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Last active November 10, 2016 23:33
ES2015 Voronoi Scatterplot with bootstrap-native popover tooltip
height: 550
license: MIT
border: no

this but ES2015

------ 8X --------

love that bootstrap popover tooltip but regret that jQuery depedency? this is the iteration for you.

enter bootstrap-native, a Vanilla JavaScript replacement for bootstrap

this example uses a fork of bootstrap native with improved error handling

removeTooltip.js and showTooltip.js code ported back to ES5 with

a fork of @micahstubbs's block Voronoi Scatterplot with diagram.find()

------ 8X --------

this example uses the diagram.find() convention introduced in d3 version 4.3.0

a fork of Philippe Rivière's block Nadieh Bremer's Scatterplot with Voronoi - ported to d3.v4, and no SVG overlay

------ 8X --------

This is a D3.v4 port by Philippe Rivière of Nadieh Bremer's block: Step 6 - Final - Voronoi (Distance Limited Tooltip) Scatterplot.

In addition, we use d3.voronoi.find(x,y,radius) to locate the point, instead of relying on a SVG overlay of clipped circles.

This gives:

  1. lazy computation of the Voronoi
  2. other objects are allowed capture the mouse before svg.

------ 8X --------


This scatterplot is part of the extension of my blog on Using a D3 Voronoi grid to improve a chart's interactive experience. After writing that blog Franck Lebeau came with another version which uses large circles to define the tooltip region. I thought this was a great idea! But I made this variation on his code, because I felt that the extra code used in this example (versus the previous version 4) is more in line with the rest of the code.

The tooltip now reacts when you hover over an invisible large circular region around each circle.

You can find all of the steps here

forked from Fil's block: Step 6 - d3.v4 [UNLISTED]

