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Last active August 24, 2023 23:36
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changelog summarizer
import argparse, os, re, requests, sys
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import mpld3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum
DATAFILE = 'data.csv'
plugin_mod_pattern = r'<div class="pr-2 col-auto"><span class="text-monospace">(.+?)<!-- -->(/?)<!-- -->(.+?)</span></div>'
def read_data(filename):
# Read the data from the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv(filename)
# Convert the html_url values to links in the full table
df['html_url'] = df['html_url'].apply(lambda x: f'<a href="{x}" target="_blank">Link</a>')
return df
def get_repos_from_url(url, subpattern):
response = requests.get(url)
content = response.text
matches = re.findall(plugin_mod_pattern, content)
all_results = [
match[0] + "/" + subpattern + "-" + match[2].replace("_", "-")
for match in matches
turbot_results = [x for x in all_results if x.startswith('turbot')]
external_results = [x for x in all_results if not x.startswith('turbot')]
return (all_results, turbot_results, external_results)
def get_plugin_repos():
return get_repos_from_url("", "steampipe-plugin")
def get_mod_repos():
return get_repos_from_url("", "steampipe-mod")
class PluginOrModType(Enum):
ALL = 0
def count_plugins(plugin_or_mod_type):
p = get_plugin_repos()
return len(p[plugin_or_mod_type.value])
def count_mods(plugin_or_mod_type):
p = get_mod_repos()
return len(p[plugin_or_mod_type.value])
def filter_version_sections(changelog, days):
Filters the changelog to only include version sections within the last x days.
- changelog (str): The full changelog text
- days (int): Number of days back to include
- str: Changelog filtered to the specified date range
# Extract version sections
version_sections = extract_version_sections(changelog)
# Get cutoff date
cutoff = get_reference_date() - timedelta(days=days)
# Filter sections after cutoff date
filtered = []
for ver, section in version_sections:
date_match ="\[(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\]", section)
if date_match:
section_date = datetime.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d")
if section_date >= cutoff:
# Reconstruct changelog
return "## " + "## ".join(filtered)
def extract_version_sections(changelog):
Extracts version sections from a changelog.
- changelog (str): The changelog text.
- list of tuples: Each tuple contains a version string and the corresponding section content.
# Split the changelog into separate version sections using "## " as a delimiter
versions = changelog.split("## ")[1:]
version_sections = []
for version in versions:
# Search for version number including the 'v' prefix
match ="^(v\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", version)
if match:
ver =
version_sections.append((ver, version))
return version_sections
def extract_entries_from_section(section_text):
entry_pattern = r"-\s[^\n]*(?:\n(?!\s*-).*)*"
entries = re.findall(entry_pattern, section_text, re.MULTILINE)
return entries
def extract_section_dates(changelog):
version_sections = extract_version_sections(changelog)
section_dates = {}
for ver, section in version_sections:
date_match ="\[(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\]", section)
if date_match:
section_date = datetime.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
section_dates[ver] = section_date
return section_dates
def count_changelog_sections(changelog, section_name):
section_counts = {}
version_sections = extract_version_sections(changelog)
# Define the regex pattern for subsections
sub_section_pattern = (
for ver, section in version_sections:
# Search for the specified section
sub_section =, section, re.MULTILINE)
if sub_section:
section_text =
entries = extract_entries_from_section(section_text)
count = len(entries)
section_counts[ver] = count
section_counts[ver] = 0
return section_counts
def extract_contributors(changelog):
contributors = {}
version_sections = extract_version_sections(changelog)
for ver, section in version_sections:
names = re.findall(
r"Thanks(?: to)? \[@(.+?)\]\(https://github\.com/", section, re.DOTALL
names = [name.replace("\n", "") for name in names]
contributors[ver] = names
return contributors
def count_tables(changelog):
table_counts = {}
version_sections = extract_version_sections(changelog)
for ver, section in version_sections:
