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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Inner circles seem bigger than outer rings (experiment)
name S A D F group white
Person-1 5 15 50 95 3 0
Person-2 5 30 80 98 3 0
Person-3 2 20 50 90 3 0
Person-4 1 10 50 98 3 0
Person-5 12 24 78 95 3 0
Person-6 5 10 65 98 3 0
Person-7 1 12 65 97 3 0
Person-8 5 20 68.5 94 3 0
Person-9 10 20 50 90 3 0
Person-10 10 20 50 90 3 0
Person-11 5 15 70 95 3 0
Person-12 0.5 10 50 97 3 0
Person-13 2 12 50 98 3 0
Person-14 2 10 60 96 3 0
Person-15 2 15 30 90 3 0
Person-16 8 50 60 95 3 0
Person-17 5 15 50 90 3 0
Person-18 4 25 65 96 3 0
Person-19 2.5 20 65 95 1 0
Person-20 1 15 50 90 1 0
Person-21 10 20 50 95 1 0
Person-22 5 25 60 90 1 0
Person-23 7 10 75 95 1 0
Person-24 5 10 60 95 1 0
Person-25 10 30 65 90 1 0
Person-26 6 30 75 92 1 0
Person-27 5 15 55 95 2 1
Person-28 5 35 70 98 2 1
Person-29 5.1 15 42.7 90.4 2 1
Person-30 5 30 60 95 2 1
Person-31 5 25 50 95 2 1
Person-32 10 40 60 95 2 1
Person-33 4 30 55 95 2 1
Person-34 10 30 40 90 2 1
Person-35 5 10 60 93 2 1
Person-36 5 20 60 96 2 1
Person-37 8 25 60 92 2 1
Person-38 7 25 60 97 2 1
Person-39 8 15 65 95 2 1
Person-40 10 25 40 85 2 1
Person-41 10 25 50 90 2 1
Person-42 3 25 60 95 2 1
Person-43 3 25 55 95 2 1
Person-44 5 30 50 95 2 1
Person-45 7 35 55 90 2 1
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.average {
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stroke: orange;
fill-opacity: .6;
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} {
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<h1>How we perceive smaller the areas of the (colourful) rings than of their inner (white) circles</h1>
<div id="chart"></div>
<script src=""></script>
var realvalues = {S: 0.075, A: 0.359, D: 0.676, F: 0.984}
var averages = {S: 0, A: 0, D: 0, F: 0}
var margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 50},
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st = stimuli(realvalues[i]);
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<p>Estimates of <strong>percentage of colour in the 4 circles above</strong> (i.e., number of black pixels vs. number of black and white pixels). Experiment on 45 university students.</p>
<p>The values on x-axis are slightly randomly moved, so the overlapted points may be visible.</p>
</p>(<em>One group was asked about the percentage of black, the other about white - no significant difference</em>)</p>
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