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Scatterplot with Voronoi</title>
<!-- D3.js -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- bootstrap-native -->
<!-- use custom build to handle tooltip removal cleanly -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- babel standalone -->
<script src=''></script>
<!-- Open Sans & CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<link href='//,400,300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo=">
body {
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 400;
color: #525252;
text-align: center;
html, body {
.axis path,
.axis line {
fill: none;
stroke: #B3B3B3;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.axis text {
font-size: 10px;
fill: #6B6B6B;
.countries {
pointer-events: none;
.guide {
pointer-events: none;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 600;
.popover {
pointer-events: none;
.legendCircle {
stroke-dasharray:2 2;
.legendLine {
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: #D1D1D1;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.legendTitle {
fill: #1A1A1A;
color: #1A1A1A;
text-anchor: middle;
font-size: 10px;
.legendText {
fill: #949494;
text-anchor: start;
font-size: 9px;
@media (min-width: 500px) {
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float: left;
.col-sm-9 {
width: 75%;
.col-sm-3 {
width: 25%;
<div id="cont" class="container-fluid text-center">
<div class="row scatter">
<h5 style="color: #3B3B3B;">Life expectancy versus GDP per Capita</h5>
<h6 style="color: #A6A6A6;">now with ES2015 🔮</h6>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<div id="chart"></div>
<div id = "legend" class="col-sm-3" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px;">
<div class="legendTitle" style="font-size: 12px;">REGION</div>
<div id="legend"></div>
<script src="worldbank.js"></script>
<script src="removeTooltip.js"></script>
<script src="showTooltip.js"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
function removeTooltip(d, i, options, popoverTooltip) {
const idVariable = options.idVariable;
const xSelector = options.xSelector;
const ySelector = options.ySelector;
const tip = options.tip;
const wrapper = options.wrapper;
const height = options.height;
const width = options.width;
// Save the circle element (so not the voronoi which is triggering the hover event)
// in a variable by using the unique class of the voronoi (idVariable)
let elementSelector;
if (typeof d.datum !== 'undefined' && typeof d.datum[idVariable] !== 'undefined') {
elementSelector = `.marks.${d.datum[idVariable]}`;
} else {
elementSelector = `.marks.${d[idVariable]}`;
let element;
if (typeof d.datum !== 'undefined' && typeof d.datum[idVariable] !== 'undefined') {
element = d3.selectAll(`.marks.${d.datum[idVariable]}`);
} else {
element = d3.selectAll(`.marks.${d[idVariable]}`);
// Fade out the bright circle again'fill-opacity', 0.3);
//Hide tooltip
if (typeof popoverTooltip !== 'undefined') {
//Fade out guide lines, then remove them
d3.selectAll(".guide").transition().duration(200).style("opacity", 0).remove();
} //function removeTooltip
//////////////////////// Set-up ////////////////////////////
//Quick fix for resizing some things for mobile-ish viewers
// vanilla JS window width and height
const wV = window;
const dV = document;
const eV = dV.documentElement;
const gV = dV.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
const xV = wV.innerWidth || eV.clientWidth || gV.clientWidth;
const yV = wV.innerHeight || eV.clientHeight || gV.clientHeight;
// Quick fix for resizing some things for mobile-ish viewers
const mobileScreen = (xV < 500);
const margin = {left: 60, top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 60};
const width = Math.min(document.getElementById('chart').offsetWidth, 840) - margin.left - margin.right;
const height = width*2/3;
const svg ="#chart").append("svg")
.attr("width", (width + margin.left + margin.right))
.attr("height", (height + + margin.bottom));
const wrapper = svg.append("g").attr("class", "scatterWrapper")
.attr("transform", `translate(${margin.left},${})`);
let idVariable = "CountryCode";
// add a an id property to each entry in the countries data
// if an idVariable is not defined already
countries.forEach((d, i) => {
if (typeof idVariable === 'undefined') {
countries[i].id = `${i}`;
if (typeof idVariable === 'undefined') idVariable = 'id';
///////////// Initialize Axes & Scales ///////////////
const opacityCircles = 0.7;
const maxDistanceFromPoint = 50;
//Set the color for each region
const color = d3.scaleOrdinal()
"Africa | North & East",
"Africa | South & West",
"America | North & Central",
"America | South",
"Asia | East & Central",
"Asia | South & West",
"Europe | North & West",
"Europe | South & East",
//Set the new x axis range
const xScale = d3.scaleLog()
.range([0, width])
.domain([100,2e5]); //I prefer this exact scale over the true range and then using "nice"
//.domain(d3.extent(countries, function(d) { return d.GDP_perCapita; }))
//Set new x-axis
const xAxis = d3.axisBottom()
.tickFormat(d => xScale.tickFormat((mobileScreen ? 4 : 8),d => d3.format('$.2s')(d))(d))
//Append the x-axis
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", `translate(${0},${height})`)
//Set the new y axis range
const yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain(d3.extent(countries, d => d.lifeExpectancy))
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft()
.ticks(6) //Set rough # of ticks
//Append the y-axis
.attr("class", "y axis")
.attr("transform", `translate(${0},${0})`)
//Scale for the bubble size
const rScale = d3.scaleSqrt()
.range([mobileScreen ? 1 : 2, mobileScreen ? 10 : 16])
.domain(d3.extent(countries, d => d.GDP));
///////////////// Initialize Labels //////////////////
//Set up X axis label
.attr("class", "x title")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.style("font-size", `${mobileScreen ? 8 : 12}px`)
.attr("transform", `translate(${width},${height - 10})`)
.text("GDP per capita [US $] - Note the logarithmic scale");
//Set up y axis label
.attr("class", "y title")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.style("font-size", `${mobileScreen ? 8 : 12}px`)
.attr("transform", "translate(18, 0) rotate(-90)")
.text("Life expectancy");
//////////////// Setup for the tooltip ////////////////////
// initialize variable for popover tooltip
let popoverTooltip;
const tooltipVariables = [
name: 'Country',
valueOnly: true
const xVariable = 'GDP_perCapita';
const yVariable = 'lifeExpectancy';
// strip out any white space
const xSelector = xVariable.replace(/\s/g, '');
const ySelector = yVariable.replace(/\s/g, '');
const xDroplineTextFormat = ".0f";
const yDroplineTextFormat = ".0f";
///// Capture mouse events and voronoi.find() the site /////
// Use the same variables of the data in the .x and .y as used in the cx and cy of the circle call
svg._tooltipped = svg.diagram = null;
svg.on('mousemove', function() {
if (!svg.diagram) {
console.log('computing the voronoi…');
svg.diagram = d3.voronoi()
.x(d => xScale(d.GDP_perCapita))
.y(d => yScale(d.lifeExpectancy))
const p = d3.mouse(this);
let site;
p[0] -= margin.left;
p[1] -=;
// don't react if the mouse is close to one of the axis
if (p[0] < 5 || p[1] < 5) {
site = null;
} else {
site = svg.diagram.find(p[0], p[1], maxDistanceFromPoint);
if (site !== svg._tooltipped) {
if (svg._tooltipped) {
// removeTooltip(
const removeTooltipOptions = {
removeTooltip(, undefined, removeTooltipOptions, popoverTooltip)
if (site) {
// showTooltip(;
const showTooltipOptions = {
// return the updated popoverTooltip
popoverTooltip = showTooltip(, undefined, showTooltipOptions, popoverTooltip);
svg._tooltipped = site;
/////////////////// Scatterplot Circles ////////////////////
//Initiate a group element for the circles
const circleGroup = wrapper.append("g")
