.0004820903437304151, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9536229089331341, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02311290555850166}, {"word": "di-share", "smiley_face": 0.0004633562437253842, "positivity": 0.0244268283265117, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Media Sosial Jadi Sarana Atasi Bencana Topan Sandy: Informasi penanganan keadaan gawat darurat juga ikut di-share.", "frequency": 0.030539413081894482, "frowny_face": 0.0002316781218626921, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9498127268514943, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.025760444821993977}, {"word": "post-tropical", "smiley_face": 7.002310762551643e-05, "positivity": 0.02633821160983124, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Superstorm Sandy Flooding New York Streets [PICS]: Sandy is flooding New York's streets as the post-tropical ...", "frequency": 0.02320792445331669, "frowny_face": 0.0003501155381275821, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.946712415096982, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.026949373293186755}, {"word": "noir", "smiley_face": 0.0004717970224365695, "positivity": 0.023530876494023904, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Vido : New York plong dans le noir et inond par Sandy | @scoopit", "frequency": 0.010545020754851711, "frowny_face": 0.00031453134829104634, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9490262633675823, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.027442860138393792}, {"word": "less-reported", "smiley_face": 0.0005285158314514966, "positivity": 0.025439677124873876, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @mrjakehumphrey: News of US deaths very sad however lets also remember the less-reported death and destruction Sandy already reeked ...", "frequency": 0.014513098507457894, "frowny_face": 0.00019218757507327152, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9477490030269543, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02681131984817182}, {"word": "less-reported", "smiley_face": 0.00047005734699633354, "positivity": 0.025921030365704614, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @mrjakehumphrey: News of US deaths very sad however lets also remember the less-reported death and destruction Sandy already reeked ...", "frequency": 0.011872559683058054, "frowny_face": 0.00023502867349816677, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9484875904860393, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02559137914825609}, {"word": "l'tat", "smiley_face": 0.0008604088990863277, "positivity": 0.021208915475068625, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Alerte #Sandy : Barack Obama dcrte l'tat de \"catastrophe majeure\" dans l'Etat de New York", "frequency": 0.014381523811797647, "frowny_face": 0.00024583111402466505, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9544393002007621, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.024351784324169297}, {"word": "c'est", "smiley_face": 0.00026899798251513114, "positivity": 0.02195232010759919, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @gaellelabarthe: Comme prvu l'ouragan Sandy s'est abattu sur New York dans la nuit et c'est en images ici &gt;&gt;&gt; ...", "frequency": 0.01610617040186384, "frowny_face": 0.0004707464694014795, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9547074646940148, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.023340215198386013}, {"word": "paciente", "smiley_face": 0.0007426110203475419, "positivity": 0.02217622159512847, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Sandy: Obama decreta estado de emergncia em Nova York: Mdicos transportam paciente para ambulncia durante eva...", "frequency": 0.030452692372491718, "frowny_face": 0.00037130551017377096, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.954431531263924, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02339224714094757}, {"word": "vous", "smiley_face": 0.0002632098440481674, "positivity": 0.02174771336447983, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @valeriepailler: Vous avez vu beaucoup d'images vous du passage de #Sandy Hati o l'ouragan a fait 51 morts il y a 2 jours?", "frequency": 0.020174823151115975, "frowny_face": 0.0002632098440481674, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9558547739685465, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.022397512666973745}, {"word": "dominic", "smiley_face": 0.0001177093755517627, "positivity": 0.022654228709316694, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "See the Devastating Aftermath of Superstorm Sandy [PICS]: Via Dominic ButchelloClick here to view this g...", "frequency": 0.018997738048010943, "frowny_face": 0.00041198281443116945, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9534165146253899, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.023929256665293393}, {"word": "increble", "smiley_face": 0.00034518467380048324, "positivity": 0.02115619606489472, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @GenialesTwits: INCREBLE. El Huracn #Sandy arrastra dos dinosaurios al metro de Nueva York!!", "frequency": 0.05256904098137288, "frowny_face": 0.00023012311586698885, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9562622252905304, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.022581578644574846}, {"word": "late-night", "smiley_face": 0.000304228780042592, "positivity": 0.022588150289017343, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Letterman Fallon Host Late-Night Shows During Hurricane With No Audience: David Letterman and Jimmy Fallon se...", "frequency": 0.0369130290288027, "frowny_face": 7.6057195010648e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9535195466991178, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02389230301186492}, {"word": "half-submerged", "smiley_face": 0.0004889633975970942, "positivity": 0.02345278010617491, "time_bin": 14, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @BBCBreaking: Half-submerged cars near Goldman Sachs building in New York City after storm #Sandy - PHOTO (credit: Davey Davis) http: ...", "frequency": 0.02052121101680508, "frowny_face": 6.985191394244202e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.953417504889634, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.023129715004191115}, {"word": "orkaan", "smiley_face": 0.00025036511579386604, "positivity": 0.022962278322553726, "time_bin": 15, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @frenkdeboer: Familie filmt Orkaan Sandy. Bomen vallen om. Ook op hun eigen auto. #sandy #bizar (@vrtderedactie)", "frequency": 0.01165341896932196, "frowny_face": 0.00029209263509284375, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9514448153557271, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02559290632171917}, {"word": "then-hurricane", "smiley_face": 0.0003679949532120702, "positivity": 0.022400220796971928, "time_bin": 16, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "After Sandy We Are OK Is Top Facebook Status: As then-Hurricane Sandy made it's way up the East Coast overn...", "frequency": 0.027829848125466298, "frowny_face": 0.00021028283040689727, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9520029439596257, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02559683524340238}, {"word": "kafayat", "smiley_face": 0.00023839796567069293, "positivity": 0.02372592180546726, "time_bin": 17, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Lool \"@Kencassy: Wunmiii fine fine oo....just waiting for hurricane kafayat to come &amp; go:)\"", "frequency": 0.014698283011348384, "frowny_face": 0.00023839796567069293, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.951406547997457, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02486753019707565}, {"word": "jsst", "smiley_face": 0.0002623019620186759, "positivity": 0.022006452628265658, "time_bin": 18, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @hurricannesandy: WHAT IF GANGAM STYLE WAS ACTUALLY JSST A GIANT RAIN DANCE AND WE BROUGHT THIS HURRICANE ON OURSELVES?", "frequency": 0.019717291063861157, "frowny_face": 0.0002623019620186759, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9526151505613262, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.025378396810408144}, {"word": "commissioner", "smiley_face": 0.00026352775825720307, "positivity": 0.023238887912860152, "time_bin": 19, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Huh? 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Coz if it is Sandy might as well attack England tonight lool", "frequency": 0.021160666738200887, "frowny_face": 0.0005889281507656066, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9505208333333334, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.025535556537102475}, {"word": "td", "smiley_face": 0.000563433186214668, "positivity": 0.022149967133064136, "time_bin": 21, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @xzuera: o furaco sandy passou e td mundo ficou sem saber se a lenda dessa paixo faz sorrir ou faz chorar", "frequency": 0.09025777384437197, "frowny_face": 0.000375622124143112, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9541271480890224, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02372288477791342}, {"word": "horizonte", "smiley_face": 0.0004818281938325991, "positivity": 0.022615363436123345, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @cruzeiroetn: Video do Furaco Sandy que atingiu o .Brasil (Belo Horizonte)", "frequency": 0.032097618865261544, "frowny_face": 0.00027533039647577095, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9531336040748899, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.024251032488986784}, {"word": "first-hand", "smiley_face": 0.0007321590077092036, "positivity": 0.02248890994444205, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @TheNextWeb: Media platform Chute creates Weatherchute to share first-hand after-effects of Hurricane Sandy by @ ...", "frequency": 0.015854646997057766, "frowny_face": 0.0001292045307722124, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9552252465653129, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02228584349024506}, {"word": "jutaan", "smiley_face": 0.0007292173067574137, "positivity": 0.022414000972289745, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "40 tewas jutaan lain tanpa listrik dan alat transport akibat badai Sandy #BBCIndonesia", "frequency": 0.025059252325259733, "frowny_face": 0.00043753038405444823, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9538587749149247, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02372722411278561}, {"word": "fast-rising", "smiley_face": 0.00032111319240032114, "positivity": 0.0245012576933369, "time_bin": 25, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "#masdirin Hurricane Sandy Evacuees In Flooded New Jersey Towns Describe Fast-Rising Water #news", "frequency": 0.023114304789908235, "frowny_face": 0.00021407546160021407, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9517661225582018, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.023732619748461335}, {"word": "pounded", "smiley_face": 0.00035101575183186346, "positivity": 0.022483919090869206, "time_bin": 26, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "In hurricane Twitter proves a lifeline despite pranksters: SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - 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New York City is getting back to work. #Sandy\"", "frequency": 0.014436105788311657, "frowny_face": 0.00021641274238227146, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9527733292936288, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.025355739265927976}, {"word": "dramatic", "smiley_face": 0.0013150973172014729, "positivity": 0.02137033140452393, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Watch a Dramatic Helicopter Rescue of Sandy Victims: The New York Police Department has released dramatic YouT...", "frequency": 0.0392266709843483, "frowny_face": 0.0002630194634402946, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9532373312291776, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02539233736629844}, {"word": "remercier", "smiley_face": 0.0005258545135845749, "positivity": 0.02127192521180251, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @justinbiebiere: Apple peut remercier #Sandy...", "frequency": 0.016736100610537933, "frowny_face": 0.00017528483786152498, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9531478235465966, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.025580251241600935}, {"word": "c'tait", "smiley_face": 0.0005076142131979696, "positivity": 0.021738388324873095, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @Une_folie_douce: L'ouragan Sandy Hati c'tait a! 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Eat Shit Sandy! You owe me some aluminum siding you fucking jerk. #FrankenstormLIVE! P.S. I ho ...", "frequency": 0.031342044159247635, "frowny_face": 0.0005622891415719105, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9533612395351743, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02448906660002499}, {"word": "eat", "smiley_face": 0.0014166535495041713, "positivity": 0.024252951361561467, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @FrankIero: Just got electricity back. Eat Shit Sandy! You owe me some aluminum siding you fucking jerk. #FrankenstormLIVE! P.S. 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I'm comin with clothes!!!!", "frequency": 0.037682303047101205, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9566818618042227, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.023555086372360846}, {"word": "prime", "smiley_face": 0.0008370673100595795, "positivity": 0.022018317002314245, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Use Amazon? Have Prime? Buy diapers &amp; overnight them NOW to families in need @ &amp; retweet this! #Sandy #DT @hope", "frequency": 0.017876218467687822, "frowny_face": 0.0002461962676645822, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9551368851248215, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.022844797872864246}, {"word": "not climate", "smiley_face": 0.0010674468253340714, "positivity": 0.02104008855855144, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Whether or not climate change caused #Sandy this is clear: it made Sandy worse", "frequency": 0.024727714504461974, "frowny_face": 0.00015814027041986242, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9534523997786036, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02550751166284495}, {"word": "autoverkopen", "smiley_face": 0.00047160913035276363, "positivity": 0.021142095830975288, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "[parool] Sandy raakt ook autoverkopen in VS", "frequency": 0.02490991232332136, "frowny_face": 0.00033012639124693457, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9541183267308055, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.024739577438219203}, {"word": "leere", "smiley_face": 0.0007099899766120949, "positivity": 0.022082776478449716, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "New York: Die Leere nach Sandy: Eigentlich ist New York die Stadt die niemals schlft. Doch Sandy hat der City...", "frequency": 0.024541604674401387, "frowny_face": 8.35282325425994e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9535844052789842, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.024332818242565987}, {"word": "gear", "smiley_face": 0.00048216007714561236, "positivity": 0.022890127772420443, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @taylormomsen: Our studio all its gear all our guitars destroyed... #fuckyouhurricanesandy", "frequency": 0.04095669880696224, "frowny_face": 0.00012054001928640309, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9521983486017358, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02491152362584378}, {"word": "skillful", "smiley_face": 0.00040106951871657755, "positivity": 0.02874331550802139, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Long Islanders Use Facebook Google Docs to Find Loved Ones Post-Sandy: Whether looking for a skillful barber ...", "frequency": 0.08635487543609671, "frowny_face": 0.00026737967914438503, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9438502673796791, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027406417112299464}, {"word": "sobrevive", "smiley_face": 0.00025290844714213456, "positivity": 0.021460546282245828, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Rob que monitora clima no mar dos EUA 'sobrevive' tempestade Sandy: Chamado de Mercury rob enfrentou ventos...", "frequency": 0.07988276061819673, "frowny_face": 0.00012645422357106728, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9551561709661103, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.023383282751643905}, {"word": "charitable", "smiley_face": 0.0005949724825226833, "positivity": 0.025366255144032922, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "\"@mashable: Facebook Rolls Out Charitable Gifts in Wake of Sandy\"", "frequency": 0.08999294169904846, "frowny_face": 0.00024790520105111806, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9492042243046259, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.025429520551341168}, {"word": "loveclick", "smiley_face": 0.0003373439784099854, "positivity": 0.024148206454514785, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "15 Amazing Acts of Kindness During Sandy [PICS]: Plugs R Us Free juice! Via BE LoveClick here to view thi...", "frequency": 0.08371546783250394, "frowny_face": 0.0002248959856066569, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9512959631170583, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.024555830428426854}, {"word": "e", "smiley_face": 0.0005305441867515538, "positivity": 0.023813400030316813, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Wave Riding Robot Survives Sandys Wild Waters [VIDEO]: The open ocean certainly wasn't a choice place to be e...", "frequency": 0.05322913988896543, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9506783386387752, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.025508261330907986}, {"word": "ahmedabad", "smiley_face": 0.0018065215427693975, "positivity": 0.024325354529852773, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Isro's centre in Ahmedabad helped track Hurricane Sandy: Nasa had sought Isros help as its QuikSat satellite st...", "frequency": 0.0362850198407444, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9497561195917261, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.025918525878421098}, {"word": "entre", "smiley_face": 0.0009376465072667605, "positivity": 0.024996450338222488, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @noticiasLGTB: Responsabilizan al matrimonio homosexual del huracn Sandy entre otros posicionamientos homfobos de... ...", "frequency": 0.023985788083806945, "frowny_face": 6.697475051905432e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.946311365615163, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028692184046614427}, {"word": "meninggal", "smiley_face": 0.00012784454103809768, "positivity": 0.022220148299667602, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 5, "sample_tweet": "Korban Topan Sandy Masih Terus Bertambah 97 Meninggal: Dua mayat bocah usia dua dan empat tahun ditemukan di New York.", "frequency": 0.07868640785452914, "frowny_face": 0.00025568908207619537, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9573638455637944, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.020416006136537972}, {"word": "bertambah", "smiley_face": 0.00106915761634123, "positivity": 0.01957858308480108, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 5, "sample_tweet": "RT @detikcom: Korban Tewas Akibat Topan Sandy Bertambah Jadi 88 Orang", "frequency": 0.07095308002252582, "frowny_face": 0.0004501716279331495, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.957529120477182, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.022892296438016994}, {"word": "nong", "smiley_face": 0.0006593629539460336, "positivity": 0.022230979914790016, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @SandyHongBarbie: With Nong Hunz ^^lovely ^^ act.5", "frequency": 0.07261316791514168, "frowny_face": 0.0002536011361330899, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9516763035098397, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.026092716575370257}, {"word": "discouraged", "smiley_face": 0.0014368580703528284, "positivity": 0.0223200468309297, "time_bin": 75, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @WorldPrayr: \"He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.\" Deut 31:8#Pray #Sandy", "frequency": 0.019239786121131894, "frowny_face": 0.00037251875898036295, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9521512958331116, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0255286573359587}, {"word": "sate", "smiley_face": 0.0017115751381485648, "positivity": 0.020307985720573133, "time_bin": 76, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "@fitrianasandy @windygisella pd mau nyobain sate jono gaak?", "frequency": 0.043665534477443965, "frowny_face": 4.8902146804244705e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9524793388429752, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027212675436451658}, {"word": "not at", "smiley_face": 0.0014566137199139904, "positivity": 0.02109294582784213, "time_bin": 77, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Gas stations scramble in Sandy's aftermath: There's plenty of gasoline in the Northeast just not at gas stations.", "frequency": 0.021991521052680808, "frowny_face": 0.00041617534854685443, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9522352084344871, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.026671845737670806}, {"word": "ps-sandy", "smiley_face": 0.0007342778161713891, "positivity": 0.02203904630269523, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Nova York teme invaso de ratos ps-Sandy: Com estaes de metr e redes de esgoto alagadas pela tempestade trop...", "frequency": 0.09988970229690912, "frowny_face": 0.00030234968901174847, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9527146682791984, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02524628541810643}, {"word": "oleh", "smiley_face": 0.0012139430024856927, "positivity": 0.020789525406092836, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "@Sandya_Prima hahaha gak oleh iri san paleng awak mu mene yo kyok aku :p wkwkwk", "frequency": 0.13768994763210043, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9535305508988959, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.025679923695011275}, {"word": "re-tweet", "smiley_face": 0.0008897213767267619, "positivity": 0.02061578084757668, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "@jimmycarr Please re-tweet help Hurricane Sandy #hurricanesandy", "frequency": 0.03184653428654846, "frowny_face": 0.00023413720440177945, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9562514633575275, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02313275579489581}, {"word": "sandy'den", "smiley_face": 0.0015297537096527459, "positivity": 0.02190201927489674, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @erdilyasaroglu: Sandy'den sonra...", "frequency": 0.045424823322507656, "frowny_face": 0.0001529753709652746, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9540404619856203, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.024057518739482944}, {"word": "dolar", "smiley_face": 0.001490947816826411, "positivity": 0.017929925452609158, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 5, "sample_tweet": "Badai Sandy Bikin AS Merugi 50 M Dolar", "frequency": 0.04924770259109327, "frowny_face": 0.0004259850905218317, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9596645367412141, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.022405537806176785}, {"word": "not great", "smiley_face": 0.0015650431951921874, "positivity": 0.021314135470138974, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @fuck_jord: \"hey there delilah what's it like in new york city?\" not great there's a hurricane.", "frequency": 0.021168331223447898, "frowny_face": 0.00025040691123075, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9535495179666958, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.025136346563165143}, {"word": "jewish", "smiley_face": 0.0011086474501108647, "positivity": 0.022352549889135254, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @scooterbraun: This is my dad during Hurricane Sandy. Yes... He is like a Jewish CHUCK NORRIS. #TheMan", "frequency": 0.0386076542018665, "frowny_face": 0.0005543237250554324, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9518431263858093, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02580432372505543}, {"word": "ipad", "smiley_face": 0.0008790350148947599, "positivity": 0.02207857596327587, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Mini iPad a Ny fila nonostante Sandy", "frequency": 0.03807774254253357, "frowny_face": 0.00039068222884211556, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9517751623773013, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02614626165942277}, {"word": "peaked", "smiley_face": 0.0008172796263864566, "positivity": 0.02279626386456509, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @twitter: On Monday Oct 29 as people turned to Twitter to search for info search queries related to Sandy peaked at 20% of total s ...", "frequency": 0.021236759194791868, "frowny_face": 0.0002335084646818447, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9522913018096906, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.024912434325744307}, {"word": "apple", "smiley_face": 0.00038407374215849446, "positivity": 0.021368518755601078, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "iPad Mini Launch in NYC Gets Late Start [VIDEO]: Hurricane Sandy didn't stop Apple fans from coming out in New ...", "frequency": 0.04553164122306906, "frowny_face": 6.401229035974907e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9525828959160159, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02604858532838305}, {"word": "not fly", "smiley_face": 0.0011684518013631937, "positivity": 0.024634858812074, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @tyleroakley: But... Nicki... Starships were MEANT to fly... RT: @NICKIMINAJ You guys be careful with these hurricanes... do not fly", "frequency": 0.043779409815062856, "frowny_face": 0.0005842259006815969, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9529698149951314, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.022395326192794548}, {"word": "recorde", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.024900639782861573, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Sandy foi tema mais de 20 milhes de mensagens no Twitter diz empresa: Volume de posts superou o recorde anteri...", "frequency": 0.033576464790937434, "frowny_face": 9.693679720822024e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9484296238852268, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.026669736331911595}, {"word": "nasty", "smiley_face": 0.00012175818823815901, "positivity": 0.025419761353951055, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "NASA Satellite Tracks Sandys Total Rainfall [VIDEO]: Hurricane Sandy was nasty enough to watch from the groun...", "frequency": 0.06596607634695548, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9513956532326799, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.023184585413369048}, {"word": "nasty", "smiley_face": 0.0004312575470070726, "positivity": 0.020145937553907194, "time_bin": 91, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "NASA Satellite Tracks Sandys Total Rainfall [VIDEO]: Hurricane Sandy was nasty enough to watch from the groun...", "frequency": 0.024192008387582373, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9558176643091254, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.024036398136967396}, {"word": "statistical", "smiley_face": 0.00018065215427693975, "positivity": 0.024128353355613766, "time_bin": 92, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Predictions and Statistical Models Are Necessary for Democracy and Hurricanes: David Brooks is mistaken and Joe ...", "frequency": 0.0286907050862462, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9513706982205763, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.024500948423809954}, {"word": "frankenstorm-sandy", "smiley_face": 0.0003469331112961421, "positivity": 0.026636552872606162, "time_bin": 93, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "RT @gunsnroses: We too are sadden &amp; affected by Frankenstorm-Sandy devastation. Support the relief as best you can. Here's one way - ...", "frequency": 0.014278534538216989, "frowny_face": 6.938662225922843e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9451758950874272, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028187552039966694}, {"word": "unscathed", "smiley_face": 0.00020227901018137685, "positivity": 0.027290809790304092, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Seafaring robot sails through Sandy unscathed: Navigating the Atlantic 100 miles east of New Jersey a robot cal...", "frequency": 0.019634512359688383, "frowny_face": 6.742633672712562e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9483851392353854, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.024324050974310566}, {"word": "lead", "smiley_face": 0.0007099557642946862, "positivity": 0.02608027961334717, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Springsteen Aguilera &amp; More Lead 'Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together' Benefit Broadcast", "frequency": 0.023667691142041255, "frowny_face": 0.00010922396373764404, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9466987056960298, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02722101469062312}, {"word": "virtual", "smiley_face": 0.000984952120383037, "positivity": 0.02384027359781122, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Yoink Crowdsources Aid After Sandy: Yoink a virtual bulletin board launched two weeks ago has been completely...", "frequency": 0.019365294540913444, "frowny_face": 0.0002188782489740082, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9511080711354309, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.025051655266757865}, {"word": "tech", "smiley_face": 0.0005229031583350763, "positivity": 0.02325611796695252, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Lessons From Sandy; Tech Tools for the Next Big Storm: Those of you who felt Hurricane Sandy this week were re...", "frequency": 0.06948731901433439, "frowny_face": 0.00010458063166701528, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9562199330683957, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.020523948964651748}, {"word": "bloomberg", "smiley_face": 0.0028448003371615216, "positivity": 0.023482773153513856, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "guyemibridge: Sandy death toll in US rises to 109; 'there could be more ' Bloomberg warns -", "frequency": 0.0245664394548264, "frowny_face": 0.00010536297545042672, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9524286165841324, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02408861026235381}, {"word": "aan", "smiley_face": 0.001767362702101198, "positivity": 0.025259540485697455, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "VS pakken brandstoftekort rampstaten aan: WASHINGTON - Het Amerikaanse leger schiet de door monsterstorm Sandy g...", "frequency": 0.051740744614940395, "frowny_face": 0.00019637363356679976, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9487628461085291, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02597761340577338}, {"word": "clear-up", "smiley_face": 0.001718667371760973, "positivity": 0.022838445267054468, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Fuel News: New York Marathon Scrapped Amid Sandy Clear-Up - Sky News: CBC.caNew York Marathon Sc... #petrol #diesel", "frequency": 0.025820599007323208, "frowny_face": 0.00013220518244315177, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9544222633527234, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.022739291380222106}, {"word": "reward", "smiley_face": 0.0017849449129069982, "positivity": 0.026642703268295684, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "ASIA News: Wanted 'terrorist' on Sandy aid offer: Wanted. $10 million reward. Someone with a bounty on his head ...", "frequency": 0.08269472080978754, "frowny_face": 0.00018464947374899983, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9496984058595433, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.023658890872161015}, {"word": "linger", "smiley_face": 0.001285778175313059, "positivity": 0.02273675089445438, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Temperatures fall tempers rise as power outages linger: Sandy survivors welcomed glimmers of hope ... #PakPlekNews", "frequency": 0.03421136030836063, "frowny_face": 5.590339892665474e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9533625894454383, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.023900659660107335}, {"word": "peripatetic", "smiley_face": 0.001097494055240534, "positivity": 0.025084324126577646, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "#AseDeyHOT Hurricane Sandy the Election and Peripatetic Polling Places - Vanity Fair", "frequency": 0.022498195299245922, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9495152734589354, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.025400402414486923}, {"word": "g-dragon", "smiley_face": 0.0007188133045808011, "positivity": 0.022818663007253482, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @BigBangWorld_: [PHOTOS] More G-Dragon's Instagram Updates: \"Damn\".. #AliveTourLA #Sandy", "frequency": 0.024501957379596987, "frowny_face": 0.00039207998431680063, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9519456969221721, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.025235640070574397}, {"word": "correct", "smiley_face": 0.000791765637371338, "positivity": 0.02313994457640538, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @sickipediabot: Thanks to Hurricane Sandi Apple Maps is now correct", "frequency": 0.06694410001738042, "frowny_face": 0.0004948535233570863, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9518136381631037, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.025046417260490898}, {"word": "us-regierung", "smiley_face": 0.0013378739965945025, "positivity": 0.022572427633179275, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Krise nach \"Sandy\": Sturmopfer rufen nach der US-Regierung: Tausende sind noch ohne Strom es fehlt Heizl viel...", "frequency": 0.04085552674607249, "frowny_face": 0.00018243736317197763, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9539041595718804, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.023523412794940406}, {"word": "strangest", "smiley_face": 0.002170053264943776, "positivity": 0.02298651936608141, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @CherylCole: So glad to be out of NYC ! Hurricane Sandy was one of the strangest experiences of my life . We take so much for granted..", "frequency": 0.16604076252130867, "frowny_face": 0.00013151837969356216, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9527355822976261, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.024277898336292496}, {"word": "strangest", "smiley_face": 0.0020538941833716726, "positivity": 0.023065231679263883, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @CherylCole: So glad to be out of NYC ! Hurricane Sandy was one of the strangest experiences of my life . 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Spiegel Online: euronewsChaos nach \"Sandy\" Neuer St...", "frequency": 0.02598319732912507, "frowny_face": 0.00033840947546531303, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9547060067681895, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02379441624365482}, {"word": "manic", "smiley_face": 0.0017019466014253802, "positivity": 0.02465769598978832, "time_bin": 150, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Post-Sandy manic Monday looms for commuters - The Associated Press: The Associated PressPost-Sandy manic Monda...", "frequency": 0.15207408074035536, "frowny_face": 5.318583129454313e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9489748431017977, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.026367460908413996}, {"word": "manic", "smiley_face": 0.001011341472224229, "positivity": 0.020949216210359025, "time_bin": 151, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Manic Monday looms for commuters in wake of Sandy - Fox News: Globe and MailManic Monday looms for commuters in ...", "frequency": 0.07748515703528107, "frowny_face": 0.00036119338293722457, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9544354547424692, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.024615329047171855}, {"word": "manic", "smiley_face": 0.0010917692727603566, "positivity": 0.022084915387881363, "time_bin": 152, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 5, "sample_tweet": "Commuters Brace for Manic Monday in Wake of Sandy", "frequency": 0.032385162831784144, "frowny_face": 0.0005458846363801783, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9568523685327834, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02106271607933523}, {"word": "batal", "smiley_face": 0.0018638859503299582, "positivity": 0.01868293788726009, "time_bin": 153, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 5, "sample_tweet": "Batal Maraton Para Pelari Bantu Korban Badai Sandy: Gagal ikut maraton di New York City para peserta justru la...", "frequency": 0.06165019598603722, "frowny_face": 0.0005037529595486374, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9586229912850738, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.022694070827666113}, {"word": "deve", "smiley_face": 0.0024877442013609423, "positivity": 0.02033430891929465, "time_bin": 154, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 5, "sample_tweet": "Impacto de Sandy nas urnas preocupa presidenciveis nos EUA: Tempestade deve tornar disputa presidencial ainda m...", "frequency": 0.04961243179324578, "frowny_face": 0.0001463378941977025, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9584583302846272, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.021207360796078146}, {"word": "wreck-it", "smiley_face": 0.0009169404752808131, "positivity": 0.023711010926874, "time_bin": 155, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Meski Dihadang Sandy Wreck-It Ralph Tetap Dilirik: Film animasi Disney Wreck-It Ralph meraih sukses di box of...", "frequency": 0.047398257176683826, "frowny_face": 0.00015282341254680218, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9523764040651028, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.023912585008023225}, {"word": "manageable", "smiley_face": 0.0009858894571446177, "positivity": 0.02301355598003574, "time_bin": 156, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Sandy hit manageable for insurers: Hiscox: LONDON (Reuters) - Superstorm Sandy won't put insure... cc @SaqibReports", "frequency": 0.02123204419289478, "frowny_face": 0.0003697085464292316, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9519455912255839, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02504085279438043}, {"word": "especialmente", "smiley_face": 0.0011141812995810677, "positivity": 0.022821419021303146, "time_bin": 157, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Sandy derruba receita publicitria nos EUA especialmente em TV: O baixo crescimento da receita publicitria por ...", "frequency": 0.03783160351423048, "frowny_face": 0.00017826900793297085, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9541681522417328, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02301042873696408}, {"word": "convoy", "smiley_face": 0.001282770784895374, "positivity": 0.02201563376894091, "time_bin": 158, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Help the hurricane Sandy victims! text CONVOY to 50555 to donate $10!! RT and spread the word! RT @Zendaya96", "frequency": 0.08828927358057459, "frowny_face": 0.00024051952216788263, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9551932173494748, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.022791148881584223}, {"word": "e-mail", "smiley_face": 0.0008877381172554097, "positivity": 0.024817125947845388, "time_bin": 159, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "New Jersey lets Sandy victims vote via e-mail: New Jersey residents displaced by Superstorm Sandy will be allowe...", "frequency": 0.06144570237192877, "frowny_face": 7.39781764379508e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9474662474570001, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027716626595154427}, {"word": "nor'easter", "smiley_face": 0.0005933153141274969, "positivity": 0.02315946997165271, "time_bin": 160, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "New worries: Nor'easter and voting: One week after Superstorm Sandy wrecked the Northeast tearing apart homes a...", "frequency": 0.01846192642134208, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.951628320917661, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02521220911068627}, {"word": "mejor", "smiley_face": 0.0008235294117647059, "positivity": 0.024029411764705882, "time_bin": 161, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @GastondalmauOK: @chinasuarez fue Sandy! Cuando me ande mejor te llamo chinita.", "frequency": 0.04123514298833179, "frowny_face": 0.00011764705882352942, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9510294117647059, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.024941176470588234}, {"word": "mejor", "smiley_face": 0.0003333611134261188, "positivity": 0.02371785148762397, "time_bin": 162, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "RT @GastondalmauOK: @chinasuarez fue Sandy! Cuando me ande mejor te llamo chinita.", "frequency": 0.02151736532513898, "frowny_face": 4.167013917826485e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9509282023501958, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02535394616218018}, {"word": "photo-upload", "smiley_face": 0.0006605643106539587, "positivity": 0.021882230820043407, "time_bin": 163, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Instagram Broke Its Photo-Upload Record During Hurricane Sandy (FB)", "frequency": 0.03219403729903269, "frowny_face": 9.436633009342267e-05, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9544210625648768, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02369670661507974}, {"word": "destructive", "smiley_face": 0.0006709158000670916, "positivity": 0.0252770043609527, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Cory Booker Uses Twitter to Step Up After Sandy: A few positives have come from Hurricane Sandy's destructive w...", "frequency": 0.03124755215288729, "frowny_face": 0.0002515934250251593, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9494454461590071, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.025277549480040254}, {"word": "check-in", "smiley_face": 0.000544069640914037, "positivity": 0.023874591947769315, "time_bin": 165, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "Foursquare and Snoball let you help those affected by Sandy automatically at every check-in", "frequency": 0.10851807974072498, "frowny_face": 0.00018135654697134566, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.9535387196227784, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0225866884294523}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 166, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0002988544315688522, "positivity": 0.02937860640013653, "time_bin": 167, "isRT": 1, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "", "frequency": 0, "frowny_face": 0.00016893136944840705, "dist_bin": 6, "objectivity": 0.928531783092888, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030184848602214192}, {"word": "uncouth", "smiley_face": 0.0002547554347826087, "positivity": 0.03671552309782609, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Somehow I feel uncouth using a regular flashlight to facilitate opening the next wine. Damn you #Sandy #nopowersucks", "frequency": 0.0020536170794110777, "frowny_face": 8.491847826086956e-05, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9294009001358695, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.033883576766304345}, {"word": "#theeyeishere", "smiley_face": 0.00014278574998215178, "positivity": 0.03677132862140359, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Crazy winds in gladwyne cable and wifi down #sandyinphilly #theeyeishere", "frequency": 0.0018402151134375223, "frowny_face": 0.00021417862497322766, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9264742628685657, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.036754408510030694}, {"word": "#catch", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03507302110817943, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@AlexToplyn yes he enjoys walking through hurricanes because he feels rebellious. Peace out #CATCH #YA #ON #THE #FLIPSIDE", "frequency": 0.0026532731856289946, "frowny_face": 0.00013192612137203166, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9273911609498681, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0375358179419525}, {"word": "#superdad", "smiley_face": 0.00029850746268656717, "positivity": 0.03661380597014925, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#superdad #sandy #likeaboss #lol #2012 #crazy #funny #lmao #lmfao #nogames #plans #survival", "frequency": 0.005835297502401111, "frowny_face": 0.00022388059701492538, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9297014925373134, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033684701492537314}, {"word": "freeze", "smiley_face": 0.00017568517217146873, "positivity": 0.03445625439212931, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@SandyGarrisonn lmao and I'll freeze my tits off", "frequency": 0.010896141019167546, "frowny_face": 0.00017568517217146873, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9316804286718201, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033863316936050596}, {"word": "why-danny", "smiley_face": 0.00019297568506368199, "positivity": 0.035600733307603244, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Ctfuu@Nvoxo25: oh sandy 'sandy an wonder why why why-danny voice . . . off grease ctfu", "frequency": 0.016734489037593843, "frowny_face": 0.00019297568506368199, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.931421265920494, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03297800077190274}, {"word": "#fuckyousandyforealdoe", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03635155656795748, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "What is sleep when all i can think about is that when i go back to my house there might be nothing left #fuckyousandyforealdoe", "frequency": 0.022790140759318057, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9298595292331056, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03378891419893698}, {"word": "#climatologist", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03588665195808053, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "I'm Not A #Climatologist But Frankenstorm #Sandy is A-Coming! by... #edtech #blog #edstuff #tcdn @TeacherCast", "frequency": 0.010525361801563276, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9286403750689465, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03547297297297297}, {"word": "#sandyseal", "smiley_face": 0.0002352387673488591, "positivity": 0.03274076687838155, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm receiving offers to sell the pic + any accompanying video to international news outlets. To clarify it's a meme--not real! #Sandyseal", "frequency": 0.02625189114782257, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9316337332392378, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03562549988238062}, {"word": "1-800-fix-road", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.037137966144838996, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Help PennDOT - report missing highway signs shoulder drop-offs wash outs other hazards to 1-800-FIX-ROAD. #SandyCenPA via @DanChristPN", "frequency": 0.005420617340013709, "frowny_face": 0.0002545500827287769, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9248918162148403, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.037970217640320734}, {"word": "#thugshit", "smiley_face": 0.0002628466289919832, "positivity": 0.0357510842423446, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Had my window open during #Sandy on some #thugshit", "frequency": 0.004318534891660149, "frowny_face": 0.00039426994348797475, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9281114469706926, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.036137468786962806}, {"word": "#fortsandy", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.036146594322255594, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Sleeping in our fort #fortsandy @rosecirignano", "frequency": 0.0017332646187365535, "frowny_face": 9.688983625617673e-05, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9291129735490747, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03474043212866971}, {"word": "blocky", "smiley_face": 6.45827951433738e-05, "positivity": 0.039085120123998965, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Beach blocks of Kenyon and Nassau Ave more beachy than blocky. Atlantic Ave gets taste of beachfront. #margate #sandynj #future", "frequency": 0.0028558886537336492, "frowny_face": 0.00032291397571686904, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9236146990441746, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0373001808318264}, {"word": "#sandyingravy", "smiley_face": 0.0003401746229731262, "positivity": 0.04057279736931625, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@JasonEckles @snoozeameatery @flemo all good here. Thanks for checking. Though my gravy situation is sorely lacking. #sandyingravy", "frequency": 0.0019515374233509493, "frowny_face": 0.0001700873114865631, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9232126658351287, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03621453679555505}, {"word": "jayy", "smiley_face": 0.00027119379508596845, "positivity": 0.03889222758583283, "time_bin": 14, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@Jess_Sparacio miss you more jayy wish nikk was home with us not the same hurricaned in Wrenfieldd:(", "frequency": 0.0023873834155425542, "frowny_face": 0.0003796713131203558, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9244928676031893, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.036614904810977934}, {"word": "#englishtown", "smiley_face": 0.00022294887039239002, "positivity": 0.037630796670630205, "time_bin": 15, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Photo: #weather #sky #instaweather #instaweatherpro #USA #Englishtown #rain #hurricane #sandy #manalapan...", "frequency": 0.005980656742734151, "frowny_face": 0.00066884661117717, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9266405321046374, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03572867122473246}, {"word": "peeweezy", "smiley_face": 0.00010658140154543032, "positivity": 0.032842419397815084, "time_bin": 16, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "We made it through Sandy... Hanging with Peeweezy for a minute. Now about to head to Nerra's for lunch :)", "frequency": 0.0022732595199244313, "frowny_face": 0.00037303490540900613, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9352184918731681, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03193908872901679}, {"word": "goodie", "smiley_face": 0.0003928501276762915, "positivity": 0.0354479473580829, "time_bin": 17, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@nJerseyboi_212 I'm goodie bruh! Sandy crippled a few trees round my way...nothing major! How did u make out up top tho?", "frequency": 0.0018172201282880436, "frowny_face": 0.00019642506383814575, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9314599292869771, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033092123354940085}, {"word": "#treedowninmyfrontyard", "smiley_face": 0.00028121484814398203, "positivity": 0.03334455849268842, "time_bin": 18, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@beasleyreece thanks for showing my picture on the news today! #treedowninmyfrontyard #hurricanesandy", "frequency": 0.00323165335078697, "frowny_face": 0.00014060742407199101, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9319987345331834, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03465670697412823}, {"word": "#allcaughtup", "smiley_face": 0.00020887001322843416, "positivity": 0.03844858316507694, "time_bin": 19, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Thanks to Sandy my DVR is cleaned out. #allcaughtup", "frequency": 0.002968589090854788, "frowny_face": 0.00034811668871405696, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.926547378681334, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03500403815358909}, {"word": "whacky", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03451013239664956, "time_bin": 20, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "no service and my wifi is all whacky. why sandy whyyyyyyyyyyyyy. sanDIE.", "frequency": 0.0032270483400585626, "frowny_face": 0.0002701972439881113, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9321973790867333, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033292488516617126}, {"word": "#thisisntfunnyanymore", "smiley_face": 0.00012166190157552162, "positivity": 0.03647405559948902, "time_bin": 21, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "These hurricane sandy joke tweets gotta stop now. People died and a lot of their things got destroyed #ThisIsntFunnyAnymore", "frequency": 0.003203825543752389, "frowny_face": 0.0003649857047265649, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9262272644321431, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03729867996836791}, {"word": "#yuengling", "smiley_face": 0.0004922990365004571, "positivity": 0.03341191363668331, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "post Sandy brews :) #octoberfest #yuengling #hurricane #outofthehouse", "frequency": 0.004535975262997737, "frowny_face": 0.00014065686757155918, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9327308530839018, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03385723327941487}, {"word": "mangohc", "smiley_face": 0.00014425851125216387, "positivity": 0.03371234852856318, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Celebrating my #hurricanesandy survival. The Cook Family just had a toast! #njsandy also mangohc is here!!", "frequency": 0.004620576194233435, "frowny_face": 0.00043277553375649163, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.931369013271783, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03491863819965378}, {"word": "ueg", "smiley_face": 0.0002963841138114997, "positivity": 0.03675419877494567, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Need a break from Sandy?? Need a few laughs some great music and some unexpected surprises?? Well UEG Radio has what you need!!! Join...", "frequency": 0.0038556294931387522, "frowny_face": 0.0002963841138114997, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9270401106500692, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.036205690574985176}, {"word": "#talklikeogden", "smiley_face": 0.000224517287831163, "positivity": 0.03515356982487652, "time_bin": 25, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@NoReaZEN_NoLove: #TalkLikeOgden \"Can we practice in the hurricane\" Lyndsays dad: no ogden", "frequency": 0.00862959205446154, "frowny_face": 0.000224517287831163, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9304557700942973, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034390660080826224}, {"word": "tp'ed", "smiley_face": 0.0007664793050587634, "positivity": 0.038015329586101175, "time_bin": 26, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "After a hurricane just destroyed hundreds of houses I don't think anyone was in the mood to get tp'ed", "frequency": 0.008758912785304716, "frowny_face": 0.000510986203372509, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.92402273888605, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03796193152784875}, {"word": "wow..grew", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03550438926511162, "time_bin": 27, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Wow..Grew Up Going There :( RT @tabby5683: @LBIProblems 5th Street Pavilion Beach Haven NJ #6abcsandy", "frequency": 0.011982454040362777, "frowny_face": 0.0005016302984700275, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.93108853774768, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03340707298720843}, {"word": "#reallythought", "smiley_face": 0.0010775862068965517, "positivity": 0.03805226293103448, "time_bin": 28, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@sandyle_ OMG SANDY LE COMPLIMENTED ME!! #reallythought means a lot", "frequency": 0.022350280056483464, "frowny_face": 0.0005387931034482759, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9284752155172413, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03347252155172414}, {"word": "talkkng", "smiley_face": 0.000547645125958379, "positivity": 0.03101040525739321, "time_bin": 29, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Me &amp; Taylor were talkkng about what if the hurricane knocks out our power on halloween that would be creepy as fuck.. BITCH IT DID #AHH", "frequency": 0.04874681396949838, "frowny_face": 0.000547645125958379, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9385268346111719, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03046276013143483}, {"word": "#riphalloween", "smiley_face": 0.0007309941520467836, "positivity": 0.029696637426900586, "time_bin": 30, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Well it not going to be Halloween for me beacuse of Hurricane Sandy #RIPHalloween", "frequency": 0.039986490057908934, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9376827485380117, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03262061403508772}, {"word": "get-out-th", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.033559577677224735, "time_bin": 31, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#CLE Storm boosts early voting turnout: Damaging superstorm Sandy jeopardized labor unions' ambitious get-out-th...", "frequency": 0.04784622913682464, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9340120663650076, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032428355957767725}, {"word": "#excused", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03274907749077491, "time_bin": 32, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "only gonna make it to one class today.. normally i would love it but i just feel like a slacker #excused #hurricanesandy #myexcuse", "frequency": 0.022617291611677845, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9348477859778598, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03240313653136531}, {"word": "#thakssandy", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03142145142279845, "time_bin": 33, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Happy Halloween ! Oh wait just kidding my town rescheduled it to friday . #thakssandy", "frequency": 0.022716264686045925, "frowny_face": 0.0006735140596059942, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9374263343997306, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031152214177470956}, {"word": "sloshin", "smiley_face": 0.0002785903329154478, "positivity": 0.03279621117147235, "time_bin": 34, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": " Sandy sputters over Pennsylvania: Millions are without power towns are sloshin... 