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Last active October 25, 2019 09:07
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<p class = "ptext">This is a visualization of Supreme Court topics over time. Click a color on the graph to visualize a topic trend over time, as well as an example case and the words that make up that topic group. Drag your cursor over the grey chart to zoom in on certain time periods.<small><br><br><a href="">emilyinamillion</a> made this. The topic modeling was done with TFIDF and non-negative matrix factorization. The pipeline code lives<a href = ""> here. </a> </small> </br> </p>
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date value
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1914 2466
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1916 1963
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1918 2089
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1920 1980
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1934 1539
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1936 1467
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1944 1476
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1948 2286
1949 1782
1950 1854
1951 1798
1952 2196
1953 1566
1954 1660
1955 1908
1956 2270
1957 2790
1958 2502
1959 2448
1960 2502
1961 2134
1962 2844
1963 3294
1964 2410
1965 2538
1966 2646
1967 3546
1968 2432
1969 2320
1970 2592
1971 3090
1972 3348
1973 3114
1974 2772
1975 3252
1976 3222
1977 2790
1978 2880
1979 2808
1980 2736
1981 3186
1982 2988
1983 3114
1984 2970
1985 2970
1986 2898
1987 2700
1988 2736
1989 2520
1990 2320
1991 2156
1992 2140
1993 1728
1994 1656
1995 1638
1996 1728
1997 1800
1998 1656
1999 1546
2000 1564
2001 1512
2002 1512
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2004 1440
2005 1566
2006 1346
2007 1314
2008 1494
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2010 1530
2011 1386
2012 1422
2013 1350
2014 1278
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
date,numkey,value,key,title,exampleURL,leadpp,topicwords 1792,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1792,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1792,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1792,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1792,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1792,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1792,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1792,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1792,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1792,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1792,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1792,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1792,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1792,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1792,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1792,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1792,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1792,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1792,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1793,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1793,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1793,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1793,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1793,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1793,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1793,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1793,24,2.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1793,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1793,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1793,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1793,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1793,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1793,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1793,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1793,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1793,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1793,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1793,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1795,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1795,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1795,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1795,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1795,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1795,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1795,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1795,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1795,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1795,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1795,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1795,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1795,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1795,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1795,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1795,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1795,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1795,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1795,10,1.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1796,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1796,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1796,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1796,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1796,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1796,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1796,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1796,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1796,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1796,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1796,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1796,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1796,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1796,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1796,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1796,29,1.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1796,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1796,4,1.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1796,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1798,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1798,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1798,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1798,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1798,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1798,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1798,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1798,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1798,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1798,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1798,4,1.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1798,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1798,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1798,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1798,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1798,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1798,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1798,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1798,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1799,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1799,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1799,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1799,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1799,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1799,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1799,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1799,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1799,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1799,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1799,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1799,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1799,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1799,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1799,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1799,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1799,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1799,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1799,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1800,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1800,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1800,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1800,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1800,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1800,16,1.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1800,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1800,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1800,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1800,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1800,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1800,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1800,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1800,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1800,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1800,4,1.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1800,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1800,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1800,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1801,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1801,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1801,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1801,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1801,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1801,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1801,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1801,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1801,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1801,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1801,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1801,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1801,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1801,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1801,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1801,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1801,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1801,4,1.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1801,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1802,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1802,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1802,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1802,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1802,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1802,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1802,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1802,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1802,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1802,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1802,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1802,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1802,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1802,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1802,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1802,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1802,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1802,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1802,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1803,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1803,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1803,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1803,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1803,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1803,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1803,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1803,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1803,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1803,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1803,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1803,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1803,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1803,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1803,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1803,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1803,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1803,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1803,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1804,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1804,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1804,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1804,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1804,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1804,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1804,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1804,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1804,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1804,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1804,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1804,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1804,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1804,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1804,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1804,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1804,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1804,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1804,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1805,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1805,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1805,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1805,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1805,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1805,11,1.