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Created September 12, 2017 17:34
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var _updateBundleTag = 4073,
MemberSettings, __extends, sb;
(function(n) {
var t = function() {
function n() {}
return n.getDayName = function(n) {
var t = this.getDayName2(n);
return t.charAt(0) == "S" ? "<b>" + t + "<\/b>" : t
}, n.getDayName2 = function(n) {
return n instanceof Date || (n = new Date(n)), ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"][n.getDay() % 7]
}, n.getMonthName = function(n) {
return n instanceof Date || (n = new Date(n)), ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"][n.getMonth() % 12]
}, n.getLongMonthName = function(n) {
return n instanceof Date || (n = new Date(n)), ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"][n.getMonth() % 12]
}, n.formatTime = function(n) {
var t = n.getHours(),
i = n.getMinutes();
return (t % 12 == 0 ? 12 : t % 12) + ":" + (i < 10 ? "0" : "") + i.toString() + " " + (t < 12 ? "am" : "pm")
}, n.getHourText = function(n) {
n instanceof Date || (n = new Date(n));
var t = n.getHours();
return t === 0 ? "12am" : t === 12 ? "12pm" : t % 12 + (t < 12 ? "am" : "pm")
}, n.getDateText = function(n) {
var t = new Date(n).getDate();
return t % 10 == 1 && t != 11 ? t + "st" : t % 10 == 2 && t != 12 ? t + "nd" : t % 10 == 3 && t != 13 ? t + "rd" : t + "th"
}, n.getDateFromYMD = function(n) {
return new Date(n.substr(0, 4) + "-" + n.substr(4, 2) + "-" + n.substr(6, 2) + "T00:00")
}, n
n.Dates = t
})(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function n() {}
return n.isHires = function() {
var n = window.devicePixelRatio || window.screen.deviceXDPI / window.screen.logicalXDPI || 1;
return n > 1
}, n
n.Graphics = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.getCdn = function(n) {
return "//res" + n + ""
}, t.getApi = function(t) {
return n.apiUrl + "/" + t + ".ashx?apiKey=" + n.apiKey
}, t.go = function(n) {
location.href = n
}, t.redirect = function(n) {
}, t.goBack = function() {
}, t.stripQuery = function(n) {
var t = n.indexOf("?");
return t > 0 ? n = n.substr(0, t) : n
}, t.getParam = function(n) {
var r = window.location.href,
i, t;
return (n = n.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&"), i = new RegExp("[?&]" + n + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"), t = i.exec(r), !t) ? "" : t[2] ? decodeURIComponent(t[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")) : ""
}, t.getPathSegmentAfter = function(n) {
for (var i = window.location.pathname.split("/"), t = 0; t < i.length; t++)
if (i[t].toLowerCase() == n.toLowerCase()) return i[t];
throw new Error("AfterPathNotFound");
}, t.getLastPathSegment = function() {
var n = window.location.pathname.split("/");
if (n.length > 0) return n[n.length - 1];
throw new Error("LastPathNotFound");
}, t.encodeHtml = function(n) {
return $("<div/>").text(n).html()
}, t
n.Network = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function n() {}
return n.isSize = function(n) {
return $("#" + n).is(":visible")
}, n.getSize = function() {
return n.isSize("xs") ? "xs" : n.isSize("sm") ? "sm" : n.isSize("md") ? "md" : "lg"
}, n
n.Responsive = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function n() {}
return n.reloadOnWake = function() {
var t = 1e4,
n = (new Date).getTime();
setInterval(function() {
var i = (new Date).getTime();
i > n + t + 2e3 ? (n = i, location.reload(!0)) : n = i
}, t)
}, n.showWait = function() {
}, n.hideWait = function() {
}, n.showWaitCursor = function() {
}, n.hideWaitCursor = function() {
}, n.notify = function(n, t) {
t === void 0 && (t = 0);
$().toast("info", {
text: n,
sticky: t == 0
}, n.successMsg = function(n, t) {
t === void 0 && (t = 0);
$().toast("success", {
text: n,
sticky: t == 0
}, n.errorMsg = function(n, t) {
t === void 0 && (t = 0);
$().toast("error", {
text: n,
sticky: t == 0
}, n.get = function(n) {
var f = $(n),
e, s, i, r, o;
if (f.length === 0) return "";
var t = f[0],
u = t.type,
c = t.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (u === "reset" || u === "button" || (u === "checkbox" || u === "radio") && !t.checked || (u === "submit" || u === "image") && t.form && t.form.clk != t || c === "select" && t.selectedIndex === -1) return null;
if (n.indexOf("input[name") > 0) {
for (e = [], i = 0; i < f.length; i++) f[i].attr("checked") && e.push(f[i].val());
return e
if (c === "select") {
if (s = t.selectedIndex, s < 0) return null;
var e = [],
l = t.options,
h = u === "select-one",
a = h ? s + 1 : l.length;
for (i = h ? s : 0; i < a; i++)
if (r = l[i], r.selected) {
if (o = r.value, o || (o = r.attributes && r.attributes.value && !r.attributes.value.specified ? r.text : r.value), h) return o;
return e
return $(t).val()
}, n.set = function(n, t) {
var h = $(n),
s, r, i, f, u;
if (h.length === 0) return t;
var e = h[0],
o = e.type,
c = e.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (o === "reset" || o === "button" || o === "submit" || o === "image") return t;
if (n.indexOf("input[name") >= 0)
for (s = t.split(","), r = 0; r < h.length; r++) {
var l = $(h[r]),
p = l.val().toLowerCase(),
a = !1;
for (u = 0; u < s.length; u++)
if (p === s[u].toLowerCase()) {
a = !0;
l.prop("checked", a)
if (c === "select") {
var v = e.options,
y = o === "select-one",
s = t;
for (y || (s = t.split(",")), r = 0; r < v.length; r++)
if (i = v[r], f = i.value, f || (f = i.attributes && i.attributes.value && !i.attributes.value.specified ? i.text : i.value), y) {
if (f && f.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase()) return i.selected = !0, t
} else
for (u = 0; u < s.length; u++) f && f.toLowerCase() === t[u].toLowerCase() && (i.selected = !0);
return t
return c === "label" || c == "div" || c == "span" ? ($(e).html(t), t) : ($(e).val(t), t)
}, n.removeKids = function(n) {
}, n.hasTouch = function() {
return window.screen.width < 1025 && "ontouchstart" in window
}, n.isHandheld = function() {
var n = navigator.userAgent,
return n.indexOf("Firefox") > 0 && (n += "|" + navigator.appVersion), t = n, /android.+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|meego.+mobile|midp|mmp|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(t) || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(di|rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(t.substr(0, 4)) ? !0 : !1
}, n.isLandscape = function() {
return window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight
}, n.isPortrait = function() {
return !this.isLandscape()
}, n
n.UI = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function n() {}
return n.toImperialLength = function(n) {
return Math.floor(n) + "' " + Math.floor((n - Math.floor(n)) * 12) + "&quot;"
}, n
t.feetPerMetre = 3.2808399;
t.msPerHour = 36e5;
n.Units = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function n() {}
return n.htmlEncode = function(n) {
return $("<div/>").text(n).html()
}, n.getParam = function(t) {
return n.getParamByUrl(t, null)
}, n.getParamByUrl = function(n, t) {
t || (t = window.location.href);
n = n.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
var r = new RegExp("[?&]" + n + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
i = r.exec(t);
return i ? i[2] ? decodeURIComponent(i[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")) : "" : ""
}, n.haveStorage = function() {
var n = null;
try {
n = window.localStorage;
n.setItem("_", "_");
} catch (t) {
n = null
return n != null
}, n.toPrecision = function(n, t) {
var i = n.toString(),
r = i.indexOf(".");
return r > 0 && t === 0 ? i.substr(0, r) : i.length - t >= r + t ? i.substr(0, r + t + 1) : i
}, n
n.Utils = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function n() {}
return n
n.Member = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var r = function() {
function n() {}
return n
t, i;
n.Location = r;
t = function() {
function n() {}
return n
n.State = t;
i = function() {
function n() {}
return n
n.Region = i
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.instance = function() {
return n.context = n.context || new n.Context, n.context
}, t.prototype.getCategory = function() {
var t = location.pathname.toLowerCase(),
n, i;
return t == "/" ? "home" : (n = "weather", i = ["news", "articles", "events", "forums", "media", "photos", "videos", "classifieds"], $.each(i, function(i, r) {
t.indexOf("/" + r) == 0 && (n = r)
}), n)
}, t.prototype.getSportChannel = function() {
var t = location.pathname.toLowerCase(),
n = "";
return $.each(["general", "kitesurfing", "stand-up-paddle", "windsurfing", "surfing", "sailing", "boating", "diving", "fishing", "land-yacht-sailing"], function(i, r) {
t.indexOf("/" + r) >= 0 && (n = r.replace(/-/gi, " "))
}), n
}, t
n.Context = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function() {}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.bindToTopOfPage = function() {
var i = 300,
t = ".toTopOfPage";
$(window).scroll(function() {
var r = !1;
$(window).scrollTop() > i && (r = n.Zoom.getZoom() < 1.7);
r ? $(t).fadeIn("slow") : $(t).fadeOut("slow")
$(t).click(function() {
return $("html, body").animate({
scrollTop: 0
}, 150), !1
}, t.centreRosBanner = function() {
if ($(".masthead .spono-ros").is(":visible")) {
var n = 10,
t = $(".masthead .logo").width() + n,
i = $(window).width() - n,
r = Math.min(i - t, 728),
u = (i - t) / 2 - r / 2 + t - n;
$(".masthead .spono-ros").width(r).css("left", u)
}, t.merge = function(n) {
for (var i = "", t = 0; t < n.length; t++) i += n[t];
return i
}, t.deliverTelemetry = function() {
var t = this,
i = (new Date).getTime();
setTimeout(function() {
$.post(n.Network.getApi(t.merge(["t", "ele", "met", "ry"])), {
createdUtc: n.createdUtc.getTime(),
domTicks: i - n.startUtc.getTime(),
d1: $(t.adId).length,
d2: $(t.adId).filter(":visible").length,
d3: $(t.adId2).length,
d4: $(t.adId2).filter(":visible").length
}, 2e3)
}, t.onReady = function() {
this.adId = this.merge([".", "ad", "sby", "go", "ogl", "e"]);
this.adId2 = this.merge([".", "spono", "-", "spot"]);
$(window).resize(function() {
}, t
n.Global = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var i, t;
(function(n) {
n[n.Leaderboard = 72890] = "Leaderboard";
n[n.MediumRect = 300250] = "MediumRect";
n[n.Smartphone = 32050] = "Smartphone"
})(i = n.BannerSize || (n.BannerSize = {}));
t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.onReady = function(i) {
n.config.adServer == "s" ? (t.serviceUrl = i, t.refreshSlots()) : t.initDfp()
}, t.getNextMainAdUnit = function() {
return n.config.adServer == "s" ? "sb-runofsite-lb" : "sb-main-" + this.nextMainBannerIndex++
}, t.getNextSideAdUnit = function() {
return n.config.adServer == "s" ? "sb-runofsite-mr" : "sb-side-" + this.nextSideBannerIndex++
}, t.initDfp = function() {
var i = this;
googletag.cmd.push(function() {
n.debug && console.log("AdBanners: Defining slots & sizes");
var e = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1200, 90], [
[970, 90],
[728, 90]
]).addSize([992, 90], [728, 90]).addSize([0, 0], []).build(),
r = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([768, 90], [728, 90]).addSize([0, 0], [
[320, 100],
[320, 50]
f = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([768, 100], [
[300, 250],
[300, 600]
]).addSize([0, 0], [300, 250]).build(),
u = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([768, 100], [
[300, 250],
[300, 600]
]).addSize([0, 0], [300, 250]).build(),
o = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([0, 0], [1, 1]).build();
n.debug && $(".spono-spot").each(function(n, t) {
console.log("AdBanners: div#" + + " contains adUnit " + $(t).data("slot"))
i.addSlot("sb-main-ros", [
[970, 90],
[728, 90],
[320, 50],
[320, 100]
], e);
i.addSlot("sb-main-1", [
[728, 90],
[320, 100],
[320, 50]
], r);
i.addSlot("sb-main-2", [
[728, 90],
[320, 100],
[320, 50]
], r);
i.addSlot("sb-main-3", [
[728, 90],
[320, 100],
[320, 50]
], r);
i.addSlot("sb-main-4", [
[728, 90],
[320, 100],
[320, 50]
], r);
i.addSlot("sb-main-5", [
[728, 90],
[320, 100],
[320, 50]
], r);
i.addSlot("sb-main-6", [
[728, 90],
[320, 100],
[320, 50]
], r);
i.addSlot("sb-main-7", [
[728, 90],
[320, 100],
[320, 50]
], r);
i.addSlot("sb-side-1", [300, 250], f);
i.addSlot("sb-side-2", [300, 250], f);
i.addSlot("sb-side-3", [300, 250], u);
i.addSlot("sb-side-4", [300, 250], u);
i.addSlot("sb-side-5", [300, 250], u);
i.addSlot("sb-footer", [1, 1], o);
$(".spono-spot").each(function(t, i) {
n.debug && console.log("AdBanners: Advising Dfp of #" + $(i).attr("id"));
googletag.cmd.push(function() {
}, t.addSlot = function(t, i, r) {
var f = $(".spono-spot").map(function(n, t) {
u = "div-" + t;
if (f.indexOf(u) < 0) {
n.debug && console.log(u + " ignored, as no references in page: [" + f + "]");
n.debug && console.log(u + " defined, sizeMap of [" + r + "], sizes of [" + i + "]");
n.adSlots[u] = googletag.defineSlot("/4174145/" + t, i, u).defineSizeMapping(r).addService(googletag.pubads())
}, t.prepTargetting = function(t) {
var i = n.Context.instance().location;
i && (t.setTargeting("location",, t.setTargeting("state",, t.setTargeting("region",, n.debug);
t.setTargeting("category", n.Context.instance().getCategory());
t.setTargeting("sportchannel", n.Context.instance().getSportChannel());
n.member && t.setTargeting("interests", n.member.interests);
}, t.getHtml = function(i, r, u) {
if (n.config.adServer == "g") {
var f = "div-" + r;
return "<div id='" + f + "' class='" + t.cssClass + " " + u + "' data-size='" + i + "' data-slot='" + r + "'<\/div>"
return "<div class='" + t.cssClass + " " + u + "' data-size='" + i + "' data-slot='" + r + "' data-src='name'><\/div>"
}, t.refreshSlots = function(i) {
if ((i === void 0 && (i = null), n.config.adServer != "g") && (n.debug && console.log("AdBanners: refreshing"), this.serviceUrl)) {
i == null && (i = "." + this.cssClass);
var r = [];
$.each($(i), function(n, i) {
var u = $(i),
f;":visible") && (f = t.idName + t.idIndex++, u.attr("id", f), r.push({
id: f,
size: $(i).data("size"),
slot: $(i).data("slot"),
ref: document.URL,
width: u.width()
r.length > 0 && $.post(this.serviceUrl, JSON.stringify(r), function(n) {
$.each(n, function(n, t) {
$("#" +
}, t
t.serviceUrl = null;
t.cssClass = "spono-spot";
t.idName = "_spono_slot_";
t.idIndex = 1;
t.nextMainBannerIndex = 3;
t.nextSideBannerIndex = 3;
n.AdBanners = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.send = function(t) {
var u = this,
i = $(this.selector),
f = window.grecaptcha,
e, r;
$("#pm-to").prop("disabled", t != "");
r = n.Members.isAuthenticated();
i.on("", function() {
var n = t == "" ? "#pm-to" : "#pm-from";
e = f.render("recaptcha", {
sitekey: "6LdsbicTAAAAANklCehBfBTRoa_DvC3QCR-Tyv6U"
$("#pm-send").click(function() {
var t = {
a: "sendMsg",
toName: n.UI.get("#pm-to"),
fromEmail: n.UI.get("#pm-from-email"),
subject: n.UI.get("#pm-subject"),
message: n.UI.get("#pm-message"),
recaptcha: f.getResponse(e)
$.post(n.Network.getApi("Members"), t).done(function(t) {
t.success == 0 ? u.err(t.resultText) : (i.modal("hide"), n.UI.notify(t.message))
}).fail(function() {
u.err("There was an error sending your message - try again?")