609-383-1457", "frequency": 0.009667955458576096, "frowny_face": 0.0005571806658308956, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9324418442680039, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03476194456052375}, {"word": "#zodiac", "smiley_face": 0.00018178512997636792, "positivity": 0.032773041265224505, "time_bin": 35, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Taking the zodiac to seaside to rescue people #zodiac #sandy #recovery", "frequency": 0.005456451997493968, "frowny_face": 9.089256498818396e-05, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9316601526995092, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03556680603526632}, {"word": "ventnor", "smiley_face": 0.000364741641337386, "positivity": 0.03357142857142857, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Just waved to National Guard -i think -helicopter flying low over Ventnor beach. #thanksguys #sandynj", "frequency": 0.00519838603303782, "frowny_face": 0.000364741641337386, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9316109422492401, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03481762917933131}, {"word": "#couchpotato", "smiley_face": 0.00027159152634437803, "positivity": 0.03544269418794133, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "my ass has been glued to this couch between watching amc's fearfest and the news headlines about sandy #couchpotato #ripseaside", "frequency": 0.006144576987543951, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.927451113525258, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03710619228680065}, {"word": "#fucksandywhy", "smiley_face": 0.00013581420616596497, "positivity": 0.032967132962107834, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@bobby_sefick: Not even happy we don't have school thursday and Friday #fucksandywhy bob", "frequency": 0.004601557478035787, "frowny_face": 0.0006790710308298248, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9313459187831047, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03568694825478746}, {"word": "left-turn", "smiley_face": 0.00033973161202649905, "positivity": 0.03239018175641243, "time_bin": 39, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Just watching the full track of #Sandy made me speechless. That left-turn it made to us was just nuts", "frequency": 0.004504091583146633, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9314803804994055, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0361294377441821}, {"word": "#solarfarm", "smiley_face": 0.000282326369282891, "positivity": 0.03360657820440429, "time_bin": 40, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#HurricaneSandy Proof that more Oil+Gas+Coal+Nuclear is useless when =wires fail! Going 2install #SolarFarm on my roof!! #Caprica #DoctorWho", "frequency": 0.01006921850023825, "frowny_face": 0.000564652738565782, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9346767363071711, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03171668548842462}, {"word": "#beaconoflight", "smiley_face": 0.00033463469046291134, "positivity": 0.030270496374790852, "time_bin": 41, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "super stoked to take home a camera this weekend and make an awesome package about sandy's effect on OC for #lasalleTV. #beaconoflight", "frequency": 0.004814375195757574, "frowny_face": 0.0004461795872838818, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9384829894032348, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031246514221974345}, {"word": "dribbble", "smiley_face": 0.00016565890830779425, "positivity": 0.03315944669924625, "time_bin": 42, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "The hurricane blew in a Dribbble:", "frequency": 0.004015639524077551, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9333947651784975, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03344578812225627}, {"word": "helloween", "smiley_face": 0.00030160453613222344, "positivity": 0.033953130655085054, "time_bin": 43, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Halloween? More like Helloween #sandy", "frequency": 0.00871747734705126, "frowny_face": 0.00024128362890577873, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9351173241645554, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03092954518035951}, {"word": "#demixfactortonight", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03231972789115647, "time_bin": 44, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "So stop complaining &amp; calling lovatics who arent tweeting #DemiXFactorTonight fake fans cause maybe they were affected by Hurricane Sandy!!", "frequency": 0.0046792919019095144, "frowny_face": 0.0010932944606413995, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9344782555879495, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033202016520894065}, {"word": "kiddd", "smiley_face": 0.00014949917775452235, "positivity": 0.035217371804455076, "time_bin": 45, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@50ShadesOvDre well just build it back up again kiddd. More pics to follow... #HSL #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0067529534327181815, "frowny_face": 0.00014949917775452235, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9307818806996562, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03400074749588877}, {"word": "sandy=no", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.032732566674822605, "time_bin": 46, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Photo: A) hurricane sandy=no trick or treating.2) i need to stop wearing my classes i look better without...", "frequency": 0.00448236917487532, "frowny_face": 0.0007340347443112308, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9320406165891852, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03522681673599217}, {"word": "#greedybastard", "smiley_face": 0.00012893243940175349, "positivity": 0.031178313563692623, "time_bin": 47, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Spongebob shouldn't have asked Sandy for this much water #GreedyBastard", "frequency": 0.005227509955641075, "frowny_face": 0.0007735946364105209, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9365330067044868, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03228867973182053}, {"word": "horah", "smiley_face": 0.00047784016246565523, "positivity": 0.03358989368056386, "time_bin": 48, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Well sandy is over thanks for the luck @C418 really helped I'm back in my old state of making mistakes and cleaning them up as well so horah", "frequency": 0.007415204438007037, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9326096045872656, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033800501732170585}, {"word": "609-shuttle", "smiley_face": 0.00023752969121140142, "positivity": 0.0311312351543943, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Call 609-SHUTTLE As Floodwaters Recede Sandy's Death Toll Grows: Several children's bodies...", "frequency": 0.011082728461306863, "frowny_face": 0.00035629453681710216, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9338479809976247, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03502078384798099}, {"word": "#teamsandydroid", "smiley_face": 0.0001820830298616169, "positivity": 0.0328761835396941, "time_bin": 50, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "my phone is the worst #teamSandydroid", "frequency": 0.013952225344866204, "frowny_face": 0.0007283321194464676, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9335169337217771, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03360688273852877}, {"word": "#laurennicole", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0343213728549142, "time_bin": 51, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "R.I.p to #LaurenNicole wonderful 23yr old MUA killed in Storm Sandy. She was lead mua for my #nyfw show this yr and was such a angel. #RIP", "frequency": 0.027845969204797497, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9314547581903276, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034223868954758194}, {"word": "allrite", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03333672638436482, "time_bin": 52, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Ugh am I the only one who couldnt wait to trick or treat lol smh sandy was n the way... Nd monday is too far away !!! .... Allrite GOODNITE", "frequency": 0.03057480793997201, "frowny_face": 0.00040716612377850165, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9336828175895765, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03298045602605863}, {"word": "ready..sandy", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03259041211101766, "time_bin": 53, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@YoLexxi its whatever yal tryna yal aint ready..sandy fuked alot of shit up..mayb we can do sutn doe.hopefully we dont work sat.smh", "frequency": 0.05864333748344235, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9330319596299411, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03437762825904121}, {"word": "#underarock", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029643478260869566, "time_bin": 54, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Where are ya from #underarock RT@Lostgirlz: Heard on the news that hurricane Sandy destroyed seaside heights where jersey shore is filmed.", "frequency": 0.17060748113687035, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9393719806763285, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030984541062801935}, {"word": "#therocareport", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.032355478861087146, "time_bin": 55, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "NEW YORK: This Is What Your Flooded Subway System Looked Like After Hurricane Sandy via @businessinsider #therocareport", "frequency": 0.08219463854249183, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9287100949094047, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0389344262295082}, {"word": "#muhammed", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.036489746682750304, "time_bin": 56, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Like George Foreman #Sandy can throw a mean punch but more like #Muhammed Ali we can strike back with a knockout blow. We will win!", "frequency": 0.03229306685987887, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9259650180940893, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03754523522316043}, {"word": "out..letting", "smiley_face": 0.0004920049200492004, "positivity": 0.036408364083640836, "time_bin": 57, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "I see the overcast Sandy brought is starting to move out..letting some sun shine in", "frequency": 0.018174266363984844, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9298892988929889, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033702337023370235}, {"word": "#canoe", "smiley_face": 0.0003252032520325203, "positivity": 0.03063219512195122, "time_bin": 58, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Photo: Wish I had a #canoe. #hurricanesandy (at The Tiki Bar@ Martells Waters Edge)", "frequency": 0.021074356769203887, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9395528455284553, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029814959349593495}, {"word": "#hotfreakingmess", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03027741756206002, "time_bin": 59, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@CamCabz #hotfreakingmess #sandy #swimmerproblems #almost #misshim", "frequency": 0.01045458121812396, "frowny_face": 0.00046313449425713227, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9386809929603557, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03104158947758429}, {"word": "#beentolong", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0327653997378768, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Finally able to be reunited with my two favorite people @Mkurtzjr @GrebbieC #beentolong #sandy", "frequency": 0.004885930366825812, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9349606815203145, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03227391874180865}, {"word": "#coldgear", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03031855439642325, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "no power no water no heat ... thank you @uawomen #ColdGear!! #hurricanesandy #sandy #whatsbeautiful...", "frequency": 0.009851069526561422, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9354508196721312, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0342306259314456}, {"word": "#downbeach", "smiley_face": 0.0005241090146750524, "positivity": 0.0330041928721174, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "JFS food pantry in margate should be open sometime this afternoon fr people running out of food. #downbeach #sandynj", "frequency": 0.006672803425805575, "frowny_face": 0.0002620545073375262, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9334709119496856, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03352489517819707}, {"word": "p'ville", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03010225967062428, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Prep Homecoming changed to Nov9. Game vs P'ville at 6pm Tailgate at 5pm &amp; halftime in front of Form. Sandy has made its mark. See you Nov9", "frequency": 0.009341795857045162, "frowny_face": 0.00019149751053236308, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9369255074684029, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03297223286097281}, {"word": "still-weak", "smiley_face": 0.0003434852301351042, "positivity": 0.032308335241584614, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Ventnor's water is safe officials say but full return would put too much pressure on still-weak sewage system. #Sandy #acpress @ScanAC", "frequency": 0.01099435680672177, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.934823677581864, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03286798717655141}, {"word": "#theappleplace", "smiley_face": 0.0017078446999886144, "positivity": 0.034046225663213026, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Thank you for the cider donuts! #MA #theappleplace #escape #sandynyc @ East Longmeadow MA", "frequency": 0.008546736492238619, "frowny_face": 0.00022771262666514857, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9308322896504612, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03512148468632585}, {"word": "#shoobiescomehome", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0366279226618705, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Just talked to couple from Naples Fla. who showed proof of home ownership in Margate and were allowed in. #shoobiescomehome #sandynj", "frequency": 0.010709655066714523, "frowny_face": 0.0030725419664268585, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.926652428057554, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03671964928057554}, {"word": "#notapoliticalsocialfighter", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03456574645840901, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm not being a smarties I'm really just being curious where Romney supporters are standing after the hurricane! #notapoliticalsocialfighter", "frequency": 0.010440604619549659, "frowny_face": 0.00018162005085361425, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9319605884489648, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033473665092626226}, {"word": "mass-text", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03325160423817341, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "The women's clothing store Mandee (@shopmandee) just sent out a mass-text to shoppers advertising a \"post-hurricane sale.\" Pretty gross.", "frequency": 0.010975433645264418, "frowny_face": 0.00014923145799134458, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9349723921802716, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031776003581554996}, {"word": "#thejourneyhome", "smiley_face": 0.00013017443374121324, "positivity": 0.03352720645665192, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "From above this must look like the last shot in Field of Dreams #Sandy #thejourneyhome #HurricaneCostner", "frequency": 0.010457551383170687, "frowny_face": 0.000520697734964853, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9330903410570164, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033382452486331676}, {"word": "#gopro", "smiley_face": 0.0002880184331797235, "positivity": 0.030949884792626732, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Driving through town the morning after #sandy We got lucky as hell here. #gopro", "frequency": 0.00817008557515453, "frowny_face": 0.00014400921658986175, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9355918778801844, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03345823732718894}, {"word": "papic", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03315818091942659, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Union Township News Updates on Hurricane Sandy by Mariette Papic: UNION N.J-Today Union was continuing the slo...", "frequency": 0.02355809608078035, "frowny_face": 0.0004943153732081067, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9342560553633218, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03258576371725161}, {"word": "#thesadtruth", "smiley_face": 0.0004579803068468056, "positivity": 0.03527238378749714, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "The fact that hurricane sandy has more followers than I do.. #TheSadTruth", "frequency": 0.005552096654597669, "frowny_face": 0.0001144950767117014, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9322189145866727, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03250870162583009}, {"word": "re-orient", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03833720159151194, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Step 2: re-orient volunteers based on their assignments to coordinate with communities in need. #nycvolunteerathon #sandy #nyc #marathon", "frequency": 0.01175221096193408, "frowny_face": 0.0003315649867374005, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9241130636604774, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03754973474801061}, {"word": "#hurricanehero", "smiley_face": 0.00018705574261129816, "positivity": 0.03422072577628134, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@HannahBlackwell PLEASE RT &amp; BE a #HurricaneHero @wishuponahero Set Up to Help Victims of #hurricanesandy", "frequency": 0.043900328311224174, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9298774784885896, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03590179573512906}, {"word": "#hurricanehero", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.028642384105960265, "time_bin": 75, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@drdrew PLEASE RT &amp; BE a #HurricaneHero @wishuponahero Set Up to Help Victims of #hurricanesandy Ty:)", "frequency": 0.10639290516649337, "frowny_face": 0.0004415011037527594, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9408940397350993, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030463576158940398}, {"word": "#fireofficertrust", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0349481889041724, "time_bin": 76, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Still working through Hurricane Sandy. No Time to type these days. My family and I are grateful for all the well wishes. #fireofficertrust", "frequency": 0.03547184859052784, "frowny_face": 0.0004585052728106373, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9304791380100871, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03457267308574048}, {"word": "money-maker", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03226933830382106, "time_bin": 77, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy was money-maker for some businesses", "frequency": -0.006764242451124746, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9331314072693383, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.034599254426840635}, {"word": "sputte", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02556779661016949, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Superstorm Sandy: At every turn there are signs that storm-ravaged cities along the East Coast are sputte... #news", "frequency": 0.09484574278049593, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9417372881355932, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03269491525423729}, {"word": "#jerseyrebuild", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.033168859649122806, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Sandy gave us her best shot. I never seen the devastation like this before. Time to give a lending hand in our own backyards. #jerseyrebuild", "frequency": 0.10367339470473091, "frowny_face": 0.0010964912280701754, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9302357456140351, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.036595394736842105}, {"word": "ass-raped", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02481000676132522, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#StatenIsland has always been ass-raped by the rest of the city especially #Manhattan - pretentious fucks. \"The Forgotten Borough\". #Sandy", "frequency": 0.03576709011390384, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.940922920892495, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03426707234617985}, {"word": "#patienceisavirtue", "smiley_face": 0.0005709391949757351, "positivity": 0.030509563231515845, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Photo: Participating in the new #NewJersey gas trend #njsandy #patienceisavirtue...", "frequency": 0.023992464359513157, "frowny_face": 0.00028546959748786756, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9353054524693121, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03418498429917214}, {"word": "#cbsny", "smiley_face": 0.0002522704339051463, "positivity": 0.03134460141271443, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Did #CBSNY just say \"a train full of happy commuters\" as if that is a real thing? #outoftouch #sandy", "frequency": 0.013624683257957557, "frowny_face": 0.0002522704339051463, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9382883451059536, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030367053481331986}, {"word": "memoir", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02971159217877095, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Glamorosi 1$ donate to Sandy victims from new Philly memoir about a man who built his own house. 11/1-30/12.", "frequency": 0.018202238271995762, "frowny_face": 0.00027932960893854746, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9364525139664804, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033835893854748604}, {"word": "#meetmeinac", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02741761210156672, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "\"all the moneys are locked away.\" he said we have to get someone in here with access.\" #sandynj #meetmeinAC", "frequency": 0.00716017900686218, "frowny_face": 0.0003601656762110571, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9417432018728615, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030839186025571765}, {"word": "#drawn", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03163397005678885, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "A.C. to Philly all day Fuck #Sandy #RETWEET #Drawn #Drawn #Drawn #Drawn New Single Available for download #MAXOUTNATION", "frequency": 0.008848739089503493, "frowny_face": 0.00010325245224574084, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9346670108415075, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03369901910170366}, {"word": "#tidyingup", "smiley_face": 0.0004248088360237893, "positivity": 0.029906223449447746, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "The guy who lives at the Shell station on Albany Ave made it through ok. Went to a friends house and came back thurs. #sandynj #tidyingup", "frequency": 0.007446156646276092, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9405134876805438, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0295802888700085}, {"word": "#midnightmadness", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03369166666666666, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "It has been a crazy week with #Sandy clean up and midterms. #DrexelUniversity Debating if I should attend #MidNightMadness tomorrow.", "frequency": 0.0068798499412427595, "frowny_face": 0.0001984126984126984, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9319196428571429, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03438869047619048}, {"word": "#rantncaafootball", "smiley_face": 0.00018528812303131369, "positivity": 0.03266342412451362, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Al Golden's Miami Hurricanes Vision: ACC Champs via @po_st @RantSports @SportsBlogRT #RantNCAAFootball", "frequency": 0.007598996389122583, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.935878728923476, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03145784695201038}, {"word": "#hurricanepuppy", "smiley_face": 0.000185459940652819, "positivity": 0.02796708086053412, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#picstitch #sandyproblems #neighborshouse #hurricanepuppy #treesdowneverywhere", "frequency": 0.007095929321837704, "frowny_face": 0.000185459940652819, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.941348293768546, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03068462537091988}, {"word": "#readinglist", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03205542273418822, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I just finished Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs #HurricaneSandy #ReadingList", "frequency": 0.008438892433407022, "frowny_face": 0.00021734405564007825, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9359785916105194, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03196598565529233}, {"word": "#cantkeep", "smiley_face": 0.00021593608291945585, "positivity": 0.03255236450010797, "time_bin": 91, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Woodstown nj is up and running #cantkeep Woodstowndownsandy!", "frequency": 0.010494309033023659, "frowny_face": 0.00010796804145972792, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9380533362124811, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029394299287410927}, {"word": "#voteunionjxfactortmrw", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031155474894131882, "time_bin": 92, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@UnionJworld #VoteUnionJxfactorTmrw I'm in line for gas because of #Sandy ...been two hours. Follow to lighten the mood?", "frequency": 0.013958261574227577, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9360758217382537, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032768703367614435}, {"word": "#outsmartedmothernature", "smiley_face": 0.00040024014408645187, "positivity": 0.028517110266159697, "time_bin": 93, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Sucks for you hurricane Sandy. You thought you could flood my Jeep but little did you know I have plugs. #outsmartedmothernature", "frequency": 0.006864105402469274, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9408645187112268, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03061837102261357}, {"word": "oc-open", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03134763590918559, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Cathy's 14th Street Bakery's in OC-open right now Come in &amp; warm up w hot coffee donuts &amp; friendly smile from Cathy herself #SandyHelp", "frequency": 0.002000193143126295, "frowny_face": 0.00041657987919183504, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9423557592168298, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.026296604873984587}, {"word": "#notpolitical", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.033506439815550966, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Could have picked a more powerful fitting song @Springsteen ... How about \"The Rising\"? #backtoitsroots #notpolitical #SandyHelp", "frequency": 0.007726638391758002, "frowny_face": 7.950389569088885e-05, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9351943870249643, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031299173159484814}, {"word": "#realjersey", "smiley_face": 0.00020753346477119436, "positivity": 0.03145294178686313, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Dear @MTV We don't care what @MTV_JerseyShore thinks about #Sandy. We care that because of you people think that's us. Love #RealJersey", "frequency": 0.010592569680894729, "frowny_face": 0.0008301338590847774, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9360148386427312, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03253221957040573}, {"word": "#lownfamily", "smiley_face": 0.0001927153594141453, "positivity": 0.03187030256311428, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "What happens when you're told there's a key under the mat and there is no front mat... #sandyaftermath #lownfamily", "frequency": 0.00795615502352946, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9356330699556755, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03249662748121025}, {"word": "society..when", "smiley_face": 0.0001595150741745095, "positivity": 0.034116286489073215, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "this is a functionalist society..when dysfunction such as hurricane sandy happens we seem to function better afterwards. #LoveMyState #NJ", "frequency": 0.016905280267604704, "frowny_face": 0.0011166055192215665, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9327843356197161, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03309937789121072}, {"word": "#30daysofsadie", "smiley_face": 0.00032425421530479895, "positivity": 0.031714007782101164, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@mirimcdonald So excited and pumped! The hurricane knocked me off course but power is back and I'm ready to get my Sadie on! #30DaysOfSadie", "frequency": 0.025424355323942122, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9356355382619974, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03265045395590143}, {"word": "#hurricanehero", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.025314116777531412, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@NickCannon PLEASE RT &amp; BE a #HurricaneHero @wishuponahero Set Up to Directly Help Victims of #Sandy Ty :)", "frequency": 0.16779681043401243, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9437361419068736, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030949741315594973}, {"word": "#hurricanehero", "smiley_face": 0.0007968127490039841, "positivity": 0.033167330677290836, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@lisalocicerogh PLEASE RT &amp; BE a #HurricaneHero @wishuponahero Set Up to DIRECTLY Help Victims of #Sandy Ty!", "frequency": 0.03058796023536684, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9342629482071713, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032569721115537846}, {"word": "i.d", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029891304347826088, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Watching 48hours on I.D &amp;&amp; this couple who owned a nursing home didn't evacuate during Hurricane Katrina &amp;&amp; 35 elderly people drowned", "frequency": -0.056685180423969, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9441889632107023, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.025919732441471572}, {"word": "70s-style", "smiley_face": 0.0014367816091954023, "positivity": 0.024964080459770114, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@GovChristie enacts '70s-style \"odd-even\" gas rationing for North Jersey. #fb #Sandy", "frequency": 0.29457808868577384, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9463002873563219, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028735632183908046}, {"word": "#cdillc", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.026954976303317536, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#CDILLC #Sandy - I am heading in to NYC on Wednesday to help a client move their DataCenter out of lower manhattan. @CDILLC", "frequency": -0.0028699337230007225, "frowny_face": 0.0007898894154818325, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9417456556082149, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031299368088467616}, {"word": "rinky", "smiley_face": 0.00046490004649000463, "positivity": 0.02966945606694561, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Cancelled a little race I organize- rinky dinky little thing not a big race at all but this is NOT business as usual we need to&gt;#sandyhelp", "frequency": 0.01611607961972511, "frowny_face": 0.00046490004649000463, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9360181311018131, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034312412831241285}, {"word": "arose", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029958303118201596, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "And behold there arose a great tempest #sandy #satellite", "frequency": 0.020770590130268395, "frowny_face": 0.00036258158085569254, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9431653372008701, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02687635968092821}, {"word": "#martysbeach", "smiley_face": 0.0008140670791273201, "positivity": 0.03249251058287203, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Seaweed seagulls #sandynj #martysbeach @ Marty's Beach", "frequency": 0.011368090500286447, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9372557798762619, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030251709540866166}, {"word": "appalled.they", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.032702523240371845, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#staples in hillsborough nj is charging $10/hour to charge phones absolutely appalled.they should be ashamed of themselves #boycott #sandy", "frequency": 0.008080061322042009, "frowny_face": 0.0006640106241699867, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9367529880478087, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03054448871181939}, {"word": "#platoscloset", "smiley_face": 0.000616827041697508, "positivity": 0.033805576116456945, "time_bin": 109, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "im cleaning out my closet &amp; dressers to make a #PlatosCloset trip &amp; then donate the rest to #SandyVictims :) #GoodDeedOfTheDay", "frequency": 0.0108147658695838, "frowny_face": 0.0001233654083395016, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9346625956081914, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031531828275351594}, {"word": "sandy..missing", "smiley_face": 0.0003694126339120798, "positivity": 0.03151551533062431, "time_bin": 110, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@laurenkoslow I'm going through withdrawals....haven't had power since monday in NJ due to Sandy..missing DOOL!", "frequency": 0.008649982706803781, "frowny_face": 0.0001847063169560399, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9378463243442926, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030638160325083118}, {"word": "#justificationforfatness", "smiley_face": 0.000554836323284631, "positivity": 0.031173663769188086, "time_bin": 111, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@dommyAYO you get a free week pass due to the bitch sandy #nyssasrules #justificationforfatness #igotyourback", "frequency": 0.00980185152214913, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9376271499907527, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031199186240059185}, {"word": "#weworkingonthisside", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03114396509936985, "time_bin": 112, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RELENTLESSLY....y mierda pa Sandy lol we #Work thru that bitch RT @JRDABOSS: #WeWorkingOnThisSide S/O to my bro @LifeAsSMOOTH", "frequency": 0.006719589926625796, "frowny_face": 0.00036354823073194375, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9365911294231701, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03226490547746001}, {"word": "#proudcheerleader", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03123060986663214, "time_bin": 113, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Game tonight at Blue Mountain! Let's show them how we fight like a hurricane! Good luck tonight boys! #proudcheerleader #hurricanepride", "frequency": 0.013531210834326325, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9370549009452286, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03171448918813932}, {"word": "#proudtocallnewjerseyhome", "smiley_face": 0.0001448225923244026, "positivity": 0.02986965966690804, "time_bin": 114, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#hurricane #hurricanesandy #keansburg #newjersey #nj #proudtocallnewjerseyhome#rebuild #jerseyshore #instagr", "frequency": 0.023770157642269005, "frowny_face": 0.0005792903692976104, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9404055032585084, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029724837074583635}, {"word": "betchy", "smiley_face": 0.0004938271604938272, "positivity": 0.029506172839506174, "time_bin": 115, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@SandyGarrisonn texted u betchy", "frequency": 0.022515522702097366, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9440432098765432, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.026450617283950616}, {"word": "#approeciatethesupport", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03402948829141371, "time_bin": 116, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@DwyaneWade donated his entire game check to #sandyrelief now thats what i call a role model #thankyou #approeciatethesupport", "frequency": 0.013843220808456921, "frowny_face": 0.0004336513443191674, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9354130529054641, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030557458803122287}, {"word": "#sandy.can", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03093726661687827, "time_bin": 117, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@GovChristie.Just wanted to say you and your staff are doing a great job#Sandy.Can you please get an electric crew to Jackson @E.Ct. Conc.?", "frequency": 0.008428603473163649, "frowny_face": 0.00014936519790888724, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9390963405526512, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0299663928304705}, {"word": "#tomsrivernj", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03099959935897436, "time_bin": 118, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@AsburyParkPress Can you please help us get @tide s of hope washers to #TomsRiverNJ to help our shelters with #HurricaneSandy victims?", "frequency": 0.012879122131097112, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9309895833333334, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.038010817307692304}, {"word": "whiskycast", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03205796497080901, "time_bin": 119, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "This week's WhiskyCast is ready with an in-depth look at India's Amrut and an update on Sandy's impact on whisky lovers....", "frequency": 0.021558532918780078, "frowny_face": 0.0004170141784820684, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9355713094245204, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03237072560467056}, {"word": "#proudcheerleader", "smiley_face": 0.00037250884708511827, "positivity": 0.028985844663810767, "time_bin": 120, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "We lost 14-0. Good job boys tonight! You played tough! Can't wait for playoffs next week! Always fight like a hurricane! #proudcheerleader", "frequency": 0.02994612233826318, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9440538275284038, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.026960327807785435}, {"word": "water-breaking", "smiley_face": 0.0004126263668248401, "positivity": 0.029388075097998758, "time_bin": 121, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Super-storm Sandy should not be confused with @snooki's water-breaking...that flood was way worse than #Sandy @funnyordie @realjeffreyross", "frequency": 0.022181662248498955, "frowny_face": 0.00020631318341242006, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9404528574375902, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03015906746441098}, {"word": "#hurricanehero", "smiley_face": 0.00022753128555176336, "positivity": 0.030688282138794085, "time_bin": 122, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@HiIQ35 PLEASE RT &amp; BE a #HurricaneHero @wishuponahero has Set Up to DIRECTLY Help Victims of #Sandy Ty", "frequency": 0.13428860591136663, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9342150170648464, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0350967007963595}, {"word": "#hurricanehero", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.027931511587685923, "time_bin": 123, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@TAGPhilanthropy PLEASE RT &amp; BE a #HurricaneHero @wishuponahero has Set Up to DIRECTLY Help Victims of #Sandy Ty", "frequency": 0.1388858735011251, "frowny_face": 0.0010377032168799724, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9415427187824282, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030525769629885853}, {"word": "#sandywestillneed", "smiley_face": 0.00072992700729927, "positivity": 0.03074817518248175, "time_bin": 124, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "If you are still affected by #Sandy in Northern New Jersey please use #SandyWeStillNeed hashtag to list supplies in need and add your town.", "frequency": 0.2516024841636162, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9372262773722628, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03202554744525547}, {"word": "change..even", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02717391304347826, "time_bin": 125, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Abi Sandy don stop the time change..Even google never fall back....", "frequency": 0.1388665544137317, "frowny_face": 0.0018115942028985507, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.943161231884058, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029664855072463768}, {"word": "lou-kang", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030955769230769235, "time_bin": 126, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "LOU-KANG - REGROUP AND REBUILD (HURRICANE SANDY) via @youtube", "frequency": 0.06394444494278026, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9509615384615384, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.01808269230769231}, {"word": "enlarge", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.026608910891089108, "time_bin": 127, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Look at these photos! Especially enlarge 1st one w hous cut 1/2!! @tonyt187 @J4LYN @Gailgriffin63 Hurricane Sandy NJ", "frequency": 0.3587334912427941, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.948019801980198, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.025371287128712873}, {"word": "afr", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03581526861451461, "time_bin": 128, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Confronting Sandy refusing to leave: BEACH HAVEN N.J. - Nancy and Mike Davis were more afr... #Philadelphia #News", "frequency": 0.14265174754677074, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9339066918001885, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03027803958529689}, {"word": "#operationboulderholder", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03443877551020408, "time_bin": 129, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@HuffingtonPost :Collecting bras 4 women affected by Sandy!Any size-regular sport nursing or training! Pls RT #OperationBoulderHolder", "frequency": 0.3831885063876822, "frowny_face": 0.0014577259475218659, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9393221574344023, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.026239067055393587}, {"word": "#ghana", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02867615351444588, "time_bin": 130, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "It is unreal the for me to fathom all the devastation from #HurricaneSandy! For once I feel like I have 1 up on #Ghana when Michael calls!", "frequency": 0.04879965694669771, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9339154808106943, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.037408365674859854}, {"word": "okish", "smiley_face": 0.0002461841457410143, "positivity": 0.028888970950270803, "time_bin": 131, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@nicolebabyx0x0 so im gonna go with everything by you is okish from the hurricane?", "frequency": 0.02183736158807391, "frowny_face": 0.0004923682914820286, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9429160512063023, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02819497784342688}, {"word": "kosh", "smiley_face": 0.001, "positivity": 0.02725, "time_bin": 132, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Email from Carter's/Osh Kosh--they're donating 50 000 pajamas and clothes to Sandy victims. And stuffed bears for Red Cross to distribute.", "frequency": 0.012724850103939577, "frowny_face": 0.0003333333333333333, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.945375, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027375}, {"word": "#bulkhead", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02987602710105233, "time_bin": 133, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Photo: #Hurricane #Sandy #Destroyed #Bulkhead on my back porch and scattered around my yard", "frequency": 0.012470613631223116, "frowny_face": 0.0004324636009802508, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9409146605160732, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02920931238287444}, {"word": "#hurricaneshockey", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.028648894464481735, "time_bin": 134, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Great game today boys #hurricaneshockey", "frequency": 0.014642579101104074, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9408420887564686, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030509016779049707}, {"word": "tonight-sandy", "smiley_face": 0.0004553734061930783, "positivity": 0.030680783242258654, "time_bin": 135, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@dgjackson please make sure @MittRomney mention 2 things in PA tonight-Sandy victims &amp; glad Eagles game tomorrow so they could attend rally.", "frequency": 0.01285857329299014, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.942167577413479, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027151639344262294}, {"word": "#neverquit", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03201746800415081, "time_bin": 136, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "And the rebuilding continues. #NeverQuit #Sandy", "frequency": 0.01557937593289061, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9394240747146316, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028558457281217572}, {"word": "#prepare4theworst", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030682813659985157, "time_bin": 137, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#STORM #RAIN #WIND #SNOW #NJ #NY #WEATHER #BeCAREFUL #TheStormAfterSandy #Prepare4TheWorst&amp;Hope4TheBest #God", "frequency": 0.011460998896083511, "frowny_face": 0.0001855976243504083, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9386367854491463, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030680400890868598}, {"word": "#hurricanehero", "smiley_face": 0.00017286084701815038, "positivity": 0.03045479688850475, "time_bin": 138, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@MrsdogC PLEASE RT &amp; BE a #HurricaneHero @wishuponahero has Set Up to DIRECTLY Help Victims of #Sandy Ty", "frequency": 0.0300659813917599, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9380726015557477, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031472601555747624}, {"word": "#hurricanehero", "smiley_face": 0.00030525030525030525, "positivity": 0.028759310134310132, "time_bin": 139, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@TherealAmyWeber PLEASE RT &amp; BE a #HurricaneHero @wishuponahero has Set Up to DIRECTLY Help Victims of #Sandy Ty", "frequency": 0.0282350402172617, 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"time_bin": 144, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I heard sandy surppose 2 be comin bac lol", "frequency": 0.017026032269516166, "frowny_face": 0.00015114873035066505, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9358562575574365, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03204353083434099}, {"word": "re-generate", "smiley_face": 0.001041124414367517, "positivity": 0.03162415408641333, "time_bin": 145, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Because of their size FEMA used #andrewlucksteeth for friction to re-generate power for new jersey after hurricane sandy.", "frequency": 0.026680865890789232, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9350598646538262, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03331598125976054}, {"word": "#munch", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.033499774876181894, "time_bin": 146, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@Delgado3256 I bet your guna have so many carpets to clean. #tongue #dunnetunne #munch #Sandy @stanleysteemer #carpetcleaner", 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0.027547770700636943, "time_bin": 149, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Blondes have more fun!!! #lol #yogapants #ombre #dipdye #superstormsandy #teamfollowback #blonde #trashcan", "frequency": 0.1555299255585031, "frowny_face": 0.0012738853503184713, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9420382165605096, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030414012738853503}, {"word": "definitely", "smiley_face": 0.0017211703958691911, "positivity": 0.03270223752151463, "time_bin": 150, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "WoW I could b swimming w/ the sharks sans #HurricaneSandy n not 1 follower inquired about my well being? Sigh its definitely twitter smh", "frequency": 0.03606949057773055, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9343803786574871, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03291738382099828}, {"word": "lancaster", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03009915014164306, "time_bin": 151, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@Scheffey how is Lancaster doing? Cape May is slowly coming back from Sandy stronger than ever! #visitlancaster", "frequency": 0.2979555647165329, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9405099150141643, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029390934844192633}, {"word": "not lol", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03407682775712516, "time_bin": 152, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@nathan_forde noo it's not Lol but this next storm isn't suppose to be as bad as Sandy", "frequency": -0.09773501961875516, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9299876084262702, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03593556381660471}, {"word": "just..not", "smiley_face": 0.0004664179104477612, "positivity": 0.03430783582089552, "time_bin": 153, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Hurricanes .earthquakes noreasters...paper's just..not shaping up to be a good November", "frequency": 0.05262573858646927, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9301539179104478, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03553824626865672}, {"word": "rebuild..saddest", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03791785800823843, "time_bin": 154, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#AfterSandyNJ Back to work 6 homes to rebuild..saddest work ever homeowners in tears losing everything..