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1805,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1805,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1805,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1805,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1805,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1805,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1805,14,1.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1805,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1805,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1805,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1805,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1805,6,1.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1805,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1806,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1806,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1806,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1806,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1806,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1806,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1806,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1806,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1806,3,2.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1806,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1806,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1806,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1806,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1806,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1806,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1806,6,1.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1806,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1806,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1806,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1807,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1807,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1807,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1807,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1807,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1807,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1807,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1807,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1807,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1807,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1807,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1807,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1807,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1807,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1807,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1807,11,1.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1807,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1807,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1807,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1808,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1808,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1808,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1808,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1808,6,1.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1808,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1808,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1808,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1808,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1808,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1808,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1808,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1808,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1808,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1808,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1808,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1808,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1808,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1808,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1809,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1809,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1809,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1809,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1809,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1809,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1809,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1809,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1809,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1809,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1809,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1809,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1809,7,2.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1809,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1809,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1809,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1809,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1809,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1809,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1810,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1810,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1810,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1810,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1810,14,1.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1810,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1810,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1810,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1810,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1810,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1810,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1810,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1810,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1810,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1810,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1810,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1810,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1810,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1810,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1812,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1812,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1812,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1812,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1812,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1812,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1812,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1812,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1812,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1812,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1812,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1812,29,1.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1812,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1812,6,2.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1812,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1812,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1812,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1812,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1812,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1813,24,2.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1813,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1813,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1813,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1813,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1813,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1813,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1813,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1813,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1813,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1813,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1813,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1813,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1813,11,1.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1813,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1813,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1813,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1813,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1813,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1814,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1814,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1814,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1814,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1814,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1814,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1814,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1814,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1814,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1814,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1814,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1814,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1814,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1814,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1814,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1814,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1814,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1814,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1814,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1815,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1815,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1815,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1815,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1815,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1815,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1815,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1815,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1815,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1815,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1815,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1815,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1815,26,3.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1815,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1815,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1815,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1815,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1815,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1815,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1816,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1816,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1816,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1816,28,1.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1816,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1816,29,2.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1816,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1816,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1816,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1816,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1816,4,1.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1816,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1816,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1816,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1816,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1816,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1816,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1816,11,1.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1816,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1817,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1817,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1817,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1817,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1817,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1817,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1817,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1817,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1817,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1817,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1817,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1817,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1817,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1817,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1817,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1817,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1817,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1817,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1817,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1818,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1818,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1818,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1818,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1818,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1818,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1818,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1818,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1818,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1818,11,1.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1818,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1818,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1818,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1818,29,1.