.attr("class", "circleWrapper");
//Place the country circles
.data(countries.sort((a, b) => b.GDP > a.GDP)) //Sort so the biggest circles are below
.attr("class", (d, i) => `countries marks ${d.CountryCode}`)
.attr("cx", d => xScale(d.GDP_perCapita))
.attr("cy", d => yScale(d.lifeExpectancy))
.attr("r", d => rScale(d.GDP))
.style("opacity", opacityCircles)
.style("fill", d => color(d.Region));
///////////////////////// Create the Legend////////////////////////////////
if (!mobileScreen) {
const legendMargin = {left: 5, top: 10, right: 5, bottom: 10};
const legendWidth = 145;
const legendHeight = 270;
const svgLegend ="#legend").append("svg")
.attr("width", (legendWidth + legendMargin.left + legendMargin.right))
.attr("height", (legendHeight + + legendMargin.bottom));
const legendWrapper = svgLegend.append("g").attr("class", "legendWrapper")
.attr("transform", `translate(${legendMargin.left},${})`);
//dimensions of the colored square
const rectSize = 15; //width of each row
//height of a row in the legend
const rowHeight = 20;
const maxWidth = 144;
//Create container per rect/text pair
const legend = legendWrapper.selectAll('.legendSquare')
.attr('class', 'legendSquare')
.attr("transform", (d, i) => `translate(${0},${i * rowHeight})`)
.style("cursor", "pointer")
.on("mouseover", selectLegend(0.02))
.on("mouseout", selectLegend(opacityCircles));
//Non visible white rectangle behind square and text for better hover
.attr('width', maxWidth)
.attr('height', rowHeight)
.style('fill', "white");
//Append small squares to Legend
.attr('width', rectSize)
.attr('height', rectSize)
.style('fill', d => d);
//Append text to Legend
.attr('transform', `translate(${22},${rectSize/2})`)
.attr("class", "legendText")
.style("font-size", "10px")
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text((d, i) => color.domain()[i]);
//Create g element for bubble size legend
const bubbleSizeLegend = legendWrapper.append("g")
.attr("transform", `translate(${legendWidth/2 - 30},${color.domain().length*rowHeight + 20})`);
//Draw the bubble size legend
bubbleLegend(bubbleSizeLegend, rScale, legendSizes = [1e11,3e12,1e13], legendName = "GDP (Billion $)");
}//if !mobileScreen
else {"#legend").style("display","none");
/////////////////// Bubble Legend ////////////////////
function bubbleLegend(wrapperVar, scale, sizes, titleName) {
const legendSize1 = sizes[0];
const legendSize2 = sizes[1];
const legendSize3 = sizes[2];
const legendCenter = 0;
const legendBottom = 50;
const legendLineLength = 25;
const textPadding = 5;
const numFormat = d3.format(",");
.attr("transform", `translate(${legendCenter},${0})`)
.attr("x", `${0}px`)
.attr("y", `${0}px`)
.attr("dy", "1em")
.attr('r', scale(legendSize1))
.attr('cx', legendCenter)
.attr('cy', (legendBottom-scale(legendSize1)));
.attr('r', scale(legendSize2))
.attr('cx', legendCenter)
.attr('cy', (legendBottom-scale(legendSize2)));
.attr('r', scale(legendSize3))
.attr('cx', legendCenter)
.attr('cy', (legendBottom-scale(legendSize3)));
.attr('x1', legendCenter)
.attr('y1', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize1)))
.attr('x2', (legendCenter + legendLineLength))
.attr('y2', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize1)));
.attr('x1', legendCenter)
.attr('y1', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize2)))
.attr('x2', (legendCenter + legendLineLength))
.attr('y2', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize2)));
.attr('x1', legendCenter)
.attr('y1', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize3)))
.attr('x2', (legendCenter + legendLineLength))
.attr('y2', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize3)));
.attr('x', (legendCenter + legendLineLength + textPadding))
.attr('y', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize1)))
.attr('dy', '0.25em')
.text(`$ ${numFormat(Math.round(legendSize1/1e9))} B`);
.attr('x', (legendCenter + legendLineLength + textPadding))
.attr('y', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize2)))
.attr('dy', '0.25em')
.text(`$ ${numFormat(Math.round(legendSize2/1e9))} B`);
.attr('x', (legendCenter + legendLineLength + textPadding))
.attr('y', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize3)))
.attr('dy', '0.25em')
.text(`$ ${numFormat(Math.round(legendSize3/1e9))} B`);
//////////////////// Hover function for the legend ////////////////////////
//Decrease opacity of non selected circles when hovering in the legend
function selectLegend(opacity) {
return (d, i) => {
const chosen = color.domain()[i];
.filter(d => d.Region != chosen)
.style("opacity", opacity);
}//function selectLegend
function showTooltip(d, i, options, popoverTooltip) {
// test the bootstrap.native import
// console.log('bsn', bsn);
// var Popover = bsn.__moduleExports.Popover;
const idVariable = options.idVariable;
const xVariable = options.xVariable;
const yVariable = options.yVariable;
const xSelector = options.xSelector;
const ySelector = options.ySelector;
const tip = options.tip;
const wrapper = options.wrapper;
const height = options.height;
const width = options.width;
const tooltipVariables = options.tooltipVariables;
const xDroplineTextFormat = options.xDroplineTextFormat;
const yDroplineTextFormat = options.yDroplineTextFormat;
// Save the circle element (so not the voronoi which is triggering the hover event)
// in a variable by using the unique class of the voronoi (idVariable)
let elementSelector;
if (typeof d.datum !== 'undefined' && typeof d.datum[idVariable] !== 'undefined') {
elementSelector = `.marks.${d.datum[idVariable]}`;
} else {
elementSelector = `.marks.${d[idVariable]}`;
console.log('elementSelector from showTooltip', elementSelector);
const element = d3.selectAll(elementSelector);
const el = element._groups[0];
function generateHTML() {
// console.log('d from tooltip html function', d);
let allRows = '';
tooltipVariables.forEach(e => {
let currentValue;
let f;
if (typeof d.datum !== 'undefined') {
f = d.datum;
} else {
f = d;
// now parse based on the format
if (typeof e.format !== 'undefined') {
if (e.type === 'time') {
// time formatting
const inputValue = new Date(Number(f[]));
// TODO: handle case where date values are strings
const currentFormat = d3.timeFormat(e.format);
currentValue = currentFormat(inputValue);
} else {
// number formatting
const _inputValue = Number(f[]);
const _currentFormat = d3.format(e.format);
currentValue = _currentFormat(_inputValue);
} else {
// no formatting
currentValue = f[];
let currentText;
if (typeof e.valueOnly !== 'undefined') {
currentText = `${currentValue}`;
} else {
currentText = `${} ${currentValue}`;
const currentRow = `<span style='font-size: 11px; display: block; text-align: center;'>${currentText}</span>`;
allRows = allRows.concat(currentRow);
const html = `<div class="popover" role="tooltip">\n<div class="arrow"></div>\n<div class="popover-content">${allRows}</div>\n</div>`;
// console.log('html from template', html);
return html;
// close any lingering tooltips from
// previous interactions
//Fade out guide lines, then remove them
d3.selectAll('.guide').transition().duration(200).style('opacity', 0).remove();
//Define and show the tooltip
popoverTooltip = new Popover(elementSelector, {
trigger: 'hover',
duration: 100,
delay: 100,
template: generateHTML()
// console.log('popoverTooltip', popoverTooltip);;
//Make chosen circle more visible"opacity", 1);
//Place and show tooltip
const x = +element.attr("cx");
const y = +element.attr("cy");
const color ="fill");
//Append lines to bubbles that will be used to show the precise data points
//vertical line to x-axis
wrapper.append("line").attr("class", "guide").attr("x1", x).attr("x2", x).attr("y1", y).attr("y2", height + 20).style("stroke", color).style("opacity", 0).transition().duration(200).style("opacity", 0.5);
//Value on the axis
