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Last active February 7, 2018 23:39
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React GET Data Dependencies helper
// Our main data fetching tool.
// This fetches an object of promise makers ONLY ON THE CLIENT SIDE,
// and manages loading and data states for each key.
import React from 'react'
import http from './http'
export default (promisesMakers, options={}) => Component =>
class FetchHOC extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this._isMounted = false
this.state = {
loading: true, // true if any dep is loading
error: null, // populated with first dep error if any
for (let key in promisesMakers) {
// Initialize with loading to ensure child component doesn't try to use data
this.state[key+'Loading'] = true
componentWillMount() {
// Only fetch data in the browser
if ( ! process.browser ) return;
this._isMounted = true
for (let key in promisesMakers) {
let fetch = () => {
if ( this._isMounted !== true || this.state[key+'Loading'] === true ) return;
this.state[key+'Loading'] = true
this.state[key+'Error'] = null
var fetcher = promisesMakers[key]
if ( typeof fetcher === 'string' ) {
let fetchUrl = fetcher
fetcher = () => fetchUrl
if ( ! (typeof fetcher === 'function') ) {
throw new Error(`[WithData] Value of ${key} is not a function.`)
var promise = fetcher(this.props)
if ( typeof promise === 'string' ) {
// Function returned a url to GET
promise = http.get(promise).then( res => )
this.state[key+'Promise'] = promise
return promise.then(
data => {
this.state[key+'Loading'] = false
this.state[key] = data
error => {
console.log('[DataDeps] Error', key, error)
this.state[key+'Loading'] = false
if ( ! this.state.error ) {
this.setState({ error: error })
if ( error.response && error.response.status === 404 ) {
this.state[key+'Error'] = '404_not_found'
else {
this.state[key+'Error'] = `Unknown error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`
this.state[key] = null
this.state[key+'Refetech'] = fetch
// Temporarily set to false so `fetch` can run
this.state[key+'Loading'] = false
calcOveralLoadingStatus() {
var loading = false
for (var key in promisesMakers) {
loading = loading || this.state[key+'Loading']
this.setState({ loading: loading })
componentWillUnmount() {
this._isMounted = false
render() {
var component = <Component {...this.props} {...this.state} />
if ( options.preload ) {
var preloadView = options.preload === true
? <div className="loading-lg"></div>
: options.preload
return this.state.loading ? preloadView : component
else {
return component
import dataDeps from '...'
var withData = dataDeps({
contact: (props) => `/api/me/contact/${}`,
contactFields: '/api/me/contact/fields',
export default withData((props) => {
if (props.loading) {
// Also available: props.contactLoading, props.contactFieldsLoading
return <div className="loading"></div>
if (props.error) {
// props.error is the first failed dep, if any
// Also available: props.contactError, props.contactFieldsError
return <div>Error: {props.error.message}</div>
var {contact, contactFields} = this.props
return <div>
Contact: {}
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