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1818,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1818,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1818,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1818,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1818,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1819,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1819,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1819,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1819,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1819,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1819,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1819,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1819,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1819,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1819,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1819,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1819,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1819,29,1.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1819,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1819,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1819,14,1.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1819,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1819,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1819,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1820,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1820,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1820,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1820,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1820,3,2.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1820,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1820,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1820,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1820,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1820,11,3.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1820,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1820,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1820,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1820,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1820,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1820,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1820,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1820,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1820,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1821,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1821,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1821,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1821,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1821,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1821,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1821,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1821,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1821,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1821,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1821,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1821,29,1.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1821,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1821,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1821,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1821,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1821,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1821,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1821,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1822,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1822,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1822,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1822,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1822,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1822,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1822,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1822,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1822,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1822,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1822,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1822,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1822,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1822,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1822,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1822,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1822,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1822,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1822,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1823,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1823,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1823,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1823,4,1.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1823,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1823,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1823,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1823,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1823,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1823,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1823,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1823,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1823,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1823,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1823,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1823,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1823,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1823,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1823,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1824,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1824,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1824,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1824,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1824,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1824,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1824,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1824,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1824,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1824,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1824,11,1.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1824,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1824,6,1.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1824,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1824,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1824,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1824,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1824,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1824,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1825,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1825,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1825,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1825,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1825,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1825,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1825,29,1.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1825,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1825,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1825,13,1.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1825,16,2.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1825,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1825,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1825,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1825,6,1.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1825,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1825,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1825,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1825,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1826,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1826,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1826,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1826,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1826,11,1.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1826,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1826,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1826,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1826,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1826,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1826,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1826,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1826,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1826,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1826,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1826,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1826,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1826,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1826,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1827,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1827,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1827,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1827,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1827,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1827,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1827,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1827,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1827,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1827,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1827,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1827,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1827,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1827,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1827,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1827,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1827,24,2.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1827,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1827,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1828,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1828,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1828,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1828,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1828,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1828,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1828,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1828,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1828,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1828,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1828,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1828,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1828,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1828,6,2.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1828,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1828,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1828,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1828,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1828,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1829,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1829,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1829,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1829,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1829,6,1.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1829,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1829,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1829,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1829,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1829,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1829,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1829,0,3.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1829,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1829,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1829,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1829,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1829,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1829,29,1.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1829,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1830,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1830,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1830,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1830,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1830,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1830,26,3.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1830,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1830,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1830,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1830,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1830,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1830,23,1.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1830,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1830,0,3.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1830,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1830,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1830,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1830,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1830,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1831,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1831,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1831,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1831,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1831,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1831,16,2.