wrapper.append("text").attr("class", "guide").attr("x", x).attr("y", height + 38).style("fill", color).style("opacity", 0).style("text-anchor", "middle").text(d3.format(xDroplineTextFormat)(d[xVariable])).transition().duration(200).style("opacity", 0.5);
//horizontal line to y-axis
wrapper.append("line").attr("class", "guide").attr("x1", x).attr("x2", -20).attr("y1", y).attr("y2", y).style("stroke", color).style("opacity", 0).transition().duration(200).style("opacity", 0.5);
//Value on the axis
wrapper.append("text").attr("class", "guide").attr("x", -25).attr("y", y).attr("dy", "0.35em").style("fill", color).style("opacity", 0).style("text-anchor", "end").text(d3.format(yDroplineTextFormat)(d[yVariable])).transition().duration(200).style("opacity", 0.5);
return popoverTooltip;
} // function showTooltip
const countries = [
"Country": "Afghanistan",
"CountryCode": "AFG",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 15936784437.22,
"GDP_perCapita": 561.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.60009756
"Country": "Albania",
"CountryCode": "ALB",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 11926957254.63,
"GDP_perCapita": 4094.36,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.9785122
"Country": "Algeria",
"CountryCode": "DZA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 161207304960.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 4349.57,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.61660976
"Country": "Angola",
"CountryCode": "AGO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 82470894868.33,
"GDP_perCapita": 4218.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 50.65417073
"Country": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"CountryCode": "ATG",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1135539037.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 13017.31,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.33390244
"Country": "Argentina",
"CountryCode": "ARG",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 462703793707.19,
"GDP_perCapita": 11460.38,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.66356098
"Country": "Armenia",
"CountryCode": "ARM",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 9260287416.06,
"GDP_perCapita": 3124.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.21965854
"Country": "Aruba",
"CountryCode": "ABW",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2467703910.61,
"GDP_perCapita": 24289.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.95202439
"Country": "Australia",
"CountryCode": "AUS",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 1141267760188.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 51800.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.69512195
"Country": "Austria",
"CountryCode": "AUT",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 389656071767.18,
"GDP_perCapita": 46590.61,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.5804878
"Country": "Azerbaijan",
"CountryCode": "AZE",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 52902703376.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 5842.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.45029268
"Country": "Bahamas, The",
"CountryCode": "BHS",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 7.91e+09,
"GDP_perCapita": 21941.87,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.59239024
"Country": "Bahrain",
"CountryCode": "BHR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 25713544824.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 20545.97,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.26485366
"Country": "Bangladesh",
"CountryCode": "BGD",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115279077465.23,
"GDP_perCapita": 762.8,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.48580488
"Country": "Barbados",
"CountryCode": "BRB",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 4433700000,
"GDP_perCapita": 15812.28,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.80178049
"Country": "Belarus",
"CountryCode": "BLR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 55220932613.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 5818.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.40487805
"Country": "Belgium",
"CountryCode": "BEL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 484404271608.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 44358.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.23414634
"Country": "Belize",
"CountryCode": "BLZ",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1397113450,
"GDP_perCapita": 4527.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.2704878
"Country": "Benin",
"CountryCode": "BEN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 6561782312.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 690,
"lifeExpectancy": 58.74668293
"Country": "Bermuda",
"CountryCode": "BMU",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 5744414000,
"GDP_perCapita": 88207.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.28853659
"Country": "Bhutan",
"CountryCode": "BTN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1585396256.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 2211.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.00468293
"Country": "Bolivia",
"CountryCode": "BOL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 19649631308.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 1934.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.31970732
"Country": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"CountryCode": "BIH",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 16847493058.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 4380.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.80668293
"Country": "Botswana",
"CountryCode": "BWA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 13746712711.21,
"GDP_perCapita": 6980.36,
"lifeExpectancy": 46.44029268
"Country": "Brazil",
"CountryCode": "BRA",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2143067871759.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 10978.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.07531707
"Country": "Brunei Darussalam",
"CountryCode": "BRN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 12369708858.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 30880.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 77.98865854
"Country": "Bulgaria",
"CountryCode": "BGR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 48669060511.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 6580.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.51219512
"Country": "Burkina Faso",
"CountryCode": "BFA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 8992678844.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 578.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.0067561
"Country": "Burundi",
"CountryCode": "BDI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2026864414.47,
"GDP_perCapita": 219.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 52.62402439
"Country": "Cabo Verde",
"CountryCode": "CPV",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1664310632.51,
"GDP_perCapita": 3413.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.85697561
"Country": "Cambodia",
"CountryCode": "KHM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 11242266333.93,
"GDP_perCapita": 782.62,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.64336585
"Country": "Cameroon",
"CountryCode": "CMR",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 23622482954.8,
"GDP_perCapita": 1145.37,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.69482927
"Country": "Canada",
"CountryCode": "CAN",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1614072093764.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 47465.35,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.8934878
