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Last active October 7, 2015 06:51
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Word / Rating Association



word interestingness stars count total
urge 0.000530717201025371 1 6 7
bonus 0.00042863450610675 5 9 17
diva 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
frappucinos 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
urgency 0.000467617762795816 2 8 21
soap 0.000621459510173934 1 4 4
febreze 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
keys 0.000442264334187809 1 5 6
cop 0.000505316233925433 4 5 5
routine 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
doo 0.000466094632630451 1 3 3
view 0.000449075878926089 4 14 27
understanding 0.000621459510173934 1 4 4
fish 0.000419393431119087 2 4 5
crema 0.000629090146678631 2 6 7
peeve 0.000552489235775863 2 3 3
piadini 0.000427144918859817 5 5 6
music 0.000464514776486304 3 24 81
scence 0.000466094632630451 1 3 3
outlet 0.000545306424410251 4 17 27
earplugs 0.00030318974035526 4 3 3
indoor 0.000808505974280692 4 8 8
satisfaction 0.000600214060976441 5 4 4
reading 0.000476260562340834 5 10 18
butterbeer 0.000600214060976441 5 4 4
bitterness 0.000397381138365707 3 5 6
freak 0.000427144918859817 5 5 6
aid 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
father 0.000466094632630451 1 3 3
airports 0.000397381138365707 3 5 9
towels 0.000442264334187809 1 5 7
nugget 0.000629090146678631 2 6 10
characters 0.000345226053071781 4 6 8
urgency 0.000493118497267451 1 10 21
vehicle 0.000397381138365707 3 5 7
denial 0.000466094632630451 1 3 3
toilet 0.000409276266501163 1 19 35
precision 0.000450160545732331 5 3 3
animals 0.000552489235775863 2 3 3
habits 0.000600214060976441 5 4 4
boca 0.00030318974035526 4 3 3
teacher 0.000600214060976441 5 4 4
busier 0.000621459510173934 1 4 4
visa 0.000552489235775863 2 3 3
elara 0.000600214060976441 5 4 4
flamingo 0.000352845333441927 4 11 14
leather 0.00042863450610675 5 9 19
condescending 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
bloomfield 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
sticks 0.000552489235775863 2 3 3
clouds 0.000404252987140346 4 4 4
kudos 0.000352845333441927 4 11 25
cheer 0.000600214060976441 5 4 4
refund 0.000542430346994197 1 11 15
dunkies 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
donuts 0.000481152727420809 4 15 19
clover 0.00042863450610675 5 9 13
letter 0.000466094632630451 1 3 3
pet 0.000419393431119087 2 4 5
mead 0.000402763728583745 4 7 10
vicinity 0.000345226053071781 4 6 7
frequents 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
lunches 0.000450160545732331 5 3 3
sugary 0.000450160545732331 5 3 3
kudos 0.000571512674809 5 12 25
excuse 0.000409165542446339 2 7 16
stocking 0.000419393431119087 2 4 5
study 0.000445159994132708 3 23 81
duck 0.00055633359371199 3 7 8
study 0.000518447856837101 4 37 81
convention 0.000797533860096898 3 18 25
hike 0.000352845333441927 4 11 14
tock 0.000776824387717418 1 5 5
players 0.000621459510173934 1 4 4
recommendations 0.000427144918859817 5 5 8
sidewalk 0.000404252987140346 4 4 4
douchebag 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
fridays 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
guide 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
cubes 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
garbage 0.000493118497267451 1 10 17
satan 0.000450160545732331 5 3 3
summary 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
headset 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
aliante 0.00055633359371199 3 7 9
crush 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
ritual 0.000450160545732331 5 3 3
waters 0.000524241788898859 2 5 6
citycenter 0.000404252987140346 4 4 4
chameleon 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
duckies 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
cap 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
woot 0.000450160545732331 5 3 3
surf 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
greets 0.000512573902631781 5 6 8
locks 0.000466094632630451 1 3 3
treats 0.000345226053071781 4 6 8
cat 0.000558390691970748 3 4 4
trucks 0.000450160545732331 5 3 3
apologize 0.000621459510173934 1 4 4
resorts 0.000552489235775863 2 3 3
comicon 0.000466094632630451 1 3 3
insanity 0.000466094632630451 1 3 3
cali 0.000368326157183909 2 2 2
disgusting 0.000707622934700495 1 8 11
pic 0.000450160545732331 5 3 3
scam 0.000621459510173934 1 4 4
mist 0.000404252987140346 4 4 4
church 0.000517839079607672 4 9 10
espanol 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
goldbar 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
slams 0.000466094632630451 1 3 3
bulletin 0.00030318974035526 4 3 3
tres 0.000697988364963435 3 5 5
music 0.000420363127165217 4 30 81
pineville 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
photos 0.000418793018978061 3 3 3
dunkin 0.000575376755119635 4 10 13
compassion 0.000466094632630451 1 3 3
cocktail 0.000450160545732331 5 3 3
verde 0.000505316233925433 4 5 5
bonanza 0.000558390691970748 3 4 4
pond 0.000837586037956122 3 6 6
arrangements 0.00030318974035526 4 3 3
cozy 0.000598002886403744 5 7 12
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// Modified from the Mike Bostock example here:
