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Last active January 8, 2020 18:06
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import pandas as pd
def data_weighted_kmeans(df, x_val, y_val, wt_val=None, k=1, centers=None, max_iters=100):
"""Revised version of the code found here, allowing the use of a data frame instead of a list of dicts.
Re-citing original code referenced by leapingllamas github above:
df (pd.DataFrame): coordinates and corresponding weights, one coordinate per row
x_val (str): the column name holding x locations
y_val (str): the column name holding y locations
wt_val (str): the column holding the weights
k: the number of clusters to use
centers ([[float, float]]: a list of [x, y] initial cluster centers where len(centers)==k.
If None, k random coordinates from df will be chosen.
max_iters (int): the maximum center update iterations to run
clusters (list): cluster ID assigned to each point in the order of the original data frame.
summary (df): a pd.DataFrame containing columns clust, x_val, y_val, wt_total, and n_total corresponding to the
cluster ID, x coord, y coord, weight sum of member points, and total count of member points, respectively.
# subset dataframe to x_val, y_val, and wt_val, add column to store cluster assignment
data = df[[x_val, y_val]].copy().reset_index(drop=True)
if wt_val:
data[wt_val] = df[wt_val]
data[wt_val] = [1] * len(data)
data['clust'] = [None] * len(data)
clusters = [None] * len(data)
# initialize centers
if not centers:
centers = [[p[x_val], p[y_val]] for _, p in data.sample(n=k, random_state=1).iterrows()]
summary = pd.DataFrame({
'clust': list(range(k)),
'lng': [c[0] for c in centers],
'lat': [c[1] for c in centers],
'wt_total': [None] * k,
'n_total': [None] * k
# perform iteration
for iter in range(max_iters):
# assign clusters
for i, row in data.iterrows():
dists = [((row[x_val]-c[0])**2 + (row[y_val]-c[1])**2) for c in centers]
clusters[i] = dists.index(min(dists))
# if assignments match, break
if data['clust'].to_list() == clusters:
# adjust cluster centers
data['clust'] = clusters
for i in range(k):
pts = data.loc[data.clust == i]
wt_total = pts[wt_val].sum()
centers[i][0] = (pts[x_val]*pts[wt_val]).sum()/wt_total
centers[i][1] = (pts[y_val]*pts[wt_val]).sum()/wt_total
summary.loc[summary.clust == i, 'lng'] = centers[i][0]
summary.loc[summary.clust == i, 'lat'] = centers[i][1]
summary.loc[summary.clust == i, 'wt_total'] = wt_total
summary.loc[summary.clust == i, 'n_total'] = len(pts)
return clusters, summary
### example call
# clusters, summary = data_weighted_kmeans(df, x_val='lng', y_val='lat', wt_val='foo', k=5, centers=[[0, 1], [2, 3]])
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