"Country": "Central African Republic",
"CountryCode": "CAF",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1986014759.2,
"GDP_perCapita": 456.56,
"lifeExpectancy": 48.09873171
"Country": "Chad",
"CountryCode": "TCD",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 10657705536.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 909.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.76985366
"Country": "Chile",
"CountryCode": "CHL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 217501911333.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 12681.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.05046341
"Country": "China",
"CountryCode": "CHN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5930502270312.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 4433.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.88502439
"Country": "Colombia",
"CountryCode": "COL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 287018184637.53,
"GDP_perCapita": 6179.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.36768293
"Country": "Comoros",
"CountryCode": "COM",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 516962949.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 756.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.20341463
"Country": "Congo, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "COG",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 12007880067.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 2920.41,
"lifeExpectancy": 57.20402439
"Country": "Costa Rica",
"CountryCode": "CRI",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 36298327669.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 7773.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.27970732
"Country": "Cote d'Ivoire",
"CountryCode": "CIV",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 24884503950.68,
"GDP_perCapita": 1311.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.67529268
"Country": "Croatia",
"CountryCode": "HRV",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 59643818181.82,
"GDP_perCapita": 13500.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.47560976
"Country": "Cuba",
"CountryCode": "CUB",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 64328220000,
"GDP_perCapita": 5701.96,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.71778049
"Country": "Cyprus",
"CountryCode": "CYP",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 23132450331.13,
"GDP_perCapita": 27889.04,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.30982927
"Country": "Czech Republic",
"CountryCode": "CZE",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 207016402026.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 19764.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 77.42439024
"Country": "Denmark",
"CountryCode": "DNK",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 319812413596.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 57647.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.1
"Country": "Djibouti",
"CountryCode": "DJI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1128611700.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 1353.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.29119512
"Country": "Dominican Republic",
"CountryCode": "DOM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 53042943731.14,
"GDP_perCapita": 5295.4,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.79214634
"Country": "Ecuador",
"CountryCode": "ECU",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 69555367000,
"GDP_perCapita": 4636.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.64770732
"Country": "Egypt, Arab Rep.",
"CountryCode": "EGY",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 218887812549.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 2803.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.45082927
"Country": "El Salvador",
"CountryCode": "SLV",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 21418300000,
"GDP_perCapita": 3444.46,
"lifeExpectancy": 71.63441463
"Country": "Equatorial Guinea",
"CountryCode": "GNQ",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 11582917790.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 16638.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 51.53307317
"Country": "Eritrea",
"CountryCode": "ERI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2117039510.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 368.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.18509756
"Country": "Estonia",
"CountryCode": "EST",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 19479012423.35,
"GDP_perCapita": 14629.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.42926829
"Country": "Ethiopia",
"CountryCode": "ETH",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 29933790334.34,
"GDP_perCapita": 343.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.46795122
"Country": "Fiji",
"CountryCode": "FJI",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 3140508835.95,
"GDP_perCapita": 3649.38,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.38231707
"Country": "Finland",
"CountryCode": "FIN",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 247799815768.48,
"GDP_perCapita": 46202.42,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.87073171
"Country": "France",
"CountryCode": "FRA",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2646837111794.78,
"GDP_perCapita": 40706.08,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.66341463
"Country": "Gabon",
"CountryCode": "GAB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 14569527124.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 9362.11,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.2897561
"Country": "Gambia, The",
"CountryCode": "GMB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 951827284.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 566.35,
"lifeExpectancy": 58.1335122
"Country": "Georgia",
"CountryCode": "GEO",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 11638536834.43,
"GDP_perCapita": 2613.76,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.67473171
"Country": "Germany",
"CountryCode": "DEU",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 3412008772736.86,
"GDP_perCapita": 41723.37,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.98780488
"Country": "Ghana",
"CountryCode": "GHA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 32174839712.79,
"GDP_perCapita": 1326.09,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.59956098
"Country": "Greece",
"CountryCode": "GRC",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 299598056253.27,
"GDP_perCapita": 26861.46,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.38780488
"Country": "Grenada",
"CountryCode": "GRD",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 771015875.27,
"GDP_perCapita": 7365.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.33687805
"Country": "Guatemala",
"CountryCode": "GTM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 41337958251.63,
"GDP_perCapita": 2882.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.99597561
"Country": "Guinea",
"CountryCode": "GIN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 4735956475.83,
"GDP_perCapita": 435.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.298
"Country": "Guinea-Bissau",
"CountryCode": "GNB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 847491366.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 534.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.55843902
"Country": "Guyana",
"CountryCode": "GUY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2259288396.24,
"GDP_perCapita": 2873.95,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.7024878
"Country": "Haiti",
