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Last active August 15, 2019 16:10
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declare module 'rhino3dm' {
enum ActiveSpace {
enum ComponentIndexType {
enum CoordinateSystem {
enum MeshType {
enum ObjectColorSource {
enum ObjectDecoration {
enum ObjectLinetypeSource {
enum ObjectMaterialSource {
enum ObjectMode {
enum ObjectPlotColorSource {
enum ObjectPlotWeightSource {
enum ObjectType {
enum UnitSystem {
class Arc {
* Gets a value indicating whether or not this arc is valid.
* Detail:
* Radius>0 and 0<AngleRadians()<=2*Math.Pi.
isValid: boolean;
* Gets a value indicating whether or not this arc is a complete circle.
isCircle: boolean;
* Gets or sets the radius of this arc.
radius: number;
* Gets or sets the Diameter of this arc.
diameter: number;
* Gets or sets the center point for this arc.
center: number[];
* Gets the circumference of the circle that is coincident with this arc.
circumference: number;
* Gets the length of the arc. (Length = Radius * (subtended angle in radians)).
length: number;
* Gets the start point of the arc.
startPoint: number[];
* Gets the mid-point of the arc.
midPoint: number[];
* Gets the end point of the arc.
endPoint: number[];
angleRadians: any;
* Gets or sets the sweep -or subtended- angle (in Radians) for this arc segment.
angleDegrees: number;
* @description Sets arc's angle domain (in radians) as a subdomain of the circle.
* @param {number[]} domain 0 < domain[1] - domain[0] <= 2.0 * RhinoMath.Pi.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
trim(domain:number[]): boolean;
* @description Computes the 3D axis aligned bounding box for this arc.
* @returns {BoundingBox} Bounding box of arc.
boundingBox(): BoundingBox;
* @description Gets the point at the given arc parameter.
* @param {number} t Arc parameter to evaluate.
* @returns {number[]} The point at the given parameter.
pointAt(t:number): number[];
* @description Gets the tangent at the given parameter.
* @param {number} t Parameter of tangent to evaluate.
* @returns {number[]} The tangent at the arc at the given parameter.
tangentAt(t:number): number[];
* @description Computes the point on an arc that is closest to a test point.
* @param {number[]} testPoint Point to get close to.
* @returns {number[]} The point on the arc that is closest to testPoint. If testPoint is
the center of the arc, then the starting point of the arc is returned.
UnsetPoint on failure.
closestPoint(testPoint:number[]): number[];
* @description Reverses the orientation of the arc. Changes the domain from [a,b]
to [-b,-a].
reverse(): void;
* @description Transforms the arc using a Transformation matrix.
* @param {Transform} xform Transformations to apply.
Note that arcs cannot handle non-euclidian transformations.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
transform(xform:Transform): boolean;
* @description Initializes a nurbs curve representation of this arc.
This amounts to the same as calling NurbsCurve.CreateFromArc().
* @returns {NurbsCurve} A nurbs curve representation of this arc or null if no such representation could be made.
toNurbsCurve(): NurbsCurve;
class ArcCurve extends Curve {
* Gets a value indicating whether or not this curve can be represented by a complete circle.
isCompleteCircle: boolean;
* Gets the radius of this ArcCurve.
radius: number;
* Gets the angles of this arc in radians.
angleRadians: number;
* Gets the angles of this arc in degrees.
angleDegrees: number;
class ArchivableDictionary {
/** ... */
static encodeDict(): void;
/** ... */
static decodeDict(): void;
/** ... */
static writeGeometry(): void;
class BezierCurve {
* Dimension of Bezier
dimension: number;
* Tests an object to see if it is valid.
isValid: boolean;
* Gets a value indicating whether or not the curve is rational.
* Rational curves have control-points with custom weights.
isRational: boolean;
* Number of control vertices in this curve
controlVertexCount: number;
* @description Evaluates point at a curve parameter.
* @param {number} t Evaluation parameter.
* @returns {number[]} Point (location of curve at the parameter t).
pointAt(t:number): number[];
* @description Evaluates the unit tangent vector at a curve parameter.
* @param {number} t Evaluation parameter.
* @returns {number[]} Unit tangent vector of the curve at the parameter t.
tangentAt(t:number): number[];
* @description Evaluate the curvature vector at a curve parameter.
* @param {number} t Evaluation parameter.
* @returns {number[]} Curvature vector of the curve at the parameter t.
curvatureAt(t:number): number[];
* @description Make bezier rational
* @returns {boolean} true if successful
makeRational(): boolean;
* @description Make bezier non-rational
* @returns {boolean} treu if successful
makeNonRational(): boolean;
* @description Increase degree of bezier
* @returns {boolean} true if successful. false if desiredDegree < current degree.
increaseDegree(): boolean;
* @description Change dimension of bezier.
* @returns {boolean} true if successful. false if desired_dimension < 1
changeDimension(): boolean;
class Bitmap {
width: any;
height: any;
bitsPerPixel: any;
sizeOfScan: any;
sizeOfImage: any;
class BoundingBox {
* Gets a value that indicates whether or not this boundingbox is valid.
* Empty boxes are not valid, and neither are boxes with unset points.
isValid: boolean;
* Gets or sets the point in the minimal corner.
min: number[];
* Gets or sets the point in the maximal corner.
max: number[];
* Gets the point in the center of the boundingbox.
center: number[];
* Gets the area of this BoundingBox.
area: number;
* Gets the volume of this BoundingBox.
volume: number;
* Gets the diagonal vector of this BoundingBox.
* The diagonal connects the Min and Max points.
diagonal: number[];
* @description Finds the closest point on or in the boundingbox.
* @param {number[]} point Sample point.
* @returns {number[]} The point on or in the box that is closest to the sample point.
closestPoint(point:number[]): number[];
* @description Tests a point for boundingbox inclusion. This is the same as calling Contains(point, false)
* @param {number[]} point Point to test.
* @returns {boolean} true if the point is on the inside of or coincident with this boundingbox; otherwise false.
contains(point:number[]): boolean;
* @description Determines whether a bounding box is degenerate (flat) in one or more directions.
* @param {number} tolerance Distances <= tolerance will be considered to be zero. If tolerance
is negative (default), then a scale invarient tolerance is used.
* @returns {number} 0 = box is not degenerate
1 = box is a rectangle (degenerate in one direction).
2 = box is a line (degenerate in two directions).
3 = box is a point (degenerate in three directions)
4 = box is not valid.
isDegenerate(tolerance:number): number;
* @description Updates this boundingbox to be the smallest axis aligned
boundingbox that contains the transformed result of its 8 original corner
* @param {Transform} xform A transform.
* @returns {boolean} true if this operation is sucessfull; otherwise false.
transform(xform:Transform): boolean;
* @description Constructs a representation of this boundingbox.
* @returns {Brep} If this operation is sucessfull, a Brep representation of this box; otherwise null.
toBrep(): Brep;
* @description Updates this BoundingBox to represent the union of itself and another box.
* @param {BoundingBox} other Box to include in this union.
static union(other:BoundingBox): void;
/** ... */
encode(): void;
/** ... */
toJSON(): void;
/** ... */
static decode(): void;
class Box {
* Gets the validity of this Box. Boxes are invalid when the base plane or any of
* the dimension intervals are invalid or decreasing.
isValid: boolean;
* Gets the point that is in the center of the box.
center: number[];
* Gets the total surface area of this box.
area: number;
* Gets the total volume of this box.
volume: number;
* @description Evaluates the box volume at the given unitized parameters.
The box has idealized side length of 1x1x1.
* @param {number} x Unitized parameter (between 0 and 1 is inside the box) along box X direction.
* @param {number} y Unitized parameter (between 0 and 1 is inside the box) along box Y direction.
* @param {number} z Unitized parameter (between 0 and 1 is inside the box) along box Z direction.
* @returns {number[]} The point at (x,y,z).
pointAt(x:number,y:number,z:number): number[];
* @description Finds the closest point on or in the Box. The box should be Valid for this to work.
* @param {number[]} point Sample point.
* @returns {number[]} The point on or in the box that is closest to the sample point.
closestPoint(point:number[]): number[];
* @description Transforms this Box using a Transformation matrix. If the Transform does not preserve
Similarity, the dimensions of the resulting box cannot be trusted.
* @param {Transform} xform Transformation matrix to apply to this Box.
* @returns {boolean} true if the Box was successfully transformed, false if otherwise.
transform(xform:Transform): boolean;
class Brep extends GeometryBase {
* Determines whether this brep is a solid, or a closed oriented manifold.
isSolid: boolean;
* Gets a value indicating whether or not the Brep is manifold.
* Non-Manifold breps have at least one edge that is shared among three or more faces.
isManifold: boolean;
* Returns true if the Brep has a single face and that face is geometrically the same
* as the underlying surface. I.e., the face has trivial trimming.
* In this case, the surface is the first face surface. The flag
* Brep.Faces[0].OrientationIsReversed records the correspondence between the surface's
* natural parametric orientation and the orientation of the Brep.trivial trimming here means that there is only one loop curve in the brep
* and that loop curve is the same as the underlying surface boundary.
isSurface: boolean;
* @description Create a brep representation of a mesh
* @param {boolean} trimmedTriangles if true, triangles in the mesh will be represented by trimmed planes in
the brep. If false, triangles in the mesh will be represented by
untrimmed singular bilinear NURBS surfaces in the brep.
static createFromMesh(trimmedTriangles:boolean): Brep;
* @description Constructs new brep that matches a bounding box.
* @param {BoundingBox} box A box to use for creation.
* @returns {Brep} A new brep; or null on failure.
static createFromBox(box:BoundingBox): Brep;
* @description Constructs a Brep definition of a cylinder.
* @param {Cylinder} cylinder cylinder.IsFinite() must be true.
* @param {boolean} capBottom if true end at cylinder.m_height[0] should be capped.
* @param {boolean} capTop if true end at cylinder.m_height[1] should be capped.
* @returns {Brep} A Brep representation of the cylinder with a single face for the cylinder,
an edge along the cylinder seam, and vertices at the bottom and top ends of this
seam edge. The optional bottom/top caps are single faces with one circular edge
starting and ending at the bottom/top vertex.
static createFromCylinder(cylinder:Cylinder,capBottom:boolean,capTop:boolean): Brep;
* @description Constructs a Brep definition of a sphere.
* @param {Sphere} sphere The input sphere provides the orienting plane and radius.
* @returns {Brep} A Brep if successful, null on error.
static createFromSphere(sphere:Sphere): Brep;
* @description Constructs a Brep definition of a quad sphere.
* @param {Sphere} sphere The input sphere provides the orienting plane and radius.
* @returns {Brep} A Brep if successful, null on error.
static createQuadSphere(sphere:Sphere): Brep;
* @description Constructs a Brep representation of the cone with a single
face for the cone, an edge along the cone seam,
and vertices at the base and apex ends of this seam edge.
The optional cap is a single face with one circular edge
starting and ending at the base vertex.
* @param {Cone} cone A cone value.
* @param {boolean} capBottom if true the base of the cone should be capped.
* @returns {Brep} A Brep if successful, null on error.
static createFromCone(cone:Cone,capBottom:boolean): Brep;
* @description Constructs a brep form of a surface of revolution.
* @param {RevSurface} surface The surface of revolution.
* @param {boolean} capStart if true, the start of the revolute is not on the axis of revolution,
and the surface of revolution is closed, then a circular cap will be
added to close of the hole at the start of the revolute.
* @param {boolean} capEnd if true, the end of the revolute is not on the axis of revolution,
and the surface of revolution is closed, then a circular cap will be
added to close of the hole at the end of the revolute.
