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Created June 12, 2015 18:07
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quick patch of glslify to accept api opts
var glslifyBundle = require('glslify-bundle')
var staticModule = require('static-module')
var glslifyDeps = require('glslify-deps')
var glslResolve = require('glsl-resolve')
var through = require('through2')
var nodeResolve = require('resolve')
var path = require('path')
var fs = require('fs')
module.exports = transform
module.exports.bundle = bundle
var undef;
function transform(jsFilename, apiOpts) {
if (path.extname(jsFilename) === '.json') return through()
// static-module is responsible for replacing any
// calls to glslify in your JavaScript with a string
// of our choosing – in this case, our bundled glslify
// shader source.
var sm = staticModule({
glslify: streamBundle
}, {
vars: {
__dirname: path.dirname(jsFilename),
__filename: jsFilename,
require: {
resolve: nodeResolve
return sm
function streamBundle(filename, opts) {
var stream = through()
opts = opts || {}
for(var opt in apiOpts) {
if(opts[opt] === undef) {
opts[opt] = apiOpts[opt];
opts.basedir = opts.basedir || path.dirname(jsFilename)
var depper = bundle(filename, opts, function(err, source) {
if (err) return sm.emit('error', err)
//notify watchify that we have a new dependency
depper.on('file', function(file) {
sm.emit('file', file)
return stream
function bundle(filename, opts, done) {
opts = opts || {}
var defaultBase = opts.inline
? process.cwd()
: path.dirname(filename)
var base = path.resolve(opts.basedir || defaultBase)
var posts = []
var files = []
var depper = glslifyDeps({
cwd: base
// Extract and add our local transforms.
var transforms = opts.transform || []
depper.on('file', function(file) {
transforms = Array.isArray(transforms) ? transforms : [transforms]
transforms.forEach(function(transform) {
transform = Array.isArray(transform) ? transform : [transform]
var name = transform[0]
var opts = transform[1] || {}
if ( {
posts.push({ name: name, opts: opts })
} else {
depper.transform(name, opts)
if (opts.inline) {
, base
, addedDep)
} else {
filename = glslResolve.sync(filename, {
basedir: base
depper.add(filename, addedDep)
return depper
// Builds a dependency tree starting from the
// given `filename` using glslify-deps.
function addedDep(err, tree) {
if (err) return done(err)
try {
// Turn that dependency tree into a GLSL string,
// stringified for use in our JavaScript.
var source = glslifyBundle(tree)
} catch(e) {
return done(e)
// Finally, this applies our --post transforms
function next() {
var tr = posts.shift()
if (!tr) return postDone()
var target = nodeResolve.sync(, {
basedir: path.dirname(filename)
var transform = require(target)
transform(null, source, {
post: true
}, function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err
if (data) source = data
function postDone() {
done(null, source, opts.inline
? files.slice(1)
: files
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