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Last active December 29, 2015 00:49
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Instagram Queue

  • [MapBox Satellite] ( : "our awesome satellite team is growing. we're going to win with team. join up - drop us a line at" - this is good, let's roll with it. i think we should just use the poster for now - anything more might get too cramped.

  • [Istanbul Satellite] ( : i have no idea what to say about this, but it sure looks cool. "space maps R radical" check with charlie about that one.

  • 4sq check-ins - how about a close-up shot (or divide the canvas into four and have four separate photos) of somebody on our team using fousquare to check in somewhere, maybe with a beer in the background to imply a bar/socialization.

  • [Fire frequency] ( this would be another "check with the people who actually know what they're doing" one.

  • [MapBox Outdoors] ( we just enleashed a major update for our terrain layer, geared towards the great outdoors. we're making it easier than ever to track your bike rides, find the best slopes to shred, or just find your way back to civilization after that solo camping trip you weren't prepared for.

  • [Funding] ( : The future is awesome. We just closed a $10 million Series A round with Foundry Group. Now we grow - both in San Francisco and Washington, DC. Foundry Group is the perfect partner: they get big data, understand our platform play, and see how open source and open data are our comparative advantage. Most importantly, they believe in our long-term business plans to break open this space and stay independent. We're just getting started, and are excited to have the right partners next to us. Get ready for an awesome ride. this is great.

  • [DC - SF MapBox graphic art] ( : the new cartographers. From DC to SF.. & beyond

  • [Greetings from CA] ( : good morning from San Francisco! (we can tag the @gundersen instagram or Twitter account in this blurb to link to your personal instagram accnt, eric)

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