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Maths for various camera movement ( Orbit, Arcball, FPS, Zoom, etc )
/** Using a faux sphere in screen space, determine the arc transform to orbit
* the camera around a target position. A continuous orientation will
* be provided for further calls.
function arcBallTransform(
scrSize, // Screen size, vec2
scrPos0, // Starting mouse position, vec2
scrPos1, // Ending Mouse Positiong, vec2
rotOrientation, // Current arc orientation, quaternion
targetPos, // Position to orbit around
targetDistance, // Distance from target to be positioned
// Compute the direction of the faux sphere
const dir0 = screenSphereProjection( scrPos0, scrSize );
const dir1 = screenSphereProjection( scrPos1, scrSize );
vec3.normalize(dir0, dir0);
vec3.normalize(dir1, dir1);
// Create arc rotation from one point of a sphere to another
// Apply rotation to the initial rotation
const arcRot = quat.rotationTo( [0,0,0,1], dir1, dir0 );
quat.mul( arcRot, rotOrientation, arcRot );
quat.normalize(arcRot, arcRot);
// Compute position from rotOrientation that camera will need to be placed
const arcPos = vec3.transformQuat( [0,0,0], [0, 0, 1], arcRot );
vec3.scaleAndAdd( arcPos, targetPos, arcPos, targetDistance );
// Compute look rotation at the target
// Look directions are inverted for use on a camera
const upDir = vec3.transformQuat( [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], arcRot );
const lookDir = vec3.sub( [0, 0, 0], arcPos, targetPos );
const lookRot = lookDirection( [0, 0, 0], lookDir, upDir );
return { arcPos, arcRot, lookRot };
// Using screenspace to compute a point on half a sphere. XY are normalized
// based on the size of the screen with the center being origin. Z is 1 at
// the center while it decreases the further away from center the mouse is.
// Z is clamped to minimum of 0.
function screenSphereProjection( pos, size ){
const res = Math.min( size[0], size[1] ) - 1;
// Invert Y because of how HTML coords works
const iy = size[1] - pos[1];
// Normalize XY with center as origin. Values will be 0 to Negative/Posititve RES
const nx = (2 * pos[0] - size[0] - 1) / res;
const ny = (2 * iy - size[1] - 1) / res;
// At center Z is 1, reaching zero at a radius of 1
const z = 1.0 - Math.sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny);
return [ nx, ny, Math.max(0.0, z) ];
/** Create quaterion from two position that focuses on just X & Y rotation
to remove any possible twisting rotation */
function calcOrientation( camera, targetPosition ) {
const camPos = camera.position.toArray();
// Get direction and distance to target
const tarDir = vec3.sub( [0,0,0], camPos, targetPosition );
const distance = vec3.len( tarDir );
vec3.normalize( tarDir, tarDir );
// Flatten direction to XZ Plane
const tarXZDir = [ tarDir[0], 0.0, tarDir[2] ];
vec3.normalize(tarXZDir, tarXZDir);
// Create orientation from Y & X rotations
const rot = quat.rotationTo( [0,0,0,1], [0,0,1], tarXZDir);
return quat.mul( rot, quat.rotationTo([], tarXZDir, tarDir), rot );
/** Use euler rotation to orbit around a target */
function eulerOrbitStep(
rotOrientation, // Starting arc orientation, quaternion
targetPos, // Position to orbit around
targetDistance, // Distance from target to be positioned.
const orbitRot = quat.fromEuler( [0,0,0,1], rx, ry, rz);
quat.mul(orbitRot, rotOrientation, orbitRot);
const orbitPos = vec3.transformQuat( [0,0,0], [0,0,1], orbitRot );
vec3.scaleAndAdd(orbitPos, targetPos, orbitPos, targetDistance);
const upDir = vec3.transformQuat( [0,0,0], [0,1,0], orbitRot );
const lookDir = vec3.sub( [0,0,0], orbitPos, targetPos );
const lookRot = lookDirection( [0,0,0,1], lookDir, upDir );
return { orbitPos, orbitRot, lookRot };
// Rotate camera for look movement. X Rotation is clamped so
// user doesn't keep rotating around, plus the final rotation
// is clamped to world up to prevent any disorientation.
