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Last active June 1, 2016 01:29
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Because why not
AWSTemplateFormatVersion = "2010-09-09"
Description = "AWS CloudFormation Sample Template vpc_multiple_subnets.template: Sample template showing how to create a VPC with multiple subnets. The first subnet is public and contains the load balancer, the second subnet is private and contains an EC2 instance behind the load balancer. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon EC2 instance. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template."
Arch = "64"
Arch = "64"
Arch = "64"
Arch = "64"
Arch = "64"
Arch = "64"
Arch = "64"
Arch = "64"
Arch = "64"
Arch = "64"
Arch = "64"
Arch = "64"
32 = "ami-7871c579"
64 = "ami-7671c577"
32 = "ami-425a2010"
64 = "ami-5e5a200c"
32 = "ami-f98512c3"
64 = "ami-43851279"
32 = "ami-018bb975"
64 = "ami-998bb9ed"
32 = "ami-a039e6bd"
64 = "ami-a239e6bf"
32 = "ami-aba768c2"
64 = "ami-81a768e8"
32 = "ami-458fd300"
64 = "ami-b18ed2f4"
32 = "ami-fcff72cc"
64 = "ami-feff72ce"
Description = "URL of the website"
Fn::Join = ["",["http://",{"Fn::GetAtt":["ElasticLoadBalancer","DNSName"]}]]
Default = "1"
Description = "Number of EC2 instances to launch"
Type = "Number"
AllowedValues = ["t1.micro","m1.small","m1.medium","m1.large","m1.xlarge","m2.xlarge","m2.2xlarge","m2.4xlarge","m3.xlarge","m3.2xlarge","c1.medium","c1.xlarge","cc1.4xlarge","cc2.8xlarge","cg1.4xlarge"]
ConstraintDescription = "must be a valid EC2 instance type."
Default = "m1.small"
Description = "WebServer EC2 instance type"
Type = "String"
Type = "AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment"
Ref = "InternetGateway"
Ref = "VPC"
Type = "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer"
Listeners = [{"LoadBalancerPort":"80","InstancePort":"80","Protocol":"HTTP"}]
SecurityGroups = [{"Ref":"LoadBalancerSecurityGroup"}]
Subnets = [{"Ref":"PublicSubnet"}]
HealthyThreshold = "3"
Interval = "90"
Target = "HTTP:80/"
Timeout = "60"
UnhealthyThreshold = "5"
Type = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry"
CidrBlock = ""
Egress = "false"
Protocol = "6"
RuleAction = "allow"
RuleNumber = "101"
Ref = "PublicNetworkAcl"
From = "1024"
To = "65535"
Type = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry"
CidrBlock = ""
Egress = "false"
Protocol = "6"
RuleAction = "allow"
RuleNumber = "100"
Ref = "PublicNetworkAcl"
From = "80"
To = "80"
Type = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry"
CidrBlock = ""
Egress = "false"
Protocol = "6"
RuleAction = "allow"
RuleNumber = "100"
Ref = "PrivateNetworkAcl"
From = "0"
To = "65535"
Type = "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
GroupDescription = "Enable HTTP access on the configured port"
SecurityGroupIngress = [{"IpProtocol":"tcp","FromPort":"80","ToPort":"80","SourceSecurityGroupId":{"Ref":"LoadBalancerSecurityGroup"}}]
Ref = "VPC"
Type = "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway"
Tags = [{"Key":"Application","Value":{"Ref":"AWS::StackId"}},{"Key":"Network","Value":"Public"}]
Type = "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration"
SecurityGroups = [{"Ref":"InstanceSecurityGroup"}]
Fn::FindInMap = ["AWSRegionArch2AMI",{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},{"Fn::FindInMap":["AWSInstanceType2Arch",{"Ref":"InstanceType"},"Arch"]}]
Ref = "InstanceType"
Fn::Base64 = "80"
Type = "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
GroupDescription = "Enable HTTP access on port 80"
SecurityGroupEgress = [{"IpProtocol":"tcp","FromPort":"80","ToPort":"80","CidrIp":""}]
SecurityGroupIngress = [{"IpProtocol":"tcp","FromPort":"80","ToPort":"80","CidrIp":""}]
Ref = "VPC"
Type = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry"
CidrBlock = ""
Egress = "true"
Protocol = "6"
RuleAction = "allow"
RuleNumber = "101"
Ref = "PublicNetworkAcl"
From = "1024"
To = "65535"
Type = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry"
CidrBlock = ""
Egress = "true"
Protocol = "6"
RuleAction = "allow"
RuleNumber = "100"
Ref = "PrivateNetworkAcl"
From = "0"
To = "65535"
Type = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry"
CidrBlock = ""
Egress = "true"
Protocol = "6"
RuleAction = "allow"
RuleNumber = "100"
Ref = "PublicNetworkAcl"
From = "80"
To = "80"
Type = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl"
Tags = [{"Key":"Application","Value":{"Ref":"AWS::StackId"}},{"Key":"Network","Value":"Private"}]
Ref = "VPC"
Type = "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
Tags = [{"Key":"Application","Value":{"Ref":"AWS::StackId"}},{"Key":"Network","Value":"Private"}]
Ref = "VPC"
Type = "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
CidrBlock = ""
Tags = [{"Key":"Application","Value":{"Ref":"AWS::StackId"}},{"Key":"Network","Value":"Private"}]
Ref = "VPC"
Type = "AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation"
Ref = "PrivateNetworkAcl"
Ref = "PrivateSubnet"
Type = "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
Ref = "PrivateRouteTable"
Ref = "PrivateSubnet"
Type = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl"
Tags = [{"Key":"Application","Value":{"Ref":"AWS::StackId"}},{"Key":"Network","Value":"Public"}]
Ref = "VPC"
DependsOn = "AttachGateway"
Type = "AWS::EC2::Route"
DestinationCidrBlock = ""
Ref = "InternetGateway"
Ref = "PublicRouteTable"
Type = "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
Tags = [{"Key":"Application","Value":{"Ref":"AWS::StackId"}},{"Key":"Network","Value":"Public"}]
Ref = "VPC"
Type = "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
CidrBlock = ""
Tags = [{"Key":"Application","Value":{"Ref":"AWS::StackId"}},{"Key":"Network","Value":"Public"}]
Ref = "VPC"
Type = "AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation"
Ref = "PublicNetworkAcl"
Ref = "PublicSubnet"
Type = "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
Ref = "PublicRouteTable"
Ref = "PublicSubnet"
Type = "AWS::EC2::VPC"
CidrBlock = ""
Tags = [{"Key":"Application","Value":{"Ref":"AWS::StackId"}},{"Key":"Network","Value":"Public"}]
Type = "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup"
AvailabilityZones = [{"Fn::GetAtt":["PrivateSubnet","AvailabilityZone"]}]
LoadBalancerNames = [{"Ref":"ElasticLoadBalancer"}]
MaxSize = "10"
MinSize = "1"
Tags = [{"Key":"Network","Value":"Public","PropagateAtLaunch":"true"}]
VPCZoneIdentifier = [{"Ref":"PrivateSubnet"}]
Ref = "InstanceCount"
Ref = "LaunchConfig"
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