# Search for the pattern "- New tables added" and count the number of new tables mentioned after this pattern
# Using the regexes we know work from before
sub_section =
if sub_section:
section_text =
count = len(section_text.split("\n"))
table_counts[ver] = count
table_counts[ver] = 0
return table_counts
def current_month():
now =
formatted_date = now.strftime("%B %Y")
return formatted_date
def summarize_external_plugins():
# Base URLs to fetch tags and commits
tags_url = "{}/tags"
commit_url = "{}/git/commits/{}"
headers = {
"Authorization": f"token {os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN')}",
"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
# Get external plugins
non_turbot_plugins = get_plugin_repos()[PluginOrModType.NON_TURBOT.value]
summary = {}
for plugin in non_turbot_plugins:
# Fetch tags for the repo
response = requests.get(tags_url.format(plugin), headers=headers)
tags = response.json()
# Find the v0.0.1 tag
v001_tag = next((tag for tag in tags if tag['name'] == 'v0.0.1'), None)
if not v001_tag:
# Fetch its associated commit to get the date
commit_sha = v001_tag['commit']['sha']
commit_response = requests.get(commit_url.format(plugin, commit_sha), headers=headers)
commit_data = commit_response.json()
# Check if 'committer' key exists; if not, use 'author'
date = commit_data.get('committer', commit_data.get('author', {})).get('date', 'Unknown')
# Store the v0.0.1 tag and its commit date in the summary
summary[plugin] = {
"tag": "v0.0.1",
"commit_date": date
return summary
def run_tests():
changelog = """
## v0.115.0 [2023-08-08]
- Updated the `Makefile` to build plugin in `STEAMPIPE_INSTALL_DIR` if set. ([#1857]( (Thanks [@pdecat]( for the contribution!)
- Added column `offering_class` to `aws_pricing_product` table ([#1863]( (Thanks [@rasta-rocket]( for the contribution!)
_Bug fixes_
- Fixed the `aws_ec2_network_load_balancer` table doc to remove the incorrect security group association example. ([#1869]( (Thanks [@
tinder-tder]( for the contribution!)
- Fixed `aws_rds_db_cluster`, `aws_rds_db_cluster_snapshot`, `aws_rds_db_instance`, `aws_rds_db_snapshot` tables to correctly filter out the `DocDB` and `Neptune` resources. ([#1868](
## v0.114.0 [2023-08-04]
_What's new?_
- New tables added
- [aws_neptune_db_cluster_snapshot]( ([#1866](
## v0.113.0 [2023-07-28]
_What's new?_
- New tables added
- [aws_directory_service_log_subscription]( ([#1852](
- Added the `fifo_throughput_limit` and `deduplication_scope` columns to the `aws_sqs_queue` table. ([#1859]( (Thanks [@pdecat]( for the contribution!)
- Added the `description` column to the `aws_api_gatewayv2_api` table. ([#1856]( (Thanks [@pdecat]( for the contribution!)
def test_count_tables():
expected_tables = {"v0.115.0": 0, "v0.114.0": 1, "v0.113.0": 1}
actual_tables = count_tables(changelog)
assert actual_tables == expected_tables, f"Expected {expected_tables}, got {actual_tables}"
def test_count_changelog_sections():
expected_enhancements = {"v0.115.0": 2, "v0.114.0": 0, "v0.113.0": 2}
expected_bugfixes = {"v0.115.0": 2, "v0.114.0": 0, "v0.113.0": 0}
actual_enhancements = count_changelog_sections(changelog, "_Enhancements_")
actual_bugfixes = count_changelog_sections(changelog, "_Bug fixes_")
assert actual_enhancements == expected_enhancements, f"Expected {expected_enhancements} enhancements, got {actual_enhancements}"
assert actual_bugfixes == expected_bugfixes, f"Expected {expected_bugfixes} bugfixes, got {actual_bugfixes}"
def test_extract_contributors():
expected_contributors = {
"v0.115.0": ["pdecat", "rasta-rocket", "tinder-tder"],
"v0.114.0": [],
"v0.113.0": ["pdecat", "pdecat"],
actual_contributors = extract_contributors(changelog)
assert expected_contributors == actual_contributors, f"Expected {expected_contributors}, got {actual_contributors}"
def test_extract_section_dates():
changelog = """
## v0.115.0 [2023-08-08]
## v0.114.0 [2023-08-04]
## v0.113.0 [2023-07-28]
expected_dates = {
'v0.115.0': datetime(2023, 8, 8).date(),
'v0.114.0': datetime(2023, 8, 4).date(),
'v0.113.0': datetime(2023, 7, 28).date()
actual_dates = extract_section_dates(changelog)
assert actual_dates == expected_dates, f"Expected {expected_dates}, but got {actual_dates}"
def test_filter_version_sections():
expected = """## v0.115.0 [2023-08-08]
- Updated the `Makefile` to build plugin in `STEAMPIPE_INSTALL_DIR` if set. ([#1857]( (Thanks [@pdecat]( for the contribution!)
