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Last active August 13, 2017 01:27
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fcicq's file counter
# fcicq's file counter, 2014.5.19, GPLv3, fcicq at fcicq dot net
import os
def calc_dir_dict(d, basedir, max_dirs=15, max_files=150, max_MBsize=128):
currdir = basedir
dir_stack = []
data = {}
d_basedir = d[basedir]
data[basedir] = [d_basedir[1], d_basedir[2], d_basedir[0]] # dirs, files, filesize
while True:
# Note: the basedir is already counted
if d[currdir][3]:
found = False
while d[currdir][3]:
currdir_next = os.path.join(currdir, d[currdir][3][0])
if currdir_next in d: # it is a must!
found = True
if found:
currdir = currdir_next
if not dir_stack and not d[currdir][3]:
# deepest
dirs, files, filesize = d[currdir][1], d[currdir][2], d[currdir][0]
if currdir in data:
dirs += data[currdir][0]
files += data[currdir][1]
filesize += data[currdir][2]
# identify here
if dirs >= max_dirs:
print('LargeSubDirs (%d): %s' % (dirs, currdir))
dirs = -1 # parent handling
if files >= max_files:
print('LargeFileNum (%d): %s' % (files, currdir))
files = 0
if filesize >= max_MBsize * 1048576:
print('LargeDirSize (%.2fMB): %s' % (float(filesize) / 1048576.0, currdir))
filesize = 0
currdirname = dir_stack.pop()
currdir = os.path.dirname(currdir)
# add back to the parent
if currdir in data:
data[currdir][0] += dirs
data[currdir][1] += files
data[currdir][2] += filesize
data[currdir] = [dirs, files, filesize]
def calc_dir(basepath, fsizeMB=10, max_dirs=15, max_files=150, max_MBsize=128, max_suftypes=7, max_smallfiles=20, disable_error=True):
datadict = {}
filesize_limit = fsizeMB * 1048576
if not os.path.isdir(basepath):
raise Exception('bad path')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(basepath):
# filesize, dirs, file
sum_size = 0
link_dirs = []
# drop links
if os.path.islink(root):
dirs = []
# remove links
for d in dirs:
d_path = os.path.join(root, d)
if os.path.islink(d_path):
suffset = set()
small_files = 0
for f in files:
f_path = os.path.join(root, f)
f_size = os.path.getsize(f_path)
if f_size > 0 and f_size <= 32768:
small_files += 1
except OSError:
if not disable_error:
print('OSError: %s' % f_path)
f_size = 0
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if filesize_limit and f_size >= filesize_limit:
print('LargeFile (%.2fMB): %s' % (float(f_size) / 1048576.0, f_path))
if max_suftypes and f_size:
f_base, f_ext = os.path.splitext(f)
if f_base:
sum_size += f_size
if len(suffset) > max_suftypes:
print('ManySufTypes (%d): %s' % (len(suffset), root))
if small_files >= max_smallfiles:
print('ManySmallFil (%d): %s' % (small_files, root))
datadict[root] = [sum_size, len(dirs), len(files), dirs]
return calc_dir_dict(datadict, basepath, max_dirs, max_files, max_MBsize)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
calc_dir(sys.argv[1], 0)
print('Usage: %s path' % (sys.argv[0]))
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