* @returns {Brep} A Brep if successful, null on error.
static createFromRevSurface(surface:RevSurface,capStart:boolean,capEnd:boolean): Brep;
* @description Constructs a Brep from a surface. The resulting Brep has an outer boundary made
from four trims. The trims are ordered so that they run along the south, east,
north, and then west side of the surface's parameter space.
* @param {Surface} surface A surface to convert.
* @returns {Brep} Resulting brep or null on failure.
static createFromSurface(surface:Surface): Brep;
* @description Create a Brep trimmed plane.
* @param {Plane} plane Plane that will be trimmed.
* @param {Curve} curve A simple (no self intersections) closed curve that defines the outer boundary of the trimmed plane.
* @returns {Brep} Resulting brep or null on failure.
static createTrimmedPlane(plane:Plane,curve:Curve): Brep;
/** ... */
faces(): void;
* @description Reverses entire brep orientation of all faces.
flip(): void;
class BrepFace extends SurfaceProxy {
* @description Obtains a reference to a specified type of mesh for this brep face.
* @param {MeshType} meshType The mesh type.
* @returns {Mesh} A mesh.
getMesh(meshType:MeshType): Mesh;
class BrepFaceList {
* Gets the number of brep faces.
count: number;
/** ... */
get(): void;
class Circle {
* A valid circle has radius larger than 0.0 and a base plane which is must also be valid.
isValid: boolean;
* Gets or sets the radius of this circle.
* Radii should be positive values.
radius: number;
* Gets or sets the diameter (radius * 2.0) of this circle.
* Diameters should be positive values.
diameter: number;
* Gets or sets the center point of this circle.
center: number[];
* Gets the normal vector for this circle.
normal: number[];
* Gets or sets the circumference of this circle.
circumference: number;
* @description Circles use trigonometric parameterization:
t -> center + cos(t)*radius*xaxis + sin(t)*radius*yaxis.
* @param {number} t Parameter of point to evaluate.
* @returns {number[]} The point on the circle at the given parameter.
pointAt(t:number): number[];
* @description Circles use trigonometric parameterization:
t -> center + cos(t)*radius*xaxis + sin(t)*radius*yaxis.
* @param {number} t Parameter of tangent to evaluate.
* @returns {number[]} The tangent at the circle at the given parameter.
tangentAt(t:number): number[];
* @description Determines the value of the Nth derivative at a parameter.
* @param {number} derivative Which order of derivative is wanted.
* @param {number} t Parameter to evaluate derivative. Valid values are 0, 1, 2 and 3.
* @returns {number[]} The derivative of the circle at the given parameter.
derivativeAt(derivative:number,t:number): number[];
* @description Gets the point on the circle which is closest to a test point.
* @param {number[]} testPoint Point to project onto the circle.
* @returns {number[]} The point on the circle that is closest to testPoint or
Point3d.Unset on failure.
closestPoint(testPoint:number[]): number[];
* @description Moves the circle.
* @param {number[]} delta Translation vector.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
translate(delta:number[]): boolean;
* @description Reverse the orientation of the circle. Changes the domain from [a,b]
to [-b,-a].
reverse(): void;
* @description Constructs a nurbs curve representation of this circle.
This amounts to the same as calling NurbsCurve.CreateFromCircle().
* @returns {NurbsCurve} A nurbs curve representation of this circle or null if no such representation could be made.
toNurbsCurve(): NurbsCurve;
class CommonObject {
userStringCount: any;
/** ... */
encode(): void;
/** ... */
toJSON(): void;
/** ... */
static decode(): void;
/** ... */
setUserString(): void;
/** ... */
getUserString(): void;
class ComponentIndex {
* The interpretation of Index depends on the Type value.
* Type m_index interpretation (0 based indices)
* no_type used when context makes it clear what array is being index
* brep_vertex Brep.m_V[] array index
* brep_edge Brep.m_E[] array index
* brep_face Brep.m_F[] array index
* brep_trim Brep.m_T[] array index
* brep_loop Brep.m_L[] array index
* mesh_vertex Mesh.m_V[] array index
* meshtop_vertex MeshTopology.m_topv[] array index
* meshtop_edge MeshTopology.m_tope[] array index
* mesh_face Mesh.m_F[] array index
* idef_part InstanceDefinition.m_object_uuid[] array index
* polycurve_segment PolyCurve::m_segment[] array index
* dim_linear_point LinearDimension2::POINT_INDEX
* dim_radial_point RadialDimension2::POINT_INDEX
* dim_angular_point AngularDimension2::POINT_INDEX
* dim_ordinate_point OrdinateDimension2::POINT_INDEX
* dim_text_point TextEntity2 origin point.
componentIndexType: ComponentIndexType;
* The interpretation of m_index depends on the m_type value.
* m_type m_index interpretation (0 based indices)
* no_type used when context makes it clear what array is being index
* brep_vertex Brep.m_V[] array index
* brep_edge Brep.m_E[] array index
* brep_face Brep.m_F[] array index
* brep_trim Brep.m_T[] array index
* brep_loop Brep.m_L[] array index
* mesh_vertex Mesh.m_V[] array index
* meshtop_vertex MeshTopology.m_topv[] array index
* meshtop_edge MeshTopology.m_tope[] array index
* mesh_face Mesh.m_F[] array index
* idef_part InstanceDefinition.m_object_uuid[] array index
* polycurve_segment PolyCurve::m_segment[] array index
* dim_linear_point LinearDimension2::POINT_INDEX
* dim_radial_point RadialDimension2::POINT_INDEX
* dim_angular_point AngularDimension2::POINT_INDEX
* dim_ordinate_point OrdinateDimension2::POINT_INDEX
* dim_text_point TextEntity2 origin point.
index: number;
class Cone {
* Gets or sets the height of the circular right cone.
height: number;
* Gets or sets the radius of the cone.
radius: number;
* true if plane is valid, height is not zero and radius is not zero.
isValid: boolean;
* Center of base circle.
basePoint: number[];
* Point at tip of the cone.
apexPoint: number[];
* Unit vector axis of cone.
axis: number[];
angleInRadians: any;
angleInDegrees: any;
* @description Constructs a Nurbs surface representation of this Cone.
This is synonymous with calling NurbsSurface.CreateFromCone().
* @returns {NurbsSurface} A Nurbs surface representation of the cone or null.
toNurbsSurface(): NurbsSurface;
* @description Gets a Brep representation of the cone with a single
face for the cone, an edge along the cone seam,
and vertices at the base and apex ends of this seam edge.
The optional cap is a single face with one circular edge
starting and ending at the base vertex.
* @param {boolean} capBottom true if the bottom should be filled with a surface. false otherwise.
* @returns {Brep} A brep (polysurface) representation of this cone values.
toBrep(capBottom:boolean): Brep;
class ConstructionPlane {
* Gets or sets the geometric plane to use for construction.
plane: Plane;
* Gets or sets the distance between grid lines.
gridSpacing: number;
* when "grid snap" is enabled, the distance between snap points.
* Typically this is the same distance as grid spacing.
snapSpacing: number;
* Gets or sets the total amount of grid lines in each direction.
gridLineCount: number;
* Gets or sets the recurrence of a wider line on the grid.
* 0: No lines are thick, all are drawn thin.1: All lines are thick.2: Every other line is thick.3: One line in three lines is thick (and two are thin).4: ...
thickLineFrequency: number;
* Gets or sets whether the grid is drawn on top of geometry.
* false=grid is always drawn behind 3d geometrytrue=grid is drawn at its depth as a 3d plane and grid lines obscure things behind the grid.
depthBuffered: boolean;
* Gets or sets the name of the construction plane.
name: string;
class Curve extends GeometryBase {
* Gets or sets the domain of the curve.
domain: number[];
* Gets the dimension of the object.
* The dimension is typically three. For parameter space trimming
* curves the dimension is two. In rare cases the dimension can
* be one or greater than three.
dimension: number;
* Gets the number of non-empty smooth (c-infinity) spans in the curve.
spanCount: number;
* Gets the maximum algebraic degree of any span
* or a good estimate if curve spans are not algebraic.
degree: number;
* Gets a value indicating whether or not this curve is a closed curve.
isClosed: boolean;
* Gets a value indicating whether or not this curve is considered to be Periodic.
isPeriodic: boolean;
* Evaluates point at the start of the curve.
pointAtStart: number[];
* Evaluates point at the end of the curve.
pointAtEnd: number[];
* @description Changes the dimension of a curve.
* @param {number} desiredDimension The desired dimension.
* @returns {boolean} true if the curve's dimension was already desiredDimension
or if the curve's dimension was successfully changed to desiredDimension;
otherwise false.
changeDimension(desiredDimension:number): boolean;
* @description Test a curve to see if it is linear to within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance units (1e-12).
* @returns {boolean} true if the curve is linear.
isLinear(): boolean;
* @description Several types of Curve can have the form of a polyline
including a degree 1 NurbsCurve, a PolylineCurve,
and a PolyCurve all of whose segments are some form of
polyline. IsPolyline tests a curve to see if it can be
represented as a polyline.
* @returns {boolean} true if this curve can be represented as a polyline; otherwise, false.
isPolyline(): boolean;
* @description Several types of Curve can have the form of a polyline
including a degree 1 NurbsCurve, a PolylineCurve,
and a PolyCurve all of whose segments are some form of
polyline. IsPolyline tests a curve to see if it can be
represented as a polyline.
* @param {Polyline} polyline If true is returned, then the polyline form is returned here.
* @returns {boolean} true if this curve can be represented as a polyline; otherwise, false.
tryGetPolyline(polyline:Polyline): boolean;
* @description Test a curve to see if it can be represented by an arc or circle within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
* @returns {boolean} true if the curve can be represented by an arc or a circle within tolerance.
isArc(): boolean;
* @description Try to convert this curve into an Arc using RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
* @param {Arc} arc On success, the Arc will be filled in.
* @returns {boolean} true if the curve could be converted into an arc.
tryGetArc(arc:Arc): boolean;
* @description Test a curve to see if it can be represented by a circle within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
* @returns {boolean} true if the Curve can be represented by a circle within tolerance.
isCircle(): boolean;
* @description Try to convert this curve into a circle using RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
* @param {Circle} circle On success, the Circle will be filled in.
* @returns {boolean} true if the curve could be converted into a Circle.
tryGetCircle(circle:Circle): boolean;
* @description Test a curve to see if it can be represented by an ellipse within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
* @returns {boolean} true if the Curve can be represented by an ellipse within tolerance.
isEllipse(): boolean;
* @description Test a curve for planarity.
* @returns {boolean} true if the curve is planar (flat) to within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance units (1e-12).
isPlanar(): boolean;
* @description If this curve is closed, then modify it so that the start/end point is at curve parameter t.
* @param {number} t Curve parameter of new start/end point. The returned curves domain will start at t.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
changeClosedCurveSeam(t:number): boolean;
* @description Reverses the direction of the curve.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
reverse(): boolean;
* @description Evaluates point at a curve parameter.
* @param {number} t Evaluation parameter.
* @returns {number[]} Point (location of curve at the parameter t).
pointAt(t:number): number[];
* @description Forces the curve to start at a specified point.
Not all curve types support this operation.
* @param {number[]} point New start point of curve.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
setStartPoint(point:number[]): boolean;
* @description Forces the curve to end at a specified point.
Not all curve types support this operation.
* @param {number[]} point New end point of curve.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
setEndPoint(point:number[]): boolean;
* @description Evaluates the unit tangent vector at a curve parameter.