- Added column `offering_class` to `aws_pricing_product` table ([#1863]( (Thanks [@rasta-rocket]( for the contribution!)
_Bug fixes_
- Fixed the `aws_ec2_network_load_balancer` table doc to remove the incorrect security group association example. ([#1869]( (Thanks [@
tinder-tder]( for the contribution!)
- Fixed `aws_rds_db_cluster`, `aws_rds_db_cluster_snapshot`, `aws_rds_db_instance`, `aws_rds_db_snapshot` tables to correctly filter out the `DocDB` and `Neptune` resources. ([#1868](
## v0.114.0 [2023-08-04]
_What's new?_
- New tables added
- [aws_neptune_db_cluster_snapshot]( ([#1866](
actual = filter_version_sections(changelog, days=15)
assert actual == expected
def get_changelog(repo):
url = "" + repo + "/main/"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code != 200:
url = "" + repo + "/master/"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code != 200:
return ''
return response.text
def summarize_turbot_plugins(days, new_only, activity_only):
repos = get_plugin_repos()[PluginOrModType.TURBOT.value]
results = {}
for repo in repos:
results[repo] = {
'tables': None,
'enhancements': None,
'bugfixes': None,
'contributors': None,
'is_new': False,
'section_dates': None
for repo in repos:
changelog = get_changelog(repo)
if changelog == '':
filtered_changelog = filter_version_sections(changelog, days)
results[repo]['tables'] = count_tables(filtered_changelog)
results[repo]['enhancements'] = count_changelog_sections(filtered_changelog,'_Enhancements_')
results[repo]['bugfixes'] = count_changelog_sections(filtered_changelog,'_Bug fixes_')
results[repo]['contributors'] = extract_contributors(filtered_changelog)
results[repo]['is_new'] = is_new(filtered_changelog)
results[repo]['section_dates'] = extract_section_dates(filtered_changelog)
if new_only:
results = {k:v for k,v in results.items() if v['is_new']}
if activity_only:
results = {k:v for k,v in results.items() if has_activity(v)}
return results
def is_new(filtered_sections):
return "v0.0.1" in filtered_sections
def has_activity(result):
if result['tables'] is None: # No changelog data within specified date range
return False
for table_count in result['tables'].values():
if table_count > 0:
return True
for enhancement_count in result['enhancements'].values():
if enhancement_count > 0:
return True
for bugfix_count in result['bugfixes'].values():
if bugfix_count > 0:
return True
return False
def get_reference_date():
return datetime(2023, 8, 18)
def generate_html(data, days):
# Initialize grand totals
grand_total_plugins = 0
grand_total_tables = 0
grand_total_enhancements = 0
grand_total_bugfixes = 0
grand_total_releases = 0
all_contributors = set() # Initialize a set to store all unique contributors
title = "Steampipe: State of the Union"
def generate_bar_chart():
df = read_data(DATAFILE)
# Extract month and count contributions by month
df['month'] = pd.to_datetime(df['author_date']).dt.to_period('M')
monthly_counts = df['month'].value_counts().sort_index()
# Create the bar chart
fig = go.Figure(data=[
# Set title, labels, and adjust x-axis properties
title="Monthly Contributions",
template="plotly_white", # Use a white background template
tickvals=monthly_counts.index.strftime('%Y-%m').tolist(), # Set tick positions
ticktext=monthly_counts.index.strftime('%Y-%m').tolist(), # Set tick labels
tickfont=dict(size=10), # Reduce font size
tickangle=-45 # Rotate counterclockwise
bargap=0.15, # Slight reduction in the gap between bars
width=1000 # Increase the width of the plot
# Convert the figure to HTML without the mode bar
html_fig = fig.to_html(full_html=False, include_plotlyjs='cdn', config={'displayModeBar': False})
return html_fig
def generate_plugin_section(plugin_name, plugin_data):
nonlocal grand_total_releases
section_html = f"""<details class="plugin-details"><summary>{plugin_name}"""
if plugin_data['is_new']:
section_html += " (new)</span>"
section_html += "</summary>"
section_html += generate_summary_table(plugin_data)
contributors_exist = any(len(contributors) > 0 for contributors in plugin_data['contributors'].values())
