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Created July 20, 2023 10:36
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ProtoBufSchemaGenerator with v3 partial support, value/inline class support and more
@file:OptIn(ExperimentalSerializationApi::class) // buildSerialDescriptor requires this annotation
package com.sumup.oms.pos.configuration
import kotlinx.serialization.Contextual
import kotlinx.serialization.ExperimentalSerializationApi
import kotlinx.serialization.InternalSerializationApi
import kotlinx.serialization.Polymorphic
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.serializer
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PolymorphicKind
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveKind
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveSerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialKind
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.StructureKind
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.buildClassSerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.buildSerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.elementDescriptors
import kotlinx.serialization.protobuf.ProtoBuf
import kotlinx.serialization.protobuf.ProtoIntegerType
import kotlinx.serialization.protobuf.ProtoNumber
import kotlinx.serialization.protobuf.ProtoPacked
import kotlinx.serialization.protobuf.ProtoType
* Experimental generator of ProtoBuf schema that is compatible with [serializable][Serializable] Kotlin classes
* and data encoded and decoded by [ProtoBuf] format.
* The schema is generated based on provided [SerialDescriptor] and is compatible with proto2 schema definition.
* An arbitrary Kotlin class represent much wider object domain than the ProtoBuf specification, thus schema generator
* has the following list of restrictions:
* * Serial name of the class and all its fields should be a valid Proto [identifier](
* * Nullable values are allowed only for Kotlin [nullable][SerialDescriptor.isNullable] types, but not [optional][SerialDescriptor.isElementOptional]
* in order to properly distinguish "default" and "absent" values.
* * The name of the type without the package directive uniquely identifies the proto message type and two or more fields with the same serial name
* are considered to have the same type. Schema generator allows to specify a separate package directive for the pack of classes in order
* to mitigate this limitation.
* * Nested collections, e.g. `List<List<Int>>` are represented using the artificial wrapper message in order to distinguish
* repeated fields boundaries.
* * Default Kotlin values are not representable in proto schema. A special commentary is generated for properties with default values.
* * Empty nullable collections are not supported by the generated schema and will be prohibited in [ProtoBuf] as well
* due to their ambiguous nature.
* Temporary restrictions:
* * [Contextual] data is represented as as `bytes` type
* * [Polymorphic] data is represented as a artificial `KotlinxSerializationPolymorphic` message.
* Other types are mapped according to their specification: primitives as primitives, lists as 'repeated' fields and
* maps as 'repeated' map entries.
* The name of messages and enums is extracted from [SerialDescriptor.serialName] in [SerialDescriptor] without the package directive,
* as substring after the last dot character, the `'?'` character is also removed if it is present at the end of the string.
public object ProtoBufSchemaGenerator {
enum class ProtoVersion { v2, v3 }
* Generate text of protocol buffers schema version 2 for the given [rootDescriptor].
* The resulting schema will contain all types referred by [rootDescriptor].
* [packageName] define common protobuf package for all messages and enum in the schema, it may contain `'a'`..`'z'`
* letters in upper and lower case, decimal digits, `'.'` or `'_'` chars, but must be started only by a letter and
* not finished by a dot.
* [options] define values for protobuf options. Option value (map value) is an any string, option name (map key)
* should be the same format as [packageName].
* The method throws [IllegalArgumentException] if any of the restrictions imposed by [ProtoBufSchemaGenerator] is violated.
public fun generateSchemaText(
rootDescriptor: SerialDescriptor,
packageName: String? = null,
options: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),
protoVersion: ProtoVersion = ProtoVersion.v2,
): String = generateSchemaText(listOf(rootDescriptor), packageName, options, protoVersion)
* Generate text of protocol buffers schema version 2 for the given serializable [descriptors].
* [packageName] define common protobuf package for all messages and enum in the schema, it may contain `'a'`..`'z'`
* letters in upper and lower case, decimal digits, `'.'` or `'_'` chars, but started only from a letter and
* not finished by dot.
* [options] define values for protobuf options. Option value (map value) is an any string, option name (map key)
* should be the same format as [packageName].
