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Last active July 15, 2019 00:59
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CustomAPIExample test scripts
// multicontext test script
var script = typeof Script === 'object' ? Script : { type: typeof window === 'object' ? 'browser' : 'unknown' };
var api = typeof KasenAPIExample === 'object' ? KasenAPIExample : {};
var details = {
type: script.type + '',
api: api + '',
now: && + '',
// all contexts
if (typeof console === 'object') {
console.log("=== TEST ===", JSON.stringify(details));
} else if (script.type !== 'unknown' && typeof print === 'function') {
print("=== TEST ===", JSON.stringify(details));
// edit_filter expects a global function named "filter"
function filter(properties, type, originalProperties) {
print('=== TEST === editFilter / edit type: ' + type, 'entity type: ' + properties.type,,;
if (!properties.userData) properties.userData = JSON.stringify(details);
return properties;
// entity_client and entity_server expect the final value to be a constructor function
function EntityConstructor() {
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