* @param {number} t Evaluation parameter.
* @returns {number[]} Unit tangent vector of the curve at the parameter t.
tangentAt(t:number): number[];
* @description Evaluate the curvature vector at a curve parameter.
* @param {number} t Evaluation parameter.
* @returns {number[]} Curvature vector of the curve at the parameter t.
curvatureAt(t:number): number[];
* @description Removes portions of the curve outside the specified interval.
* @param {number} t0 Start of the trimming interval. Portions of the curve before curve(t0) are removed.
* @param {number} t1 End of the trimming interval. Portions of the curve after curve(t1) are removed.
* @returns {Curve} Trimmed portion of this curve is successfull, null on failure.
trim(t0:number,t1:number): Curve;
* @description Constructs a NURBS curve representation of this curve.
* @returns {NurbsCurve} NURBS representation of the curve on success, null on failure.
toNurbsCurve(): NurbsCurve;
class CurveProxy extends Curve {
* True if "this" is a curve is reversed from the "real" curve geometry
proxyCurveIsReversed: boolean;
class Cylinder {
* Gets a boolean value indicating whether this cylinder is valid.
* A valid cylinder is represented by a valid circle and two valid heights.
isValid: boolean;
* true if the cylinder is finite (Height0 != Height1)
* false if the cylinder is infinite.
isFinite: boolean;
* Gets the center point of the defining circle.
center: number[];
* Gets the axis direction of the cylinder.
axis: number[];
* Gets the height of the cylinder.
* Infinite cylinders have a height of zero, not Double.PositiveInfinity.
totalHeight: number;
* Gets or sets the start height of the cylinder.
* The center of bottom cap is: BasePlane.Origin + Height1 * BasePlane.ZAxis.
height1: number;
* Gets or sets the end height of the cylinder.
* If the end height equals the start height, the cylinder is
* presumed to be infinite.
* The center of top cap is: BasePlane.Origin + Height2 * BasePlane.ZAxis.
height2: number;
* Gets or sets the radius of the cylinder.
radius: number;
* @description Compute the circle at the given elevation parameter.
* @param {number} linearParameter Height parameter for circle section.
circleAt(linearParameter:number): Circle;
* @description Constructs a Brep representation of this Cylinder.
This is synonymous with calling NurbsSurface.CreateFromCylinder().
* @param {boolean} capBottom If true, the bottom of the cylinder will be capped.
* @param {boolean} capTop If true, the top of the cylinder will be capped.
* @returns {Brep} A Brep representation of the cylinder or null.
toBrep(capBottom:boolean,capTop:boolean): Brep;
* @description Constructs a Nurbs surface representation of this cylinder.
This is synonymous with calling NurbsSurface.CreateFromCylinder().
* @returns {NurbsSurface} A Nurbs surface representation of the cylinder or null.
toNurbsSurface(): NurbsSurface;
class DimensionStyle extends CommonObject {
name: any;
arrowBlockId1: string;
arrowBlockId2: string;
leaderArrowBlockId: string;
suppressExtension1: boolean;
suppressExtension2: boolean;
suppressArrow1: boolean;
suppressArrow2: boolean;
alternateBelowLine: boolean;
drawTextMask: boolean;
leaderHasLanding: boolean;
drawForward: boolean;
textUnderlined: boolean;
arrowLength: number;
leaderArrowLength: number;
centermarkSize: number;
textGap: number;
textHEight: number;
lengthFactor: number;
alternateLengthFactor: number;
toleranceUpperValue: number;
toleranceLowerValue: number;
toleranceHeightScale: number;
baselineSpacing: number;
textRotation: number;
stackHeightScale: number;
leaderLandingLength: number;
* Checks if any fields in this DimensionStyle are overrides
hasFieldOverrides: boolean;
* Tests if this DimensionStyle is a child of any other DimensionStyle
isChild: boolean;
* Get or Set the Id of this DimensionStyle's parent.
* If ParentId is Guid.Empty, this DimensionStyle has no parent
parentId: string;
/** ... */
getFont(): void;
/** ... */
setFont(): void;
* @description Scales all length values by 'scale'
scaleLengthValues(): void;
* @description Sets all the fields in this DimensionStyle to be not overridden
Does not change any dimstyle_id's or parent_id's
clearAllFieldOverrides(): void;
* @description Tests if this DimensionStyle is a child of a specific DimensionStyle
* @returns {boolean} True if this is a child of the DimensionStyle with Parent
False otherwise.
isChildOf(): boolean;
class Ellipse {
class Extrusion extends Surface {
* Gets the start point of the path.
pathStart: number[];
* Gets the end point of the path.
pathEnd: number[];
* Gets the up vector of the path.
pathTangent: number[];
* Gets or sets the normal of the miter plane at the start in profile coordinates.
* In profile coordinates, 0,0,1 always maps to the extrusion axis
miterPlaneNormalAtStart: number[];
* Gets or sets the normal of the miter plane at the end in profile coordinates.
* In profile coordinates, 0,0,1 always maps to the extrusion axis
miterPlaneNormalAtEnd: number[];
* Returns a value indicating whether a miter plane at start is defined.
isMiteredAtStart: boolean;
* Gets a value indicating whether a miter plane at the end is defined.
isMiteredAtEnd: boolean;
* Gets a value indicating whether there is no gap among all surfaces constructing this object.
isSolid: boolean;
* Gets a value indicating whether the surface that fills the bottom profile is existing.
isCappedAtBottom: boolean;
* Gets a value indicating whether the surface that fills the top profile is existing.
isCappedAtTop: boolean;
* Gets the amount of capping surfaces.
capCount: number;
* Gets the amount of profile curves.
profileCount: number;
* @description Creates an extrusion of a 3d curve (which must be planar) and a height.
* @param {Curve} planarCurve Planar curve used as profile
* @param {number} height If the height > 0, the bottom of the extrusion will be in plane and
the top will be height units above the plane.
If the height < 0, the top of the extrusion will be in plane and
the bottom will be height units below the plane.
The plane used is the one that is returned from the curve's TryGetPlane function.
* @param {boolean} cap If the curve is closed and cap is true, then the resulting extrusion is capped.
* @returns {Extrusion} If the input is valid, then a new extrusion is returned. Otherwise null is returned
static create(planarCurve:Curve,height:number,cap:boolean): Extrusion;
* @description Gets an extrusion from a box.
* @param {Box} box IsValid must be true.
* @param {boolean} cap If true, the base and the top of the box will be capped. Defaults to true.
* @returns {Extrusion} Extrusion on success. null on failure.
static createBoxExtrusion(box:Box,cap:boolean): Extrusion;
* @description Gets an extrusion form of a cylinder.
* @param {Cylinder} cylinder IsFinite must be true.
* @param {boolean} capBottom If true, the end at cylinder.Height1 will be capped.
* @param {boolean} capTop If true, the end at cylinder.Height2 will be capped.
* @returns {Extrusion} Extrusion on success. null on failure.
static createCylinderExtrusion(cylinder:Cylinder,capBottom:boolean,capTop:boolean): Extrusion;
* @description Gets an extrusion form of a pipe.
* @param {Cylinder} cylinder IsFinite must be true.
* @param {number} otherRadius If cylinder.Radius is less than other radius, then the cylinder will be the inside
of the pipe.
* @param {boolean} capBottom If true, the end at cylinder.Height1 will be capped.
* @param {boolean} capTop If true, the end at cylinder.Height2 will be capped.
* @returns {Extrusion} Extrusion on success. null on failure.
static createPipeExtrusion(cylinder:Cylinder,otherRadius:number,capBottom:boolean,capTop:boolean): Extrusion;
* @description Constructs a brep form of the extrusion. The outer profile is always the first face of the brep.
If there are inner profiles, additional brep faces are created for each profile. If the
outer profile is closed, then end caps are added as the last two faces of the brep.
* @param {boolean} splitKinkyFaces If true and the profiles have kinks, then the faces corresponding to those profiles are split
so they will be G1.
* @returns {Brep} A brep with a similar shape like this extrustion, or null on error.
toBrep(splitKinkyFaces:boolean): Brep;
* @description Allows to set the two points at the extremes and the up vector.
* @param {number[]} a The start point.
* @param {number[]} b The end point.
* @param {number[]} up The up vector.
* @returns {boolean} true if the operation succeeded; otherwise false.
Setting up=a-b will make the operation fail.
setPathAndUp(a:number[],b:number[],up:number[]): boolean;
* @description Gets the transformation that maps the xy profile curve to its 3d location.
* @param {number} s 0.0 = starting profile
1.0 = ending profile.
* @returns {Transform} A Transformation. The transform is Invalid on failure.
getProfileTransformation(s:number): Transform;
* @description Gets the 3D plane containing the profile curve at a normalized path parameter.
* @param {number} s 0.0 = starting profile
1.0 = ending profile.
* @returns {Plane} A plane. The plane is Invalid on failure.
getProfilePlane(s:number): Plane;
* @description Gets the 3D plane perpendicular to the path at a normalized path parameter.
* @param {number} s 0.0 = starting profile
1.0 = ending profile.
* @returns {Plane} A plane. The plane is Invalid on failure.
getPathPlane(s:number): Plane;
* @description Sets the outer profile of the extrusion.
* @param {Curve} outerProfile curve in the XY plane or a 2D curve.
* @param {boolean} cap If outerProfile is a closed curve, then cap determines if the extrusion
has end caps. If outerProfile is an open curve, cap is ignored.
* @returns {boolean} true if the profile was set. If the outer profile is closed, then the
extrusion may also have inner profiles. If the outer profile is open,
the extrusion may not have inner profiles. If the extrusion already
has a profile, the set will fail.
setOuterProfile(outerProfile:Curve,cap:boolean): boolean;
* @description Adds an inner profile.
* @param {Curve} innerProfile Closed curve in the XY plane or a 2d curve.
* @returns {boolean} true if the profile was set.
addInnerProfile(innerProfile:Curve): boolean;
* @description Gets a transversal isocurve of the extruded profile.
* @param {number} profileIndex 0 <= profileIndex < ProfileCount
The outer profile has index 0.
* @param {number} s 0.0 <= s <= 1.0
A relative parameter controling which profile is returned.
0 = bottom profile and 1 = top profile.
* @returns {Curve} The profile.
profile3d(profileIndex:number,s:number): Curve;
* @description Gets the line-like curve that is the conceptual axis of the extrusion.
* @returns {LineCurve} The path as a line curve.
pathLineCurve(): LineCurve;
* @description Gets one of the longitudinal curves along the beam or extrusion.
* @param {ComponentIndex} ci The index of this profile.
* @returns {Curve} The profile.
wallEdge(ci:ComponentIndex): Curve;
* @description Gets one of the longitudinal surfaces of the extrusion.
* @param {ComponentIndex} ci The index specifying which precise item to retrieve.
* @returns {Surface} The surface.
wallSurface(ci:ComponentIndex): Surface;
* @description Gets the line-like curve that is the conceptual axis of the extrusion.
* @returns {LineCurve} The path as a line curve.
pathLineCurve(): LineCurve;
* @description Gets the index of the profile curve at a domain related to a parameter.
* @param {number} profileParameter Parameter on profile curve.
* @returns {number} -1 if profileParameter does not correspond to a point on the profile curve.
When the profileParameter corresponds to the end of one profile and the
beginning of the next profile, the index of the next profile is returned.
profileIndex(profileParameter:number): number;
* @description Obtains a reference to a specified type of mesh for this extrusion.
* @param {MeshType} meshType The mesh type.
