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Created April 25, 2011 02:57
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Simple IRC Bot in Ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'ponder'
require 'wikipedia'
@ponder =
@ponder.configure do |c|
c.nick = 'FUN_BOT'
c.username = 'FUN_BOT'
c.real_name = 'FUN_BOT'
c.server = ''
c.port = 6668
channel = '#chat'
# On Connect, join #chat.
@ponder.on :connect do
@ponder.join channel
# "+roks", grabs a random mineral from Wikipedia's list of minerals.
minerals = Wikipedia.find('List of Minerals').content.scan(/\*\[\[(.*)\]\]/)
@ponder.on :channel, /\+roks/ do |e|
@ponder.message channel, "" + minerals[][0]
# Connect to the server.
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