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Last active January 20, 2020 01:11
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Choropleth Map
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h1>US Demographics</h1>
<div class="map">
Color by:
<select class="map"></select>
<p>How do you like this map?</p>
let width = 500
let height = 375
let transitionTime = 3000
let myProjection = d3
.geoAlbersUsa() // places Alaska and Hawaii closer to continental US
.translate([width / 2, height / 2])
let facts = { population: {}, area: {}, density: {} }
let mapData
let factsData
]).then(function(d) {
function drawMap(data) {
mapData = data[0]
factsData = data[1]
// we create three objects that serve as "associative arrays" or "hashes"
// we will be able to use facts["population"]["Michigan"], for exmample,
// to get the population of a state. this is a handy trick for accessing
// information based on a key that is bound to svg elements
for (i in factsData) {
facts.population[factsData[i].state] = +factsData[i].population
facts.area[factsData[i].state] = +factsData[i].area
facts.density[factsData[i].state] = +factsData[i].density
let pathGenerator = d3.geoPath().projection(myProjection)' select')
.on('input', updateMap)
.attr('value', d => d)
.text(d => d)'')
.style('width', width + 'px')
.style('height', height + 'px')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height)
.attr('class', 'map')
.attr('d', pathGenerator)
// identify Calvin University. note use of projection! it takes
// two coordinates in and returns x and y values in SVG coordinates' svg')
.data([{ lat: 42.9295124, lon: -85.5911216 }])
.attr('cx', d => myProjection([d.lon,])[0])
.attr('cy', d => myProjection([d.lon,])[1])
.attr('r', 3)
.style('fill', 'red')
function updateMap() {
// get the value from the drop down
let fact =' select').property('value')
// use it to create a color scale
colorScale = d3
.domain(d3.extent(Object.values(facts[fact])).map(Math.log)) // .map(d => Math.log(d))))
// apply the color scale to the paths (ie regions) in our map
d3.selectAll(' svg path')
.style('fill', d =>
body {
font-family: 'Indie Flower', cursive;
} {
border-color: navy;
border-radius: 5;
border-width: 3;
border-style: solid;
} {
fill: blanchedalmond;
stroke: white;
state population area density
Alabama 4858979 50744 95.8
Alaska 738432 571951 1.3
Arizona 6828065 113635 60.1
Arkansas 2978204 52068 57.2
California 39144818 155959 251.0
Colorado 5456574 103718 52.6
Connecticut 3590886 4845 741.2
Delaware 945934 1954 484.1
Florida 20271272 53927 375.9
Georgia 10214860 57906 176.4
Hawaii 1431603 6423 222.9
Idaho 1654930 82747 20.0
Illinois 12859995 55584 231.4
Indiana 6619680 35867 184.6
Iowa 3123899 55869 55.9
Kansas 2911641 81815 35.6
Kentucky 4425092 39728 111.4
Louisiana 4670724 43562 107.2
Maine 1329328 30862 43.1
Maryland 6006401 9774 614.5
Massachusetts 6794422 7840 866.6
Michigan 9922576 56804 174.7
Minnesota 5489594 79610 69.0
Mississippi 2992333 46907 63.8
Missouri 6083672 68886 88.3
Montana 1032949 145552 7.1
Nebraska 1896190 76872 24.7
Nevada 2890845 109826 26.3
New Hampshire 1330608 8968 148.4
New Jersey 8958013 7417 1207.8
New Mexico 2085109 121356 17.2
New York 19795791 47214 419.3
North Carolina 10042802 48711 206.2
North Dakota 756927 68976 11.0
Ohio 11613423 40948 283.6
Oklahoma 3911338 68667 57.0
Oregon 4028977 95997 42.0
Pennsylvania 12802503 44817 285.7
Rhode Island 1056298 1045 1010.8
South Carolina 4896146 30110 162.6
South Dakota 858469 75885 11.3
Tennessee 6600299 41217 160.1
Texas 27469114 261797 104.9
Utah 2995919 82144 36.5
Vermont 626042 9250 67.7
Virginia 8382993 39594 211.7
Washington 7170351 66544 107.8
West Virginia 1844128 24078 76.6
Wisconsin 5771337 54310 106.3
Wyoming 586107 97100 6.0
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