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Created July 21, 2020 03:01
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Much better way of using tokens in Styled Components
import { ThemeType } from 'some/path/to/my/tokens';
import 'styled-components';
declare module 'styled-components' {
export interface DefaultTheme extends ThemeType {}
export const themeData = {
"fontFamilies": {
"display": "Eina, \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, sans-serif",
"text": "Inter, \"Inter UI\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
"system": "apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
"monospace": "\"SF Mono\", \"Roboto Mono\", Menlo, monospace",
"serif": "\"Adobe Caslon\", Georgia, Times, \"Times New Roman\", serif"
"fontWeights": {
"light": 300,
"regular": 400,
"medium": 500,
"semibold": 600,
"bold": 700
"fontSizes": [
"lineHeights": {
"solid": 1,
"title": 1.12,
"body": 1.6,
"prose": 1.8
"letterSpacing": {
"dense": "-0.04em",
"tight": "-0.02em",
"solid": "0.00em",
"wide": "0.04em",
"super": "0.08em",
"extra": "0.16em"
"spaces": [
"breakpoints": [
"radii": [
"border": {
"regular": "1px solid",
"dashed": "1px dashed",
"heavy": "2px solid"
"elevation": [
"0px 1px 2px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.10), 0px 0px 1px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.08)",
"0px 2px 4px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.10), 0px 1px 2px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.08)",
"0px 4px 8px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.08), 0px 2px 4px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.08)",
"0px 8px 16px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.08), 0px 4px 8px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.08)",
"0px 16px 32px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.08), 0px 8px 16px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.08)",
"0px 32px 64px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.08), 0px 16px 32px rgba(2, 8, 20, 0.10)"
"duration": {
"instantly": "0s",
"quickly": "0.15s"
"colors": {
"black": "#000000",
"white": "#ffffff",
"blue": {
"0": "#f0f6ff",
"10": "#e3edff",
"20": "#cddfff",
"30": "#b2ceff",
"40": "#97bdff",
"50": "#7cabff",
"60": "#639bff",
"70": "#4d8dff",
"80": "#3880ff",
"90": "#1b6dff",
"100": "#0054e9"
"gray": {
"0": "#f3f3f3",
"10": "#e4e4e4",
"20": "#c8c8c8",
"30": "#aeaeae",
"40": "#959595",
"50": "#818181",
"60": "#6d6d6d",
"70": "#5f5f5f",
"80": "#474747",
"90": "#2f2f2f",
"100": "#141414"
"carbon": {
"0": "#eef1f3",
"10": "#d7dde2",
"20": "#b4bcc6",
"30": "#98a2ad",
"40": "#7d8894",
"50": "#677483",
"60": "#556170",
"70": "#434f5e",
"80": "#35404e",
"90": "#222d3a",
"100": "#03060b"
"indigo": {
"0": "#fbfbfd",
"10": "#f6f8fb",
"20": "#e9edf3",
"30": "#dee3ea",
"40": "#ced6e0",
"50": "#b2becd",
"60": "#92a0b3",
"70": "#73849a",
"80": "#445b78",
"90": "#2d4665",
"100": "#001a3a"
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"0": "#effff3",
"10": "#e7ffee",
"20": "#d0ffdd",
"30": "#b8ffcb",
"40": "#97ffb3",
"50": "#71f895",
"60": "#4ef27a",
"70": "#31e962",
"80": "#18dd4c",
"90": "#00d338",
"100": "#00b831"
"lime": {
"0": "#f8fff0",
"10": "#f2ffe1",
"20": "#eeffd8",
"30": "#e5ffc3",
"40": "#d8ffa7",
"50": "#c8ff83",
"60": "#b7f964",
"70": "#a7f544",
"80": "#97ec2d",
"90": "#87e017",
"100": "#75d100"
"lavender": {
"0": "#f6f8ff",
"10": "#e5ebff",
"20": "#ced9ff",
"30": "#b6c6ff",
"40": "#9fb5ff",
"50": "#8aa4ff",
"60": "#7493ff",
"70": "#597eff",
"80": "#3c67ff",
"90": "#194bfd",
"100": "#0033e8"
"purple": {
"0": "#f4f4ff",
"10": "#e9eaff",
"20": "#d0d2ff",
"30": "#b6b9f9",
"40": "#9a99fc",
"50": "#8482fb",
"60": "#786df9",
"70": "#6e5afd",
"80": "#6030ff",
"90": "#4712fb",
"100": "#3400e5"
"pink": {
"0": "#fff2fb",
"10": "#ffe3f6",
"20": "#ffd4f1",
"30": "#ffc7ec",
"40": "#ffb6e8",
"50": "#ff9cdf",
"60": "#fc82d5",
"70": "#f567c8",
"80": "#ef4cbb",
"90": "#f02fb2",
"100": "#e410a1"
"red": {
"0": "#fff2f2",
"10": "#ffdddd",
"20": "#ffc8c7",
"30": "#ffb6b5",
"40": "#ff9e9c",
"50": "#ff8a88",
"60": "#ff7370",
"70": "#ff605b",
"80": "#ff4747",
"90": "#ff201a",
"100": "#e70700"
"orange": {
"0": "#fff5f0",
"10": "#ffede5",
"20": "#ffdfd1",
"30": "#ffd0bc",
"40": "#ffc0a5",
"50": "#ffaf8c",
"60": "#ff9b70",
"70": "#ff8753",
"80": "#ff7336",
"90": "#ff5b13",
"100": "#eb4700"
"yellow": {
"0": "#fffbef",
"10": "#fff8e3",
"20": "#fff6d8",
"30": "#fff3c9",
"40": "#ffedad",
"50": "#ffe78f",
"60": "#ffe072",
"70": "#ffd84d",
"80": "#ffd130",
"90": "#ffc805",
"100": "#f5bf00"
"aqua": {
"0": "#f0fff9",
"10": "#e5fff6",
"20": "#d5ffef",
"30": "#c0ffe8",
"40": "#aaffe0",
"50": "#90fbd4",
"60": "#70f6c5",
"70": "#4deeb2",
"80": "#32e2a1",
"90": "#00db8a",
"100": "#00cc80"
"teal": {
"0": "#eefeff",
"10": "#dffdff",
"20": "#d0fdff",
"30": "#bbfcff",
"40": "#a2fcff",
"50": "#8bfbff",
"60": "#73f6fb",
"70": "#55ecf2",
"80": "#35e2e9",
"90": "#1bd2d9",
"100": "#00b9c0"
"cyan": {
"0": "#f3faff",
"10": "#e8f5ff",
"20": "#d3ecff",
"30": "#bfe4ff",
"40": "#a7daff",
"50": "#8dcfff",
"60": "#77c6ff",
"70": "#62bdff",
"80": "#46b1ff",
"90": "#24a3ff",
"100": "#0091fa"
} as const;
export type ThemeType = typeof themeData;
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