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expelledboy /
Last active November 26, 2023 15:53
Trying Nix
# This will DELETE all efforts you have put into configuring nix
# Have a look through everything that gets deleted / copied over
nix-env -e '.*'
rm -rf $HOME/.nix-*
rm -rf $HOME/.config/nixpkgs
sonukapoor / gist:ceb5d81754e74402f692c2dcac65b7b2
Created October 27, 2018 04:41
Setup powerline font for vscode macos
download and install font from
set your vs code font to:
"terminal.external.osxExec": "",
"": "/bin/zsh",
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Menlo for Powerline",
jacklorusso / workbench.colorCustomizations.json
Last active December 19, 2023 07:40
A list of all Visual Studio Code customizable colors, grouped by UI region. Copy and paste into User Settings (comments are allowed) to tweak an existing theme or work on your own.
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
// Contrast Colors - The contrast colors are typically only set for high contrast themes. If set, they add an additional border around items across the UI to increase the contrast.
"contrastActiveBorder": "",
"contrastBorder": "",
// Base Colors
"focusBorder": "",
"foreground": "",
"widget.shadow": "",
"selection.background": "",
"descriptionForeground": "",
480 / gist:3b41f449686a089f34edb45d00672f28
Last active May 6, 2024 19:52
MacOS X + oh my zsh + powerline fonts + visual studio code terminal settings

MacOS X + oh my zsh + powerline fonts + visual studio code (vscode) terminal settings

Thank you everybody, Your comments makes it better

Install oh my zsh

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Rich-Harris /
Last active May 25, 2024 13:55
Stuff I wish I'd known sooner about service workers

Stuff I wish I'd known sooner about service workers

I recently had several days of extremely frustrating experiences with service workers. Here are a few things I've since learned which would have made my life much easier but which isn't particularly obvious from most of the blog posts and videos I've seen.

I'll add to this list over time – suggested additions welcome in the comments or via

Use Canary for development instead of Chrome stable

Chrome 51 has some pretty wild behaviour related to console.log in service workers. Canary doesn't, and it has a load of really good service worker related stuff in devtools.

irisli / callerName.js
Last active July 18, 2023 14:03
JavaScript get caller in strict mode
"use strict";
var stackTrace = (new Error()).stack; // Only tested in latest FF and Chrome
var callerName = stackTrace.replace(/^Error\s+/, ''); // Sanitize Chrome
callerName = callerName.split("\n")[1]; // 1st item is this, 2nd item is caller
callerName = callerName.replace(/^\s+at Object./, ''); // Sanitize Chrome
callerName = callerName.replace(/ \(.+\)$/, ''); // Sanitize Chrome
callerName = callerName.replace(/\@.+/, ''); // Sanitize Firefox
nicoptere / THREE.js lon_lat_to_cartesian
Last active January 16, 2023 09:56
methods to convert longitude / latitude to XYZ and back + utility polygon contains point for THREE.js
* converts a XYZ vector3 to longitude latitude (Direct Polar)
* @param lng longitude
* @param lat latitude
* @param vector3 optional output vector3
* @returns a unit vector of the 3d position
function lonLatToVector3( lng, lat, out )
out = out || new THREE.Vector3();