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Last active August 1, 2021 14:21
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import { add, addString, toNumber, filterOrange } from "./index";

it('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
  expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3);

it('adds undefined + 2 to equal NaN', () => {
  expect(add(undefined, 2)).toBe(NaN);

describe("addString", () => {
  it("passed parameter param and param2 as string, it should be ab", () => {
    const param = "a";
    const param2 = "b";

    const result = addString(param, param2);


  it("passed parameter param and param2 as number, it should be -1", () => {
    const param = 1;
    const param2 = 1;

    const result = addString(param, param2);


describe("toNumber", () => {
  it("passed parameter a and b as number, it should be -1", () => {
    const param = "-1";

    const result = toNumber(param);


  it("passed parameter as string, it should be NaN", () => {
    const param = "aaa";

    const result = toNumber(param);


  it("passed parameter 10000desu as string, it should be 10000", () => {
    const param = "10000desu";

    const result = toNumber(param);


describe("filterOrange", () => {
  it("passed parameter array include orange, it should be ['orange']", () => {
    const fruits = ["orange", "apple", "peach"];

    const result = filterOrange(fruits);

    // toEqualでも可

  it("passed parameter array include orange, it should be empty arry", () => {
    const fruits = ["pine", "apple", "peach"];

    const result = filterOrange(fruits);

    // toEqualでも可


  • toEqualはオブジェクトのkeyまで見ない。同等なら通る

toStrictEqualは、2つのオブジェクトに同じデータが含まれていることだけでなく、それらが同じ構造を持っていることもチェックします。 オブジェクトが同じ値を持つだけでなく、同じキーを持つことを期待するのが一般的です。 より厳密な等式は、2つのオブジェクトが同一のキーを持たない場合をキャッチします。

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