$("#pm-cancel").click(function() {
}, t.err = function(t) {
n.UI.set("#pm-err", t);
$(this.selector + " .alert").removeClass("hidden")
}, t
t.selector = "#sendMessageModal";
n.Message = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
n[n.Undefined = 0] = "Undefined"
}(MemberSettings || (MemberSettings = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.isAuthenticated = function() {
var n = this.getMemberName();
return n && n.length > 0
}, t.getMemberName = function() {
var n = /Name=(.*?)&/.exec(Cookies.get("Snitz00User"));
return n == null ? null : n[1]
}, t.getPasswordToken = function() {
var n = /PWord=(.*?)&/.exec(Cookies.get("Snitz00User"));
return n == null ? null : n[1]
}, t.saveSetting = function(t, i) {
this.isAuthenticated() && n.member != null && (n.member.settings[t] = i, $.post(n.Network.getApi("Members"), {
a: "saveSetting",
id: t,
value: i
}, t.getSetting = function(t, i) {
if (i === void 0 && (i = ""), this.isAuthenticated() && n.member != null) {
var r = n.member.settings[t];
return r == undefined ? i : r
return i
}, t.loginOnReady = function() {
}, t.recoverOnReady = function() {
}, t.registerOnReady = function() {
}, t
n.Members = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.browseOnReady = function() {
$("#action-clear").click(function() {
$("#createAdvert").click(function() {
}, t.itemOnReady = function(t) {
$(".photos .item").mouseenter(function(n) {
$(".primary").attr("src", $(n.currentTarget).data("url"));
$(".photos .item").mouseleave(function(n) {
$("#sendMsg").click(function(t) {
$.each(t.images, function(n, t) {
(new Image).src = t
}, t.homeOnReady = function() {
dots: !0,
infinite: !1,
speed: 300,
slidesToShow: 4,
slidesToScroll: 4,
responsive: [{
breakpoint: 1024,
settings: {
slidesToShow: 3,
slidesToScroll: 3,
infinite: !0,
dots: !0
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breakpoint: 600,
settings: {
slidesToShow: 2,
slidesToScroll: 2
}, {
breakpoint: 480,
settings: {
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1
}, t.searchOnReady = function(n) {
var i = this;
this.makes = n;
$(".selectState").click(function(n) {
$(".selectState-dropdown li").click(function(n) {
i.selectedState = $(n.currentTarget).text();
$(".searchBtn").click(function() {
var n = $(".searchBox").val().trim();
if (n == "") return $(".searchBox").attr("placeholder", "Enter something to search for..."), !1
$(".searchBox").keypress(function(n) {
n.keyCode == 13 && $(".searchBtn").click()
$(".advert-home .search .advanceSearch a").click(function(n) {
$(".advert-home .advancedSearch").slideToggle();
scrollTop: $(".advert-home .advancedSearch").offset().top
}, "slow")
$(".advert-home .advancedSearch #close button").click(function() {
$(".advert-home .advancedSearch").slideToggle();
scrollTop: $(".advert-home .search .advanceSearch a").offset().top - 100
}, "slow")
$(".advancedSearch #categoryId").change(function() {
return t.fillMakes(), !1
}, t.fillMakes = function() {
var n, t, i = $("#categoryId").val(),
r, u, f;
for (i = i >= 320 && i <= 399 ? 320 : Math.floor(i / 100) * 100, r = $("#make"), r.empty(), r.append("<option value='-1'>All Makes<\/option>"), u = -1, f = "", n = 0; n < this.makes.length; n++)
if (this.makes[n][0] == i) {
for (u = n, t = this.makes[u], n = 1; n < t.length; n++) r.append("<option value='" + t[n] + "' " + (t[n] == f ? "selected" : "") + ">" + t[n] + "<\/option>");
}, t.toggleWatch = function(t) {
var i = "/images/icons/fave2.gif",
r = "/images/icons/fave1.gif";
url: "/Members/Classifieds/Service.ashx?a=watch&id=" + t,
dataType: "xml",
type: "post",
success: function(n) {
var u = $(n).find("watched").text();
u == "-1" ? alert("You'll need to login to watch adverts...visit the Members menu to login/join... :-)") : $("#watch" + t).attr("src", u == "1" ? i : r)
}).always(function() {
}, t.openFrame = function(n) {
src: n
}, t.advertControlOnReady = function() {
$(".clsWatchItem").click(function(t) {
infinite: !0,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1,
speed: 1,
touchThreshold: 10
$(".clsItemThumbs img").click(function() {
$(".clsImageSlides").slick("slickGoTo", $(this).data("index"))
$(".clsItemThumbs img").mouseenter(function() {
$(".clsImageSlides").slick("slickGoTo", $(this).data("index"))
$(".showPopup").click(function(n) {
var i = $(n.currentTarget).attr("href");
return t.openFrame(i), n.stopPropagation(), !1
$(".msgFrame").on("load", function() {
var n = $(".msgFrame").attr("src");
n == "" ? ($(".msgFrame").hide(), $(".msgHolder").hide(), $(".showPopup").focus(), document.activeElement.blur()) : ($(".loading").hide(), $(".msgFrame").show(), $(window).scrollTop(3))
}, t
t.makes = null;
t.selectedCategory = "";
t.selectedState = "";
n.Classifieds = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.onReady = function() {
}, t.getAdvert = function(t) {
var i = this,
r = {
xdomain: n.xDomain,
id: t,
a: "getAdvert",
lookups: 1
$.post(n.Network.getApi("Classifieds"), r).always(function() {
}).done(function(n) { = n;
i.advert = n.adverts[0];
}).fail(function() {
n.UI.notify("Failed to save. Retry?")
}, t.bindEvents = function() {
var n = this;
$("#save").click(function() {
return n.saveForm()
$("input[name=lengthType]").change(function(i) {
n.advert.lengthType = $(;
$("#toTop").click(function() {
return n.saveForm()
$("#resurrect").click(function() {
return n.saveForm()
}, t.bindData = function() {
var t = this.advert;
n.UI.set("#categoryName", t.categoryName);
n.UI.set("#model", t.model);
n.UI.set("#year", t.year);
n.UI.set("#size", t.size);
n.UI.set("#sizeUnits", t.sizeUnit);
n.UI.set("#description", t.description);
n.UI.set("#stockId", t.stockId);
n.UI.set("#price", t.price);
n.UI.set("#contactName", t.contactName);
n.UI.set("#phone1", t.phone1);
n.UI.set("#stateId", t.stateId);
n.UI.set("#suburb", t.suburb);
n.UI.set("#deliveryOption", t.deliveryOption);
n.UI.set("input[name='paymentOptions']", t.paymentOptions);
$(".stockRow").toggle( >= 100);
$("#make").hide(); == "List" ? ($.each(, function(n, t) {
}), $("#makeId").show(), n.UI.set("#makeId", t.makeId)) : == "Text" && (n.UI.set("#make", t.make), $("#make").show());
$("#make").prop("disabled", == 0);
$("#makeId").prop("disabled", == 0);
$("#model").prop("disabled", == 0);
n.UI.set("#paidLabel", "Premium Listing - $" +;
}, t.bindMeasurements = function() {
var t = this.advert,
u =,
i, r;
$(".lengthRow").toggle(u.showLength != 0);
u.showLength != 0 && (i = t.lengthType == "metric", $("#metricInput").toggle(i), $("#imperialInput").toggle(!i), $("#lengthMetric").prop("checked", i), $("#lengthImperial").prop("checked", !i), i ? (n.UI.set("#metric", t.lengthValue), n.UI.set("#metricUnits", u.metricLengthUnit)) : (n.UI.set("#feet", Math.floor(t.lengthValue)), r = t.lengthValue, r = r.indexOf(".") > 0 ? r.substr(r.indexOf(".") + 1).substr(0, 2) : "0", n.UI.set("#inches", r)));
$(".sizeRow").toggle(u.showSize != 0);
u.showSize != 0 && (n.UI.set("#sizeTitle", t.sizeTitle), n.UI.set("#sizeUnits", t.sizeUnits), n.UI.set("#size", Math.abs(t.size) < .001 ? "" : t.size.ToString()))
}, t.saveForm = function() {
var t = {
a: "postAdvert",
apiKey: "2FC32786-3166-404E-89F5-1815879C3BF3",
advertId: this.advert.advertId,
categoryId: this.advert.categoryId,
makeId: n.UI.get("#makeId"),
make: n.UI.get("#make"),
model: n.UI.get("#model"),
year: n.UI.get("#year"),
lengthType: n.UI.get("input[name='lengthType']:checked"),
description: n.UI.get("#description"),
stockID: n.UI.get("#stockId"),
price: n.UI.get("#price"),
contactName: n.UI.get("#contactName"),
phone1: n.UI.get("#phone1"),
stateId: n.UI.get("#stateId"),
suburb: n.UI.get("#suburb"),
paymentOptions: n.UI.get("input[name='paymentOptions']:checked"),
deliveryOption: n.UI.get("#deliveryOption"),
levelId: n.UI.get("input[name='levelId']:checked")
r =,
f, i, u;
r.showLength != 0 && (t.lengthType == "metric" ? (t.length = n.UI.get("#metric"), t.lengthUnits = r.metricLengthUnit) : (f = parseFloat(n.UI.get("#feet")), i = parseFloat(n.UI.get("#inches")), (i < 0 || i > 11) && (i = 0), u = f + "." + i, i == 10 && (u += "1"), t.length = u, t.lengthUnits = r.imperialLengthUnit));
$.post(n.Network.getApi("Classifieds"), t).always(function() {
}).done(function(t) {
}).fail(function(t, i, r) {
n.UI.notify("Retry? Error returned " + i + ", " + r)
}, t.imageHandler = function() {}, t
n.ClassifiedsItemEdit = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function n() {}
return n.headlinesOnReady = function() {}, n
n.Content = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function n() {}
return n.applyFilters = function() {
if (this.sportFilter == "All" && this.stateFilter == "All") $(".eventRow").show();
else {
var n = this.sportFilter == "All" ? $(".eventRow") : $(".sportCol:contains('" + this.sportFilter + "')").parent(),
t = this.stateFilter == "All" ? $(".eventRow") : $(".stateCol:contains('" + this.stateFilter + "')").parent();
$(".sportFilter:contains('" + this.sportFilter + "')").addClass("active");
$(".stateFilter:contains('" + this.stateFilter + "')").addClass("active");
this.setFilters(this.sportFilter, this.stateFilter)
}, n.setFilters = function(n, t) {
var i, r;
t == "Australia" && (t = "All");
Cookies.set(".sportFilter", n, {
path: "/Events"
Cookies.set(".stateFilter", t, {
path: "/Events"
i = "/Events";
t != "" && n != "" && (t != "" && (i += "/" + t), n != "" && (i += "/" + n));
i != location.href && (r = n + " events in " + (t == "All" ? "Australia" : t), window.history.pushState({}, r, i), document.title = r)
}, n.headlinesOnReady = function() {
this.sportFilter = Cookies.get(".sportFilter");
this.stateFilter = Cookies.get(".stateFilter");
this.sportFilter || (this.sportFilter = "All");
this.stateFilter || (this.stateFilter = "All");
$(".sportFilter").click(function(t) {
return n.sportFilter = $(, n.applyFilters(), !1
$(".stateFilter").click(function(t) {
return n.stateFilter = $(, n.applyFilters(), !1
}, n
n.Events = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {
this.confirmDelete = !0;
this.editor = null;
this.postbackUrl = null
return t.subscribeToTopic = function(t, i) {
if (!n.Members.isAuthenticated()) {
n.UI.errorMsg("<a rel='nofollow' href='/Login?ReturnUrl=" + encodeURIComponent(location.pathname) + "'>Please login first...<\/a>", 500);
var r = $("id");
$.post("/forums/Subscribe/" + r, {}, function(t) {
var r = t == "1";
r ? n.UI.successMsg("You are now subscribed to this topic.", 500) : n.UI.successMsg("You are no longer subscribed to this topic.", 500);
i && i(r)
}).always(function() {
}, t.categoryForumsOnReady = function() {
var n = this;
$(".forum-action-expand").click(function(t) {
n.showExtras(, n.toggleShowExtras())
this.showExtras($(".forum-action-expand")[0], this.getShowExtras())
}, t.topicPostsOnReady = function(t) {
var o = this,
f = new n.Forums,
u, r, e, i;
f.confirmDelete = t.confirmDelete;
$(".ratePanel").click(function(n) {
$(".action-subscribe").click(function(n) {
o.subscribeToTopic(n, function(t) {
$( ? "Unsubscribe" : "Subscribe")
$(".action-quote").click(function(t) {
var i = $(,
r ="id"),
u ="type");
n.ForumPost.quotePost(r, u)
$(".action-reply").click(function() {
if (!n.Members.isAuthenticated()) {
n.Network.go("/Login?ReturnUrl=" + encodeURIComponent(location.href));
$(".action-login").attr("href", "/Login?ReturnUrl=" + encodeURIComponent(location.href));
$(".action-like").click(function(t) {
function u(n, t) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2353)
var r = $("id"),
f = $("type") === "t" ? 1 : 2,
e = "/Members/Profile/Rate.aspx?s=" + f + "&id=" + r + "&r=1",
i = "#thumbAnswer" + r;
u(i, "Voting...");
$.getJSON(e, {}).done(function(n) {
u(i, n.msg);
$("#rateGraph" + r).animate({
width: n.percent + "%"
}, 1e3)
}).fail(function(n, t, r) {
u(i, "Oops - our error.");
console.error(t + ":" + r)
}).always(function() {
$(".action-edit").click(function(t) {
var i = $("id"),
r = $("type") === "t" ? "/forums/EditTopic/" + i : "/forums/EditReply/" + i;
$(".action-delete").click(function(n) {
var i = !0,
t, r;
return f.confirmDelete && (i = confirm("Delete - are you sure?")), i && (t = $("id"), r = $("type") === "t" ? "/forums/DeleteTopic/" + t : "/forums/DeleteReply/" + t, $("[data-id=p-" + t + "]").load(r)), !1
$(".action-cancel").click(function() {
$(".action-email").click(function(t) {
var i = $(t.currentTarget),
r ="url") + "?member=" +"memberto");
return n.Forums.openFrame(r), t.stopPropagation(), !1
$(".action-postLink").click(function(t) {
var r = $(t.currentTarget),
u, i;
return (t.stopPropagation(), u = $(".actioned-postLink").length > 0, $(".actioned-postLink").remove(), u) ? !1 : (i = n.Utils.htmlEncode(location.protocol + "//" + + ("/Forums/Link/" +"id"))), $(r).parent().append($("<div class='actioned-postLink'>Use this address to link directly to this post.<br /><input type='text' value='" + i + "'/><br/>" + ("Or, <a id='share_facebook' href='" + i + "' target='_blank' rel='noopener nofollow'><u>share on facebook<\/u><\/a><\/div>"))), $(".actioned-postLink input").focus(), $(".actioned-postLink input").select(), !1)
$(".offsite-link").mousedown(function(n) {
if (n.button === 2) {
var t ="url=");
t > 0 && ( = decodeURIComponent( + 4)))
$(".QuoteBoxExpand").click(function(n) {
"max-height": "none"
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$(".msgModal").on("click", function() {
try {
if (u = window.location.hash, u.length > 1)
if (u == "#lastpost") i = $("#lastpost"), $(".forum-row-read").text("Last post in this topic"), $("html, body").animate({
scrollTop: i.offset().top
}), $(".forum-row-read").appendTo(i), $(".forum-row-read").removeClass("hidden");
for (r = parseInt(u.substr(1)), e = r > 5e3; r > 0;) {
if (i = $("#" + r), i.length > 0) {
$("html, body").animate({
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e && $(".forum-row-read").text("[ Direct Link Post ]");
$(".forum-row-read").parent().css("text-decoration", "none");
} catch (s) {
console.error("HashFail:" + s)
}, t.nextPage, t.nextIndex, t.Url);
Cookies.set("topic", t.topicID, {
path: "/forums"
}, t.insertSponos = function() {
n.debug && console.log("Forums: insert sponos");
var r = screen.height,
f = r * 3,
e = 8,
u = 0,
t = r * 2,
i = 0;
$(".forum-row").each(function(r, o) {
var s = $(o).offset().top;
t += s - u;
u = s;
(t > f || i >= e) && ($('<div class="row forum-row-sponoouter"><div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-md-push-2">' + n.AdBanners.getHtml(n.BannerSize.Leaderboard, n.AdBanners.getNextMainAdUnit(), "forum-row-spono") + "<\/div><\/div>").insertAfter(o), t = 0, i = 0)
}, t.openFrame = function(n) {
src: n
}, t.postOnReady = function() {
$(".action-cancel").click(function() {
$("#subject").length > 0 ? $("#subject").focus() : n.ForumPost.focusEditor()
}, t.forumTopicsOnReady = function() {
}, t.activeTopicsOnReady = function() {
$("#minutes").change(function() {
location.href = "/forums/ActiveTopics?minutes=" + $("#minutes").val()
var t = n.Network.getParam("minutes");
t !== "" && $("#minutes").val(t);
$(".filters").change(function() {
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$(".filterBox input:checked").each(function(n, i) {
t += i.value + ","
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path: "/forums",
expires: 1e4
n.Network.go("/forums/ActiveTopics?minutes=" + n.Network.getParam("minutes"))
}, t.searchOnReady = function() {
}, t.onTopicListReady = function() {
