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Created July 15, 2011 14:49
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Rate limiting function calls with JavaScript and Underscore.js
/* Extend the Underscore object with the following methods */
// Rate limit ensures a function is never called more than every [rate]ms
// Unlike underscore's _.throttle function, function calls are queued so that
// requests are never lost and simply deferred until some other time
// Parameters
// * func - function to rate limit
// * rate - minimum time to wait between function calls
// * async - if async is true, we won't wait (rate) for the function to complete before queueing the next request
// Example
// function showStatus(i) {
// console.log(i);
// }
// var showStatusRateLimited = _.rateLimit(showStatus, 200);
// for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// showStatusRateLimited(i);
// }
// Dependencies
// * underscore.js
_.rateLimit = function(func, rate, async) {
var queue = [];
var timeOutRef = false;
var currentlyEmptyingQueue = false;
var emptyQueue = function() {
if (queue.length) {
currentlyEmptyingQueue = true;
_.delay(function() {
if (async) {
_.defer(function() { queue.shift().call(); });
} else {
}, rate);
} else {
currentlyEmptyingQueue = false;
return function() {
var args =, function(e) { return e; }); // get arguments into an array
queue.push( _.bind.apply(this, [func, this].concat(args)) ); // call apply so that we can pass in arguments as parameters as opposed to an array
if (!currentlyEmptyingQueue) { emptyQueue(); }
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thanks for this.

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@arronmabrey, no problem, glad someone's using it!

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gfranko commented Jan 31, 2013

Really cool, thanks!

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+1 !!

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odiroot commented May 22, 2013

Hi @mattheworiordan, great work. Can I get some license info on this?

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udnisap commented Nov 9, 2014

@mattheworiordan great work. added support when asyn calls into the function

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