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Created October 6, 2009 01:59
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Ubiquity command
names: ["irpe", "Irpe"],
icon: "",
description: "Replaces a url with a short one.",
help: "irpe url",
author: {name: "Jesús Del Carpio", email: ""},
license: "GPL",
homepage: "",
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text}],
preview: function preview(pblock, {object:{text}}) {
if (!text) {
pblock.innerHTML = this.description;
var me = this;
pblock.innerHTML = "Replaces the current URL with ...";
CmdUtils.previewGet(pblock, me._api(text), function(url){
pblock.innerHTML = _("Replace ${original} with <b>${url}</b>.", {url:me._link(url), original:text});
execute: function execute(args) {
var me = this;
jQuery.get(this._api(args.object.text), function(url){
CmdUtils.setSelection(me._link(url), {text: url});
Utils.clipboard.text = url;
_api: function(url)("" + url + "&api=1"),
_link: function(url){
var escaped_url = Utils.escapeHtml(url);
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