if contributors_exist:
section_html += "<h3>Contributors</h3>"
section_html += generate_contributors_table_for_plugin(plugin_data)
return section_html + '</details>'
def generate_summary_table(plugin_data):
nonlocal grand_total_tables, grand_total_enhancements, grand_total_bugfixes, grand_total_releases
summary_html = "<table><tr><th>Version</th><th>Date</th><th>New Tables</th><th>Enhancements</th><th>Bugfixes</th></tr>"
total_tables, total_enhancements, total_bugfixes = 0, 0, 0
for version, date in plugin_data['section_dates'].items():
grand_total_releases += 1
tables = plugin_data['tables'].get(version, 0)
enhancements = plugin_data['enhancements'].get(version, 0)
bugfixes = plugin_data['bugfixes'].get(version, 0)
total_tables += tables
total_enhancements += enhancements
total_bugfixes += bugfixes
summary_html += f"<tr><td>{version}</td><td>{date}</td><td>{tables}</td><td>{enhancements}</td><td>{bugfixes}</td></tr>"
summary_html += f"<tr><th>Total</th><th></th><th>{total_tables}</th><th>{total_enhancements}</th><th>{total_bugfixes}</th></tr>"
summary_html += "</table>"
grand_total_tables += total_tables
grand_total_enhancements += total_enhancements
grand_total_bugfixes += total_bugfixes
return summary_html
def generate_contributors_table_for_plugin(plugin_data):
nonlocal all_contributors
contributors_html = "<table><tr><th>Version</th><th>Contributors</th></tr>"
for version, contributors in plugin_data['contributors'].items():
if contributors:
contributors_str = ', '.join(contributors)
contributors_html += f"<tr><td>{version}</td><td>{contributors_str}</td></tr>"
all_contributors.update(contributors) # Add contributors to the global set
contributors_html += "</table>"
return contributors_html
def get_repos_for_contributors(df):
return df.groupby('author_login').agg({'repository_full_name': 'unique'}).reset_index().rename(columns={'author_login': 'Contributor'})
def generate_contributor_table(days=None):
df = read_data(DATAFILE)
# If days argument is provided, filter the dataframe
if days:
cutoff_date = pd.to_datetime("today") - pd.Timedelta(days=days)
df = df[df['author_date'] > cutoff_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]
contributor_repos = get_repos_for_contributors(df)
contributor_counts = df['author_login'].value_counts().reset_index()
# Sort names case-insensitively
contributor_counts = contributor_counts.sort_values(by='author_login', key=lambda col: col.str.lower())
contributor_counts.columns = ['Contributor', 'Count']
contributor_counts = contributor_counts.merge(contributor_repos, on='Contributor')
contributor_counts['Repos'] = contributor_counts['repository_full_name'].apply(lambda x: ', '.join(sorted(x)))
return contributor_counts[['Contributor', 'Count', 'Repos']].to_html(classes="table table-striped", index=False, table_id="contributor_counts")
def generate_external_plugins_table(days):
def add_checkmark_within_days(df):
checkmark = '✅'
# Calculate the date range
today =
start_date = today - timedelta(days=days)
end_date = today + timedelta(days=days)
df['New'] = df['Initial Release Date'].apply(lambda x: checkmark if start_date <= x <= end_date else '')
return df
external_plugin_data = summarize_external_plugins()
# Convert sorted_external_plugins into a dataframe
sorted_external_plugins = sorted(external_plugin_data.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['commit_date'], reverse=True)
df_plugins = pd.DataFrame(sorted_external_plugins, columns=['Plugin', 'Data'])
df_plugins['Initial Release Date'] = df_plugins['Data'].apply(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x['commit_date'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
filtered_plugins_df = add_checkmark_within_days(df_plugins)
plugins_html = "<table><tr><th>Plugin</th><th>Initial Release Date (v0.0.1)</th><th>New</th></tr>"
for _, row in filtered_plugins_df.iterrows():
formatted_date = row['Initial Release Date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
is_new = row['New']