#Damn that Sandy #Hate This", "frequency": 0.02214123820993077, "frowny_face": 0.000242306760358614, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9266719166464744, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.035410225345287136}, {"word": "#happynjhalloween", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031237297496318112, "time_bin": 155, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#happynjhalloween I'll be going as a college student who had their sleep cycle completely ruined by a week of no classes #Sandy", "frequency": 0.016326332313234677, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9376380706921944, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031124631811487485}, {"word": "lou-kang", "smiley_face": 0.00043084877208099956, "positivity": 0.02722425678586816, "time_bin": 156, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "I liked a @YouTube video from @GodzPrince LOU-KANG - REGROUP AND REBUILD (HURRICANE SANDY)", "frequency": 0.00976491523756743, "frowny_face": 0.00021542438604049978, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9442050840155105, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028570659198621284}, {"word": "see..where", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030796304443466784, "time_bin": 157, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@miadepalmajb well lets see..where have you been #Sandy", "frequency": 0.015274763483142172, "frowny_face": 0.0004399472063352398, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9387190203842206, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030484675172312656}, {"word": "#itwasanicethought", "smiley_face": 0.00020012007204322593, "positivity": 0.02931198719231539, "time_bin": 158, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "RIP Halloween 2012 #itwasanicethought. #fuckyousandy #iwantedcandy", "frequency": 0.017898415515084993, "frowny_face": 0.00020012007204322593, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.938713227936762, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03197478487092255}, {"word": "#gokillyourself", "smiley_face": 0.0004614142346291383, "positivity": 0.03048217787518745, "time_bin": 159, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "To the idiot in my class that just said they cancelled the election because of sandy YOU ARE WRONG #gokillyourself", "frequency": 0.012010228420720312, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9385309724304994, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03098684969431307}, {"word": "not birth", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03035498656551288, "time_bin": 160, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@JSHurricaneNews Job creation and the deficit should be congress' main focus! Not birth control!!", "frequency": 0.02028769844751957, "frowny_face": 0.000158052789631737, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.938655761024182, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030989252410305045}, {"word": "#hatethebus", "smiley_face": 0.0004617871161394597, "positivity": 0.03226737474024475, "time_bin": 161, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "can anyone from brig drive me to school in the morning my rides car got destroyed by sandy. like I'll pay you #imbegging #hatethebus", "frequency": 0.010736668345770087, "frowny_face": 0.00023089355806972986, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9350611867928885, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03267143846686677}, {"word": "hurricane.bless", "smiley_face": 0.0002404713237946375, "positivity": 0.030641697727545988, "time_bin": 162, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Omg yess im going trick or treating tonight since it was postponed because of the hurricane.BLESS", "frequency": 0.009346796756038772, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9402579054947697, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029100396777684265}, {"word": "#operationsisterhood", "smiley_face": 0.0004449058282663503, "positivity": 0.02656458549607, "time_bin": 163, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@CrossingBroad Please RT- South Jersey Donation Drive for Cancer Patients effected by Sandy #operationsisterhood", "frequency": 0.03919486199231356, "frowny_face": 0.00014830194275545008, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9456288002372831, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027806614266646892}, {"word": "woods..power", "smiley_face": 0.000128783000643915, "positivity": 0.0334730199613651, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "The aftermath of Sandy is almost over in our neck of the woods..Power back on and hardly any gas lines...I pray the same for everyone...", "frequency": 0.020438227397110983, "frowny_face": 0.00025756600128783, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9360914359304572, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03043554410817772}, {"word": "#sandytookalldacandy", "smiley_face": 0.00018412815319462345, "positivity": 0.029381145277112868, "time_bin": 165, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Trickin all the little kids in my hood #happyhurricane #sandytookalldacandy mwuahahaha", "frequency": 0.01801145040180209, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 0, "objectivity": 0.9407567667096299, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02986208801325723}, {"word": "number.we", "smiley_face": 0.00034458993797381116, "positivity": 0.03684424534803585, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "So no power...DM me if you want my number.we can be hurricane buddies!", "frequency": 0.001397284544101897, "frowny_face": 0.0002067539627842867, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9285837353549277, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03457201929703652}, {"word": "#ualbany", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03502601060304838, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Damn #hurricanesandy I see you! If that tree breaks and hits this window I'm gonna be tight #ualbany", "frequency": 0.0013913741817435028, "frowny_face": 0.00024850894632206757, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9305003313452618, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03447365805168986}, {"word": "#hurricanefitness", "smiley_face": 0.00014872837241584452, "positivity": 0.03423295820732735, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "And I just walked down and then up 21 flights of stairs. #hurricanefitness", "frequency": 0.001966363822083274, "frowny_face": 0.00019830449655445937, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9315849486887116, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03418209310396113}, {"word": "#shitfacedforsandy", "smiley_face": 0.0002403460983816696, "positivity": 0.034725524755648135, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#shitfacedforsandy", "frequency": 0.0019880271207108114, "frowny_face": 0.0002403460983816696, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9320621695241147, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03321230572023714}, {"word": "#hurricanesandyabitch", "smiley_face": 0.00034423407917383823, "positivity": 0.0326592082616179, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "This wind is crazy #HurricaneSandyABitch", "frequency": 0.0018312702321126163, "frowny_face": 9.835259404966805e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9327575608556675, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03458323088271453}, {"word": "#shitwasnojoketho", "smiley_face": 0.00019515050983070692, "positivity": 0.03499292579401864, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Bitch sandy done squirting everywhere ! #ShitwasnoJokeTho", "frequency": 0.0017240410780064673, "frowny_face": 0.0002927257647460604, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9314899741425574, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03351710006342391}, {"word": "#makeitthroughthestorm", "smiley_face": 8.341327105142428e-05, "positivity": 0.03507294490553447, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "1.9 Million Homes the #Dark Thanks 2 #Sandy This Sucks #SST #MakeItThroughTheStorm", "frequency": 0.001953410310596046, "frowny_face": 0.0003336530842056971, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9302665054010093, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03466054969345623}, {"word": "side-spared", "smiley_face": 0.0002553756575923183, "positivity": 0.033491853516522806, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Upper West Side-spared of the havoc Sandy left elsewhere. Never lost power wind was heavy for only a short time ...", "frequency": 0.0021294791185232976, "frowny_face": 0.000306450789110782, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9318849277286889, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0346232187547883}, {"word": "#teamrehoboth", "smiley_face": 0.00025303643724696357, "positivity": 0.03473633603238866, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "There's nothing wrong with field producing from the car #TeamRehoboth #sandydc", "frequency": 0.0012152381314052536, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9303042763157895, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03495938765182186}, {"word": "#vyvanse", "smiley_face": 0.000155440414507772, "positivity": 0.036758082901554405, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "I have never gotten so much done in my life. #sandy #neurotic #vyvanse", "frequency": 0.0016941325641309617, "frowny_face": 0.0002072538860103627, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9278497409326425, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.035392176165803105}, {"word": "#yallbettergetright", "smiley_face": 0.00024007298218658472, "positivity": 0.035773035002640806, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#Sandy is like one of those #YallBetterGetRight #Storms #EndOfDays", "frequency": 0.0014925597501056916, "frowny_face": 0.00024007298218658472, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9279901089931339, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03623685600422528}, {"word": "u..miss", "smiley_face": 0.00012127091923356779, "positivity": 0.03443414989085617, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@MsDeeva1 hey Auntie hope everything is okay and u safe where u at u..miss u.. praying u well during the hurricane muah", "frequency": 0.0014843803090879143, "frowny_face": 0.00048508367693427115, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9320579674993936, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033507882609750184}, {"word": "#itsbeenaharddaysnight", "smiley_face": 0.0003632181124765422, "positivity": 0.0352900901991646, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "\"Please sir can I have a storm to surge with sir please sir?\" #itsbeenaharddaysnight #sandy", "frequency": 0.002011764420653027, "frowny_face": 0.0003632181124765422, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9300351110842061, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03467479871662934}, {"word": "permitir", "smiley_face": 0.0002920731351130323, "positivity": 0.03533027630118581, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Gary Cohn de Goldman el mayor problema es cmo permitir que los empleados vuelvan a trabajar al 200 West St #Sandy @eleconomistaes", "frequency": 0.0013867334451206361, "frowny_face": 0.00035048776213563875, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9299243530580057, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03474537064080845}, {"word": "#vanramospodcast", "smiley_face": 0.0003485535029627048, "positivity": 0.03767433484373185, "time_bin": 14, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#vanramospodcast #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0014624098701501549, "frowny_face": 0.0002323690019751365, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9268328105030789, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.035492854653189264}, {"word": "#justwannatalktopeoplefromhome", "smiley_face": 0.00017114495978093444, "positivity": 0.03460066176051115, "time_bin": 15, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Fuck this sandy bitch! Won't let me send iMessages. Fucking hell. #justwannatalktopeoplefromhome", "frequency": 0.0020820965125169693, "frowny_face": 0.0003422899195618689, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9299018768897256, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03549746134976325}, {"word": "#gulzar", "smiley_face": 0.00019948134849391582, "positivity": 0.03388875590132323, "time_bin": 16, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"woh pattey dil dil the.\" #nyc #sandy #batterypark #hudson #fall #autumn #gulzar #dil", "frequency": 0.002332676597781049, "frowny_face": 0.00013298756566261055, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9323425759691469, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03376866812952989}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.00017284590787313111, "positivity": 0.03374704001382767, "time_bin": 17, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy seriously pissed me the I can't come home til tomorrow", "frequency": 0.0014805952383108055, "frowny_face": 0.0006913836314925245, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9318879094287442, "freqBin": 1, 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"#EmbraceTheBus RT: @MTA_NYCT_Vocero: B1 B3 B15 B35 B41 B44 B46 B61 B82 Q58 Q59 #MTA #Sandy", "frequency": 0.003749354691373501, "frowny_face": 0.0001365280906546522, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9293125810635539, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03639135777186156}, {"word": "tie-dye", "smiley_face": 0.00021085925144965736, "positivity": 0.034296889826041115, "time_bin": 21, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Tie-dye original courtesy of my baby girl. #hurricanesandy project", "frequency": 0.0023886422642276778, "frowny_face": 0.000316288877174486, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9295993674222457, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.036103742751713234}, {"word": "#prayforsheepshead", "smiley_face": 0.00016979370065370574, "positivity": 0.031239663808472703, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy really fucked up New York #PrayForConeyIsland #PrayForSheepshead #PrayForRockaway #PrayForStatenIsland", "frequency": 0.0028110831524686174, "frowny_face": 0.0003395874013074115, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9355526784956278, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033207657695899485}, {"word": "#promenade", "smiley_face": 0.0002623983206507478, "positivity": 0.03397454736289688, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Seems normal #water #ocean #atlantic #hurricanesandy #shore #road #promenade #gone #destruction", "frequency": 0.0019461652028515972, "frowny_face": 0.00043733053441791307, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9313117729379865, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03471367969911659}, {"word": "d-wright", "smiley_face": 0.00025606008876749743, "positivity": 0.035677705701604646, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@juliaaquadrinoo @jessicabrooke5 I'm sure D-Wright is pissed but this is nothing compared to all the sandy damage.", "frequency": 0.002316238106978457, "frowny_face": 0.00025606008876749743, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9286979344486173, "freqBin": 2, 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0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Wow. Sick hurricane #JustKidding #YouFreakedOverNothing", "frequency": 0.0021903073469813363, "frowny_face": 0.00018469494551499107, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.931193437172936, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03490734470233331}, {"word": "#notallhype", "smiley_face": 0.00013614703880190606, "positivity": 0.032893396868618106, "time_bin": 28, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@ruskoofficial check out the damage it did to my hometown in staten island i ws suppsd to go to ur show but then sandy happnd #NotAllHype", "frequency": 0.0022997385192528737, "frowny_face": 0.0002722940776038121, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9319094622191967, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.035197140912185156}, {"word": "egg-zac-lee", "smiley_face": 0.0005610772683552421, "positivity": 0.0343570054504649, "time_bin": 29, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@sweetashyyyyy EGG-ZAC-LEE! I thought my phone was off for a second! I was mad as hell! Sandy need to go back to Texas....this is #Nuts lol", "frequency": 0.0027303122224354077, "frowny_face": 0.0002404616864379609, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9325705354280218, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033072459121513305}, {"word": "#fucksandyhardintheasshole", "smiley_face": 0.00034782608695652176, "positivity": 0.035869565217391305, "time_bin": 30, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Omg I guess my phone only has Internet/service at 4 am when nobody else is using it smh I CAN'T HANDLE THIS #fucksandyhardintheasshole", "frequency": 0.0049428511539021565, "frowny_face": 0.00034782608695652176, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9292391304347826, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034891304347826085}, {"word": "#theonlywayisup", "smiley_face": 5.821738371077604e-05, "positivity": 0.031205390929731618, "time_bin": 31, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Harry_Styles I may have no power due to #HurricaneSandy but it doesn't stop me listening to #1D. I think I watched #TheOnlyWayIsUp 5 times", "frequency": 0.003357663860844098, "frowny_face": 0.00023286953484310415, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9353787040810386, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03341590498922978}, {"word": "#ciclon", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030262959866220733, "time_bin": 32, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hoboken after sandy #hoboken #sandy #hurricanesandy #hurricane #huracan #ciclon #stateofemergency #water #na", "frequency": 0.002324202022615714, "frowny_face": 0.00020903010033444816, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9357755016722408, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03396153846153847}, {"word": "#oldsaybrook", "smiley_face": 0.00011195074167366359, "positivity": 0.0320458998040862, "time_bin": 33, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "House in #oldsaybrook on Beach Rd. #sandy took it down hard.", "frequency": 0.003067820987981431, "frowny_face": 0.0003918275958578226, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9337251609291911, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034228939266722644}, {"word": "jar", "smiley_face": 0.0002194329851663302, "positivity": 0.032471824804704646, "time_bin": 34, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"Sandy\" may have put me on edge but the thought of Episode 7 has left me frightened bitter angry and resentful. Please no more Jar Jar!", "frequency": 0.0015886928200521734, "frowny_face": 0.00017554638813306416, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9327602475204073, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03476792767488809}, {"word": "post-hurricaine", "smiley_face": 0.00012906556530717606, "positivity": 0.034126161590087765, "time_bin": 35, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Thank goodness for post-hurricaine bus service in #NYC! Also bus driver was letting everyone ride for free! #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0015656543918707894, "frowny_face": 0.0002581311306143521, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9311919204956117, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03468191791430047}, {"word": "ultrasonic", "smiley_face": 6.0302719652656335e-05, "positivity": 0.03129530241813906, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Our office has re-opened and Sandy is gone! We are here for your Ultrasonic Cleaning Equipment needs.", "frequency": 0.0015010733418809818, "frowny_face": 0.000542724476873907, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9340439003799071, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03466079720195381}, {"word": "#located", "smiley_face": 0.0003121488325633662, "positivity": 0.0338256336621301, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Due 2 Hurricane Sandys damage 2 Vrzn our main #is not up. u can reach us at 646-827-2531 our disaster recovery site # located in Canada.", "frequency": 0.001229313265776588, "frowny_face": 0.0003121488325633662, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.932396366587589, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03377799975028094}, {"word": "st.of", "smiley_face": 0.00016129899456960052, "positivity": 0.030584117425668043, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@DelawareDMV will waive late fees 4 Veh Regis &amp; Lic Renews starting today thru end of this week due to St.of Emergency #sandyDE #netDE", "frequency": 0.002254156979913349, "frowny_face": 0.0002150653260928007, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9378797247163826, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03153615785794935}, {"word": "#baristas", "smiley_face": 0.0002096216329525207, "positivity": 0.03127586206896552, "time_bin": 39, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@_terroirism_ - is there a link that I can share for the #sandy #baristas relief fund?", "frequency": 0.0013557591719048326, "frowny_face": 0.0004192432659050414, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.935482391782832, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033241746148202495}, {"word": "#subwaynyc", "smiley_face": 9.72715334857254e-05, "positivity": 0.032115947667914986, "time_bin": 40, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "NYC Flooded Subway Raw Video - Hurricane Sandy Aftermath: via @youtube #subwaynyc #hurricaneaftermath", "frequency": 0.0013539211967163209, "frowny_face": 0.0003890861339429016, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9370653178347357, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03081873449734935}, {"word": "bad.wish", "smiley_face": 0.00036815462494247585, "positivity": 0.029339990796134377, "time_bin": 41, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "It was rough with #Sandy...many trees fell including mine! Things got bad.Wish me luck.", "frequency": 0.001844479474227235, "frowny_face": 0.0002300966405890474, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9390473999079614, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03161260929590428}, {"word": "#sexybitch", "smiley_face": 0.00029224100141249815, "positivity": 0.03144026106862793, "time_bin": 42, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Missing my gorgeous BFF &lt;3 #hurricanesandy #sexybitch #halloween #picoftheday #photooftheday #realtalk #mybo", "frequency": 0.0013658513577052929, "frowny_face": 0.00019482733427499878, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9358896303151332, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032670108616238855}, {"word": "presbush", "smiley_face": 0.00020595201318092884, "positivity": 0.03170373802903923, "time_bin": 43, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#Dems Demanded PresBush Restore NewOrleans OverNight But No #Media Outcryre #Obama &amp; #Sandy? #HuffingtonPost #tv #radio #FOXNews #philly", "frequency": 0.0022375725646314867, "frowny_face": 0.00020595201318092884, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9361033879106169, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03219287406034394}, {"word": "#noeasyday", "smiley_face": 0.0005419466724474311, "positivity": 0.0337814871016692, "time_bin": 44, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#hurricane #hitsquad trained sgain!! #teamunderground #noeasyday - only the dedicated train today!!!", "frequency": 0.0026273879345342557, "frowny_face": 0.00032516800346845873, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9326631259484067, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033555386949924125}, {"word": "#nohedidnt", "smiley_face": 0.00016427104722792606, "positivity": 0.03369043121149897, "time_bin": 45, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#NoHeDidnt RT @Oigresblazee: First year I ain't go trick or treating FUCK SANDY!", "frequency": 0.0016133514030473558, "frowny_face": 0.0004106776180698152, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9317351129363449, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03457445585215606}, {"word": "resolved.^rd", "smiley_face": 6.87426960885406e-05, "positivity": 0.033786003987076374, "time_bin": 46, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Will_AK47 Sandy left us with many outages. Follow us and DM your acct info so we can auto-inform you when the outage is resolved.^RD", "frequency": 0.0028637148828084594, "frowny_face": 0.0002749707843541624, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9316353887399463, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03457860727297724}, {"word": "#wishourgovernmentworkedthisway", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03100076219512195, "time_bin": 47, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Love this AT&amp;T and T-Mobile - they will share networks to help after Sandy #wishourgovernmentworkedthisway", "frequency": 0.0016992034030125704, "frowny_face": 0.00020787139689578714, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9347976718403548, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03420156596452328}, {"word": "#alwaysbecharging", "smiley_face": 0.0002478191911181602, "positivity": 0.033021907216494846, "time_bin": 48, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Scenes from #nyc #abc #alwaysbecharging #sandy #fuzel @fuzelapp", "frequency": 0.001846940261576142, "frowny_face": 0.0007434575733544805, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9330764274385408, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03390166534496431}, {"word": "froustian", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03409901334881022, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Froustian with an F. RT @lilmeady: we've reached post-hurricane Uggs status. lookoUt @JohnDC #INCOMING #bopeepminaj #nickibopeep", "frequency": 0.0016753549341983589, "frowny_face": 0.00023215322112594313, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9302669762042949, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.035634010446894945}, {"word": "windlashed|soaked", "smiley_face": 0.000303789777473988, "positivity": 0.03617422343738134, "time_bin": 50, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "BabyBella crimini mushrooms red roasted pepper dressing w/rotini. #SANDY windlashed|soaked me (cont)", "frequency": 0.003554238355558583, "frowny_face": 0.000379737221842485, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9278879015721121, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03593787499050657}, {"word": "#losttrackoftime", "smiley_face": 0.00024942631946522995, "positivity": 0.03486765439489175, "time_bin": 51, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Why is the biobus running...oh wait its a weeknight. #iamtryingtosleep #losttrackoftime #sandythrewmeoff", "frequency": 0.0017125339330021055, "frowny_face": 0.000299311583358276, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9295620073830191, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.035570338222089194}, {"word": "#extremelyblessedmag", "smiley_face": 0.0003608968286191185, "positivity": 0.03409911129155953, "time_bin": 52, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#extremelyblessedmag #extremelyblessed #farrock #beautiful #sexy #sandy #black #nyc #swag #dope #elegant #sa", "frequency": 0.004144197943447624, "frowny_face": 0.0003157847250417287, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9309672035006993, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03493368520774124}, {"word": "#goodthingishouldstoptwee", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03175376386687797, "time_bin": 53, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm sure ill laugh at this in the morning #yolo #sandy #halloweenparty #candles #loofeisawesome #oodthingicanspell #goodthingishouldstoptwee", "frequency": 0.004254989850328053, "frowny_face": 0.0003961965134706815, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9326465927099842, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03559964342313787}, {"word": "#notreallysorrythough", "smiley_face": 0.0009534403305259812, "positivity": 0.03143476879071985, "time_bin": 54, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#sorryboutit #notreallysorrythough #sandy", "frequency": 0.010425487587175618, "frowny_face": 0.0001589067217543302, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9355235976481805, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03304163356109963}, {"word": "#arkalounge", "smiley_face": 0.0006546216286986122, "positivity": 0.034384001047394606, "time_bin": 55, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Best costume hands down #ArkaLounge idk wtf he is but that nikka looks like #HurricaneSandy lol", "frequency": 0.003507327371185745, "frowny_face": 0.00013092432573972245, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9322466614296936, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033369337522911754}, {"word": "#tribulationsofthenewyorkdiaspora", "smiley_face": 0.0001124985937675779, "positivity": 0.032650298121273486, "time_bin": 56, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "a londoner actually told me yesterday: don't worry about the hurricane david just keep calm and carry on #tribulationsofthenewyorkdiaspora", "frequency": 0.003860004205749774, "frowny_face": 0.0002249971875351558, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9339773877826527, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0333723140960738}, {"word": "that-just", "smiley_face": 0.0002725835468571117, "positivity": 0.03281224445292482, "time_bin": 57, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Let's make this a November to remember people! See that-just filled my cheese-quota for the month before 8am. #priorities #blackout #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0015107058252840496, "frowny_face": 0.00010903341874284468, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9340007087172219, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03318704682985335}, {"word": "#androidphotography", "smiley_face": 0.00010072014906582061, "positivity": 0.03131636198821575, "time_bin": 58, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Photo: #AndroidPhotography #Androidart #G2 #Mowiesphotos #HurricaneSandy #NewYork #nature", "frequency": 0.0031626571246101114, "frowny_face": 0.00015108022359873092, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9354132044115425, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03327043360024172}, {"word": "#gasthirst", "smiley_face": 0.00013114754098360657, "positivity": 0.029668546448087436, "time_bin": 59, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "We're about 3 days out from needing locking gas caps before people start syphoning #GASThirst #Sandy #NYC", "frequency": 0.002024156555861174, "frowny_face": 0.00013114754098360657, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9383333333333334, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03199812021857923}, {"word": "jan-mar", "smiley_face": 0.00027056277056277056, "positivity": 0.030988771645021642, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@BelleFemmeNoir3 nope. It's already planned to go up between Jan-Mar. #Sandy will just be used as a \"valid\" excuse", "frequency": 0.0016087605188317797, "frowny_face": 0.00013528138528138528, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9375169101731602, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031494318181818186}, {"word": "#lightup", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031093645189761696, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Imma smoke all the Trees Sandy knocked down #lightup", "frequency": 0.0010378508517968226, "frowny_face": 0.000176522506619594, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9356796116504854, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03322674315975287}, {"word": "sooutofway=proof", "smiley_face": 0.00026673779674579886, "positivity": 0.033280519249577666, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "THINK: 2 Expedite Relief/Help 2 #Sandy #Storm Victims-Govt GivesWaivers SoOutofWay=Proof Govt Hinders Efficiency Productivity #NewJersey #PA", "frequency": 0.008301671383108816, "frowny_face": 0.00017782519783053258, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9328265315195163, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03389294923090602}, {"word": "hell'z", "smiley_face": 0.00020368672980955292, "positivity": 0.03399022303696914, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "This shyt better blow over by thanksgiving or all hell'z gonna break loose #fucksandy", "frequency": 0.0017352740566675046, "frowny_face": 0.00035645177716671757, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9327833791628476, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03322639780018332}, {"word": "#northof30thstreetmanhattan", "smiley_face": 0.00021006196828064278, "positivity": 0.03171935721037706, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Never thought feeling my phone vibrate would give me such a charge! #northof30thstreetmanhattan #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0016800906847455376, "frowny_face": 0.00010503098414032139, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9364234324125617, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03185721037706123}, {"word": "beethoven", "smiley_face": 0.00016722408026755852, "positivity": 0.031584448160535114, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"Hurricane be damned. More Beethoven.\" @WQXR", "frequency": 0.001613700866022828, "frowny_face": 0.00016722408026755852, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9357650501672241, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0326505016722408}, {"word": "#420musicupdate", "smiley_face": 0.00035345056110276576, "positivity": 0.02983228770875674, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I ride my bike to work for second time ever and someone tagged my seat before Noon! #midtown #420musicupdate #sandy", "frequency": 0.002675955385487726, "frowny_face": 0.00017672528055138288, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9393611381108068, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030806574180436513}, {"word": "#problemssandycaused", "smiley_face": 0.00011502846954621269, "positivity": 0.03340052913095991, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#ProblemsSandyCaused my damn plans &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&gt;", "frequency": 0.0013569864331416657, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9323920170242135, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0342074538448266}, {"word": "while.or", "smiley_face": 0.00030985790801646673, "positivity": 0.031080430259837984, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Why do they give Hurricanes names? Now everyone named Sandy has to walk around apologetically for a while.Or if youre named Katrina forever", "frequency": 0.0016164291432286748, "frowny_face": 0.00017706166172369527, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9365455269797707, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03237404276039131}, {"word": "#cookingswag", "smiley_face": 0.00039974416373520947, "positivity": 0.034282539174928045, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "What we did during sandy @PeezyNation2012 #burgers #cookingswag #flame", "frequency": 0.0024063120558108025, "frowny_face": 0.00039974416373520947, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9327730252638311, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032944435561240805}, {"word": "disg", "smiley_face": 0.0003795066413662239, "positivity": 0.031583301707779884, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "And this happened. Best hurricane meal ever #chickensatay #crispybeef yes I know this pic is disg @ Philippe", "frequency": 0.0018342781975623419, "frowny_face": 0.00031625553447185326, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9362112586970271, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03220543959519292}, {"word": "#thesandyaffect", "smiley_face": 0.0004248990864669641, "positivity": 0.0325977267898874, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Only talking in song lyrics #bored #thesandyaffect", "frequency": 0.002013435182899879, "frowny_face": 0.00010622477161674102, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.933211174845974, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.034191098364138514}, {"word": "no-cook", "smiley_face": 0.00023217118755562433, "positivity": 0.03464346244631041, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Cooking without power after #Sandy? Try these no-cook meals", "frequency": 0.001265163209880888, "frowny_face": 0.00019347598962968695, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9324720427194985, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03288449483419108}, {"word": "#questlove", "smiley_face": 0.0001725848901928636, "positivity": 0.033245933468524835, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#brooklynbowl with #QuestLove 100% Hurricane #Sandy proceeds go to victims! #VOTE EARLY", "frequency": 0.0016707952590275235, "frowny_face": 0.00043146222548215906, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9346874056176382, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03206666091383699}, {"word": "#onlycharityitrusted", "smiley_face": 0.00020371577574967406, "positivity": 0.02741215775749674, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@Oprah I live in NY and times like these (Sandy) are when I miss The Angel Network the most. #onlycharityItrusted", "frequency": 0.0014235951757495587, "frowny_face": 0.00028520208604954365, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9443703145371578, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028217527705345503}, {"word": "#thisbeerisred", "smiley_face": 5.2656521510189036e-05, "positivity": 0.03218335000789847, "time_bin": 75, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@msc_cassidy agreed #sandy #outofbeer #thisbeerisred #yourbeerlookslikewater", "frequency": 0.002061763538761921, "frowny_face": 0.00021062608604075614, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9350942551735032, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03272239481859829}, {"word": "#bloomberg2addmisery", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03420647674701729, "time_bin": 76, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#sandy suggestion 2 #Bloomberg2addmisery Sewer back up problem: Everyone 's allowed 1 trip a day 2 BR extra trips cost BR tolls", "frequency": 0.0040160385543258695, "frowny_face": 0.00024348672997321646, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9320215485756026, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033771974677380086}, {"word": "d|f", "smiley_face": 0.00025451768897938407, "positivity": 0.03198612878595063, "time_bin": 77, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "My whole block lost their power right now I thought sandy was over! D|f", "frequency": 0.006065720135900407, "frowny_face": 0.0005090353779587681, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9332686434207177, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03474522779333164}, {"word": "#woodbridgenj", "smiley_face": 0.00015377518068583732, "positivity": 0.03228417653390743, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "went to gas up at 330am lines are still crazy. people are PARKED down the highway waitg for stations to open #woodbridgenj #HurricaneSandy", "frequency": 0.0036705953473372046, "frowny_face": 0.0006151007227433493, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9365292941719207, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031186529294171917}, {"word": "open..sandy", "smiley_face": 7.930214115781126e-05, "positivity": 0.03201379857256146, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Day 5: Up eyes wide open..Sandy really got us vamping heavy these past couple days.", "frequency": 0.0036963743716576214, "frowny_face": 0.0008723235527359239, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9322164948453608, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03576970658207772}, {"word": "assignment", "smiley_face": 4.463687898942106e-05, "positivity": 0.032279962505021645, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "My college students are lucky they had an extra 5 days to complete there assignment! #educator #sandy", "frequency": 0.002119364857144354, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.932860554390037, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03485948310494131}, {"word": "blogsite", "smiley_face": 9.297136481963555e-05, "positivity": 0.031499256229081445, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@gabrielstricker Hi! I saw new blogsite that is set up for people to share tips on how to survive Hurricane Sandy.", "frequency": 0.0019944017237637957, "frowny_face": 0.0001859427296392711, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.935838136853849, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03266260691706954}, {"word": "not describe", "smiley_face": 0.0002221235006663705, "positivity": 0.03045661187620317, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Apparently there's a significant line at the 5th Avenue Apple Store for the iPad Mini I'm hearing. Words do not describe. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0021769091650712586, "frowny_face": 7.404116688879017e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9388928994520954, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030650488671701462}, {"word": "oohh", "smiley_face": 7.71188401326444e-05, "positivity": 0.030217783604534584, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane Sandy promised me at least 4-8 inches. Instead she just turned the lights out and put me to bed early. Oohh karma...", "frequency": 0.0013022517636007973, "frowny_face": 7.71188401326444e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.937981992750829, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03180022364463639}, {"word": "#isbnhour", "smiley_face": 0.00015893829220805023, "positivity": 0.030632971748718558, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#ISBNhour once again will not take place because I just don't know if I'll have to jump up and take care of something #sandy", "frequency": 0.0016877899380403024, "frowny_face": 0.00011920371915603766, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9371448722533476, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03222215599793381}, {"word": "stupidity-bloomberg", "smiley_face": 0.0002000466775580969, "positivity": 0.030724369019437873, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Stupidity-Bloomberg's decision to still hold the NYC marathon- People have been devastated due to Sandy- what is he thinking!!!!", "frequency": 0.0017779194932002979, "frowny_face": 0.00013336445170539793, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.937802153835895, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031473477144667084}, {"word": "non-dl'able", "smiley_face": 0.00019421875505778007, "positivity": 0.0305711002492474, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Producers: Submit beats to HurricaneSandyReliefMixtape @ gmail . com that will be posted (Non-DL'able until requested by &amp; pending approval)", "frequency": 0.0013783100585505982, "frowny_face": 6.473958501926002e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9394684880069919, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029960411743760722}, {"word": "#neutral", "smiley_face": 0.00011958861516383641, "positivity": 0.030858885434106677, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "on the highway not even doing 30mph on #E &amp; riding on #Neutral saving the last bit of gas! #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0015717689956875889, "frowny_face": 0.0001793829227457546, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9384268117675197, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030714302798373592}, {"word": "#timetostartwalking", "smiley_face": 0.00029270332427346854, "positivity": 0.029616600459962363, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#sandy #frightfest #timetostartwalking terminiii", "frequency": 0.0022826212109034456, "frowny_face": 0.000167259042441982, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9381402885218482, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03224311101818942}, {"word": "#ree", "smiley_face": 4.000800160032006e-05, "positivity": 0.030246649329865972, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#post #hurrican #sandy #shopping and I fell in #love all over again. Come #home with me #chipsahoy with #ree", "frequency": 0.001470917439963126, "frowny_face": 0.0001200240048009602, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9393128625725145, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030440488097619525}, {"word": "relief-can", "smiley_face": 9.735676386116926e-05, "positivity": 0.028827678527965736, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Tunnel to Towers Foundation taking $ donations for hurricane relief-can specify general fund or SI/NYC/NJShore. #helpsi", "frequency": 0.0015072835766503953, "frowny_face": 0.0003407486735140924, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9407158156062893, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03045650586574502}, {"word": "lumped", "smiley_face": 5.4791518272971344e-05, "positivity": 0.030830255876390333, "time_bin": 91, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "I need a bottle ASAP! #sandy lumped my 5 day work week into 3 days #smh", "frequency": 0.0013777117988574294, "frowny_face": 0.00016437455481891402, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9406676346501561, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02850210947345351}, {"word": "#drinkinginthedark", "smiley_face": 0.00020763503692937442, "positivity": 0.031475632545308926, "time_bin": 92, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "It's a Hard Knock Life for us... #drinkinginthedark #FUsandy Drinking a 75 Minute IPA @ Casa de Beer Nerd #photo", "frequency": 0.0010758029815277114, "frowny_face": 0.00020763503692937442, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9376575801619553, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03086678729273574}, {"word": "#failgop", "smiley_face": 0.0001585917056537943, "positivity": 0.03127503766553009, "time_bin": 93, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Mitt Romney photo-op busted faked hurricane donations via @examinercom #FAILGOP #RomneyRyanSucks #OBAMA2010", "frequency": 0.001343142565191513, "frowny_face": 7.929585282689715e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9368111172785664, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03191384505590358}, {"word": "#notkiddin", "smiley_face": 0.00021549402004094386, "positivity": 0.03196045684732249, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "The MCDonalds by me had only 1 outlet. I bitchslapped a 13-year-old boy for it only to discover my charger was broken. #SandyHelp #NotKiddin", "frequency": 0.0022642423564694946, "frowny_face": 0.00010774701002047193, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9366986316129727, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03134091153970477}, {"word": "#ryear", "smiley_face": 0.00018627177051317874, "positivity": 0.032242618981093416, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Let's get @CollegeGameDay to come to RU-Army game Nov. 10 to help raise awareness for #Recovery #JeRseystRong #RYear #sandyhelp", "frequency": 0.0025702244852473305, "frowny_face": 4.6567942628294685e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9389086802645059, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02884870075440067}, {"word": "#holdmaaadiick", "smiley_face": 0.00011323745895142112, "positivity": 0.03289157513305402, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "S/o to all the meddling kids who try to come to my house for all the candy I ate during Sandy #NoneLeft #HoldMaaaDiick", "frequency": 0.0024422546717344415, "frowny_face": 0.00028309364737855283, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.935546653833088, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031561771033857995}, {"word": "#burlesque", "smiley_face": 9.92063492063492e-05, "positivity": 0.033345734126984126, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane shmuricane I just wanna shake my titties. #nyc #burlesque #sandy", "frequency": 0.001759388902022476, "frowny_face": 0.00029761904761904765, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9335193452380952, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033134920634920635}, {"word": "w.chester", "smiley_face": 0.00048196089231616635, "positivity": 0.03366558799228862, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@irishspy #LongBeachNY Relief Fund u can send donations: 1 W.Chester St. LongBeach NY 11561 #SANDY", "frequency": 0.01686940836333932, "frowny_face": 0.00048196089231616635, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.934728724869182, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03160568713852933}, {"word": "#november3rd", "smiley_face": 0.00017037710131758292, "positivity": 0.031054407087687416, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Win or loose... We still partying! LHS really don't gaf we just waiting for the night #C6 #LibertyFamily #Hurricanes #November3rd", "frequency": 0.0015769854701720332, "frowny_face": 0.00028396183552930487, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9393954452521581, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02955014766015447}, {"word": "#madashelltweet", "smiley_face": 