export function lookStep( camera, xRad, yRad, initRot = null ){
const rot = initRot?.slice() || camera.quaternion.toArray();
const q = [0, 0, 0, 1];
const fwd = [0, 0, 0];
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Compute Y Rotation
if( yRad ){
quat.setAxisAngle( q, [0, 1, 0], yRad );
quat.mul( rot, q, rot );
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Compute X Rotation
if (xRad) {
// Clamp Forward to XZ Plane
const xzDir = vec3.transformQuat( [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], rot );
xzDir[1] = 0;
vec3.normalize( xzDir, xzDir );
// Do X Rotation
const rit = vec3.transformQuat( [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], rot ); // Local X Axis
quat.setAxisAngle( q, rit, xRad ); // Create Localized X Rotation in worldspace
const rotX = quat.mul( [0, 0, 0, 1], q, rot ); // Add X rotation to Y's
// Clamp Rotation between UP & DOWN
vec3.transformQuat( fwd, [0, 0, 1], rotX );
if( fwd, xzDir ) < 0.01 ){
// Dot Product of 0.01 is about 89.38 degrees
// Compute Clamped Forward Direction
quat.setAxisAngle( q, rit, ((89.38 * Math.PI) / 180) * Math.sign( -fwd[1] ) );
const cFwd = vec3.transformQuat( [0, 0, 0], xzDir, q );
// Rotate Fwd to Clamped Forward Direction
quat.rotationTo(q, fwd, cFwd);
quat.mul(rotX, q, rotX);
// Save clamped X Rotation as final rotation
quat.copy( rot, rotX );
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Z rotation can creap in with a lot of mouse movements & build up over time.
// Clamping rotation to world up prevents any disorentation from z rotation.
vec3.transformQuat( fwd, [0, 0, 1], rot );
return lookDirection( rot, fwd, [0, 1, 0] );
/** Compute rotation from a look & up direction */
export function lookDirection( out, dir, up = [0, 1, 0] ){
const z = dir.slice();
const x = vec3.cross([0, 0, 0], up, z);
const y = vec3.cross([0, 0, 0], z, x);
vec3.normalize( x, x );
vec3.normalize( y, y );
vec3.normalize( z, z );
// Format: column-major, when written out it looks like row-major
quat.fromMat3( out, [...x, ...y, ...z] );
return quat.normalize( out, out );
// Create a Ray projection from the mouse position, then move
// the camera in that direction
function mouseRayStep( e, camera, steps, initPos = null ){
// Get the 2D coordinates of the mouse in relation to the canvas
const canvas =;
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const coord = [ e.clientX - rect.x, e.clientY - rect.y ];
const pos = initPos?.slice() || camera.position.toArray();
// Project the coordinate to create a ray that will range from
// the near & far of the camera's perspective projection
const [ rayStart, rayEnd ] = mouseScreenProjectionRay(
// Get a unit vector direction of where to travel
const dir = vec3.sub( [0, 0, 0], rayEnd, rayStart );
vec3.normalize(dir, dir);
// Move camera x steps on the ray from its current position
vec3.scaleAndAdd( pos, pos, dir, steps );
return pos;
/** Create a ray projection from the mouse over the view port, returns [ startPos, endPos ] */
function mouseScreenProjectionRay( x, y, w, h, projMatrix, camMatrix ){
// Normalize Device Coordinate
const nx = (x / w) * 2 - 1;
const ny = 1 - (y / h) * 2;
// Ways to build inverse world matrix
// inverseWorldMatrix = invert( ProjectionMatrix * ViewMatrix ) OR
// inverseWorldMatrix = localMatrix * invert( ProjectionMatrix )
const invMatrix = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
mat4.invert(invMatrix, projMatrix);
mat4.mul(invMatrix, camMatrix, invMatrix);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Clip Coords would be [nx,ny,-1,1];
const clipNear = [nx, ny, -1, 1]; // Ray Start
const clipFar = [nx, ny, 1, 1]; // Ray End
// Using 4D homogeneous clip coordinates
// as the input to project the mouse position
// into the 3d space.
