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Created January 14, 2014 15:01
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PHP Examples for the Saxotech Online object (Now Newscycle Digital). The official documentation is lacking php examples, so we put together a script showing each SOSE Property, Method and ENV variables in PHP format. See script results at
// ==========================================================================================
// File: /samples/phpexamples.php5
// Desc: To give users PHP examples of using the SOSE object
// Author: Stacey Jenkins
// Date: 1/13/2013
// ==========================================================================================
// ===== Properties ==========================
// Site
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Site = " . $SOSE->Site ."</p>");
// Pubdate
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Pubdate = " .$SOSE->Pubdate . "</p>");
// Now
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Now = " .$SOSE->Now . "</p>");
// ExecTime
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Exectime = " .$SOSE->Exectime . "</p>");
// ===== Methods ==========================
$SOSE->Echo("<p></p><b>Any text can be output using echo</b></p>");
//Note that any property on the script tag itself, any posted fields, and any
//parameters supplied in the URL are accessible through the GETVAR call.
$URLParam = $SOSE->GetVar("URLParam");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>URLParam = " . $URLParam . "</p>");
$SOSE->SetVar("MyVariable","This is the content of MyVariable");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>MyVariable = " . $SOSE->GetVar("MyVariable") . "</p>");
$fileLocation = $SOSE->TranslateURI("/example.txt");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>fileLocation = " . $fileLocation . "</p>");
$SOSE->SetVar("testVar", "abc");
$myPBO = "<p>This is an object file just like normal Saxotech Online PBO files. This is the content of testVar: <%testVar%></p>";
$myPBO2 = '<p>This is another object file. All object script modifiers are available on testVar: <%testVar$u%></p>';
// NOTE: because php allows you to render $ vars inside double quotes, you must use single quotes if using a PBO variable modifier like $u
$objectClass = 1;
$designClass = "";
$position = "-1";
$myObjectTemplate = $SOSE->LocateObject("example",$objectClass,$designClass,$position);
$SOSE->WriteSession("Count", 0, "Other");
$count = $SOSE->ReadSession("Count", 100, "Other");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>count from session = $count</p>");
$count = $SOSE->ReadSession("Count", 100, "Other");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>count from session after deletesectionsession = $count</p>");
$SOSE->SetCookie("setcookie", " HelloWorld", "/");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>This is the value of the cookie PBCSSESSIONID: " . $SOSE->GetCookie("PBCSSESSIONID") . "</p>");
$count = $SOSE->ReadSession("Count", 250, "Other");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>count from session after DELETESESSIONKEY = $count</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>MyVariable after ClearVarList = " . $SOSE->GetVar("MyVariable") . "</p>");
$SOSE->SetPersistentVar ("MyVariable2", "This is the content of MyVariable in memory bank1");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>" . $SOSE->GetVar("MyVariable2","membank1") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Without FullLink: " . $SOSE->BuildArtParams("20070101", "NEWS01", 123456) . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>With FullLink: " . $SOSE->BuildArtParams("20070101", "NEWS01", 123456, True) . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Without FullLink, with profile: " . $SOSE->BuildArtParams("20070101", "NEWS01", 123456, False, 1001) . "</p>");
$MyText = "This is a paragraph of some length and it contains several sentences and a line break after this very long sentence that will show how the ellipses are being inserted. \n\r";
$MyText .= "This is some text that appears after the line break. Notice how show text never goes past a line break.";
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>" . str_replace("\n\r", "<br>", $MyText) . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Length set to 50 characters: " . $SOSE->ShowText(50, $MyText) . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Length set to 150 characters: " . $SOSE->ShowText(150, $MyText) . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Length set to 500 characters: " . $SOSE->ShowText(500, $MyText) . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Dateformat d. mmmm, yyyy: " . $SOSE->FormatDateTime("d. mmmm, yyyy") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Dateformat ddd h:mm ampm: " . $SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd h:mm ampm") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Dateformat dddd mmmm d - yyyy hh:mm: " . $SOSE->FormatDateTime("dddd mmmm d- yyyy hh:mm") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Dateformat mm/dd/yy: " . $SOSE->FormatDateTime("mm/dd/yy") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Is today Sunday? " . $SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Sun", "Yes", "No") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Is today Monday? " . $SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Mon", "Yes", "No") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Is today Tuesday? " . $SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Tue", "Yes", "No") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Is today Wednesday? " . $SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Wed", "Yes", "No") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Is today Thursday? " . $SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Thu", "Yes", "No") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Is today Friday? " . $SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Fri", "Yes", "No") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Is today Saturday? " . $SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Sat", "Yes", "No") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p><i>For whatever reason, this doesn't seem to work per documentation</i></p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Today's day is " . $SOSE->Coalesce(
$SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Sun", "Sunday"),
$SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Mon", "Monday"),
$SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Tue", "Tuesday"),
$SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Wed", "Wednesday"),
$SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Thu", "Thursday"),
$SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Fri", "Friday"),
$SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Sat", "Saturday")
) . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo($SOSE->Eval($SOSE->FormatDateTime("ddd")=="Tue", "Tuesday"));
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Now = " . $SOSE->Now . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Now as date = " . $SOSE->ToDate($SOSE->Now) . "</p>");
$MyTemplate = "<p>This is a pbo template with <%Variable%><br>";
$MyTemplate .= "We can use the VarExists method to check for the presence of <%AnotherVariable%></p>";
if ($SOSE->VarExists($MyTemplate, "Variable")){
$SOSE->SetVar("Variable", "some variables.");
if ($SOSE->VarExists($MyTemplate, "AnotherVariable")){
$SOSE->SetVar("AnotherVariable", "a specific variable.");
if ($SOSE->VarExists($MyTemplate, "ThirdVariable")){
$SOSE->SetVar("ThirdVariable", "should not be set.");
$SOSE->Echo ($SOSE->PBOScript($MyTemplate));
$SOSE->Echo ("<p>Notice that ThirdVariable = " . $SOSE->GetVar("ThirdVariable") . "</p>");
// ===== ENV Method and Environment Variables ==========================
$SOSE->Echo("<hr><h1>ENV Method and Environment Variables</h1>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Hostname = " . $SOSE->Env("HOSTNAME") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>ClientIP = " . $SOSE->Env("CLIENTIP") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>UserName = " . $SOSE->Env("USERNAME") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>TempFileName = " . $SOSE->Env("TEMPFILENAME") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>UserAgent = " . $SOSE->Env("USERAGENT") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>SessionID = " . $SOSE->Env("SESSIONID") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Action = " . $SOSE->Env("ACTION") . "</p>");
$SOSE->Echo("<p>Referer = " . $SOSE->Env("REFERER") . "</p>");
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