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AFPP and correctness

Correctness issues with current String based filepath handling


On unix, the base library uses getFileSystemEncoding and mkTextEncoding to pick a round-trippable encoding for filepaths. E.g. if your locale returns en_US.UTF-8 you'll get UTF-8//ROUNDTRIP TextEncoding, which is based on PEP 383.

This encoding is then used to encode and decode from CString:

The documentation of mkTextEncoding already warns us:

In theory, this mechanism (<encoding>//ROUNDTRIP) allows arbitrary data to be roundtripped via a String with no loss of data. In practice, there are two limitations to be aware of:

  1. This only stands a chance of working for an encoding which is an ASCII superset, as for security reasons we refuse to escape any bytes smaller than 128. Many encodings of interest are ASCII supersets (in particular, you can assume that the locale encoding is an ASCII superset) but many (such as UTF-16) are not.
  2. If the underlying encoding is not itself roundtrippable, this mechanism can fail. Roundtrippable encodings are those which have an injective mapping into Unicode. Almost all encodings meet this criteria, but some do not. Notably, Shift-JIS (CP932) and Big5 contain several different encodings of the same Unicode codepoint.

The unicode consortium also has published a draft about Security and Interoperability Problems with PEP 383.


The following examples need the library file-io, which makes use of AFPP and uses patched unix/Win32.

These examples outline various failures of the current encodin/decoding approach.

Failure 1: filesystem encoding == CP932, filepath is UTF-8

This works:

> import GHC.IO.Encoding
> getFileSystemEncoding
> Prelude.writeFile "experiments/ʀ�工ߧίß浇Q겿" ""

This doesn't:

> cp932Enc <- mkTextEncoding "CP932//ROUNDTRIP"
> setFileSystemEncoding cp932Enc
> Prelude.writeFile "experiments/ʀ�工ߧίß浇Q겿" ""
*** Exception: experiments/ʀ�工ߧίß浇Q겿: openFile: invalid argument (invalid character)

But with AFP it does:

> cp932Enc <- mkTextEncoding "CP932//ROUNDTRIP"
> setFileSystemEncoding cp932Enc
> import qualified System.File.AbstractFilePath as AFP
> :set -XQuasiQuotes
> AFP.writeFile [afp|experiments/ʀ�工ߧίß浇Q겿|] mempty
> :!ls experiments

Failure 2: filesystem encoding == CP932, filepath is CP932

CP932 has multiple byte pairs that represent the same unicode codepoint:

> import GHC.IO.Encoding
> import AbstractFilePath.Encoding
> cp932Enc <- mkTextEncoding "CP932//ROUNDTRIP"
> decodeWith cp932Enc (pack [0x87, 0x90])
Right "\8786"
> decodeWith cp932Enc (pack [0x81, 0xE0])
Right "\8786"

Lets write a file with both pairs:

> import qualified System.AbstractFilePath as AFP
> import qualified System.File.AbstractFilePath as AFP
> import Data.Char
> :set -XQuasiQuotes
> :set -XOverloadedStrings
> AFP.writeFile ("experiments" AFP.</> AFP.packAFP (AFP.unsafeFromChar . chr <$> [0x81, 0xE0])) "lol1"
> AFP.writeFile ("experiments" AFP.</> AFP.packAFP (AFP.unsafeFromChar . chr <$> [0x87, 0x90])) "lol2"

And lets try to read it with directory:

> import GHC.IO.Encoding
> import System.Directory
> cp932Enc <- mkTextEncoding "CP932//ROUNDTRIP"
> setFileSystemEncoding cp932Enc
> listDirectory "experiments"
> listDirectory "experiments" >>= \[fp1, fp2] -> Prelude.readFile ("experiments" System.FilePath.</> fp1) >>= \c1 -> Prelude.readFile ("experiments" System.FilePath.</> fp2) >>= \c2 -> print c1 >> print c2

We can't read the first file...

