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Created April 14, 2018 23:06
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// transaction hash of contract deploy
var txHash = '0x75acf5e313e2c06e84d9e2609297b6a6f959773e7a4380daa66cc39ba59d6104';
// get transaction
web3.eth.getTransaction('0x75acf5e313e2c06e84d9e2609297b6a6f959773e7a4380daa66cc39ba59d6104', (err, tx) => {
var blockNumber = tx.blockNumber;
web3.eth.getBlock(blockNumber, (err, block) => {
var timestamp = block.timestamp;
var parentHash = block.parentHash;
var hash = web3.sha3(parentHash + web3.padLeft(timestamp.toString(16), 64), {encoding: 'hex'});
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