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Created June 5, 2023 23:02
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enum MfaType { sms, totp }
T _useCurrent<T>(T value) => value;
Future<void> setMfaPreferences({
Set<MfaType> Function(Set<MfaType>) enabled = _useCurrent,
MfaType? Function(MfaType?) preferred = _useCurrent,
}) async {
Future<void> main() async {
// To enable SMS MFA without affecting other settings.
await setMfaPreferences(
enabled: (enabled) => enabled..add(MfaType.sms),
// To disable SMS MFA without affecting other settings.
await setMfaPreferences(
enabled: (enabled) => enabled..remove(MfaType.sms),
// To make SMS MFA the only method, overriding previous values.
await setMfaPreferences(
enabled: (_) => {MfaType.sms},
preferred: (_) => null,
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