* @returns {Mesh} A mesh.
getMesh(meshType:MeshType): Mesh;
class File3dm {
* Gets or sets the start section comments, which are the comments with which the 3dm file begins.
startSectionComments: string;
* Gets or sets the name of the application that wrote this file.
applicationName: string;
* Gets or sets a URL for the application that wrote this file.
applicationUrl: string;
* Gets or sets details for the application that wrote this file.
applicationDetails: string;
* Gets a string that names the user who created the file.
createdBy: string;
* Gets a string that names the user who last edited the file.
lastEditedBy: string;
* Gets or sets the revision number.
revision: number;
/** ... */
static fromByteArray(): void;
/** ... */
settings(): void;
/** ... */
objects(): void;
/** ... */
materials(): void;
/** ... */
layers(): void;
/** ... */
dimstyles(): void;
/** ... */
instanceDefinitions(): void;
class File3dmDimStyleTable {
/** ... */
count(): void;
/** ... */
get(): void;
/** ... */
add(): void;
* @description Retrieves a DimensionStyle object based on Index. This seach type of search is discouraged.
We are moving towards using only IDs for all tables.
* @param {number} index The index to search for.
* @returns {DimensionStyle} A DimensionStyle object, or null if none was found.
findIndex(index:number): DimensionStyle;
/** ... */
findId(): void;
class File3dmInstanceDefinitionTable {
/** ... */
count(): void;
/** ... */
get(): void;
* @description Adds an instance definition to the instance definition table.
* @param {string} name The definition name.
* @param {string} description The definition description.
* @param {number[]} basePoint A base point.
* @param {IEnumerable<GeometryBase>} geometry An array, a list or any enumerable set of geometry.
* @param {IEnumerable<ObjectAttributes>} attributes An array, a list or any enumerable set of attributes.
* @returns {number} >=0 index of instance definition in the instance definition table. -1 on failure.
add(name:string,description:string,basePoint:number[],geometry:IEnumerable<GeometryBase>,attributes:IEnumerable<ObjectAttributes>): number;
/** ... */
findIndex(): void;
/** ... */
findId(): void;
class File3dmLayerTable {
/** ... */
count(): void;
/** ... */
get(): void;
/** ... */
add(): void;
* @description Finds a Layer given its name.
* @param {string} name The name of the Layer to be searched.
* @param {string} parentId The id of the parent Layer to be searched.
* @returns {Layer} A Layer, or null on error.
findName(name:string,parentId:string): Layer;
* @description Retrieves a Layer object based on Index. This seach type of search is discouraged.
We are moving towards using only IDs for all tables.
* @param {number} index The index to search for.
* @returns {Layer} A Layer object, or null if none was found.
findIndex(index:number): Layer;
/** ... */
findId(): void;
class File3dmMaterialTable {
/** ... */
count(): void;
/** ... */
get(): void;
/** ... */
add(): void;
* @description Retrieves a material based on Index. This seach type of search is discouraged.
We are moving towards using only IDs for all tables.
* @param {number} index The index to search for.
* @returns {DocObjects.Material} A material, or null if none was found.
findIndex(index:number): DocObjects.Material;
/** ... */
findId(): void;
class File3dmObject {
/** ... */
attributes(): void;
/** ... */
geometry(): void;
class File3dmObjectTable {
* Returns the total amount of items in the object table, including lights.
count: number;
/** ... */
get(): void;
* @description Gets the bounding box containing every object in this table.
* @returns {Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox} The computed bounding box.
getBoundingBox(): Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox;
* @description Adds a point object to the table.
* @param {number} x X component of point coordinate.
* @param {number} y Y component of point coordinate.
* @param {number} z Z component of point coordinate.
* @returns {string} id of new object.
addPoint(x:number,y:number,z:number): string;
* @description Adds a line object to Rhino.
* @param {number[]} from A line start point.
* @param {number[]} to A line end point.
* @returns {string} A unique identifier of new rhino object.
addLine(from:number[],to:number[]): string;
* @description Adds a curve object to the document representing a circle.
* @param {Circle} circle A circle to add.
* @returns {string} A unique identifier for the object.
addCircle(circle:Circle): string;
* @description Adds a surface object to the document representing a sphere.
* @param {Sphere} sphere A sphere to add.
* @returns {string} A unique identifier for the object.
addSphere(sphere:Sphere): string;
* @description Adds a curve object to the table.
* @param {Geometry.Curve} curve A curve to add.
* @returns {string} A unique identifier for the object.
addCurve(curve:Geometry.Curve): string;
* @description Adds a text dot object to the table.
* @param {string} text The text.
* @param {number[]} location The location.
* @returns {string} A unique identifier for the object.
addTextDot(text:string,location:number[]): string;
* @description Adds a mesh object to Rhino.
* @param {Geometry.Mesh} mesh A duplicate of this mesh is added to Rhino.
* @returns {string} A unique identifier for the object.
addMesh(mesh:Geometry.Mesh): string;
* @description Adds a brep object to Rhino.
* @param {Geometry.Brep} brep A duplicate of this brep is added to Rhino.
* @returns {string} A unique identifier for the object.
addBrep(brep:Geometry.Brep): string;
class File3dmSettings {
* Gets or sets a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) direction for the model.
modelUrl: string;
* Gets or sets the model basepoint that is used when the file is read as an instance definition.
* This point is mapped to the origin in the instance definition.
modelBasePoint: number[];
* Gets or sets the model space absolute tolerance.
modelAbsoluteTolerance: number;
* Gets or sets the model space angle tolerance.
modelAngleToleranceRadians: number;
* Gets or sets the model space angle tolerance.
modelAngleToleranceDegrees: number;
* Gets or sets the model space relative tolerance.
modelRelativeTolerance: number;
* Gets or sets the page space absolute tolerance.
pageAbsoluteTolerance: number;
* Gets or sets the page space angle tolerance.
pageAngleToleranceRadians: number;
* Gets or sets the page space angle tolerance.
pageAngleToleranceDegrees: number;
* Gets or sets the page space relative tolerance.
pageRelativeTolerance: number;
* Gets or sets the model unit system, using enumeration.
modelUnitSystem: UnitSystem;
* Gets or sets the page unit system, using enumeration.
pageUnitSystem: UnitSystem;
/** ... */
renderSettings(): void;
class FileReference {
* Gets the absolute path of this file reference.
fullPath: string;
* Gets the relative path of this file reference.
relativePath: string;
* @description Returns a new file reference. This returns a new instance even if the path does not exist.
* @param {string} fullPath A full path.
* @returns {FileReference} A file reference to the specified path.
static createFromFullPath(fullPath:string): FileReference;
* @description Returns a new file reference. This returns a new instance even if the path does not exist.
* @param {string} fullPath A full path. This parameter cannot be null.
* @param {string} relativePath A relative path. This parameter can be null.
* @returns {FileReference} A file reference to the specified paths.
static createFromFullAndRelativePaths(fullPath:string,relativePath:string): FileReference;
class Font {
quartetName: string;
* Returns Facename
faceName: string;
* Returns the Font PostScriptName - "Apple font name"
postScriptName: string;
* Returns the Font RichTextFontName used in RTF strings:
* {\\fonttbl...{\\fN RichTextFontName;}...}
richTextFontName: string;
bold: boolean;
italic: boolean;
underlined: boolean;
strikeOut: boolean;
isEngravingFont: boolean;
isSymbolFont: boolean;
isSingleStrokeFont: boolean;
isSimulated: boolean;
pointSize: number;
familyName: string;
class GeometryBase extends CommonObject {
* Useful for switch statements that need to differentiate between
* basic object types like points, curves, surfaces, and so on.
objectType: ObjectType;
* true if object can be accurately modified with "squishy" transformations like
* projections, shears, and non-uniform scaling.
isDeformable: boolean;
* Returns true if the Brep.TryConvertBrep function will be successful for this object
hasBrepForm: boolean;
* @description Transforms the geometry. If the input Transform has a SimilarityType of
OrientationReversing, you may want to consider flipping the transformed
geometry after calling this function when it makes sense. For example,
you may want to call Flip() on a Brep after transforming it.
* @param {Transform} xform Transformation to apply to geometry.
* @returns {boolean} true if geometry successfully transformed.
transform(xform:Transform): boolean;
* @description Translates the object along the specified vector.
* @param {number[]} translationVector A moving vector.
* @returns {boolean} true if geometry successfully translated.
translate(translationVector:number[]): boolean;
* @description Scales the object by the specified factor. The scale is centered at the origin.
* @param {number} scaleFactor The uniform scaling factor.
* @returns {boolean} true if geometry successfully scaled.
scale(scaleFactor:number): boolean;
* @description Rotates the object about the specified axis. A positive rotation
angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation about the axis (right hand rule).
* @param {number} angleRadians Angle of rotation in radians.
* @param {number[]} rotationAxis Direction of the axis of rotation.
* @param {number[]} rotationCenter Point on the axis of rotation.
* @returns {boolean} true if geometry successfully rotated.
rotate(angleRadians:number,rotationAxis:number[],rotationCenter:number[]): boolean;
* @description Boundingbox solver. Gets the world axis aligned boundingbox for the geometry.
* @param {boolean} accurate If true, a physically accurate boundingbox will be computed.
If not, a boundingbox estimate will be computed. For some geometry types there is no
difference between the estimate and the accurate boundingbox. Estimated boundingboxes
can be computed much (much) faster than accurate (or "tight") bounding boxes.
Estimated bounding boxes are always similar to or larger than accurate bounding boxes.
* @returns {BoundingBox} The boundingbox of the geometry in world coordinates or BoundingBox.Empty
if not bounding box could be found.
getBoundingBox(accurate:boolean): BoundingBox;
* @description If possible, converts the object into a form that can be accurately modified
with "squishy" transformations like projections, shears, an non-uniform scaling.
* @returns {boolean} false if object cannot be converted to a deformable object. true if object was
already deformable or was converted into a deformable object.
makeDeformable(): boolean;
class Hatch extends GeometryBase {
class InstanceDefinition extends CommonObject {
description: any;
class InstanceReference extends GeometryBase {
parentIdefId: any;
xform: any;
class Layer extends CommonObject {
* Gets or sets the name of this layer.
name: string;
* Gets or sets the ID of this layer object.
* You typically do not need to assign a custom ID.
id: string;
* Gets the ID of the parent layer. Layers can be origanized in a hierarchical structure,
* in which case this returns the parent layer ID. If the layer has no parent,
* Guid.Empty will be returned.
parentLayerId: string;
* Gets or sets the IGES level for this layer.
igesLevel: number;
* Gets or sets the display color for this layer.
color: number[];
* Gets or sets the plot color for this layer.
plotColor: number[];
* Gets or sets the weight of the plotting pen in millimeters.
* A weight of 0.0 indicates the "default" pen weight should be used.
* A weight of -1.0 indicates the layer should not be printed.
plotWeight: number;
* Gets or sets the line-type index for this layer.
linetypeIndex: number;
* Gets or sets the index of render material for objects on this layer that have
* MaterialSource() == MaterialFromLayer.
* A material index of -1 indicates no material has been assigned
* and the material created by the default Material constructor
* should be used.
renderMaterialIndex: number;
visible: any;
locked: any;
expanded: any;
* @description Verifies that a layer has per viewport settings.
* @param {string} viewportId If not Guid.Empty, then checks for settings for that specific viewport.
If Guid.Empty, then checks for any viewport settings.
* @returns {boolean} True if the layer has per viewport settings, false otherwise.
hasPerViewportSettings(viewportId:string): boolean;
* @description Deletes per viewport layer settings.
* @param {string} viewportId If not Guid.Empty, then the settings for that viewport are deleted.