* The method throws [IllegalArgumentException] if any of the restrictions imposed by [ProtoBufSchemaGenerator] is violated.
public fun generateSchemaText(
descriptors: List<SerialDescriptor>,
packageName: String? = null,
options: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),
protoVersion: ProtoVersion = ProtoVersion.v2,
): String {
packageName?.let { p -> p.checkIsValidFullIdentifier { "Incorrect protobuf package name '$it'" } }
val builder = StringBuilder()
builder.generateProtoSchemaText(descriptors, packageName, options, protoVersion)
return builder.toString()
private fun checkDoubles(descriptors: List<SerialDescriptor>) {
val rootTypesNames = mutableSetOf<String>()
val duplicates = mutableListOf<String>() { it.messageOrEnumName }.forEach {
if (!rootTypesNames.add(it)) {
duplicates += it
if (duplicates.isNotEmpty()) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Serial names of the following types are duplicated: $duplicates")
private fun StringBuilder.generateProtoSchemaText(
descriptors: List<SerialDescriptor>,
packageName: String?,
options: Map<String, String>,
protoVersion: ProtoVersion,
) {
when (protoVersion) {
ProtoVersion.v2 -> appendLine("""syntax = "proto2";""").appendLine()
ProtoVersion.v3 -> appendLine("""syntax = "proto3";""").appendLine()
packageName?.let { append("package ").append(it).appendLine(';') }
for ((optionName, optionValue) in options) {
val safeOptionName = removeLineBreaks(optionName)
val safeOptionValue = removeLineBreaks(optionValue)
safeOptionName.checkIsValidFullIdentifier { "Invalid option name '$it'" }
append("option ").append(safeOptionName).append(" = \"").append(safeOptionValue).appendLine("\";")
val generatedTypes = mutableSetOf<String>()
val queue = ArrayDeque<TypeDefinition>() { TypeDefinition(it) }.forEach { queue.add(it) }
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val type = queue.removeFirst()
val descriptor = type.descriptor
val name = descriptor.messageOrEnumName
if (!generatedTypes.add(name)) {
when {
descriptor.isProtobufMessage -> queue.addAll(generateMessage(type, protoVersion))
descriptor.isProtobufEnum -> generateEnum(type, protoVersion)
else -> throw IllegalStateException(
"Unrecognized custom type with serial name "
+ "'${descriptor.serialName}' and kind '${descriptor.kind}'"
private fun StringBuilder.generateMessage(
messageType: TypeDefinition,
protoVersion: ProtoVersion,
): List<TypeDefinition> {
val messageDescriptor = messageType.descriptor
val messageName: String
if (messageType.isSynthetic) {
append("// This message was generated to support ").append(messageType.ability)
.appendLine(" and does not present in Kotlin.")
messageName = messageDescriptor.serialName
if (messageType.containingMessageName != null) {
append("// Containing message '").append(messageType.containingMessageName).append("', field '")
} else {
messageName = messageDescriptor.messageOrEnumName
messageName.checkIsValidIdentifier {
"Invalid name for the message in protobuf schema '$messageName'. " +
"Serial name of the class '${messageDescriptor.serialName}'"
val safeSerialName = removeLineBreaks(messageDescriptor.serialName)
if (safeSerialName != messageName) {
append("// serial name '").append(safeSerialName).appendLine('\'')
append("message ").append(messageName).appendLine(" {")
val usedNumbers: MutableSet<Int> = mutableSetOf()
val nestedTypes = mutableListOf<TypeDefinition>()
for (index in 0 until messageDescriptor.elementsCount) {
val fieldName = messageDescriptor.getElementName(index)
fieldName.checkIsValidIdentifier {
"Invalid name of the field '$fieldName' in message '$messageName' for class with serial " +
"name '${messageDescriptor.serialName}'"
var fieldDescriptor = messageDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(index)
if (fieldDescriptor.isInline) {
fieldDescriptor = fieldDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(0)
val isList = fieldDescriptor.isProtobufRepeated
nestedTypes += when {