plugins_html += f"<tr><td>{row['Plugin']}</td><td>{formatted_date}</td><td>{is_new}</td></tr>"
plugins_html += "</table>"
return plugins_html
def generate_all_contributions_table():
df = read_data(DATAFILE)
return df.to_html(classes="table table-striped", index=False, escape=False, table_id="full_table",
render_links=True, formatters={'message': lambda x: f'<div style="max-width: 200px; word-wrap: break-word;">{x}</div>'})
head = f"""
<meta charset="UTF-8">
body {{ font-family: Arial, sans-serif; margin-top: 2em; margin-left: 2em }}
table {{ width: 100%; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 40px; border-collapse: collapse; }}
th, td {{ border: 1px solid #cccccc; padding: 8px; text-align: left; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12pt }}
th {{ background-color: #f2f2f2; }}
tr:hover {{ background-color: #f5f5f5; }}
details {{ margin-top: 1em; }}
details.plugin-details {{ margin-left: 2em}}
plugin_sections = ''
for plugin_name, plugin_data in data.items():
grand_total_plugins += 1
plugin_sections += generate_plugin_section(plugin_name, plugin_data)
# Generate sorted list of unique contributors
sorted_unique_contributors = ', '.join(sorted(all_contributors, key=str.casefold))
summary = f"""
<th>New Tables</th>
html = f"""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
As of {current_month()} there are {count_plugins(PluginOrModType.ALL)} plugins <a href="">on the hub</a>. Of those, {count_plugins(PluginOrModType.TURBOT)} are at <em></em>, and {count_plugins(PluginOrModType.NON_TURBOT)} are hosted elsewhere.
There are {count_mods(PluginOrModType.ALL)} mods <a href="">on the hub</a>, currently all hosted at <em></em>.
Contributions to Turbot-hosted plugins and mods have accelerated over time.
Here are the release dates for all non-Turbot hosted plugins, highlighting those that are new in the last {days} days.
Here's a summary of contributions to Turbot-hosted repos over the last {days} days.
Here's a summary of new and updated Turbot-hosted plugins over the last {days} days.
Here's the release-by-release breakdown for Turbot-hosted plugins created or updated over the last {days} days.
<summary>Turbot-hosted plugins: releases and contributors</summary>
And finally, here's a complete list of contributions to the Steampipe project.
return html
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-t", "--test", action="store_true", help="Run tests")
parser.add_argument("--count_all_plugins", action="store_true", help="Count all plugins")
parser.add_argument("--count_turbot_plugins", action="store_true", help="Count Turbot plugins")
parser.add_argument("--count_non_turbot_plugins", action="store_true", help="Count non-Turbot plugins")
parser.add_argument("--count_all_mods", action="store_true", help="Count all mods")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--summarize", action="store_true", help="Summarize all plugins")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--days", type=int, default=30, help="Number of days to summarize")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--new_only", action="store_true", help="Only summarize new plugins (mutually exclusive with -a)")
parser.add_argument("-a", "--activity_only", action="store_true", help="Only summarize plugins with activity (mutually exclusive with -n)")
parser.add_argument("--html", action="store_true", help="Print HTML summary")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.new_only:
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
elif args.new_only and args.activity_only:
print("\nYou're using --new_only and --activity_only, please use one or the other.")
elif args.test:
elif args.count_all_plugins:
elif args.count_turbot_plugins:
elif args.count_non_turbot_plugins:
elif args.count_all_mods:
elif args.summarize:
print(summarize_turbot_plugins(args.days, args.new_only, args.activity_only))
elif args.html:
print(generate_html(summarize_turbot_plugins(args.days, args.new_only, args.activity_only), args.days))
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