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Last active November 1, 2023 20:38
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nandsim helper
function kilo($n){ return $n * 1024; }
function mega($n){ return kilo($n) * 1024; }
function to_cmdline(array $cmd){
return implode(' ', array_map('escapeshellarg', $cmd));
function make_pipe(array ...$cmds){
$cmdlines = array_map('to_cmdline', $cmds);
return implode('|', $cmdlines);
class Nand {
public $ID;
public $ERASESIZE;
public $DATASIZE;
public $SIZE;
public $OBBSIZE;
public $IN;
public function make_write_command(int $start_block, int $num_blocks, int $mtd_num){
$pages_per_erase = $this->ERASESIZE / $this->DATASIZE;
$block_size = (0
// data
+ ($pages_per_erase * $this->DATASIZE)
// obb
+ ($pages_per_erase * $this->OBBSIZE)
$pipe = [
['dd', 'if='.$this->IN,
'skip='.$start_block, 'count='.$num_blocks],
['nandwrite', '-qo', "/dev/mtd{$mtd_num}"]
$cmd = ['sh', '-c', make_pipe(...$pipe)];
return $cmd;
$nand = new Nand;
$nand->ID = "\xAF\xF1\x00\x1D";
$nand->ERASESIZE = kilo(128);
$nand->DATASIZE = kilo(2);
$nand->SIZE = mega(128);
$nand->OBBSIZE = 64;
$nand->IN = $argv[1];
$TWO_PASS = true;
$cmds = [];
$cmds[] = ['rmmod', 'mtdblock', 'nandsim'];
$mount = ['modprobe', 'nandsim'];
$mount[] = 'first_id_byte=0x' . bin2hex($nand->ID[0]);
$mount[] = 'second_id_byte=0x' . bin2hex($nand->ID[1]);
$mount[] = 'third_id_byte=0x' . bin2hex($nand->ID[2]);
$mount[] = 'fourth_id_byte=0x' . bin2hex($nand->ID[3]);
$mount[] = 'overridesize=' . log($nand->SIZE / $nand->ERASESIZE) / log(2);
$data = file('mtdinfo.txt', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES | FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
$last_block = 0;
foreach($data as $l){
if(!preg_match_all("/0x[0-9a-fA-F]{8}/", $l, $m)) continue;
$m = array_map('hexdec', $m[0]);
list($start, $end) = $m;
$size = $end - $start;
$eraseblocks = $size / $nand->ERASESIZE;
$start_block = $start / $nand->ERASESIZE;
$end_block = $start_block + $eraseblocks;
// if new start block is past the last one
if($start_block > $last_block){
$padding = $start_block - $last_block;
$parts[count($parts) - 1] += $padding;
$parts[] = $eraseblocks;
$last_block = $end_block;
$mount[] = 'parts=' . implode(',', $parts);
$cmds[] = $mount;
$current_block = 0;
foreach($parts as $i => $blocks){
$cmds[] = $nand->make_write_command($current_block, $blocks, $i);
$current_block += $blocks;
$cmds[] = ['modprobe', 'mtdblock'];
$cmds[] = ['rm', '-r', 'out'];
$cmds[] = ['mkdir', 'out'];
foreach($parts as $i => $_){
$cmds[] = ['dd', "if=/dev/mtdblock{$i}", "of=out/mtdblock{$i}.bin"];
$cmds[] = ['chmod', '-R', '666', 'out'];
$cmds[] = ['chmod', '755', 'out'];
$cmds[] = ['sh', '-c',
'if [ ! -z "$SUDO_USER" ]; then chown -R $SUDO_USER out; fi'];
$cmds[] = ['sh', '-c',
preg_replace('/(\r?\n)|\t/', ' ', <<<'EOS'
for file in out/*; do
sudo -u $SUDO_USER
fakeroot /home/$SUDO_USER/epk2extract/build_linux/epk2extract $file;
/** copy new partition table */
$cmds[] = ['sh', '-c',
'cp out/*.txt mtdinfo.txt'
foreach($cmds as $i => $c){
$s_c = implode(' ', $c);
print("[{$i}] {$s_c}\n");
foreach($cmds as $c){
$h = proc_open($c, [], $p);
$TWO_PASS = false;
goto begin;
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