var n = this;
$(".forum-action-expand").click(function(t) {
n.showExtras(, n.toggleShowExtras())
this.showExtras($(".forum-action-expand")[0], this.getShowExtras());
$(".action-login").attr("href", "/Login?ReturnUrl=" + encodeURIComponent(location.href));
$(".action-subscribe").click(function(t) {
n.subscribeToTopic(t, function() {
$("#topic" + Cookies.get("topic")).parent().parent().addClass("just-read")
}, t.toggleShowExtras = function() {
return this.setShowExtras(!this.getShowExtras())
}, t.getShowExtras = function() {
var n = Cookies.get("showExtras");
return n === "1" || n === undefined
}, t.setShowExtras = function(n) {
return Cookies.set("showExtras", n ? "1" : 0, {
path: "/forums",
expires: 5e3
}), n
}, t.showExtras = function(n, t) {
t == "1" ? $(".extras").removeClass("hidden") : $(".extras").addClass("hidden");
$(n).html(t == "1" ? "Detailed" : "Compact");
}, t.buildPaging = function() {
var n = $(".extras-paging");
n.each(function(n, t) {
var r = $(t).data("pages");
if (r > 1) {
for (var e = $(t).data("url"), o = (e.indexOf("?") > 0 ? "&" : "?") + "page=", f = "<img src='/Assets/icons/pageHollow.png' /> ", i = void 0, s = 3, u = 3, i = 1; i <= Math.min(s, r); i++) f += '<a href="' + e + o + i + '">' + (i == r ? "last" : i) + "<\/a>";
if (r >= s)
for (r - u > u && (f += " ... "), i = r - u > u ? r - u + 1 : u + 1; i <= r; i++) f += '<a href="' + e + o + i + '">' + (i == r ? "last" : i) + "<\/a>";
}, t
n.Forums = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.saveBookmarksToCloud = function() {
var i = this,
n.Utils.haveStorage() && (t = [], $.each(localStorage, function(n, r) {
r.indexOf(i.bookmarkKey) >= 0 && t.push({
topicID: r,
bookmark: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(r))
}), $.post(n.Network.getApi("Members"), {
a: "saveForumBookmarks",
m: n.Members.getMemberName(),
p: n.Members.getPasswordToken(),
bookmarks: t
}, t.loadBookmarksFromCloud = function() {
n.Utils.haveStorage() && $.getJSON(n.Network.getApi("Members"), {
a: "getBookmarks",
m: n.Members.getMemberName(),
p: n.Members.getPasswordToken()
}).done(function(n) {
$.each(n.bookmarks, function(n, t) {
var i = JSON.parse(t);
localStorage.setItem(i.topicID, JSON.stringify(t.bookmark))
}, t.expire = function() {
var r, t, i, u, f;
if (n.Utils.haveStorage())
for (r = new Date, t = localStorage.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) i = localStorage.key(t), i.indexOf(this.bookmarkKey) >= 0 && (u = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(i)), f = (r.getTime() - u.lastUse) / 864e5, f > this.retainBookmarksInDays && localStorage.removeItem(i))
}, = function(t, i, r) {
var f;
if (n.Utils.haveStorage()) {
var e = this.bookmarkKey + t,
o = (new Date).getTime(),
u = localStorage.getItem(e);
u == undefined ? u = JSON.stringify({
page: i,
index: r,
lastUse: o
}) : (f = JSON.parse(u), = i, f.index = r, f.lastUse = o, u = JSON.stringify(f));
localStorage.setItem(e, u)
}, t.load = function(t) {
var r, u, f;
if (n.Utils.haveStorage()) {
for (r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
if (u = t[r], f = localStorage.getItem(this.bookmarkKey + u), f != undefined) {
var e = JSON.parse(f),
o = $("#topic" + u),
i = "" + o.attr("href");
i += i.lastIndexOf("?") > 0 ? "&" : "?";
i += "page=" +;
e.index > 3 && (i += "#" + e.index);
o.attr("href", i)
}, t
t.bookmarkKey = "forumTopicBookmark:";
t.retainBookmarksInDays = 14;
n.ForumBookmarks = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.ltrim = function(n) {
return n.replace(/^\s*/, "")
}, t.rtrim = function(n) {
return n.replace(/\s*$/, "")
}, t.trim = function(n) {
return t.rtrim(t.ltrim(n))
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return n.each(function(n) {
if ($(n).focus(), n.setSelectionRange) {
var t = $(n).val().length * 2;
n.setSelectionRange(t, t)
} else $(n).val($(n).val());
n.scrollTop = 999999
}, t.clearTextEditor = function() {
t.isPlainTextEditor() ? t.getPostTopicControl().value = "" : t.tinymce.activeEditor.setContent("")
}, t.addTextToEditor = function(n) {
var i, r, f, u;
if (!t.isPlainTextEditor()) {
t.tinymce.activeEditor.execCommand("mceInsertContent", !1, n);
i = t.getPostTopicControl();
typeof i.selectionStart != "undefined" ? (r = i.selectionStart, f = i.selectionEnd, i.value = i.value.substr(0, i.selectionStart) + n + i.value.substr(i.selectionEnd), i.focus(), i.selectionStart = r - f == 0 ? r + n.length : r, i.selectionEnd = r + n.length) : i.createTextRange && i.caretPos ? (u = i.caretPos, u.text = u.text.charAt(u.text.length - 1) == " " ? n + " " : n, i.focus(u)) : i.value += n
}, t.getEditorText = function() {
return t.isPlainTextEditor() ? t.trim(t.getPostTopicControl().value) : t.trim(t.tinymce.activeEditor.getContent()).replace(/&nbsp;/g, " ")
}, t.setEditorFromRichText = function(i) {
t.isPlainTextEditor() ? (n.UI.showWaitCursor(), $.post("/forums/ConvertToPlain", {
message: n.Network.encodeHtml(i)
}, function(n) {
t.addTextToEditor(n + "\n\n\n");
}, "text").always(function() {
}), t.clearTextEditor(), t.addTextToEditor(i)) : (t.clearTextEditor(), t.addTextToEditor(i))
}, t.setEditorFromPlainText = function(i) {
$.post("/forums/ConvertToHtml", {
message: n.Network.encodeHtml(i)
}, function(n) {
t.addTextToEditor(n + "<br/>\n\n");
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}, t.isPlainTextEditor = function() {
return Cookies.get("qr") == "N"
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return !t.isPlainTextEditor()
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n ? (Cookies.set("qr", "N"), t.updateEditorVisibility()) : (Cookies.set("qr", "Y"), t.updateEditorVisibility())
}, t.getPostTopicControl = function() {
return $("#plainTextEditor")[0]
}, t.isOkToDiscardReply = function() {
return t.getEditorText() == "" ? !0 : confirm("Discard your reply?")
}, t.validateQuickReply = function() {
return !0
}, t.wrapMceText = function(n) {
}, t.focusEditor = function() {
t.isPlainTextEditor() ? $("#postTextEditor").focus() : t.tinymce.activeEditor && t.tinymce.activeEditor.focus()
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var n = $(".forum-post-editor").offset();
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scrollLeft: n.left
}, t.doResizeCallback = function() {
t.isPlainTextEditor() || t.tinymce.activeEditor == null || t.tinymce.activeEditor.execCommand("mceAutoResize");
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setTimeout(function() {
}, 100)
}, t.doCursorToEnd = function() {
if (t.isPlainTextEditor()) t.putCursorAtEnd($("#postTextEditor"));
else {
var n = t.tinymce.activeEditor;, !0);
}, t.doShowEditor = function() {
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}, t.quotePost = function(i, r) {
var u = t.isPlainTextEditor() ? "/forums/QuotePostPlain" : "/forums/QuotePostHtml";
return n.UI.showWaitCursor(), $.post(u, {
id: i,
type: r
}, function(n) {
}, "text").always(function() {
return n.UI.hideWaitCursor()
}), !1
}, t.closeImgModal = function() {
return $(".imgFrame").attr({
src: ""
}), this.doCursorToEnd(), !1
}, t.insertImages = function(n) {
var u, r, i;
if (n == null || n.length == 0) return alert("Nothing selected?"), !1;
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return u ? t.addTextToEditor("<br/>\r\n<br/>\r\n") : t.addTextToEditor("\r\n\r\n"), t.doCursorToEnd(), !0
}, t.updateEditorVisibility = function() {
t.isPlainTextEditor() ? ($(".mce-container").hide(), $("#richTextEditor").hide(), $(".richEditSelect").removeClass("tabSelected"), $("#plainTextEditor").show(), $(".plainEditSelect").addClass("tabSelected")) : ($(".mce-container").show(), $(".richEditSelect").addClass("tabSelected"), $("#plainTextEditor").hide(), $(".plainEditSelect").removeClass("tabSelected"))
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$("#PostTopic #Message").attr("value", n.Network.encodeHtml(t.getEditorText()));
$("#richTextEditor").prop("disabled", !0);
$("#plainTextEditor").prop("disabled", !0)
}, t.doPrepareEditor = function(n) {
var i = this;
$(".forumEmoticonButton").click(function(n) {
t.isPlainTextEditor() ? t.addTextToEditor($("alt")) : t.tinymce.activeEditor.execCommand("mceInsertContent", !1, t.tinymce.activeEditor.dom.createHTML("img", {
src: $("src"),
"class": "forumEmoticon"
$(".forum-emoji .forum-emoticon-input").click(function(n) {
t.isPlainTextEditor() ? t.addTextToEditor($("alt")) : t.tinymce.activeEditor.execCommand("mceInsertContent", !1, "<img src='" + $("src") + "'/>")
$(".plainEditSelect").click(function() {
var n = t.getEditorText();
return t.selectEditor(!0), t.setEditorFromRichText(n), !1
$(".richEditSelect").click(function() {
var n = t.getEditorText();
return t.selectEditor(!1), t.setEditorFromPlainText(n), !1
$("#PostTopic").submit(function() {
}, t.initEditor = function(n) {
if (t.tinymce = window.tinymce, typeof t.tinymce == "undefined") {
console.error("Didn't find editor?!");
baseURL: "/js/tinymce/4.5.3/",
selector: "#richTextEditor",
body_class: "topic-post",
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menubar: "",
toolbar: "undo redo | bold italic underline strikethrough",
statusbar: !1,
autoresize_min_height: 0,
paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste: !0,
plugin_preview_width: "700",
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formats: {
bold: {
inline: "b"
italic: {
inline: "i"
underline: {
inline: "u"
strikethrough: {
inline: "del"
setup: function(i) {
i.on("init", function() {
n != undefined && n != "" && t.setEditorFromRichText(n);
$("#richTextEditor").prop("disabled", !1);
$("#plaintTextEditor").prop("disabled", !1);
}, t.onReady = function() {
$(".showImageModal").click(function(n) {
var t = $("href");
return $(".imgFrame").attr("src", t), $("#imgModal").modal("show"), n.stopPropagation(), !1
$(".imgFrame").on("load", function() {
var n = $(".imgFrame").attr("src");
n == "" ? ($(".imgFrame").hide(), $("#imgModal").modal("hide"), $(".btn-success").focus(), document.activeElement.blur()) : ($(".imgLoading").hide(), $(".imgFrame").show(), $(window).scrollTop(3))
}, t
n.ForumPost = t
}(sb || (sb = {})),
function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.menuOnReady = function() {}, t.camerasOnReady = function() {
var i, t, r;
i = "page";
t = "active btn-primary";
$(".sel-cams").click(function() {
Cookies.set(i, "cams", {
expires: 1,
path: "/weather/surf-camera"
$(".sel-swell").click(function() {
Cookies.set(i, "swell", {
expires: 9999,
path: "/weather/surf-camera"
r = Cookies.get(i);
r == "swell" ? $(".sel-swell").click() : $(".sel-cams").click()
}, t.graphsOnReady = function() {
}, t.renderGraphs = function(t) {
var i = === 0 ? new n.DrawBitmap : new n.DrawJavascript;
n.debug && console.log("Weather: Begin render");
i.createGraphs(t, $("#graphs").first());
n.AdBanners.refreshSlots("." + i.getBannerClassName())
}, t.tidesOnReady = function(t) {
var i = new n.DrawJavascript;
i.createGraphs(t, $("#graphs").first());
n.AdBanners.refreshSlots("." + i.getBannerClassName())
}, t.loadGraphData = function(i, r) {
var u = {
apiKey: n.apiKey,
xDomain: n.xDomain,
t: r,
u: i,
screenDimensions: screen.width + "x" + screen.height
f = n.Utils.getParam("renderMode");
f != null && (u.renderMode = f);
$.post(n.Network.getApi("Graphs"), u).done(function(n) {
}).fail(function(t, i, r) {
n.UI.notify(i + ", " + r)
}, t.locationOnReady = function(n, t) {
this.loadGraphData(n, t);
$(window).keypress(function(n) {
n.which === 114 && (location.reload(), n.preventDefault())
}, t
n.Weather = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
! function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.h = function(n) {
var r = n.split(","),
i = {};
return i.i = t.j(r), i.points = t.k(i, r), i
}, t.j = function(n) {
var t = 0,
i = {
type: n[t++],
version: this.l(n[t++]),
id: n[t++],
m: n[t++],
o: n[t++],
p: n[t++],
q: n[t++],
s: n[t++],
t: n[t++],
title: n[t++],
u: this.l(n[t++]),
v: this.l(n[t++]),
A: this.B(n[t]),
C: this.B(n[t++].slice(0, 8) + "0000"),
D: this.B(n[t++]),
F: n[t++],
G: n[t++],
H: t
return i.F = this.I(i.F, i.C), i.G = this.I(i.G, i.C), i
}, t.k = function(n, t) {
try {
switch (n.i.type) {
case "F":
return this.J(n, t);
case "E":
return this.K(n, t);
case "S":
return this.L(n, t);
case "P":
return this.M(n, t);
case "W":
return this.O(n, t);
case "T":
return this.P(n, t)
} catch (i) {
console.log("parseError: " + i)
return []
}, t.J = function(n, t) {
for (var r, f = [], u = n.i.H, e = this.l(t[u++]), o = this.l(t[u++]) - 1, s = u + 5 + o * e, i = s; i < t.length; i += n.i.u) r = {}, r.time = this.I(t[i], n.i.A), r.windSpeed = this.l(t[i + 1]), r.R = t[i + 2], r.waveHeight = isNaN(parseFloat(t[i + 3])) ? 0 : parseFloat(t[i + 3]), f.push(r);
return f
}, t.K = function(t, i) {
for (var u, f, e = [], o = t.i.H, r = o; r < i.length; r += t.i.u) u = {}, u.time = this.I(i[r], t.i.A), u.T = isNaN(parseFloat(i[r + 1])) ? 0 : parseFloat(i[r + 1]), u.U = i[r + 2], f = isNaN(parseFloat(i[r + 3])) ? 0 : parseFloat(i[r + 3]), u.waveHeight = f, u.waveHeightFeet = Math.round(f * n.Units.feetPerMetre * 10) / 10, e.push(u);
return e
}, t.L = function(t, i) {
var f = [],
o, r;
f.V = [];
for (var u = t.i.H, e = this.l(i[u++]), s = u + e, r = 0; e > r; r++) o = NaN !== parseFloat(i[u + r]) ? parseFloat(i[u + r]) : 0, f.V.push({
X: this.l(i[s + r]),
filename: n.Z.Y(o),
text: null
for (u += 2 * e, r = u; r < i.length; r += t.i.u) f.push({
time: this.I(i[r], t.i.A),
tide: isNaN(parseFloat(i[r + 1])) ? 0 : parseFloat(i[r + 1])
return f
}, t.M = function(n, t) {
var r = [],
u = new Date(n.i.A),
for (u.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0), i = n.i.H; i < t.length; i += n.i.u) r.push({
time: this.I(t[i], u),
temperature: parseFloat(t[i + 1]),
pressure: parseFloat(t[i + 2])
return r
}, t.O = function(n, t) {
var r = [],
f = n.i.H,
u = new Date(n.i.A),
for (u.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0), i = f; i < t.length; i += n.i.u) r.push({
time: this.I(t[i], u),
windSpeed: this.l(t[i + 1]),
windGust: this.l(t[i + 2]),
R: t[i + 3]
return r
}, t.P = function(n, t) {
for (var r, u, f = [], e = n.i.H, o = n.i.A.getTime() - 18e5, s = n.i.D.getTime() + 18e5, i = e; i < t.length; i += n.i.u) r = {
time: this.I(t[i], n.i.C),
tide: NaN !== parseFloat(t[i + 1]) ? parseFloat(t[i + 1]) : 0
}, u = r.time.getTime(), u > o && s > u && f.push(r);
return f
}, t.I = function(n, t) {
var i = parseInt(n),
r, u;
return isNaN(i) ? t : (r = Math.round(i / 100 * 60), u = this._(t, r), u)
}, t.B = function(n) {
var t = this.l(n.slice(0, 4)),
i = this.aa(n.slice(4, 6)),
r = this.aa(n.slice(6, 8)),
u = this.aa(n.slice(8, 10)),
f = this.aa(n.slice(10, 12));
return new Date(t, i - 1, r, u, f)
}, t._ = function(n, t) {
try {
return n instanceof Date ? new Date(n.getTime() + 6e4 * t) : new Date(n + 6e4 * t)
} catch (i) {
return console.error(i), n
}, t.l = function(n) {
var t = parseInt(n);
return isNaN(t) ? 0 : t
}, t.aa = function(n) {
for (; n.length > 1 && "0" === n.substr(0, 1);) n = n.substr(1, n.length - 1);
var t = parseInt(n);
return isNaN(t) ? 0 : t
}, t
}(); = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
! function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {
this.json = null;
this.container = null; = !1;
this.da = !1;
this.ea = window.screen.width < 1025 && "ontouchstart" in window;
this.fa = new;
this.ha = "No data arrived from the server!?<br/><br/>Please try refreshing the page..."
