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Created April 18, 2018 03:21
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Lazy-loading content in Puppeteer
function wait (ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms));
export default async function capture(browser, url) {
// Load the specified page
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(url, {waitUntil: 'load'});
// Get the height of the rendered page
const bodyHandle = await page.$('body');
const { height } = await bodyHandle.boundingBox();
await bodyHandle.dispose();
// Scroll one viewport at a time, pausing to let content load
const viewportHeight = page.viewport().height;
let viewportIncr = 0;
while (viewportIncr + viewportHeight < height) {
await page.evaluate(_viewportHeight => {
window.scrollBy(0, _viewportHeight);
}, viewportHeight);
await wait(20);
viewportIncr = viewportIncr + viewportHeight;
// Scroll back to top
await page.evaluate(_ => {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
// Some extra delay to let images load
await wait(100);
return await page.screenshot({type: 'png'});
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This was a lifesaver for the current project I'm working on. Thank you!

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gixxy22 commented May 30, 2024

worked perfectly! thanks!

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