fieldDescriptor.isProtobufNamedType -> generateNamedType(messageType, fieldDescriptor, index, protoVersion)
isList -> generateListType(messageType, fieldDescriptor, index)
fieldDescriptor.isProtobufMap -> generateMapType(messageType, fieldDescriptor, index)
else -> throw IllegalStateException(
"Unprocessed message field type with serial name " +
"'${fieldDescriptor.serialName}' and kind '${fieldDescriptor.kind}'"
val annotations = messageDescriptor.getElementAnnotations(index)
val number = annotations.filterIsInstance<ProtoNumber>().singleOrNull()?.number ?: (index + 1)
if (!usedNumbers.add(number)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Field number $number is repeated in the class with serial name ${messageDescriptor.serialName}")
append(' ').append(fieldName).append(" = ").append(number)
val isPackRequested = annotations.filterIsInstance<ProtoPacked>().singleOrNull() != null
when {
!isPackRequested ||
!isList || // ignore as packed only meaningful on repeated types
!fieldDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(0).isPackable // Ignore if the type is not allowed to be packed
-> appendLine(';')
else -> appendLine(" [packed=true];")
return nestedTypes
private fun StringBuilder.generateNamedType(
messageType: TypeDefinition,
fieldDescriptor: SerialDescriptor,
index: Int,
protoVersion: ProtoVersion,
): List<TypeDefinition> {
val messageDescriptor = messageType.descriptor
val nestedTypes: List<TypeDefinition>
val typeName: String = when {
messageDescriptor.isSealedPolymorphic && index == 1 -> {
appendLine(" // decoded as message with one of these types:")
nestedTypes = { TypeDefinition(it) }.toList()
nestedTypes.forEachIndexed { _, childType ->
append(" // message ").append(childType.descriptor.messageOrEnumName).append(", serial name '")
fieldDescriptor.isProtobufScalar -> {
nestedTypes = emptyList()
fieldDescriptor.isOpenPolymorphic -> {
nestedTypes = listOf(SyntheticPolymorphicType)
else -> {
// enum or regular message
nestedTypes = listOf(TypeDefinition(fieldDescriptor))
when (protoVersion) {
ProtoVersion.v2 -> {
if (messageDescriptor.isElementOptional(index)) {
appendLine(" // WARNING: a default value decoded when value is missing")
val optional = fieldDescriptor.isNullable || messageDescriptor.isElementOptional(index)
append(" ").append(if (optional) "optional " else "required ").append(typeName)
ProtoVersion.v3 -> {
append(" ").append(typeName)
return nestedTypes
private fun StringBuilder.generateMapType(
messageType: TypeDefinition,
mapDescriptor: SerialDescriptor,
index: Int
): List<TypeDefinition> {
val messageDescriptor = messageType.descriptor
val originalMapValueDescriptor = mapDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(1)
val valueType = if (originalMapValueDescriptor.isProtobufCollection) {
createNestedCollectionType(messageType, index, originalMapValueDescriptor, "nested collection in map value")
} else {
val valueDescriptor = valueType.descriptor
if (originalMapValueDescriptor.isNullable) {
appendLine(" // WARNING: nullable map values can not be represented in protobuf")
generateCollectionAbsenceComment(messageDescriptor, mapDescriptor, index)
val keyTypeName = mapDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(0).scalarTypeName(mapDescriptor.getElementAnnotations(0))
val valueTypeName = valueDescriptor.protobufTypeName(mapDescriptor.getElementAnnotations(1))
append(" map<").append(keyTypeName).append(", ").append(valueTypeName).append(">")
return if (valueDescriptor.isProtobufMessageOrEnum) {
} else {
private fun StringBuilder.generateListType(
messageType: TypeDefinition,
collectionDescriptor: SerialDescriptor,
index: Int
): List<TypeDefinition> {
val messageDescriptor = messageType.descriptor
val originalElementDescriptor = collectionDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(0)
val elementType = if (collectionDescriptor.kind == StructureKind.LIST) {
if (originalElementDescriptor.isProtobufCollection) {
createNestedCollectionType(messageType, index, originalElementDescriptor, "nested collection in list")