If Guid.Empty, then all per viewport settings are deleted.
deletePerViewportSettings(viewportId:string): void;
* @description Gets the display color for this layer.
* @param {string} viewportId If not Guid.Empty, then the setting applies only to the viewport with the specified id.
* @returns {number[]} The display color.
perViewportColor(viewportId:string): number[];
* @description Sets the display color for this layer.
* @param {string} viewportId If not Guid.Empty, then the setting applies only to the viewport with the specified id.
* @param {number[]} color The display color.
setPerViewportColor(viewportId:string,color:number[]): void;
* @description Remove any per viewport layer color setting so the layer's overall setting will be used for all viewports.
* @param {string} viewportId If not Guid.Empty, then the setting for this viewport will be deleted.
If Guid.Empty, the all per viewport layer color settings will be removed.
deletePerViewportColor(viewportId:string): void;
* @description The persistent visbility setting is used for layers whose visibilty can
be changed by a "parent" object. A common case is when a layer is a
child layer (ParentId is not nil). In this case, when a parent layer is
turned off, then child layers are also turned off. The persistent
visibility setting determines what happens when the parent is turned on
getPersistentVisibility(): boolean;
* @description Set the persistent visibility setting for this layer
setPersistentVisibility(): void;
* @description Remove any explicit persistent visibility setting from this layer
unsetPersistentVisibility(): void;
* @description The persistent locking setting is used for layers that can be locked by
a "parent" object. A common case is when a layer is a child layer
(Layer.ParentI is not nil). In this case, when a parent layer is locked,
then child layers are also locked. The persistent locking setting
determines what happens when the parent is unlocked again.
getPersistentLocking(): boolean;
* @description Set the persistent locking setting for this layer
setPersistentLocking(): void;
* @description Remove any explicity persistent locking settings from this layer
unsetPersistentLocking(): void;
class Line {
* Start point of line segment.
from: number[];
* End point of line segment.
to: number[];
* Gets or sets the length of this line segment.
* Note that a negative length will invert the line segment without
* making the actual length negative. The line From point will remain fixed
* when a new Length is set.
length: number;
class LineCurve extends Curve {
class Material extends CommonObject {
* The Id of the RenderPlugIn that is associated with this material.
renderPlugInId: string;
name: string;
* Gets or sets the shine factor of the material.
shine: number;
* Gets or sets the transparency of the material (0.0 = opaque to 1.0 = transparent)
transparency: number;
* Gets or sets the index of refraction of the material, generally
* >= 1.0 (speed of light in vacuum)/(speed of light in material)
indexOfRefraction: number;
* Gets or sets the Fresnel index of refraction of the material,
* default is 1.56
fresnelIndexOfRefraction: number;
* Gets or sets the refraction glossiness.
refractionGlossiness: number;
* Gets or sets the reflection glossiness.
reflectionGlossiness: number;
* Gets or sets if fresnel reflections are used.
fresnelReflections: boolean;
disableLighting: boolean;
* Gets or sets how reflective a material is, 0f is no reflection
* 1f is 100% reflective.
reflectivity: number;
* Very simple preview color function for GUIs.
previewColor: number[];
diffuseColor: number[];
ambientColor: number[];
emissionColor: number[];
specularColor: number[];
reflectionColor: number[];
transparentColor: number[];
* @description Set material to default settings.
default(): void;
/** ... */
getBitmapTexture(): Texture;
/** ... */
setBitmapTexture(): boolean;
* @description Gets the bump texture of this material.
* @returns {Texture} A texture; or null if no bump texture has been added to this material.
getBumpTexture(): Texture;
/** ... */
setBumpTexture(): boolean;
/** ... */
getEnvironmentTexture(): Texture;
/** ... */
setEnvironmentTexture(): boolean;
/** ... */
getTransparencyTexture(): Texture;
/** ... */
setTransparencyTexture(): boolean;
class Mesh extends GeometryBase {
* Gets a value indicating whether a mesh is considered to be closed (solid).
* A mesh is considered solid when every mesh edge borders two or more faces.
isClosed: boolean;
* Will return true if SetCachedTextureCoordinates has been called;
* otherwise will return false.
hasCachedTextureCoordinates: boolean;
* Number of partition information chunks stored on this mesh based
* on the last call to CreatePartitions
partitionCount: number;
/** ... */
vertices(): void;
/** ... */
faces(): void;
/** ... */
normals(): void;
/** ... */
textureCoordinates(): void;
* @description Removes all texture coordinate information from this mesh.
clearTextureData(): void;
* @description Removes surface parameters, curvature parameters and surface statistics from the mesh.
clearSurfaceData(): void;
* @description Removes topology data, forcing all topology information to be recomputed.
destroyTopology(): void;
* @description Destroys the mesh vertex access tree.
destroyTree(): void;
* @description Destroys mesh partition.
destroyPartition(): void;
* @description Removes any unreferenced objects from arrays, reindexes as needed
and shrinks arrays to minimum required size.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
compact(): boolean;
* @description Appends a copy of another mesh to this one and updates indices of appended mesh parts.
* @param {Mesh} other Mesh to append to this one.
append(other:Mesh): void;
* @description In ancient times (or modern smartphone times), some rendering engines
were only able to process small batches of triangles and the
CreatePartitions() function was provided to partition the mesh into
subsets of vertices and faces that those rendering engines could handle.
* @returns {boolean} true on success
createPartitions(): boolean;
class MeshFaceList {
* Gets or sets the number of mesh faces. When getting this can includes invalid faces.
count: number;
/** ... */
get(): void;
class MeshingParameters {
* Gets or sets how and if textures will be packed.
textureRange: MeshingParameterTextureRange;
* Gets or sets whether or not the mesh is allowed to have jagged seams.
* When this flag is set to true, meshes on either side of a Brep Edge will not match up.
jaggedSeams: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the sampling grid can be refined
* when certain tolerances are not met.
refineGrid: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not planar areas are allowed
* to be meshed in a simplified manner.
simplePlanes: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not surface curvature
* data will be embedded in the mesh.
computeCurvature: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to post process non-closed meshes
* that should be closed. If the Brep being meshed is closed, JaggedSeams = false,
* and ClosedObjectPostProcess = true, and the resulting mesh is not closed, then a
* post meshing process is applied to find and close gaps in the mesh. Typically the
* resulting mesh is not closed because the input Brep has a geometric flaw, like
* loops in trimming curve.
closedObjectPostProcess: boolean;
* Gets or sets the minimum number of grid quads in the initial sampling grid.
gridMinCount: number;
* Gets or sets the maximum number of grid quads in the initial sampling grid.
gridMaxCount: number;
* Gets or sets the maximum allowed angle difference (in radians)
* for a single sampling quad. The angle pertains to the surface normals.
gridAngle: number;
* Gets or sets the maximum allowed aspect ratio of sampling quads.
gridAspectRatio: number;
* Gets or sets the grid amplification factor.
* Values lower than 1.0 will decrease the number of initial quads,
* values higher than 1.0 will increase the number of initial quads.
gridAmplification: number;
* Gets or sets the maximum allowed edge deviation.
* This tolerance is measured between the center of the mesh edge and the surface.
tolerance: number;
* Gets or sets the minimum tolerance.
minimumTolerance: number;
* Gets or sets the relative tolerance.
relativeTolerance: number;
* Gets or sets the minimum allowed mesh edge length.
minimumEdgeLength: number;
* Gets or sets the maximum allowed mesh edge length.
maximumEdgeLength: number;
* Gets or sets the mesh parameter refine angle.
refineAngle: number;
/** ... */
static default(): void;
/** ... */
static fastRenderMesh(): void;
/** ... */
static qualityRenderMesh(): void;
/** ... */
static defaultAnalysisMesh(): void;
/** ... */
toJSON(): void;
/** ... */
encode(): void;
/** ... */
static decode(): void;
class MeshNormalList {
count: any;
/** ... */
get(): void;
/** ... */
set(): void;
class MeshTextureCoordinateList {
* Gets or sets the number of texture coordinates.
count: number;
/** ... */
get(): void;
/** ... */
set(): void;
class MeshVertexList {
* Gets or sets the number of mesh vertices.
count: number;
/** ... */
setCount(): void;
/** ... */
get(): void;
/** ... */
set(): void;
class ModelComponent extends CommonObject {
class NurbsCurve extends Curve {
* Gets the order of the curve. Order = Degree + 1.
order: number;
* Gets a value indicating whether or not the curve is rational.
* Rational curves have control-points with custom weights.
isRational: boolean;
* Returns true if the NURBS curve has bezier spans (all distinct knots have multiplitity = degree)
hasBezierSpans: boolean;
* @description Gets a non-rational, degree 1 Nurbs curve representation of the line.
* @returns {NurbsCurve} Curve on success, null on failure.
static createFromLine(): NurbsCurve;
* @description Gets a rational degree 2 NURBS curve representation
of the arc. Note that the parameterization of NURBS curve
does not match arc's transcendental paramaterization.
* @returns {NurbsCurve} Curve on success, null on failure.
static createFromArc(): NurbsCurve;
* @description Gets a rational degree 2 NURBS curve representation
of the circle. Note that the parameterization of NURBS curve
does not match circle's transcendental paramaterization.
Use GetRadianFromNurbFormParameter() and
GetParameterFromRadian() to convert between the NURBS curve
parameter and the transcendental parameter.
* @returns {NurbsCurve} Curve on success, null on failure.
static createFromCircle(): NurbsCurve;
* @description Gets a rational degree 2 NURBS curve representation of the ellipse.
Note that the parameterization of the NURBS curve does not match
with the transcendental paramaterization of the ellipsis.
* @returns {NurbsCurve} A nurbs curve representation of this ellipse or null if no such representation could be made.
static createFromEllipse(): NurbsCurve;
* @description Constructs a 3D NURBS curve from a list of control points.
* @param {boolean} periodic If true, create a periodic uniform curve. If false, create a clamped uniform curve.
* @param {number} degree (>=1) degree=order-1.
* @param {System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Point3d>} points control vertex locations.
* @returns {NurbsCurve} new NURBS curve on success
null on error.
static create(periodic:boolean,degree:number,points:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Point3d>): NurbsCurve;
* @description Increase the degree of this curve.
* @param {number} desiredDegree The desired degree.
Degrees should be number between and including 1 and 11.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
increaseDegree(desiredDegree:number): boolean;
* @description Clamps ends and adds knots so the NURBS curve has bezier spans
(all distinct knots have multiplitity = degree).
* @param {boolean} setEndWeightsToOne If true and the first or last weight is not one, then the first and
last spans are reparameterized so that the end weights are one.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
makePiecewiseBezier(setEndWeightsToOne:boolean): boolean;
* @description Use a linear fractional transformation to reparameterize the NURBS curve.
This does not change the curve's domain.
* @param {number} c reparameterization constant (generally speaking, c should be > 0). The
control points and knots are adjusted so that
output_nurbs(t) = input_nurbs(lambda(t)), where lambda(t) = c*t/( (c-1)*t + 1 ).
Note that lambda(0) = 0, lambda(1) = 1, lambda'(t) > 0,
lambda'(0) = c and lambda'(1) = 1/c.
* @returns {boolean} true if successful.
reparameterize(c:number): boolean;
* @description Gets the greville (edit point) parameter that belongs
to the control point at the specified index.
* @param {number} index Index of Greville (Edit) point.
grevilleParameter(index:number): number;
* @description Gets the greville (edit point) parameter that belongs
to the control point at the specified index.
