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Last active May 19, 2021 04:06
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Delegating Parsing Function
// Say we have something like this:
case class OperationsParser(root: Parser[Ast] = Parser.empty)(override implicit val qctx: Quotes) extends Parser.Clause[Ast] with ComparisonTechniques {
def delegate: PartialFunction[Expr[_], Ast] = {
case ...
// Just do this:
case class OperationsParser(root: Parser[Ast] = Parser.empty)(override implicit val qctx: Quotes) extends Parser.Clause[Ast] with ComparisonTechniques {
def delegate: PartialFunction[Expr[_], Ast] = {
(expr: Expr[_]) => {
// Now you can do things like print something when it comes in to this parser
println(s"I am trying to parser this expression: ${io.getquill.util.Format.Expr(expr)}")
def del: PartialFunction[Expr[_], Ast] = {
case ...
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