} else {
} else {
createLegacyMapType(messageType, index, "legacy map")
val elementDescriptor = elementType.descriptor
if (elementDescriptor.isNullable) {
appendLine(" // WARNING: nullable elements of collections can not be represented in protobuf")
generateCollectionAbsenceComment(messageDescriptor, collectionDescriptor, index)
val typeName = elementDescriptor.protobufTypeName(messageDescriptor.getElementAnnotations(index))
append(" repeated ").append(typeName)
return if (elementDescriptor.isProtobufMessageOrEnum) {
} else {
private fun StringBuilder.generateEnum(enumType: TypeDefinition, protoVersion: ProtoVersion) {
val enumDescriptor = enumType.descriptor
val enumName = enumDescriptor.messageOrEnumName
enumName.checkIsValidIdentifier {
"Invalid name for the enum in protobuf schema '$enumName'. Serial name of the enum " +
"class '${enumDescriptor.serialName}'"
val safeSerialName = removeLineBreaks(enumDescriptor.serialName)
if (safeSerialName != enumName) {
append("// serial name '").append(safeSerialName).appendLine('\'')
append("enum ").append(enumName).appendLine(" {")
val usedNumbers: MutableSet<Int> = mutableSetOf()
val duplicatedNumbers: MutableSet<Int> = mutableSetOf()
var zeroNumberFound: Boolean = false
enumDescriptor.elementDescriptors.forEachIndexed { index, element ->
val elementName = element.protobufEnumElementName
elementName.checkIsValidIdentifier {
"The enum element name '$elementName' is invalid in the " +
"protobuf schema. Serial name of the enum class '${enumDescriptor.serialName}'"
val annotations = enumDescriptor.getElementAnnotations(index)
val number = annotations.filterIsInstance<ProtoNumber>().singleOrNull()?.number ?: index
if (!usedNumbers.add(number)) {
if (number == 0) {
zeroNumberFound = true
append(" ").append(elementName).append(" = ").append(number).appendLine(';')
if (duplicatedNumbers.isNotEmpty()) {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
"The class with serial name ${enumDescriptor.serialName} has duplicate " +
"elements with numbers $duplicatedNumbers"
if (protoVersion == ProtoVersion.v3 && !zeroNumberFound) {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
"The class with serial name ${enumDescriptor.serialName} has no element with number 0. " +
"This is not allowed in protobuf v3"
private val SerialDescriptor.isOpenPolymorphic: Boolean
get() = kind == PolymorphicKind.OPEN
private val SerialDescriptor.isSealedPolymorphic: Boolean
get() = kind == PolymorphicKind.SEALED
private val SerialDescriptor.isProtobufNamedType: Boolean
get() = isProtobufMessageOrEnum || isProtobufScalar
private val SerialDescriptor.isProtobufScalar: Boolean
get() = (kind is PrimitiveKind)
|| (kind is StructureKind.LIST && getElementDescriptor(0).kind === PrimitiveKind.BYTE)
|| kind == SerialKind.CONTEXTUAL
private val SerialDescriptor.isProtobufMessageOrEnum: Boolean
get() = isProtobufMessage || isProtobufEnum
private val SerialDescriptor.isProtobufMessage: Boolean
get() = kind == StructureKind.CLASS || kind == StructureKind.OBJECT || kind == PolymorphicKind.SEALED || kind == PolymorphicKind.OPEN
private val SerialDescriptor.isProtobufCollection: Boolean
get() = isProtobufRepeated || isProtobufMap
private val SerialDescriptor.isProtobufRepeated: Boolean
get() = (kind == StructureKind.LIST && getElementDescriptor(0).kind != PrimitiveKind.BYTE)
|| (kind == StructureKind.MAP && !getElementDescriptor(0).isValidMapKey)
private val SerialDescriptor.isProtobufMap: Boolean
get() = kind == StructureKind.MAP && getElementDescriptor(0).isValidMapKey
private val SerialDescriptor.isProtobufEnum: Boolean
get() = kind == SerialKind.ENUM
private val SerialDescriptor.isValidMapKey: Boolean
get() = kind == PrimitiveKind.INT || kind == PrimitiveKind.LONG || kind == PrimitiveKind.BOOLEAN || kind == PrimitiveKind.STRING
private val SerialDescriptor.messageOrEnumName: String
get() = (serialName.substringAfterLast('.', serialName)).removeSuffix("?")