7.662248103593594e-05, "positivity": 0.03242517814726841, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "i just want to ball out this sandy shit is fucking my workouts up ! #MadAsHellTweet", "frequency": 0.0031984793878921717, "frowny_face": 0.00015324496207187187, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.936575741322504, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030999080530227565}, {"word": "#knicks-heat", "smiley_face": 0.0002723064355087592, "positivity": 0.03344830716165925, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Dwyane Wade didn't think #Knicks-Heat should be played in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Afterward he saw a benefit:", "frequency": 0.003951024966472905, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9339429971861668, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03260869565217391}, {"word": "#wene", "smiley_face": 0.00021249468763280918, "positivity": 0.03151721206969826, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "GAS A MAKE HER DANCE #hurricanesandy #helpstatenisland #makeherdance #DAMEMASGASOLINA #NOBUTREALLY #WENE", "frequency": 0.005713855398876694, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9365703357416064, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03191245218869528}, {"word": "halle-freakin-lujah", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02968364831552999, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Halle-freakin-lujah...power in the West Village. #FUsandy #returntocivilization", "frequency": 0.008148243396525675, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9426355792933443, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027680772391125718}, {"word": "four-month-old", "smiley_face": 0.0003064038402614646, "positivity": 0.0304431620876315, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Props to Aspire Magic Johnson's four-month-old cable net for taking NBC's Sandy relief fundraiser last night on extremely short notice.", "frequency": 0.00554981261404485, "frowny_face": 0.0002042692268409764, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9397278112552344, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029829026657134102}, {"word": "family-owned", "smiley_face": 0.00022945252627231425, "positivity": 0.029272406039190492, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Sandy recovery: support local NYC family-owned restaurants", "frequency": 0.00208003048514848, "frowny_face": 0.00013767151576338856, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9408987655454086, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029828828415400854}, {"word": "#sandyblackout", "smiley_face": 9.398054602697242e-05, "positivity": 0.031476434378083736, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Photo by @chenrisius: #sandyblackout #soho -", "frequency": 0.002476345507271027, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9368215779333678, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03170198768854847}, {"word": "wood-paneled", "smiley_face": 0.00039642338017002157, "positivity": 0.03080473946174514, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Gas rations lines odd/even license plates--anyone have a 1970s wood-paneled station wagon I can borrow? #NJ #njpoet #flashback #SandyNJ", "frequency": 0.0018999430118387167, "frowny_face": 0.00017618816896445403, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9370677883980091, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032127472140245784}, {"word": "#rip2gold", "smiley_face": 0.00016015374759769378, "positivity": 0.0321670003203075, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "It's a hurricane shelter feast #sandy #hateher #rip2gold", "frequency": 0.0017377494832818664, "frowny_face": 8.007687379884689e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9371246396540679, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0307083600256246}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.00010935335714806444, "positivity": 0.03160563534300503, "time_bin": 109, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "The damage is unreal.News doesnt show how bad things really got.Help if you can people.In staten helpin my nigga alex clean up. #fuckusandy", "frequency": 0.0019892299511928857, "frowny_face": 0.00014580447619741925, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9379875337172852, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03040683093970985}, {"word": "#whoshungry", "smiley_face": 0.0003641071284084473, "positivity": 0.03112836799093778, "time_bin": 110, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@MLauer Can we get a RT? We're heading to Staten Island with 800 hot dogs buns and bottled water #sandyrelief #whoshungry?", "frequency": 0.00385745822069387, "frowny_face": 0.00020228173800469293, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.939613844162149, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02925778784691318}, {"word": "#sandylookwhatyoudid", "smiley_face": 5.2012899199001353e-05, "positivity": 0.031925049412254235, "time_bin": 111, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Photo: #picstitch #sandy #sandylookwhatyoudid", "frequency": 0.014938180028859667, "frowny_face": 5.2012899199001353e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9386962966815771, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02937865390616873}, {"word": "#sandydummiedus", "smiley_face": 0.00024018253872943438, "positivity": 0.03168157799927945, "time_bin": 112, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@c_debruyn In order to ensure a Gold Medal at the WJC you have to lockout the NHL #sorelosers #sendmeoil #fillmytank #sandydummiedus", "frequency": 0.001693968970393325, "frowny_face": 0.00018013690404707576, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9378902966254353, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030428125375285216}, {"word": "#artstech", "smiley_face": 0.00013012926173332177, "positivity": 0.031021991845232934, "time_bin": 113, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Helping out @eyebeamnyc - w/ @juliaxgulia &amp; @RebeccaTaylorNY! #sandy #ArtsTech", "frequency": 0.0022324857709653066, "frowny_face": 4.337642057777392e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9391591480870999, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029818860067667215}, {"word": "#babyy", "smiley_face": 0.00020706077233668082, "positivity": 0.031389118956413706, "time_bin": 114, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I haven't seen her since before the hurricane came and finally i saw her today ! iloveyou gorgeous ! #babyy", "frequency": 0.0019411970059692964, "frowny_face": 0.00010353038616834041, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9379141215446734, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030696759498912932}, {"word": "#beeakfast", "smiley_face": 0.0001843233030735911, "positivity": 0.0312998018524492, "time_bin": 115, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "After the hurricane I made breakfast for all the popalock family at Pacos house.. Love my crew#beeakfast #h", "frequency": 0.0012915237105332992, "frowny_face": 9.216165153679554e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9381768121284734, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030523386019077458}, {"word": "#desperateee", "smiley_face": 0.00015331936423570297, "positivity": 0.03187478918587417, "time_bin": 116, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "No power at home just wanna leave anyone that has a car wanna pick me up and chill txt me or reply mad bored #fuckyousandy #desperateee", "frequency": 0.0015503207833601515, "frowny_face": 0.0002555322737261716, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9374073695507743, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030717841263351562}, {"word": "#daychay", "smiley_face": 0.00014560279557367502, "positivity": 0.032311735585323235, "time_bin": 117, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "From #daychay to a true #blackout or #backout with #nopower . #toomanyhashtags ? #sorryimnotsorry #Sandy #SandyNJ #weatheringthestorm", "frequency": 0.0010415449904984102, "frowny_face": 0.00043680838672102506, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9347608474082703, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03292741700640652}, {"word": "#vohte", "smiley_face": 0.00011625203441060219, "positivity": 0.03183972719522592, "time_bin": 118, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Rove: Sandy helped Obama via @POLITICO #sandy #ohio #ohiodems #OHbama #OhioDNC #OH #Cleveland #ClevelandRocks #VOHTE", "frequency": 0.0024920247192310794, "frowny_face": 7.750135627373479e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9357610633186081, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03239920948616601}, {"word": "#wedabest", "smiley_face": 0.0001479946721918011, "positivity": 0.03224774308124908, "time_bin": 119, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Yo we from jersey we don't get hit by hurricanes we get hit by superstorms #wedabest #jerseypride", "frequency": 0.001519068551418561, "frowny_face": 0.0001479946721918011, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9367014454146317, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03105081150411918}, {"word": "#fatgirllife", "smiley_face": 0.00021305607635929778, "positivity": 0.030858786432589054, "time_bin": 120, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "i'll use the hurricane as my excuse for eating everything in sight #excusesexcuses #fatgirllife", "frequency": 0.002396364880833757, "frowny_face": 0.00012783364581557866, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9369833390148287, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03215787455258224}, {"word": "#mommyiscominghome", "smiley_face": 0.0001310329766324525, "positivity": 0.030936580039309897, "time_bin": 121, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@ladygaga I love you so much!!! #FuckSandy #MommyIsComingHome", "frequency": 0.002241464654575999, "frowny_face": 0.00021838829438742082, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9380432408822887, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03102017907840139}, {"word": "#niggasiscold", "smiley_face": 0.0002716062795371829, "positivity": 0.03287114998098756, "time_bin": 122, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "sleeping w 4 blankets. #niggasiscold #sandy", "frequency": 0.002302839120628794, "frowny_face": 0.00021728502362974633, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9354799282959422, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03164892172307024}, {"word": "#teamsandydoesanal", "smiley_face": 0.0001840942562592047, "positivity": 0.032727908689248894, "time_bin": 123, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#TeamSandyDoesAnal", "frequency": 0.0038112528994385837, "frowny_face": 9.204712812960235e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9347040684830633, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032568022827687775}, {"word": "#shrekallnightagain", "smiley_face": 8.322929671244278e-05, "positivity": 0.031835205992509365, "time_bin": 124, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Too lazy to change the movie #nocable #smdsandy #shrekallnightagain", "frequency": 0.0034103392708024725, "frowny_face": 8.322929671244278e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9357885975863504, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032376196421140244}, {"word": "regardless", "smiley_face": 0.0002090738030524775, "positivity": 0.03220029270332427, "time_bin": 125, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Ill even admit Sandy made me appreciate Jersey more. Regardless how many people out of state laugh at it.", "frequency": 0.00474724478324507, "frowny_face": 0.0002090738030524775, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9348343090110809, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03296539828559481}, {"word": "#somuchcrime", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03143598564163925, "time_bin": 126, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy really made people go out of control #somuchcrime", "frequency": 0.013654661558669437, "frowny_face": 0.0007478312892611427, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.936509123541729, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032054890816631765}, {"word": "f.u.n", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.027835310344827585, "time_bin": 127, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@candy4sandy i told you my middle name is F.U.N. asi como spongebob!", "frequency": 0.0070445050338782955, "frowny_face": 0.00013793103448275863, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.94, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03216468965517242}, {"word": "caaaaaare", "smiley_face": 0.0003770739064856712, "positivity": 0.02750810708898944, "time_bin": 128, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "WE DONT CAAAAAARE!!!! RT @Fabolousandy: Are ya ready to see toby losos mad face ?! Lmfaoooo !!!", "frequency": 0.015252615128559978, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9413885746606335, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031103318250377075}, {"word": "#sever", "smiley_face": 0.0002966830831305999, "positivity": 0.0321987776656975, "time_bin": 129, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "F***Ed. Our car pollution is what brought on this crazy climate change. By #sever. #hurricanesandy", "frequency": 0.004795256275804452, "frowny_face": 0.00011867323325223996, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9385050139441049, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029296208390197594}, {"word": "#plumsteadtwp", "smiley_face": 4.637573621481241e-05, "positivity": 0.03104465983397486, "time_bin": 130, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Making fast work of a downed tree in #PlumsteadTwp #buckssandy #aftersandy", "frequency": 0.0023291519816904015, "frowny_face": 0.00018550294485924964, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9380072346148495, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030948105551175626}, {"word": "#cellphonecharge", "smiley_face": 0.00010934339292548247, "positivity": 0.03222896506478596, "time_bin": 131, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "As #Sandy recedes #NewYorkers move forward #cellphonecharge #GovernorCuomo #SenatorSchumer #NYC", "frequency": 0.0017327890926315055, "frowny_face": 0.00010934339292548247, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9368815264337652, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0308895085014488}, {"word": "#yougottabekiddingme", "smiley_face": 0.00013757050488375291, "positivity": 0.03112769982115834, "time_bin": 132, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Living through a hurricane? Make sure you watch those calories!! #yougottabekiddingme", "frequency": 0.002242957069257343, "frowny_face": 0.0001031778786628147, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9387682280918971, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030104072086944562}, {"word": "#spaceheater", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031186267936167363, "time_bin": 133, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Trying to stay #warm #hurricanesandyproblems #spaceheater #noheat #socold #bundledup #pjs #hoodie #zoneA", "frequency": 0.0015446748404812332, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9396540163604666, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029159715703365962}, {"word": "#sandyslowedmedown", "smiley_face": 0.00022849308808408546, "positivity": 0.030326059636695987, "time_bin": 134, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I must enjoy the anxiety of procrastination. #sandyslowedmedown #backtoschool", "frequency": 0.0012476838571899762, "frowny_face": 0.00011424654404204273, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.939263681023649, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03041025933965498}, {"word": "#timetogiveback", "smiley_face": 0.0003283353398270767, "positivity": 0.03030945605778702, "time_bin": 135, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "all of the jersey celebrities should donate to the damage from sandy #timetogiveback", "frequency": 0.0014845034722173918, "frowny_face": 0.00016416766991353835, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.940420816460545, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029269727481667944}, {"word": "#wthsandy", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02918776382302361, "time_bin": 136, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "This hurricane has made me slight lazy #Wthsandy", "frequency": 0.0011107341983668088, "frowny_face": 5.2113189848350616e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9412293501485226, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029582886028453798}, {"word": "#darkhumor", "smiley_face": 9.394522993095025e-05, "positivity": 0.029489078867020523, "time_bin": 137, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Goodness me! #SandyAid #darkhumor", "frequency": 0.0019411433402148851, "frowny_face": 0.0001878904598619005, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9409612945652684, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02954962656771103}, {"word": "x-river", "smiley_face": 6.236357966947302e-05, "positivity": 0.030031555971312754, "time_bin": 138, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#F Train now x-river! \"@DNAinfo: 2 3 D and F trains are now running the MTA says #MTA #SandyNY #D #F #M #J #2 #3\"", "frequency": 0.0020863947728128798, "frowny_face": 6.236357966947302e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9397411911443717, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03022725288431556}, {"word": "#winforsandy", "smiley_face": 0.0002767400027674, "positivity": 0.02978672570453392, "time_bin": 139, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "It's almsot that time! LET'S GO GIANTS! #winforsandy #elimanning #gmen #newyork", "frequency": 0.0014340520432610281, "frowny_face": 4.612333379456667e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9407026889903602, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029510585305105856}, {"word": "#thesandyfix", "smiley_face": 0.0004579517069109076, "positivity": 0.03393059950041632, "time_bin": 140, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@RyanRuocco gotta thank Goodell for some of these calls..... helping out NY/NJ with #TheSandyFix", "frequency": 0.003044007669268412, "frowny_face": 4.1631973355537055e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9331078268109908, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032961573688592836}, {"word": "#postsandymemory", "smiley_face": 0.00030959752321981426, "positivity": 0.03148496240601504, "time_bin": 141, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Zebra cakes :/ #postsandymemory", "frequency": 0.006853852202002574, "frowny_face": 8.845643520566122e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9375884564352056, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0309265811587793}, {"word": "metro..pick", "smiley_face": 0.0003473428273706148, "positivity": 0.03146618369473527, "time_bin": 142, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "My Long Range Winter forecast will come out Monday in the Metro..pick it up..! delayed a week because of Sandy Lemme know what u think", "frequency": 0.0016379361349441843, "frowny_face": 0.00014886121173026347, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9371433533468962, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03139046295836848}, {"word": "#judgement", "smiley_face": 0.00028690288337397793, "positivity": 0.035345000717257206, "time_bin": 143, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "But the reality is #Sandy was just a foreshadowing of whats really to come! #Judgement", "frequency": 0.0013991219820104215, "frowny_face": 7.172572084349448e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.932945416726438, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03170958255630469}, {"word": "from.hurricane", "smiley_face": 0.0004187604690117253, "positivity": 0.03097671691792295, "time_bin": 144, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Kandi @Bravotv been waiting all day . Perk up from.hurricane aftermath", "frequency": 0.002255860158591032, "frowny_face": 0.0002512562814070352, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9386515912897823, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030371691792294805}, {"word": "ru-newark", "smiley_face": 0.0005042016806722689, "positivity": 0.031722058823529416, "time_bin": 145, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "THEY WILL BE LEADING SANDY RELIEF EFFORTS AT RU-NEWARK!!", "frequency": 0.00403980902665407, "frowny_face": 0.00025210084033613445, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.935672268907563, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03260567226890756}, {"word": "#saddestmomentever", "smiley_face": 0.00019976028765481422, "positivity": 0.03148721534159009, "time_bin": 146, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#saddestmomentever : needing to turn your alarm on after not needing to use it for 9 days :( #hurricanesandy #eastcoastproblems", "frequency": 0.0016269575775217679, "frowny_face": 0.0002996404314822213, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9361641030763085, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032348681582101475}, {"word": "#belieberjacketdrive4sandy", "smiley_face": 0.00017343797424446082, "positivity": 0.03140853314833283, "time_bin": 147, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Thank You Alfredo! The power of #BELIEBERS #BelieberJacketDrive4Sandy #IzodCenter #JERSEY @AlfredoFlores", "frequency": 0.0037636414364014604, "frowny_face": 0.00021679746780557603, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.935692451112171, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03289901573949616}, {"word": "#fuckpse", "smiley_face": 0.0003678273663560569, "positivity": 0.033334355076017654, "time_bin": 148, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Pretty much :/ #fuckpse&amp;g #hurricanesandy #thestruggle #thestruggleisreal #pieceofshit #nopower #caveman #ki", "frequency": 0.006410722156760463, "frowny_face": 0.00012260912211868564, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9339443354585582, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03272130946542423}, {"word": "captian", "smiley_face": 0.0001591849729385546, "positivity": 0.03156733524355301, "time_bin": 149, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Captian Planet need to come Lil reese Hurricane Sandy.", "frequency": 0.006104098588378964, "frowny_face": 0.0001591849729385546, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9374602037567653, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03097246099968163}, {"word": "wateeeerrrrr", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03019453612027869, "time_bin": 150, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandyy i neeeed wateeeerrrrr", "frequency": 0.011549036470202953, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9336266960029336, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.036178767876787685}, {"word": "cartoonish", "smiley_face": 0.0001718213058419244, "positivity": 0.031882474226804125, "time_bin": 151, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@lrubinson NY Giants should have no need to take on burden of Sandy anyone expecting that has a cartoonish sense of moral relevance.", "frequency": 0.0185575015950923, "frowny_face": 0.0001718213058419244, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.936340206185567, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03177731958762886}, {"word": "#youcanthavemycornbread", "smiley_face": 0.00021150592216582064, "positivity": 0.031031197123519462, "time_bin": 152, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Dear Sandy Aftermath Monday and all the msgs waiting at my desk for being closed last week: #YouCantHaveMyCornbread Signed MissDMW :-)", "frequency": 0.008650882035227495, "frowny_face": 0.00010575296108291032, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.932886527072758, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03608227580372251}, {"word": "#south_amboy", "smiley_face": 0.00012298610257040955, "positivity": 0.03355042430205386, "time_bin": 153, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#south_amboy #beach #HurricaneSandy", "frequency": 0.005593874518242691, "frowny_face": 0.00012298610257040955, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9339257163940474, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03252385930389866}, {"word": "testimony", "smiley_face": 0.00021004621016623657, "positivity": 0.032583808437856326, "time_bin": 154, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@timferriss Check out the post: \"Without A Test There Would Be No Testimony\" - Recovering From Hurricane Sandy @", "frequency": 0.04733559455980603, "frowny_face": 0.00015003300726159756, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9345030906799496, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03291310088219408}, {"word": "#kiyc", "smiley_face": 0.0001224514786016041, "positivity": 0.03148916304414376, "time_bin": 155, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "To restore full power by Wed's nor'easter utilities have to restore more than 390k homes a day. They did 350k yesterday. #sandyN12NJ #KIYC", "frequency": 0.0014288899255094148, "frowny_face": 3.0612869650401026e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.936646666258495, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03186417069736117}, {"word": "overpacked", "smiley_face": 4.271678769756514e-05, "positivity": 0.030888466467321653, "time_bin": 156, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "And back to the regular overpacked routine #Monday #Sandy #senioryear", "frequency": 0.0011338544773143657, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9383116189662537, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030799914566424606}, {"word": "#aweeksworth", "smiley_face": 0.0001278663370556645, "positivity": 0.030309649646236468, "time_bin": 157, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "HOLY MOTHER HOW MUCH MUSIC DID I MISS OUT ON BECAUSE OF SANDY?!?! #aweeksworth", "frequency": 0.002283110257034954, "frowny_face": 0.0003409768988151053, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9392261955502514, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030464154803512063}, {"word": "45-year-old", "smiley_face": 0.00024907486478793056, "positivity": 0.03157667947623114, "time_bin": 158, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "my mom's hurricane info center during 6-day power outage: 45-year-old transistor radio.", "frequency": 0.0011457128618211406, "frowny_face": 7.116424708226587e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9381137916310845, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030309528892684314}, {"word": "#radiodispach", "smiley_face": 0.00034010713374713037, "positivity": 0.030274296403367058, "time_bin": 159, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "2 areas post-#Sandy @Gothamist's @ChristRobbins on StatenIsland &amp; @VillageVoice's @macfathom on RedHook #RadioDispach", "frequency": 0.0026953389738690707, "frowny_face": 0.0005526740923390869, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9397319530652155, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0299937505314174}, {"word": "drawerful", "smiley_face": 0.00011870492922218595, "positivity": 0.031175327180461173, "time_bin": 160, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Best feeling today: Found a *drawerful* of new batteries I couldn't find for months. #ForSandysVictims", "frequency": 0.0012409152941088982, "frowny_face": 0.00020773362613882542, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9392490429415081, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029575629878030682}, {"word": "#rutgers", "smiley_face": 0.00013986666045037065, "positivity": 0.029249009277821814, "time_bin": 161, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "A #Rutgers student lost both of her parents to #HurricaneSandy. Please pray for her and her family. #Godbless", "frequency": 0.0013988174643805836, "frowny_face": 0.0001864888806004942, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9415998414844515, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029151149237726697}, {"word": "#jumpstraightintoit", "smiley_face": 7.5125835774923e-05, "positivity": 0.02968927954323492, "time_bin": 162, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "My professor acts like Sandy didn't happen #jumpstraightintoit", "frequency": 0.0014195616219179724, "frowny_face": 7.5125835774923e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9439842987003231, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02632642175644204}, {"word": "v.i.p", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02937632203321671, "time_bin": 163, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "V.I.P fitness is having a toy drive for the kids affected by the hurricane in south jersey. If you have any donations please drop it off", "frequency": 0.0010636787786426532, "frowny_face": 0.00012064181445288937, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9387793059074275, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03184437205935577}, {"word": "kill'g", "smiley_face": 7.594456047085628e-05, "positivity": 0.029422213783937726, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@NYGovCuomo NE chance to have gas prices set to the lowest price btwn now n when #sandy hit? Demand is kill'g prices for gas we don't have.", "frequency": 0.0019827628321677374, "frowny_face": 3.797228023542814e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9399705714828176, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03060721473324473}, {"word": "#stillbelieve", "smiley_face": 0.00015240417587441895, "positivity": 0.02983311742741751, "time_bin": 165, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Heard they're lowering the voting age to 6 to make up for sandy taking out the east coast aka democrats. #StillBelieve #4MoreYears", "frequency": 0.0016610144430146089, "frowny_face": 7.620208793720948e-05, "dist_bin": 1, "objectivity": 0.9395622190048007, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030604663567781756}, {"word": "#hurricanestephanie", "smiley_face": 0.00011851149561507466, "positivity": 0.036812633325432574, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#HurricaneStephanie", "frequency": 0.002687336561561864, "frowny_face": 0.00011851149561507466, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9292190092438967, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03396835743067077}, {"word": "gay-icane", "smiley_face": 0.00021233676611105213, "positivity": 0.035867289521180595, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "\"This is a gay-icane\"- dad #sandy", "frequency": 0.0012022827758104192, "frowny_face": 5.308419152776303e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9293316700286655, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03480104045015395}, {"word": "careful~sandy", "smiley_face": 0.00024877168978170285, "positivity": 0.03510454630263076, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Thinking its bed time or extremely close to it. Be very careful~Sandy isn't messing around #Frankenstorm", "frequency": 0.002348574716569665, "frowny_face": 0.00012438584489085142, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9304605385907084, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03443491510666086}, {"word": "#calhoun3rdfloor", "smiley_face": 0.00027915805929317177, "positivity": 0.035290882697783486, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Something on #calhoun3rdfloor smells like burnt popcorn. If the fire alarm goes off tonight during a hurricane I'm about to be angry af.", "frequency": 0.002079039050217523, "frowny_face": 5.583161185863436e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9295056110769918, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03520350622522472}, {"word": "#sandysurvivortweet", "smiley_face": 7.396996819291368e-05, "positivity": 0.03472793845698646, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm cooler than where sodas go... #sandysurvivortweet", "frequency": 0.0017826823346304588, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9316055181596272, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033666543383386344}, {"word": "tippy", "smiley_face": 0.0002686366689053056, "positivity": 0.03351155137676293, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "So did sandy tippy toe through here? Or maybe she still hasn't showed up yet?", "frequency": 0.0024156131163526394, "frowny_face": 0.0001343183344526528, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9314892545332438, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03499919408999328}, {"word": "#ihatepong", "smiley_face": 0.00013762730525736306, "positivity": 0.03374834847233691, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Streaked the quad during hurricane sandy #fml #sorrynotsorry #ihatepong", "frequency": 0.003703443755085685, "frowny_face": 0.00013762730525736306, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9320293146160198, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034222336911643274}, {"word": "#avl", "smiley_face": 0.00022200515051949205, "positivity": 0.0336708107628097, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Want an easier way to access closings on your phone? Download our new app! #avlnews #avl #wnc #snow #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0022172863460493365, "frowny_face": 0.00013320309031169522, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9339035165615842, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032425672675606074}, {"word": "40-49mph", "smiley_face": 0.0003508771929824561, "positivity": 0.0356128947368421, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Tydings &amp; Nice bridges currently under Wind Restriction I - wind speed/gusts 40-49mph. #MDSandy", "frequency": 0.0026068857405820694, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.928859649122807, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03552745614035088}, {"word": "non-sensationalist", "smiley_face": 0.00011095700416088766, "positivity": 0.03710507628294036, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#Sandy forces the @HuffingtonPost into usable non-sensationalist website: #karma", "frequency": 0.0014554324514841888, "frowny_face": 0.00027739251040221914, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.92624826629681, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.036646657420249654}, {"word": "sinkable", "smiley_face": 0.00038975501113585747, "positivity": 0.03553346325167037, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "So Black Pearl is sinkable... #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0014331442349126628, "frowny_face": 0.00016703786191536748, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9274916481069042, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.036974888641425396}, {"word": "#leaning", "smiley_face": 9.42684766214178e-05, "positivity": 0.03805825791855203, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Photo: My neighbors #tree #leaning. #sandy #hurricanesandy #realtree", "frequency": 0.004001081859391126, "frowny_face": 0.0002828054298642534, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9271186840120663, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0348230580693816}, {"word": "lmfao'en", "smiley_face": 0.00021369804466289135, "positivity": 0.035544342344267545, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#hurricanesandymemories dancing 2 Gangnum style when the power was off &amp; @nah_slim LMFAO'en", "frequency": 0.0025594778567468762, "frowny_face": 0.00010684902233144567, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9297200555614916, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03473560209424084}, {"word": "#everyoneknowsabitchnamedsandy", "smiley_face": 0.00019688915140775743, "positivity": 0.03686834678742534, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Lazy tree #Sandy #Hurricane #EveryoneKnowsaBitchNamedSandy", "frequency": 0.0024921793989108776, "frowny_face": 0.0001312594342718383, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9263552536588567, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03677639955371793}, {"word": "#sandybeingsandy", "smiley_face": 0.00020590960568310512, "positivity": 0.035703129826006375, "time_bin": 14, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "School got messed up reall bad #sandybeingsandy", "frequency": 0.002871597940072531, "frowny_face": 5.147740142077628e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.927757901781118, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.036538968392875536}, {"word": "#dupontcircle", "smiley_face": 4.268032437046522e-05, "positivity": 0.03501626120358515, "time_bin": 15, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "W/ #SandyDC gone &amp; a chill over the land we're glad @TeaismATeaHouse #dupontcircle #pennquarter &amp; #oldtown are open w/ 10% off for Zipsters!", "frequency": 0.001986032550156302, "frowny_face": 0.0002134016218523261, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9303190354246692, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.034664703371745625}, {"word": "#sandydowntime", "smiley_face": 0.00026238455079764903, "positivity": 0.032449727120067176, "time_bin": 16, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@shop_bougie @BigBonedBARBIE: My1st&amp;2nd #iMovie #RT #SandyDowntime", "frequency": 0.006389969321102321, "frowny_face": 0.00031486146095717883, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9343317065491183, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033218566330814436}, {"word": "#stephenson", "smiley_face": 0.00015330369461904033, "positivity": 0.03367361643415606, "time_bin": 17, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#spooky #weather #hurricanesandy #nofilter #stephenson #virginia", "frequency": 0.0016975591062102422, "frowny_face": 0.0002299555419285605, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9333703817261996, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03295600183964434}, {"word": "#prehurricanesandy", "smiley_face": 5.934718100890208e-05, "positivity": 0.031953590504451033, "time_bin": 18, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Bang...bang! @riverrange #halloween2012 #prehurricanesandy #rihanna #highheelinbuddies #lol #love #werk #pos", "frequency": 0.0012210779732359613, "frowny_face": 0.0002967359050445104, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9350222551928783, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03302415430267063}, {"word": "name=sandy", "smiley_face": 0.00013267878466233248, "positivity": 0.03441546150103932, "time_bin": 19, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Mom (name=sandy): \"no wonder why i am so tired! I did a lot of work yesterday!\"", "frequency": 0.001886484409965258, "frowny_face": 0.00022113130777055417, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9305039582504091, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03508058024855158}, {"word": "#clearingmymind", "smiley_face": 0.0003089757454039858, "positivity": 0.03411486173335393, "time_bin": 20, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "post hurricane runs are the best kind #clearingmymind", "frequency": 0.0014330300724984964, "frowny_face": 0.0001544878727019929, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9305287347443225, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0353564035223235}, {"word": "tomorrow..just", "smiley_face": 0.0002122578933404086, "positivity": 0.03424117803130804, "time_bin": 21, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Kids go back to school tomorrow..just got n email..don't have to work Job#1 n was already off Job#2..thanks #Sandy", "frequency": 0.00236077982128021, "frowny_face": 0.0002122578933404086, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9276200583709207, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03813876359777129}, {"word": "#massivelyappropriate", "smiley_face": 0.00019867878607261708, "positivity": 0.0318465206377589, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#nowplaying What Happens Tomorrow- @duranduran #HurricanePlaylist #MassivelyAppropriate", "frequency": 0.0013699461119598038, "frowny_face": 0.00039735757214523417, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9347464361992748, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03340704316296628}, {"word": "not boudda", "smiley_face": 0.00014664906877841325, "positivity": 0.03351437160874028, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "But I'm not boudda talk shit cause Sandy was looking out for mee ! I still had power an all my peoples safe", "frequency": 0.002234221037653221, "frowny_face": 0.0005132717407244464, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.932303123625165, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03418250476609474}, {"word": "#hurricansandyaftermathplaylist", "smiley_face": 0.0005962755710485276, "positivity": 0.03575103201541143, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#HurricanSandyAftermathPlaylist Turn The Lights Down Low", "frequency": 0.0023391986497614536, "frowny_face": 0.00018346940647647004, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9286648013943675, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03558416659022108}, {"word": "#rihanna", "smiley_face": 0.0003306999816277788, "positivity": 0.033819695021128054, "time_bin": 25, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Photo: So due to this hurricane I could get out to the studio this week to mix that #rihanna #diamonds...", "frequency": 0.0016928076799540461, "frowny_face": 0.0003306999816277788, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9314578357523424, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03472246922652949}, {"word": "#dammitsandywhy", "smiley_face": 0.00022917382834880258, "positivity": 0.03284026584164088, "time_bin": 26, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Gameplan for waking up @ 5;30 am #illtry #notgonnamakeit #imfucked #dammitsandywhy", "frequency": 0.001930512622598136, "frowny_face": 0.00017188037126160193, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9340838776211756, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03307585653718346}, {"word": "#arlingtonva", "smiley_face": 5.314625850340136e-05, "positivity": 0.03329544005102041, "time_bin": 27, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Been down for over 24 hours but just got a call from @DomVAPower. They're working in our area. Hope to be back up soon! #ArlingtonVA #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0027005658125203477, "frowny_face": 0.0002657312925170068, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9323049532312925, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03439960671768707}, {"word": "#dcmusic", "smiley_face": 0.00017204301075268816, "positivity": 0.03349686021505376, "time_bin": 28, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Post Sandy weather did not stop open mic tonight irelands4courts #DCmusic #openmic", "frequency": 0.0038379268783860494, "frowny_face": 0.00025806451612903227, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9312150537634408, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03528808602150538}, {"word": "#uheardthewhistle", "smiley_face": 0.0002121790791427965, "positivity": 0.03196679397411415, "time_bin": 29, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@BESTDJINASIA wishing you &amp; your team prayers and blessings hope you guys recover soon after this hurricane #uheardthewhistle", "frequency": 0.010254720812114062, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9365054105665181, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03152779545936771}, {"word": "#assessed", "smiley_face": 0.0002601795238714713, "positivity": 0.028775074801613114, "time_bin": 30, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#Bronx NY. My blOck Tuesday. Hurricane #Sandy #aftermath continues to be #assessed!!", "frequency": 0.006821087946379032, "frowny_face": 0.0005203590477429426, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9388903343306881, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03233459086769871}, {"word": "#ricesandyrelief", "smiley_face": 0.0002449579488854413, "positivity": 0.031808279578672334, "time_bin": 31, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Literally came up with the idea while walking around campus wondering why nobody was talking about the devastation #ricesandyrelief", "frequency": 0.006973549681896537, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9362599003837675, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03193182003756022}, {"word": "#blackricanjew", "smiley_face": 0.00016113438607798906, "positivity": 0.036481308411214955, "time_bin": 32, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "We are giving you Sandy updates all morning guys! Make sure you keep it locked! #BlackRicanJew", "frequency": 0.006512689939159189, "frowny_face": 0.0004028359651949726, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.927479455365775, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.036039236223009995}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 4.6803332397266686e-05, "positivity": 0.032454273144247876, "time_bin": 33, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Credit to Gov.Chris Christie of NJ 4 noting the effort made by Pres. with Sandy.No credit to Pa. clown gov. who asked for $ too!", "frequency": 0.0019819033307302367, "frowny_face": 0.00018721332958906674, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9334456613310868, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03410006552466535}, {"word": "#gebrdensprachdolmetscherin", "smiley_face": 8.18732601932209e-05, "positivity": 0.03266689864090388, "time_bin": 34, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "MT @einaugenschmaus: zu #Lydia #Callis Brgermeister #Bloomberg's #Gebrdensprachdolmetscherin in #NYC #Sandy:", "frequency": 0.002023682456320402, "frowny_face": 8.18732601932209e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9339385131815949, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03339458817750123}, {"word": "#pleasecometrue", "smiley_face": 4.538440591812653e-05, "positivity": 0.03206526277571027, "time_bin": 35, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Had a dream that the new #sgp video came out today @SoccerGrlProbs #fuckyousandy #pleasecometrue #needmydoseofsgp", "frequency": 0.0021536869144898377, "frowny_face": 0.00018153762367250612, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9346124171734592, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03332232005083053}, {"word": "#pednyc", "smiley_face": 0.00020889910173386254, "positivity": 0.0315311607826753, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#bikenyc encountering #criticalmass of #PedNYC traffic congestion on Q'boro bridge post #sandy NYC. LETS GET #MOREBIKES", "frequency": 0.0016635484086027319, "frowny_face": 0.0004177982034677251, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9351281247823968, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03334071443492793}, {"word": "#asug", "smiley_face": 0.00020938023450586265, "positivity": 0.03087395309882747, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane #Sandy won't stop #ASUG North Carolina/Virginia from hosting its mtg on Nov. 2 registration is still open", "frequency": 0.0013384331954141163, "frowny_face": 6.979341150195422e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9336613623673925, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.035464684533780017}, {"word": "#treesdowneverywhere", "smiley_face": 0.0001406206056060748, "positivity": 0.0318726914783913, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Lakewood Rd #manasquan #hurricanesandy #aftermath #treesdowneverywhere", "frequency": 0.003131350984624776, "frowny_face": 0.0001406206056060748, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9359590325302334, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03216827599137527}, {"word": "#theylookempty", "smiley_face": 0.0001738374619730552, "positivity": 0.0320180356366797, "time_bin": 39, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "All of the trees would be so pretty right now... But Sandy killed so many leaves #theylookempty", "frequency": 0.0011586649424198186, "frowny_face": 0.0001738374619730552, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9350717079530639, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03291025641025641}, {"word": "expired", "smiley_face": 0.0001914901765539428, "positivity": 0.03235226532878863, "time_bin": 40, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@BroadwayBlue call the airline...maybe bc of Sandy they'll accept the expired license", "frequency": 0.00114681985323986, "frowny_face": 0.0003829803531078856, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9350225958408334, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032625138830378}, {"word": "#hertz", "smiley_face": 0.0003878975950349108, "positivity": 0.028782583397982932, "time_bin": 41, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Not a line for a Broadway show. Line for #Hertz rental car in Hell's Kitchen. #sandy #nyc #hellskitchen #gri", "frequency": 0.0014893596142281937, "frowny_face": 0.00024243599689681924, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9393425135764158, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03187490302560124}, {"word": "#isadirtywhore", "smiley_face": 0.00021087259078065034, "positivity": 0.03072940829151027, "time_bin": 42, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "If I could create a generator that ran on boredom I could power the city. #HurricaneSandy #IsADirtyWhore", "frequency": 0.001595724250359744, "frowny_face": 0.0001265235544683902, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9377767702753996, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031493821433090124}, {"word": "#risktransfer", "smiley_face": 4.9608096041273936e-05, "positivity": 0.03021624169064391, "time_bin": 43, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@eduWallStreet #CatastropheBonds #RiskTransfer #HurricaneSandy", "frequency": 0.0022948738815489864, "frowny_face": 0.00024804048020636967, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9385851771009028, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031198581208453223}, {"word": "#howispentmyhurricane", "smiley_face": 0.00036529680365296805, "positivity": 0.03162861491628615, "time_bin": 44, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "What's left of the sandy \"brownies\" #howIspentmyhurricane", "frequency": 0.002633922737669817, "frowny_face": 0.00018264840182648402, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9366438356164384, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0317275494672755}, {"word": "shit-storm", "smiley_face": 0.00023785455194148778, "positivity": 0.03361592436225248, "time_bin": 45, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Despite Sandy's shit-storm we managed to pull off Halloween without a hitch. The messy unshowered look fit right into today's festivities", "frequency": 0.0019920889415872252, "frowny_face": 0.00041624546589760363, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9321073913302016, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.034276684307545935}, {"word": "#sandynl", "smiley_face": 0.00010525207872855489, "positivity": 0.03261067256078307, "time_bin": 46, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#longbeach fire truck gone! Flooded #sandynl", "frequency": 0.006216791709133325, "frowny_face": 0.00031575623618566466, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9349936848752762, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032395642563940646}, {"word": "#sandynl", "smiley_face": 0.00047189597315436244, "positivity": 0.031078911493288588, "time_bin": 47, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#longbeach #sandynl #millitary", "frequency": 0.003789221014854959, "frowny_face": 0.0003145973154362416, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.936549653942953, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03237143456375839}, {"word": "#nosurprise", "smiley_face": 0.00031940377961139205, "positivity": 0.032910407239819, "time_bin": 48, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#nosurprise hurricane Sandy is 2012's No. 2 Topic on Facebook #frankenstorm #sandy #sandynyc #socialmedia", "frequency": 0.002274514009255265, "frowny_face": 0.0003726377428799574, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9336305562949162, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03345903646526484}, {"word": "enzyte", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03442952639927487, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@MiracleLoverAmy fine I will bring hurricane enzyte @RedneckBarbieTB 's way all 22 and a half inches", "frequency": 0.0021986768925874975, "frowny_face": 0.0005098572399728076, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9301778835259461, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03539259007477906}, {"word": "#worstfeelingever", "smiley_face": 5.038037180714394e-05, "positivity": 0.03290120409088619, "time_bin": 50, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#Worstfeelingever when my fone is on 2 percent &amp; i have no way of chargeing ittt :( #fuckyousandy #wahh #sicklife", "frequency": 0.003049978559168607, "frowny_face": 0.00020152148722857576, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9328744521134565, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03422434379565721}, {"word": "yahhhhh", "smiley_face": 0.00011105558331945139, "positivity": 