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Created March 3, 2016 14:50
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Async Image grab with pymba and Vimba 1.4, not working
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pymba import *
import time, Queue
import numpy as np
def frame_cb(frame):
print("Start Callback {} with Frame {}".format(str(frame_cb), str(frame)))
img = np.ndarray(buffer=frame.getBufferByteData(),
shape=(frame.height, frame.width))
print("End Callback {} with Frame {}".format(str(frame_cb), str(frame)))
def test_frame_callback():
# start Vimba
vimba = Vimba()
# get system object
system = vimba.getSystem()
# list available cameras (after enabling discovery for GigE cameras)
if system.GeVTLIsPresent:
cameraIds = vimba.getCameraIds()
# get and open a camera
camera0 = vimba.getCamera(cameraIds[0])
# set the value of a feature
camera0.AcquisitionMode = 'Continuous'
# get ready to capture
# create new frames for the camera
frames = [camera0.getFrame() for _ in xrange(2)]
for frame in frames:
print("Created Frame {}, Struct {}".format(str(frame), str(frame._frame)))
# announce and queue frames
for frame in frames:
# capture some images
run_duration = 10.0 # seconds
# clean up after capture
# close camera
# shutdown Vimba
Created Frame <pymba.vimbaframe.VimbaFrame object at 0x02BADA30>, Struct <pymba.vimbastructure.VimbaFrame object at 0x02BC8A80>
Created Frame <pymba.vimbaframe.VimbaFrame object at 0x02BADBB0>, Struct <pymba.vimbastructure.VimbaFrame object at 0x02BC8C10>
Qeueing Frame <pymba.vimbaframe.VimbaFrame object at 0x02BADA30> with callback <function frame_cb at 0x024DC1F0>
Qeueing Frame <pymba.vimbaframe.VimbaFrame object at 0x02BADBB0> with callback <function frame_cb at 0x024DC1F0>
Start Callback Wrapper for Cam 5923, Frame <pymba.vimbadll.LP_VimbaFrame object at 0x02BC8C60>, Callback <function frame_cb at 0x024DC1F0>
Start Callback <function frame_cb at 0x024DC1F0> with Frame <pymba.vimbaframe.VimbaFrame object at 0x02BADA30>
Qeueing Frame <pymba.vimbaframe.VimbaFrame object at 0x02BADA30> with callback <function frame_cb at 0x024DC1F0>
End Callback <function frame_cb at 0x024DC1F0> with Frame <pymba.vimbaframe.VimbaFrame object at 0x02BADA30>
End Callback Wrapper for Cam 5923, Frame <pymba.vimbadll.LP_VimbaFrame object at 0x02BC8C60>, Callback <function frame_cb at 0x024DC1F0>
# callback for frame queue, note the new parameter
frameDoneCallback = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, # return type
c_void_p, # camera handle
POINTER(structs.VimbaFrame)) # pointer to frame
# The changed queueFrameCapture() function of the VimbaFrame Class
def queueFrameCapture(self, frameCallback = None):
Queue frames that may be filled during frame capturing.
Runs VmbCaptureFrameQueue
Call after announceFrame and startCapture
Callback must accept argument of type frame. Remember to requeue the
frame by calling frame.queueFrameCapture(frameCallback) at the end of
your callback function.
# remember the given callback function
print("Qeueing Frame {} with callback {}".format(str(self), str(frameCallback)))
self._frameCallback = frameCallback
# define a callback wrapper here so it doesn't bind self
def frameCallbackWrapper(p_cam, p_frame):
# call the user's callback with the self bound outside the wrapper
# ignore the frame pointer since we already know the callback
# refers to this frame
print("Start Callback Wrapper for Cam {}, Frame {}, Callback {}".format(str(p_cam), str(p_frame), str(self._frameCallback)))
print("End Callback Wrapper for Cam {}, Frame {}, Callback {}".format(str(p_cam), str(p_frame), str(self._frameCallback)))
if self._frameCallback is None:
self._frameCallbackWrapper_C = None
# keep a reference to prevent gc issues
self._frameCallbackWrapper_C = VimbaDLL.frameDoneCallback(frameCallbackWrapper)
errorCode = VimbaDLL.captureFrameQueue(self._handle,
if errorCode != 0:
raise VimbaException(errorCode)
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