"CountryCode": "HTI",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 6622541528.57,
"GDP_perCapita": 669.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.8667561
"Country": "Honduras",
"CountryCode": "HND",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 15839344591.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 2078.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.85031707
"Country": "Hong Kong SAR, China",
"CountryCode": "HKG",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 228637697575.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 32550,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.97804878
"Country": "Hungary",
"CountryCode": "HUN",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 129585601615.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 12958.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.20731707
"Country": "Iceland",
"CountryCode": "ISL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 13261035516.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 41695.99,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.89756098
"Country": "India",
"CountryCode": "IND",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1708458876829.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 1417.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.6942439
"Country": "Indonesia",
"CountryCode": "IDN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 709190823319.75,
"GDP_perCapita": 2946.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.16785366
"Country": "Iran, Islamic Rep.",
"CountryCode": "IRN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 422567967404.51,
"GDP_perCapita": 5674.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.13014634
"Country": "Iraq",
"CountryCode": "IRQ",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 138516722649.57,
"GDP_perCapita": 4473.71,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.8297561
"Country": "Ireland",
"CountryCode": "IRL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 218435251789.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 47900.84,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.74390244
"Country": "Israel",
"CountryCode": "ISR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 232907996790.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 30550.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.60243902
"Country": "Italy",
"CountryCode": "ITA",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2126620402889.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 35875.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.03658537
"Country": "Jamaica",
"CountryCode": "JAM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 13230844040.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 4917.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.84712195
"Country": "Japan",
"CountryCode": "JPN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5495387182996.1,
"GDP_perCapita": 42909.25,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.84268293
"Country": "Jordan",
"CountryCode": "JOR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 26425379436.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 4370.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.43587805
"Country": "Kazakhstan",
"CountryCode": "KAZ",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 148047348240.64,
"GDP_perCapita": 9070.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.29536585
"Country": "Kenya",
"CountryCode": "KEN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 40000138830.87,
"GDP_perCapita": 977.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.54707317
"Country": "Kiribati",
"CountryCode": "KIR",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 150431113.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 1539.05,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.88382927
"Country": "Korea, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "KOR",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1094499350178.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 22151.21,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.55121951
"Country": "Kuwait",
"CountryCode": "KWT",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115428557470.18,
"GDP_perCapita": 38584.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.16192683
"Country": "Kyrgyz Republic",
"CountryCode": "KGZ",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 4794357795.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 880.04,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.3
"Country": "Lao PDR",
"CountryCode": "LAO",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 7181441151.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 1122.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.89843902
"Country": "Latvia",
"CountryCode": "LVA",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 24009680459.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 11446.51,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.48292683
"Country": "Lebanon",
"CountryCode": "LBN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 38009950248.76,
"GDP_perCapita": 8755.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.25278049
"Country": "Lesotho",
"CountryCode": "LSO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2175692207.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 1083.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 47.48341463
"Country": "Liberia",
"CountryCode": "LBR",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1292696475.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 326.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.43431707
"Country": "Libya",
"CountryCode": "LBY",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 74755288916.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 12375.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.7924878
"Country": "Lithuania",
"CountryCode": "LTU",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 36709511568.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 11852.17,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.26829268
"Country": "Luxembourg",
"CountryCode": "LUX",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 52143650382.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 102856.97,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.63170732
"Country": "Macao SAR, China",
"CountryCode": "MAC",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 28359706123.1,
"GDP_perCapita": 53045.88,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.69295122
"Country": "Macedonia, FYR",
"CountryCode": "MKD",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 9338674078.31,
"GDP_perCapita": 4442.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.72214634
"Country": "Madagascar",
"CountryCode": "MDG",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 8729936135.74,
"GDP_perCapita": 414.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 63.34973171
"Country": "Malawi",
"CountryCode": "MWI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5398616984.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 359.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.46570732
"Country": "Malaysia",
"CountryCode": "MYS",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 247533525517.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 8754.24,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.49558537
"Country": "Maldives",
"CountryCode": "MDV",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 2134104883.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 6552.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.78631707
"Country": "Mali",