// Utilized Jerome Cukier's tutorial here:
var margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 50},
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height = 500 - - margin.bottom,
bleed = 100;
var cwidth=175, cheight=210, cmargin=5;
var pack = d3.layout.pack()
.size([cwidth, cheight])
.value(function(d) { return d.interestingness; })
.children(function(d) { return d; });
var color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(["#d62728", "#ff9896", "#c7c7c7", "#98df8a", "#2ca02c"]);
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.offset([-10, 0])
.html(function(d) {
return "<div><span>Word:</span> <span style='color:white'>" + d.word + "</span></div>" +
"<div><span>Frequency:</span> <span style='color:white'>" + d.count +
" (" + d3.round(100 * d.count /, 0)+ "%)" + "</span></div>";
d3.csv("data.csv", function(error, data) {
if (error) throw error;
d.count = + d.count;
d.interestingness = +d.interestingness; =;
d.stars = +d.stars;
return d
data.sort(function(a,b){ return b.stars - a.stars; })
var nested = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) {return d.stars;})
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# Start the timer
ptm <- proc.time()
# Clear working space
rm(list = ls())
# Load packages
# Load the Data
loc <- '/Users/josiahdavis/Documents/GitHub/earl/'
dr <- read.csv(paste(loc, 'yelp_review.csv', sep=""))
# Subset only for Starbucks records (also filter out German records)
dr <- dr[(dr$name == "Starbucks") & !(grepl(pattern = "das", x = dr$text)) &
!(grepl(pattern = "haw", x = dr$text)) & !(grepl(pattern = "tres", x = dr$text)),]
# Collapse into five text blobs, one for each rating
texts = list()
for (i in 1:5){
texts[[i]] <- paste(as.character(dr[dr$stars == i,]$text), sep="", collapse="")
# =====================================
# Perform text mining
# transformations
# =====================================
# Convert back to to dataframe
d <- data.frame(reviews = unlist(texts))
# Replace new line characters with spaces
d$reviews <- gsub("\n", " ", d$reviews)
# Convert the relevant data into a corpus object with the tm package
d <- Corpus(VectorSource(d$reviews))
# Convert everything to lower case
d <- tm_map(d, content_transformer(tolower))
# Read in list of 5000+ stopwords compiled by Matthew Jockers
fileStopwords <- paste(loc, 'stopwords.txt', sep="")
stopwords <- readChar(fileStopwords,$size)
stopwords <- unlist(strsplit(stopwords, split=", "))
# Remove stopwords (loop through a set of stopwords at a time)
stopwords <- c(stopwords("english"), stopwords)
for (i in 1:5){
if(i == 1){
start <- 1
start <- i * 1000
if(i < 5){
end <- (i + 1) * 1000
end <- 5805
d <- tm_map(d, removeWords, stopwords[start:end])
# Remove punctuation
d <- tm_map(d, removePunctuation)
# Strip whitespace
d <- tm_map(d, stripWhitespace)
# Conver to list of strings
texts <- lapply(d, as.String)
# =====================================
# Identify and reviews to only include nouns.
# This section modified from an excellent tutorial:
# =====================================
# Define function for performing the annotations
annotate_entities <- function(doc, annotation_pipeline) {
annotations <- annotate(doc, annotation_pipeline)
AnnotatedPlainTextDocument(doc, annotations)
# Define types of annotations to perform
tagging_pipeline <- list(
texts_annotated <- texts %>% lapply(annotate_entities, tagging_pipeline)
# Define the POS getter function
POSGetter <- function(doc, parts) {
s <- doc$content
a <- annotations(doc)[[1]]
k <- sapply(a$features, `[[`, "POS")
if(sum(k %in% parts) == 0){
s[a[k %in% parts]]
# Identify the nouns
nouns <- texts_annotated %>% lapply(POSGetter, parts = c("NN", "NNS", "NNP", "NNPS"))
# Turn each character vector into a single string
nouns <- nouns %>% lapply(as.String)
# =====================================
# Get the counts and relative
# frequencies
# =====================================
# Convert back to corpus object
d <- Corpus(VectorSource(nouns))
# Convert to a document term matrix (rows are documents, columns are words)
dtm1 <- as.matrix(DocumentTermMatrix(d))
dtm2 <- as.matrix(DocumentTermMatrix(d, control = list(weighting = weightTfIdf)))
# For each rating category, choose the top N most common words
# For the top N words, choose the top I most interesting words
N <- 7975
I <- 30
# Create the dataframe
words <- data.frame(word = as.character(),
interestingness = as.double(),
stars = as.integer(),
count = as.integer(),
total = as.integer())
# Loop through each rating to determine the most interesting words
for(i in 1:5){
mostIntWords <- dtm2[i,order(dtm2[i,], decreasing = TRUE)[1:I]]
words <- rbind(words, data.frame(word = names(mostIntWords),
interestingness = unname(mostIntWords),
stars = i,
count = unname(dtm1[i,names(mostIntWords)]),
total = unname(colSums(dtm1[,names(mostIntWords)]))
# Sort randomly
idx <- sample(1:nrow(words), nrow(words), replace=FALSE)
words <- words[idx,]
# Write to csv file
writeLoc <- "/Users/josiahdavis/Documents/d3/wordRating/"
write.csv(words, paste(writeLoc, "data.csv", sep=""), row.names=FALSE)
print(paste('Total Time: ', round((proc.time() - ptm)[3] / 60, 1)))
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