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Last active January 6, 2021 04:20
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Takes the current vote counts per-county and extrapolates them to 100%
import urllib.request
import json
headers = {'Referrer': '', 'Accept': 'application/json',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.16; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0'}
url = ''
request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)
response = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(request))
for data in response['data']:
candidates = data['candidates']
c1_id = str(candidates[0]['cand_id'])
c2_id = str(candidates[1]['cand_id'])
counts = []
for county in data['countyResults']['counties']:
c1_votes = county['votes'][c1_id]
c2_votes = county['votes'][c2_id]
(c1_votes, c2_votes, county['estimated_votes']['estimated_votes_mid']))
scaled_counts = []
for vote1, vote2, expected in counts:
total = vote1 + vote2
ratio = 1 if total >= expected else total / expected
scaled_counts.append((round(vote1 / ratio), round(vote2 / ratio)))
def get_winner(c1_votes, c2_votes):
c1_sum = sum(c1_votes)
c2_sum = sum(c2_votes)
winner = candidates[0]['last_name'] if c1_sum > c2_sum else candidates[1]['last_name']
delta = (abs(c1_sum - c2_sum))
return ((winner, delta))
[c1_votes, c2_votes] = list(zip(*scaled_counts))
expected_winner, expected_delta = get_winner(c1_votes, c2_votes)
[c1_actual, c2_actual, _] = list(zip(*counts))
current_winner, current_delta = get_winner(c1_votes, c2_votes)
f"{current_winner} is currently winning by {current_delta:,} votes")
f"If HQ's per-county totals are extrapolated to 100%, {expected_winner} would win by {expected_delta:,} votes")
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