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1831,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1831,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1831,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1831,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1831,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1831,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1831,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1831,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1831,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1831,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1831,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1831,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1831,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1832,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1832,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1832,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1832,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1832,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1832,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1832,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1832,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1832,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1832,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1832,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1832,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1832,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1832,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1832,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1832,29,1.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1832,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1832,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1832,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1833,11,2.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1833,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1833,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1833,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1833,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1833,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1833,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1833,26,2.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1833,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1833,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1833,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1833,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1833,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1833,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1833,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1833,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1833,6,2.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1833,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1833,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1834,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1834,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1834,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1834,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1834,0,3.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1834,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1834,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1834,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1834,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1834,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1834,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1834,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1834,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1834,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1834,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1834,29,1.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1834,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1834,12,1.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1834,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1835,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1835,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1835,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1835,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1835,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1835,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1835,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1835,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1835,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1835,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1835,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1835,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1835,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1835,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1835,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1835,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1835,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1835,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1835,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1836,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1836,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1836,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1836,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1836,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1836,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1836,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1836,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1836,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1836,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1836,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1836,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1836,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1836,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1836,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1836,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1836,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1836,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1836,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1837,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1837,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1837,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1837,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1837,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1837,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1837,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1837,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1837,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1837,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1837,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1837,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1837,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1837,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1837,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1837,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1837,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1837,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1837,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1838,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1838,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1838,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1838,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1838,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1838,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1838,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1838,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1838,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1838,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1838,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1838,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1838,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1838,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1838,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1838,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1838,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1838,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1838,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1839,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1839,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1839,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1839,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1839,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1839,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1839,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1839,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1839,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1839,3,3.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1839,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1839,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1839,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1839,23,1.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1839,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1839,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1839,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1839,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1839,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1840,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1840,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1840,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1840,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1840,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1840,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1840,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1840,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1840,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1840,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1840,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1840,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1840,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1840,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1840,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1840,7,2.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1840,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1840,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1840,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1841,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1841,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1841,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1841,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1841,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1841,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1841,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1841,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1841,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1841,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1841,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1841,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1841,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1841,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1841,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1841,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1841,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1841,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1841,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1842,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1842,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1842,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1842,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1842,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1842,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1842,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1842,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1842,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1842,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1842,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1842,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1842,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1842,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1842,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1842,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1842,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1842,26,2.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1842,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1843,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1843,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1843,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1843,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1843,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1843,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1843,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1843,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1843,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1843,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1843,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1843,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1843,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1843,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1843,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1843,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1843,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1843,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1843,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1844,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1844,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1844,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1844,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1844,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1844,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1844,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1844,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1844,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1844,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1844,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1844,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1844,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1844,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1844,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1844,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1844,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1844,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1844,11,1.