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Created December 11, 2020 21:13
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R code that aggregates data from different gdb files that is thematically the same, based on a prefix of layer names (defined by user), and standardizes to a user-defined coordinate reference system
#' Compile layers from different gdb files with same, specified prefix, and desired coordinate system
#' Compiles layers with standard prefix from multiple gdb files (specified by user) into single sf object.
#' This was originally developed to get respective layers from separate geodatabases that resulted from running the ACPF toolbox
#' into single layers (e.g., all stream reach datasets into one layer, rather than spread across many gdb files) but may have broader applicability.
#' (ACPF stands for Agricultural Conservaton Planning Framework; see
#' The handling of different projections is currently fairly crude - it just automatically reprojects files to the desired projection
#' (even if already in that projection), though that step is generally fairly quick.
#' @param folder Folder with gdb files of interest
#' @param prefix Common prefix for layers to combine.
#' @param CRS Coordinate Reference System to project data to. If EPSG code, integer without quotes will work, but if proj4 code, use quotes.
#' @return sf object
#' @author Mike Treglia \email{}
#' #' @example
#' ## Example assuming multiple gdb files are in D:/gdb_testing, and StreamReach layers are desired
#' sr <- gdbs_compile_layers(folder="D:/gdb_testing/", prefix="StreamReach", CRS=2263)
#' # Users can easily explore results using the mapview package (not recommended for huge datasets)
#' # mapview::mapview(sr)
#' ## Users can write out results to file - e.g., using st_write
#' # st_write(sr, dsn="D:/gdb_testing/StreamReach_Layers_Compiled.gpkg", layer="StreamReach_Layers_Compiled")
gdbs_compile_layers <- function(folder, prefix, CRS) {
## Create a vector with the names of the gdb files
lf <-
list.files(path = folder,
pattern = "*.gdb",
full.names = TRUE)
## Create a list that is the same length (# of elements) as number of gdb folders
l1 <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(lf))
## Fill in the list with a for loop
## Each element of the list is a data frame with a column of gdb name ('gdb') and column of layer name ('layer')
for (i in 1:length(lf)) {
l1[[i]] <-
gdb = rep(lf[i], length(sf::st_layers(lf[i])$name)),
layer = sf::st_layers(lf[i])$name,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
## Create one dataframe of all gdb file names and layers
gdb.layers <-"rbind", l1)
## Select only rows that match have the desired prefix (StreamReach in this case)
newdata <- gdb.layers[grepl(prefix, gdb.layers$layer),]
## Create new vector, l2, which will become a list of the respective sf objects
l2 <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(newdata))
## Read in the sf objects
for (i in 1:length(lf)) {
l2[[i]] <-
dsn = newdata$gdb[i],
layer = newdata$layer[i],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
l2[[i]] <-
sf::st_transform(l2[[i]], crs=CRS)
## Put together full dataset
newdata_full <-, l2)
print(paste("layers beginning with '", prefix, "' were compiled with the following CRS: '",
CRS, "'.", sep="" ))
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