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Last active January 31, 2017 23:24
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All-cause mortality, ages 50-54
license: mit
year US-White US-Hispanic Australia Canada France Germany Sweden UK
1990 428.9 455.3 548.8 556.3 395.2 496.3
1991 414.8 435.3 528.9 553.8 395 488.3
1992 410.6 430.6 522 534.4 394.8 471.2
1993 379.1 422.6 510.7 538.2 386 475.3
1994 376.7 415.8 512.3 530.2 379.6 449
1995 365.9 417.5 496.8 521.2 376.7 450.2
1996 360.2 400.2 499.3 515.7 376.9 435.2
1997 351.8 382.3 488.3 499.2 365.6 426.9
1998 335.8 373.3 482.3 471.6 346.4 419.9
1999 460 398.1 313.5 367 480.5 462.6 339.3 415
2000 467.4 394.3 313.6 366.1 472.8 454.4 339.1 406.6
2001 464.5 401.4 305.9 361.9 470.4 449.8 338.8 405.3
2002 473.3 397.5 305.9 352.6 476.6 451.5 320.3 396.2
2003 474.2 399.3 280.3 359.8 481.3 449.5 317.2 394.5
2004 471.5 384.2 289.5 348.8 458.8 433.3 314.2 385.1
2005 480.9 397 285.5 343.1 455.8 432.2 315.2 377.2
2006 480 383.8 282.6 342.3 457.7 422.2 310.1 378.7
2007 475.3 375.1 292.2 341.4 443.5 413.9 298.1 367.3
2008 478.3 353.3 284.8 342 437.4 408.3 296 365.3
2009 482.6 357.5 290.2 334.5 433.5 403.1 294.4 346
2010 471.9 338.9 277 320.6 424.8 398.2 268.7 342.9
2011 478.3 340.9 275.7 308 413.2 385.2 261 329.2
2012 475.7 335.9 399 371.7 263.7 316.1
2013 480.3 336.4 382.3 369.2 261.5 316.6
2014 480.8 331.7 364.1 246.7
2015 483.2 329.5
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<p>All-cause mortality, ages 50-54</p>
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if (error) throw error;
var country = data.columns.slice(1).map(function(id) {
return {
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