* @param {number} index Index of Greville (Edit) point.
grevillePoint(index:number): number[];
/** ... */
points(): void;
/** ... */
knots(): void;
class NurbsCurveKnotList {
* Total number of knots in this curve.
count: number;
* Gets a value indicating whether or not the knot vector is clamped at the start of the curve.
* Clamped curves start at the first control-point. This requires fully multiple knots.
isClampedStart: boolean;
* Gets a value indicating whether or not the knot vector is clamped at the end of the curve.
* Clamped curves are coincident with the first and last control-point. This requires fully multiple knots.
isClampedEnd: boolean;
/** ... */
get(): void;
/** ... */
set(): void;
* @description Inserts a knot and update control point locations.
Does not change parameterization or locus of curve.
* @param {number} value Knot value to insert.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
insertKnot(value:number): boolean;
* @description Get knot multiplicity.
* @param {number} index Index of knot to query.
* @returns {number} The multiplicity (valence) of the knot.
knotMultiplicity(index:number): number;
* @description Compute a clamped, uniform knot vector based on the current
degree and control point count. Does not change values of control
* @param {number} knotSpacing Spacing of subsequent knots.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
createUniformKnots(knotSpacing:number): boolean;
* @description Compute a clamped, uniform, periodic knot vector based on the current
degree and control point count. Does not change values of control
* @param {number} knotSpacing Spacing of subsequent knots.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
createPeriodicKnots(knotSpacing:number): boolean;
* @description Computes the knots that are superfluous because they are not used in NURBs evaluation.
These make it appear so that the first and last curve spans are different from interior spans.
* @param {boolean} start true if the query targets the first knot. Otherwise, the last knot.
* @returns {number} A component.
superfluousKnot(start:boolean): number;
class NurbsCurvePointList {
* Gets the number of control points in this curve.
count: number;
* Gets the length of the polyline connecting all control points.
controlPolygonLength: number;
/** ... */
get(): void;
/** ... */
set(): void;
* @description Use a combination of scaling and reparameterization to change the end weights to the specified values.
* @param {number} w0 Weight for first control point.
* @param {number} w1 Weight for last control point.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
changeEndWeights(w0:number,w1:number): boolean;
* @description Converts the curve to a Rational NURBS curve. Rational NURBS curves have weighted control points.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
makeRational(): boolean;
* @description Converts the curve to a Non-rational NURBS curve. Non-rational curves have unweighted control points.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
makeNonRational(): boolean;
class NurbsSurface extends Surface {
* Gets a value indicating whether or not the nurbs surface is rational.
isRational: boolean;
* Gets the order in the U direction.
orderU: number;
* Gets the order in the V direction.
orderV: number;
* @description Constructs a new NURBS surface with internal uninitialized arrays.
* @param {number} dimension The number of dimensions.>= 1. This value is usually 3.
* @param {boolean} isRational true to make a rational NURBS.
* @param {number} order0 The order in U direction.>= 2.
* @param {number} order1 The order in V direction.>= 2.
* @param {number} controlPointCount0 Control point count in U direction.>= order0.
* @param {number} controlPointCount1 Control point count in V direction.>= order1.
* @returns {NurbsSurface} A new NURBS surface, or null on error.
static create(dimension:number,isRational:boolean,order0:number,order1:number,controlPointCount0:number,controlPointCount1:number): NurbsSurface;
* @description Constructs a new NURBS surfaces from cone data.
* @param {Cone} cone A cone value.
* @returns {NurbsSurface} A new NURBS surface, or null on error.
static createFromCone(cone:Cone): NurbsSurface;
* @description Constructs a new NURBS surfaces from sphere data.
* @param {Sphere} sphere A sphere value.
* @returns {NurbsSurface} A new NURBS surface, or null on error.
static createFromSphere(sphere:Sphere): NurbsSurface;
* @description Constructs a new NURBS surfaces from cylinder data.
* @param {Cylinder} cylinder A cylinder value.
* @returns {NurbsSurface} A new NURBS surface, or null on error.
static createFromCylinder(cylinder:Cylinder): NurbsSurface;
* @description Constructs a ruled surface between two curves. Curves must share the same knot-vector.
* @param {Curve} curveA First curve.
* @param {Curve} curveB Second curve.
* @returns {NurbsSurface} A ruled surface on success or null on failure.
static createRuledSurface(curveA:Curve,curveB:Curve): NurbsSurface;
* @description Makes this surface rational.
* @returns {boolean} true if the operation succeeded; otherwise, false.
makeRational(): boolean;
* @description Makes this surface non-rational.
* @returns {boolean} true if the operation succeeded; otherwise, false.
makeNonRational(): boolean;
* @description Increase the degree of this surface in U direction.
* @param {number} desiredDegree The desired degree.
Degrees should be number between and including 1 and 11.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
increaseDegreeU(desiredDegree:number): boolean;
* @description Increase the degree of this surface in V direction.
* @param {number} desiredDegree The desired degree.
Degrees should be number between and including 1 and 11.
* @returns {boolean} true on success, false on failure.
increaseDegreeV(desiredDegree:number): boolean;
class ObjectAttributes extends CommonObject {
* An object must be in one of three modes: normal, locked or hidden.
* If an object is in normal mode, then the object's layer controls visibility
* and selectability. If an object is locked, then the object's layer controls
* visibility by the object cannot be selected. If the object is hidden, it is
* not visible and it cannot be selected.
mode: ObjectMode;
* Use this query to determine if an object is part of an instance definition.
isInstanceDefinitionObject: boolean;
* Gets or sets an object's visiblity.
visible: boolean;
* Gets or sets an object optional text name.
* More than one object in a model can have the same name and
* some objects may have no name.
name: string;
* Gets or sets an object's casts shadows property, or whether or not an object casts shadows on other objects and a ground plane.
castsShadows: boolean;
* Gets or sets an object's receives shadows property, or whether or not an object receives shadows from other objects.
receivesShadows: boolean;
* The Linetype used to display an object is specified in one of two ways.
* If LinetypeSource is ON::linetype_from_layer, then the object's layer ON_Layer::Linetype() is used.
* If LinetypeSource is ON::linetype_from_object, then value of m_linetype is used.
linetypeSource: ObjectLinetypeSource;
* The color used to display an object is specified in one of three ways.
* If ColorSource is ON::color_from_layer, then the object's layer ON_Layer::Color() is used.
* If ColorSource is ON::color_from_object, then value of m_color is used.
* If ColorSource is ON::color_from_material, then the diffuse color of the object's
* render material is used. See ON_3dmObjectAttributes::MaterialSource() to
* determine where to get the definition of the object's render material.
colorSource: ObjectColorSource;
* The color used to plot an object on paper is specified in one of three ways.
* If PlotColorSource is ON::plot_color_from_layer, then the object's layer ON_Layer::PlotColor() is used.
* If PlotColorSource is ON::plot_color_from_object, then value of PlotColor() is used.
plotColorSource: ObjectPlotColorSource;
plotWeightSource: ObjectPlotWeightSource;
id: any;
* Objects may have an URL. There are no restrictions on what value this
* URL may have. As an example, if the object came from a commercial part
* library, the URL might point to the definition of that part.
url: string;
* Gets or sets an associated layer index.
* Layer definitions in an OpenNURBS model are stored in a layer table.
* The layer table is conceptually an array of ON_Layer classes. Every
* OpenNURBS object in a model is on some layer. The object's layer
* is specified by zero based indicies into the ON_Layer array.
layerIndex: number;
* Gets or sets the material index.
* If you want something simple and fast, set the index of
* the rendering material.
materialIndex: number;
* Determines if the simple material should come from the object or from it's layer.
* High quality rendering plug-ins should use m_rendering_attributes.
materialSource: ObjectMaterialSource;
* If ON::color_from_object == ColorSource, then color is the object's display color.
objectColor: number[];
* If plot_color_from_object == PlotColorSource, then PlotColor is the object's plotting color.
plotColor: number[];
* Display order used to force objects to be drawn on top or behind each other.
* Larger numbers draw on top of smaller numbers.
* 0 = draw object in standard depth buffered order<0 = draw object behind "normal" draw order objects>0 = draw object on top of "normal" draw order objects
displayOrder: number;
* Plot weight in millimeters.
* =0.0 means use the default width
* <0.0 means don't plot (visible for screen display, but does not show on plot)
plotWeight: number;
* Used to indicate an object has a decoration (like an arrowhead on a curve)
objectDecoration: ObjectDecoration;
* When a surface object is displayed in wireframe, this controls
* how many isoparametric wires are used.
* value number of isoparametric wires
* -1 boundary wires (off)
* 0 boundary and knot wires
* 1 boundary and knot wires and, if there are no interior knots, a single interior wire.
* N>=2 boundary and knot wires and (N+1) interior wires.
wireDensity: number;
* If ViewportId is nil, the object is active in all viewports. If ViewportId is not nil, then
* this object is only active in a specific view. This field is primarily used to assign page
* space objects to a specific page, but it can also be used to restrict model space to a
* specific view.
viewportId: string;
activeSpace: any;
* number of groups object belongs to.
groupCount: number;
* @description Apply a transformation.
* @param {Transform} xform The transformation.
* @returns {boolean} trueif successful, false otherwise.
transform(xform:Transform): boolean;
* @description Determines if an object has a display mode override for a given viewport.
* @param {string} viewportId Id of a Rhino Viewport.
* @returns {boolean} true if the object has a display mode override for the viewport; otherwise, false.
hasDisplayModeOverride(viewportId:string): boolean;
* @description Adds object to the group with specified index by appending index to
group list.
If the object is already in group, nothing is changed.
* @param {number} groupIndex The index that will be added.
addToGroup(groupIndex:number): void;
* @description removes object from the group with specified index.
If the object is not in the group, nothing is changed.
* @param {number} groupIndex The index that will be removed.
removeFromGroup(groupIndex:number): void;
* @description Removes object from all groups.
removeFromAllGroups(): void;
class Plane {
/** ... */
static worldXY(): void;
class PlaneSurface extends Surface {
class Point extends GeometryBase {
class Point3d {
* @description Transforms the present point in place. The transformation matrix acts on the left of the point. i.e.,
result = transformation*point
* @param {Transform} xform Transformation to apply.
static transform(xform:Transform): void;
class Point3dList {
capacity: any;
count: any;
* Even though this is a property, it is not a "fast" calculation. Every point is
* evaluated in order to get the bounding box of the list.
boundingBox: BoundingBox;
/** ... */
get(): void;
/** ... */
set(): void;
/** ... */
clear(): void;
/** ... */
insert(): void;
/** ... */
removeAt(): void;
* @description Adds a Point3d to the end of the list with given x,y,z coordinates.
* @param {number} x The X coordinate.
* @param {number} y The Y coordinate.
* @param {number} z The Z coordinate.
add(x:number,y:number,z:number): void;
* @description Applies a transform to all the points in the list.
* @param {Transform} xform Transform to apply.
transform(xform:Transform): void;
* @description Set all the X values for the points to a single value
setAllX(): void;
* @description Set all the Y values for the points to a single value
setAllY(): void;
* @description Set all the Z values for the points to a single value
setAllZ(): void;
class PointCloud extends GeometryBase {
class PointGrid extends GeometryBase {
class Polycurve extends Curve {
class Polyline extends Point3dList {
* Gets a value that indicates whether this polyline is valid.
* Valid polylines have at least one segment, no Invalid points and no zero length segments.Closed polylines with only two segments are also not considered valid.
isValid: boolean;
* Gets the number of segments for this polyline.
segmentCount: number;
* Gets a value that indicates whether this polyline is closed.