"CountryCode": "MLI",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9422267259.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 673.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.77073171
"Country": "Malta",
"CountryCode": "MLT",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 8163841059.6,
"GDP_perCapita": 19695.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.39756098
"Country": "Mauritania",
"CountryCode": "MRT",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3526947608.88,
"GDP_perCapita": 977.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.0232439
"Country": "Mauritius",
"CountryCode": "MUS",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9718233910.68,
"GDP_perCapita": 7772.1,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.96731707
"Country": "Mexico",
"CountryCode": "MEX",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1051627949327,
"GDP_perCapita": 8920.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.69029268
"Country": "Micronesia, Fed. Sts.",
"CountryCode": "FSM",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 294117200,
"GDP_perCapita": 2838.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.62173171
"Country": "Moldova",
"CountryCode": "MDA",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 5811604051.97,
"GDP_perCapita": 1631.54,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.45812195
"Country": "Mongolia",
"CountryCode": "MNG",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 6200357070.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 2285.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.89460976
"Country": "Montenegro",
"CountryCode": "MNE",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 4114881346.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 6636.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.41673171
"Country": "Morocco",
"CountryCode": "MAR",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 90770671431.67,
"GDP_perCapita": 2822.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.17158537
"Country": "Mozambique",
"CountryCode": "MOZ",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 10165353591.17,
"GDP_perCapita": 424.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.13707317
"Country": "Namibia",
"CountryCode": "NAM",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 11281996426.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 5177.68,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.48029268
"Country": "Nepal",
"CountryCode": "NPL",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 15994094606.97,
"GDP_perCapita": 595.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.10492683
"Country": "Netherlands",
"CountryCode": "NLD",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 836389937229.2,
"GDP_perCapita": 50338.25,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.70243902
"Country": "New Zealand",
"CountryCode": "NZL",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 143466743661.01,
"GDP_perCapita": 32975.55,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.70243902
"Country": "Nicaragua",
"CountryCode": "NIC",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 8938209651.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 1535.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.79512195
"Country": "Niger",
"CountryCode": "NER",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5718589550.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 359.8,
"lifeExpectancy": 56.98563415
"Country": "Nigeria",
"CountryCode": "NGA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 369062403181.95,
"GDP_perCapita": 2310.86,
"lifeExpectancy": 51.28941463
"Country": "Norway",
"CountryCode": "NOR",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 420945705225.42,
"GDP_perCapita": 86096.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.99756098
"Country": "Oman",
"CountryCode": "OMN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 58641352878.43,
"GDP_perCapita": 20922.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.04580488
"Country": "Pakistan",
"CountryCode": "PAK",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 177165635077.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 1023.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.12634146
"Country": "Panama",
"CountryCode": "PAN",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 28814100000,
"GDP_perCapita": 7833.9,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.94870732
"Country": "Papua New Guinea",
"CountryCode": "PNG",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 9717175432.14,
"GDP_perCapita": 1416.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.00780488
"Country": "Paraguay",
"CountryCode": "PRY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 20030529733.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 3100.84,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.02665854
"Country": "Peru",
"CountryCode": "PER",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 148522810971.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 5075.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.90509756
"Country": "Philippines",
"CountryCode": "PHL",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 199589447424.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 2135.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.23026829
"Country": "Poland",
"CountryCode": "POL",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 476687891752.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 12484.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.24634146
"Country": "Portugal",
"CountryCode": "PRT",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 238303443425.21,
"GDP_perCapita": 22538.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.02682927
"Country": "Qatar",
"CountryCode": "QAT",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 125122249141.25,
"GDP_perCapita": 71510.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.14604878
"Country": "Russian Federation",
"CountryCode": "RUS",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 1524916112078.87,
"GDP_perCapita": 10709.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.85609756
"Country": "Rwanda",
"CountryCode": "RWA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5698548923.48,
"GDP_perCapita": 525.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.21214634
"Country": "Samoa",
"CountryCode": "WSM",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 643059403.01,
"GDP_perCapita": 3456.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.40802439
"Country": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"CountryCode": "STP",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 201037916.58,
"GDP_perCapita": 1127.98,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.85368293
"Country": "Saudi Arabia",
"CountryCode": "SAU",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 526811466666.67,
"GDP_perCapita": 19326.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.07560976
"Country": "Senegal",
"CountryCode": "SEN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 12932427724.32,
"GDP_perCapita": 998.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.84187805
"Country": "Serbia",
"CountryCode": "SRB",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 39368633038.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 5399.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.33658537
"Country": "Seychelles",
"CountryCode": "SYC",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 973360306.52,
"GDP_perCapita": 10842.82,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.19756098
"Country": "Sierra Leone",
"CountryCode": "SLE",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2578159495.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 448.22,
"lifeExpectancy": 44.83895122