0.03398300849575212, "time_bin": 51, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "straight razor with hurricane sandy waves 36 feeling so lovely \"yahhhhh\"", "frequency": 0.004687981682894107, "frowny_face": 0.00011105558331945139, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9315828197012604, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0344341718029874}, {"word": "shoved", "smiley_face": 0.0004232804232804233, "positivity": 0.03225597883597884, "time_bin": 52, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "REGROUPING AFTER \"SANDY\" SHOVED (BALTIMORE) AROUND SOME CABLE CHANNELS ARE STILL OUT. \"NO SHOWS\" TONITE.", "frequency": 0.007475166169056323, "frowny_face": 0.00031746031746031746, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9310185185185185, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03672550264550265}, {"word": "#typeexcited", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03093348281016442, "time_bin": 53, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Just kidding world the power it back!! #typehappy #typeexcited #FUCKYES #hurricanesandy #bamf #DrownTrump #halloweekend #jesus #hashtag", "frequency": 0.014000304135889964, "frowny_face": 0.0001868460388639761, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.937686846038864, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0313796711509716}, {"word": "#imbeingfairlydirectrightnowgoaway", "smiley_face": 0.00031133250311332503, "positivity": 0.02817559153175591, "time_bin": 54, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "If it takes a hurricane for you to talk to me... Don't talk to me... #subtweets #imbeingfairlydirectrightnowgoaway", "frequency": 0.011021694390859435, "frowny_face": 0.00015566625155666251, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9372081257783312, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034616282689912826}, {"word": "#7news", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0315362807295797, "time_bin": 55, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "The latest on #Sandy cleanup in NY/NJ. Tune into #7News starting at 6.", "frequency": 0.007686569368476328, "frowny_face": 0.0005947660586835844, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9320231958762887, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03644052339413164}, {"word": "ourse", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03401644643026904, "time_bin": 56, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "As Hurricane Sandy struck shore Monday making its way into the heart of Pennsylvania my wife and I found ourse...", "frequency": 0.005510966167715564, "frowny_face": 0.0001901321418385778, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9337270653103907, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03225648825934024}, {"word": "#mashaallah", "smiley_face": 0.00012113870381586917, "positivity": 0.030548879466989705, "time_bin": 57, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": " sent hurricane Sandy to give Muslim students a break from school right after eid didn't you.. Oh you shouldn't have. #mashaAllah", "frequency": 0.002348239114605803, "frowny_face": 0.00018170805572380376, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9363340399757722, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03311708055723804}, {"word": "not altered", "smiley_face": 0.00016832891469932248, "positivity": 0.029575011572612882, "time_bin": 58, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Our conference is still ON for this Saturday! Hurricane Sandy has not altered our plans. And it's not too late to...", "frequency": 0.001615579922584532, "frowny_face": 8.416445734966124e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9385178639060725, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03190712452131465}, {"word": "#nyclifeaftersandy", "smiley_face": 0.00011568049048527966, "positivity": 0.029606223610388102, "time_bin": 59, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Understand that this is a line to TAKE A BUS. #BarclaysCenter #NYCLifeAfterSandy #NewYorkProblems", "frequency": 0.001426295667996434, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.938761640349355, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03163213604025681}, {"word": "#listfree", "smiley_face": 0.0002495383540450167, "positivity": 0.03161650945750362, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "nothing is permanent...the leaves are gone too soon! #CTSandy #photoaday #listfree", "frequency": 0.0019230954091632895, "frowny_face": 4.9907670809003344e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9354756201028098, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03290787043968658}, {"word": "#piermontny", "smiley_face": 0.00011365573677331363, "positivity": 0.03083230096039098, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#Piermontny mayor declares we lost nothing of value here only stuff #Sandy", "frequency": 0.003443609087042347, "frowny_face": 5.6827868386656816e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9351665056543729, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03400119338523612}, {"word": "sandy..unfortunately", "smiley_face": 9.898050084133426e-05, "positivity": 0.03116051337886436, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@DidHeJusSayDat yeah we made it through Sandy..unfortunately we all can't say that ..i hope all is well down there", "frequency": 0.0017828306041378183, "frowny_face": 0.00016496750140222377, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9375226830314428, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03131680358969283}, {"word": "parched", "smiley_face": 0.00022485805835066613, "positivity": 0.030432289617179156, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane Sandy rains bring drought relief to Eastern third of U.S. but other areas remain parched", "frequency": 0.0019091172864494016, "frowny_face": 0.0002810725729383327, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9387472595424139, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030820450840406993}, {"word": "higher-cost", "smiley_face": 0.00018136970400464307, "positivity": 0.03167676291352293, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Malloy: Connecticut homeowners will not face higher-cost hurricane deductibles for #CTSandy wreckage", "frequency": 0.0012930559481122734, "frowny_face": 0.00010882182240278584, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9366656993615786, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03165753772489843}, {"word": "#leveeupdate", "smiley_face": 0.00016867673104495234, "positivity": 0.03100253015096567, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#LeveeUpdate THURS NOV 1 SAT NOV 3 Due to Hurricane Sandy supplies &amp; staffing are limited this weekend hours are subject to change.", "frequency": 0.0017354153969230024, "frowny_face": 0.0003373534620899047, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9366987855275365, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03229868432149785}, {"word": "you-all", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029316835976214074, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@MaryIrene Altho we had very bad coastal flooding exceeding the Hurricane of '38 we got off easy compared to you-all in NJ. Best wishes!", "frequency": 0.002519449604068995, "frowny_face": 0.0001238850346878097, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9387465931615461, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031936570862239846}, {"word": "#wutsbetter", "smiley_face": 0.0001551470017841905, "positivity": 0.03085485997983089, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "baking cookies post hurricane in the hamptons #wutsbetter", "frequency": 0.0021396693636459526, "frowny_face": 0.00023272050267628578, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9372042510278489, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03194088899232023}, {"word": "#feedback", "smiley_face": 0.00024818001323626736, "positivity": 0.03147981469225679, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "This is @JazziiTheVoice checking in with you guys. How did #Sandy effect our East Coast followers? #Feedback", "frequency": 0.0016982943399278373, "frowny_face": 0.00012409000661813368, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9367244374586366, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03179574784910655}, {"word": "relief-earn", "smiley_face": 0.0002370323549164461, "positivity": 0.031775530359894125, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"Hurricane sandy relief-earn double points today and tomorrow!\" Thanks Nordstrom. #savinglives", "frequency": 0.002166713735316304, "frowny_face": 0.0003160431398885948, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.936095089479714, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03212938016039189}, {"word": "theirdad", "smiley_face": 8.302200083022001e-05, "positivity": 0.03162673308426733, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "So has anyone else heard from...say *cough* theirdad *cough* or similar that it may SNOW next week? Yes. Snow. #njSandy #fb #postsandy", "frequency": 0.0020647217984190052, "frowny_face": 0.00016604400166044003, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9331050228310502, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03526824408468244}, {"word": "#thegreatposthurricaneparty", "smiley_face": 0.00021541278474877484, "positivity": 0.03330680165867844, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "We will play on the lower east side on saturday night. Power or no power. #thegreatposthurricaneparty", "frequency": 0.002626168405214024, "frowny_face": 0.00016155958856158112, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9332153050783564, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03347789326296516}, {"word": "#ilovemyneighborsnot", "smiley_face": 0.0001404231417337577, "positivity": 0.0339713068713724, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Who the f@&amp;$ decides to cut a tree at 10pm !?!?! #sandy #ilovemyneighborsnot", "frequency": 0.0015542311230860376, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9327782718592024, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03325042126942521}, {"word": "#oceanfront", "smiley_face": 0.00023138507103521682, "positivity": 0.03198778286824935, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#Sandy #photography #Photos #earlymorning #vabeach #oceanfront #beach", "frequency": 0.005407528310248106, "frowny_face": 0.00018510805682817345, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9362707668101254, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031741450321625245}, {"word": "not laying", "smiley_face": 0.00016111707841031148, "positivity": 0.031112030075187973, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Why am I not laying in bed with my Boyf Josh Hutcherson. Watching Easy A and feeding each other grapes?! OH YEAH BECAUSE OF FECKIN SANDY.", "frequency": 0.003697375752192237, "frowny_face": 0.00021482277121374866, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9346603114930183, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03422765843179377}, {"word": "#sandyisawindybitch", "smiley_face": 0.00022224691632403602, "positivity": 0.031056728525391715, "time_bin": 75, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Got home tonight with @his_ocelotte to our home in NJ. No one on the block but us has power. So odd. #SandyIsAWindyBitch #LuckyBastards", "frequency": 0.004432134009079966, "frowny_face": 0.000388932103567063, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9344024336037338, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03454083787087454}, {"word": "#sorryimyelling", "smiley_face": 0.00022794620469569182, "positivity": 0.03130601777980396, "time_bin": 76, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@sandysep ITS A BELIEBER THING YOU WOULDNT UNDERSTAND #sorryimyelling #ijustlovejb", "frequency": 0.0070198482328491536, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9365454752678368, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03214850695235925}, {"word": "#befortunate", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030029982138300583, "time_bin": 77, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "This hurricane has proved to me no matter how bad you think you have it... There are people out there who have it way worse. #befortunate", "frequency": 0.013727038712161983, "frowny_face": 0.00012758356723653993, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9385047205919878, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03146529726971166}, {"word": "#airmont", "smiley_face": 0.00029757476565987203, "positivity": 0.03184883201904478, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@lohudsandy @FarsightedViews: #sandy #Rockland damage near #airmont road. Call your insurance agents #ASAP.", "frequency": 0.009273329240942239, "frowny_face": 0.00029757476565987203, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9350171105490255, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03313405743192978}, {"word": "#bhramatv", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03277285541683447, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#bhramatv What Happened to New York Rats During Hurriane Sandy (Did They Drown?): What Happened to Ne... #bhramatv", "frequency": 0.009896644851243488, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9369965767217077, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030230567861457915}, {"word": "#blackricanjew", "smiley_face": 0.00017616489033735576, "positivity": 0.031170175284065887, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Our hearts go out to those still struggling because of the storm #ThatBitchSandy #BlackRicanJew", "frequency": 0.005682108504725299, "frowny_face": 8.808244516867788e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9369549898705188, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03187483484541531}, {"word": "#controlyourowndestiny", "smiley_face": 0.00016797547558056525, "positivity": 0.030414605467601732, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "It's great to be a Miami hurricane it's great to be a Miami hurricane #controlyourowndestiny #winout @Chickillo71 @BrickByBrick_8", "frequency": 0.003911617183302602, "frowny_face": 0.00012598160668542393, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.937450132280687, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03213526225171125}, {"word": "wanton", "smiley_face": 0.00014494854326714017, "positivity": 0.030294970285548624, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Whoa NYorkers displaced from #Sandy are being put out hotels to make way for marathoners. Priorities or just wanton stupidity.", "frequency": 0.00129962696824873, "frowny_face": 4.831618108904672e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9385055805189157, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031199449195535592}, {"word": "weds..nd", "smiley_face": 0.00024759829652371994, "positivity": 0.029750173318807565, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Another hurricane called the \"Northeastern\" coming to the tristate area AGAIN on Weds..nd it's a direct hit..AGAIN.!", "frequency": 0.0010637528206728947, "frowny_face": 0.0007923145488759037, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9386637119936615, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031586114687530954}, {"word": "well..sorry", "smiley_face": 0.00014004294650359444, "positivity": 0.030420502287368128, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@dmilli24 @JPareres @MittRomney I've gotten emails &amp; heard him say it as well..sorry if him wanting to help the #sandy victims upsets you", "frequency": 0.001274186840648116, "frowny_face": 0.0002800858930071889, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9381126878909533, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03146680982167865}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 3.836562440053712e-05, "positivity": 0.031580203337809316, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I don't people who don't have family in New York or New Jersey realize how bad this hurricane need to stop making jokes about it", "frequency": 0.0012476130873159952, "frowny_face": 0.00015346249760214847, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.937929215422981, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030490581239209672}, {"word": "#workbetter", "smiley_face": 0.0001618057521944905, "positivity": 0.030045305610614456, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Time to let your staff work from home -&gt; Sandy Shows Employers Must Embrace Telecommuting via @OpenForum #WorkBetter", "frequency": 0.0015089375088851982, "frowny_face": 0.00020225719024311313, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9389790057036528, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030975688685732777}, {"word": "crazy..blaming", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030405809362662156, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm literally going crazy..blaming it on sandy #fuckyousandy #worstmood", "frequency": 0.0013423233615116744, "frowny_face": 5.640157924421884e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9393119007332206, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030282289904117313}, {"word": "#sciencefriday", "smiley_face": 9.48316737790422e-05, "positivity": 0.0317442863916548, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"There are absolutely a lot of #tradeoffs to make\" when it comes to strengthening our #infrastructure. @WNYC's #ScienceFriday #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0013418575167075074, "frowny_face": 4.74158368895211e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9369902797534376, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03126543385490754}, {"word": "price-gouge", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03042777777777778, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Don't price-gouge you jerks. Via @PlainviewPatch #Sandy #LongIsland", "frequency": 0.0021961242514860107, "frowny_face": 0.00022222222222222223, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9379888888888889, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03158333333333333}, {"word": "#shameonubloomberg", "smiley_face": 4.46090020966231e-05, "positivity": 0.029983985368247305, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "People affected by #Sandy cant even rent a hotel/motel room because of runners in NYC marathon. It needs 2b cancelled! #ShameOnUBloomberg", "frequency": 0.0016618222104641436, "frowny_face": 0.0001338270062898693, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9397611187937726, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030254895837980113}, {"word": "#hurriacainesandy", "smiley_face": 9.511580349075e-05, "positivity": 0.030715128168545203, "time_bin": 91, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "This is whats expected for those who want to leave Manhattan Tonight #sandy #hurriacainesandy @ Park Avenue", "frequency": 0.0019418336472348762, "frowny_face": 0.00014267370523612499, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9401008227517001, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029184049079754602}, {"word": "aware.nothing", "smiley_face": 9.929993545504196e-05, "positivity": 0.030621617595948558, "time_bin": 92, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Models are trying to spin up a Nor'easter next week. Post-Sandy it's important to be conservative yet aware.Nothing written in stone. #vawx", "frequency": 0.0014030232279166723, "frowny_face": 9.929993545504196e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9391167270741274, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03026165532992404}, {"word": "#flowsick", "smiley_face": 0.0001642238370899536, "positivity": 0.02993032803711459, "time_bin": 93, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Due to Hurricane Sandy @GarcBarZley2mP's Debut mixtape was NOT released on Oct 30th 2012 but TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!!! GET READY! #FlowSick", "frequency": 0.0018196372890526954, "frowny_face": 0.0001642238370899536, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9392474442665353, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030822227696350128}, {"word": "#donatesomething", "smiley_face": 0.0002553626149131767, "positivity": 0.03352936670071502, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "People went looking for their boats and cars but some had to look for their houses??? #SandyHelp #hurricanerelief #donatesomething", "frequency": 0.0016635784762533017, "frowny_face": 0.0002553626149131767, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9365849506298944, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029885682669390533}, {"word": "together", "smiley_face": 0.0002577186742951394, "positivity": 0.0320031441678264, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Angie_Harmon Come on people we need help #SandyHelp !!!! Please this is a time we should all pull together", "frequency": 0.001105883587701695, "frowny_face": 0.00010308746971805578, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9392492655017782, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02874759033039534}, {"word": "#shessmart", "smiley_face": 0.00022447696866301518, "positivity": 0.03206092304929514, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy walks out of the bathroom with toilet paper sticking out of her pants . Damn . #ShesSmart", "frequency": 0.0029593445493757103, "frowny_face": 0.0006285355122564425, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9369388075783425, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03100026937236239}, {"word": "flyinggggg", "smiley_face": 0.00022332644743453743, "positivity": 0.030273128245212437, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Garbage cans are flyinggggg #HurricaneSandy #part2", "frequency": 0.0026048721192396354, "frowny_face": 0.00011166322371726871, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9381385740606332, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03158829769415443}, {"word": "#sandy.ty", "smiley_face": 0.0005625735181302102, "positivity": 0.03159008847747149, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@REK100 @panglosses @robert3242 @winyanstaz @luxtempo @brenouf590 @gadgetgreen @ilksj @shoutmgb We made it through #Sandy.TY&amp;Bless U All:-)", "frequency": 0.0021572029374290268, "frowny_face": 0.0004602874239247174, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9366913005676878, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03171861095484069}, {"word": "#flowerpower", "smiley_face": 0.0002321622039931899, "positivity": 0.02982316978795852, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "This photo cracks me up. #whysoserious #unicorn #love #hurricane #candles #flowerpower", "frequency": 0.004749619713455556, "frowny_face": 0.00030954960532425323, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9430235257700046, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027153304442036837}, {"word": "#lebronsabitch", "smiley_face": 0.0002844141069397042, "positivity": 0.03130332764505119, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "At least the Knicks won #newyork #standup #strongisland #fuckyousandy #fucktheheat #lebronsabitch", "frequency": 0.005419887781605629, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9394020193401593, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029294653014789538}, {"word": "#pigeonarmystickstogether", "smiley_face": 0.00012755102040816328, "positivity": 0.033267729591836735, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Get some #RatedV stuff help @VelVelHoller &amp; support all those affected by hurricane sandy. #PigeonArmySticksTogether", "frequency": 0.018035393184843294, "frowny_face": 0.0003826530612244898, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9338647959183674, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03286747448979591}, {"word": "#fu**sandy", "smiley_face": 0.0009272137227630969, "positivity": 0.028482846546128884, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@ginaBrillon Lol.. I've got power!!! Came home after being out w my brothers and saw the lights on! #Fu**Sandy", "frequency": 0.013382244600440213, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9418463143254521, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0296708391284191}, {"word": "sandy=scary", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031166666666666665, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Via @nprnews: After Sandy: What Do We Do Now? sandy=SCARY", "frequency": 0.01739353193435149, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9375555555555556, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03127777777777778}, {"word": "#damagerepair", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030929852020489472, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Did #hurricanesandy leave your home damaged? We can help with your repairs. #sandyrelief #homerepair #damagerepair", "frequency": 0.010034832154937392, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9375355719977234, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03153457598178714}, {"word": "post-washing", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030698447893569843, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Good news: found my wallet. Bad news: in my post-washing machined Sandy work pants. Unconscious act of solidarity w/ my flood victim family?", "frequency": 0.009403561952425924, "frowny_face": 8.869179600886918e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9384922394678492, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03080931263858093}, {"word": "friends..are", "smiley_face": 7.071635669330315e-05, "positivity": 0.03190679584187823, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "OMG Sandy..I am just here to check on my trivia friends..Are you okay? @nbcnytrivia", "frequency": 0.0020889796338779474, "frowny_face": 7.071635669330315e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9352856940810409, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032807510077080826}, {"word": "bday..oh", "smiley_face": 0.0002889099839035866, "positivity": 0.03095410458541417, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "survived the hurricane. stranded on my bday..oh well Happy 21", "frequency": 0.0031327803878511023, "frowny_face": 0.00016509141937347805, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9385705146724999, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030475380742085938}, {"word": "try-state", "smiley_face": 0.0003490266035833398, "positivity": 0.03171344915845808, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane #Sandy caused devastation across the try-state area. There are still many New Yorkers and New Jersey...", "frequency": 0.0016451775337638374, "frowny_face": 0.0001551229349259288, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9370685643372373, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031217986504304664}, {"word": "#shitmasandysays", "smiley_face": 0.00010672928117829126, "positivity": 0.03186834943166658, "time_bin": 109, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"This takes so fucking long\" #shitmasandysays while texting", "frequency": 0.0012781043647198266, "frowny_face": 0.00010672928117829126, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9366628422007578, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031468808367575644}, {"word": "#barackward", "smiley_face": 5.999880002399952e-05, "positivity": 0.031240235195296097, "time_bin": 110, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "If you were a drug dealer rapper or Hollywood celeb #Barack wouldn't let you eat out of a dumpster #Sandy #staten #ny #barackward", "frequency": 0.0014707721567722455, "frowny_face": 0.00017999640007199856, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9368662626747465, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031893502129957396}, {"word": "einig", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030721915064102562, "time_bin": 111, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "'October surprise' die grosse Ueberrschung vor dem Wahl-Endspurt. US Medien einig: #Sandy wirbelte alle Erwartungen durcheinander! #USWahl", "frequency": 0.0021121151066850253, "frowny_face": 0.00016025641025641026, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9403996394230769, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028878445512820514}, {"word": "#actoflove", "smiley_face": 8.727145786970371e-05, "positivity": 0.03177226513068901, "time_bin": 112, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"@NiladriD: Well done.Proud of U :') RT @Nal_Krsna: @shreyaghoshal My #actoflove to Sandy victims. #HelpSandy\" :-)", "frequency": 0.002683850895980779, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9374754549024742, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030752279966836847}, {"word": "#childrenyouthandfamily", "smiley_face": 0.0003112909681149108, "positivity": 0.03046071063281006, "time_bin": 113, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "... #Adolescence #Family #WhitePlainsNewYork #ChildrenYouthandFamily #hurricanesandy ...", "frequency": 0.0017750131651359388, "frowny_face": 8.894027660426023e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9390759105260817, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030463378841108203}, {"word": "#ohsweetbabyjesus", "smiley_face": 0.0002411672494875196, "positivity": 0.03208079102857832, "time_bin": 114, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Movies with @staticcracked and 3 mothers. Thank you Hurricane Sandy thank you #ohsweetbabyJesus", "frequency": 0.0014618333857881153, "frowny_face": 8.038908316250654e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9367689617749909, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031150247196430725}, {"word": "aug", "smiley_face": 0.00042834414392363233, "positivity": 0.03150452820952148, "time_bin": 115, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "And how about @AtmosNews Aug 2012 article: Mapping hurricane vulnerability", "frequency": 0.0023548280522480854, "frowny_face": 0.00012238404112103782, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9390986415371435, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029396830253334963}, {"word": "not reset", "smiley_face": 0.0002608695652173913, "positivity": 0.03331765217391305, "time_bin": 116, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "If u lost power this week my advise to u is to not reset your microwave clock until after daylight savings time #timesavingtips #Sandy", "frequency": 0.002345679806887986, "frowny_face": 0.00017391304347826088, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9368423913043479, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02983995652173913}, {"word": "#todd", "smiley_face": 5.235053921055387e-05, "positivity": 0.03066951104596377, "time_bin": 117, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Happy 2nd Birthday Bella! #birthday #hurricane #sandy #candles #brownies #baby #todd @ &lt;3 Home Sweet Home &lt;3", "frequency": 0.0017682203611988077, "frowny_face": 0.0005235053921055386, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9362763061459533, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03305418280808292}, {"word": "#freeallnight", "smiley_face": 7.793017456359102e-05, "positivity": 0.03359764650872818, "time_bin": 118, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Our boy @djamoroso 2nite @PachaNYC #freeallnight w/ #CannedFoodCollection #donate #benefit #sandy #aftermathrecovery", "frequency": 0.0020327745535566656, "frowny_face": 7.793017456359102e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9334281483790524, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03297420511221945}, {"word": "#nokenjustno", "smiley_face": 0.00035686671028370903, "positivity": 0.03281686789983941, "time_bin": 119, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Dance_Milso14 what part of which hashtag? #rockinhurricanehashtagstatus #noKenjustno", "frequency": 0.002549684006981331, "frowny_face": 0.00017843335514185451, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.934715696187474, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03246743591268661}, {"word": "#marxfest", "smiley_face": 6.896076132680504e-05, "positivity": 0.02983028756637473, "time_bin": 120, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@unfnshdprsn We've been down on Staten Island cleaning up the aftermath of Sandy at my aunt's house. Easier to get there from NJ #MarxFest", "frequency": 0.004340008673086907, "frowny_face": 0.00027584304530722017, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9407454658299428, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029424246603682508}, {"word": "#portjefffd", "smiley_face": 0.00014485405953501847, "positivity": 0.030785000362135148, "time_bin": 121, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@SarahAnker4LD6 #PortJeffFD is having a donation drive for #Sandy Sunday Nov 4 9am to noon.", "frequency": 0.006812941202641666, "frowny_face": 0.00014485405953501847, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9398946186716882, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029320380966176576}, {"word": "#pleased", "smiley_face": 0.00028912875867386276, "positivity": 0.029908779876638397, "time_bin": 122, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "The Grand Tall Cedar of Parkville is glad to see the citizens of Parkville faring well after Hurricane Sandy. #pleased", "frequency": 0.005859923297144712, "frowny_face": 0.00024094063222821898, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.939993735543562, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030097484579799536}, {"word": "proclimate", "smiley_face": 0.0004310344827586207, "positivity": 0.031127370689655168, "time_bin": 123, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@popeStu Sandy may cause insurance companies to become proclimate change. How better to minimize payouts from natural disasters?", "frequency": 0.00653170181115597, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9341864224137931, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034686206896551726}, {"word": "#freegan", "smiley_face": 0.00026483050847457627, "positivity": 0.031167240466101694, "time_bin": 124, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "So much #freegan butter &amp; fancy cheeses thnx #Sandy", "frequency": 0.013953450651856951, "frowny_face": 0.00013241525423728814, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9371358580508474, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03169690148305085}, {"word": "not everywhere", "smiley_face": 0.00021146119687037428, "positivity": 0.032444702897018396, "time_bin": 125, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Talked to a few folks from NJ today. Amazed at how many r still devastated and suffering badly post-Sandy. Not everywhere in NJ tho.", "frequency": 0.01907241532663987, "frowny_face": 0.00021146119687037428, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9352664411080567, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03228885599492493}, {"word": "#pierrekroll", "smiley_face": 0.0005288207297726071, "positivity": 0.02805314648334215, "time_bin": 126, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#nyc #iloveny #pierrekroll #skyline #sandy #imissnyc", "frequency": 0.021282540336895205, "frowny_face": 0.00026441036488630354, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9420941300898995, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029852723426758328}, {"word": "#statuteofliberty", "smiley_face": 0.0005932957579353308, "positivity": 0.030925541382379115, "time_bin": 127, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "best of the #sandy memes #statuteofliberty #nyc #ilovenyc #iloveny #ny", "frequency": 0.03980841226526975, "frowny_face": 0.0002966478789676654, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9375185404924354, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031555918125185406}, {"word": "right-leaning", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03165351506456241, "time_bin": 128, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Our right-leaning Staten Island friends scorned by 0bama &amp; Bloomberg administrations has nothing to so with November 6 2012. Right? #Sandy", "frequency": 0.021185432830966754, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9365435198469632, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03180296508847441}, {"word": "#shackleton", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030654515327257662, "time_bin": 129, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#shackleton eating by \"candlelight\" while the power was out #cat #catsofinstagram #cutestsandyvictim #oblivi", "frequency": 0.006250803559829967, "frowny_face": 0.00011835720203574388, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9371967096697834, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03214877500295893}, {"word": "despicible", "smiley_face": 0.00024093482712926153, "positivity": 0.031283881460065055, "time_bin": 130, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@RepSteveIsrael taking advantage of #Sandy to get mug out there as much as Schumer Despicible RE #TCOT#teaparty#Ccot", "frequency": 0.007680513199106327, "frowny_face": 6.0233706782315383e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9373343573063486, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03138176123358632}, {"word": "#hipstaconnect", "smiley_face": 0.00017370158068438424, "positivity": 0.03064747264200104, "time_bin": 131, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Photo: After #hurricanesandy: leafless #woods #hurricane #sandy #storm #hipstamatic #hipstaconnect...", "frequency": 0.0044170835262637275, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9377388396734411, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03161368768455793}, {"word": "#screwedfortomorrow", "smiley_face": 0.0001997104198911578, "positivity": 0.0315528483698637, "time_bin": 132, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Don't remember half the shit we learned before Sandy....#screwedfortomorrow", "frequency": 0.0029424720440912357, "frowny_face": 9.98552099455789e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9362362074991263, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032210944131010034}, {"word": "#drinkforacause", "smiley_face": 0.00021049972635035574, "positivity": 0.0296125963036248, "time_bin": 133, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Brunch Brunch Brunch! Time for Mimosas Bloody Marys and more. #drinkforacause #sandyrelief", "frequency": 0.0016792483083645404, "frowny_face": 8.419989054014229e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9421125752536522, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028274828442723027}, {"word": "mcclean", "smiley_face": 0.0001268123599780192, "positivity": 0.030561229234476055, "time_bin": 134, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@CityofYonkers also on McClean ave collecting clothes for victims of Sandy at Irish Center", "frequency": 0.0025279797296409593, "frowny_face": 0.00021135393329669864, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9400388891237266, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02939988164179735}, {"word": "#sandymre", "smiley_face": 0.0001770224818551956, "positivity": 0.030394937157018947, "time_bin": 135, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Heating pouch instructions: pour in 40ml water and lean somewhere. Yes it actually says \"ROCK OR SOMETHING.\" #SandyMRE", "frequency": 0.002964144708111012, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9405038502389803, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02910121260400071}, {"word": "#gettingbored", "smiley_face": 0.00013714912681722592, "positivity": 0.031002697266160745, "time_bin": 136, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "No work tomorrow or tuesday. Ya killin me sandy #gettingbored", "frequency": 0.0028015470590395525, "frowny_face": 4.571637560574198e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9371285544482033, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031868748285635906}, {"word": "#newbrunswickbound", "smiley_face": 0.000517437648763324, "positivity": 0.032595881196315846, "time_bin": 137, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Spent too much time at home actually very excited to go back to school #hurricanesandy #homesweetrutgers #newbrunswickbound", "frequency": 0.0023291519816904015, "frowny_face": 0.0001034875297526648, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.938741850357032, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028662268446652175}, {"word": "#trippymane", "smiley_face": 5.069451485349285e-05, "positivity": 0.030846953259657302, "time_bin": 138, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Can't Wait To Get #TrippyMane So iCan Get This Stress Of Me...iBeen Stressin Since The Hurricane Came...iNeed To Relax My Mind", "frequency": 0.002289601337514752, "frowny_face": 0.00015208354456047857, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9374936631856433, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03165938355469938}, {"word": "#iwantit", "smiley_face": 0.0001319609395618897, "positivity": 0.030472453153866458, "time_bin": 139, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "At least sandy gave me lots of time to study my audition material and really learn who my character is #iwantit", "frequency": 0.0029692420968050414, "frowny_face": 9.897070467141726e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9347453153866455, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03478223145948799}, {"word": "#gke", "smiley_face": 0.00021895013410695713, "positivity": 0.03508829164157863, "time_bin": 140, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#GKE thoughts - 6. After seeing the damage Hurricane Sandy did to that area I'm amazed the Radisson had power. Trees pushed over like toys.", "frequency": 0.001889800801324843, "frowny_face": 0.00010947506705347856, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9304970168044228, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03441469155399857}, {"word": "#imgrateful", "smiley_face": 0.00036715212336311344, "positivity": 0.03209270591114919, "time_bin": 141, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#ImGrateful that i got to see my goddaughter this week. #Ifitwasntforsandy", "frequency": 0.001525712165572807, "frowny_face": 0.00012238404112103782, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9342874189205728, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03361987516827806}, {"word": "#giantsareannoying", "smiley_face": 0.00025379422364346985, "positivity": 0.03113562763311507, "time_bin": 142, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "This week sucks so fucking bad. #sandysabitch #giantsareannoying", "frequency": 0.0032425393206796153, "frowny_face": 0.00030455306837216383, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9362405461651693, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032623826201715646}, {"word": "areas.more", "smiley_face": 0.00036902638538655513, "positivity": 0.032648502367919316, "time_bin": 143, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Proud to be a Red Crosser! RT @RedCross: As of 11.3 we've served 481 043 meals&amp; snacks in #Sandy affected areas.More kitchens on the way.", "frequency": 0.002326658730058795, "frowny_face": 6.150439756442585e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9339212128667199, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03343028476536072}, {"word": "3perfect", "smiley_face": 0.0002446183953033268, "positivity": 0.03216183953033268, "time_bin": 144, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@ashleyargota9 @GavinDeGraw omg ashley your voice is amazing!and gavin this song is beautiful&lt;3perfect for everything going on with #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0036026705920331227, "frowny_face": 4.892367906066536e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9344911937377691, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03334696673189824}, {"word": "#changingtheworldonesmallbitallatthesametime", "smiley_face": 0.0002957121734844751, "positivity": 0.03196633809758501, "time_bin": 145, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Also I set up a benefit night for hurricane sandy victims &amp; I've been leading a clothing drive #changingtheworldonesmallbitallatthesametime", "frequency": 0.0035829633963415167, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9343518974864465, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03368176441596846}, {"word": "#hoopsandyoyo", "smiley_face": 0.00018367721790240617, "positivity": 0.03286554827649543, "time_bin": 146, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Wait I wanna be #hoopsandyoyo for Halloween next year! @emilymarie_22", "frequency": 0.0032753130769863355, "frowny_face": 0.0003061286965040103, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9326210738994674, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03451337782403723}, {"word": "nyc+have", "smiley_face": 0.0001852366398073539, "positivity": 0.031182828563489858, "time_bin": 147, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "PLS RT! URGENT! Please RT 4 #Sandy ANIMALS in need! If ur in NYC+have car PLS adopt 1 of these #Sandy abandoned pets!", "frequency": 0.00712877528126724, "frowny_face": 0.0003704732796147078, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9390339909234047, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029783180513105495}, {"word": "#tumblrpostlimitreached", "smiley_face": 0.00024962556165751375, "positivity": 0.030182101847229154, "time_bin": 148, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I think I should take a leave of absence from the internet. #effectivetomorrow #tumblrpostlimitreached #fuckingsandy", "frequency": 0.011580783473000091, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9374219920119821, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03239590614078882}, {"word": "cross-posting", "smiley_face": 0.0007541478129713424, "positivity": 0.03798039215686274, "time_bin": 149, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "@JCNJRecovery @jcindependent Consider also cross-posting this on the @jshurricanenews Facebook page.", "frequency": 0.025619819897016293, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.926659125188537, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0353604826546003}, {"word": "whyyyyyyyy", "smiley_face": 0.00026136957658128593, "positivity": 0.03167302665969681, "time_bin": 150, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "sdkjfbkgbf I dont wanna go back to school after having 10 days off because of sandy why cant school be cancelled forever WHYYYYYYYY", "frequency": 0.016977694209841004, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9342655514898066, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034061421850496605}, {"word": "direct-deposited", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031022596706242817, "time_bin": 151, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "In addition to everything else after Sandy a lot of folks did not get their paychecks direct-deposited by victim employers.", "frequency": 0.02281966180900876, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9394389122941402, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029538490999617004}, {"word": "#blackricanjew", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03185476144855336, "time_bin": 152, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy won't stop us we're here! Keep it locked all morning #BlackRicanJew", "frequency": 0.01523095538487069, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9347576164016095, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.033387622149837134}, {"word": "#eastrutherford", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.033785868559086704, "time_bin": 153, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Steelers-Giants provide relief in Sandy aftermath The Associated Press #photos #eastrutherford", "frequency": 0.011693040992022544, "frowny_face": 0.00010284891494394734, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9306026946415715, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03561143679934177}, {"word": "#therealness", "smiley_face": 0.0002512562814070352, "positivity": 0.03325427135678392, "time_bin": 154, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Do you think there's some conspiracy over this? Why all of a sudden is Romney tied with Obama after Hurricane Sandy happened? #therealness", "frequency": 0.0047126023743129615, "frowny_face": 8.375209380234506e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9325481574539364, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034197571189279734}, {"word": "hook-nosed", "smiley_face": 0.0002690134891049537, "positivity": 0.030898620345105876, "time_bin": 155, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Wikipaedia's main page pic of Hurricane Sandy look eerily like a hook-nosed demon about to hit the US. Paranormal Activity 4.", "frequency": 0.002541257380514615, "frowny_face": 0.00019215249221782408, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9372477998539641, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03185357980093002}, {"word": "hurricane..earthquake..blizzard", "smiley_face": 0.00046138230137491925, "positivity": 0.03122417028082803, "time_bin": 156, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane..earthquake..blizzard we fuckin dien yo", "frequency": 0.0015356290064415306, "frowny_face": 9.227646027498385e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.936613761496109, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03216206822306295}, {"word": "#erac", "smiley_face": 0.00012759984688018373, "positivity": 0.02999136574369444, "time_bin": 157, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Thank you #Enterprise #ERAC for crediting my acct for that drop fee due to Hurricane #Sandy. It was the right thing to do. :-)", "frequency": 0.0020225016691169705, "frowny_face": 4.253328229339458e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9400706052486071, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029938029007698527}, {"word": "#14street", "smiley_face": 0.00011685655857434999, "positivity": 0.028417294770669004, "time_bin": 158, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Happy to be on the other side of the water. #nyc #sandy #14street #manhattan . I'm alive again!", "frequency": 0.002167603556152163, "frowny_face": 5.8428279287174995e-05, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9425284837861525, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0290542214431785}, {"word": "#bcorp", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03283157671358845, "time_bin": 159, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "MT @goodb: Good-b Brings You The Super Storm Issue! #Sandy #NYC #socent #ethics #wind #Bcorp #workplace", "frequency": 0.001847795230105429, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9363107448539294, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030857678432482143}, {"word": "despicible", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03032434082708853, "time_bin": 160, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@RepSteveIsrael taking advantage of #Sandy to get mug out there as much as Schumer Despicible R", "frequency": 0.0024052390043752354, "frowny_face": 0.00022203719122953095, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9396683319456008, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03000732722731058}, {"word": "not pencil", "smiley_face": 0.0019315572724953533, "positivity": 0.030599693866394547, "time_bin": 161, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "People PLEASE make sure you use pen and not pencil if you're voting on a paper ballot tomorrow! #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0013370583934552516, "frowny_face": 0.0001093334305186049, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9388598345420751, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030540471591530303}, {"word": "#bienabye", "smiley_face": 0.00022007042253521127, "positivity": 0.030117077464788734, "time_bin": 162, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#BienAbye: First Week after #Sandy #donate #fashions you haven't used to those in NEED!", "frequency": 0.0018073837612588822, "frowny_face": 0.00029342723004694836, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9406084947183099, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029274427816901406}, {"word": "#hurrican-sandy", "smiley_face": 0.0003629764065335753, "positivity": 0.02891495981332642, "time_bin": 163, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#newyork #hurrican-sandy #newyorkmagazine #front #cover", "frequency": 0.003772611594695076, "frowny_face": 0.00010370754472387866, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9422413793103448, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028843660876328753}, {"word": "mid-evil", "smiley_face": 5.8513750731421886e-05, "positivity": 0.030752252779403154, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@melaniemiddle1 @tylerbarton27 @travelsweeps apparently i wrote \"mid-evil\" - with #sandy and no power I am just wiped out. No response.", "frequency": 0.0030972411888964676, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9391895845523698, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03005816266822704}, {"word": "#trickortr", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.031004084820087704, "time_bin": 165, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "My little Wicked Witch of the West #wizardofoz #halloween #belated #sandy #trickortr @ &lt;3 Home Sweet Home &lt;3", "frequency": 0.002329203666863181, "frowny_face": 0.00018021265092809516, "dist_bin": 2, "objectivity": 0.9372259265933802, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03176998858653211}, {"word": "#extracheese", "smiley_face": 0.00028689465228368144, "positivity": 0.03549122102364012, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane snack @JZac42 #grilledcheese #extracheese", "frequency": 0.0021260174115402147, "frowny_face": 0.00011475786091347258, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.930334806059215, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03417397291714483}, {"word": "#leaveplease", "smiley_face": 0.00011153867603591545, "positivity": 0.03515330991021137, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#Sandy ur scaring me. #leaveplease", "frequency": 0.0022214767173646443, "frowny_face": 0.00033461602810774636, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9325121298310189, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032334560258769726}, {"word": "travailler", "smiley_face": 0.00014475969889982628, "positivity": 0.03503090619571511, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#Ts j'ai la chance de pas travailler demain... Mais je vais travailler dimanche ! (Chance ou pas chance???) j'aurai aim de l'action #sandy", "frequency": 0.0018832119098406985, "frowny_face": 0.00028951939779965256, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9318091343370006, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03315995946728431}, {"word": "#partyandsandyisinvited", "smiley_face": 0.0001394214011850819, "positivity": 0.03322495643081213, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@quinn__adams comeover to my house bud #partyandsandyisinvited", "frequency": 0.0015622693242498304, "frowny_face": 0.0003485535029627048, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9325636110142906, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03421143255489718}, {"word": "minutes..sandy", "smiley_face": 0.00014391940513312545, "positivity": 0.03442609738546414, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@xinney loooooool it's about to go down. It's been 10 minutes..sandy's puttin work..", "frequency": 0.0018208766793767165, "frowny_face": 0.00023986567522187575, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.932621731830175, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03295217078436075}, {"word": "hits.tasteless.romney", "smiley_face": 7.766990291262136e-05, "positivity": 0.03322330097087379, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Obama asking for campaign donations as Hurricane hits.Tasteless.Romney asks for donations to Red Cross instead of campaign", "frequency": 0.0019880251126570187, "frowny_face": 0.00046601941747572817, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9333106796116505, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03346601941747573}, {"word": "#slowdownsandy", "smiley_face": 9.683354313934346e-05, "positivity": 0.0321332913721313, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@annie_rielly sandy might blow me there real quick #SLOWDOWNSANDY", "frequency": 0.0024063120558108025, "frowny_face": 0.00019366708627868693, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9334269390917014, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.034439769536167335}, {"word": "#gymgrind", "smiley_face": 0.0004462293618920125, "positivity": 0.03261454707719768, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "This morning I'm about to walk thru the hurricane aftermath to go workout.. Dedication #GymGrind", "frequency": 0.0011115663761340465, "frowny_face": 8.92458723784025e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9325635876840697, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.034821865238732715}, {"word": "#sandyshandy", "smiley_face": 0.000297000297000297, "positivity": 0.03619008019008019, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Do I really have to go to work in this? #sandyshandy", "frequency": 0.0016393514313861105, "frowny_face": 9.9000099000099e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9290911790911791, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03471874071874072}, {"word": "#drivesafe", "smiley_face": 0.00023054755043227666, "positivity": 0.03732461095100865, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Roads in Hampton Roads still affected by #Sandy. Drivers don't let your guard down lights on with wipers. #drivesafe", "frequency": 0.0022809484266337584, "frowny_face": 0.0001729106628242075, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.924956772334294, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03771861671469741}, {"word": "d'usage", "smiley_face": 0.00034835113794705065, "positivity": 0.0357124941941477, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Veuillez prendre note que suite la tempte Sandy notre site Internet est temporairement hors d'usage. Des...", "frequency": 0.0018001749597013467, "frowny_face": 0.00023223409196470042, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9280437180678124, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03624378773803994}, {"word": "doubled", "smiley_face": 0.0001255020080321285, "positivity": 0.03516842369477911, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#Groton #Electric doubled tree trimming budget after the 2011 Halloween storm. Aggressive cutting helped says GELD mgr Kevin Kelly. