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Last active January 4, 2023 15:18
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Round the edges of a multi part line or 2d polygon in a flat array of vec3
const pnts = [
const poly = roundedline( pnts );
const buf = new Vec3Buffer( poly );
for( let p of buf.iterLine( true ) ){
Debug.pnt.add( p.a, 0x00ffff, 4 );
if( p.isLast ) Debug.pnt.add( p.b, 0x00ffff, 4 );
Debug.ln.add( p.a, p.b, 0x00ffff );
function roundedline( pnts, radius=0.5, cells=6, isClosedLoop=true ){
const cnt = pnts.length / 3;
const iEnd = ( !isClosedLoop )? cnt - 2 : cnt - 1;
const iStar = ( !isClosedLoop )? 0 : -1;
const n = [0,0,0]; // normal
const a = [0,0,0]; // 2 Lines connected by a center point
const b = [0,0,0];
const c = [0,0,0];
const ab = [0,0,0]; // Unit Vector
const bc = [0,0,0]; // Unit Vector
const miter = [0,0,0]; // Miter Direction
const cent = [0,0,0]; // Corner Center
const ea = [0,0,0]; // Edge Point A
const eb = [0,0,0]; // Edge Point B
const out = [];
let len, i, j;
// First Point
if( !isClosedLoop ) out.push( pnts[0], pnts[1], pnts[2] );
for( i=iStar; i < iEnd; i++ ){
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Get the 3 points
vec3_fromBuf( a, pnts, mod( i+0, cnt ) );
vec3_fromBuf( b, pnts, mod( i+1, cnt ) );
vec3_fromBuf( c, pnts, mod( i+2, cnt ) );
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
vec3_sub( ab, b, a ); // Direction from A > B
vec3_norm( ab, ab );
vec3_sub( bc, c, b ); // Direction from B > C
vec3_norm( bc, bc );
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Find the miter direction
vec3_add( miter, ab, bc ); // Compute the Tangent between the two vectors
vec3_norm( miter, miter );
vec3_rot_yn( miter, miter ); // Rotate it to make it the inner miter direction
// Get anchors that we can use to start the arc
vec3_negate( n, ab ); // Flip normal to it points from b > a
vec3_scaleAndAdd( ea, b, n, radius ); // First Anchor
vec3_scaleAndAdd( eb, b, bc, radius ); // Second Anchor
// find the intersection point from anchor+edge normal & miter
vec3_rot_yn( n, ab ); // Get the normal of the first edge
xzRay_Intersect( ea, n, b, miter, cent );
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
out.push( ...ea ); // Add First anchor as start of arc
len = vec3_dist( ea, cent ); // Whats the radius from the center to the arc, this is how long each arc pint needs to be
for( j=1; j < cells; j++ ){
vec3_lerp( n, ea, eb, j / cells ); // Lerp between the two anchors
vec3_sub( n, n, cent ); // localize from center
vec3_norm( n, n ); // make a unit vector out of it
vec3_scaleAndAdd( n, cent, n, len ); // Scale it by radius & move it away from center
out.push( ...n );
out.push( ...eb ); // Add Second anchor as end of arc
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Add the last point on the list
if( !isClosedLoop ){
i = pnts.length-1;
out.push( pnts[i-2], pnts[i-1], pnts[i-0] );
return out;
function mod( a, b ){
const v = a % b;
return ( v < 0 )? b + v : v;
function vec3_fromBuf( out, buf, i ){
i *= 3;
out[ 0 ] = buf[ i+0 ];
out[ 1 ] = buf[ i+1 ];
out[ 2 ] = buf[ i+2 ];
return out;
function vec3_copy( out, a ){
out[0] = a[0];
out[1] = a[1];
out[2] = a[2];
return out;
function vec3_negate( out, a ){
out[0] = -a[0];
out[1] = -a[1];
out[2] = -a[2];
return out;
function vec3_set( out, x, y, z ){
out[0] = x;
out[1] = y;
out[2] = z;
return out;
function vec3_add( out, a, b ){
out[ 0 ] = a[ 0 ] + b[ 0 ];
out[ 1 ] = a[ 1 ] + b[ 1 ];
out[ 2 ] = a[ 2 ] + b[ 2 ];
return out;
function vec3_sub( out, a, b ){
out[ 0 ] = a[ 0 ] - b[ 0 ];
out[ 1 ] = a[ 1 ] - b[ 1 ];
out[ 2 ] = a[ 2 ] - b[ 2 ];
return out;
function vec3_norm( out, a ){
let mag = Math.sqrt( a[ 0 ]**2 + a[ 1 ]**2 + a[ 2 ]**2 );
if( mag != 0 ){
mag = 1 / mag;
out[ 0 ] = a[ 0 ] * mag;
out[ 1 ] = a[ 1 ] * mag;
out[ 2 ] = a[ 2 ] * mag;
return out;
function vec3_dot( a, b ){ return a[ 0 ] * b[ 0 ] + a[ 1 ] * b[ 1 ] + a[ 2 ] * b[ 2 ]; }
function vec3_lerp( out, a, b, t ){
const ti = 1 - t;
out[ 0 ] = a[ 0 ] * ti + b[ 0 ] * t;
out[ 1 ] = a[ 1 ] * ti + b[ 1 ] * t;
out[ 2 ] = a[ 2 ] * ti + b[ 2 ] * t;
return out;
function vec3_dist( a, b ){
return Math.sqrt(
( a[0] - b[0] )**2 +
( a[1] - b[1] )**2 +
( a[2] - b[2] )**2
function vec3_rot_yp( out, a ){
const x = a[ 0 ];
out[ 0 ] = -a[ 2 ];
out[ 1 ] = a[ 1 ];
out[ 2 ] = x;
return out;
function vec3_rot_yn( out, a ){
const x = a[ 0 ];
out[ 0 ] = a[ 2 ];
out[ 1 ] = a[ 1 ];
out[ 2 ] = -x;
return out;
function vec3_scaleAndAdd( out, add, v, s ){
out[ 0 ] = v[ 0 ] * s + add[ 0 ];
out[ 1 ] = v[ 1 ] * s + add[ 1 ];
out[ 2 ] = v[ 2 ] * s + add[ 2 ];
return out;
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