"Country": "Singapore",
"CountryCode": "SGP",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 236420337242.78,
"GDP_perCapita": 46569.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.54146341
"Country": "Slovak Republic",
"CountryCode": "SVK",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 89011919205.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 16509.9,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.11219512
"Country": "Slovenia",
"CountryCode": "SVN",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 47972988741.72,
"GDP_perCapita": 23417.64,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.42195122
"Country": "Solomon Islands",
"CountryCode": "SLB",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 681587104.77,
"GDP_perCapita": 1294.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.06665854
"Country": "South Africa",
"CountryCode": "ZAF",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 375349442837.19,
"GDP_perCapita": 7389.96,
"lifeExpectancy": 54.3907561
"Country": "Spain",
"CountryCode": "ESP",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 1431587612302.26,
"GDP_perCapita": 30736,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.62682927
"Country": "Sri Lanka",
"CountryCode": "LKA",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 49567521669.91,
"GDP_perCapita": 2400.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.75526829
"Country": "St. Lucia",
"CountryCode": "LCA",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1244297407.41,
"GDP_perCapita": 7014.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.41102439
"Country": "St. Vincent and the Grenadines",
"CountryCode": "VCT",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 681225962.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 6231.71,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.18492683
"Country": "Sudan",
"CountryCode": "SDN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 65632081240.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 1439.52,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.47829268
"Country": "Suriname",
"CountryCode": "SUR",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 4368398047.64,
"GDP_perCapita": 8321.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.33582927
"Country": "Swaziland",
"CountryCode": "SWZ",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3891575151.61,
"GDP_perCapita": 3261.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 48.3457561
"Country": "Sweden",
"CountryCode": "SWE",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 488377689564.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 52076.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.45121951
"Country": "Switzerland",
"CountryCode": "CHE",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 581208562423.37,
"GDP_perCapita": 74276.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.24634146
"Country": "Tajikistan",
"CountryCode": "TJK",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5642178579.58,
"GDP_perCapita": 739.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.9955122
"Country": "Tanzania",
"CountryCode": "TZA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 30917376837.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 707.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.18170732
"Country": "Thailand",
"CountryCode": "THA",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 318907930075.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 4802.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.81378049
"Country": "Togo",
"CountryCode": "TGO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3172945506.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 503.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.46887805
"Country": "Tonga",
"CountryCode": "TON",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 369212477.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 3546.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.18263415
"Country": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"CountryCode": "TTO",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 20758191857.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 15630.05,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.59736585
"Country": "Tunisia",
"CountryCode": "TUN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 44426016487.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 4212.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.60243902
"Country": "Turkey",
"CountryCode": "TUR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 731168051903.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 10135.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.21119512
"Country": "Turkmenistan",
"CountryCode": "TKM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 22148070175.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 4392.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.01821951
"Country": "Uganda",
"CountryCode": "UGA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 18803852465.55,
"GDP_perCapita": 553.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 57.29653659
"Country": "Ukraine",
"CountryCode": "UKR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 136419300367.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 2974,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.26536585
"Country": "United Arab Emirates",
"CountryCode": "ARE",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 286049293398.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 33885.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.59860976
"Country": "United Kingdom",
"CountryCode": "GBR",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2407933767804.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 38363.44,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.40243902
"Country": "United States",
"CountryCode": "USA",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1.49644e+13,
"GDP_perCapita": 48377.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.54146341
"Country": "Uruguay",
"CountryCode": "URY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 38881102099.88,
"GDP_perCapita": 11530.64,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.61621951
"Country": "Uzbekistan",
"CountryCode": "UZB",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 39332770928.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 1377.08,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.8587561
"Country": "Vanuatu",
"CountryCode": "VUT",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 700804286.22,
"GDP_perCapita": 2965.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.83890244
"Country": "Venezuela, RB",
"CountryCode": "VEN",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 393801556872.31,
"GDP_perCapita": 13559.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.17046341
"Country": "Vietnam",
"CountryCode": "VNM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115931749904.86,
"GDP_perCapita": 1333.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.31173171
"Country": "Yemen, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "YEM",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 31743751169.32,
"GDP_perCapita": 1394.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.52765854
"Country": "Zambia",
"CountryCode": "ZMB",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 20265396325.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 1533.28,
"lifeExpectancy": 54.52756098
"Country": "Zimbabwe",
"CountryCode": "ZWE",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9456808200,
"GDP_perCapita": 723.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.59312195
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