return t.prototype.getBannerClassName = function() {
return "weather-banner"
}, t.prototype.ia = function(n) {
var t = n[0];
return "W" == t ? "Live Wind" : "F" == t ? "7 Day Wind & Wave Forecast" : "E" == t ? "7 Day Wave Direction & Period Forecast" : "S" == t ? "7 Day Tide Forecast" : "P" == t ? "Temperature & Pressure" : "T" == t ? "Live Tide" : ""
}, t.prototype.ja = function(n) {
$(document.createElement("div")).addClass("GraphsForecastSubtext").html(" <div class='GraphsForecastHelp'><a href='#' id='uxReverse'><span class='Quiet'>Reverse Graph Colours<\/span><\/a><\/div> <div class='GraphsForecastSun'>Sunrise: " + + "&nbsp;&nbsp;Sunset: " + + "<\/div>").appendTo(n);
"class": "clearfix"
"class": "GraphsForecastTimes"
"class": "clearfix"
}, t.prototype.ka = function() {
for (var t, i = 0, r = !1, n = 0; n < this.json.layout.length; n++) t = "F" === this.json.layout[n].type, t && !r && i++, r = t;
return this.da = i > 1, this.da || $("#regionLinks").hide(), this.da
}, = function(n) {
if ("F" == n.type && this.da) {
var t = $("#regionLinks");
t.children().length > 0 && (t.append(" | "),;
href: "#" +
}, = function() {
this.json.layout.length > 0 && ("A" != this.json.layout[0].type && this.json.layout.splice(0, 0, {
type: "A",
}), this.json.layout.length > 3 && "A" != this.json.layout[this.json.layout.length - 1].type && this.json.layout.push({
type: "A",
}, = function(n, t) {
null !== t && void 0 !== t && t.length > 0 && n.append($(t))
}, t.prototype.oa = function(n, t) {
var i, u = n + "=",
e = u.length,
s = Cookies.get("prefs") || "",
r = s.split("&"),
f, o;
if (void 0 === t) {
for (i = 0; i < r.length; i++)
if (r[i].substr(0, e) == u) return r[i].substr(e)
} else {
if (f = [], r.length > 0)
for (i = 0; i < r.length; i++) o = r[i].substr(0, e), o != u && f.push(r[i]);
f.push(u + t);
Cookies.set("prefs", f.join("&"), {
path: "/",
expires: 9999
return ""
}, = function() {
return this.json
}, = function(n) {
n = n.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var i = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + n + "=([^&#]*)"),
t = i.exec(;
return null == t ? "" : decodeURIComponent(t[1].replace(/\+/g, " "))
}, t.prototype.loadFailure = function(t) {
}, t.prototype.ra = function(n, t, i, r) {
var u, e, o, f, s;
return i = i.toLowerCase(), u = location.href.replace("localhost", ""), e = u.indexOf("#"), e > 0 && (u = u.substr(0, e)), u += "#" + i, o = t, r = r + " " + this.ia(i) + " Graph", f = 2, ("fx" == n && (n = "f", u = o, f = 0), "f" == n) ? (_gaq && _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "Social", "Share", "Facebook"]), s = "7 Day Wind, Wave, Tide Forecasts & Live Wind reports", 0 == f ?"" + encodeURIComponent(t) + "&t=" + r, "facebook-share-dialog", "width=626,height=436") : 1 == f || 2 == f &&"[url]=" + encodeURIComponent(u) + "&p[images][0]=" + encodeURIComponent(o) + "&p[title]=" + encodeURIComponent(r) + "&p[summary]=" + encodeURIComponent(s), "facebook-share-dialog", "width=626,height=436")) : "t" == n && (_gaq && _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "Social", "Share", "Twitter"]),"" + encodeURIComponent(" " + r + " ... " + u), "twitter-share-dialog", "width=626,height=436")), !1
}, = function() {
var n = this;
$("#uxReverse").click(function() {
var t = Cookies.get("rev");
return Cookies.set("rev", "1" === t ? "0" : "1", {
path: "/",
expires: 5e3
}), Cookies.get("rev") === t && alert("It appears your browser might have cookies disabled - if the arrows don't reverse, try turning Cookies on via your browser Settings"), n.recreateGraphs(), !1
$("#regionLinks>a").click(function(t) {
var i = location.href,
r = i.indexOf("#");
r > 0 && (i = i.substr(0, r));
i += $("href");
n.oa("w", i)
}, = function() {
this.container.append("<div id='complete'><\/div>")
}, t
}(); = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
__extends = this && this.__extends || function(n, t) {
function r() {
this.constructor = n
for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]);
n.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (r.prototype = t.prototype, new r)
! function(n) {
var t = function(t) {
function i() {
var n = null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return n.wa = 0, n.xa = 0, n
return __extends(i, t), i.prototype.recreateGraphs = function() {
this.createGraphs(this.json, this.container)
}, i.prototype.createGraphs = function(t, i) {
var tt = this,
e, l, p, w;
if (this.json = t, this.container = i, this.container.empty(), !t || void 0 === t || void 0 === t.layout || void 0 === return void(t.isCustomLayout || this.loadFailure(this.ha));
if (0 === t.layout.length || 0 === return void( ? $(".no-faves").removeClass("hidden") : this.loadFailure(this.ha));
if ( return void this.loadFailure(;
if (0 == this.json.layout.length) {
if ( return i.append($(".GraphsOptions")), void $(".no-faves").removeClass("hidden");
throw "No layout - please try re-choosing a location from the menu...";
} = !this.ea;
var s, b = 0,
h = !1,
k = !1,
d = !1,
a = !1,
it = this.ea ? "GraphImage GraphImageNoTouch" : "GraphImage",
rt =,
ut =;;
var o = location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("yesterday") > 0,
c = !o,
ft = "1" === Cookies.get("rev") || "1" ==="rev"),
et = c,
g = c,
ot =;
for (this.ka(), o && $(".graphs-container").addClass("graphs-yesterday-container").removeClass("graphs-container"), s = 0; s < this.json.layout.length; s++) {
var r = this.json.layout[s],
f = r.type,
v = "FES".indexOf(f) >= 0,
y = "WPT".indexOf(f) >= 0,
st = "A" == f;
if (, o) {
if (!y) continue;
r.imageUrl = r.imageUrl.replace("/live/", "/history/").replace(".a.png", ".h.png");
r.imageUrlRev = r.imageUrlRev.replace("/live/", "/history/").replace(".a.png", ".h.png")
if (("F" != f || a || (i.append($(document.createElement("div")).attr({
"class": "GraphsForecastTitle"
}).html(r.title + " Weather Forecast").append($(document.createElement("div")).attr({
"class": "GraphsBar"
}))), k = !0, h = !1), !h && y) && (!o && $(document).width() < 767 && (e = parseInt(Cookies.get("mba")), isNaN(e) && (e = 0), e++ < 0 && (i.append($(document.createElement("div")).html('<script async src="//"><\/script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:320px;height:100px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3813700160659174" data-ad-slot="8947518649"><\/ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); <\/script>')), e = 0), Cookies.set("mba", e, {
path: "/weather",
expires: 9999
})), i.append($(document.createElement("div")).attr({
"class": "GraphsLiveTitle"
}).html(o ? "Yesterdays Weather" : r.title + " Weather Now").append($(document.createElement("div")).attr({
"class": "GraphsBar"
}))), et && i.append($(document.createElement("div")).attr({
"class": "GraphsLiveTimes"
}).html(, h = !0), !h && !k || d || (i.append($(".GraphsOptions")),,, d = !0), v || y) {
var ht = ft ? r.imageUrl : r.imageUrlRev,
u = $(document.createElement("div")).attr({
"class": "GraphsHolder",
nt = ht;
if ( &&, nt,, r.title), g && (this.fa.Aa(b, g, ot,, b++), "undefined" != typeof r.preMessage && u.append($(document.createElement("div")).html(r.preMessage)), "undefined" != typeof r.messages)
for (l = 0; l < r.messages.length; l++) p = r.messages[l], p.flags.indexOf("B") >= 0 && this.container.append($(document.createElement("div")).html(p.html));
w = $(document.createElement("img")).attr({
"class": it,
alt: r.title + " " + this.ia( + " Graph",
src: nt + "?uid=" + (v ? rt : ut)
this.ea && w.on("contextmenu", function() {
return !1
"undefined" != typeof r.postMessage && u.append($(document.createElement("div")).html(r.postMessage));
"W" == f && u.prepend($(document.createElement("a")).attr({
id: "wind-" + r.title.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "-"),
title: r.title
"S" == f && n.Ca.Ba(u, r.title, r.tides.split(","), new Date);
} else st && this.container.append(n.AdBanners.getHtml(n.BannerSize.Leaderboard, "g" == n.config.adServer ? r.adUnit :, this.getBannerClassName()));
"F" != f || a || this.ja(i);
a = v
c || $("#uxGraphs").addClass("GraphsHistoryBox");
c && $(".GraphImage").click(function(n) {
this.Ea(this.json, this.ea);;
}, i.prototype.Ea = function(t, r) {
var u = new n.Fa;
u.init(t, r);
i.Ga = u
}, = function() {}, i.prototype.Da = function(t) {
var i = $(,
r = $("id");
id: r,
Ia: i,
json: this.json,
ea: this.ea
}, i
n.DrawBitmap = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
! function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() {}
return t.Ha = function(n) {
var t =[0];
"F" == t ? this.Ja(n) : "S" == t ? this.Ka(n) : "W" == t && this.La(n)
}, t.Ja = function(n) {
var t = $(".forecast-extras"),
i =;
$(".prognosis").attr("src", i.prognosisImageUrl).load(function() {
$(".synopsis").attr("src", i.synopticImageUrl).load(function() {
return $(".extras-loading").hide()
$(".prognosis").click(function() {
$(".synopsis").click(function() {
}, t.Ka = function(n) {
var t = this.Ma(n),
null != t.tides && (i = t.tides.split(","), this.Na(n.Ia, t.title, i))
}, t.Ba = function(t, i, r, u) {
var f, e;
if (!$(".tide-table", t).is(":visible")) {
u = u || new Date;
var s = n.Dates.getDayName2(u),
o = "<div class='tide-title'>" + i + " Tide Times for " + s + ", " + n.Dates.getDateText(u) + " " + n.Dates.getLongMonthName(u) + "<\/div>",
h = !1;
for (o += "<div class='row'>", f = 1; f < r.length; f += parseInt(r[0]))
if (r[f] === s) o += "<span class='tide-today tide-extreme-" + ("H" === r[f + 3] ? "high" : "low") + "'>" + r[f + 1] + " : " + r[f + 2] + " " + r[f + 3] + "<\/span>", h = !0;
else if (h) break;
o += "<\/div><div class='row tide-table-hint'><div class='col-xs-12'>Tap graph to toggle 7 day tide times table<\/div><\/div>";
e = $(".tide-forecast-hint", t);
0 == e.length && (e = $("<div class='tide-forecast-hint'><\/div>").appendTo(t));":visible") ? e.html(o) : e.hide().html(o).clearQueue().delay(250).slideDown(200)
}, t.Na = function(n, t, i) {
if (!$(".tide-table", n).length) {
for (var f = "", o = 0, u = "<div class='tide-table' style='display:none'>" + ("<div class='tide-header'>7 Day " + t + " Tide Times<\/div>"), r = 1; r < i.length; r += parseInt(i[0])) {
if (i[r] !== f) {
if (7 == o++) break;
"" !== f && (u += "<\/div>");
u += "<div class='tide-item tide-day-" + i[r] + "'><div class='tide-day'>" + i[r] + "<\/div>";
f = i[r]
var s = i[r + 1],
h = i[r + 2],
e = i[r + 3];
u += "<div class='tide-extreme-" + ("H" === e ? "high" : "low") + "'>" + s + " : " + h + " " + e + "<\/div>"
u += "<\/div><\/div><div class='clearfix'><\/div>";
$(".tide-forecast-hint", n).slideUp(200);
$(".tide-table", n).slideToggle(300)
}, t.La = function() {}, t.Oa = function(n, t, i) {
var r = $("#" + n);
r = 0 == r.length ? $("<div id='" + n + "' style='display:none;margin-top:15px' class='clearfix'><\/div>") : r;
}, t.Ma = function(n) {
for (var i = n.json.layout, t = 0; t < i.length; t++)
if (i[t].id == return i[t];
return null
}, t.getData = function(n, t) {
for (var u, r =, i = 0; i < r.length; i++)
if (u = r[i].length > 8 ? r[i].substr(4, 4) : "_", r[i][0] == t &&, 4) == u) return r[i].split(",");
return null
}, t
n.Ca = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
! function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t(n) {
this.Pa = null;
this.Qa = n
return t.prototype.Aa = function(n, t, i, r) {
var u = $(document.createElement("div")).attr({
"class": "GraphsFaveBox"
f, e;
return i && (n > 0 && u.append($(document.createElement("img")).attr({
"class": "GraphsFaveMoveUp",
src: "/images/icons/faveup.gif",
alt: "Moves this weather graph UP one position"
}).data("id", r)), u.append($(document.createElement("img")).attr({
"class": "GraphsFaveMoveDown",
src: "/images/icons/favedown.gif",
alt: "Moves this weather graph DOWN one position"
}).data("id", r))), f = "4", e = this.Ra(), null != e && (f = $.inArray(r, e) < 0 ? "4" : "5"), u.append($(document.createElement("img")).attr({
"class": "GraphsFaveIcon",
src: "/images/icons/fave" + f + ".gif",
alt: "Adds/Removes this graph to your custom layout"
}).data("id", r))
}, t.prototype.Sa = function(n, t) {
var e = $(n).data("id"),
r = this.Ra(),
i, u, f;
if (null == r || (i = $.inArray(e, r), 0 > i)) return !0;
for (0 > t && i > 1 && (u = r[i - 1], r[i - 1] = r[i], r[i] = u), t > 0 && i < r.length && (u = r[i + 1], r[i + 1] = r[i], r[i] = u), f = "b;", i = 0; i < r.length; i++) null !== r[i] && 6 == r[i].length && (f += r[i] + ";");
return this.Ta(f), this.Qa.recreateGraphs(), !1
}, t.prototype.Ua = function(t) {
var f = $(t).data("id"),
i = this.Ra(),
e = i ? $.inArray(f, i) : -1,
o = e >= 0,
u = "b;",
if (i)