private fun SerialDescriptor.protobufTypeName(annotations: List<Annotation> = emptyList()): String {
return if (isProtobufScalar) {
} else {
private val SerialDescriptor.protobufEnumElementName: String
get() = serialName.substringAfterLast('.', serialName)
private fun SerialDescriptor.scalarTypeName(annotations: List<Annotation> = emptyList()): String {
val integerType = annotations.filterIsInstance<ProtoType>().firstOrNull()?.type ?: ProtoIntegerType.DEFAULT
if (kind == SerialKind.CONTEXTUAL) {
return "bytes"
if (kind is StructureKind.LIST && getElementDescriptor(0).kind == PrimitiveKind.BYTE) {
return "bytes"
return when (kind as PrimitiveKind) {
PrimitiveKind.BOOLEAN -> "bool"
PrimitiveKind.BYTE, PrimitiveKind.CHAR, PrimitiveKind.SHORT, PrimitiveKind.INT ->
when (integerType) {
ProtoIntegerType.DEFAULT -> "int32"
ProtoIntegerType.SIGNED -> "sint32"
ProtoIntegerType.FIXED -> "fixed32"
PrimitiveKind.LONG ->
when (integerType) {
ProtoIntegerType.DEFAULT -> "int64"
ProtoIntegerType.SIGNED -> "sint64"
ProtoIntegerType.FIXED -> "fixed64"
PrimitiveKind.FLOAT -> "float"
PrimitiveKind.DOUBLE -> "double"
PrimitiveKind.STRING -> "string"
private data class TypeDefinition(
val descriptor: SerialDescriptor,
val isSynthetic: Boolean = false,
val ability: String? = null,
val containingMessageName: String? = null,
val fieldName: String? = null,
private val SyntheticPolymorphicType = TypeDefinition(
buildClassSerialDescriptor("KotlinxSerializationPolymorphic") {
element("type", PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("typeDescriptor", PrimitiveKind.STRING))
element("value", buildSerialDescriptor("valueDescriptor", StructureKind.LIST) {
element("0", Byte.serializer().descriptor)
"polymorphic types"
private class NotNullSerialDescriptor(val original: SerialDescriptor) : SerialDescriptor by original {
override val isNullable = false
private val SerialDescriptor.notNull get() = NotNullSerialDescriptor(this)
private fun StringBuilder.generateCollectionAbsenceComment(
messageDescriptor: SerialDescriptor,
collectionDescriptor: SerialDescriptor,
index: Int,
) {
if (!collectionDescriptor.isNullable && messageDescriptor.isElementOptional(index)) {
appendLine(" // WARNING: a default value decoded when value is missing")
} else if (collectionDescriptor.isNullable && !messageDescriptor.isElementOptional(index)) {
appendLine(" // WARNING: an empty collection decoded when a value is missing")
} else if (collectionDescriptor.isNullable && messageDescriptor.isElementOptional(index)) {
appendLine(" // WARNING: a default value decoded when value is missing")
private fun createLegacyMapType(
messageType: TypeDefinition,
index: Int,
description: String,
): TypeDefinition {
val messageDescriptor = messageType.descriptor
val fieldDescriptor = messageDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(index)
val fieldName = messageDescriptor.getElementName(index)
val messageName = messageDescriptor.messageOrEnumName
val wrapperName = "${messageName}_${fieldName}"
val wrapperDescriptor = buildClassSerialDescriptor(wrapperName) {
element("key", fieldDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(0).notNull)
element("value", fieldDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(1).notNull)
return TypeDefinition(
messageType.containingMessageName ?: messageName,
messageType.fieldName ?: fieldName
private fun createNestedCollectionType(
messageType: TypeDefinition,
index: Int,
elementDescriptor: SerialDescriptor,
description: String,
): TypeDefinition {
val messageDescriptor = messageType.descriptor
val fieldName = messageDescriptor.getElementName(index)
val messageName = messageDescriptor.messageOrEnumName
val wrapperName = "${messageName}_${fieldName}"
val wrapperDescriptor = buildClassSerialDescriptor(wrapperName) {
element("value", elementDescriptor.notNull)
return TypeDefinition(
messageType.containingMessageName ?: messageName,
messageType.fieldName ?: fieldName
private fun removeLineBreaks(text: String): String {
return text.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ')
private val IDENTIFIER_REGEX = Regex("[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*")
private fun String.checkIsValidFullIdentifier(messageSupplier: (String) -> String) {
if (split('.').any { !it.matches(IDENTIFIER_REGEX) }) {
throw IllegalArgumentException(messageSupplier.invoke(this))
private fun String.checkIsValidIdentifier(messageSupplier: () -> String) {
if (!matches(IDENTIFIER_REGEX)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException(messageSupplier.invoke())
// Copied from Helpers.kt as it's internal in Serialization library
internal val SerialDescriptor.isPackable: Boolean
get() = when (kind) {
!is PrimitiveKind,
-> false
else -> true
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