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Second lecture for 159.707

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<span style="font-size: .2em; color: #c00;"> Dynamic typing case study (Ruby), Convention over Configuration (RubyOnRails) </span>
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<h2> About me </h2>
<li> Graham Jenson </li>
<li> B.Sc. Hons 2008 </li>
<li> Ph.D. 2013 </li>
<li> Contracting Consultant </li>
<li> Startup </li>
<li> Marketing Enterprise Company</li>
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<h2>159.707 Advanced Software Design and Construction</h2>
<li><strike>25 Feb: Component Evolution (Graham’s thesis) and recent industry experience </strike></li>
<li>4 March: Dynamic typing case study (Ruby), Convention over Configuration (RubyOnRails)</li>
<li>11 March: Design Patterns in Modern Web Applications (coffeescript, backbone, ember, angular, node.js)</li>
<li>18 March: Architecture, refurbishing/replacing legacy systems </li>
<li> 1 April: Agile Methodologies (SCRUM , Kanban) </li>
<li> 8 April: Data visualisation with D3 </li>
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<li>Ruby Introduction</li>
<li>Rails Practical</li>
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<h1>Ruby Introduction
<span style="font-size: .2em; color: #c00;"> Why it makes me happy </span>
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##My Experience With Ruby
* I am Productive
* I write beautiful code
> This makes me happy
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##History of Ruby
Yukihiro Matsumoto (**Matz**) in **1993** conceived of the a programming language that is made for developer happiness and productivity.
This makes Ruby older than Java, Javascript, and PHP; all created in 1995.
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##History of Ruby
Matz took inspiration from Perl and SmallTalk
* **Perl** optional parentheses and the close shell integration;
* **SmallTalk** he took object orientation and its emphasis on message passing.
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##History of Ruby
The first Ruby implementation, known as the "Matz Ruby Implementation" (**MRI**), was initially seen as the reference implementation of Ruby. From MRI many other implementations were created:
* **JRuby**: Java Virtual Machine implementation
* **Rubinius**: Mostly pure Ruby to LLVM machine code
* **IronRuby**: .NET implementation
* **MagLev**: SmallTalk implementation
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> Matz is nice, so we are nice.
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* Loads of Books
* Heaps of online resources
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> Learning how to program, thats the easy part. Learning how to be a programmer, thats the advanced stuff. Thats what gets you to the next level, I think we should work on that.
"Soft Talks"
* [Disabilities]( by James Edward Grey II
* [Developers and Depression]( by Greg Baugues
* [Loyalty and Layoffs]( by the Ruby Rogues
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> When cycling, either there is a headwind or you are having a good day. I am always ready to take a wind assisted ride as my accomplishment, as if I really am that strong. But I can't forget that if my doppelgänger was out riding the same road in the same conditions but in the opposite direction, that she would work just as hard but accomplish far less
-- *Sandi Metz [Tells your Future](*
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The productivity that you feel when writing Ruby is down to two things:
1. Ruby being very malleable to a particular problem and developer
2. The ability to quickly re-use Ruby components, called Gems
<section class='slide'>
##Writing a Gem
``` do |s| = 'spellchecker'
s.version = '0.1.0'
s.summary = "This is a spell checker"
s.files = ["lib/spellchecker.rb"]
s.add_development_dependency 'testinggem', '~> 2.1'
s.add_runtime_dependency 'wordsgem', '~> 1.1'
s.homepage = ''
<section class='slide'>
##Using a Gem
source ''
gem 'nokogiri'
gem 'rack', '~>1.1'
gem 'rspec', :require => 'spec'
bundle install
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>Often people, especially computer engineers, focus on the machines. They think, "By doing this, the machine will run faster. By doing this, the machine will run more effectively. By doing this, the machine will something something something." They are focusing on machines. But in fact we need to focus on humans, on how humans care about doing programming or operating the application of the machines. We are the masters. They are the slaves. -- *Matz*
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People sometimes dismiss Ruby because *Ruby is slow*. Well it is, and **I don't care**.
1. Hardrware is cheap and developers time is not
2. Buy better hardware with the money saved in productivity
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# Example
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What does this Java code do?
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
System.out.println(cal.getTime() + "");
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##Yesterdays Date
Rails gives us a helper where `` returns yesterdays date.
Lets implement that!
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##Yesterdays Date
class Numeric
def day
self * 60 * 60 * 24
<section class='slide'>
##Yesterdays Date
class Numeric
def ago - self
<section class='slide'>
##Yesterdays Date
`` looks silly. So ...
class Numeric
alias :days :day
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#Basics Of Ruby
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##Basics Of Ruby
The console `IRB` *Interactive Ruby*
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##Basics Of Ruby
a = "Hello World"
puts a
<section class='slide'>
##Basics Of Ruby
a = 1.2
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##Basics Of Ruby
class Mine
def fn(param)
m =
<section class='slide'>
##Basics Of Ruby
class Mine
def *(p)
m =
m * 10
<section class='slide'>
##Basics Of Ruby
m =
m.send(:fn, 10)
<section class='slide'>
##Basics Of Ruby
class Mine
attr_accessor :name
<section class='slide'>
##Basics Of Ruby
module Blue
def blue?
class Mine
include Blue
class Mine
extend Blue
<section class='slide'>
##Basics Of Ruby
m =
m.send(:oh_noes, 10)
class Mine
def method_missing(m, *args, &block)
puts m
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##Basics Of Ruby
This is powerful, but you can stab yourself with these tools
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##Basics Of Ruby
def map(list)
new_list = []
for l in list
new_list << yield(l)
map [1,2,3] {|x| x*2}
<section class='slide'>
##Basics Of Ruby
lambda = ->(x){ x*2 }
map([1,2,3], &lambda)
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##Summary of Ruby
* I love Ruby
* I think you will love Ruby
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#Ruby on Rails -- The Killer App
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> You call a libraries code, a framework calls your code
It is a framework
> **Convention over Configuration**
Instead of spending a large amounts of time configuring a project, do it in a standard way and only specify the unconventional.
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Design Patterns
1. MVC Layout
2. ActiveRecord ORM
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Favourite Parts
1. **The Asset Pipeline**: The asset pipeline takes a list of assets that need to be pre-compiled like coffeesciprt and sass assets, and then manages their lifecycle in development and deployment lifecycles.
2. **Engines**: A Rails Engine is a RubyGem that includes parts of the MVC pattern. It enables a Rails application to be separated into components.
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Why I like Ruby
1. Testing focus
2. Deployment focus
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#Rails *Live Demo*
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<h2>Graham Jenson</h2>
<li>Twitter: <strong>@grahamjenson</strong> </li>
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