for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++) null !== i[r] && 6 == i[r].length && r != e && (u += i[r] + ";");
return o ? ($(t).attr("src", "/images/icons/fave4.gif"), n.UI.successMsg("Removed from Favourites.", 500)) : (u += f + ";", $(t).attr("src", "/images/icons/fave5.gif"), n.UI.successMsg("Favourite Added!<br/><br/>Use the <a href='/weather/my-weather'>Weather/<em>My Favourites<\/em><\/a> menu to view your faves.", 500)), this.Ta(u), !1
}, t.prototype.ta = function() {
var n = this;
$(".GraphsFaveIcon").click(function(t) {
return n.Ua(
$(".GraphsFaveMoveUp").click(function(t) {
return n.Sa(, -1)
$(".GraphsFaveMoveDown").click(function(t) {
return n.Sa(, 1)
}, t.prototype.Ra = function() {
return null == this.Pa && Cookies.get("MW") && (this.Pa = (Cookies.get("MW") + "").split(";")), this.Pa
}, t.prototype.Ta = function(n) {
var u, t;
if (this.Pa = null, u = Cookies.get("MW"), Cookies.set("MW", n, {
path: "/graphs"
}), Cookies.set("MW", n, {
path: "/",
expires: 9999
}), n != u && Cookies.get("MW") != n) return alert("Sorry; you'll need to enable cookies to use the Favourites feature."), !1;
for (var f = this.Ra(), e = [], i =, r = 0; r < f.length; r++)
for (t = 0; t < i.layout.length; t++)
if (f[r] === i.layout[t].id) {
return = e, !0
}, t
}(); = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
__extends = this && this.__extends || function(n, t) {
function r() {
this.constructor = n
for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]);
n.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (r.prototype = t.prototype, new r)
! function(n) {
var t = function(t) {
function i() {
return null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this
return __extends(i, t), i.prototype.recreateGraphs = function() {
this.container && this.json && this.createGraphs(this.json, this.container)
}, i.prototype.createGraphs = function(t, i) {
var h, g, a, c, o, v, y, p, f, u, s, nt;
if (this.json = t, this.container = i, this.container.empty(), !t || void 0 === t || void 0 === t.layout || void 0 === return void(t.isCustomLayout || this.loadFailure(this.ha));
if (0 === t.layout.length || 0 === return void( ? $(".no-faves").removeClass("hidden") : this.loadFailure(this.ha));
if ( return void this.loadFailure(;
var it = 0,
w = location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("yesterday") > 0,
ot = !w,
b =,
st = "1" === Cookies.get("rev") || "1" === n.Utils.getParam("rev"),
l = !1,
rt = !1,
ut = !1,
k = !1,
ft = ot,
ht = b;
for (this.ka(),, h = 0; h < t.layout.length; h++) {
var r = t.layout[h],
e = r.type.toString(),
et = "FES".indexOf(e) >= 0,
d = "WPT".indexOf(e) >= 0,
ct = "A" === e;
if (!w || d) {
if ((, "F" !== e || k || (this.container.append(this.Va((b ? "" : r.title) + " Weather Forecast")), rt = !0, l = !1), !l && !rt || ut || (i.append($(".GraphsOptions")),,, ut = !0), !l && d) && (g = void 0, g = b ? "Live Weather Now" : r.title + " Weather " + (w ? "Yesterday" : "Now"), this.container.append(this.Va(g)), !0 && this.container.append($(document.createElement("div")).attr({
"class": "GraphsLiveTimes"
}).html(, l = !0), et || d) {
if ("undefined" != typeof r.preMessage && this.container.append($(document.createElement("div")).html(r.preMessage)), "undefined" != typeof r.messages)
for (a = 0; a < r.messages.length; a++) c = r.messages[a], c.flags.indexOf("J") >= 0 && (o = !1, v = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), o = o || c.flags.indexOf("E") >= 0 && (v.indexOf("trident") > 0 || v.indexOf("msie") > 0), o = o || c.flags.indexOf("F") >= 0 && v.indexOf("firefox") > 0, o && this.container.append($(document.createElement("div")).html(c.html)));
for (y = null, u = 0; u <; u++)
if (p =[u], p.substr(0, 1) === r.type && p.substr(4, 4) ===, 4)) {
y = p;
if (null != y) try {
if (f =, f.title = r.title.toUpperCase(), f.type = r.type, =, f.forecasts = null, "F" == e)
for (u = 0; u < t.forecasts.length; u++) t.forecasts[u].id == && (f.forecasts = t.forecasts[u]);
void 0 !== r.tides && ( = r.tides);
s = $(document.createElement("div")).attr({
"class": "GraphsHolder",
id: "g" + h,
nt = n.Xa.Wa(s, f, st, r.aspectRatio);
nt && (nt.Ya(s), ft && (s.append(this.fa.Aa(it, ft, ht,, it++), "W" == e && s.prepend($(document.createElement("a")).attr({
id: "wind-" + r.title.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "-"),
title: r.title
} catch (tt) {
tt.stack && console.log(tt.stack)
} else ct && this.container.append(n.AdBanners.getHtml(n.BannerSize.Leaderboard, "g" == n.config.adServer ? r.adUnit :, this.getBannerClassName()));
"F" !== e || k || this.ja(i);
k = et
}, i.prototype.Va = function(n) {
return $("<div class='titleContainer' style='margin-top:25px;margin-bottom:25px'><h1 class='titleLink' style='text-align:center !important'>" + n + "<\/h1><div class='titleEffect1'><\/div><div class='titleEffect2'><\/div><\/div>")
}, i
n.DrawJavascript = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
! function(n) {
function i() {
return n.Dates.getHourText(this.value)
function r() {
return n.Dates.getDayName(this.value) + "<br/>" + n.Dates.getDateText(this.value)
n.Za = "g";
n.$a = "a";
n._a = "p";
n.ab = "s";
var t = function() {
function t() { = null; = 61;
this.cb = 36e5;
this.eb = 30;
this.fb = 6; = 70;
this.hb = 10;
this.ib = "";
this.fontFamily = "Helvetica";
this.jb = {
isSmall: !0,
widthPlus: 0,
heightPlus: 53,
font: {
title: "12px",
kb: "10px",
lb: "8px",
mb: "10px",
nb: "8px",
ob: "10px",
credits: "11px"
margin: {
top: 45,
left: 25,
right: 25,
bottom: 25
yAxis: {
title: {
x: 8
labels: {
x: 15
xAxis: {
labels: {
xPlus: 24
this.pb = {
isSmall: !1,
widthPlus: 0,
heightPlus: 0,
font: {
title: "18px",
kb: "13px",
lb: "11.4px",
mb: "12px",
nb: "11.4px",
ob: "12px",
credits: "11px"
margin: {
top: 45,
left: 40,
right: 40,
bottom: 25
yAxis: {
title: {
x: 20
labels: {
x: 20
this.width = 0;
this.height = 0;
this.domain = "";
this.qb = "/images/static/a/weather/";
this.rb = "/images/static/a/moons/"; = "#000";
this.tickColor = "#444";
this.gridLineColor = "#AAAAAA";
this.tb = "w";
this.ub = "#00ffff";
this.vb = .5;
this.wb = "#A4D5FD";
this.xb = Modernizr.rgba ? "rgba(0,0,0,0.49)" : "#555";
this.yb = "#ff0000";
this.zb = 12;
this.Ab = "#ffff00";
this.Bb = 18;
this.Cb = "#00ff00";
this.Db = 35;
this.Eb = "#b16d1d";
this.Fb = "#f3f3f3";
this.Gb = "#ccc";
this.Hb = "#2a8efe";
this.Ib = "#555";
this.Jb = !1;
global: {
useUTC: !1
credits: {
enabled: !1
return t.prototype.Ya = function(n) {
this.container = n;
this.Lb = this.width < t.Mb ? this.jb : this.pb;
var i = 30;
return this.Nb = this.container.width() / 724 * (37 - i) + i, this.Ob = this.Nb, this.Pb = Math.floor(this.Ob / 3 * 100) / 100, this.Qb(n), this.chart = $(n).highcharts(), n
}, t.prototype.Qb = function() {}, t.prototype.format = function() {}, t.prototype.Rb = function() {
return {
chart: {
width: this.width + this.Lb.widthPlus,
height: this.height + this.Lb.heightPlus,
marginLeft: this.Lb.margin.left,
marginRight: this.Lb.margin.right,
marginBottom: this.Lb.margin.bottom,
alignTicks: !1,
backgroundColor: "white"
series: [],
tooltip: {
enabled: !1
legend: {
enabled: !1
plotOptions: {
area: {
animation: !1,
color: "#a4ffff",
fillOpacity: .4,
lineColor: "#bbcaff",
marker: {
enabled: !1,
states: {
hover: {
enabled: !1
line: {
animation: !1,
lineWidth: 1,
dashStyle: "Solid",
marker: {
enabled: !0,
states: {
hover: {
enabled: !0,
lineColor: "#0cc",
lineWidth: 1
series: {}
}, t.prototype.Sb = function(n) {
var t = "nowLine",
i = new Date(,
r = i.getTime() + i.getTimezoneOffset() * 6e4;
value: r,
color: "#ccf",
dashStyle: "ShortDash",
width: 1,
id: t,
Tb: 999
}, t.prototype.Ub = function(n, t) {
var i = 24 * this.cb;
this.Vb(n, t.i.G.getTime() - i, t.i.F.getTime());
this.Vb(n, t.i.G.getTime(), t.i.F.getTime() + i)
}, t.prototype.Vb = function(n, t, i) {
var r = n.yAxis[0].max,
u = .5 * this.cb,
f = [
[0, Modernizr.rgba ? "rgba(255,255,255,0.05)" : "#eee"],
[1, Modernizr.rgba ? "rgba(0,0,0,0.06)" : "#ddd"]
animation: !1,
lineWidth: 0,
type: "area",
data: [
[t - u, r],
[t + u, r]
fillColor: {
linearGradient: {
x1: 0,
y1: 0,
x2: 1,
y2: 0
stops: f
animation: !1,
lineWidth: 0,
type: "area",
data: [
[t + u, r],
[i - u, r]
fillColor: f[1][1]
animation: !1,
lineWidth: 0,
type: "area",
data: [
[i - u, r],
[i + u, r]
fillColor: {
linearGradient: {
x1: 1,
y1: 0,
x2: 0,
y2: 0
stops: f
}, t.prototype.Wb = function(n, t) {
var i = {
id: this.tb,
type: "area",
data: t,
dashStyle: "Solid",
lineWidth: 1,
lineColor: this.wb,
color: this.ub,
fillOpacity: this.vb,
shadow: !1
return n.series.push(i), i
}, t.prototype.Xb = function(n, i, r) {
var u = {
id: i,
type: "line",
data: r,
lineColor: "#ccc",
marker: {
symbol: "arrow",
enabled: !0,
lineWidth: 1,
lineColor: "#555",
radius: this.width /,
states: {
hover: {
lineWidth: 1
return n.series.push(u), t.Yb() && n.series.push(u), u
}, t.prototype.getArrowMarker = function(n, t) {
return this.getArrowStyle(n, t, {
symbol: "arrow",
enabled: !0,
radius: this.width /,
states: {
hover: {
enabled: !0,
fillColor: "#fff",
Zb: 2,
radius: this.width /
}, t.prototype.updateArrowDirs = function(n) {
$.each(, function(n, t) {
var i = this.graphic,
r, u;
i && (r = i.attr("x") + i.attr("width") / 2, u = i.attr("y") + i.attr("height") / 2, i.attr({
transform: "rotate(" + t.dir + " " + r + " " + u + ") "
}, t.prototype.$b = function(t) {
var i = n.Responsive.isSize("xs") ? "url(#shadow-xs)" : "url(#shadow)";
$.each(, function() {
var n = this.graphic;
n && n.attr({
filter: i
}, t.prototype._b = function(n, i) {
for (var r = -1, u = 0; u < n.series.length; u++)
if (n.series[u] === i) {
r = u;
r >= 0 && (t.Yb() ? (this.updateArrowDirs(n.series[r + 1]), this.$b(n.series[r])) : this.updateArrowDirs(n.series[r]))
}, t.prototype.getArrowStyle = function(t, i, r) {
var u, f;
return t === n.$a ? (u = this.xb, f = i < this.zb ? this.Jb ? this.Cb : this.yb : i < this.Bb ? this.Ab : i < this.Db ? this.Jb ? this.yb : this.Cb : this.Eb) : t === n.Za ? (f = this.Fb, u = this.Gb) : (f = this.Hb, u = this.Ib), r.lineColor = r.states.hover.lineColor = u, r.fillColor = r.states.hover.fillColor = f, r
}, = function(n) {
var t = {
align: "center",
style: {
fontFamily: this.fontFamily
formatter: "",
useHTML: !1
return "function" == typeof n && (t.formatter = n, t.useHTML = !0), t
}, t.prototype.bc = function(n, t, i) {
return {
gridLineDashStyle: "ShortDot",
gridLineColor: this.gridLineColor,
gridLineWidth: 1,
type: "datetime",
lineColor: "#000",
lineWidth: 1,
tickInterval: n,
tickColor: this.tickColor,
tickWidth: 1,
tickLength: 6,
maxPadding: 0,
minPadding: 0,
minorGridLineWidth: 0,
minorTickInterval: t,
minorTickColor: this.tickColor,
minorTickWidth: 1,
minorTickLength: 3,
startOnTick: !0,
endOnTick: !0,
showFirstLabel: !0,
showLastLabel: !1,
crosshair: {
color: "#333",
dashStyle: "ShortDot",
width: 1
labels: {
formatter: i,
rotation: 0,
style: {
fontFamily: this.fontFamily,
rotation: 0,
textOverflow: "none"
style: {
fontFamily: this.fontFamily
options: {
labels: {
style: {
textOverflow: !1
}, = function(n, t, i, r, u) {
return {
min: 0,
max: u,
offset: 0,
opposite: "right" === i,
gridLineDashStyle: "ShortDot",
gridLineColor: this.gridLineColor,
gridLineWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 1,
tickColor: this.tickColor,
tickWidth: 1,
tickLength: 5,
tickInterval: n,
minorGridLineWidth: 0,
minorTickInterval: 1,
minorTickColor: this.tickColor,
minorTickWidth: 1,
minorTickLength: 3,
ordinal: !1,
title: {
text: t,
style: {
fontFamily: this.fontFamily,
fontSize: this.Lb.font.ob,
fontWeight: "bold",
margin: 0,
padding: 0
x: ("right" === i ? 1 : -1) * this.Lb.yAxis.title.x
labels: {
align: i,
formatter: r,
x: ("right" === i ? 1 : -1) * this.Lb.yAxis.labels.x,
y: 4,
style: {
fontSize: this.Lb.font.nb,
fontFamily: this.fontFamily
}, t.prototype.dc = function(n) {
return {
enabled: !0,
position: {
align: "right",
x: -n.marginRight - 6,
y: -n.marginBottom - 7,
verticalAlign: "bottom"
href: null,
text: this.domain,
style: {
cursor: "pointer",
color: "#808080",
fontSize: this.Lb.font.credits,
fontFamily: this.fontFamily
}, = function(n) {
return {
text: n,
margin: 10,
y: 10,
align: "center",
style: {
fontFamily: this.fontFamily,
fontSize: this.Lb.font.title,
fontWeight: "600"
}, t.prototype.fc = function(n, t) {
if (t > this.eb) {
var i = n.chart.height - n.chart.marginTop - n.chart.marginBottom,
r = i / t,
u = (t - this.eb) * r,
f = 2 * u;
return n.chart.height += f, !0
return !1
}, t.prototype.gc = function(n, t) {
var i = n.toString(),
r = i.indexOf(".");
return r > 0 && 0 === t ? i.substr(0, r) : i.length - t >= r + t ? i.substr(0, r + t + 1) : i