* The polyline is considered to be closed if its start is
* identical to its endpoint.
isClosed: boolean;
* Gets the total length of the polyline.
length: number;
* @description Determines whether the polyline is closed, provided a tolerance value.
* @param {number} tolerance If the distance between the start and end point of the polyline
is less than tolerance, the polyline is considered to be closed.
* @returns {boolean} true if the polyline is closed to within tolerance, false otherwise.
isClosedWithinTolerance(tolerance:number): boolean;
* @description Gets the point on the polyline at the given parameter.
The integer part of the parameter indicates the index of the segment.
* @param {number} t Polyline parameter.
* @returns {number[]} The point on the polyline at t.
pointAt(t:number): number[];
* @description Gets the unit tangent vector along the polyline at the given parameter.
The integer part of the parameter indicates the index of the segment.
* @param {number} t Polyline parameter.
* @returns {number[]} The tangent along the polyline at t.
tangentAt(t:number): number[];
/** ... */
closesPoint(): void;
* @description Gets the parameter along the polyline which is closest to a test-point.
* @param {number[]} testPoint Point to approximate.
* @returns {number} The parameter along the polyline closest to testPoint.
closestParameter(testPoint:number[]): number;
* @description Constructs a nurbs curve representation of this polyline.
* @returns {NurbsCurve} A Nurbs curve shaped like this polyline or null on failure.
toNurbsCurve(): NurbsCurve;
* @description Constructs a polyline curve representation of this polyline.
* @returns {PolylineCurve} A curve shaped like this polyline or null on failure.
toPolylineCurve(): PolylineCurve;
* @description Create a regular polygon inscribed in a circle. The vertices of the polygon will be on the circle.
* @param {Circle} circle The circle.
* @param {number} sideCount The number of sides
* @returns {Polyline} A closed polyline if successful, null otherwise.
static createInscribedPolygon(circle:Circle,sideCount:number): Polyline;
* @description Create a regular polygon circumscribe about a circle. The midpoints of the polygon's edges will be tanget to the circle.
* @param {Circle} circle The circle.
* @param {number} sideCount The number of sides
* @returns {Polyline} A closed polyline if successful, null otherwise.
static createCircumscribedPolygon(circle:Circle,sideCount:number): Polyline;
* @description Create a regular star polygon. The star begins at circle.PointAt(0) and the vertices
alternate between being on circle and begin on a concentric circle of other_radius.
* @param {Circle} circle The circle.
* @param {number} radius The radius of other circle.
* @param {number} cornerCount The number of corners on the circle. There will be 2*cornerCount sides and 2*cornerCount vertices.
* @returns {Polyline} A closed polyline if successful, null otherwise.
static createStarPolygon(circle:Circle,radius:number,cornerCount:number): Polyline;
class Polylinecurve extends Curve {
* Gets the number of points in this polyline.
pointCount: number;
* @description Gets a point at a specified index in the polyline curve.
* @param {number} index An index.
* @returns {number[]} A point.
point(index:number): number[];
* @description Sets a point at a specified index in the polyline curve.
* @param {number} index An index.
* @param {number[]} point A point location to set.
setPoint(index:number,point:number[]): void;
* @description Returns the underlying Polyline, or points.
* @returns {Polyline} The Polyline if successful, null of the curve has no points.
ToPolyline(): Polyline;
class RenderSettings extends CommonObject {
* Gets or sets the ambient light color used in rendering.
ambientLight: number[];
* Gets or sets the background top color used in rendering.
* Sets also the background color if a solid background color is set.
backgroundColorTop: number[];
* Gets or sets the background bottom color used in rendering.
backgroundColorBottom: number[];
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render using lights that are on layers that are off.
useHiddenLights: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render using depth cues.
* These are clues to help the perception of position and orientation of objects in the image.
depthCue: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render using flat shading.
flatShade: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render back faces.
renderBackFaces: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to instruct the rendering engine to show points.
renderPoints: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to instruct the rendering engine to show curves.
renderCurves: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to instruct the rendering engine to show isocurves.
renderIsoParams: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to instruct the rendering engine to show mesh edges.
renderMeshEdges: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to instruct the rendering engine to show annotations,
* such as linear dimensions or angular dimensions.
renderAnnotations: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the resolution of the
* viewport being rendered or ImageSize when rendering
useViewportSize: boolean;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to scale the wallpaper in the
* background or not. This is meaningful only if the viewport has a wallpaper
* and render settings are set to render Wallpaper into the background.
scaleBackgroundToFit: boolean;
* Gets or sets whether rendering should be done with transparent background.
transparentBackground: boolean;
* Number of dots/inch (dots=pixels) to use when printing and saving
* bitmaps. The default is 72.0 dots/inch.
imageDpi: number;
* 0=none, 1=normal, 2=best.
shadowMapLevel: number;
* Get or set the given named view
namedView: string;
* Set os get the given snapshot view
snapShot: string;
* Set or get the given specific viewport
specificViewport: string;
class RevSurface extends Surface {
class Sphere {
* Gets a value that indicates whether the sphere is valid.
isValid: boolean;
* Gets or sets the diameter for this sphere.
diameter: number;
* Gets or sets the Radius for this sphere.
radius: number;
* Gets or sets the center point of the sphere.
center: number[];
* Gets the point at the North Pole of the sphere.
* This is the parameterization singularity that can be obtained,
* at V value +Math.Pi/2.
northPole: number[];
* Gets the point at the South Pole of the sphere.
* This is the parameterization singularity that can be obtained,
* at V value -Math.Pi/2.
southPole: number[];
* @description Computes the parallel at a specific latitude angle.
The angle is specified in radians.
* @param {number} radians An angle in radians for the parallel.
* @returns {Circle} A circle.
latitudeRadians(radians:number): Circle;
* @description Computes the parallel at a specific latitude angle.
The angle is specified in degrees.
* @param {number} degrees An angle in degrees for the meridian.
* @returns {Circle} A circle.
latitudeDegrees(degrees:number): Circle;
* @description Computes the meridian at a specific longitude angle.
The angle is specified in radians.
* @param {number} radians An angle in radians.
* @returns {Circle} A circle.
longitudeRadians(radians:number): Circle;
/** ... */
longitureDegrees(): void;
* @description Evaluates the sphere at specific longitude and latitude angles.
* @param {number} longitudeRadians A number within the interval [0, 2pi].
* @param {number} latitudeRadians A number within the interval [-pi/2,pi/2].
* @returns {number[]} A point value.
pointAt(longitudeRadians:number,latitudeRadians:number): number[];
* @description Computes the normal at a specific angular location on the sphere.
* @param {number} longitudeRadians A number within the interval [0, 2pi].
* @param {number} latitudeRadians A number within the interval [-pi/2, pi/2].
* @returns {number[]} A vector.
normalAt(longitudeRadians:number,latitudeRadians:number): number[];
* @description Returns point on sphere that is closest to given point.
* @param {number[]} testPoint Point to project onto Sphere.
* @returns {number[]} Point on sphere surface closest to testPoint.
closestPoint(testPoint:number[]): number[];
* @description Converts this sphere is it Brep representation
toBrep(): Brep;
* @description Converts this sphere to its NurbsSurface representation.
This is synonymous with calling NurbsSurface.CreateFromSphere().
* @returns {NurbsSurface} A nurbs surface representation of this sphere or null.
toNurbsSurface(): NurbsSurface;
/** ... */
encode(): void;
/** ... */
toJSON(): void;
/** ... */
static decode(): void;
class Surface extends GeometryBase {
* Gets a values indicating whether a surface is solid.
isSolid: boolean;
* @description Returns the maximum algebraic degree of any span
(or a good estimate if curve spans are not algebraic).
* @param {number} direction 0 gets first parameter's domain, 1 gets second parameter's domain.
* @returns {number} The maximum degree.
degree(direction:number): number;
* @description Gets number of smooth nonempty spans in the parameter direction.
* @param {number} direction 0 gets first parameter's domain, 1 gets second parameter's domain.
* @returns {number} The span count.
spanCount(direction:number): number;
* @description Evaluates a point at a given parameter.
* @param {number} u evaluation parameters.
* @param {number} v evaluation parameters.
* @returns {number[]} Point3d.Unset on failure.
pointAt(u:number,v:number): number[];
* @description Computes the surface normal at a point.
This is the simple evaluation call - it does not support error handling.
* @param {number} u A U parameter.
* @param {number} v A V parameter.
* @returns {number[]} The normal.
normalAt(u:number,v:number): number[];
* @description Gets a value indicating if the surface is closed in a direction.
* @param {number} direction 0 = U, 1 = V.
* @returns {boolean} The indicating boolean value.
isClosed(direction:number): boolean;
* @description Gets a value indicating if thr surface is periodic in a direction (default is false).
* @param {number} direction 0 = U, 1 = V.
* @returns {boolean} The indicating boolean value.
isPeriodic(direction:number): boolean;
* @description true if surface side is collapsed to a point.
* @param {number} side side of parameter space to test
0 = south, 1 = east, 2 = north, 3 = west.
* @returns {boolean} True if this specific side of the surface is singular; otherwise, false.
isSingular(side:number): boolean;
* @description Tests if a surface parameter value is at a singularity.
* @param {number} u Surface u parameter to test.
* @param {number} v Surface v parameter to test.
* @param {boolean} exact If true, test if (u,v) is exactly at a singularity.
If false, test if close enough to cause numerical problems.
* @returns {boolean} true if surface is singular at (s,t)
isAtSingularity(u:number,v:number,exact:boolean): boolean;
* @description Tests if a surface parameter value is at a seam.
* @param {number} u Surface u parameter to test.
* @param {number} v Surface v parameter to test.
* @returns {number} 0 if not a seam,
1 if u == Domain(0)[i] and srf(u, v) == srf(Domain(0)[1-i], v)
2 if v == Domain(1)[i] and srf(u, v) == srf(u, Domain(1)[1-i])
3 if 1 and 2 are true.
isAtSeam(u:number,v:number): number;
* @description Tests a surface to see if it is planar to zero tolerance.
* @returns {boolean} true if the surface is planar (flat) to within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance units (1e-12).
isPlanar(): boolean;
* @description Determines if the surface is a portion of a sphere within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
* @returns {boolean} true if the surface is a portion of a sphere.
isSphere(): boolean;
* @description Determines if the surface is a portion of a cylinder within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
* @returns {boolean} true if the surface is a portion of a cylinder.
isCylinder(): boolean;
* @description Determines if the surface is a portion of a cone within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
* @returns {boolean} true if the surface is a portion of a cone.
isCone(): boolean;
* @description Determines if the surface is a portion of a torus within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
* @returns {boolean} true if the surface is a portion of a torus.
isTorus(): boolean;
class SurfaceProxy extends Surface {
class Texture {
* Gets or sets a file name that is used by this texture.
* NOTE: We are moving away from string-based FileName, and suggest
* the usage of the new FileReference class.Also, this filename may well not be a path that makes sense
* on a user's computer because it was a path initially set on
* a different user's computer. If you want to get a workable path
* for this user, use the BitmapTable.Find function using this
* property.
fileName: string;
/** ... */
fileReference(): void;
class TextureMapping extends CommonObject {
requiresVertexNormals: any;
isPeriodic: any;
/** ... */
static createSurfaceParameterMapping(): void;
* @description Create a planar UV projection texture mapping
* @param {Plane} plane A plane to use for mapping.
