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Last active February 1, 2024 20:24
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Get ADC WeatherKit token for REST API
# // // Nov. 2022
# from documentation here, which you should read first:
# 1. Have a valid ADC acount.
# 2. Download this script, and open it in a text editor. You'll have to change three variables.
# 3. Make up a reverse-domain name service ID (i.e., Place this in SERVICE_ID.
# 4. Create an ADC service identifier.
# 5. Create an ADC service key.
# 6. Download that service key, rename to 'wkservicekey.p8', and move it into same directory as this script.
# 7. Install pyjwt ("pip install pyjwt"). Make sure not to use "jwt", as that will throw an error.
# 8. Install cryptography ("pip install cryptography").
# 9. Place KEY_ID in script, via:
# 10. Place your TEAM_ID in script, via:
# 11. Run this script ("python").
# 12. Verify your token by running the CURL statement output to console. If it all works, at the end you'll get:
# * Connection #0 to host left intact
# ["currentWeather","forecastDaily","forecastHourly","weatherAlerts"]%
import jwt, time, cryptography
# apple auth info, customize in steps 3, 9, and 10
SERVICE_ID = '' # the reverse-domain service ID you made up in step 3
KEY_ID = 'USE_YOUR_OWN' # this is a 10 char "Key ID" from the ADC portal, found by "viewing key details"
TEAM_ID = 'USE_YOUR_OWN' # found under your ADC membership info
# end customization
with open('wkservicekey.p8') as rsa_priv_file:
priv_rsakey =
IAT = int(time.time()) # unix time when running script
EXP = IAT + 315360000 # unix time one decade from now
HEADERS = {'alg': 'ES256', 'kid': KEY_ID, 'id': f'{TEAM_ID}.{SERVICE_ID}'}
'iss': TEAM_ID,
'iat': IAT,
'exp': EXP,
token = jwt.encode(PAYLOAD, priv_rsakey, algorithm='ES256', headers=HEADERS)
print(f'\n---\nYour WeatherKit token is: \n\n{token}\n\nIn most authorization headers, the token is presented like this:\n\nAuthorization: Bearer {token}\n\nTo make sure the token is correct, copy and paste this curl statement into your console/terminal and run it:\n')
print(f"curl -v -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' ''")
print(f'\nIf the last lines of that curl output are:\n\n* Connection #0 to host left intact\n["currentWeather","forecastDaily","forecastHourly","weatherAlerts"]%\n\n...then the token is valid and you can begin to access the WeatherKit REST API.\n')
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jeffehobbs commented Jan 12, 2023

@eboettn great catch, I omitted a line (line 42). Should be fixed now. Try again?

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eboettn commented Jan 13, 2023

That did it! Thanks!!!

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