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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Convert element bounding boxes into SVG rectangles
var svg = "";
var miX = 10000,
miY = 10000,
maX = -1,
maY = -1,
fillColor = "rgba(100,100,100,.14)",
strokeColor = "rgba(250,250,100,.8)",
strokeWidth = "4px",
lineStokeColor = "rgba(100,100,100,.8)",
lineStrokeWidth = "1px",
excludeNegativePositionedElements = true;
var elements = document.querySelectorAll("body *");
[], function (element) {
var boundingRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = boundingRect.left;
var y =;
var r = boundingRect.right;
var b = boundingRect.bottom;
var width = boundingRect.width;
var height = boundingRect.height;
if (width === 0 || height === 0) {} else {
miX = (miX < x) ? miX : x;
miY = (miY < y) ? miY : y;
maX = (maX > r) ? maX : r;
maY = (maY > b) ? maY : b;
var isNegativePosition = (x < 0 || y < 0);
if (excludeNegativePositionedElements && isNegativePosition) {
// Element is positioned negative and they are not wanted
} else {
var tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
var sLine = "";
if (tagName === "img") {
sLine = "\n<line x1=\"" + x + "\" y1=\"" + y + "\" x2=\"" + r + "\" y2=\"" + b + "\" />\n";
sLine += "\n<line x1=\"" + r + "\" y1=\"" + y + "\" x2=\"" + x + "\" y2=\"" + b + "\" />\n ";
var text = element.innerText.substr(0, 50).replace(/\"/g, "&quot;");
var sElement = '<rect x="' + x + '" y="' + y + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '">';
sElement += '<title>' + tagName + ((text.length !== 0) ? ': "' + text + '"' : '') + '</title>\n';
sElement += "</rect>\n";
sElement += sLine;
svg += sElement;
var contents = svg;
svg = '<svg width="' + (maX - miX) + '" height="' + (maY - miY) + '">';
svg += "<defs><style>";
svg += "rect {fill: " + fillColor + ";}";
svg += "rect:hover {stroke: " + strokeColor + "; stroke-width: " + strokeWidth + ";}";
svg += "line {stroke: " + lineStokeColor + "; stroke-width: " + lineStrokeWidth + ";}";
svg += "</style></defs>";
svg += contents;
svg += '</svg>';
var textarea = "<textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 300px;\"><?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" + svg + "</textarea>";
var win ="");
win.document.write(svg + textarea);
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