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1845,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1845,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1845,12,1.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1845,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1845,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1845,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1845,4,1.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1845,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1845,26,2.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1845,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1845,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1845,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1845,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1845,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1845,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1845,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1845,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1845,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1845,13,1.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1846,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1846,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1846,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1846,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1846,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1846,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1846,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1846,23,1.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1846,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1846,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1846,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1846,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1846,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1846,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1846,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1846,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1846,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1846,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1846,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1847,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1847,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1847,13,1.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1847,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1847,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1847,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1847,21,1.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1847,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1847,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1847,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1847,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1847,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1847,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1847,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1847,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1847,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1847,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1847,3,2.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1847,16,1.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1848,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1848,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1848,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1848,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1848,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1848,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1848,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1848,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1848,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1848,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1848,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1848,23,1.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1848,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1848,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1848,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1848,26,2.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1848,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1848,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1848,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1849,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1849,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1849,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1849,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1849,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1849,16,1.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1849,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1849,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1849,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1849,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1849,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1849,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1849,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1849,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1849,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1849,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1849,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1849,0,0.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1849,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1850,29,4.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1850,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1850,14,1.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1850,12,1.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1850,16,1.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1850,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1850,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1850,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1850,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1850,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1850,3,2.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1850,0,3.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1850,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1850,13,1.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1850,28,1.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1850,26,5.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1850,24,2.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1850,11,1.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1850,17,1.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1851,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1851,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1851,29,1.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1851,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1851,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1851,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1851,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1851,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1851,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1851,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1851,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1851,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1851,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1851,3,2.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1851,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1851,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1851,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1851,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1851,11,1.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1852,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1852,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1852,12,1.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1852,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1852,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1852,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1852,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1852,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1852,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1852,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1852,4,2.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1852,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1852,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1852,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1852,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1852,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1852,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1852,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1852,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1853,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1853,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1853,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1853,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1853,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1853,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1853,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1853,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1853,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1853,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1853,26,2.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1853,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1853,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1853,4,2.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1853,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1853,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1853,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1853,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1853,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1854,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1854,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1854,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1854,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1854,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1854,4,2.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1854,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1854,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1854,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1854,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1854,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1854,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1854,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1854,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1854,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1854,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1854,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1854,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1854,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1855,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1855,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1855,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1855,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1855,16,1.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1855,4,2.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1855,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1855,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1855,26,1.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1855,24,1.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1855,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1855,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1855,0,3.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1855,29,2.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1855,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1855,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1855,23,2.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1855,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1855,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1856,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1856,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1856,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1856,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1856,17,1.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1856,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1856,3,1.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1856,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1856,23,0.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1856,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1856,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1856,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1856,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1856,6,1.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1856,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1856,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1856,13,1.