vec4.transformMat4( clipNear, clipNear, invMatrix );
vec4.transformMat4( clipFar, clipFar, invMatrix );
// Normalize by using W component
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
clipNear[i] /= clipNear[3];
clipFar[i] /= clipFar[3];
// Remove W component to return only XYZ ( Vec3 )
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
return [ clipNear, clipFar ];
function orbitStep( rx, ry, startPos, targetPos=[0,0,0] ){
const pos = vec3.sub( [0,0,0], startPos, targetPos ); // Offset position from target
const dist = vec3.len( pos );
// Convert radius to Degrees to use with spherical coordinates
// Clamp lat so it doesn't roll to the other side
const polar = cartesian2spherical( pos );
polar[ 0 ] = polar[ 0 ] + rx * 57.2957795131;
polar[ 1 ] = Math.min( 89.9999, Math.max( -89.9999, polar[1] + ry * 57.2957795131 ) );
spherical2cartesian( polar[0], polar[1], dist, pos );
vec3.add( pos, pos, targetPos );
return pos;
function spherical2cartesian( lon, lat, radius=1, out=[0,0,0] ){
const phi = (90 - lat) * (Math.PI / 180);
const theta = (lon + 180) * (Math.PI / 180);
const sPhi = Math.sin(phi);
out[0] = -(radius * sPhi * Math.sin( theta ));
out[1] = radius * Math.cos( phi );
out[2] = -(radius * sPhi * Math.cos( theta ));
return out;
function cartesian2spherical( v ){
const len = Math.sqrt( v[0]**2 + v[2]**2 );
return [
Math.atan2( v[0], v[2] ) * (180 / Math.PI), // toDeg
Math.atan2( v[1], len ) * (180 / Math.PI), // toDeg
function panStepXZ( camera, xSteps, zSteps, initPos=null ){
const rot = camera.quaternion.toArray();
const pos = initPos?.slice() || camera.position.toArray();
const fwd = vec3.transformQuat([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], rot); // Rotation Forward Axis
const rit = vec3.cross([0, 0, 0], fwd, [0, 1, 0]); // Right axis clamped to XZ plane
vec3.cross(fwd, [0, 1, 0], rit); // Clamp forward so it XZ plane
// Scale directions & add starting position
vec3.scaleAndAdd(pos, pos, fwd, zSteps);
vec3.scaleAndAdd(pos, pos, rit, xSteps);
return pos;
function roundAxisLook( q ){
// Get spherical coordinates of the look rotation in radians
const lookDir = vec3.transformQuat( [0,0,0], [0,0,1], q );
const coord = cartesian2sphericalRad( lookDir );
// Round the angles to the nearest half pi
const step = Math.PI * 0.5;
coord[ 0 ] = Math.round( coord[ 0 ] / step ) * step;
coord[ 1 ] = Math.round( coord[ 1 ] / step ) * step;
// Convert coords back to a direction then to a rotation
const axisDir = spherical2cartesianRad( coord[0], coord[1] );
return lookDirection( [0,0,0,1], axisDir );
function spherical2cartesianRad( lonRad, latRad, radius=1, out=[0,0,0] ){
const theta = ( lonRad + Math.PI );
let phi = ( 1.5707963267948966 - latRad ); // PI HALF
phi = Math.max( 0.000001, Math.min( Math.PI - 0.000001, phi ) );
const sPhi = Math.sin( phi );
out[0] = -(radius * sPhi * Math.sin( theta ));
out[1] = radius * Math.cos( phi );
out[2] = -(radius * sPhi * Math.cos( theta ));
return out;
function cartesian2sphericalRad( v ){
const len = Math.sqrt( v[0]**2 + v[2]**2 );
return [
Math.atan2( v[0], v[2] ),
Math.atan2( v[1], len ),
// #endregion
/** Move camera based on view's UP and RIGHT Axis */
export function screenPanStep( camera, xSteps, ySteps, initPos = null ){
const pos = initPos?.slice() || camera.position.toArray();
const rot = camera.quaternion.toArray();
// Find the screen's UP and RIGHT Direction
const rit = vec3.transformQuat( [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], rot );
const up = vec3.transformQuat( [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], rot );
// Scale directions & add starting position
vec3.scaleAndAdd( pos, pos, rit, xSteps );
vec3.scaleAndAdd( pos, pos, up, ySteps );
return pos;
/** Use spherical coordinates to set position/rotation of orbit camera */
function sphericalLook( camera, lon, lat, radius, target = [0, 0, 0] ){
const pos = [0, 0, 0],
const phi = ((90 - lat) * Math.PI) / 180;
const theta = ((lon + 180) * Math.PI) / 180;
const sPhi = Math.sin( phi );
pos[0] = -( radius * sPhi * Math.sin( theta ));
pos[1] = radius * Math.cos( phi );
pos[2] = -( radius * sPhi * Math.cos( theta ) );
if( target ){
// Rotate camera to look directly at the target
pos[0] += target[0];
pos[1] += target[1];
pos[2] += target[2];
const rot = lookAt( [0,0,0,1], pos, target );
camera.quaternion.fromArray( rot );
camera.position.fromArray( pos );
/** Create a rotation from eye & target position */
function lookAt( out, eye, target = [0, 0, 0], up = [0, 1, 0] ){
// Forward is inverted, will face correct direction when converted
// to a ViewMatrix as it'll invert the Forward direction anyway
const z = vec3.sub( [0, 0, 0], eye, target );
const x = vec3.cross( [0, 0, 0], up, z );
const y = vec3.cross( [0, 0, 0], z, x );
vec3.normalize( x, x );
vec3.normalize( y, y );
vec3.normalize( z, z );
// Format: column-major, when typed out it looks like row-major
quat.fromMat3( out, [...x, ...y, ...z] );
return quat.normalize(out, out);
/** Set a position from a distance to a target */
function zoomTarget( pos, target, distance ){
const dir = vec3.sub( [0, 0, 0], pos, target );
vec3.normalize( dir, dir );
return vec3.scaleAndAdd( dir, target, dir, distance );
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