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Last active May 12, 2021 19:21
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Moving private keys securely between devices

There is no transfer method more secure than using a physical USB storage to move the private key. However, often connecting physical devices is a barrier and at other times is an opposite wind. So, we'll create a simple HTTP server over a private (home) network and use that for the transfer.


Let us first export the GPG private and public keys:

gpg --output private.key --armor --export-secret-keys
gpg --output public.key --armor --export

Most machines today will have at least a primitive version of python installed.

cd ~/
python3 -m http.server

Also, we'll need to know the IP address of the origin machine as,

ipconfig getifaddr en0 # considering it's wireless

This gives us (let's say)


We open up a browser or curl and download the following files:

  • ~/.gnupg/private.key
  • ~/.gnupg/public.key
  • ~/.ssh/keys/personal.pem

And then move then appropriately to the location as required:

cp ~/Downloads/*.pem ~/.ssh/keys/

A file downloaded from web doesn't have correct permissions for being a SSH key, hence we need to fix the permissions as well:

chmod 400 ~/.ssh/keys/*.pem
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