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1856,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1856,29,0.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1857,10,0.0,Workers Unions,"LABOR BOARD v. BROWN, (1965)",,Respondents were members of a multiemployer bargaining group with a history of successful bargainingÉ,"employee, employer, relation, agreement, bargaining, worker, practice, unfair, discharge, collective, wage, injury, strike, collectivebargaining, engage, employ, arbitration, bargain, negligence, represent, require, seq, activity, hour, provide, pay, refuse, dispute, injure, charge, operate, contractor, discrimination, meaning, amend, award, result, damage, cover, violation" 1857,7,1.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1857,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1857,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1857,0,2.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1857,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1857,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1857,29,1.0,Torts - a civil wrong that caused a loss,"UNITED STATES v. ATLAS INS. CO., (1965)",,"The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959 provides for the division of an insurance company's investment income into two parts, the policyholders' share (to be added to reserves for payment of future claims), and the company's share, with a pro rata allocation of each item of income to each share including tax-exempt interest...","claim, claimant, suit, owner, assert, cl, possession, finding, allege, entitle, war, reject, tort, recover, arise, allow, bring, refund, base, infringement, damage, adverse, location, treaty, deliver, infringe, valid, know, limitation, approve, award, relief, settlement, make, invention, acre, determine, adjudicate, render, mineral" 1857,23,1.0,Free Speech,"MEMOIRS v. MASSACHUSETTS, (1966)",,"Appellee, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, brought this civil equity action for an adjudication of obscenity of Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), and appellant publisher intervenedÉ","judgment, reverse, enter, verdict, favor, render, reason, recover, set, remand, final, result, proceeding, bring, appellate, record, summary, finding, cost, memoir, forth, obtain, solicitor, argument, try, evidence, separate, execution, conclusion, sustain, recovery, rest, issue, employer, award, respect" 1857,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1857,6,2.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1857,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1857,28,0.0,Tenants Rights - business and individual,"MILLINERY CORP. v. COMMISSIONER, (1956)",,"In April 1924, petitioner leased land in New York City for 21 years, with an option to renew the lease for two further 21-year periodsÉ","lease, lessee, lessor, mineral, premise, year, operate, agreement, owner, acre, covenant, acquire, tenant, reservation, operation, option, possession, occupy, execute, leasehold, contain, provide, purpose, terminate, osage, erect, agree, purchase, cancellation, termination, subject, include, authorize, convey, allot, derive, assignment, ownership, ninetynine, allotment" 1857,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1857,3,0.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, employ, summary, negligence, arrest, include, loss, charge, purchase, violation, improvidently, agent, libel, return, diversity, infringement, injure, basis, base, drive, request, pursuant, failure" 1857,4,0.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1857,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1857,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1857,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1858,16,0.0,Civil Rights - discrimination,"LOUISIANA v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1971 (c) the Attorney General brought this action against appellants, the State of Louisiana, the three members of the State Registration Board, and the Board's Director-Secretary, charging a long-standing plan to deprive Louisiana Negroes of voting rights in violation of 1971 (a) and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.","statute, suit, clause, require, violate, regulation, issue, bring, apply, injunction, relief, fourteenth, violation, challenge, authorize, enjoin, permit, provide, proceeding, make, complaint, prohibit, operate, pursuant, hearing, unconstitutional, purpose, amend, requirement, validity, declaratory, allege, impose, restrain, refuse, establish, include, statutory, effect, charge, constitutionality" 1858,1,0.0,Right to Defense Regardless of Income,"GIDEON v. WAINWRIGHT, (1963)",,"Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in capital cases only...","vacate, remand, consideration, judgment, solicitor, moot, reconsideration, proceeding, suggestion, respondent, reason, app, ninth, seventh, pauperis forma, disposition, hearing, inconsistent, result, appellate, record, basis, appropriate, merit, eighth, habeas corpus, consistent, outright, complaint, supra, relation, manoli, dismissal, consider, timely" 1858,4,1.0,Interstate Law,"KOEHRING CO. v. HYDE CONSTR. CO., (1966)",,"On March 10, 1964, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an order stating that the District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi had erred in failing to comply with an earlier order to transfer the case to the District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and that pending physical transfer of the record ""this order shall constitute a transfer to enable the parties to present the matter to the District Court of Oklahoma""....Ê","decree, enter, final, suit, adjudge, supplemental, make, injunction, follow, entry, enjoin, set, record, render, pray, hear, proceeding, infringement, restrain, original, answer, issue, come, bring, receiver, finding, submit, reverse, exception, deliver, favor, cost, effect, appear, conclusion, pleading, aside, announce, establish" 1858,26,0.0,Stocks & Fair Values,"FRIBOURG NAV. CO. v. COMMISSIONER, (1966)",,"Prior to acquiring a used Liberty ship for $469,000 in December 1955, petitioner obtained a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service that it would accept straight-line depreciation of the ship over a useful economic life of three years, with a salvage value of $54,000.","value, assess, par, decedent, valuation, cost, exceed, asset, include, actual, shareholder, return, total, owner, deliver, loss, determine, stockholder, purpose, recover, ascertain, outstanding, dividend, basis, allege, purchase, gain, taxable, gift, destroy, difference, executor, deduction, extent, debt, face, appraiser, deduct, impose, appraise, pay, year, make, payment, return, receive, deliver, money, issue, assess, purchase, profit, period, follow, net, account, agree, recover, taxpayer, require, payable, collect, certificate, deduction, premium, month, taxable, duty, refund, protest, execute, loss, agreement, additional, expense, prior, deed, dividend, statement" 1858,14,0.0,Bankruptcy,"PHELPS v. UNITED STATES, (1975)",,"After the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had made federal tax assessments against a company and the company failed to pay the taxes after formal demand, the company transferred its assets to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, who converted the assets into cash...","bankruptcy, bankrupt, creditor, debtor, proceeding, receiver, referee, debt, lien, asset, appoint, adjudge, insolvent, adjudicate, discharge, firm, preference, involuntary, adjudication, payment, account, priority, month, filing, possession, voluntary, deliver, secure, sub, assignment, duly, foreclosure, proceeds, unsecured, prior, proceed, money, execute, default, date" 1858,24,0.0,Municipal,"CAMARA v. MUNICIPAL COURT, (1967)",,"Appellant was charged with violating the San Francisco Housing Code for refusing, after three efforts by city housing inspectors to secure his consent, to allow a warrantless inspection of the ground-floor quarters which he leased and residential use of which allegedly violated the apartment building's occupancy permit...","ordinance, pass, permit, construct, adopt, operate, pole, erect, violation, restrain, foot, violate, purpose, impose, require, maintain, charge, authorize, enforce, enact, prohibit, limit, inhabitant, enjoin, residential, regulate, zone, privilege, confiscatory, fourteenth, clause, obligation, furnish, apply, convict, follow, build, unconstitutional, effect, cubic" 1858,0,1.0,Criminal Activity - nonviolent,"ORNELAS et al. v. UNITED STATES, (1996)",,"In denying petitioners' motion to suppress cocaine found in their car, the District Court ruled that the police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question petitioners, and probable cause to remove one of the interior panels where a package containing the cocaine was found... ","""error, defendant, sup, deliver, judgment, statute, mckenna, bring, record, messrs, prosecute, assignment, recover, favor, render, pass, verdict, proceeding, demurrer, cost, exception, try, sustain, assign, appearance, overrule, allow, purpose, assess, make, come, involve, result, raise, memorandum, contrary, validity, contention, mandamus, approve"", " 1858,12,0.0,Monopolies,"UNITED STATES v. UNITED SHOE CORP., (1968)",,In 1953 the District Court for the District of Massachusetts held that appellee had monopolized the manufacture of shoe machinery in violation of 2 of the Sherman ActÉ,"report, app, consideration, exception, improvidently, appellant, supplemental, appoint, confirm, refer, recommendation, adjudge, map, locate, hear, recommend, hearing, witness, follow, div, induction, overrule, approve, adopt, heretofore, monopoly, come, referee, return, brind, receive, copy, appropriate, deem, portion, honorable, objection, ascertain, evidence, information" 1858,6,0.0,"Jurisdiction - states, immigration, reservations","DURFEE v. DUKE, (1963)",,"Petitioners sued respondent in a Nebraska State Court to quiet title to certain land on the Missouri River, which is the boundary between Nebraska and MissouriÉ","jurisdiction, want, probable, argument, sup, diversity, citizenship, exclusive, original, appellate, suit, invoke, admiralty, jurisdictional, set, controversy, exercise, reservation, confer, arise, app, certify, merit, entertain, complaint, libel, dispense, hear, certificate, final, resident, subjectmatter, commit, properly, dispute, base, remove, fortas, determine, solicitor" 1858,21,0.0,Civil Rights - search and seizure,"MAPP v. OHIO, (1961)",,"On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at appellant's residence in that city pursuant to information that ""a person [was] hiding out in the home, who was wanted for questioning in connection with a recent bombing, and that there was a large amount of policy paraphernalia being hidden in the home.""","person, obscene, engage, make, convict, unlawful, agent, firm, arrest, provide, knowingly, misdemeanor, follow, distribute, violation, intent, offense, define, know, individual, liable, violate, furnish, injure, mean, possess, damage, pertinent, employ, resident, information, activity, obscenity, oath, obtain, purpose, commit, conspire, possession, reside" 1858,11,0.0,Conspiracies & Organized Crime,"FORMAN v. UNITED STATES, (1960)",,"In 1953, petitioner and one Seijas were indicted for conspiring from 1942 to 1953 to attempt to evade income taxes of Seijas and his wife for the years 1942 through 1945É","indictment, count, charge, conspiracy, violation, offense, indict, guilty, return, demurrer, defraud, conspire, commit, section, quash, contain, deliver, information, plead, unlawfully, plea, false, revise, intent, allege, prosecution, sustain, violate, defendant, asst, arrest, make, alleged, convict, knowingly, base, willfully, substantive, feloniously, statute" 1858,13,0.0,Domestic & Trust Issues,"STANLEY v. ILLINOIS, (1972)",,"Petitioner, an unwed father whose children, on the mother's death, were declared state wards and placed in guardianship, attacked the Illinois statutory scheme as violative of equal protectionÉ","child, wife, parent, husband, father, widow, dependent, program, heir, illegitimate, daughter, death, divorce, deceased, decedent, age, resident, survive, custody, intestate, reside, probate, deed, marriage, executor, legitimate, sister, provide, brother, receive, woman, decease, married, year, paternity, clause, allotment, birth, inherit, devise" 1858,17,0.0,Crimes - mail,"SINGER v. UNITED STATES, (1965)",,"Petitioner, a defendant in a federal criminal mail fraud case, claims that he had an absolute right to be tried by a judge alone if he considered such a trial to be to his advantageÉ","solicitor, curia, urge, amici, equally, divide, affirmance, consideration, reversal, supp, improvidently, curiae, record, argument, appointment, confession, suggestion, probable, fortas, examination, judgment, ninth, zimmet, reargued, publisher, maysack, memorandum" 1858,7,0.0,Violent Crimes & Death Penalty,"BUMPER v. NORTH CAROLINA, (1968)",,"Petitioner was tried for rape in North Carolina, an offense punishable by death unless the jury recommends life imprisonmentÉ","death, penalty, sentence, circumstance, punishment, eighth, cruel, unusual, adhere, fourteenth, impose, prohibit, edd, vacate, sentencing, murder, execution, aggravating, decedent, phase, believe, undisturbed, insofar, constitutionally, denial, consider, mitigate, mitigating, firstdegree, continue, forbid, negligence, kill, wrongful, instruct, eleventh, widow, determine, aggravate, verdict" 1858,3,2.0,Negligence,"VAN DUSEN v. BARRACK, (1964)",,"Respondents, personal representatives of Pennsylvania decedents, instituted in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 40 wrongful death actions arising from an airplane crash in MassachusettsÉ","respondent, damage, reverse, suit, deliver, allege, bring, sct, injury, award, complaint, issue, evidence, later, result, agreement, fail, seq, e
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