* @param {number[]} dx portion of the plane's x axis that is mapped to [0,1] (can be a decreasing interval)
* @param {number[]} dy portion of the plane's y axis that is mapped to [0,1] (can be a decreasing interval)
* @param {number[]} dz portion of the plane's z axis that is mapped to [0,1] (can be a decreasing interval)
* @returns {TextureMapping} TextureMapping instance if input is valid
static createPlaneMapping(plane:Plane,dx:number[],dy:number[],dz:number[]): TextureMapping;
* @description Create a cylindrical projection texture mapping.
* @param {Cylinder} cylinder cylinder in world space used to define a cylindrical coordinate system.
The angular parameter maps (0,2pi) to texture "u" (0,1), The height
parameter maps (height[0],height[1]) to texture "v" (0,1), and the
radial parameter maps (0,r) to texture "w" (0,1).
* @param {boolean} capped If true, the cylinder is treated as a finite capped cylinder
* @returns {TextureMapping} TextureMapping instance if input is valid
static createCylinderMapping(cylinder:Cylinder,capped:boolean): TextureMapping;
* @description Create a spherical projection texture mapping.
* @param {Sphere} sphere sphere in world space used to define a spherical coordinate system.
The longitude parameter maps (0,2pi) to texture "u" (0,1).
The latitude paramter maps (-pi/2,+pi/2) to texture "v" (0,1).
The radial parameter maps (0,r) to texture "w" (0,1).
* @returns {TextureMapping} TextureMapping instance if input is valid
static createSphereMapping(sphere:Sphere): TextureMapping;
* @description Create a box projection texture mapping.
* @param {Plane} plane The sides of the box the box are parallel to the plane's coordinate
planes. The dx, dy, dz intervals determine the location of the sides.
* @param {number[]} dx Determines the location of the front and back planes. The vector
plane.xaxis is perpendicular to these planes and they pass through
plane.PointAt(dx[0],0,0) and plane.PointAt(dx[1],0,0), respectivly.
* @param {number[]} dy Determines the location of the left and right planes. The vector
plane.yaxis is perpendicular to these planes and they pass through
plane.PointAt(0,dy[0],0) and plane.PointAt(0,dy[1],0), respectivly.
* @param {number[]} dz Determines the location of the top and bottom planes. The vector
plane.zaxis is perpendicular to these planes and they pass through
plane.PointAt(0,0,dz[0]) and plane.PointAt(0,0,dz[1]), respectivly.
* @param {boolean} capped If true, the box is treated as a finite capped box.
* @returns {TextureMapping} TextureMapping instance if input is valid
static CreateBoxMapping(plane:Plane,dx:number[],dy:number[],dz:number[],capped:boolean): TextureMapping;
* @description Get a cylindrical projection parameters from this texture mapping.
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if a valid cylinder is returned.
tryGetMappingCylinder(): boolean;
* @description Get a spherical projection parameters from this texture mapping.
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if a valid sphere is returned.
tryGetMappingSphere(): boolean;
/** ... */
reverseTextureCoordinate(): void;
/** ... */
swapTextureCoordinate(): void;
/** ... */
tileTextureCoordinate(): void;
/** ... */
evaluate(): void;
class Transform {
* Return true if this Transform is the identity transform
isIdentity: boolean;
* Gets a value indicating whether or not this Transform is a valid matrix.
* A valid transform matrix is not allowed to have any invalid numbers.
isValid: boolean;
* True if matrix is Zero4x4, ZeroTransformation, or some other type of
* zero.The value xform[3][3] can be anything.
isZero: boolean;
* True if all values are 0
isZero4x4: boolean;
* True if all values are 0 and M33 is 1
isZeroTransformation: boolean;
/** ... */
static identity(): void;
/** ... */
static zeroTransformation(): void;
/** ... */
static unset(): void;
* @description Constructs a new translation (move) transformation.
* @param {number[]} motion Translation (motion) vector.
* @returns {Transform} A transform matrix which moves geometry along the motion vector.
static translation(motion:number[]): Transform;
* @description Constructs a new uniform scaling transformation with a specified scaling anchor point.
* @param {number[]} anchor Defines the anchor point of the scaling operation.
* @param {number} scaleFactor Scaling factor in all directions.
* @returns {Transform} A transform matrix which scales geometry uniformly around the anchor point.
static scale(anchor:number[],scaleFactor:number): Transform;
* @description Constructs a new rotation transformation with specified angle, rotation center and rotation axis.
* @param {number} sinAngle Sin of the rotation angle.
* @param {number} cosAngle Cos of the rotation angle.
* @param {number[]} rotationAxis Axis direction of rotation.
* @param {number[]} rotationCenter Center point of rotation.
* @returns {Transform} A transformation matrix which rotates geometry around an anchor point.
static rotation(sinAngle:number,cosAngle:number,rotationAxis:number[],rotationCenter:number[]): Transform;
/** ... */
determinant(): void;
* @description Attempts to get the inverse transform of this transform.
* @param {Transform} inverseTransform The inverse transform. This out reference will be assigned during this call.
* @returns {boolean} true on success.
If false is returned and this Transform is Invalid, inserveTransform will be set to this Transform.
If false is returned and this Transform is Valid, inverseTransform will be set to a pseudo inverse.
tryGetInverse(inverseTransform:Transform): boolean;
* @description Computes a new boundingbox that is the smallest axis aligned
boundingbox that contains the transformed result of its 8 original corner
* @returns {BoundingBox} A new bounding box.
transformBoundingBox(): BoundingBox;
* @description Flip row/column values
transpose(): Transform;
class ViewInfo {
* Gets or sets the name of the NamedView.
name: string;
wallpaperName: any;
* True if wallpaper (if any) is to be shown in gray scale in this view.
showWallpaperInGrayScale: boolean;
* True if wallpaper (if any) is to be hidden from this view.
wallpaperHidden: boolean;
* Gets or sets the Focal blur distance of the active viewport
focalBlurDistance: number;
* Gets or sets the Focal blur aperture of the active viewport
focalBlurAperture: number;
* Gets or sets the Focal blur jitter of the active viewport
focalBlurJitter: number;
* Gets or sets the Focal blur sample count of the active viewport
focalBlurSampleCount: number;
class ViewportInfo extends CommonObject {
isValidCameraFrame: any;
isValidCamer: any;
* Gets a value that indicates whether the frustum is valid.
isValidFrustum: boolean;
* Get or set whether this projection is parallel.
isParallelProjection: boolean;
* Get or set whether this projection is perspective.
isPerspectiveProjection: boolean;
* Gets a value that indicates whether this projection is a two-point perspective.
isTwoPointPerspectiveProjection: boolean;
* Gets the camera location (position) point.
cameraLocation: number[];
* Gets the direction that the camera faces.
cameraDirection: number[];
* Gets the camera up vector.
cameraUp: number[];
* Gets the unit "to the right" vector.
cameraX: number[];
* Gets the unit "up" vector.
cameraY: number[];
* Gets the unit vector in -CameraDirection.
cameraZ: number[];
* Get or set the screen port. and
screenPort: number[];
* Gets the sceen aspect ratio.
* This is width / height.
screenPortAspect: number;
* Gets or sets the 1/2 smallest angle. See for more information.
cameraAngle: number;
* This property assumes the camera is horizontal and crop the
* film rather than the image when the aspect of the frustum
* is not 36/24. (35mm film is 36mm wide and 24mm high.)
* Setting preserves camera location,
* changes the frustum, but maintains the frustum's aspect.
camera35mmLensLength: number;
* @description Use this function to change projections of valid viewports
from parallel to perspective. It will make common additional
adjustments to the frustum and camera location so the resulting
views are similar. The camera direction and target point are
not be changed.
If the current projection is parallel and symmetricFrustum,
FrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric() and FrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric()
are all equal, then no changes are made and true is returned.
* @param {boolean} symmetricFrustum true if you want the resulting frustum to be symmetric.
* @returns {boolean} true if the operation succeeded; otherwise, false.
changeToParallelProjection(symmetricFrustum:boolean): boolean;
* @description Use this function to change projections of valid viewports
from parallel to perspective. It will make common additional
adjustments to the frustum and camera location so the resulting
views are similar. The camera direction and target point are
not changed.
If the current projection is perspective and symmetricFrustum,
IsFrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric, and IsFrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric
are all equal, then no changes are made and true is returned.
* @param {number} targetDistance If RhinoMath.UnsetValue this parameter is ignored.
Otherwise it must be > 0 and indicates which plane in the current view frustum should be perserved.
* @param {boolean} symmetricFrustum true if you want the resulting frustum to be symmetric.
* @param {number} lensLength (pass 50.0 when in doubt)
35 mm lens length to use when changing from parallel
to perspective projections. If the current projection
is perspective or lens_length is <= 0.0,
then this parameter is ignored.
* @returns {boolean} true if the operation succeeded; otherwise, false.
changeToPerspectiveProjection(targetDistance:number,symmetricFrustum:boolean,lensLength:number): boolean;
* @description Changes projections of valid viewports
to a two point perspective. It will make common additional
adjustments to the frustum and camera location and direction
so the resulting views are similar.
If the current projection is perspective and
IsFrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric is true and
IsFrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric is false, then no changes are
made and true is returned.
* @param {number} targetDistance If RhinoMath.UnsetValue this parameter is ignored. Otherwise
it must be > 0 and indicates which plane in the current
view frustum should be perserved.
* @param {number[]} up The locked up direction. Pass Vector3d.Zero if you want to use the world
axis direction that is closest to the current up direction.
Pass CameraY() if you want to preserve the current up direction.
* @param {number} lensLength (pass 50.0 when in doubt)
35 mm lens length to use when changing from parallel
to perspective projections. If the current projection
is perspective or lens_length is <= 0.0,
then this parameter is ignored.
* @returns {boolean} true if the operation succeeded; otherwise, false.
changeToTwoPointPerspectiveProjection(targetDistance:number,up:number[],lensLength:number): boolean;
* @description Sets the camera location (position) point.
* @returns {boolean} true if the operation succeeded; otherwise, false.
setCameraLocation(): boolean;
* @description Sets the direction that the camera faces.
* @param {number[]} direction A new direction.
* @returns {boolean} true if the direction was set; otherwise false.
setCameraDirection(direction:number[]): boolean;
* @description Sets the camera up vector.
* @param {number[]} up A new direction.
* @returns {boolean} true if the direction was set; otherwise false.
setCameraUp(up:number[]): boolean;
* @description Sets the view frustum. If FrustumSymmetryIsLocked() is true
and left != -right or bottom != -top, then they will be
adjusted so the resulting frustum is symmetric.
* @param {number} left A new left value.
* @param {number} right A new right value.
* @param {number} bottom A new bottom value.
* @param {number} top A new top value.
* @param {number} nearDistance A new near distance value.
* @param {number} farDistance A new far distance value.
* @returns {boolean} true if operation succeeded; otherwise, false.
setFrustum(left:number,right:number,bottom:number,top:number,nearDistance:number,farDistance:number): boolean;
/** ... */
getFrustum(): void;
* @description Computes a transform from a coordinate system to another.
* @param {CoordinateSystem} sourceSystem The coordinate system to map from.
* @param {CoordinateSystem} destinationSystem The coordinate system to map into.
* @returns {Transform} The 4x4 transformation matrix (acts on the left).
getXform(sourceSystem:CoordinateSystem,destinationSystem:CoordinateSystem): Transform;
* @description Dolly the camera location and so that the view frustum contains
all of the document objects that can be seen in view.
If the projection is perspective, the camera angle is not changed.
* @param {number} border If border > 1.0, then the fustum in enlarged by this factor
to provide a border around the view. 1.1 works well for
parallel projections; 0.0 is suggested for perspective projections.
* @returns {boolean} True if successful.
dollyExtents(border:number): boolean;
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