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Created March 13, 2023 09:20
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backup multi-progress bar cli from logs
import readline from 'node:readline'
import cliProgress from 'cli-progress'
const COUNT_PER_FILE = 1_000_000
const inputCounts = new Map([
['nft-30.json', 196294],
['web3-4.json', 576770]
function getCountPerFile (file) {
return inputCounts.get(file) ?? COUNT_PER_FILE
const nice = Intl.NumberFormat()
// create new container
const multibar = new cliProgress.MultiBar({
clearOnComplete: false,
hideCursor: true,
format: ' {bar} {file} | {percentage}% | {remain} of {nicetotal} left'
}, cliProgress.Presets.shades_grey)
const bars = new Map()
let maxAll = 0
for (const i of [...Array(31).keys()]) {
const file = `nft-${i}.json`
const max = getCountPerFile(file)
maxAll += max
bars.set(file, multibar.create(max, 0, { file, bytes: 0, remain: nice.format(getCountPerFile(file)), nicetotal: nice.format(max) }))
for (const i of [...Array(5).keys()]) {
const file = `web3-${i}.json`
const max = getCountPerFile(file)
maxAll += max
bars.set(file, multibar.create(max, 0, { file, bytes: 0, remain: nice.format(getCountPerFile(file)), nicetotal: nice.format(max) }))
bars.set('total', multibar.create(maxAll, 0, { file: 'total ', remain: nice.format(maxAll), nicetotal: nice.format(maxAll) }))
const input = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin })
const metrics = new Map()
let allRemain = maxAll
let lastTimestamp = -1
let lastCid = ''
let rewind = false
for await (const line of input) {
// 2023-02-27T15:00:21 {"sourceDataFile":"nft-24.json","cid":"QmS9Vs5UPuVViH6pK56FYZFbjMQFzr5V9BGboUdk8HF4K8","status":"ok","size":731848}
const { sourceDataFile, size, cid } = JSON.parse(line.substring(20))
const timestamp = line.substring(0, 19)
if (timestamp < lastTimestamp) {
// back in time! if we get a log dump and then try to resume from the date, cloudwatch goes further back than we asked.
rewind = true
if (rewind && timestamp === lastTimestamp) {
if (cid === lastCid) {
// caught up!
rewind = false
lastCid = cid
lastTimestamp = timestamp
const res = metrics.get(sourceDataFile) ?? { count: 0, bytes: 0 }
const bytes = res.bytes + size
const count = res.count + 1
const remain = getCountPerFile(sourceDataFile) - count
metrics.set(sourceDataFile, { count, bytes })
bars.get(sourceDataFile).update(count, { bytes, remain: nice.format(remain) })
bars.get('total').increment(1, { remain: nice.format(allRemain) })
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# pipe in logs... send the backlog in and then follow the current one
tail -n +1 -q -f ok.2023-02-06.2023-03-01.log ok.start.2023-03-01T21:53:58.log | node got.js

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