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.001737340829539929, "frowny_face": 6.275100401606425e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9291541164658634, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03567745983935743}, {"word": "westford", "smiley_face": 0.00022541561003099465, "positivity": 0.03418247393632009, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "93 of Eastern Bank's 94 retail banking offices are OPEN today. Only Westford MA location closed due to power outage in area. #bosandy", "frequency": 0.0013079283072899945, "frowny_face": 0.0002817695125387433, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9310157790927022, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.034801746970977744}, {"word": "#uppervalley", "smiley_face": 0.00032837641319134964, "positivity": 0.03758141389501337, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "\"Our Oceans Ourselves\" has been rescheduled for Wed 11/28. #Sandy #upval #uppervalley #EveryoneIsReading #MobyDuck", "frequency": 0.001649450143686065, "frowny_face": 0.0001407327485105784, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9269245203358821, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.035494065769104466}, {"word": "#xoxoll", "smiley_face": 0.00026409613099168095, "positivity": 0.036571768123596984, "time_bin": 14, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "#Sandy = No Sale -We decided to skip the Sale and Style email this week. Follow the link to learn more. #XOXOLL", "frequency": 0.002072286870526312, "frowny_face": 0.00026409613099168095, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9287270566486201, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03470117522778292}, {"word": "c|net", "smiley_face": 0.00021199915200339198, "positivity": 0.03414431842272631, "time_bin": 15, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "10 AM PDT Hurricane #Sandy disrupts wireless and Internet servers via c|net #hmrd", "frequency": 0.0022411592142502685, "frowny_face": 0.00015899936400254398, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9323325206699173, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03352316090735637}, {"word": "cranford-style", "smiley_face": 0.00010853638682368264, "positivity": 0.033856460628425684, "time_bin": 16, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane preparedness Cranford-style. #newjersey", "frequency": 0.002849606662014741, "frowny_face": 0.00021707277364736528, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9314321376241385, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.034711401747435824}, {"word": "#loanprocessor", "smiley_face": 0.00018214936247723133, "positivity": 0.033375045537340615, "time_bin": 17, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Loan Documentation Special... - #Hurricane WV ( Get Loan Processor Jobs #LoanProcessor #jobs #job #GetAllJobs", "frequency": 0.0013769578637755839, "frowny_face": 0.000273224043715847, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9323372040072859, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03428775045537341}, {"word": "#rainonrainonrain", "smiley_face": 0.00017595307917888563, "positivity": 0.03383026392961877, "time_bin": 18, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Looks like #Sandy is back for some more #rainonrainonrain", "frequency": 0.002165665249113803, "frowny_face": 0.000469208211143695, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9341422287390029, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032027507331378297}, {"word": "#bigthangzwithmsmandy", "smiley_face": 9.18822070106124e-05, "positivity": 0.03299857582579133, "time_bin": 19, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Nj transit smh #hurricane #hurricanesandy #crazy #bigthangzwithmsmandy #wild #rough #rain #water #followme #", "frequency": 0.004521792584849246, "frowny_face": 0.00027564662103183717, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9354297790232922, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031571645150916525}, {"word": "#biggerprick", "smiley_face": 0.0002465331278890601, "positivity": 0.03441023112480739, "time_bin": 20, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "hey hurricane sandy while your hitting new york and other regions hit my mom while your at it #biggerprick", "frequency": 0.0024818212135454955, "frowny_face": 0.0004930662557781202, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9307704160246533, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0348193528505393}, {"word": "#westandunited", "smiley_face": 5.9930480642454755e-05, "positivity": 0.034126273522713656, "time_bin": 21, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "I pray everyone hit by Sandy knows just how loved they are. So many people are going to help you through this. #WeStandUnited #YouAreLoved", "frequency": 0.0025259976936870673, "frowny_face": 0.00017979144192736425, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.927761296895601, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.038112429581685245}, {"word": "#thatsapositivefromsandy", "smiley_face": 0.00018275967103259215, "positivity": 0.032478952177886086, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Please god forgive me.. But I'm glad Sandy destroyed Jersey Shore.. So I don't have to watch that stupid show!! #ThatsAPositiveFromSandy", "frequency": 0.0023283325269801963, "frowny_face": 0.00024367956137678952, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9335287846481877, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.033992263173926285}, {"word": "#thisisbad", "smiley_face": 0.0002125759959185409, "positivity": 0.03482288168020067, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "The gangnam style is a rain dance... We brough this hurricane upon ourself! POOP! #thisisbad", "frequency": 0.002393702793301822, "frowny_face": 8.503039836741636e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9309287445261681, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03424837379363122}, {"word": "#nsu", "smiley_face": 0.00029474925260010947, "positivity": 0.03425062107878227, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "i hope #NSU homecoming still be turned up minus this cold weather and hurricane", "frequency": 0.001914750323554133, "frowny_face": 0.00012632110825718976, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9319497663059497, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.033799612615268}, {"word": "#trueninjas", "smiley_face": 0.00031220730565095225, "positivity": 0.03340983899023237, "time_bin": 25, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Gotta give big thanks to the emergency personnel that are risking their lives during this storm. They are true NINJAs! #trueninjas #sandy", "frequency": 0.0022837458034397624, "frowny_face": 4.460104366442175e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9339291289416173, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032661032068150395}, {"word": "#wedidit", "smiley_face": 0.00029107844564110026, "positivity": 0.0323736962111289, "time_bin": 26, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Goodnight to all my hurricane Sandy survivors. #WeDidIt", "frequency": 0.002172380539956466, "frowny_face": 0.00029107844564110026, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.932415223402707, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03521108038616407}, {"word": "taler", "smiley_face": 0.00031070374398011494, "positivity": 0.031455569364610844, "time_bin": 27, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Random Fact About natural hair color is blonde so my nickname in my family is Sandy5Head lmao", "frequency": 0.0015967882845733096, "frowny_face": 0.00031070374398011494, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9345288954481902, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03401553518719901}, {"word": "night.what", "smiley_face": 4.6544100535257155e-05, "positivity": 0.029734558994647428, "time_bin": 28, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm in a great mood btw just a bit restless...I went for a run in #sandy last night.what a rush!", "frequency": 0.0036058859812830813, "frowny_face": 9.308820107051431e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9377007214335583, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03256471957179428}, {"word": "heartbreaking~even", "smiley_face": 0.0003186489285429778, "positivity": 0.02793842109455907, "time_bin": 29, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Seeing the damage to NYC is just heartbreaking~even La Guardia is under sad. Thinking of all my NYC friends #sandy", "frequency": 0.005735752327756798, "frowny_face": 0.0003983111606787222, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9394069146817494, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032654664223691544}, {"word": "#ssuproblems", "smiley_face": 0.00012833675564681725, "positivity": 0.03114656057494867, "time_bin": 30, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "HURRICANE SANDY HAS BEEN DEFEATED. power just came back on :) 4:45am exactly. #ssuproblems", "frequency": 0.003081477214359422, "frowny_face": 0.00038501026694045176, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9395052618069816, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029348177618069814}, {"word": "#lowtide", "smiley_face": 5.840098113648309e-05, "positivity": 0.03056561350230684, "time_bin": 31, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "floating pier survived #hurricanesandy #hudsonvalley #lowtide #stormsurge #uscg #aton #esop @ ANT Saugerties", "frequency": 0.0029940986663853086, "frowny_face": 0.00017520294340944928, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9387957717689657, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03063861472872744}, {"word": "#worcsandy", "smiley_face": 5.446326452807581e-05, "positivity": 0.03315603725287294, "time_bin": 32, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "'Essential' workers answer Sandy's call #Sandy #WorcSandy", "frequency": 0.0023553652647113395, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9329761450901367, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03386781765699036}, {"word": "#ineedgluestat", "smiley_face": 0.00013016596160104132, "positivity": 0.03156524568825252, "time_bin": 33, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "My history project is falling apart #ineedgluestat #blamingitonsandy", "frequency": 0.002012363459461598, "frowny_face": 0.000195248942401562, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9355190367718842, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032915717539863325}, {"word": "researched", "smiley_face": 0.00010525761802010421, "positivity": 0.033610073154044524, "time_bin": 34, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "If Romney had really given a shit about #Sandy victims he would've researched and found that blood + volunteering &gt; shitty canned goods.", "frequency": 0.001510898583920669, "frowny_face": 5.2628809010052104e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9324114520288406, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03397847481711489}, {"word": "#itwasreal", "smiley_face": 3.7764350453172205e-05, "positivity": 0.031195468277945615, "time_bin": 35, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Back to school as if nothing happened. #byesandy #itwasreal #realfuckinannoying", "frequency": 0.0015895988509186817, "frowny_face": 7.552870090634441e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9350358761329305, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03376865558912386}, {"word": "#sandywerecomingforyou", "smiley_face": 0.00017033453703072836, "positivity": 0.030743612454861357, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@k_riter i enjoyed our adventure to walmart in the hurricane #sandywerecomingforyou #runningintherain #birdstickers", "frequency": 0.0009699740033335226, "frowny_face": 0.00013626762962458267, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9365120596852218, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032744327859916864}, {"word": "#besidesforbrucespringsteen", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03100464114039449, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@SammieBooooyd if your talking about the hurricane its awesome #fuckNJ #besidesforBruceSpringsteen", "frequency": 0.0013834742817470087, "frowny_face": 5.525167136305873e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9330971324382562, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03589822642134925}, {"word": "hatteras-ocracoke", "smiley_face": 6.148170919151552e-05, "positivity": 0.029465109130033813, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Operations at Hatteras-Ocracoke ferry resume today at 1 p.m. Departures will take place every other hour #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0022106494622087442, "frowny_face": 0.00012296341838303104, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9372963418383031, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03323854903166308}, {"word": "avian", "smiley_face": 0.00020534724218653744, "positivity": 0.03050486672963982, "time_bin": 39, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@HumaneSociety @CoryBooker Avian Disaster Network has secure foster homes for Exotic Birds #sandypets #NJsandy", "frequency": 0.0031423510466316545, "frowny_face": 8.213889687461497e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9367530494065465, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03274208386381371}, {"word": "#coxcable", "smiley_face": 8.786960151135714e-05, "positivity": 0.02859303194060015, "time_bin": 40, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#cries I still have no internet today #StupidSandy #CoxCable", "frequency": 0.001888372108183926, "frowny_face": 0.00021967400377839285, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9399191599666096, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031487808092790295}, {"word": "#frankenstrom", "smiley_face": 0.00010623605651758207, "positivity": 0.029614894295123765, "time_bin": 41, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "im tired of hearing about #hurricanesandy and #frankenstrom", "frequency": 0.0013298528990213063, "frowny_face": 0.0001593540847763731, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9382502921491555, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032134813555720815}, {"word": "#blessyoupowercompany", "smiley_face": 0.00018226556092226375, "positivity": 0.027747471065342203, "time_bin": 42, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "My power's back! My running water's back! And MY INTERWEBZ ARE BACK! #FrankenSandy #blessyoupowercompany", "frequency": 0.0020533710708480206, "frowny_face": 0.0001366991706916978, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9419370272487013, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030315501685956436}, {"word": "#retardedgenius", "smiley_face": 0.00017715419501133787, "positivity": 0.031239618764172337, "time_bin": 43, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@puregonzo one time i slept thru hurricane katrina. &amp; one time i stuck my finger in a light socket to see what would happen #retardedgenius", "frequency": 0.002094180691052764, "frowny_face": 7.086167800453515e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9381554705215419, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030604910714285713}, {"word": "hey-yay-yeah-yeah", "smiley_face": 5.712979890310786e-05, "positivity": 0.03109386425959781, "time_bin": 44, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#TalkLikeYourBestFriend \"HEY-YAY-YEAH-YEAH HEY-YAY-YAY I SAID HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON\" @hurricaneconnor @Fatt_Minley", "frequency": 0.0018340953504988437, "frowny_face": 0.0002856489945155393, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9378142138939671, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031091921846435097}, {"word": "#stupidcrazynewspeople", "smiley_face": 0.000238072564517665, "positivity": 0.03427459289591467, "time_bin": 45, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Dear stupid CNN reporter who said the devastation of #Sandy looks just like post war Iraq. Trust me it doesn't. #stupidcrazynewspeople", "frequency": 0.0030329790340877616, "frowny_face": 0.000285687077421198, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9342562613084469, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03146914579563851}, {"word": "#unfollowhurricanesandy", "smiley_face": 0.0003004446580939791, "positivity": 0.03225609902655931, "time_bin": 46, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#unfollowhurricanesandy", "frequency": 0.0023048535629827584, "frowny_face": 0.00024035572647518327, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9364709770460281, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03127292392741257}, {"word": "united.we.stand", "smiley_face": 0.0002365744026496333, "positivity": 0.032222758457534896, "time_bin": 47, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "United.We.Stand. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0031632546436056253, "frowny_face": 0.00018925952211970665, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9357641353205584, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03201310622190679}, {"word": "#furryfriendlove", "smiley_face": 0.0002535175560907593, "positivity": 0.03181645328939029, "time_bin": 48, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hope all my furry friends stayed safe during the bad storm #sandy #furryfriendlove", "frequency": 0.0020348339963676835, "frowny_face": 0.0002535175560907593, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9341329699581696, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03405057675244011}, {"word": "#mittlogic", "smiley_face": 0.000149693129085375, "positivity": 0.033131430567336966, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#mittlogic damage done by hurricane is equivalent to trashed football field.", "frequency": 0.0013358780287296955, "frowny_face": 0.00024948854847562496, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9320767426775111, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03479182675515194}, {"word": "#ripflatscreen", "smiley_face": 0.00017673048600883653, "positivity": 0.029627746686303386, "time_bin": 50, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "So my house back home is flooded. Thankful everyone is safe though. #RIPflatscreen #SandyYouSuck", "frequency": 0.001810923767726104, "frowny_face": 0.00017673048600883653, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9359720176730486, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03440023564064801}, {"word": "reachig", "smiley_face": 5.187260089220873e-05, "positivity": 0.034189749974063696, "time_bin": 51, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@drosennhl it is possible these ads were paid for those time slots before Sandy. Reachig ppl they can. U think those ppl w/o power care?", "frequency": 0.0058525448083266325, "frowny_face": 0.00020749040356883493, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9326174914410209, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03319275858491545}, {"word": "#appleinsider", "smiley_face": 0.00014986886474334957, "positivity": 0.02992176845260397, "time_bin": 52, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "iTunes now accepting Red Cross donations for Superstorm Sandy aid: Apple has activated a portal on... #appleinsider", "frequency": 0.00704284977365388, "frowny_face": 7.493443237167478e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9371487448482577, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032929486699138255}, {"word": "#8217", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030735670419651993, "time_bin": 53, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "In Sandy and #8217;s wake utility firms gain quickly on last of the outages", "frequency": 0.01007726909102603, "frowny_face": 0.00025588536335721597, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9379797850562948, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03128454452405323}, {"word": "#partyinthedark", "smiley_face": 0.000156128024980484, "positivity": 0.02976190476190476, "time_bin": 54, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Whyy amm i still fuuuuckingg awakeeeee #fuckinghatethat #nolights #phonesalmostdead #partyinthedark #HalloweenSpirit #fuxwitme #fuckyousandy", "frequency": 0.008082874643315405, "frowny_face": 0.000156128024980484, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9351678376268541, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03507025761124122}, {"word": "#feelslikeimin", "smiley_face": 0.00028411781418694954, "positivity": 0.03088597405057297, "time_bin": 55, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "This rain is #depressing #feelslikeimin Seattle #damnsandy", "frequency": 0.008513016134758083, "frowny_face": 9.470593806231651e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9383464343214319, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030767591627995076}, {"word": "#worcsandy", "smiley_face": 5.5126791620727676e-05, "positivity": 0.031076185226019844, "time_bin": 56, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Reliable phones prove critical during rough weather #Worc #WorcSandy", "frequency": 0.0043415213440378625, "frowny_face": 0.00011025358324145535, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9353707276736494, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03355308710033076}, {"word": "summertime", "smiley_face": 0.00025967281225655674, "positivity": 0.029975417640439716, "time_bin": 57, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@AP: On island known for MTV's 'Jersey Shore ' raging sea scours away summertime fun: - VW #SandyTODAY", "frequency": 0.0018020070992301885, "frowny_face": 8.655760408551892e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9375270492512767, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03249753310828356}, {"word": "#treatuswell", "smiley_face": 9.758953840148337e-05, "positivity": 0.03148622361016233, "time_bin": 58, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "More free food at work! Complements of #HurricaneSandy :-) #treatuswell", "frequency": 0.0019281794699381766, "frowny_face": 0.00016264923066913894, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9333544777333204, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03515929865651735}, {"word": "#boudreaun", "smiley_face": 0.00021793953734549644, "positivity": 0.02799308820324418, "time_bin": 59, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#BoudreauN #mi021griff1 Communications improve from Hurricane Sandy but they still aren't good", "frequency": 0.0023544240958320965, "frowny_face": 0.00018680531772471122, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9403195927644074, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031687319032348456}, {"word": "hours-of-service", "smiley_face": 4.0584415584415584e-05, "positivity": 0.03184021915584416, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "FMCSA Lifts \"Hours-of-Service\" Rules for Truckers Working on Sandy-Related Cleanup", "frequency": 0.0022992921986101124, "frowny_face": 0.0002840909090909091, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.937692775974026, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030467004870129866}, {"word": "#sandyhasmademewaytoolazy", "smiley_face": 9.690861517588914e-05, "positivity": 0.029338356429886612, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@meliberti #sandyhasmademewaytoolazy", "frequency": 0.0018888844007489537, "frowny_face": 9.690861517588914e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9369609458280841, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03370069774202927}, {"word": "multi-billon", "smiley_face": 7.469654528478058e-05, "positivity": 0.030369859943977586, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Wow! Did you read this? Headline: Romney &amp; the Ultra-Rich Create $Multi-Billon Super Fund to Help Victims of Sandy! Yeah. Me either...", "frequency": 0.0014023954907491803, "frowny_face": 0.00014939309056956115, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9364145658263305, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03321557422969188}, {"word": "#loadsofhope", "smiley_face": 5.8682002229916086e-05, "positivity": 0.0309221289830409, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@anthonyquintano #msnbc charging station in nj. Glad to see everyone helping out! #loadsofhope #tide #sandy", "frequency": 0.002169385392203254, "frowny_face": 5.8682002229916086e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.93709289360953, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031984977407429144}, {"word": "#datewithhomer", "smiley_face": 0.0002391854028565571, "positivity": 0.02985546367798811, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Thanks to Sandy I now have 3 exams next week 2 quizzes and 2 decent length hw assignments due #fml #datewithhomer #hellweek", "frequency": 0.002114590079143532, "frowny_face": 0.0002391854028565571, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9389222989134148, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031222237408597007}, {"word": "advantaclean", "smiley_face": 0.00013055398407241394, "positivity": 0.029948822838243613, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@DukeEnergyStorm - Let us know if we can help! AdvantaClean is in the NE area to assist #Sandy victims with flood damage - 877-800-2382", "frequency": 0.004401344808320132, "frowny_face": 0.00021758997345402325, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9384220375125114, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031629139649244964}, {"word": "dave..what", "smiley_face": 0.00026987639661035247, "positivity": 0.029504237059426782, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@JimmyKimmelLive @Late_Show. Hi Dave..What up in The Big Apple.....You survived # Sandy.....How's Harry Doing...* Kisses Depp Camp", "frequency": 0.0019922737404871015, "frowny_face": 0.00026987639661035247, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9397973228261456, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030698440114427593}, {"word": "sandy.literally", "smiley_face": 4.551661356395084e-05, "positivity": 0.030075102412380518, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "my heart aches for all the soul survivors of hurricane sandy.literally.. don't know how you're all alive to this day. Never forget.10-28-12", "frequency": 0.0018427646503406687, "frowny_face": 0.0002275830678197542, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9354289940828402, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03449590350477925}, {"word": "not shaolin", "smiley_face": 0.00020342775771754057, "positivity": 0.033172761023241626, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "NOT SHAOLIN!! #sandy", "frequency": 0.0028153319858272084, "frowny_face": 0.00010171387885877028, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9354053298072522, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03142190916950618}, {"word": "#givemesnowalready", "smiley_face": 0.0002682403433476395, "positivity": 0.029685264663805437, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "what does the sun look like? #SandySucks #givemesnowalready", "frequency": 0.0013181914664529798, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9383494277539342, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03196530758226037}, {"word": "#politasized", "smiley_face": 9.380863039399625e-05, "positivity": 0.030012288930581613, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Do folks really believe that #Sandy was caused by dems or GOP? How can this be #politasized? GROW UP there is real work to be done.", "frequency": 0.0018723078377318847, "frowny_face": 4.6904315196998124e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9390712945590994, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030916416510318952}, {"word": "#mglitchat", "smiley_face": 5.596597268860533e-05, "positivity": 0.03144201925229461, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hi everyone! Made it through #Sandy okay. :) #mglitchat", "frequency": 0.002175613704689067, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9354082717707634, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03314970897694202}, {"word": "#mzpolitical", "smiley_face": 0.0001312565628281414, "positivity": 0.033440628281414066, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I AM NOW LIVE ON CAM &gt;&gt;&gt; Tonights topics: Sandy Romney Rihanna and More! #MzPolitical #elections", "frequency": 0.003942472575168449, "frowny_face": 0.00017500875043752187, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9349623731186559, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031596998599929996}, {"word": "#imtrying", "smiley_face": 0.00019822391373295275, "positivity": 0.030859023152553122, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@sandylion88 ... Which one?? Hahah #imtrying !", "frequency": 0.0016728888574708523, "frowny_face": 0.00027751347922613383, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.936107477006026, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03303349984142087}, {"word": "#areonyourside", "smiley_face": 9.481668773704172e-05, "positivity": 0.030802623261694057, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@RockiiiDe ill meet you at the cemetery gates #keatesandyates #areonyourside", "frequency": 0.0035691941660433123, "frowny_face": 0.00018963337547408344, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.937531605562579, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031665771175726935}, {"word": "#lovecolbertthough", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030480582823979748, "time_bin": 75, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "yes cable news our biggest concern re: Sandy is how it will affect the election. #getitright #notafan #lovecolbertthough", "frequency": 0.0029973357042062374, "frowny_face": 0.00018521948508983145, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.936716675927641, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032802741248379334}, {"word": "#wannabeinsandy", "smiley_face": 0.00015036463423802722, "positivity": 0.03056371701375836, "time_bin": 76, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Fast forward to a week from now #wannabeinsandy #now", "frequency": 0.007265908018134062, "frowny_face": 7.518231711901361e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9370724005713856, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03236388241485603}, {"word": "#obamasandytelethon", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.028540668683070387, "time_bin": 77, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "How about instead of the #ObamaSandyTelethon @MattLauer @Springsteen &amp; @BonJovi peel off their own millions? Country's strapped. #ocra #p2", "frequency": 0.009536625349996079, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9378934030900025, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03356592822692716}, {"word": "whoa..what", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.027690482298614674, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Cannot believe the nerve of Hurricane Sandy interrupting the campaign plans of Romney. Whoa..what about the victims...?", "frequency": 0.00566541945062091, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9417489738327347, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03056054386865059}, {"word": "#smallterminal", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03053026781202628, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Everyone is freaking out about flying through Newark. It's all the buzz at the gate (or gates rather) #smallterminal #Sandy #Newark #travel", "frequency": 0.013808347907145649, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9348155634158666, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03465416877210713}, {"word": "#hurricaneperspective", "smiley_face": 0.00018812905653278148, "positivity": 0.03016268460163672, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Meanwhile just talked to @toekneechopps who waited an hour and got turned away from the pumps. Unreal... #HurricanePerspective", "frequency": 0.00419213435224863, "frowny_face": 4.703226413319537e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9377469193866993, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032090396011664}, {"word": "#dumpster_diving", "smiley_face": 3.452204232402389e-05, "positivity": 0.03190223357613837, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Mayor Bloomberg advises NYC residents to avoid trans fats while #Dumpster_Diving #Sandy #Staten_Island #HECKOFAJOBBROWNIE! #tcot", "frequency": 0.0025539926174108847, "frowny_face": 6.904408464804778e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9349388959850865, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033158870438775155}, {"word": "#summercomeback", "smiley_face": 0.00020869202274743047, "positivity": 0.027645953983408977, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Mothernature: I just hit everyone with a massive freak hurricane so let's just quickly throw in some snow for the fun of it. #summercomeback", "frequency": 0.0019493877292104439, "frowny_face": 0.00015651901706057285, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9415923201335629, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030761725883028126}, {"word": "#trusthim", "smiley_face": 0.0002375484994853116, "positivity": 0.029323501464882416, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "My heart goes out to people who lost their homes or loved ones because of hurricane Sandy. Stay strong. #Godisincontrol #TrustHim", "frequency": 0.001661435601726414, "frowny_face": 0.00015836566632354107, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9398259957241271, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030850502810990575}, {"word": "super-sand", "smiley_face": 8.639308855291577e-05, "positivity": 0.028926695464362853, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hammer Time: The Used Car Flood After Sandy And How Not To Get Soaked: As collateral damage of Super-Sand... #TTAC", "frequency": 0.0015302059159095446, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9399082073434125, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03116509719222462}, {"word": "#bringbackdorthy", "smiley_face": 0.00016414431568234793, "positivity": 0.028811923443091168, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "In the 90's tornados were the big thing now a days its like there extinct all I hear about are stupid hurricanes #bringbackdorthy", "frequency": 0.0009658338721144075, "frowny_face": 6.565772627293917e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.940087324775943, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031100751780965823}, {"word": "#thatshorrible", "smiley_face": 8.578168561012223e-05, "positivity": 0.02961972978769033, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "I feel so bad for all the people how have gotten affected by Sandy #thatshorrible", "frequency": 0.0012569357968832823, "frowny_face": 8.578168561012223e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9400814926013297, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030298777610980057}, {"word": "rained", "smiley_face": 0.000134024303073624, "positivity": 0.028293379199428162, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Grade The Analysts: Banker Blows Away Super-Sandy: Super-Sandy rained into the sales plans of automakers a... #TTAC", "frequency": 0.002128272040012305, "frowny_face": 4.467476769120801e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9398286722659042, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03187794853466762}, {"word": "#disasterreliefandrecovery", "smiley_face": 0.0001478524432616249, "positivity": 0.0288250905596215, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Locals being displaced from hotels to make way for travelling runners is absurd. #SANDY #DISASTERreliefANDrecovery", "frequency": 0.0010051926635469561, "frowny_face": 0.00011088933244621867, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9404524284763806, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030722480963997927}, {"word": "anoble", "smiley_face": 0.0002556423928127967, "positivity": 0.029643890146811777, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Need Tech Support in #NYC and effected by #sandy fill out or Please #RT", "frequency": 0.003841614980033994, "frowny_face": 3.652034183039953e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9397003505952816, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030655759257906652}, {"word": "#monoxide", "smiley_face": 0.00027939789753082106, "positivity": 0.028229420598609993, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#Carbon #monoxide poisoning sickens dozens in wake of #Sandy", "frequency": 0.002796810064867819, "frowny_face": 0.00013969894876541053, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9426972374532882, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029073341948101843}, {"word": "#feelit", "smiley_face": 0.00040785410476024006, "positivity": 0.02917700868146594, "time_bin": 91, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "\"@Rude_Guys: Hurricane Sandy should have been named Hurricane Romo. That way another country would have intercepted it.\" @reidgoindi #feelit", "frequency": 0.002591112128361896, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9405625473402086, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030260443978325474}, {"word": "#nofloor", "smiley_face": 0.00014509576320371445, "positivity": 0.030939168601276844, "time_bin": 92, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Destruction photo of the day #nowalls #nofloor #nohouse #sandy", "frequency": 0.0018663929228489103, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9384884648868254, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03057236651189785}, {"word": "#yikesss", "smiley_face": 6.448700586831753e-05, "positivity": 0.028438769587928032, "time_bin": 93, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Soo Sandy or Cassandra rather means prophet of disaster who is disregarded... #yikesss", "frequency": 0.0021277945638088877, "frowny_face": 3.2243502934158766e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9416594118785064, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029901818533565487}, {"word": "#prayerstothosewhoneedit", "smiley_face": 0.00015471094837811355, "positivity": 0.0337169821051003, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "sandy really fucked shit up i got fam in NY and the rest in so happy they weren't hurt #PrayersToThoseWhoNeedIt", "frequency": 0.001376750491131563, "frowny_face": 0.0001031406322520757, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9368199164560879, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02946310143881182}, {"word": "not jerseylicious", "smiley_face": 8.83821644792081e-05, "positivity": 0.032095143400061865, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "We are not The Jersey Shore we are not Jerseylicious we are not The Real Housewives of New Jersey we are JERSEY STRONG. #sandyhelp", "frequency": 0.0016768369754523859, "frowny_face": 0.0001767643289584162, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9373812364664811, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03052362013345707}, {"word": "#missedopportunity", "smiley_face": 5.1150895140664964e-05, "positivity": 0.02905877237851662, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Of course #sandyhelp is going to help Cuba &amp; Haiti. Wait it's helping the richest country w/ disaster relief funds. oh. #missedopportunity", "frequency": 0.0019032342306750491, "frowny_face": 0.00015345268542199487, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9408120204603581, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030129207161125323}, {"word": "allen-calder", "smiley_face": 0.0001091703056768559, "positivity": 0.030701091703056765, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "In the wake of Sandy blood drive on Nov 21 10am-4pm in Allen-Calder Conference Rooms 3/4/5 at St Lukes 1656 Champlin Ave @CityofUtica", "frequency": 0.0020516419162620435, "frowny_face": 0.00016375545851528384, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9390215611353712, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030277347161572054}, {"word": "not rachet", "smiley_face": 0.0008042464211034261, "positivity": 0.030537960431076077, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Jping ur not rachet. Ur weaves are hurricane proof. @DevannRenee", "frequency": 0.0027359065418991317, "frowny_face": 8.042464211034261e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9398021553804086, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029659884188515364}, {"word": "#itssandysfault", "smiley_face": 0.00034916201117318437, "positivity": 0.030999301675977663, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#itssandysfault datnew york is fucked upped", "frequency": 0.005779983932704326, "frowny_face": 9.976057462090982e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9375, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03150069832402234}, {"word": "government-funded", "smiley_face": 0.0006010016694490818, "positivity": 0.028275859766277132, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@DonLemonCNN Don is the U.S. receiving any government-funded foreign aid for Sandy relief? Haven't seen any news about it", "frequency": 0.009677896012626357, "frowny_face": 0.0001335559265442404, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9436310517529215, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02809308848080133}, {"word": "#callmeweird", "smiley_face": 0.0003694808793644929, "positivity": 0.03161370774062442, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"@Simply_Sandys: I think it's cute when boys fall asleep on the phone.... #CallMeWeird\" me tooo!!", "frequency": 0.0062574865051004585, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9375577313874007, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030828560871974876}, {"word": "toplulugu.onlar", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0286612722320141, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@UmmuhanBahar @cuneytozdemir Kompleksli milletler toplulugu.onlar abarttikca dunyada twitliyor.O kitadayim biktim Sandy muhabbetinden", "frequency": 0.008410434513295114, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9412754366287454, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030063291139240507}, {"word": "d'hurricane", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029365718375380212, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@mrmargek MrMargek just tt i should let u know tat i was affected by d'Hurricane Sandy", "frequency": 0.007423831522636862, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9378913938092682, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03274288781535158}, {"word": "club-share", "smiley_face": 0.00032085561497326203, "positivity": 0.027599572192513373, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Got 19 book shares in an impromtu Hurricane 2012 Book Club-Share What You Read-used", "frequency": 0.013892651302611388, "frowny_face": 0.000106951871657754, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9416176470588236, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030782780748663103}, {"word": "not stirring", "smiley_face": 6.218132073125233e-05, "positivity": 0.030613978360900386, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "focus on sending #sandy survivors &amp; helpers love ~not stirring up rage for ppl caught in the same catastrophe", "frequency": 0.004878997681606669, "frowny_face": 0.000186543962193757, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9380207685611243, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03136525307797538}, {"word": "help.u", "smiley_face": 0.00027062553158586564, "positivity": 0.030492113198793785, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Brolitico @thesavvy Until your asses need help.U silly goose did u build the roads u drive on .Did the hurricane come to dems only Think", "frequency": 0.002890900049603135, "frowny_face": 0.00023196474135931338, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.937485502203665, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03202238459754117}, {"word": "#byebyebyesandy", "smiley_face": 0.0005051682598896401, "positivity": 0.032364265174477345, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I can see clearly nowww that the rain is gone. #byebyebyesandy", "frequency": 0.0026455544036984055, "frowny_face": 3.8859096914587705e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.937470855677314, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030164879148208593}, {"word": "#whataretheytryingtohide", "smiley_face": 0.00024362231580412765, "positivity": 0.03127501479135489, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@SandyRCollins \"If you wanna know (REDACTED) then (REDACTED) the (REDACTED)\" #Dunderdale2015ButtonIdea #WhatAreTheyTryingToHide #Bill29", "frequency": 0.0021515279242349285, "frowny_face": 6.960637594403648e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9374673720112763, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03125761319736888}, {"word": "#whoshungrypeople", "smiley_face": 0.00013122068037922776, "positivity": 0.031379129350785684, "time_bin": 109, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@NBCNewYork RT Heading to Staten Island with 800 hot dogs buns and bottled water with @savethepeopleny #sandyrelief #whoshungrypeople?", "frequency": 0.0027977925932886455, "frowny_face": 6.561034018961388e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9368377456287111, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03178312502050323}, {"word": "#sorryabouthurricanesassy", "smiley_face": 0.0001232640315555921, "positivity": 0.029131399457638263, "time_bin": 110, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@LaurenLopez_ST Wow? Where are you from? What do you play? #SorryAboutHurricaneSassy", "frequency": 0.0011873939117561566, "frowny_face": 4.108801051853069e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9410387049059085, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029829895636453285}, {"word": "viet", "smiley_face": 3.639937393076839e-05, "positivity": 0.03256786663269392, "time_bin": 111, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "...meanwhile... same time as #sandy.. 