}, t.prototype.hc = function(n) {
var f, r;
if ( <= 1) return null;
for (var u = 1e20, i = null, t = 0; t <; t++) f =[t].time.getTime(), r = Math.abs(f - n), u > r && (u = r, i =[t], i.index = t);
return i
}, t.Yb = function() {
return /iPhone|iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? window.devicePixelRatio > 1 : !/Android|webOS|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
}, t.getAngle = function(n) {
return (this.ic[n] + t.jc) % 360
}, t.Kb = function() {
Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols.arrow = function(n, t, i, r) {
var u = n + .5 * i,
f = t + .5 * r,
s = .6,
h = .5 * s * i,
e = .25 * s * i,
o = .5 * r;
return ["M", u, f - h, "L", u + o, f, u, f + h, u, f + e, u - o, f + e, u - o, f - e, u, f - e, "Z"]
}, t.Wa = function(t, i, r, u) {
var f;
switch (i.i.type) {
case "F":
f = new n.kc;
case "E":
f = new;
case "S":
f = new n.Z;
case "P":
f = new;
case "W":
f = new;
case "T":
f = new n.oc;
return null
return = i, f.width = $(t).width(), f.height = Math.floor(f.width * u), f.Jb = r, f
}, t
t.pc = 0;
t.qc = 1;
t.rc = 320;
t.Mb = 467;
t.jc = -90;
t.ic = {
S: 0,
SSW: 22.5,
SW: 45,
WSW: 67.5,
W: 90,
WNW: 112.5,
NW: 135,
NNW: 157.5,
N: 180,
NNE: 202.5,
NE: 225,
ENE: 247.5,
E: 270,
ESE: 292.5,
SE: 315,
SSE: 337.5,
"-": 0,
sc: 0
n.Xa = t; = i;
n.uc = r
}(sb || (sb = {}));
! function(n) {
var t = function() {
function t() { = "undefined"; = null;
this.wc = -1;
this.xc = 50;
this.ea = !1;
this.yc = !1;
this.zc = null;
this.Ac = null;
this.Bc = null;
this.Cc = this.wc;
this.Dc = this.wc;
this.Ec = 1;
this.Fc = null;
this.Gc = !1;
this.Hc = !1;
this.Ic = 0
return t.prototype.init = function(n, t) {
var i = this;
this.ea = t; = n;
this.Jc =;
$(".GraphImage").on("touchstart", function(n) {
i.Hc = !1;
i.Ic = (new Date).getTime();
$(".GraphImage").on("touchmove", function(n) {
$(".GraphImage").on("touchend", function(n) {
i.Hc = !1;
$(document).scroll(function() {
i.Gc = !0
this.ea ? $(".GraphImage").addClass("GraphsImageNoTouch") : ($(document).on("mousemove", function(n) {
return i.Mc(n)
}), $(document).on("mouseleave", function(n) {
return i.Nc(n)
}), $(document).on("mouseenter", function(n) {
return i.Lc(n)
}), $(document).on("mousedown", function(n) {
return i.Lc(n)
id: "uxInfoBox",
"class": "GraphsInfoBox",
style: "display:none"
id: "uxInfoIndicator",
src: "/images/indicator.gif",
style: "display:none"
id: "uxInfoLine",
"class": "GraphsInfoLine",
style: "display:none;pointer-events:none"
}, t.prototype.Mc = function(t) {
var v = this,
r, c, i, nt, tt, it, k, h, a, u, rt, ut;
if (this.Hc || this.ea && (null == t.touches || typeof t.touches === || t.touches.length > 1) || (r =, c = $(, "ctl00" == r.substr(0, 5) && (r = r.substr(16)), i = r.substring(0, 1), "W" != i && "P" != i && "S" != i && "T" != i && "F" != i && "E" != i)) return !0;
"W" != i && "P" != i && (this.Ec = 1);
r != this.zc && (this.zc = r);
var f = this.Oc(t),
y = this.Pc(t),
l = c.offset(),
d = f - l.left,
g = + d,
p = this.getData(r),
w = this.Qc(t, r, d, p);
this.Ac = $("#uxInfoBox");
this.Bc = $("#uxInfoLine");
var o = this.Ac.width(),
b = this.Ac.height(),
e = 25,
s = 27;
if ("F" === i && (e = 53, s = 24), "E" === i && (e = 27, s = 22), "P" === i && (s = 15), "S" === i && (e = 42, s = 23), this.ea) {
if (this.Cc == this.wc) return this.Cc = f, this.Dc = y, setTimeout(function() {
v.Gc || (v.Cc = f + 5, v.Mc(t))
}, this.xc), !0;
if (nt = Math.abs(f - this.Cc), tt = Math.abs(y - this.Dc), this.Cc = f, this.Dc = y, it = (new Date).getTime() - this.Ic, it < this.xc) return this.Hc = !0, !0;
if (tt > nt) return !0;
k = 15;
u = g;
u = Math.max(o / 2 - k, u);
u = Math.min(u, $(window).width() - o / 2 - k);
u -= o / 2;
h = 1 / n.Zoom.getZoom();
a = 0;
n.UI.isLandscape() && (a -= 23, h *= .83);
a += b * h - e;
top: -a + "px",
left: u + "px",
"transform-origin": "50% 0%",
transform: "scale(" + h + ", " + h + ")"
} else u = l.left - (o + 10), 0 > u ? (this.Ac.css("top", - b + 30 + "px"), this.Ac.css("left", f - o / 2 + "px")) : (this.Ac.css("top", + $( / 2 - b / 2 + "px"), this.Ac.css("left", u + "px"));
return rt = c.parent(), (this.Bc.appendTo(rt).css({
left: g - 1 + "px",
top: e + "px",
height: c.height() - e - s
}), 0 > w) ? (this.Ac.fadeOut(), this.Bc.fadeOut(50)) : (ut = this.Rc(r, w, p), this.Ac.html(ut), this.Ac.fadeIn(100), this.Bc.fadeIn(100)), "S" == i && this.Sc(t, p, r, w), !1
}, t.prototype.Tc = function(t, i) {
var r = Math.floor(i / 100),
u = Math.round(i % 100 / 100 * 60),
f = 60 * r + u,
e = 6e4 * f,
o = n.Dates.getDateFromYMD(t[12]);
return new Date(o.getTime() + e)
}, t.prototype.Sc = function(t, i, r, u) {
var e = this.Tc(i, u),
f = n.Ca.Ma({
id: r,
n.Ca.Ba($(, f.title, f.tides.split(","), e)
}, t.prototype.Lc = function(n) {
if (this.ea && n.touches.length > 1) return !0;
this.Gc = !1;
this.Cc = this.wc;
var t =, 1);
return this.ea || "W" != t && "P" != t || (this.Ec = 1 == this.Ec ? 0 : 1), this.Mc(n), !0
}, t.prototype.Nc = function() {
return $("#uxInfoBox").fadeOut(), $("#uxInfoLine").fadeOut(), this.Gc = !0, this.zc = null, this.Ac = null, !0
}, t.prototype.Uc = function(n, t) {
var i = null,
r = t.getUTCDate();
return $.each(, function(t, u) { === n && $.each(u.forecast, function(n, t) {
r === new Date(t.localDate).getDate() && (i = t)
}), i
}, t.prototype.Vc = function(n, t) {
var i = this.Uc(n, t),
return null == i ? "" : (r = i.shortDesc, i.probabilityPrecip > 0 && (r += "<div class='rain'>" + i.probabilityPrecip + "% chance of rain", r += "<\/div>"), r)
}, t.prototype.getData = function(n) {
for (var r = n.substr(0, 1), u = n.substr(2, 4), i = -1, t = 0; t < this.Jc.length; t++)
if (this.Jc[t].substr(0, 1) == r && this.Jc[t].substr(4, 4) == u) {
i = t;
return -1 == i ? [] : this.Jc[i].split(",")
}, t.prototype.Wc = function(n) {
this.Fc = this.Fc || document.createElement("img");
this.Fc.src = n.src;
return 0 === this.Fc.width || this.Fc.width === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? 1 : n.width / this.Fc.width
}, t.prototype.Qc = function(n, t, i, r) {
var u = this.Wc(,
f = parseInt(r[3], 10) * u,
o = parseInt(r[4], 10) * u,
s = parseInt(r[6], 10),
h = parseInt(r[7], 10),
e = o - f;
return i -= f, 0 > i || i > e ? -1 : Math.floor(h + i / e * s)
}, t.prototype.Rc = function(t, i, r) {
var f, e, c, o = t.substr(0, 1),
gt = parseInt(r[5], 10),
ni = parseInt(r[6], 10),
l = r[9],
vt = parseInt(r[10], 10),
yt = parseInt(r[11], 10),
a = "",
v = "",
y = "",
w = "",
ut = "",
ft = "",
et = "",
pt = "",
ot = 1,
st = 3,
ht = 2,
d = 3,
s = "",
b, it, wt, ct, bt, k, rt, lt, at, kt, dt;
"W" == o ? (y = "Average", v = "Gust", ft = "Ave", et = "Gust", pt = "Dir", s = "(knots)" + (this.ea ? "" : "<br/>Click graph for mode")) : "P" == o ? (y = "<br/>&#186;C", v = "<br/>hPa", ft = "&#186;C", et = "hPa", w = "&#186;", s = this.ea ? "" : "<br/>Click graph for mode") : "T" == o || "S" == o ? (y = "<div style='margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px'>Tide<\/div>", v = "", w = " m", "S" == o && (s = this.ea ? "Tap graph for tide table" : "Click graph for tide table")) : "F" == o ? (y = "Wind", v = "Waves", w = " kn", ut = "", s = "", ot = 1, st = 2, ht = 3, d = -1, s = this.ea ? "Tap graph for synoptics" : "Click graph for synoptics") : "E" == o && (y = "Period", w = "s", v = "Height", ut = "", s = "", ot = 1, st = 2, ht = 3, d = -1);
var h, p, g = 0,
u = -1,
nt = 9999,
tt = [];
if (1 === this.Ec)
for (f = yt; f < r.length; f += vt) h = parseInt(r[f], 10), p = Math.abs(h - i), nt > p && (nt = p, u = f);
for (f = yt; f < r.length; f += vt) h = parseInt(r[f], 10), p = Math.abs(h - i), nt > p && (nt = p, u = g), e = Math.round(h % 100 / 100 * 60), c = Math.floor(h / 100 % 24), tt.push("<tr><td class='ibList'>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + (c % 12 == 0 ? "12" : c % 12) + ":" + (10 > e ? "0" + e : e) + " " + (c > 11 ? "pm" : "am") + "<\/td><td class='ibList'>" + r[f + 1] + "<\/td><td class='ibList'>" + r[f + 2] + "<\/td><td class='ibList'>" + r[f + 3] + "<\/td><\/tr>"), g++;
if (0 > u || 0 > i) a = "<div class='text-center' style='margin:50px 12px 0px 12px'>Apologies.<br/><br/>Data currently unavailable<\/div>";
else if (l.length > 10 && (l = l.substring(0, 11) + "..."), 1 == this.Ec)
if (h = parseInt(r[u], 10), c = Math.floor(h / 100), b = c % 12, it = "", ni > 2400 && (wt = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tues", "Wednes", "Thurs", "Fri", "Satur"], it = wt[(Math.floor(h / 2400) + gt) % 7] + "day<br/>"), e = Math.round(h % 100 / 100 * 60), ct = l.indexOf(" ("), ct > 0 && (l = l.substr(0, ct)), "" !== v) {
if (bt = r[u + ot], k = r[u + ht], ("E" == o || "F" == o) && (rt = 3.2808399 * parseFloat(k), k = this.gc(k, 1) + " m<br/>" + Math.floor(rt) + "' " + Math.floor(12 * (rt - Math.floor(rt))) + '"'), lt = "", "F" == o) {
var ti = 60 * c + e,
ii = 6e4 * ti,
ri = n.Dates.getDateFromYMD(r[12]),
ui = new Date(ri.getTime() + ii);
lt = "<tr><td colspan='2' class='ibDesc'>" + this.Vc(t, ui) + "<\/td>"
a = "<table class='ibTable'><tr><td class='ibTitle' colspan='2'>" + l + "<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='ibTime' colspan='2'>" + it + (0 === b ? 12 : b) + ":" + (10 > e ? "0" + e : e) + " " + (c % 24 > 11 ? "pm" : "am") + "<\/td><\/tr>" + lt + "<tr><td class='ibTitle' width='50%'>" + y + "<\/td><td class='ibTitle' width='50%'>" + v + "<\/td><tr><td class='ibBigText'>" + bt + w + "<br/>" + r[u + st] + "<\/td><td class='ibBigText'>" + k + ut + "<br/>" + (d > 0 ? r[u + d] : "") + "<\/td><\/tr>" + ("" === s ? "" : "<tr><td class='ibFooter' colspan=2>" + s + "<\/td><\/tr>") + "<\/table>"
} else at = parseFloat(r[u + 1]), kt = "<tr><td class='ibBigText''>" + n.Utils.toPrecision(at, 2) + " m<br/>" + n.Units.toImperialLength(at * n.Units.feetPerMetre) + "<\/td><\/tr>", a = "<table class='ibTable'><tr><td class='ibTitle'>" + l + "<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='ibTime'>" + it + (0 === b ? 12 : b) + ":" + (10 > e ? "0" + e : e) + " " + (c % 24 > 11 ? "pm" : "am") + "<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='ibTideTitle'>" + y + "<\/td><\/tr>" + kt + ("" === s ? "" : "<tr><td class='ibFooter'>" + s + "<\/td><\/tr>") + "<\/table>";
else {
for (g > u && (tt[u] = tt[u].replace("<tr>", "<tr nowrap style='background-color:#E4EDF8;'>")), a = "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='ibTable'><tr><td class='ibTitle' colspan='4'>" + l + "<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='ibListTitle' width='25%'>Time<\/td><td class='ibListTitle' width='25%'>" + ft + "<\/td><td class='ibListTitle' width='25%'>" + et + "<\/td><td class='ibListTitle' width='25%'>" + pt + "<\/td><\/tr>", dt = Math.min(u + 15, g), u > 4 ? u -= 4 : u = 0, f = u; dt > f; f++) a += tt[f];
a += "<\/table>"
return a
}, t.prototype.gc = function(n, t) {
var i = n.indexOf(".");
return i > 0 && 0 === t ? n.substr(0, i) : n.length - t >= i + t ? n.substr(0, i + t + 1) : n
}, t.prototype.Oc = function(n) {
return (null != n.touches && void 0 != n.touches ? n.touches[0].pageX : n.pageX) + (t.Xc() ? window.scrollX : 0)
}, t.prototype.Pc = function(n) {
return (null != n.touches && void 0 != n.touches ? n.touches[0].pageY : n.pageY) + (t.Xc() ? window.scrollY : 0)
}, t.prototype.Kc = function() {
this.yc || (this.yc = !0, $(document).off("mousemove mouseenter mouseleave mousedown"))
}, t.Xc = function() {
if (null == this.Yc) try {
var t =,
n = window.navigator,
i = n.vendor,
r = n.userAgent.indexOf("OPR") > -1,
u = n.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1;
this.Yc = null !== t && void 0 !== t && "Google Inc." === i && 0 == r && 0 == u ? n.userAgent.indexOf("SAMSUNG") < 0 : !1
} catch (f) {
return this.Yc
}, t
t.Yc = null;
n.Fa = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
! function(n) {
var t = function() {
function n() {
this.container = null;
this.Zc = null;
this.chart = null;
this.$c = null;
this.yAxis = 0;
this._c = null; = "X";
this.Ec = 1;
this.yc = !1; = !1;
this.dd = n.ed;
this.fd = 0; = null;
this.hd = !1;
this.jd = 200;
this.kd = .56
return n.prototype.update = function(t) {
var a = document.documentElement.clientWidth,
g = null != t.originalEvent.touches ? t.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX : t.pageX,
e = g - $(,
u = this.chart.xAxis[0].toValue(e, !1),
c = this.chart.xAxis[0].getExtremes(),
i, h, k, d, l;
if (!(u < c.min || u > c.max) && (i = this.$c.hc(u), i)) {
this.ld = u; = c;
var f = this.Zc.width(),
o = this.Zc.height(),
s = Math.floor(this.chart.yAxis[this.yAxis].toPixels(i[this._c], !1)),
r = Math.floor(this.chart.xAxis[0].toPixels(u, !1));
if (i.index > 1 && i.index < this.$ - 1) {
