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Last active February 5, 2018 06:51
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module NMA where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Network.Wreq (post, FormParam(..), responseBody, responseStatus, statusCode)
import Text.Read (readEither)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Xeno.SAX as X
data PriorityLevel = VeryLow | Moderate | Normal | High | Emergency
data Notification = Notification {
application :: T.Text
, description :: T.Text
, event :: T.Text
, priority :: PriorityLevel
, url :: T.Text
, contentType :: T.Text
class Paramer a where
params :: a -> [FormParam]
instance Paramer Notification where
params n =
["application" := application n,
"description" := description n,
"event" := event n,
"priority" := (subtract 2.fromEnum.priority) n,
"url" := url n,
"contentType" := contentType n]
data NMA = NMA {
apiKey :: [T.Text]
, developerKey :: T.Text
instance Paramer NMA where
params n = ["apikey" := x | x <- apiKey n] <> ["developerkey" := developerKey n]
-- Msg, Calls Remaining, Time Left.
data Response = Response { msg :: T.Text, remaining :: Int, timeLeft :: Int }
deriving (Show)
parseResponse :: BS.ByteString -> Either String Response
parseResponse b =
case X.fold open attr end txt close cdata (Right $ Response "" 0 0) b of
Left x -> (Left . show) x
Right s -> s
where open = const
attr (Right r) "remaining" x = (\n -> r { remaining = n}) <$> eread x
attr (Right r) "resettimer" x = (\n -> r { timeLeft = n}) <$> eread x
attr r _ _ = r
-- attr helper
eread = readEither . C.unpack
end = const
txt (Right (Response m c t)) x = Right (Response (m <> (T.pack . C.unpack) x) c t)
txt x _ = x
close (Right (Response m _ t)) "error" = Left (T.unpack m <> " - " <> show t <> "s left")
close x _ = x
cdata = const
notify :: NMA -> Notification -> IO (Either String Response)
notify nma not = do
let opts = params nma <> params not
r <- post "" opts
guard $ r ^. responseStatus . statusCode == 200
pure $ parseResponse $ L.toStrict $ r ^. responseBody
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