Using the new unix modules in conjunction with AFP, this works:

> :set -XOverloadedStrings
> import qualified System.File.PlatformFilePath as PFP
> import qualified System.AbstractFilePath.Posix as PFP
> import System.Posix.Directory.PosixFilePath
> ds <- openDirStream "experiments"
> fp <- readDirStream ds
> fp
> fp <- readDirStream ds
> fp
> PFP.readFile ("experiments" PFP.</> fp)
> fp <- readDirStream ds
> fp
> PFP.readFile ("experiments" PFP.</> fp)

Failure 3: Comparing strings

If you compare strings (e.g. filepaths returned from base) with strings that were obtained via other means, it is possible that the other strings don't use PEP 383 style roundtrip encoding and the equality tests will not work as expected.

An example of this in python can be seen here:

More interoperability issues when running multiple converters over Unicode strings with high surrogate pairs are explained here:

Failure 4: intermediate calls to setFileSystemEncoding

Continuing from "Failure 2":

> import GHC.IO.Encoding
> import System.Directory
> cp932Enc <- mkTextEncoding "CP932//ROUNDTRIP"
> setFileSystemEncoding cp932Enc
> fps <- listDirectory "experiments"
> fps
> utf8enc <- mkTextEncoding "UTF-8//ROUNDTRIP"
> setFileSystemEncoding utf8enc
> let [fp1, fp2] = fps
> Prelude.readFile ("experiments" System.FilePath.</> fp1)
*** Exception: experiments/≒: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
> Prelude.readFile ("experiments" System.FilePath.</> fp2)
*** Exception: experiments/≒: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)

Failure 5: serializing filepaths

When serializing String based filepaths, we lose the underlying encoding that was used. This is a combination of 3 and 4.

Failure 6: re-encoding PEP-383 UTF-8 based filepath

The high surrogate pairs are "not quite unicode". E.g. you can't encode such a filepath as UTF-16 or even roundtrip them through a strict UTF8 converter:

> import GHC.IO.Encoding
> utf8_RT <- mkTextEncoding "UTF-8//ROUNDTRIP"
> utf8_STRICT <- mkTextEncoding "UTF-8"
> decodeWith utf8_RT (pack [0x87, 0x90]) >>= encodeWith utf8_STRICT
Left Cannot decode input: recoverEncode: invalid argument (invalid character)

> decodeWith utf8_STRICT (pack [0x70, 0x70]) >>= encodeWith utf16le
Right "p\NULp\NUL"
> decodeWith utf8_RT (pack [0x87, 0x90]) >>= encodeWith utf16le
Left Cannot decode input: recoverEncode: invalid argument (invalid character)



This is a private spec used in rust:

It's not meant to be exposed, but only be an internal encoding.

Enforcing UTF-8 on unix (with PEP-383)

If UTF-8 is enforced, then PEP-383 is mostly total and roundtripping system filepaths always works, regardless of locale configuration.

However, encoding arbitrary Haskell Char is not total:

> import GHC.IO.Encoding
> utf8_RT <- mkTextEncoding "UTF-8//ROUNDTRIP"
> encodeWith utf8_RT ([toEnum 0xDFF0, toEnum 0xDFF2])
Left Cannot decode input: recoverEncode: invalid argument (invalid character)

Benefits of AbstractFilePath over alternatives

  1. doesn't use private (or any) encoding: it receives and sends the bytes to and from system API as-is
  2. serialization can be well-defined with no ambiguity or need of interpretation on the other end
  3. We don't lose the underlying encoding information
  4. library authors don't have to know about custom language specific encodings, PEP-383 or other things
    • if you process/manipulate filepaths with PEP-383 UTF-8, you have to be aware of the meaning of high surrogate pairs
    • you have to be aware that it isn't strict UTF-8
  5. forcing UTF-8 for filepath encoding is a breaking change and could cause subtle bugs
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