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Last active September 5, 2015 18:54
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GeoExt.tree.LayerParamNode work in progress
* Copyright (c) 2008-2015 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
* Published under the BSD license.
* See for the full
* text of the license.
* @requires GeoExt/Version.js
* A subclass of ``Ext.tree.TreeNode`` that represents a value of a list of
* values provided as one of an ``OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest``'s params.
* The default iconCls for this node's icon is "gx-tree-layerparam-icon".
* To use this node type in a ``TreePanel`` config, set ``nodeType`` to
* "gx_layerparam".
* @class GeoExt.tree.LayerParamNode
//Ext.define('GeoExt.tree.LayerNode', {
Ext.define('GeoExt.tree.LayerParamNode', {
//extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin',
extend: 'GeoExt.tree.LayerNode',
alias: 'plugin.gx_layerparam',
requires: [
/** api: config[layer]
* ``OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest|String`` The layer that this node
* represents a subnode of. If provided as string, the string has to
* match the title of one of the records in the ``layerStore``.
/** private: property[layer]
* ``OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest``
layer: null,
/** api: config[layerStore]
* :class:`` Only used if layer is provided as
* string. The store where we can find the layer. If not provided, the
* store of a map panel found by ``GeoExt.MapPanel::guess`` will be used.
/** api: config[param]
* ``String`` Key for a param (key-value pair in the params object of the
* layer) that this node represents an item of. The value can either be an
* ``Array`` or a ``String``, delimited by the character (or string)
* provided as ``delimiter`` config option.
/** private: property[param]
* ``String``
param: null,
/** api: config[item]
* ``String`` The param's value's item that this node represents.
/** private: property[item]
* ``String``
item: null,
/** api: config[delimiter]
* ``String`` Delimiter of the ``param``'s value's items. Default is
* ``,`` (comma). If the ``param``'s value is an array, this property
* has no effect.
/** private: property[delimiter]
* ``String``
delimiter: null,
/** private: property[allItems]
* ``Array`` All items in the param value.
allItems: null,
/** private: method[constructor]
* Private constructor override.
//constructor: function (attributes) {
// var config = attributes || {};
// config.iconCls = config.iconCls || "gx-tree-layerparam-icon";
// config.text = config.text || config.item;
// this.param = config.param;
// this.item = config.item;
// this.delimiter = config.delimiter || ",";
// GeoExt.tree.LayerParamNode.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
// // see if we have a layer already, and set allItems.
// if (this.getLayer()) {
// this.allItems = this.getItems();
// }
* The init method is invoked after initComponent method has been run for
* the client Component. It performs plugin initialization.
* @param {Ext.Component} target The client Component which owns this
* plugin.
* @private
init: function (target) {
this.param = target.param || target.raw.param;
this.item = target.item || target.raw.item;
this.delimiter = target.raw.delimiter || ",";
// must have a layer already, and set allItems.
this.layer = target.get('layer');
this.allItems = this.getItems();
// override standard layer node edit as it uses
onAfterEdit: function (node, modifiedFields) {
var me = this;
if (~Ext.Array.indexOf(modifiedFields, 'checked')) {
/** private: method[render]
* No longer has a render method
//render: function (bulkRender) {
// var layer = this.getLayer();
// // set allItems now if we weren't able to do so in the c'tor
// if (!this.allItems) {
// this.allItems = this.getItems();
// }
// var visibility = layer.getVisibility();
// this.attributes.checked = this.attributes.checked === null ?
// visibility : this.attributes.checked;
// if (this.attributes.checked !== visibility) {
// this.onCheckChange(this, !visibility);
// }
// this.addVisibilityEventHandlers();
// this.callParent(arguments);
// //GeoExt.tree.LayerParamNode.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments);
/** private: method[getItems]
* :return: ``Array`` the current items of this node's layer's param (for the WMS layer)
getItems: function () {
var paramValue = this.layer.params[this.param];
return paramValue instanceof Array ?
paramValue :
(paramValue ? paramValue.split(this.delimiter) : []);
/** private: method[createParams]
* :param items: ``Array``
* :return: ``Object`` The params object to pass to mergeNewParams
createParams: function (items) {
var params = {};
params[this.param] = this.layer.params[this.param] instanceof Array ?
items :
return params;
/** private: method[addVisibilityHandlers]
* Adds handlers that sync the checkbox state with the layer's visibility
* state
//addVisibilityEventHandlers: function () {
// "visibilitychanged": this.onLayerVisibilityChanged,
// scope: this
// });
// this.on({
// "checkchange": this.onCheckChange,
// scope: this
// });
/** private: method[onLayerVisibilityChanged]
* Handler for visibilitychanged events on the layer.
onLayerVisibilityChanged: function () {
// the GeoExt tree panel now adds checkchange to
// all nodes
if (this.getItems().length === 0) {
var node =;
var visible = this.layer.getVisibility();
if (visible && this.getItems().indexOf(this.item) !== -1) {
node.set('checked', true);
if (!visible) {
node.set('checked', false);
// Must prevent the unchecking of radio buttons
/** private: method[onCheckChange]
* :param node: :class:`GeoExt.tree.LayerParamNode``
* :param checked: ``Boolean``
* Handler for checkchange events.
onCheckChange: function () {
var node =,
checked ='checked');
var layer = node.get('layer');
//if (checked != layer.getVisibility()) {
// node._visibilityChanging = true;
// var layer = node.get('layer');
// layer.setVisibility(checked);
// delete node._visibilityChanging;
var newItems = [];
var curItems = this.getItems();
var visible = layer.getVisibility();
// if the layer is invisible, and a subnode is checked for the first
// time, we need to pretend that no subnode param items are set.
if (checked === true && visible === false &&
curItems.length === this.allItems.length) {
curItems = [];
//Ext.each(this.allItems, function (item) {
// if ((item !== this.item && curItems.indexOf(item) !== -1) ||
// (checked === true && item === this.item)) {
// newItems.push(item);
// }
//}, this);
Ext.each(this.allItems, function (item) {
if ((item !== this.item && curItems.indexOf(item) !== -1) ||
(checked === true && item === this.item)) {
}, this);
var visible = (newItems.length > 0);
// if there is something to display, we want to update the params
// before the layer is turned on
if (visible) {
if (visible !== layer.getVisibility()) {
node._visibilityChanging = true;
delete node._visibilityChanging;
// if there is nothing to display, we want to update the params
// when the layer is turned off, so we don't fire illegal requests
// (i.e. param value being empty)
if (!visible) {
/** private: method[destroy]
//destroy: function () {
// var layer = this.layer;
// if (layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer) {
// "visibilitychanged": this.onLayerVisibilityChanged,
// scope: this
// });
// }
// delete this.layer;
// this.un("checkchange", this.onCheckChange, this);
// this.callParent(arguments);
// //GeoExt.tree.LayerNode.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
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