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Created May 5, 2023 19:00
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abstract class PluginOptions {}
abstract class Plugin<Options extends PluginOptions> {
Options get options;
class MyPluginOptions extends PluginOptions {}
class MyPlugin extends Plugin<MyPluginOptions> {
static const pluginKey = PluginKey<MyPluginOptions, MyPlugin>();
MyPluginOptions get options => MyPluginOptions();
O getOptionsGenerically<O extends PluginOptions, P extends Plugin<O>>(P plugin) => plugin.options;
class PluginKey<O extends PluginOptions, P extends Plugin<O>> {
const PluginKey();
O getOptionsWithPluginKey<O extends PluginOptions, P extends Plugin<O>>(PluginKey<O, P> pluginKey, P plugin) => plugin.options;
void main() {
final plugin = MyPlugin();
// Problem: The static type = `PluginOptions` but we want `MyPluginOptions`.
// This is due to limitations in Dart's ability to infer generics when referemce each other.
final /* PluginOptions */ options = getOptionsGenerically(plugin);
// Option 1: pass all generic types explicitly.
// But you have to know which parameters to pass, and for anything more than 2 parameters, it's very verbose.
final /* MyPluginOptions */ myPluginOptions = getOptionsGenerically<MyPluginOptions, MyPlugin>(plugin);
// Option 2: plugin key
// The plugin key encodes the generic parameters so that we don't have to remember them/pass them specifically.
// The plugin key is also easier to locate when it has a dedicated location per plugin.
final /* MyPluginOptions */ myPluginKeyOptions = getOptionsWithPluginKey(MyPlugin.pluginKey, plugin);
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