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Created April 23, 2020 12:48
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Benchmark Julia, Python, R, C
# Example adapted from
# Assumes that Python and R are also installed in the system
# let's compare various implementations of the sum(x) function
x = rand(10^7)
sum(x) # expected result 5×10⁶
# Python implementation
using PyCall
def py_sum(X):
s = 0.0
for x in X:
s += x
return s
py_sum = py"py_sum"
py_builtin_sum = pybuiltin("sum")
# test Python implementations
py_sum(x) ≈ sum(x)
py_builtin_sum(x) ≈ sum(x)
# NumPy implementation
numpy_sum = pyimport("numpy").sum
# test NumPy implementation
numpy_sum(x) ≈ sum(x)
# R implementation
using RCall
r_sum <- function(X) {
s = 0.0
for (i in 1:length(X)) {
s = s + X[i]
r_sum = R"r_sum"
r_builtin_sum = R"sum"
# test R implementations
r_sum(x)[1] ≈ sum(x)
r_builtin_sum(x)[1] ≈ sum(x)
# Julia implementation
function ju_sum(X)
s = 0.0
for x in X
s += x
ju_builtin_sum = sum
function ju_simd_sum(X)
s = 0.0
@simd for x in X
s += x
# test Julia implementations
ju_sum(x) ≈ sum(x)
ju_simd_sum(x) ≈ sum(x)
# C implementation
using Libdl
Ccode = """
#include <stddef.h>
double c_sum(size_t n, double *X) {
double s = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
s += X[i];
return s;
# compile to a shared library by piping Ccode to gcc
# (works only if you have gcc installed)
const Clib = tempname() # make a temporary file
open(`gcc -fPIC -O3 -shared -xc -o $(Clib * "." * Libdl.dlext) -`, "w") do f
print(f, Ccode)
# the same as above but with a -ffast-math flag added
const Clib_fastmath = tempname() # make a temporary file
open(`gcc -fPIC -O3 -shared -ffast-math -xc -o $(Clib_fastmath * "." * Libdl.dlext) -`, "w") do f
print(f, Ccode)
# define Julia functions that call the C functions
c_sum(X) = ccall(("c_sum", Clib), Float64, (Csize_t, Ptr{Float64}), length(X), X)
c_fastmath_sum(X) = ccall(("c_sum", Clib_fastmath), Float64, (Csize_t, Ptr{Float64}), length(X), X)
# test C implementations
c_sum(x) ≈ sum(x)
c_fastmath_sum(x) ≈ sum(x)
# Benchmarking
using BenchmarkTools
# available implementations
impls = [c_sum, c_fastmath_sum,
r_sum, r_builtin_sum,
py_sum, py_builtin_sum, numpy_sum,
ju_sum, ju_builtin_sum, ju_simd_sum]
# corresponding names
label = ["C", "C -fast-math",
"R", "R built-in",
"Python", "Python built-in", "NumPy",
"Julia", "Julia built-in", "Julia SIMD"]
# loop over implementations
times = map(impls) do impl
# call function multiple times
bench = @benchmark ($impl)($x)
# minimum time in milliseconds
minimum(bench.times) / 1e6
# Plotting
using UnicodePlots
# sort times in increasing order
idx = sortperm(times)
label = label[idx]
times = times[idx]
# times for all implementations
barplot(label, times, title="Time [milliseconds]")
# speedup for all implementations
barplot(label, round.(Int, times[end] ./ times),
title="Speedup relative to slowest ($(label[end]))")
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