var v = this.$[i.index],
y = this.$[i.index + 1],
p = v.time.getTime(),
nt = y.time.getTime(),
tt = (u - p) / (nt - p),
w = this.chart.yAxis[this.yAxis].toPixels(v[this._c], !1),
b = this.chart.yAxis[this.yAxis].toPixels(y[this._c], !1),
it = Math.abs(b - w),
rt = Math.floor(it * tt) * (w > b ? -1 : 1);
s += rt
h = Math.min(1, Math.floor(a / this.getZoom() * this.kd / f * 100) / 100);
.95 > h && 450 > a ? (this.Zc.css({
transform: "translate(-" + this.nd(f, e) + "px, -" + o + "px) scale(" + h + "," + h + ")"
}), this.Zc.css({
"transform-origin": this.nd(f, e) + "px " + o + "px"
})) : (this.Zc.css({
transform: "initial"
}), this.Zc.css({
"transform-origin": "initial"
}), this.dd == n.od) ? (s -= o, r -= this.nd(f, e)) : (s = $( - o - 30, r = -f / 2 - 69, k = $(, d = k.offset().left + r, 5 > d && (r = Math.max(0, e - f / 2), s = -o / 2, l = $(document.body).width() - f - 15, r > l && (r = Math.min(r, l))));
var ut = this.dd == n.ed ? " info-box-static" : "",
ft = this.dd == n.ed ? "" : this.pd(e),
et = "<div class='info-box-content" + ut + "'>" + (null == i.time ? "" : this.$c.format(i)) + "<\/div>";
this.Zc.html(ft + et).css({
top: Math.floor(s),
left: Math.floor(r)
value: u,
color: "#038",
dashStyle: "ShortDot",
width: 1,
Tb: 999
}, = function() { || (this.Zc.fadeIn(100), = !0)
}, n.prototype.hide = function() { && (this.Zc.fadeOut(), = !1, this.chart.xAxis[0].removePlotLine(, this.$c.qd && this.$c.qd())
}, n.prototype.Nc = function(n) {
}, n.prototype.Lc = function(n) {
}, n.prototype.Mc = function(n) {
}, n.prototype.getZoom = function() {
return 1
}, n.prototype.rd = function() {
return this.getZoom() > 1.1
}, = function(n) {
this.fd = n.timeStamp;
this.hd = !1;
}, = function(n) {
var t = this;;
this.yc || (this.yc = !0, $("mousemove"), $("mouseenter"), $("mouseleave"), $("mousedown"));
n.ud = !0; = setTimeout(function() {
}, this.jd + 1)
}, n.prototype.vd = function(n) {
if (!(n.originalEvent.touches.length > 1 || this.hd))
if (this.rd()) {
var t = n.timeStamp - this.fd;
t >= this.jd || n.ud === !0 ? (this.update(n),, n.ud || n.preventDefault()) : this.hd = !0
} else this.update(n),
}, n.prototype.wd = function(n) {
}, n.prototype.xd = function() {
var t = this,
r, i, n;
this.chart = $(this.container).highcharts();
r = $("<div style='position: relative'><\/div>");
i = $("<div class='touchCapture' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:100%;width:100%;z-index:1;-webkit-user-select: none;-webkit-touch-callout: none'>");
this.Zc = $(document.createElement("div")).attr({
"class": "info-box " + this.$c.ib,
style: "display:none"
n = i;
$(n).mouseenter(function(n) {
$(n).mousedown(function(n) {
$(n).mousemove(function(n) {
$(n).mouseleave(function(n) {
$(n).bind("touchstart", function(n) {
$(n).bind("touchmove", function(n) {
$(n).bind("touchend", function(n) {
$(n).bind("touchcancel", function(n) {
}, n.prototype.yd = function(n) {
var t = 30,
i = t,
r = n - t - this.zd(),
u = r - i,
f = (this.ld - / ( -;
return u * f + i
}, n.prototype.Ad = function(n, t) {
return this.yd(n, t) + this.zd()
}, n.prototype.nd = function(n, t) {
var i = this.yd(n, t) - 7,
r = this.Ad(n, t) - 2,
u = r - i,
f = (this.ld - / ( -;
return u * f + i
}, n.prototype.zd = function() {
return 20
}, n.prototype.Bd = function() {
return 30
}, n.prototype.pd = function(t) {
var o = this.Zc.width(),
c = this.Zc.height(),
s = 1,
h = 1,
a = this.nd(o, t),
l = c - h,
v = this.Bd(),
y = this.yd(o, t),
p = this.Ad(o, t),
w = l - v - h,
r = 0,
e = o - s - s - 10,
u = 0,
f = w,
i = 5;
return this.dd == n.ed ? "<svg width='" + o + "px' height='" + c + "px' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0px'> <g stroke='#888' fill='#fcfcfc' transform='translate(" + s + "," + h + ")'> <path d='M " + (r + i) + " " + u + " L " + (e - i) + " " + u + " A 5 5 135 0 1 " + e + " " + (u + i) + " L " + e + " " + (f - i) + " A 5 5 225 0 1 " + (e - i) + " " + f + " L " + p + " " + f + " L " + a + " " + l + " L " + y + " " + f + " L " + (r + i) + " " + f + " A 5 5 315 0 1 " + r + " " + (f - i) + " L " + r + " " + (u + i) + " A 5 5 45 0 1 " + (r + i) + " " + u + " z '> <\/g> <\/svg>" : "<svg width='" + o + "px' height='" + c + "px' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0px' filter='url(#ib)' > <g stroke='#888' fill='#fcfcfc' transform='translate(" + s + "," + h + ")'> <path d='M " + (r + i) + " " + u + " L " + (e - i) + " " + u + " A 5 5 135 0 1 " + e + " " + (u + i) + " L " + e + " " + (f - i) + " A 5 5 225 0 1 " + (e - i) + " " + f + " L " + (r + i) + " " + f + " A 5 5 315 0 1 " + r + " " + (f - i) + " L " + r + " " + (u + i) + " A 5 5 45 0 1 " + (r + i) + " " + u + " z '> <\/g> <\/svg>"
}, n.Cd = function(t, i, r, u) {
var f = new n;
return f.$c = t, f.container = i, f.yAxis = r, f._c = u, f.xd(), i.Ga = f, f
}, n
t.od = 0;
t.ed = 1;
t.Dd = 1;
n.Ed = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
__extends = this && this.__extends || function(n, t) {
function r() {
this.constructor = n
for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]);
n.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (r.prototype = t.prototype, new r)
! function(n) {
var t = function(t) {
function i() {
var n = null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return n.ib = "info-box-livet", n
return __extends(i, t), i.prototype.Qb = function(i) {
var o;, i);
var u = .2,
f = $.map(, function(n) {
return {
x: n.time.getTime(),
y: n.tide
e = Math.floor(10 * (f.reduce(function(n, t) {
return Math.max(t.y, n)
}, 0) + u)) / 10,
r = this.Rb(;
return r.title ="Live Tide at " +, r.credits = this.dc(r.chart), r.xAxis = this.bc(this.cb, this.cb / 6,, r.xAxis.min =, r.xAxis.max =, r.xAxis.startOnTick = !1, r.xAxis.endOnTick = !1, r.xAxis.showLastLabel = !0, r.xAxis.gridLineWidth = 0, r.yAxis = [, "Tide Height - Feet", "left", function() {
return this.value
}, e * n.Units.feetPerMetre),, "Tide Height - Metres", "right", function() {
return this.value
}, e)], r.yAxis[0].gridLineWidth = 0, r.yAxis[0].endOnTick = !1, r.yAxis[0].minorTickInterval = .5, r.yAxis[1].minorTickInterval = .1, this.Ub(r,, this.Wb(r, f).yAxis = 1, o = $(i).highcharts(r).highcharts(), n.Ed.Cd(this, i, 0, "tide"), this.Sb(o), $(i).append("<div class='tide-live-hint'>&nbsp;<\/div>"), this.Fd(n.Dates.getDayName2(, !0
}, i.prototype.format = function(t) {
return "<table class='info-tide-live'><tr><td class='title'>" + + "<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='time'>" + n.Dates.getDayName(t.time) + "<br/>" + n.Dates.formatTime(t.time) + "<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='data-title'>Tide Height<\/td>" + ("<tr><td class='data'>" + n.Utils.toPrecision(t.tide, 2) + " m<br/>" + n.Units.toImperialLength(t.tide * n.Units.feetPerMetre) + "<td><\/tr>") + "<\/table>"
}, i.prototype.Fd = function(n) {
if ( {
for (var t =","), r = "<div class='row'>", u = !1, i = 1; i < t.length; i += parseInt(t[0]))
if (t[i] === n) {
var e = t[i + 1],
o = t[i + 2],
f = t[i + 3];
r += "<span class='tide-today tide-extreme-" + ("H" === f ? "high" : "low") + "'>" + e + " : " + o + " " + f + "<\/span>";
u = !0
} else if (u) break;
r += "<\/div>";
}, i
n.oc = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
__extends = this && this.__extends || function(n, t) {
function r() {
this.constructor = n
for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]);
n.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (r.prototype = t.prototype, new r)
! function(n) {
var t = function(t) {
function i() {
var n = null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return n.ib = "info-box-livew", n
return __extends(i, t), i.prototype.Qb = function(r) {
var f, s;, r);
for (var h = [], c = [], l =, e = this.eb, o = l.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) f = l[o], h.push({
x: f.time.getTime(),
y: f.windSpeed,
dir: n.Xa.getAngle(f.R),
marker: this.getArrowMarker(n.$a, f.windSpeed)
}), c.push({
x: f.time.getTime(),
y: f.windGust,
dir: n.Xa.getAngle(f.R),
marker: this.getArrowMarker(n.Za, f.windGust)
}), e = Math.max(e, f.windGust);
e > this.eb && (e = 5 * Math.floor((e + 5) / 5));
var u = this.Rb(;
return this.fc(u, e), u.title = + " Live Wind Report"), u.credits = this.dc(u.chart), u.xAxis = this.bc(this.cb, this.cb / 6,, u.xAxis.min =, u.xAxis.max =, u.xAxis.gridLineWidth = 0, u.xAxis.endOnTick = !1, u.xAxis.startOnTick = !1, u.xAxis.showLastLabel = !0, u.yAxis = [, "Knots", "right", null, e),, "km/h", "left", null, e * 1.852)], u.yAxis[1].minorTickInterval = 2.5, u.yAxis[1].endOnTick = !1, u.yAxis[1].gridLineWidth = 0, u.series = [], this.Ub(u,, this.Xb(u, n.Za, c), this.Xb(u, n.$a, h), $(r).highcharts(u), s = $(r).highcharts(), this._b(s, n.Za), this._b(s, n.$a), n.Ed.Cd(this, r, 0, "windSpeed"), $(r).click(function(n) {
i.Gd = !i.Gd;
}), !0
}, i.prototype.format = function(t) {
return i.Gd ? this.Hd(t) : "<table class='info-wind-live'><tr><td class='title' colspan='2'>" + + "<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='time' colspan='2'>" + n.Dates.getDayName(t.time) + "<br/>" + n.Dates.formatTime(t.time) + "<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='data-title' width='50%'>Average<\/td><td class='data-title' width='50%'>Gust<\/td><tr><td class='data'>" + t.windSpeed + " kn<br/>" + t.R + "<\/td><td class='data'>" + t.windGust + " kn<br/>" + t.R + "<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='footer' colspan='2'>Click to toggle list/latest<\/td><\/tr><\/table>"
}, i.prototype.Hd = function(t) {
for (var s = t.time.getTime(), o, f, e, r, u, i = 0; i < && !([i].time.getTime() > s); i++);
if (0 === i) return "No data";
for (o = i, i = Math.min(i + 3, - 1), f = "<table>\n" + (" <tr><td class='title' colspan='4'>" + + "<\/td><\/tr>\n") + " <tr><td class='list-title' width='30%'>Time<\/td><td class='list-title' width='22%'>Ave<\/td><td class='list-title' width='22%'>Gust<\/td><td class='list-title' width='26%'>Dir<\/td><\/tr>\n", e = 0; i >= Math.max(i - 15, 0) && 8 > e; i--, e++) r =[i], u = i === o ? "list highlight" : "list", f += " <tr><td class='" + u + "'>" + n.Dates.formatTime(r.time) + "<\/td><td class='" + u + "'>" + r.windSpeed + "<\/td><td class='" + u + "'>" + r.windGust + "<\/td><td class='" + u + "'>" + r.R + "<\/td><\/tr>\n";
return f + "<\/table>\n"
}, i
t.Gd = !1; = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
__extends = this && this.__extends || function(n, t) {
function r() {
this.constructor = n
for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]);
n.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (r.prototype = t.prototype, new r)
! function(n) {
var t = function(t) {
function i() {
var n = null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return n.ib = "info-box-peakf", n
return __extends(i, t), i.prototype.Qb = function(i) {
var u, a;, i);
for (var f =, s = $.map(f, function(n) {
return {
x: n.time.getTime(),
y: n.waveHeightFeet,
dir: n.U
}), e = [], o = f.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) u = f[o], e.push({
x: u.time.getTime(),
y: u.T,
dir: n.Xa.getAngle(u.U),
marker: this.getArrowMarker(n._a, u.waveHeightFeet)
var h = s.reduce(function(n, t) {
return Math.max(t.y, n)
}, 0),
v = e.reduce(function(n, t) {
return Math.max(t.y, n)
}, 0),
c = 2,
l = 2,
r = this.Rb(;
return r.chart.marginBottom += 10, r.title ="7 Day Wave Direction & Period Forecast for " +, r.credits = this.dc(r.chart), r.xAxis = this.bc(24 * this.cb, 6 * this.cb, n.uc), r.xAxis.min =, r.xAxis.max =, r.xAxis.labels.x = 40, r.yAxis = [, "Wave Height - Feet", "left", null, h > this.fb * n.Units.feetPerMetre ? h * n.Units.feetPerMetre + c : this.fb * n.Units.feetPerMetre),, "Wave Period - Second", "right", null, v + l)], r.yAxis[0].gridLineWidth = 0, r.yAxis[0].minorTickInterval = r.yAxis[1].minorTickInterval = .5, this.Wb(r, s).yAxis = 0, this.Xb(r, n._a, e).yAxis = 1, $(i).highcharts(r), a = $(i).highcharts(), this._b(a, n._a), n.Ed.Cd(this, i, 0, "waveHeightFeet"), !0
}, i.prototype.format = function(t) {
return "<table class='info-peak-fc'><tr><td class='title' colspan='2'>" + + "<\/td><\/tr>" + ("<tr><td class='time' colspan='2'>" + n.Dates.getDayName(t.time) + "<br/>" + n.Dates.formatTime(t.time) + "<\/td><\/tr>") + "<tr><td class='data-title' width='50%'>Period<\/td><td class='data-title' width='50%'>Height<\/td><\/tr>" + ("<tr><td class='data'>" + t.T + " secs<br/>" + t.U + "<\/td><td class='data'>" + this.gc(t.waveHeight, 1) + " m<br/>" + n.Units.toImperialLength(t.waveHeightFeet) + "<\/td><\/tr>") + "<\/table>"
}, i
}(n.Xa); = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