35 die in flooding in Viet Nam and China.", "frequency": 0.002334517407449539, "frowny_face": 0.00010919812179230517, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9422205438066465, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.025211589560659553}, {"word": "#givebacknyc", "smiley_face": 0.00022099447513812155, "positivity": 0.030130228887134965, "time_bin": 112, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Waiting in line to give blood for the first time in our lives with @Ruthie_FF! #Sandy #relief #givebackNYC", "frequency": 0.0008939870608204041, "frowny_face": 9.471191791633781e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9405643251775848, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02930544593528019}, {"word": "30hr", "smiley_face": 8.805529872760093e-05, "positivity": 0.029961387751507945, "time_bin": 113, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@WORICP A 30hr live stream is going on for the Hurricane Sandy Relief. Please Retween &lt;3", "frequency": 0.0030137962664921816, "frowny_face": 0.0001320829480914014, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9410469775018712, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028991634746620882}, {"word": "fastandfurious", "smiley_face": 0.00026143790849673205, "positivity": 0.029835381263616557, "time_bin": 114, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Obama won't answer ?'s about #Benghazi fastandfurious or #sandy. But you guys love him! @ABC @CBSNews @NBCNews @CNN @NPR #scum #Boycot #tcot", "frequency": 0.002252246020030813, "frowny_face": 8.714596949891067e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9391339869281046, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031030631808278867}, {"word": "#one_term", "smiley_face": 0.00019210081450745352, "positivity": 0.032246273244198556, "time_bin": 115, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Noonan: How Far Obama Has Fallen - via @WSJ pretty good stuff #ONE_Term #Sandy #Obama", "frequency": 0.0027390745866692438, "frowny_face": 0.0001536806516059628, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9391040418011373, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028649684954664207}, {"word": "veto-proof", "smiley_face": 0.00013887442280318023, "positivity": 0.03089042808040829, "time_bin": 116, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Coastal conservatives welcome in Florida. Hurricanes&gt;Democrats \" @Reuters: Cali Democrats eye veto-proof supermajority", "frequency": 0.0021159583566586976, "frowny_face": 0.00020831163420477033, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9387563795437975, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03035319237579419}, {"word": "#notredamefan", "smiley_face": 5.3123671908202294e-05, "positivity": 0.03125297492562686, "time_bin": 117, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "god: playing college football because hes bored with those buuuullshit hurricane victims!! #NOTREDAMEFAN", "frequency": 0.002742387171628616, "frowny_face": 5.3123671908202294e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9366433807904803, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.0321036442838929}, {"word": "#soquotable", "smiley_face": 0.00034688096201653467, "positivity": 0.032366710990345146, "time_bin": 118, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane Sandeep @scottym92 #soquotable", "frequency": 0.001371619982833958, "frowny_face": 0.00011562698733884489, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9326689599352489, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03496432907440597}, {"word": "#runningmemories", "smiley_face": 0.00015984015984015984, "positivity": 0.03286497502497503, "time_bin": 119, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@nickbourget Hurricane Sandy is back! #RunningMemories", "frequency": 0.0023730763450163124, "frowny_face": 0.00011988011988011988, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9361938061938062, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03094121878121878}, {"word": "#felloffduringsandy", "smiley_face": 0.00047740983464259363, "positivity": 0.026750661863634395, "time_bin": 120, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "If I don't go to the gym when I wake up tomorrow...someone punch me in face. #felloffduringsandy", "frequency": 0.001988571236165256, "frowny_face": 4.34008940584176e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9460743891324161, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.027174949003949476}, {"word": "thanks-keeping", "smiley_face": 0.00028775598292647833, "positivity": 0.028146132079996163, "time_bin": 121, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@sutterink thanks-keeping me occupied while i wait for gas-going on 4 hours #SANDY", "frequency": 0.002521427317385854, "frowny_face": 9.591866097549278e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9439115629945806, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.027942304925423243}, {"word": "#laziestmotherfuckeralive", "smiley_face": 0.0003067108330266225, "positivity": 0.030617408906882592, "time_bin": 122, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm just gonna pretend Hurricane Sandy hit my room and wait for the cleaning crew to show up. #laziestmotherfuckeralive", "frequency": 0.0026940196608323795, "frowny_face": 0.000122684333210649, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9368099006256901, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03257269046742731}, {"word": "ehhhn", "smiley_face": 7.097232079489e-05, "positivity": 0.03057530163236338, "time_bin": 123, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Sandyy_Babyy i know ehhhn wetin person fi do", "frequency": 0.008949207757542496, "frowny_face": 0.00014194464158978, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9368346344925479, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03259006387508871}, {"word": "#frankenstormpocalypse", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03258046934140803, "time_bin": 124, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Tomorrows xx show at Electric Factory - postponed due to Hurricane Sandy. At least it wasnt cancelled! #frankenstormpocalypse", "frequency": 0.008205691750449974, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9366199848599546, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030799545798637393}, {"word": "oyevey-im", "smiley_face": 0.00018719580681392738, "positivity": 0.028851553725196554, "time_bin": 125, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "We just had a #hurricane now we're suppose 2get a #Snowstorm?! OyeVey-Im still scarred from Sandy! @least w/snow ur safe if you stay inside", "frequency": 0.012791272514241532, "frowny_face": 0.00037439161362785476, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9396059528266567, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03154249344814676}, {"word": "thing.text", "smiley_face": 0.00016286644951140066, "positivity": 0.028196254071661236, "time_bin": 126, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "If a guy wants your # &amp; hands you his phone-do the right thing.Text REDCROSS to 90999 so he'll donate 10$ to the hurricane disaster relief.", "frequency": 0.011169088046583106, "frowny_face": 0.00016286644951140066, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9443607491856677, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02744299674267101}, {"word": "#wes", "smiley_face": 0.00020703933747412008, "positivity": 0.024734782608695653, "time_bin": 127, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@Sandymandude @johnklassen_ let's get #wes trending everywhere #wes #wes", "frequency": 0.009679667260363534, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9458333333333333, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02943188405797101}, {"word": "thechronicleheral", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02927765869744435, "time_bin": 128, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "DTN Stock Market: Lights return to lower Manhattan 5 days after Sandy - TheChronicleHeral...", "frequency": 0.018094013812684787, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9396949711459192, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031027370156636442}, {"word": "belief.waiting", "smiley_face": 9.312721177127957e-05, "positivity": 0.03156248835909852, "time_bin": 129, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@chrislhayes Millions of $ for political bigotry none for Sandy belief.Waiting for the backlash to their inhumanity.:-)", "frequency": 0.011112561854229664, "frowny_face": 0.00018625442354255913, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.935567610355746, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032869901285155524}, {"word": "manhattan.muchas", "smiley_face": 0.00017251293847038527, "positivity": 0.03139982748706153, "time_bin": 130, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Nubes en Manhattan.Muchas gracias huracn Sandy pues cancelaron el maratn por los estragos causados a la ciudad.", "frequency": 0.007240212152579584, "frowny_face": 0.00011500862564692352, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9367165037377804, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031883668775158136}, {"word": "w.o.w", "smiley_face": 0.00013612387272417901, "positivity": 0.029642879019908117, "time_bin": 131, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "W.O.W. \"@NationHahn: Amazing RT @BruceFeiler: This New York Magazine cover of #Sandy will go down in history. ICYMI\"", "frequency": 0.00448057271581538, "frowny_face": 6.806193636208951e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9404330440701038, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02992407690998809}, {"word": "#fearthestom", "smiley_face": 0.0003201878435348738, "positivity": 0.02982138854794813, "time_bin": 132, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#Hurricane open up the season wit a Win #team #season #focus #beastmode #family #FEARTHESTOM", "frequency": 0.0022159685163739965, "frowny_face": 5.336464058914563e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9395245210523507, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03065409039970116}, {"word": "#somuchpurple", "smiley_face": 0.0002803139516258209, "positivity": 0.03073406214960757, "time_bin": 133, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Storm Kickoff!!! #letsgoHurricanes #somuchpurple #missedthecompetitionjitters #allstarcheer", "frequency": 0.0018792726486341763, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9392019061348711, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030064031715521376}, {"word": "ck-hosted", "smiley_face": 0.00010209985365687643, "positivity": 0.02947238198958582, "time_bin": 134, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "SNL responds to Superstorm Sandy in Louis CK-hosted episode", "frequency": 0.001598829808274499, "frowny_face": 6.806656910458428e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9418498791818398, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028677738828574342}, {"word": "sandy.product", "smiley_face": 9.881911161618657e-05, "positivity": 0.03089055783388507, "time_bin": 135, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Wow - fire powered cell phone chargers/camp stoves. Their sales are going to skyrocket after Sandy.Product site:", "frequency": 0.0021475257511337576, "frowny_face": 4.940955580809328e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.940152675527447, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02895676663866792}, {"word": "#seasideretreat", "smiley_face": 0.00010047558443298278, "positivity": 0.03104930002009512, "time_bin": 136, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "My babe just found this shell outside my window. Thanks Sandy!! #stormsandyOS #seashell #seasideretreat", "frequency": 0.002961740368597541, "frowny_face": 6.698372295532186e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9389568959742782, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02999380400562663}, {"word": "#kindnessisamazing", "smiley_face": 0.00023128517462030684, "positivity": 0.03188165908565261, "time_bin": 137, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": " #kindnessisamazing #i&lt;3NY #thankyou #sandy", "frequency": 0.0018034182564204107, "frowny_face": 7.709505820676895e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9388009791072393, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02931736180710816}, {"word": "#bringsandytobrazil", "smiley_face": 0.000180485867956539, "positivity": 0.030739667184059488, "time_bin": 138, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@ginn_xo @sarriiiee #bringsandytobrazil", "frequency": 0.0018040331082477261, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.937682741941306, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03157759087463451}, {"word": "ringwald", "smiley_face": 0.00022738642048296875, "positivity": 0.030275910682614034, "time_bin": 139, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Reba Sandy cheeks my mother &amp; Molly Ringwald . #FavoritePeople #THATSIT", "frequency": 0.002973735975991266, "frowny_face": 4.547728409659375e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9407772067852108, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02894688253217518}, {"word": "anti-fud", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03415714124038026, "time_bin": 140, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "Anti-Gun Anti-FUD? NYPD Says Crime Down 32% After Sandy", "frequency": 0.00227503029122529, "frowny_face": 5.658669081032141e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9312896106835672, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03455324807605251}, {"word": "hay-day", "smiley_face": 0.00021399529210357372, "positivity": 0.03226497967044725, "time_bin": 141, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@sandygrn I agree with U 100% but i also believe that rand would have disagreed with your comment back in her hay-day. Contradiction...", "frequency": 0.002254868599920261, "frowny_face": 0.00010699764605178686, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9354202332548683, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03231478707468436}, {"word": "#romneymomentum", "smiley_face": 0.00027960854803275414, "positivity": 0.030347513481126423, "time_bin": 142, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "In the wake of #Hurricane #Sandy these men came out 2 support #RomneyRyan2012 #romneymomentum #Godspeed east coast...", "frequency": 0.002655854190673381, "frowny_face": 0.0001597763131615738, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9390653085680047, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030587177950868783}, {"word": "surpress'n", "smiley_face": 0.00014570887367040654, "positivity": 0.03134979843605809, "time_bin": 143, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@CNNSitRoom Will CNN report on the growing voter surpress'n in Florida &amp; Ohio? Would expect nothing less than the robust hurricane coverage", "frequency": 0.0028909357921356464, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.936149157317014, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03250104424692797}, {"word": "#ayemamayousexxxy", "smiley_face": 0.000209881207236704, "positivity": 0.031681652184863365, "time_bin": 144, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@tia_holley I miss my hurricane buddy. #ayemamayousexxxy", "frequency": 0.0029229686134644942, "frowny_face": 8.395248289468161e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9374501532132813, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030868194601855352}, {"word": "#ncc4u", "smiley_face": 0.0006902502157031924, "positivity": 0.03291675582398619, "time_bin": 145, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@LifeVestInside Box it up #Denim Butt: National Closet Clean-out #SandyRelief SEND NOW! #NCC4U more updates here.", "frequency": 0.009924015558114323, "frowny_face": 6.902502157031924e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9351509922346851, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03193225194132873}, {"word": "lawl", "smiley_face": 0.00026864388566516224, "positivity": 0.032139533634214484, "time_bin": 146, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@sandykorkis they were silver LAWL", "frequency": 0.005506672666579125, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9347262518805072, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03313421448527831}, {"word": "#unavoidablebrag", "smiley_face": 0.00014789617688382755, "positivity": 0.0298893736596909, "time_bin": 147, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "whoa... what if you met your spouse while volunteering to help hurricane victims. \"how did you two meet?\" #unavoidableBrag", "frequency": 0.005582456223670003, "frowny_face": 7.394808844191378e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9393440804555202, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030766545884788877}, {"word": "together.why", "smiley_face": 0.0005387931034482759, "positivity": 0.02979076867816092, "time_bin": 148, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I think its sad to see that it took an event such as superstorm sandy to bring americans together.why cant it be like that.", "frequency": 0.008907951647390042, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9392735272988506, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030935704022988505}, {"word": "#poundinasandy", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02794990399720719, "time_bin": 149, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Just walked in on #joeylams #poundinasandy @twitterlessjoey ... Wtf", "frequency": 0.01449024022937546, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9406746378076453, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.0313754581951475}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.0005310674455655868, "positivity": 0.032073110285006194, "time_bin": 150, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy benefit concert draws $23 million in pledges | Metro: 200) &amp;&amp;... #education #education", "frequency": 0.010813690420091828, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9326872012745618, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03523968844043194}, {"word": "hymnal", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.027473953488372095, "time_bin": 151, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Buy More Art: We Heart NYC print for hurricane relief Quarry Street Hymnal Vol. 1 Christmas cards...", "frequency": 0.036781286823906044, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9413081395348837, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.031217906976744186}, {"word": "not ahhhhh", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03275825491873396, "time_bin": 152, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I lived through a tornado earthquake and hurricane.. I'm starting to believe the end of the world thing... NO! I MUST NOT!! Ahhhhh", "frequency": 0.015873361093094396, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9339178785286569, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03332386655260907}, {"word": "#powderkeg", "smiley_face": 0.0002710761724044456, "positivity": 0.033407788922020426, "time_bin": 153, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Piss_Dribbz @priceCHECK_ @mr_tallandlanky @johnreichel @HurricaneBscott #powderkeg", "frequency": 0.007369009738224658, "frowny_face": 0.00018071744826963042, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9318017529592482, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03479045811873136}, {"word": "revwayne", "smiley_face": 0.00017208742040956807, "positivity": 0.0309471003269661, "time_bin": 154, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "this is exactly how I feel: revwayne's comment on Sandy Versus Katrina via @nytimes", "frequency": 0.004443712158814374, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9366072965066253, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03244560316640853}, {"word": "sandy-economic", "smiley_face": 0.00010287536649349314, "positivity": 0.029713286353582637, "time_bin": 155, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Latest Pennsylvania business: SUPERSTORM SANDY-ECONOMIC IMPACT Corporations just beginning to tally Sandy's cost...", "frequency": 0.0012970119846963904, "frowny_face": 0.00010287536649349314, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9385576873617613, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03172902628465613}, {"word": "#iamcanadian", "smiley_face": 4.1512723649798665e-05, "positivity": 0.03140794553530657, "time_bin": 156, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "BIG S/O to the 250+ Quebec hydro workers that are in Jersey trying to restore power for the victims of Sandy. #IAmCanadian", "frequency": 0.001722746385052381, "frowny_face": 4.1512723649798665e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.937108223670555, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031483830794138405}, {"word": "#radicalplanet", "smiley_face": 0.00017267578394805912, "positivity": 0.029759324492333195, "time_bin": 157, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane Sandy Lessons in Collaboration Change Management &amp; Resiliency: Business &amp; Change Mana... #RadicalPlanet", "frequency": 0.0027521480137672107, "frowny_face": 0.00017267578394805912, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9407937905788092, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029446884928857577}, {"word": "day-stop", "smiley_face": 0.00020472226013375187, "positivity": 0.02897393203220964, "time_bin": 158, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Tip of the day-stop complaining about the weather-my family in Long Island wish the cold wind was their only complaint. #nopower #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0021268658014501757, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9444818820799782, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.026544185887812197}, {"word": "#opensaassamy", "smiley_face": 0.00021651270207852195, "positivity": 0.02931942840646651, "time_bin": 159, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@A_C_Ray: The gates of sandyland never close #OpenSaassamy s/o #twitterlessjustin", "frequency": 0.0022531928576057085, "frowny_face": 3.608545034642032e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9413431004618937, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029337471131639724}, {"word": "tragady", "smiley_face": 0.000160426091699554, "positivity": 0.02910398819263965, "time_bin": 160, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Hearing stories of tragady from Sandy is just so heartbreaking...... Ppl r gonna die if they dont get help... SMDH.....", "frequency": 0.0017443665987322235, "frowny_face": 0.0001283408733596432, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9408107934674496, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0300852183399108}, {"word": "kony-style", "smiley_face": 0.0007375813744668569, "positivity": 0.031535195459064226, "time_bin": 161, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Someone should start a hip and trendy Kony-style campaign to help Americans devastated by Sandy.", "frequency": 0.0024164879963174666, "frowny_face": 3.206875541160248e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9394662155661738, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028998588974761895}, {"word": "plottin", "smiley_face": 8.156274213939073e-05, "positivity": 0.027483830186370867, "time_bin": 162, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@QueenNyeem no atlantic city partying for us next month huh?! Sandy low key was plottin all alongBish lol", "frequency": 0.001876053302088758, "frowny_face": 0.0001223441132090861, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9433087965417397, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029207373271889398}, {"word": "#virtualassistant", "smiley_face": 0.00011125945705384957, "positivity": 0.028485536270583003, "time_bin": 163, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#virtualassistant Ten Tips to Help Children Cope with Hurricane Sandy Aftermath - Victoria Times Colonist", "frequency": 0.003152114161096701, "frowny_face": 5.562972852692479e-05, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9412828215398309, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030231642189586114}, {"word": "#plasticjugsgalore", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030124846719803797, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Aaaaand that is the last of the emergency Sandy water. My apartment is slightly less cluttered now. #plasticjugsgalore", "frequency": 0.002378062250425746, "frowny_face": 0.00015328019619865113, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9387358215818516, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031139331698344576}, {"word": "not overseas", "smiley_face": 3.880330604167475e-05, "positivity": 0.029104652516394398, "time_bin": 165, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@megynkelly If those affected by hurricane Sandy can vote by email why not overseas military who have not yet received ballots?", "frequency": 0.0031812026892656404, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 3, "objectivity": 0.9421491211051182, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.028746226378487446}, {"word": "not equip", "smiley_face": 6.377957777919511e-05, "positivity": 0.033556030359079024, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "lord.. NY really not equip for hurricanes. my prayers are w them all", "frequency": 0.0023808859010328795, "frowny_face": 0.0003188978888959755, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9333662861151859, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.033077683525735056}, {"word": "#historyrepeating", "smiley_face": 7.122507122507122e-05, "positivity": 0.03616267806267806, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "I don't get why they don't evacuate hospitals etc. when giant hurricanes hit. Has the US learned nothing from Katrina? #HistoryRepeating", "frequency": 0.0014555464631332352, "frowny_face": 7.122507122507122e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9302083333333333, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03362898860398861}, {"word": "#floodnyc", "smiley_face": 0.0003074085459575776, "positivity": 0.032226662567886054, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#hurricanesandy #nyc #floodnyc #Pray4nyc", "frequency": 0.007372742658352927, "frowny_face": 0.00020493903063838507, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9361102571984834, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03166308023363049}, {"word": "#whosjayzagain", "smiley_face": 0.00011245431543435479, "positivity": 0.03295462468372223, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Knowing I will fail to sleep because the thought of Beyonce's safety will keep me wide awake #sandy #andblueivy #whosjayzagain", "frequency": 0.001795728253337325, "frowny_face": 0.00011245431543435479, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9350646612313748, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03198071408490301}, {"word": "not bs'n", "smiley_face": 8.200754469411185e-05, "positivity": 0.03022949811382647, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy not bs'n up north", "frequency": 0.001260447242958099, "frowny_face": 0.0002870264064293915, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9377665245202559, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03200397736591767}, {"word": "#kerpingyouinformed", "smiley_face": 0.00042739101529110074, "positivity": 0.031553756292145504, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Shout out to friends in news working around the clock covering #sandy .. Especially my former station #News12NewJersey. #kerpingyouinformed", "frequency": 0.0023923324678647682, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9364552664070662, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031990977300788294}, {"word": "impact.david", "smiley_face": 0.00010952302721647227, "positivity": 0.029752970812113245, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Even they felt Hurricane Sandy's impact.David Letterman Jimmy Fallon perform to empty studios via @today_clicker #fb", "frequency": 0.0014333303698895428, "frowny_face": 0.00010952302721647227, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9392763265976671, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030970702590219595}, {"word": "xoxo-chrissy", "smiley_face": 6.324310650139134e-05, "positivity": 0.030486718947634706, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Peter- News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch Tweets About Hurricane Sandy Book Merger: The media mogul cal... xoxo-Chrissy", "frequency": 0.0030428443734203466, "frowny_face": 6.324310650139134e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9390731722742222, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030440108778143182}, {"word": "ohdah", "smiley_face": 0.0006141667804012556, "positivity": 0.03250436740821618, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane Irene is Asian she just knocked at my door like \"du halooooOoOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOOOOOOoOOOOoOOOOOOOOoO? Cane I take yo ohdah today?\"", "frequency": 0.001982260042659132, "frowny_face": 0.0001364815067558346, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9329534598061963, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.034542172785587556}, {"word": "#sandyatherworst", "smiley_face": 0.00010835997182640732, "positivity": 0.03260654494229831, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"@aust1n_murp4y: I just heard breaking news on channel 4 that cats....are flying down the street. #SandyAtHerWorst\" @mariiiah_xoxo", "frequency": 0.0013274993251955359, "frowny_face": 5.417998591320366e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.933155442379585, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03423801267811671}, {"word": "effectual", "smiley_face": 0.0001892147587511826, "positivity": 0.03207614001892148, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "God heard the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous. So Hurricane Sandy can not do the full destruction that was planned by satan.", "frequency": 0.001651977221566169, "frowny_face": 0.00011352885525070956, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9352223273415327, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03270153263954588}, {"word": "#hoodhealth", "smiley_face": 0.0001681859463823203, "positivity": 0.03278509199771267, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Morning Reflection: I'll share some positive affirmation this AM. #Sandy may have caused power loss and/or deaths. #hoodhealth salute", "frequency": 0.0018397554969628352, "frowny_face": 0.0002690975142117125, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9349835177772545, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03223139022503279}, {"word": "down-talking", "smiley_face": 0.00010669511869831955, "positivity": 0.031020112029874633, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@GannettAlbany First Bloomberg irresponsibly down-talking Sandy (how many listened &amp; died?) now Cuomo pretending to know weather? Shut-Up!", "frequency": 0.0011831268549721155, "frowny_face": 0.0002133902373966391, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9373032808749, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03167660709522539}, {"word": "non-soggy", "smiley_face": 0.0001571503404924044, "positivity": 0.033054740701938194, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Gov. Christie praises President Obama's hurricane response. President Obama sends promised dozen of non-soggy French crullers.", "frequency": 0.001779123707410587, "frowny_face": 0.00010476689366160294, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9334926663174437, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03345259298061812}, {"word": "#fuckthesandyjokes", "smiley_face": 5.463883728554256e-05, "positivity": 0.03273314391869741, "time_bin": 14, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "an #fuckthesandyjokes", "frequency": 0.0019874283499716192, "frowny_face": 0.00010927767457108513, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9353690853458638, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03189777073543875}, {"word": "democratic-leaning", "smiley_face": 0.00013293452974410104, "positivity": 0.032679494848786975, "time_bin": 15, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy's path damaged mostly Democratic-leaning states. Talk about an October surprise. Will voters be able to get to the polls?", "frequency": 0.0016323405071918694, "frowny_face": 6.646726487205052e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9366483881688269, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030672116982386175}, {"word": "#lakesuperior", "smiley_face": 0.00010542406831479627, "positivity": 0.032280217173580726, "time_bin": 16, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Wow! RT @wluctv6: Some waves coming in off #LakeSuperior. Be careful along the shoreline. #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0014364875113318757, "frowny_face": 0.00021084813662959254, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9361657266353909, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03155405619102842}, {"word": "#sandyinmidwest", "smiley_face": 0.00010087254753618803, "positivity": 0.031552125888939325, "time_bin": 17, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@ChrisWesela @weatherchannel @TomNiziol @fox6now @TODAYSTMJ4 @OakCreekWI @onmilwaukee @JimCantore @DrGregForbes @NHCDirector #SandyInMidwest", "frequency": 0.002893931284673996, "frowny_face": 0.0003026176426085641, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9358261461643214, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032621727946739294}, {"word": "#sandbarlounge", "smiley_face": 0.0001216397031991242, "positivity": 0.030215667193772045, "time_bin": 18, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Danny's behind the bar today at #SandbarLounge we'll see you in the sand! #MiamiBeach #NotSandy #HappyHour", "frequency": 0.002643320867547792, "frowny_face": 0.0001824595547986863, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9384275027368933, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03135683006933463}, {"word": "#inhurricanesandy", "smiley_face": 4.888063349301007e-05, "positivity": 0.0322272949457425, "time_bin": 19, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Big_Cam01 because we have hockey tonight! #inhurricanesandy", "frequency": 0.002353149647450074, "frowny_face": 0.00014664190047903022, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9363146446377945, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03145806041646299}, {"word": "morrisette", "smiley_face": 0.0002455946460367164, "positivity": 0.03208331798366795, "time_bin": 20, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@therealtimstuff i blame the hurricane on canadians for sending us alanis morrisette.", "frequency": 0.0018919789230148628, "frowny_face": 6.13986615091791e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9375729109105422, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030343771105789893}, {"word": "#sorandom", "smiley_face": 0.00010110201193003741, "positivity": 0.03544333232231322, "time_bin": 21, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 1, "sample_tweet": "How did I get sick so fast ? #sorandom #iblameSandy", "frequency": 0.0021336734090518783, "frowny_face": 5.0551005965018706e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9262208067940552, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03833586088363158}, {"word": "#heisspoiled", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03129692792203933, "time_bin": 22, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "My mom doesnt let me drive on a four lane road. My dad makes me drive in a hurricane. #HeIsSpoiled", "frequency": 0.001794691779476886, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9359661893160616, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03273688276189911}, {"word": "suvious", "smiley_face": 4.3077453260963214e-05, "positivity": 0.032203368656845005, "time_bin": 23, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "In physics.. @tknox24 Hows Mt. Suvious? Me: gettin better hows sandy? LMAO. Yesss we name our zits :D", "frequency": 0.003243061526815859, "frowny_face": 4.3077453260963214e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9352222796588265, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03257435168432842}, {"word": "nnnnerrrrrvous", "smiley_face": 5.800800510470445e-05, "positivity": 0.03424409768548059, "time_bin": 24, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "The fact that @w0rryr0ck hasn't tweeted all day makes me nnnnerrrrrvous please be okay please don't tell me Sandy swept you away):", "frequency": 0.001464239895003134, "frowny_face": 0.0001160160102094089, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9321958930332386, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03356000928128082}, {"word": "#dumbasspeople", "smiley_face": 0.0001114951499609767, "positivity": 0.03370308841565392, "time_bin": 25, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "All i see on my tl is drama damn ima need for ya'll to get it together. How bout we pray for the hurricane sandy victims #dumbasspeople", "frequency": 0.0013951310981993384, "frowny_face": 0.00014866019994796894, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9341621139480433, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032134797636302816}, {"word": "tlc", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03306962091230993, "time_bin": 26, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "If all else fails lets just be TLC Lol @Sandy_Cheeksss @_KillaKay", "frequency": 0.0031961456276937486, "frowny_face": 0.00015621745469693814, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9328980941470527, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03403228494063737}, {"word": "#scaredformylife", "smiley_face": 0.00013277273733126798, "positivity": 0.03291352069041824, "time_bin": 27, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "That's okay sandy I didn't want sleep anyways. #scaredformylife #ihatestorms", "frequency": 0.002422668272522882, "frowny_face": 0.00017703031644169064, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9343936711661872, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03269280814339456}, {"word": "snesselfous", "smiley_face": 0.0001935508845275423, "positivity": 0.029742848294816708, "time_bin": 28, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Photo: snesselfous: bossypants hurricane sandy literally snatched someones weave", "frequency": 0.0028892880987385293, "frowny_face": 0.00015484070762203383, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9387024348701274, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03155471683505594}, {"word": "#ohare", "smiley_face": 5.6053811659192826e-05, "positivity": 0.029025840807174883, "time_bin": 29, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Chicago Daily Herald Endorses Romney #Illinois #Chicago #IL #DuPage #OHare #LakeMichigan #Sandy #Naperville #OakPark", "frequency": 0.006000503441839487, "frowny_face": 0.0002242152466367713, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9380815582959642, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03289260089686099}, {"word": "#calgaryherewecome", "smiley_face": 5.936127270568681e-05, "positivity": 0.02687504452095453, "time_bin": 30, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#ThatAwfulMomentWhen you have to walk to the rink in a hurricane #doinitfornationals #calgaryherewecome", "frequency": 0.0035119355292724335, "frowny_face": 5.936127270568681e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9410023150896355, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03212264038940994}, {"word": "#brianterry", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.026877538674271888, "time_bin": 31, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#ImFiringObama because he lied again yesterday \"we leave no one behind\" #sandy #Benghazi #AmbStevens #NavySeals #FastAndFurious #BrianTerry", "frequency": 0.0030354384150819034, "frowny_face": 8.642295393656556e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9428744274479302, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030248033877797943}, {"word": "#cmt", "smiley_face": 0.00033654452904799967, "positivity": 0.03035274073450844, "time_bin": 32, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "No #tsn or #cmt with my breakfast this morning. Coffee and the weather channel. #firstworldproblems #HurricaneSandy #HurricaneProblems", "frequency": 0.0012734266797639429, "frowny_face": 0.00012620419839299988, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9357778385427622, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033869420722729374}, {"word": "#orrain", "smiley_face": 7.971938775510203e-05, "positivity": 0.030330994897959183, "time_bin": 33, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "YAY Cory and Topanga got back together! This show is too much for me to handle!! #BoyMeetsWorld #HappyHalloween #NotAboutSandy #OrRain", "frequency": 0.0019543765893736457, "frowny_face": 0.00011957908163265306, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9377840003188775, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031885004783163265}, {"word": "upate", "smiley_face": 0.00011676786548341896, "positivity": 0.03200529347656858, "time_bin": 34, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Joining \"In The Loop\" w Betty Liu in minutes for an upate on \"Sandy's aftermath BloombergTV", "frequency": 0.0013125668678143146, "frowny_face": 0.00011676786548341896, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9339775027245836, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03401720379884789}, {"word": "we-21we", "smiley_face": 0.0002327475852438031, "positivity": 0.029655921486481246, "time_bin": 35, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Some of the most amazing video we've seen covering Sandy - aerials of amusement park in Seaside Heights NJ under water. MUST SEE! WE-21WE", "frequency": 0.0017730359339108899, "frowny_face": 7.758252841460103e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9374054462934948, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03293863222002404}, {"word": "late-month", "smiley_face": 0.0001387251161822848, "positivity": 0.030800339876534646, "time_bin": 36, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Sandy's late-month landfall means only modest impact on Oct data despite increasing damage estimates:", "frequency": 0.0027845112754858493, "frowny_face": 3.46812790455712e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9363034958729278, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03289616425053756}, {"word": "cch", "smiley_face": 8.205801501661675e-05, "positivity": 0.029993968735896284, "time_bin": 37, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Check out CPA Weekly Advisor to learn about CCH's support/recovery plan and how one NJ CPA prepared for Sandy.", "frequency": 0.0012626598696288105, "frowny_face": 8.205801501661675e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9350254379846552, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.034980593279448566}, {"word": "ribble", "smiley_face": 3.987876854362737e-05, "positivity": 0.0292062131121391, "time_bin": 38, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Reid Ribble noting #Sandy devastation in a solemn moment before @VPPaulRyan speech in #GreenBay. #wivote", "frequency": 0.0012432970467692887, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.938561772212474, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032232014675386826}, {"word": "man..just", "smiley_face": 0.00014346687708475305, "positivity": 0.02862565905096661, "time_bin": 39, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Man..just saw some footage from #Sandy... prayers going up!", "frequency": 0.001497419080325068, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9375605250887701, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03381381586026326}, {"word": "recession-era", "smiley_face": 0.00029711059942063434, "positivity": 0.029205043452425167, "time_bin": 40, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Did recession-era #austerity make #Frankenstorm worse @resnikoff #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0012256252708221901, "frowny_face": 0.00011141647478273787, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9409306989526851, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029864257594889698}, {"word": "#sandytough", "smiley_face": 4.622994776015903e-05, "positivity": 0.029237853081226017, "time_bin": 41, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Checking in w/ @chohammedali in NYC right now post-#Sandytough to not be able to help homies directly!", "frequency": 0.0015252383519504214, "frowny_face": 0.00018491979104063612, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9396005732513523, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031161573667421758}, {"word": "#lakekeowee", "smiley_face": 8.481764206955047e-05, "positivity": 0.028034605597964377, "time_bin": 42, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Thankful for a BEAUTIFUL #fall day on #LakeKeowee #SC &amp; thinking of those in Northeast dealing w/ aftermath of #Sandy", "frequency": 0.002656969561624428, "frowny_face": 4.240882103477523e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9421013570822732, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029864037319762508}, {"word": "#reve", "smiley_face": 0.00019151584793641673, "positivity": 0.03167812569823486, "time_bin": 43, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Since Sandy's rain &amp; snow messed with Trick-or-Treat we made treat bags to pass out to our neighbors. #Reve", "frequency": 0.003131033714994939, "frowny_face": 6.383861597880558e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9391737687126943, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02914810558907083}, {"word": "very-rare-bi-partison-moment", "smiley_face": 4.88710780959828e-05, "positivity": 0.030975417847717717, "time_bin": 44, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@tuckahoetommy @JohnFugelsang @GovChristie /Sure feel free but not while the country is in a very-rare-bi-partison-moment n honor of #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0012383910000914279, "frowny_face": 4.88710780959828e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9390027856514515, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03002179650083081}, {"word": "shoenersville", "smiley_face": 0.00013870266771464238, "positivity": 0.033126219427620326, "time_bin": 45, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@69News: Hundreds of generators go fast at @Cabelas; more on the way. #Sandy more at grainger near shoenersville rd", "frequency": 0.0024330392839634766, "frowny_face": 0.00018493689028618984, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9321281612649683, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.034745619307411345}, {"word": "#partisanhackeryisgross", "smiley_face": 0.0003507848811716215, "positivity": 0.030503157063930544, "time_bin": 46, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Can fox news and msnbc hold off on politicizing this fucking hurricane until at least people get power back? fuck. #PartisanHackeryIsGross", "frequency": 0.001898922040642735, "frowny_face": 0.00017539244058581075, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9370341138296939, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.032462729106375515}, {"word": "disagree.people", "smiley_face": 8.35177684052282e-05, "positivity": 0.030099427903286423, "time_bin": 47, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@MsFran53 @wreckersrevil I completely disagree.People have lost their lives over \"SANDY\" &amp; now she's \"Sandy.\"- not months later but 2 days!", "frequency": 0.0024732723095468585, "frowny_face": 0.0001670355368104564, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9395174760930388, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030383096003674784}, {"word": "#snort", "smiley_face": 0.00013106732491589848, "positivity": 0.03320127572196251, "time_bin": 48, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "But mostly happy cause the Ponies at Chincoteague are alright after the hurricane. #snort #neigh", "frequency": 0.002163955004937564, "frowny_face": 0.00013106732491589848, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9362084407357246, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030590283542312902}, {"word": "dervish", "smiley_face": 0.00011163206072784104, "positivity": 0.03227922899456724, "time_bin": 49, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Let's Talk about FEMA by Worley Dervish #FEMA #Romney #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0025764187521934187, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9337603259656173, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033960445039815434}, {"word": "#bubblegumsour", "smiley_face": 8.499065102838688e-05, "positivity": 0.030559323474417817, "time_bin": 50, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#BubbleGumSour Mixed With #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0020378358751334084, "frowny_face": 0.00012748597654258032, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9361985806561278, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03324209586945436}, {"word": "#drunktextsfromsarah", "smiley_face": 7.409877366529584e-05, "positivity": 0.0328159386462154, "time_bin": 51, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"I don't wanna hurricane his feelings.