__extends = this && this.__extends || function(n, t) {
function r() {
this.constructor = n
for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]);
n.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (r.prototype = t.prototype, new r)
! function(n) {
var t = function(t) {
function i() {
return null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this
return __extends(i, t), i.prototype.Qb = function(i) {, i);
var u = $.map(, function(n) {
return {
x: n.time.getTime(),
y: n.temperature
f = $.map(, function(n) {
return {
x: n.time.getTime(),
y: n.pressure
h = u.reduce(function(n, t) {
return Math.max(t.y, n)
}, 0),
e = f.reduce(function(n, t) {
return Math.max(t.y, n)
}, 0),
c = u.reduce(function(n, t) {
return Math.min(t.y, n)
}, 100),
o = f.reduce(function(n, t) {
return Math.min(t.y, n)
}, 1e5),
s = 2,
r = this.Rb(;
return r.title ="Average Temp/Air Pressure at " +, r.credits = this.dc(r.chart), r.xAxis = this.bc(this.cb, this.cb / 6,, r.xAxis.min =, r.xAxis.max =, r.xAxis.startOnTick = !1, r.xAxis.endOnTick = !1, r.xAxis.gridLineWidth = 0, r.xAxis.showLastLabel = !0, r.yAxis = [, "hPa", "left", null, e),, "'C", "right", null, h)], r.yAxis[0].endOnTick = !1, r.yAxis[0].gridLineWidth = 0, r.yAxis[0].max = Math.max(e, e + 10), r.yAxis[0].min = Math.min(o, o - 10), r.yAxis[0].labels.x = -33, r.yAxis[0].title.x = -20, r.yAxis[0] = "#00c", r.yAxis[1].min = c - s, r.yAxis[1] = "#008000", this.Ub(r,, r.series.push({
name: "Air Pressure",
lineWidth: 2,
type: "spline",
color: "#0000ff",
data: f,
yAxis: 0,
marker: {
enabled: !1
}), r.series.push({
name: "Temperature",
lineWidth: 2,
type: "spline",
color: "#008000",
data: u,
yAxis: 1,
marker: {
enabled: !1
}), $(i).highcharts(r), n.Ed.Cd(this, i, 1, "temperature"), !0
}, i.prototype.format = function(t) {
return "<table class='info-pt-live'><tr><td class='title' colspan='2'>" + + "<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='time' colspan='2'>" + n.Dates.getDayName(t.time) + "<br/>" + n.Dates.formatTime(t.time) + "<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='data-title' width='50%'>&#186;C<\/td><td class='data-title' width='50%'>hPa<\/td><tr><td class='data'>" + t.temperature + "&#186;<\/td><td class='data'>" + t.pressure + "<\/td><\/tr><\/table>"
}, i
}(n.Xa); = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
__extends = this && this.__extends || function(n, t) {
function r() {
this.constructor = n
for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]);
n.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (r.prototype = t.prototype, new r)
! function(n) {
var t = function(t) {
function i() {
var n = null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return n.ib = "info-box-tidef", n
return __extends(i, t), i.prototype.Qb = function(i) {
var u = this,
s;, i);
var f = .5,
e = $.map(, function(n) {
return {
x: n.time.getTime(),
y: n.tide
o = Math.floor(10 * (e.reduce(function(n, t) {
return Math.max(t.y, n)
}, 0) + f)) / 10,
r = this.Rb(;
return r.chart.marginTop += this.Ob, r.chart.marginBottom += this.Pb, r.title ="7 Day Tide Forecast for " +, r.credits = this.dc(r.chart), r.xAxis = this.bc(24 * this.cb, 6 * this.cb, n.uc), r.xAxis.min =, r.xAxis.max =, r.xAxis.labels.x = 40, r.yAxis = [, "Tide Height - Feet", "left", function() {
return this.value
}, o * n.Units.feetPerMetre),, "Tide Height - Metres", "right", function() {
return this.value
}, o)], r.yAxis[0].gridLineWidth = 0, r.yAxis[0].endOnTick = !1, r.yAxis[0].minorTickInterval = .5, r.yAxis[1].minorTickInterval = .1, this.Wb(r, e).yAxis = 1, $(i).highcharts(r), s = $(i).highcharts(), this.Id(s), n.Ed.Cd(this, i, 1, "tide"), this.Jd =","), n.Ca.Ba(this.container,, this.Jd, new Date), $(i).click(function() {
n.Ca.Na(i,, u.Jd)
}), !0
}, i.prototype.Id = function(t) {
var e = this,
i =;
if (!(i.length < 1)) {
var r = this.Ob,
u = 4,
f = 36,
o = f + u,
s = f,
h = this.Ob + u + 4;
t.renderer.rect(t.plotLeft, s, t.plotWidth, h, 0).attr({
"stroke-width": 1,
stroke: "#000",
fill: "#000",
zIndex: 0
$.each(i, function(u, f) {
var s = t.plotWidth / i.length,
h = t.plotLeft + s * u + (s / 2 - r / 2);
t.renderer.image("" + n.Network.getCdn(2) + e.rb + f.filename + ".jpg", h, o, r, r).attr({
zIndex: 2
}, i.prototype.format = function(t) {
var i = n.Dates.getDayName2(t.time);
return $(".tide-table .tide-item").removeClass("tide-day-highlight"), $(".tide-table .tide-day-" + i).addClass("tide-day-highlight"), n.Ca.Ba(this.container,, this.Jd, new Date(t.time)), "<table class='info-tide-fc'>" + ("<tr><td class='title'>" + + "<\/td><\/tr>") + ("<tr><td class='time'>" + i + "<br/>" + n.Dates.formatTime(t.time) + "<\/td><\/tr>") + "<tr><td class='data-title'>Tide Height<\/td>" + ("<tr><td class='data'>" + n.Utils.toPrecision(t.tide, 2) + " m<br/>" + n.Units.toImperialLength(t.tide * n.Units.feetPerMetre) + "<td><\/tr>") + "<tr><td class='footer'>Tap to view table<\/td><\/tr><\/table>"
}, i.prototype.qd = function() {}, i.Y = function(n) {
var i = 24,
r = 2 * Math.PI,
u = r / i,
t = Math.round((n - u / 2) / r * i);
return t = (t + i) % i, 10 > t ? "0" + t : t.toString()
}, i
n.Z = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
__extends = this && this.__extends || function(n, t) {
function r() {
this.constructor = n
for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]);
n.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (r.prototype = t.prototype, new r)
! function(n) {
var t = function(t) {
function i() {
var n = null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return n.ib = "info-box-wwf", n
return __extends(i, t), i.prototype.Qb = function(i) {
var y = this,
f, s;, i);
for (var h = [], c = [], l =, u = this.eb, e = this.fb, o = l.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) f = l[o], h.push({
x: f.time.getTime(),
y: f.windSpeed,
dir: n.Xa.getAngle(f.R),
marker: this.getArrowMarker(n.$a, f.windSpeed)
}), c.push({
x: f.time.getTime(),
y: f.waveHeight
}), u = Math.max(u, f.windSpeed), e = Math.max(e, f.waveHeight);
u > this.eb && (u = Math.min(5 * Math.floor((u + 5) / 5),;
e > this.fb && (e = Math.min(Math.floor(e + 1), this.hb));
var a = 5,
v = 1,
r = this.Rb(;
return r.chart.marginTop += this.Pb + 0 + this.Ob + 5, r.chart.marginBottom += this.Pb, r.title ="7 Day Wind & Wave Forecast for " +, r.credits = this.dc(r.chart), r.xAxis = this.bc(24 * this.cb, 6 * this.cb, n.uc), r.xAxis.min = + 3456e4, r.xAxis.max =, r.xAxis.labels.x = i.width() / 14, r.yAxis = [, "Wave Height - Metres", "left", function() {
return this.value
}, e > this.fb ? e + v : this.fb),, "Wind Speed - Knots", "right", function() {
return this.value
}, u > this.eb ? u + a : this.eb)], r.yAxis[0].gridLineWidth = 0, r.yAxis[0].minorTickInterval = .25, this.fc(r, u) && e < this.fb && (r.yAxis[0].max = this.fb * (u / this.eb)), this.Wb(r, c).yAxis = 0, this.Xb(r, n.$a, h).yAxis = 1, $(i).highcharts(r), s = $(i).highcharts(), this._b(s, n.$a), this.Id(s), n.Ed.Cd(this, i, 1, "windSpeed"), $(i).click(function() {
}), !0
}, i.prototype.Id = function(t) {
var i = this,
r =;
if (!(null == r || r.length < 1)) {
var u = this.Ob,
o = u,
f = 45,
s = f + 5,
e = t.plotWidth /;
$.each(r, function(r, h) {
var l = t.plotLeft + e * r,
c = l + (e / 2 - o / 2),
a = ("fc_" + h.weatherIcon + ".png").toLowerCase(),
v = (h.minTemp < 9e3 ? h.minTemp : "? ") + " - " + h.maxTemp + "°";
t.renderer.text('<span style="z-index:1;font-size: ' + i.Lb.font.kb + "; font-family: " + i.fontFamily + '">' + v + "<\/span>", c - 2, f).add();
t.renderer.image("" + n.Network.getCdn(3) + i.qb + a, c, s, u, u).attr({
zIndex: 2
}, i.prototype.format = function(t) {
var i = null,
return ($.each(, function(n, r) {
t.time.getDate() === new Date(r.localDate).getDate() && (i = r)
}), null == i) ? "<br/><br/>No data<br/>for this point?!<br/><br/>&nbsp;" : (r = i.shortDesc, i.probabilityPrecip > 0 && (r += "<div class='rain'>" + i.probabilityPrecip + "% chance of rain", r += "<\/div>"), "<table class='info-windwave-fc'><tr>" + ("<td class='title' colspan='2'>" + + "<\/td><\/tr>") + ("<tr><td class='time' colspan='2'>" + n.Dates.getDayName(t.time) + "<br/>" + n.Dates.formatTime(t.time) + "<\/td><\/tr>") + ("<tr><td class='shortDesc' colspan='2'>" + r + "<\/td><\/tr>") + "<tr><td class='data-title' width='50%'>Wind<\/td><td class='data-title' width='50%'>Waves<\/td><\/tr>" + ("<tr><td class='data'>" + t.windSpeed + " kn<br/>" + t.R + "<\/td><td class='data'>" + this.gc(t.waveHeight, 1) + " m<br/>" + n.Units.toImperialLength(t.waveHeight * n.Units.feetPerMetre) + "<\/td><\/tr>") + "<\/table>")
}, i.prototype.Kd = function(n) {
var t = $(".forecast-extras");
$(n).find(".forecast-extras").length || (n.append(t), $(".prognosis").attr("src", {
}), $(".synopsis").attr("src", {
}), $(".prognosis").click(function() {
return $(".synopsis").fadeIn(100), $(".prognosis").fadeOut(100), !1
}), $(".synopsis").click(function() {
return $(".prognosis").fadeIn(100), $(".synopsis").fadeOut(100), !1
}, i
n.kc = t
}(sb || (sb = {}));
! function(n) {
var t = function() {
function n() {}
return n.getZoom = function() {
return n.Ld().zoom
}, n.Md = function() {
return n.Ld().Nd
}, n.devicePixelRatio = function() {
return window.devicePixelRatio || 1
}, n.fallback = function() {
return {
zoom: 1,
Nd: 1
}, n.Od = function() {
var t = Math.round(screen.deviceXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI * 100) / 100;
return {
zoom: t,
Nd: t * n.devicePixelRatio()
}, n.Pd = function() {
var t = Math.round(document.documentElement.offsetHeight / window.innerHeight * 100) / 100;
return {
zoom: t,
Nd: t * n.devicePixelRatio()
}, = function() {
var t = Math.round(window.outerWidth / window.innerWidth * 100) / 100;
return {
zoom: t,
Nd: t * n.devicePixelRatio()
}, n.safari = function() {
var t = Math.round(document.documentElement.clientWidth / window.innerWidth * 100) / 100;
return {
zoom: t,
Nd: t * n.devicePixelRatio()
}, n.Qd = function() {
var i = 90 == Math.abs(window.orientation) ? screen.height : screen.width,
t = i / window.innerWidth;
return {
zoom: t,
Nd: t * n.devicePixelRatio()
}, n.Rd = function(n) {
return n.replace(/;/g, " !important;")
}, n.Sd = function() {
var r = document.createElement("div"),
t, i;
return r.innerHTML = "1<br>2<br>3<br>4<br>5<br>6<br>7<br>8<br>9<br>0", r.setAttribute("style", this.Rd("font: 100px/1em sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; text-size-adjust: none; height: auto; width: 1em; padding: 0; overflow: visible;")), t = document.createElement("div"), t.setAttribute("style", n.Rd("width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden; position: absolute;")), t.appendChild(r), document.body.appendChild(t), i = 1e3 / r.clientHeight, i = Math.round(100 * i) / 100, document.body.removeChild(t), {
zoom: i,
Nd: i * n.devicePixelRatio()
}, n.Td = function() {
var t = n.Ud("min--moz-device-pixel-ratio", "", 0, 10, 20, .0001);
return t = Math.round(100 * t) / 100, {
zoom: t,
Nd: t
}, n.Vd = function() {
return {
zoom: n.Td().zoom,
Nd: n.devicePixelRatio()
}, n.Wd = function() {
var t = /;
return t = Math.round(100 * t) / 100, {
zoom: t,
Nd: t * n.devicePixelRatio()
}, n.Ud = function(n, t, i, r, u, f) {
function s(i, r, u) {
var e = (i + r) / 2,
return 0 >= u || f > r - i ? e : (o = "(" + n + ":" + e + t + ")", h(o).matches ? s(e, r, u - 1) : s(i, e, u - 1))
var h, c, o, e, l;
return window.matchMedia ? h = window.matchMedia : (c = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], o = document.createElement("style"), c.appendChild(o), e = document.createElement("div"), e.className = "mediaQueryBinarySearch", = "none", document.body.appendChild(e), h = function(n) {
o.sheet.insertRule("@media " + n + "{.mediaQueryBinarySearch {text-decoration: underline} }", 0);
var t = "underline" == getComputedStyle(e, null).textDecoration;
return o.sheet.deleteRule(0), {
matches: t
}), l = s(i, r, u), e && (c.removeChild(o), document.body.removeChild(e)), l
}, n.Ld = function() {
var t = n.fallback;
return isNaN(screen.logicalXDPI) || isNaN(screen.systemXDPI) ? window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints ? t = n.Pd : && !(window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" Opera") >= 0) ? t = :"Constructor") > 0 ? t = n.safari : "orientation" in window && "webkitRequestAnimationFrame" in window ? t = n.Qd : "webkitRequestAnimationFrame" in window ? t = n.Sd : navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") >= 0 ? t = n.Wd : window.devicePixelRatio ? t = n.Vd : n.Td().zoom > .001 && (t = n.Td) : t = n.Od, t()
}, n
n.Zoom = t
}(sb || (sb = {}))
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