\" #drunktextsfromsarah #autocorrect", "frequency": 0.002727977456965933, "frowny_face": 0.0001481975473305917, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9344318476529213, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03275221370086325}, {"word": "had..just", "smiley_face": 0.0003160722751935943, "positivity": 0.029634040984038344, "time_bin": 52, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Dr_LoveStrange on the @Lawrence show from the \"fundraiser for Sandy\" Rmoney had..just sickening. Did you see his show tonight? If not he", "frequency": 0.004664259896918182, "frowny_face": 0.00015803613759679715, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9364102091344888, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.033955749881472895}, {"word": "fan-sadly", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029699288067155456, "time_bin": 53, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@hitRECordJoe My friend Brittany is a HUGE Fan-Sadly her family was impacted by Sandy-Would mean the world if you kept her in you thoughts!!", "frequency": 0.00702018412119871, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9413717989586654, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02892891297417915}, {"word": "#hurricaneafte", "smiley_face": 0.00018642803877703205, "positivity": 0.031051920208799405, "time_bin": 54, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I'm up watching #TrueBlood season 2. Got all 5 seasons on DVD #NoSleep #VampLife #BoredDotCom #HurricaneAfte", "frequency": 0.005630395259138981, "frowny_face": 0.00018642803877703205, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9366377703206562, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03231030947054437}, {"word": "#kindaneat", "smiley_face": 0.00015762925598991173, "positivity": 0.029422998108448926, "time_bin": 55, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": " Interesting time lapse video of Sandy in NYC. #hurricanesandy #newyorkcity #kindaneat", "frequency": 0.006009058783045105, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9392240699873896, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03135293190416141}, {"word": "rachel-sandy", "smiley_face": 6.987631891551953e-05, "positivity": 0.030571937670323526, "time_bin": 56, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "//Let's be honest! Finn-Danny and Rachel-Sandy! No other way! No offense to Melissa or Blake!", "frequency": 0.002701112858010498, "frowny_face": 6.987631891551953e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9367095241422682, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03271853818740829}, {"word": "#floridaprobs", "smiley_face": 0.0001044768322624458, "positivity": 0.029332654233923627, "time_bin": 57, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@RichSoAirborne thats the regular. we have hurricane days built into our year lmfao #floridaprobs", "frequency": 0.002276642328302066, "frowny_face": 0.0001044768322624458, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9378689338139268, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03279841195214961}, {"word": "#3bd", "smiley_face": 6.093473889464384e-05, "positivity": 0.03122484918652124, "time_bin": 58, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "My three books for @chrisbrogan #3BD campaign. Only wish I had lights at home to get started. #sandy", "frequency": 0.001968327430001869, "frowny_face": 6.093473889464384e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9363612820669064, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03241386874657242}, {"word": "warming=increasing", "smiley_face": 0.000139191759847817, "positivity": 0.02614675451213288, "time_bin": 59, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Global warming=increasing storms w/devastation like Sandy fires of a lifetime like two in AZ in the decade/arctic navigation/lost glaciers.", "frequency": 0.0019161738711174121, "frowny_face": 4.639725328260567e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9449322600102074, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028920985477659724}, {"word": "post-football", "smiley_face": 9.186954524575104e-05, "positivity": 0.03167202572347267, "time_bin": 60, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "After post-football game cleanup everything goes back to normal. After Sandy lives are still lost Mitt. #badanaology", "frequency": 0.0012883178828778086, "frowny_face": 9.186954524575104e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9372990353697749, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03102893890675241}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 8.599931200550395e-05, "positivity": 0.029434468524251807, "time_bin": 61, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Pictures of our National Guard FEMA and citizens banning together to get through hurricane is priceless.Now we need congress to do the same", "frequency": 0.0016719261185486804, "frowny_face": 8.599931200550395e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9370753783969729, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03349015307877537}, {"word": "listening-if", "smiley_face": 0.00015945572446050813, "positivity": 0.029276389922398217, "time_bin": 62, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Anyone listening-If #Sandy had come south: the dramatic storm surge scenario for Washington D.C. - Cap. Weather Gang", "frequency": 0.002257311374958442, "frowny_face": 5.315190815350271e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9396260763261401, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03109753375146168}, {"word": "#denialisatemporaryphase", "smiley_face": 0.0002478110028085247, "positivity": 0.030129687758136462, "time_bin": 63, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Businessweek Hurricane Sandy Cover: 'It's Global Warming Stupid' (PHOTO) via @HuffPostMedia #denialisatemporaryphase", "frequency": 0.0028029569001752205, "frowny_face": 8.260366760284156e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9380988765901206, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03177143565174294}, {"word": "#casparleethebettertwin", "smiley_face": 0.0001925545571245186, "positivity": 0.027543806161745833, "time_bin": 64, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#CasparLeeTheBetterTwin because he ended hurricane Sandy.", "frequency": 0.0014367331963598307, "frowny_face": 6.418485237483954e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9418485237483953, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03060767008985879}, {"word": "#smell_it", "smiley_face": 0.00012162490878131841, "positivity": 0.02939692288980783, "time_bin": 65, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#Smell_It RT @RTI_Intl: After a power outage how can you tell if your food has really gone bad? #Sandy #foodsafety", "frequency": 0.0018833297537613027, "frowny_face": 6.081245439065921e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9396892483580638, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030913828752128437}, {"word": "#swchat", "smiley_face": 0.00011482374555057986, "positivity": 0.030385233666322196, "time_bin": 66, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Go Greg! MT@andyjankowski: I love that @Greg2dot0 is doing the #swchat spreecast from his car in #Sandy battered NJ. That is #SM dedication!", "frequency": 0.0023276271393557536, "frowny_face": 0.00011482374555057986, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9376435296819382, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03197123665173958}, {"word": "#smartgid", "smiley_face": 8.435259384226065e-05, "positivity": 0.02893584985238296, "time_bin": 67, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@EnergyBoom reporting that #smartgid investments improved #hurricanesandy disaster response:", "frequency": 0.0020103524495659318, "frowny_face": 4.2176296921130326e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9372627583298186, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0338013918177984}, {"word": "la..not", "smiley_face": 0.00016742005692281934, "positivity": 0.03049192198225348, "time_bin": 68, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "heading back to NYC from LA..not sure if I'm ready to deal with the reality that Sandy dropped off #facethef", "frequency": 0.0029875160386140043, "frowny_face": 8.371002846140967e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9373273480662984, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032180729951448175}, {"word": "admin", "smiley_face": 0.00011664528169835531, "positivity": 0.029603017224619936, "time_bin": 69, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "HAPPENING NOW: @FEMA Admin. Craig Fugate talking to @ErinBurnett about #FEMA's response to #Sandy aftermath #OutFront", "frequency": 0.001648692190569279, "frowny_face": 0.0003110540845289475, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9380613554181734, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03233562735720673}, {"word": "#whoopwhoop", "smiley_face": 0.00038902937171756465, "positivity": 0.02968989496206963, "time_bin": 70, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#14-3 #WhoopWhoop! #Football #MiamiHurricanes", "frequency": 0.002244426324791503, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9394694611943202, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030840643843610197}, {"word": "#prayforthevictimsofsuperstormsandy", "smiley_face": 0.000170306978328437, "positivity": 0.02854476944692809, "time_bin": 71, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "I'm going to miss my godfather but the time we spent together was great. I love you so much. #prayforthevictimsofsuperstormsandy", "frequency": 0.00318033024222158, "frowny_face": 8.51534891642185e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9404777110742113, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030977519478860644}, {"word": "butter.that", "smiley_face": 0.0003257328990228013, "positivity": 0.029826669381107493, "time_bin": 72, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@MsSandyRavage potatoes and butter.that is all.", "frequency": 0.0030778729335910198, "frowny_face": 0.00016286644951140066, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9388538273615635, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03131950325732899}, {"word": "smartphone=flashlight", "smiley_face": 0.00016638935108153079, "positivity": 0.029310524126455906, "time_bin": 73, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "No lights+ smartphone=flashlight app download #superstormsandy #Sandy #NYC", "frequency": 0.0027533363332895625, "frowny_face": 4.1597337770382697e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9393406821963395, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03134879367720466}, {"word": "#gettingworried", "smiley_face": 0.0001783962180001784, "positivity": 0.02892806172509143, "time_bin": 74, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Hardly and electricity and barely any gas for those affected by sandy #GettingWorried #2012", "frequency": 0.0018601440345356515, "frowny_face": 8.91981090000892e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9403543394880028, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.030717598786905716}, {"word": "apply-http", "smiley_face": 0.0002733435381587579, "positivity": 0.029360212114585612, "time_bin": 75, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@HumanityRoad Have #jobs for NJ security guards affected by #njsandy Want to employ LOCALS first! apply- or msg us!", "frequency": 0.01321224320499818, "frowny_face": 5.466870763175159e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9383952000874699, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03224458779794445}, {"word": "apply-http", "smiley_face": 0.00013581420616596497, "positivity": 0.02949144370501154, "time_bin": 76, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "We have #jobs for NJ security guards affected by #njsandy Want to employ LOCALS first! Apply- or msg us! #evesham", "frequency": 0.0045241923701963465, "frowny_face": 6.790710308298248e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9385695368735569, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031939019421431486}, {"word": "#educating", "smiley_face": 6.119951040391677e-05, "positivity": 0.031432802937576505, "time_bin": 77, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#VOTE2012 #romney #obama who will U vote 4? Are u #educating urself? Read #website info on the #candidates! #Sandy #lybia ##jobs #ealthcare", "frequency": 0.005436972538138176, "frowny_face": 0.00012239902080783354, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.938219094247246, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030348102815177476}, {"word": "#henderson", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.028277392739273925, "time_bin": 78, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Some Muslim clerics say Sandy is God's punishment: Tricia Burke of Brick N.J. walks over debris wh... #henderson", "frequency": 0.006052251000412823, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9397174092409241, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.032005198019801985}, {"word": "cll", "smiley_face": 7.453786523553965e-05, "positivity": 0.03070237030411449, "time_bin": 79, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Mixtape coming soon:: CLL \"Sandy\"", "frequency": 0.006713358786126233, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9338010584376863, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03549657125819916}, {"word": "disgusting.agreed", "smiley_face": 0.0001290378080777668, "positivity": 0.028697105251838786, "time_bin": 80, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@JJLPGA30189: @sherrysamples Sad....exploiting the losses of people affected by Sandy for Obamasiah's political gain. Disgusting.agreed", "frequency": 0.0031245386484996607, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9391801797926792, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032122714955481954}, {"word": "#blahblahblah", "smiley_face": 0.00020227219094494825, "positivity": 0.03131476924114216, "time_bin": 81, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Seriously radical Muslim clerics calling #Sandy God's punishment for anti-Muslim film... #whatever #blahblahblah", "frequency": 0.0010961370033180258, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9350074166470013, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03367781411185652}, {"word": "not fu", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030302552739982527, "time_bin": 82, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@uk_larry I thought something hap to you UK Lar..! Just holding things down on the West Coast of Florida. Hurricane Sandy did not Fu wit me!", "frequency": 0.001509023043493282, "frowny_face": 6.241418050181001e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9360878791661466, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.033609568093870924}, {"word": "man..smh", "smiley_face": 6.443714156840002e-05, "positivity": 0.029781235904375286, "time_bin": 83, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Hurricane Sandy was a rare meteorological event ..a hurricane hitting a big ass cold front does not happen..tornadoes in Paris man..smh", "frequency": 0.0017371165297433116, "frowny_face": 0.00012887428313680004, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.939114955860558, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03110380823506669}, {"word": "#serveandinspire", "smiley_face": 0.00012313754463735992, "positivity": 0.027886805812092106, "time_bin": 84, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "If you're a journalist looking for a positive story to come from #Sandy see @TeamRubicon: Veterans #ServeAndInspire", "frequency": 0.0023499653049155692, "frowny_face": 6.156877231867996e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9410171161187046, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031096078069203302}, {"word": "#workit", "smiley_face": 0.00017657445556209535, "positivity": 0.030421424367274862, "time_bin": 85, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "sassy sally! #workit @hurricane_sixer", "frequency": 0.001538874474327356, "frowny_face": 0.00011771630370806356, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9369849911712772, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.032593584461447916}, {"word": "blackbird", "smiley_face": 0.000223563603845294, "positivity": 0.028382778150383786, "time_bin": 86, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Class blitz! Elevation spin &amp; trx and Blackbird yoga - 3 in 1 day @lululemon #community #sandy [pic]:", "frequency": 0.0017780163719274932, "frowny_face": 0.00018630300320441167, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9409512631343617, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030665958715254488}, {"word": "#sandy4prez", "smiley_face": 9.130335539831088e-05, "positivity": 0.02960383474092673, "time_bin": 87, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "I like Dora the Explorer a lot better sans Diego. #Sandy4Prez", "frequency": 0.00098415692274928, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9406014608536863, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0297947044053869}, {"word": "spme", "smiley_face": 0.00010543703651636032, "positivity": 0.027835377640319122, "time_bin": 88, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "This hurricane messed everything up i wanted spme candyyy", "frequency": 0.0016724720258228984, "frowny_face": 0.00010543703651636032, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9422468632481636, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02991775911151724}, {"word": "#tedxpt", "smiley_face": 5.433010974682169e-05, "positivity": 0.029202433988916657, "time_bin": 89, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Awesome!! @willedmond: Yess!! Someone from NYC just got their electric back on and they're tuned into @TEDxPeachtree! #TEDxPT #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0012335990428376917, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9415000543301097, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029297511680973595}, {"word": "#selfiez4lyf", "smiley_face": 8.621804543690995e-05, "positivity": 0.02879626675863258, "time_bin": 90, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Why can't someone like me AND the music I enjoy listening to? #selfiez4lyf #nolyf #styg #postsandy #hashtagA", "frequency": 0.0023813502904598658, "frowny_face": 4.3109022718454976e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9427889382247704, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028414795016596977}, {"word": "#4shame", "smiley_face": 0.000101250442970688, "positivity": 0.028052700855566243, "time_bin": 91, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "WAS THIS REALLY APPROPRIATE? JUST RUBBING THE STORM VICTIMS FACES IN IT! #HURRICANESANDY @andersoncooper #4shame", "frequency": 0.0012090599048999301, "frowny_face": 0.000101250442970688, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9448248367336607, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.027122462410773047}, {"word": "#hoosierhospitality", "smiley_face": 3.663540445486518e-05, "positivity": 0.029161781946072683, "time_bin": 92, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "\"@mcuban: Im going to donate $1mm dollars to support the victims of #Sandy in the name of @dallasmavs and @axstv\" #HOOSIERhospitality", "frequency": 0.0022220138679112135, "frowny_face": 0.00010990621336459555, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9421710140679953, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.028667203985932005}, {"word": "sandy-tune", "smiley_face": 3.703017959637104e-05, "positivity": 0.029498685428624327, "time_bin": 93, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Allstate is proud to join NBC &amp; star-studded list of celebrities to support those affected by Hurricane Sandy-Tune in tonight 8-9 #SandyHelp", "frequency": 0.00200339645977566, "frowny_face": 0.00011109053878911313, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9405989631549713, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02990235141640437}, {"word": "noe", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.0329640920659511, "time_bin": 94, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Damn I didnt noe Hurricane Sandy did tha much damage ......", "frequency": 0.0017506649265964255, "frowny_face": 5.5328095606949206e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9388417063184685, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.028194201615580387}, {"word": "#hurricanesandydisaster", "smiley_face": 0.00011073583965450419, "positivity": 0.0337899341121754, "time_bin": 95, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#SandyHelp pray #hurricanesandydisaster", "frequency": 0.0023917810845486076, "frowny_face": 0.00011073583965450419, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9375588284148164, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02865123747300814}, {"word": "giv'em", "smiley_face": 4.0973531098910105e-05, "positivity": 0.03281016963041875, "time_bin": 96, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Real Talk.....Did the heat jus giv'em that game jus cuz of Hurricane sandy?....... @espn", "frequency": 0.0018051114555244093, "frowny_face": 0.00012292059329673032, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9364705400311398, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03071929033844136}, {"word": "#lonelysandy", "smiley_face": 0.00023942537909018357, "positivity": 0.03088587390263368, "time_bin": 97, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "I wish my Danny was with me tonight :/ #lonelySandy", "frequency": 0.0014864444416907382, "frowny_face": 7.980845969672785e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9399640861931364, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02915003990422985}, {"word": "perdieron", "smiley_face": 0.0005953025219179565, "positivity": 0.031003084749431756, "time_bin": 98, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "La excusa q me akban d dar pq miami perdio es q cm ta pasando lo de Sandy pa q los fanaticos c animen ! xD #EnserioLoko admitelo perdieron", "frequency": 0.0015568155769327815, "frowny_face": 0.00010823682216690118, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9379126528845113, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031084262366056933}, {"word": "#gottiredofseeingloopfor4thtime", "smiley_face": 0.00011003117549972492, "positivity": 0.03167474784522282, "time_bin": 99, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "MSNBC: you've got to get some fresh footage for your Sandy stories. #gottiredofseeingloopfor4thtime #LastWord", "frequency": 0.0031405936133449635, "frowny_face": 0.00022006235099944984, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9372684760682193, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031056776086557856}, {"word": "evid", "smiley_face": 0.0001732001616534842, "positivity": 0.028617343109520233, "time_bin": 100, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@BuzzFeedAndrew TorF outlets must stop w/ photos boats as evid of destruction. bc guess who wasn't hurt by Sandy: owners of private boats", "frequency": 0.005429714163399232, "frowny_face": 0.00011546677443565614, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9428439466543502, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.028538710236129555}, {"word": "#thedailyspin", "smiley_face": 0.00023963575365444525, "positivity": 0.030289479990414567, "time_bin": 101, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Model's callous Sandy photo shoot panned spawns viral parodies and more from today's #TheDailySpin #PR", "frequency": 0.006739352254382577, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9388828979950475, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030827622014537905}, {"word": "#fukksandy", "smiley_face": 0.0001381788033715628, "positivity": 0.026695315738565706, "time_bin": 102, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#NYK Knicks did it for da City!!! #FukkSandy", "frequency": 0.005549500332991855, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9426557966008015, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030648887660632857}, {"word": "dasan", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029354364880654314, "time_bin": 103, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@barcelockox ni idea el otro da me escribo dasan pa pedirme el nmero se lo habr llevado otro tipo de huracn xk sandy paso de lejos", "frequency": 0.008941793345175522, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9406609914872308, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029984643632114834}, {"word": "mobil", "smiley_face": 0.0001702562356346301, "positivity": 0.02780497148208053, "time_bin": 104, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Nashville's response to Superstorm Sandy is in full gear: Many groups across Middle Tennessee are mobil... #memphis", "frequency": 0.005765059706185474, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9444006980505661, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.027794330467353367}, {"word": "brkfst", "smiley_face": 0.0001639792292976223, "positivity": 0.028706969117245146, "time_bin": 105, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "I need more brkfst selections in sandy springs...hungry bootz", "frequency": 0.0049728583600935055, "frowny_face": 5.465974309920743e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.940455042361301, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03083798852145395}, {"word": "#shutterflyparty", "smiley_face": 0.00018472337674332686, "positivity": 0.03157933869031126, "time_bin": 106, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@sandyflack #Shutterflyparty create your account before next week!", "frequency": 0.002657626780759674, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9387699732151104, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02965068809457837}, {"word": "un-suspend", "smiley_face": 0.00027334540608876893, "positivity": 0.03146837735333311, "time_bin": 107, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@skype UN-SUSPEND @RAYTAYLOR &amp; the #24HourPodcast: hurricane #Sandy benefit. Please return our video!", "frequency": 0.0017203649496631075, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9383008166194007, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.0302308060272662}, {"word": "post-apocaligslist", "smiley_face": 0.00027068483262654517, "positivity": 0.03235094288550031, "time_bin": 108, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "FWD: @DavidForbes: RT @xeni: Gotta ? NYers! Sandy profiteng gasoline+generatop at predatory prices on post-apocaligslist.", "frequency": 0.0022973240773398063, "frowny_face": 4.511413877109086e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9365244067490751, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.031124650365424524}, {"word": "work-ready", "smiley_face": 0.00017508535411012868, "positivity": 0.032444935656132365, "time_bin": 109, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Lol love @BarackObama 's work-ready outerwear he's rockin in his weekly address about #sandy", "frequency": 0.0021557189956669842, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9348025912632408, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0327524730806268}, {"word": "#longbreak", "smiley_face": 0.0004254496228969252, "positivity": 0.029190059949719592, "time_bin": 110, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "NO school again on Monday!! All from sandy still!!! #longbreak #amen", "frequency": 0.0016145441115694896, "frowny_face": 0.00019338619222587506, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9410027074066911, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029807232643589244}, {"word": "not china", "smiley_face": 0.00028805991646262423, "positivity": 0.031091843103365498, "time_bin": 111, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "ok my mistake we need to look @ dutch not china to figure ways to build infrastructure to prevent damage from storms like KATRINA&amp; #SANDY", "frequency": 0.002726262055535967, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.939471410053291, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029436746843343412}, {"word": "woulddd", "smiley_face": 0.00010711607812332631, "positivity": 0.02986553361659585, "time_bin": 112, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@sandybeales @guitarmandan OH LORD ONLYYYY YOU GUYSSS WOULDDD!!!!!!!! Jdjdjdjhdshdhhddhbddhgxhxgxghsgd xDD", "frequency": 0.001253382294118143, "frowny_face": 3.57053593744421e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9419609383368444, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02817352804655979}, {"word": "#iconicbench", "smiley_face": 3.109452736318408e-05, "positivity": 0.02795230099502488, "time_bin": 113, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Remember&lt;3 #iconicbench #iconi #bench #icon #iconic #boyz #love #memories #gone #forever #hurricane #sandy #", "frequency": 0.0022958306477731697, "frowny_face": 3.109452736318408e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9428132773631841, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02923442164179104}, {"word": "#whatwind", "smiley_face": 0.0002477598381302391, "positivity": 0.02823661064541438, "time_bin": 114, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Remember that time @TheAverageSteve was out surfing during Hurricane Sandy? Yeah he didn't even fall once. #WhatWind #TGS #NoPowerNeeded", "frequency": 0.002764858386186756, "frowny_face": 0.00028905314448527894, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.942648759136144, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02911463021844159}, {"word": "present.if", "smiley_face": 8.432058687128462e-05, "positivity": 0.02834752729879, "time_bin": 115, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Hurricanes won Thursday Knicks won Friday fvsu won today...lady bugs present.if the ravens win tomorrow I'm playing the lotto", "frequency": 0.0022908645052688737, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9437897887769299, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.027862683924280113}, {"word": "#shitcray", "smiley_face": 3.608545034642032e-05, "positivity": 0.029377056870669747, "time_bin": 116, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "moms cousin is missing from hurricane sandy and my older brothers dad. #shitcray", "frequency": 0.0017875034042483828, "frowny_face": 0.00010825635103926098, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9412664188799076, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029356524249422634}, {"word": "#yayrain", "smiley_face": 0.0002619446772841576, "positivity": 0.030172411986588436, "time_bin": 117, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Aaaaaand Sandy hits Memphis #yayrain", "frequency": 0.0013107900929976238, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9380828269069572, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031744761106454314}, {"word": "#whenpeoplehashtageverythinglikethisandyoucantunderstandwhattheymean", "smiley_face": 0.00010815487778498811, "positivity": 0.03191920830629461, "time_bin": 118, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#whenpeoplehashtageverythinglikethisandyoucantunderstandwhattheymean &lt;", "frequency": 0.0008625221503017382, "frowny_face": 5.4077438892494055e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9326803482587065, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.035400443434998916}, {"word": "#fuckrecyclin", "smiley_face": 0.00022336385972749609, "positivity": 0.030384465043555953, "time_bin": 119, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Love hurricane season! Get to travel all over this great nation pickin up pure American grade A #trash #fuckrecyclin", "frequency": 0.003842322895901398, "frowny_face": 5.584096493187402e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9378420259102077, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03177350904623632}, {"word": "#dumbdick", "smiley_face": 0.00017467248908296942, "positivity": 0.026137816593886466, "time_bin": 120, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "There was a hurricane?! @JacobEarlSalla #dumbdick", "frequency": 0.0018896703157017937, "frowny_face": 4.3668122270742355e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9470251091703057, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02683707423580786}, {"word": "#scarfspecial", "smiley_face": 0.0002138427542946753, "positivity": 0.027870838976406017, "time_bin": 121, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@ClearLakeTP #HurricaneSandy #ScarfSpecial Scarves hats jewelry art work charity cause work:", "frequency": 0.013562431411524295, "frowny_face": 0.00014256183619645022, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9434653218333452, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.02866383919024877}, {"word": "#aflac", "smiley_face": 0.00029424746211563924, "positivity": 0.028227992741895934, "time_bin": 122, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "\"@nprnews: Insurance Companies Rethink Business After Sandy\" unless you have #Aflac", "frequency": 0.0028974183087467974, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9422600657152665, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02951194154283753}, {"word": "frustrated-like", "smiley_face": 0.0002882259691598213, "positivity": 0.029462098285055485, "time_bin": 123, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@CampaignCarl @togee48 Offended Sandy victims frustrated-like being offended #Benghazi Deaths HIS fault for DENIED MIL SUPPORT #IMPEACH", "frequency": 0.005011244593978574, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9405443867992506, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029993514915693905}, {"word": "xoxo-chrissy", "smiley_face": 0.0004975124378109452, "positivity": 0.03144896943852168, "time_bin": 124, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Peter- 'SNL' Recap: Louis C.K. Plays President Lincoln 'Louie' Style; Delivers Hurricane Sandy Stan... xoxo-Chrissy", "frequency": 0.0129042091228821, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.937775408670931, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03077562189054726}, {"word": "#he'sday", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.02903082805592066, "time_bin": 125, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Haitians' doubt over Sandy aid pledge In the coming weeks the government p #video #he'sday", "frequency": 0.005310964143502725, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9407635320826861, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.030205639861393237}, {"word": "sandyeconomic", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029427604246807203, "time_bin": 126, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "ABC NewsWhy Twitter helps during catastrophes like Hurricane SandyEconomic TimesTwitter is often a caldron of sa...", "frequency": 0.005529655036374343, "frowny_face": 0.00015386982612709647, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9413755962455762, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029196799507616555}, {"word": "#thewhale", "smiley_face": 0.0002626740215392698, "positivity": 0.025559758339900183, "time_bin": 127, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "These were definitely worse than any #ratchets I've seen tonight #sandy and #thewhale from sponge bob", "frequency": 0.012650609471711781, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9429997373259784, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03144050433412136}, {"word": "#kinus", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.030168313296036187, "time_bin": 128, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Rabbishish #kinus All systems go for the annual Big Dance ! #Sandy caused some last minute re-arrangements but \"the show goes on\"!", "frequency": 0.015132452022119108, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9396798000238067, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03015188668015712}, {"word": "#everythingwillbefine", "smiley_face": 0.00016015374759769378, "positivity": 0.031209961563100578, "time_bin": 129, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@elvisduran what north easterners are enduring with#sandy reminded me what I had to go through with #hurricaneAndrew #everythingwillbefine", "frequency": 0.006471894877230436, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9340366752081999, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.034753363228699555}, {"word": "recycle-a-bicycle", "smiley_face": 0.0001044768322624458, "positivity": 0.03295658987619495, "time_bin": 130, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "While Sandy recovery continues signs of hope on two wheels | Recycle-A-Bicycle", "frequency": 0.006578838814487316, "frowny_face": 5.22384161312229e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9350937679569555, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03194964216684951}, {"word": "#race2recovery.great", "smiley_face": 0.0001453858176134918, "positivity": 0.029625340748010032, "time_bin": 131, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#Race2recovery.great response to cancellation of the NY marathon in the wake of Sandy. Running in supplies. Nice.", "frequency": 0.00312207869152716, "frowny_face": 3.634645440337295e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9410415076509286, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029333151601061317}, {"word": "#thanksed", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029768741682685194, "time_bin": 132, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Romney spox Gillespie \"Sandy Govs have a good working relationship with the Obama admin.\" #ThanksEd #p2 #ThisWeek", "frequency": 0.002285790109690846, "frowny_face": 0.0001478633742422002, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9407345113115482, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029496747005766676}, {"word": "#sandy-fair-but", "smiley_face": 9.03995660820828e-05, "positivity": 0.028917826794431386, "time_bin": 133, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@foxandfriends OK guys the one time u mention twitter was just about #Sandy-FAIR-BUT where is reporting on twitter firestorm on #Benghazi?", "frequency": 0.002253016969200332, "frowny_face": 9.03995660820828e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9418674290363406, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029214744169227987}, {"word": "desafan", "smiley_face": 7.108078331023208e-05, "positivity": 0.02968265984291147, "time_bin": 134, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "TELEMUNDO LAS VEGAS: Filman a Sandy desde una bici: Tres cineastas desafan al huracn Sandy y documentan su pas...", "frequency": 0.005056323647631449, "frowny_face": 0.00014216156662046417, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9406386608380425, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029678679319046095}, {"word": "#annoy", "smiley_face": 0.00013078733978550875, "positivity": 0.03045239340831808, "time_bin": 135, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#sandy has delayed my package so much its starting to #ANNOY me!!!!", "frequency": 0.0017960904041952762, "frowny_face": 8.719155985700585e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.938709782893016, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.030837823698665966}, {"word": "#hotchoc15k", "smiley_face": 0.000128562245553889, "positivity": 0.031527490893507606, "time_bin": 136, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@CharityMiles #HurricaneSandy support at the #hotchoc15K in #chicago #EveryMileMatters unofficial #NYCMarathon", "frequency": 0.00187619452195013, "frowny_face": 8.570816370259267e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9391418470109278, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029330662095564605}, {"word": "#braindamage", "smiley_face": 0.00020567667626491157, "positivity": 0.03068298368298368, "time_bin": 137, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@Reuters STILL USING GENERATOR FollowSafeUseInstructions AVOID DEADLY CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING #TOOMANYDEATHS #BRAINDAMAGE #SANDY", "frequency": 0.02734921488352131, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9393210955710956, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029995920745920748}, {"word": "#thatslow", "smiley_face": 0.00021354745024344408, "positivity": 0.028674083881438456, "time_bin": 138, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@CP3 @cp3cares how about u send money to those in need and dont use a tragedy to boost followers? #scumbag #thatslow #sandy", "frequency": 0.0019778995258647788, "frowny_face": 4.270949004868882e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9431002818826343, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02822563423592722}, {"word": "#rockawayneedshelp", "smiley_face": 4.630915995183848e-05, "positivity": 0.030488191164212284, "time_bin": 139, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@BrunoMars Please RT: Devastation in Rockaway NY; No help after Hurricane Sandy via @examinercom #rockawayneedshelp", "frequency": 0.004789691620884758, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9396938964527184, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.029817912383069366}, {"word": "#reflogic", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03480778255768479, "time_bin": 140, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "What the hell kinda call was that shit. Straight joke I get it they had a hurricane up there so let's give the giants the game #reflogic", "frequency": 0.003007890069763503, "frowny_face": 4.888541259288228e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9318842882283926, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03330792921392257}, {"word": "#thetruthdenied", "smiley_face": 0.0003212163392044542, "positivity": 0.029826275496546924, "time_bin": 141, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Department of Homeland Security Spent $64.1 MILLION to Research How to Steer Hurricanes #aircrap #thetruthdenied #OWS", "frequency": 0.0023744278319849555, "frowny_face": 5.35360565340757e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9401600728090369, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03001365169441619}, {"word": "#asitshouldbe", "smiley_face": 0.00013754527531979277, "positivity": 0.03099353537205997, "time_bin": 142, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "It warms my heart to see the #Steelers winning with defense and a power running game. #AsItShouldBe #SorrySandyVictims", "frequency": 0.0027039521819828467, "frowny_face": 9.169685021319517e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.93917633304296, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029830131584980057}, {"word": "6-time", "smiley_face": 5.415357955160836e-05, "positivity": 0.0309263511318098, "time_bin": 143, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "How about that 6-time superbowl champion hurricane that just swept through Met stadium?! #steelernation #SteelersGame", "frequency": 0.0017572040699104165, "frowny_face": 0.00010830715910321672, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9364981587782952, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03257549008989495}, {"word": "#imexcited", "smiley_face": 5.795421616922631e-05, "positivity": 0.031138394668212107, "time_bin": 144, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@cassidy_lentz go hard in the paint! #imexcited hopefully my tourney is cancelled cuz of good ole sandy.", "frequency": 0.0017962301163476793, "frowny_face": 0.00011590843233845262, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9370762097942625, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03178539553752536}, {"word": "#powerpleasecomeback", "smiley_face": 0.0006045218232378189, "positivity": 0.03105904163140289, "time_bin": 145, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "that awkward moment when u stop turning on a light when u walk in a room #newnormal #7daysnopower #njsandysucks #powerpleasecomeback", "frequency": 0.002355828503404646, "frowny_face": 0.00012090436464756378, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9370088260186192, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.03193213234997784}, {"word": "#holt", "smiley_face": 0.00038859096914587707, "positivity": 0.029789850003885912, "time_bin": 146, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#Holt #Cat has deployed power generator equipment service technicians tools to provide power systems relief to NY &amp; NJ from #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0032125306460894757, "frowny_face": 3.8859096914587705e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9392972332322996, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.030912916763814406}, {"word": "#adisgustedonlooker", "smiley_face": 0.0003848479850459069, "positivity": 0.03170113805047006, "time_bin": 147, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Where is that $5mill now @realdonaldtrump ? Shouldn't you be donating it to #Sandy victims? #ADisgustedOnlooker", "frequency": 0.0039948109187753576, "frowny_face": 0.00010995656715597339, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9371666941558084, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.031132167793721483}, {"word": "ass-raping", "smiley_face": 0.00018989745537409798, "positivity": 0.03065657045195595, "time_bin": 148, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Liberals are so locked in they could spin Obama ass-raping a decapitated collie and still have time to post Sandy relief links. #Election", "frequency": 0.004293909307439862, "frowny_face": 9.494872768704899e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9376068173186479, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.03173661222939612}, {"word": "decolonize.liberate", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03058904694167852, "time_bin": 149, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "\"@OccupySandy: (Un)Occupy. Decolonize.Liberate. Writings from the front lines in Rockaway Park #sofiaows #sandyrecovery", "frequency": 0.00975892850726728, "frowny_face": 0.0002844950213371266, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9381578947368421, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03125305832147937}, {"word": "shemale", "smiley_face": 0.00014046916701783958, "positivity": 0.03128164067987077, "time_bin": 150, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Big Cock Tranny Anal: Sandy is a pretty shemale with a big uncut dick and an ass that can take a pounding Click ...", "frequency": 0.019621244086358798, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9353315072341621, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03338685208596713}, {"word": "", "smiley_face": 0.00017885888034340904, "positivity": 0.032038096941513154, "time_bin": 151, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Liberals turned against God at their convention..Now they are asking Him for help in their comments about hurricane relief. #tcot #C4Palin", "frequency": 0.023055065018495993, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9320559828295475, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03590592022893936}, {"word": "on..and", "smiley_face": 0.00011986096128490951, "positivity": 0.03153997363058852, "time_bin": 152, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "The 2012 election is going to go on..and on..AND ON due to these storms Sandy &amp; the nor'easter", "frequency": 0.007200556184741402, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9332374445643054, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03522258180510608}, {"word": "n.fort", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.03221784492112511, "time_bin": 153, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@sangita_patel Cool here this a.m. but p.m. high of 81F here in N.Fort Myers Florida.No sign of Sandy here.Good trip down too.", "frequency": 0.00655514551743634, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9329146148067774, "freqBin": 4, "negativity": 0.03486754027209749}, {"word": "#kotd", "smiley_face": 5.246864998163597e-05, "positivity": 0.02985906920614933, "time_bin": 154, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "#kotd #UGGS #SandyBrown", "frequency": 0.0028412087805042233, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9375688651031009, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.032572065690749774}, {"word": "non-self", "smiley_face": 0.00015212596029512437, "positivity": 0.030118392028599686, "time_bin": 155, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@melissaiswrite hi! *waves* non-Sandy non-self promo tweet right here! ^_^", "frequency": 0.0016436532601912617, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9387645470449533, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.031117060926447095}, {"word": "fall-trying", "smiley_face": 4.1967433271781096e-05, "positivity": 0.03140750377706899, "time_bin": 156, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "@sandy1graham I may be contacting U I will need a coach when competition starts in 2013. working hard this fall-trying to get to scratch 8.1", "frequency": 0.0014693951638973441, "frowny_face": 0.0001259022998153433, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9374370488500924, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03115544737283868}, {"word": "antifungal", "smiley_face": 0.0001740341106856944, "positivity": 0.029484394941408514, "time_bin": 157, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "Time for me to go our foraging for antifungal everything to prevent these wonderful boys from catching my while I'm staying here #Sandy", "frequency": 0.0017016864243022724, "frowny_face": 5.8011370228564796e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9388415129365356, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.03167409212205593}, {"word": "#sandydonethievin", "smiley_face": 0.00020636427421684758, "positivity": 0.028177349457261962, "time_bin": 158, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "\"i can't buy anything we all hurricane poor\" #sandydonethievin @zalrobin", "frequency": 0.0010536462830754575, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9422902307152585, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029532419827479464}, {"word": "people-centred", "smiley_face": 0.00013011091955892397, "positivity": 0.028639332530982664, "time_bin": 159, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Are we seeing a real \"people-centred\" disaster relief model here? #Sandy #Reddingsdaad RT @peoplefor @moveon", "frequency": 0.002110348026798407, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9418932765182318, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029467390950785544}, {"word": "#corporatepull", "smiley_face": 0.00017201341704652963, "positivity": 0.02913718070009461, "time_bin": 160, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 2, "sample_tweet": "What happens if the sandy region goes red? #corporatepull", "frequency": 0.002270254310767948, "frowny_face": 4.300335426163241e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9394835297153178, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.0313792895845876}, {"word": "neighbors..that", "smiley_face": 0.00010015356880550177, "positivity": 0.02733371169125993, "time_bin": 161, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Neighbors Helping Neighbors..that is how we began 20 years ago after Hurricane Andrew. Now our neighbors up North...", "frequency": 0.002489938994995199, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9459921880216332, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.026674100287106896}, {"word": "butt-buddy", "smiley_face": 7.137758743754462e-05, "positivity": 0.026550463954318343, "time_bin": 162, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@Mauty1108 Yeah Obama handled Sandy well unlike Bush did. Even Romney's butt-buddy was impressed.", "frequency": 0.0013799280058458506, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9437723054960743, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029677230549607424}, {"word": "#willingtooverlook", "smiley_face": 0.00029540643001329327, "positivity": 0.029910639554920977, "time_bin": 163, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Don't like his music (sorry) but it's amazing to see what Bon Jovi is doing for #Sandy victims. #willingtooverlook", "frequency": 0.0023114555751638424, "frowny_face": 4.923440500221555e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9409925656048447, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.029096794840234357}, {"word": "frighteningmy", "smiley_face": 0.0001597635499460798, "positivity": 0.02998510204896753, "time_bin": 164, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@r1965rainey it is frighteningmy friend I recommend every American buy Hurricane supplies and be ready to protect their own.", "frequency": 0.0016980018752664164, "frowny_face": 0.0001597635499460798, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.940063705715541, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.029951192235491468}, {"word": "gbush", "smiley_face": 0.0002432794063982484, "positivity": 0.028058224871264647, "time_bin": 165, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@edshow FoxNews Hannity &amp; L Dobbs are trying to make HC Sandy and its victims Prez Obama's Katrina. ...Trying to equalize GBush's failures", "frequency": 0.0032808426801116952, "frowny_face": 8.10931354660828e-05, "dist_bin": 4, "objectivity": 0.9423579856465151, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02958378948222033}, {"word": "#wallstreat", "smiley_face": 6.592827004219409e-05, "positivity": 0.02933188291139241, "time_bin": 0, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "#Sandy vs. #WallStreat Go #Sandy Go!!!", "frequency": 0.0015905287844919884, "frowny_face": 0.0006592827004219409, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9421973892405063, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02847072784810126}, {"word": "#leaveitingang", "smiley_face": 5.537405171936431e-05, "positivity": 0.03090874356276649, "time_bin": 1, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Name her Sandy RT @TimmyJig: Word To The Wise: Due To Weather Events Don't Become Part Of The #LeaveItInGang", "frequency": 0.0018492626732441535, "frowny_face": 0.0001661221551580929, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.941296583421009, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.027794673016224597}, {"word": "me.listen", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.027740071974240797, "time_bin": 2, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "\"GreatBibleVerse: Lord.Turn your ear toward me.Listen to my words - Psalm 17:3 (Pray for a shield around people hit by #Hurricane#Sandy)\"", "frequency": 0.0017474008234959404, "frowny_face": 0.00012627059789128102, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9458456973293768, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.026414230696382348}, {"word": "#iwillpray", "smiley_face": 0.00011242902917533307, "positivity": 0.027927708134240264, "time_bin": 3, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Hope everyone on the east coast is alright #iwillpray #superstormsandy", "frequency": 0.001905558727547559, "frowny_face": 5.621451458766653e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.943609815054247, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.02846247681151273}, {"word": "#badjobsandy", "smiley_face": 4.22761477974127e-05, "positivity": 0.02714657140441363, "time_bin": 4, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "So hating suffolk...why can't they just cancel for tommorrow #badjobsandy #10amclassBOO #thissucks #hwtodo", "frequency": 0.0020629337642346962, "frowny_face": 0.0002536568867844762, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9467214847383106, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.026131943857275724}, {"word": "suele", "smiley_face": 0.0002984406476162053, "positivity": 0.02763373871521301, "time_bin": 5, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@sandychocochips Confieso que suele ser menos clavado y ms meldico pero me da gusto que el da de hoy te haya enganchado. Que as siga!", "frequency": 0.003009737815435748, "frowny_face": 0.0002984406476162053, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9431004252779228, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.029265836006864138}, {"word": "m.a.d", "smiley_face": 0.0001384083044982699, "positivity": 0.027560553633217993, "time_bin": 6, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@donnyosmond Prayer's going out to all our DDC friends that are effected by Sandy from M.A.D WITH YOUR HEART PRAYER CHAIN around the world.", "frequency": 0.0016338523748122974, "frowny_face": 4.61361014994233e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9452018454440599, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.02723760092272203}, {"word": "#millionswithoutpower", "smiley_face": 0.00031026993484331366, "positivity": 0.024220043437790877, "time_bin": 7, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 4, "sample_tweet": "@hafsamohamed1 as well as how important infrastructure is. #millionswithoutpower #sandy", "frequency": 0.0017644616088802862, "frowny_face": 0.00012410797393732546, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9488209742475954, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.026958982314613716}, {"word": "20campaign", "smiley_face": 0.00014996250937265683, "positivity": 0.026789852536865784, "time_bin": 8, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Romney-Ryan%20Reportedly%20Using%20Campaign%20Bus%20to%20Aid%20Hurricane%20Sandy%20Relief via @theblaze", "frequency": 0.0017085511386988302, "frowny_face": 0.00024993751562109475, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9458010497375656, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.027409097725568606}, {"word": "#wheresthethunderat", "smiley_face": 0.00013073604392731077, "positivity": 0.02731383187344751, "time_bin": 9, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "So disappointed in hurricane sandy #wheresthethunderat", "frequency": 0.0028179621707364144, "frowny_face": 6.536802196365538e-05, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9440776572100928, "freqBin": 3, "negativity": 0.02860851091645967}, {"word": "#octubre", "smiley_face": 0.0002442499491145939, "positivity": 0.02592619580704254, "time_bin": 10, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "07:00 #trendNews #polic #sandy #eltiempo #naci #nueva #voluntarios #octubre #aeropuerto #le #terminal ...", "frequency": 0.0024182622745901115, "frowny_face": 0.0001628332994097293, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9467636881742316, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.027310116018725832}, {"word": "#srynotsry", "smiley_face": 6.988608568034104e-05, "positivity": 0.025836466559508005, "time_bin": 11, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "@cjh421 dont worry about @laceylmurray if you sit around insude all day anyway u cant get hurt by sandy. #srynotsry #superfly", "frequency": 0.0019152438018997828, "frowny_face": 0.0, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9482318820322874, "freqBin": 2, "negativity": 0.025931651408204626}, {"word": "nhsocal", "smiley_face": 0.00021292451825827744, "positivity": 0.0264196209943575, "time_bin": 12, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Our hearts at NHSoCal go out to all the people who are battling the storm Sandy on the East Coast...", "frequency": 0.0014668234350626388, "frowny_face": 0.00010646225912913872, "dist_bin": 5, "objectivity": 0.9467688704354307, "freqBin": 1, "negativity": 0.026811508570211858}, {"word": "baleslah", "smiley_face": 0.0, "positivity": 0.029887798584776575, "time_bin": 13, "isRT": 0, "objectivityBin": 3, "sample_tweet": "Kiw TL penuh sama @ikhsansandy neeeh --v tapi... Gada satupun mention mimin yang dibales-_-
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